July 19, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

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World news biblically understood


HomeMoralityReligious Freedom

Religious Freedom

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Forcing Christian ministries to hire employees who disagree with Scriptural truths on these fronts is the camel’s nose under the tent. It would turn these ministries into watered-down, secularized versions of themselves, without the same grounding, passion and mission they have operated with for centuries.

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Forcing Christian ministries to hire employees who disagree with Scriptural truths on these fronts is the camel’s nose under the tent. It would turn these ministries into watered-down, secularized versions of themselves, without the same grounding, passion and mission they have operated with for centuries.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Religious Freedom

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Forcing Christian ministries to hire employees who disagree with Scriptural truths on these fronts is the camel’s nose under the tent. It would turn these ministries into watered-down, secularized versions of themselves, without the same grounding, passion and mission they have operated with for centuries.

‘Patently Anti-Religious’: Parents and Christian Schools Sue Minnesota Over New Law

“Minnesota politicians just slammed the door on thousands of kids in their state who want to get a head start on college, all because the schools they want to attend share their religious beliefs."

It’s Really ‘About Me Being A Christian’: Teacher Banned By UK Secretary Of State For Education For ‘Misgendering’

“Indoctrinating children across the country to bow before the Pride flag is celebrated, but if Christian beliefs are raised or expressed in the classroom, you can face having your career and life torn apart."

‘I Believe In God’s Design’: Policeman’s Resignation Shows the Fallout over Marriage Has Begun

“The leadership at that police department claims to be Christian. But I just don’t understand why they would say that an outspoken Christian is the same thing as a racist."

‘Morally Tantamount To Participating’ In Murder’: California Law Requires Doctors’ Cooperation in Assisted Suicide

“Over 90% of CMDA members would rather stop practicing medicine than be forced to participate in assisted suicide or other practices in violation of their consciences.”

State Supreme Court Delivers Religious Liberty Win: Constitution Protects Teachers’ Rights To Speak On Transgender Policy

“Teachers shouldn’t be forced to promote ideologies that are harmful to their students and that they believe are false

‘Unethical, Dangerous’: 3,000 Medical Professionals Sue Biden Admin for ‘Transgender Mandate’

"Biden's Health & Human Services department is grossly overreaching its authority and in so doing, putting children's psychological & physical health in danger"

Big Religious Liberty Win for MacArthur & Grace Church in Battle Over COVID Prompted Overreach

Religious liberty and the Constitution won today against the overbroad, arbitrary, indeterminate, and clearly unconstitutional mandates from Newsom & LA County.

‘National Implications’: Hobby Lobby Loses Legal Battle On Transgender Bathrooms Case

Ken Ham: Thank you Hobby Lobby for doing your best to protect women & follow true science. Genetics, biology & physiology confirm what God's Word teaches...

Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring ‘Moment of Silence’ for School Prayer

"The idea that you can just push God out of every institution, and be successful — I'm sorry, our founding fathers did not believe that."

Christian Therapist Sues Washington State Over Sexual Orientation Counseling Ban

“Americans are entitled to free speech... The bottom line is the government doesn’t get to censor the viewpoints it doesn’t like”

Christian Baker Back in Court as 8-Year Legal Saga Continues – This Time It’s a Transgender Cake

"His opponents are weaponizing the law to punish and destroy him because he won’t create expression that violates his Christian faith."

Over 90% of Canadians Do Not Support Gov’t Bill Banning ‘Conversion Therapy’

A new poll found that the proposed gov't ban on ‘conversion therapy’ is unpopular with almost all Canadians.

CA Bill Proposes Removing Cops Who Express Religious Or Conservative Beliefs

“This is a blatantly unconstitutional violation of religious liberty and freedom of speech. It is also a tyrannical abuse of power”

Supreme Court Sides With Student in College Free-Speech Case

‘It‘s undisputed [he] experienced a completed violation of his constitutional rights when respondents enforced their speech policies against him’

‘Deeply Troubling’: Biden Fires Attorney Who Defended Religious Liberty of Employees

An attorney within the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission who had gained a reputation for defending religious liberty was fired by Biden

Supreme Court Rules California Can’t Enforce Indoor Church Service Ban

SCOTUS tells California it can’t bar indoor church services because of COVID, but it can keep for now a ban on singing indoors.

Employment Tribunal Hears Case Of Christian Actress Fired Over ‘Homophobic’ Facebook Post

Seyi Omooba filed a lawsuit with the employment tribunal against Curve Theatre and her former agents for religious discrimination.

Pushing Propaganda To The Pulpit: Denmark to Force Churches to Submit Sermons to Government?

A proposed Danish law requiring sermons be translated & submitted to the gov't has sparked concern among Christians throughout the region.

Rugby Star Cancelled for 2nd Time For Voicing Biblical Morality on Social Media

Dragons rugby league team backflips on signing star player after backlash from sponsors in response to controversy over his Christian Beliefs.

‘Human Milk’: Nurses Given New Inclusive Vocabulary Including ‘Chestfeeding’ & ‘Birthing Parent’

The hospital advised nurses to replace “breast milk” with “human milk,” replace and “mother” with “birthing parents"

High School Senior Faces Disciplinary Hearing for Opting Out of LGBTQ Program

“We hope President Torres ends the school administrators’ clearly unlawful behavior and protects the religious liberty of every student"

Twitter Censors Focus on the Family, Accuses Them of ‘Hateful Conduct’

Attacks against free speech by big tech has quickly escalated into a full-blown censorship campaign targeting and silencing Christians.

As California Reopens, Judge Upholds Democrat Gov. Newsom’s Ban on Indoor Church Services

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled CA Gov.'s prohibiting churches from indoor services didn't discriminate against Christians

Robert Jeffress: ‘Slippery Slope’ Set For Muzzling of Christians, Their Beliefs

The Biden administration is promising some quick and radical action as soon as it takes office – leading one political activist to warn America...

Open Doors Releases 2021 Persecution Watch List

Open Doors releases 2021 World Watch List, ranking top 50 countries where it is most dangerous to be Christian.

S. Carolina School District Settles Lawsuit with Atheists Over Student-Led Prayer

South Carolina has agreed to pay $187,000 in a settlement to the AHA in order to protect the religious liberty of students and employees.

L.A. County Backs Down, Say Churches Can Worship Indoors Due to Supreme Court Rulings

following the Supreme Court's ruling in favor of churches religious liberty, LA County Saturday dropped its ban on indoor worship services

Nasdaq Proposes ‘Diversity Rule’ Pushing US Companies to Include LGBTQ Directors on Boards

Tony Perkins: "If NASDAQ's capitulation to woke ideology succeeds, look for financial profits of shareholders to be exchanged for cultural profits of the left"

Hohmann: Dem. Document Surfaces Demanding Biden Clamp Down On Conservative Christians

Group backed by congressional Dems touting a “Secular America” sends document to Biden urging him to strip 1st Amd. rights from Christians

School District Re-Recognizes Christian Student Group A Year After Threatened Lawsuit

Victory for Religious Liberty of students: High School finally agrees to re-recognizes fellowship of christian athletes group

SCOTUS Delivers Another Win For Houses Of Worship

Religious Freedom victory: Supreme Court issues order siding with Colorado church in one case and a priest & rabbi in New Jersey in another.

Pastor In India Attacked By Hindu Extremists, Locked In Room & Left To Die

Violence against Christians in Bihar state has increased in the past two years, with attacks on house churches and pastors happening weekly.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad