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July 26, 2024

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Israel Elections

The ‘Government of Change’ Experiment Failed: Netanyahu Receives Resounding Victory In Israeli Elections

"Benjamin Netanyahu is going back to the office of prime minister, and the political crisis of the last four years in Israel has officially come to an end"

The ‘Government of Change’ Experiment Failed: Netanyahu Receives Resounding Victory In Israeli Elections

"Benjamin Netanyahu is going back to the office of prime minister, and the political crisis of the last four years in Israel has officially come to an end"

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Mark Hitchcock

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Hal Lindsey

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Israel Elections

The ‘Government of Change’ Experiment Failed: Netanyahu Receives Resounding Victory In Israeli Elections

"Benjamin Netanyahu is going back to the office of prime minister, and the political crisis of the last four years in Israel has officially come to an end"

Netanyahu Led Opposition Gains Majority In Israeli Knesset, Dissolution Of Gov’t Vote Expected Next Week

“The Bennett-Lapid government that failed and lost its way – now also lost its majority in the Knesset – and no longer has the right to exist.”

No-Confidence Vote Filed Against New Government

“For the first time in the history of Israel, a government was founded that sees Judaism as an obstacle–that needs to be removed"

Naftali Bennett Sworn In As Israel’s Prime Minister, Ends Netanyahu’s Reign

Earlier, Bennett defiantly presented his new gov't's ministers & guidelines in an address at the Knesset, while MKs shouted "Shame."

Netanyahu Vows To Oppose Establishment of ‘Dangerous Government of Fraud’

“We will vehemently oppose the establishment of this dangerous government of fraud and surrender,” Netanyahu vowed.

Lapid Reaches a Coalition Deal; Netanyahu Maneuvers to Prevent

Israeli Opposition leader Yair Lapid announced that agreement has been reached with his political allies to form a new government. “I am honored to inform you...

Netanyahu Calls Knesset Factions to Stop The Personal Boycotts as He is Tapped to Form Gov’t

Netanyahu calls on Knesset factions to allow formation of gov't, and stop personal boycotts which has caused paralysis of the political system

Amir Tsarfati Middle East Review: Repeated Unfruitful Elections

The repeated unfruitful elections are causing a great frustration to settle into the country. Emotions are overtaking common sense & reason...

Netanyahu Announces Victory, Starts Talking to Coalition Partners

Preliminary results from half the polling stations indicated that Prime Minister Netanyahu would narrowly be able to form a government

Israel Prepares for a Fourth Round of Elections in March Amid Feud Between Parties

Amid failure of negotiations between Blue & White and Likud Party, Israel is preparing for an unprecedented 4th round of elections in 2 years

Gantz & Netanyahu Political Partnership Over; Gantz Warns Election to be Initiated Soon

The next time Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz meet, Gantz will inform Netanyahu that their political partnership is over, a source...

Netanyahu: Immediate Elections if High Court Rejects Gantz Post

Netanyahu warned the High Court that if it disqualifies Alternative PM Law facilitating the formation of the gov't, elections would be initiated immediately

Netanyahu’s Fifth Government is Officially Sworn in, Ending 508-Day Political Lockdown

Israeli PM Netanyahu ’s 5th government was sworn in Sunday; This brings an end to the 508-day political lockdown that consisted of 3 separate elections.

High Court Unanimously Rejects Petitions Against Netanyahu, Coalition Deal

Judges rule unanimously there is no legal justification to prevent PM from leading new gov’t; parties’ accord ‘raises serious difficulties’ but intervention inappropriate.

Israel Leaders Agree to New Coalition ‘Emergency’ Government, Netanyahu to Remain as Prime Minister

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu will continue in his role after forging a deal with his chief rival to create an “emergency” coalition government.

Gantz, Netanyahu Meet in Last-Ditch Effort to Form Unity Government

PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz inched closer to a deal on Monday, just hours before a deadline to form a government was due to elapse.

Blue & White Party Splits after Benny Gantz Joins Netanyahu Government, is Elected Knesset Speaker

In a dramatic turn of events, the Blue & White Party breaks up Thursday after Benny Gantz decides to enter Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government

Netanyahu: As we fight coronavirus, Blue and White supports terrorists

PM Netanyahu slammed Blue & White Wednesday during an interview saying that “even in this time of a national emergency they continue to support terrorists.”

President Rivlin Gives Benny Gantz Mandate to Form Government

Benny Gantz officially receives a mandate to form a government from President Rivlin Monday receiving four weeks to build a coalition.

Blue and White’s Calamitous Week and Israel’s Political Forecast

Political Affairs: In stitching together such a government, Blue and White’s goal is merely to defenestrate Netanyahu from the Prime Minister’s Residence.

Netanyahu Calls for Emergency Unity Government to Combat Coronavirus

PM Netanyahu called on Blue & White leader Benny Gantz to join him in the establishment of an emergency unity government on Thursday to confront coronavirus.

Israeli Election: Likud Culture Minister Accuses Gantz of Starting an ‘Attempted Coup’

Netanyahu accuses Gantz of seeking to undermine democracy, defy will of public after it emerged he seeks legislation to bar Bebe from serving as PM

Benjamin Netanyahu Defeats Gantz, but is Still Short a Majority

PM Netanyahu beats Benny Gantz in Israel's third election on Monday winning majority in the Knesset, according to exit polls on major television networks.

Israel: PM Netanyahu Officially Submits Request for Immunity

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu officially submitted a request to gain immunity to parliament (Knesset) speaker Yuli Edelstein on Wednesday evening, mere hours before...

Benjamin Netanyahu Wins Landslide Victory in Likud Primary as Israel Approaches 3rd Election

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wins the primary election with over 72% of the vote; Netanyahu: This is a huge victory! Thank you, Likud members, for your trust, support, and love!”

Israel Officially going to third election in a single year

Almost no negotiations took place during the day, with last-ditch efforts to form a government abandoned earlier in the week, but MKs took the time to blame one another for the situation.

Yemen’s Defense Minister Al-Atefi Vows Imminent Attack Against Israel

Yemeni Defense Minister Muhammad Nasser Al-Atefi is vowing ‘revenge’ on Israel; He claims that there are multiple Israeli military targets in view; Al-Atefi: We will not hesitate to attack them if the leadership decides to.

Israel’s Split Screen: Chaos Within and Without

Watching events unfold in Israel is an experience in split-screen living. On the right side of the screen is the chaos outside our gates, in neighboring lands. And on the left side of the screen is the chaos inside.

Netanyahu Supporters Gather in Tel Aviv, Calling for ‘legal Coup’ to End, Top Prosecutors’ Arrest

SOURCE: (The Times of Israel) Some two thousand people are gathering ahead of a pro-Netanyahu rally outside the Tel Aviv Museum, which is set to...

According to the Law: Netanyahu Can’t Even be Indicted at this Time

According to Israeli law, Israel’s Attorney General, Avichai Mandleblit has no authority to indict the Prime Minister at this time. Conservative pundit Caroline Glick publicized the law relating to indicting members of Knesset on her Facebook page.

Netanyahu: I Will Continue to Lead the Country in Face of an Attempted Coup by the Law Enforcement Arm

PM Binyamin Netanyahu sharply rebutted the Attorney General Amihai Mandlblit’s decision to indict him on charges of bribery, fraud and breach of faith. He accused law enforcement authorities of conducting “a polluted, tendentious inquiry” designed to set him up personally “or removal as prime minister.”

Netanyahu denounces charges against him as ‘attempted coup’; says investigations were “infected” by ulterior motives

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds to the charges announced against him, saying they are “an attempted coup against a prime minister.”

AG announces Netanyahu to stand trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust

Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit announced his final indictment on Thursday against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, making him the first prime minister in Israeli history to be indicted while still in office.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad