July 27, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024
July 27, 2024

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LGBT+ Agenda

Dangerously Misleading: ‘Experts’ Claim Feelings Decide If A Child Is A Boy Or A Girl, Not Genetics

Notice the belief behind all of this—we are self-made people who can shape ourselves however we want, and our bodies tell us nothing about ourselves or our design. It’s just another way of trying to be our own gods instead of recognizing that there is a Creator God who defines us and that how he’s made us (i.e., our biology) tells us a lot about our design and our purpose!

Dangerously Misleading: ‘Experts’ Claim Feelings Decide If A Child Is A Boy Or A Girl, Not Genetics

Notice the belief behind all of this—we are self-made people who can shape ourselves however we want, and our bodies tell us nothing about ourselves or our design. It’s just another way of trying to be our own gods instead of recognizing that there is a Creator God who defines us and that how he’s made us (i.e., our biology) tells us a lot about our design and our purpose!

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

LGBT+ Agenda

Dangerously Misleading: ‘Experts’ Claim Feelings Decide If A Child Is A Boy Or A Girl, Not Genetics

Notice the belief behind all of this—we are self-made people who can shape ourselves however we want, and our bodies tell us nothing about ourselves or our design. It’s just another way of trying to be our own gods instead of recognizing that there is a Creator God who defines us and that how he’s made us (i.e., our biology) tells us a lot about our design and our purpose!

Why The ‘Pronoun Revolution’ Is Devastating To American Society

Beyond a Christian’s spiritual and moral obligation to use a person’s sex-specific pronouns, the rise of preferred gender pronouns has led to dangerous societal and legal consequences.

The Masses Are Being Deceived… We Must Speak Up And Share Biblical Truth

Are Christians really obsessed with homosexuality? We do speak to this issue often because, well, the culture is obsessed with it! Since so many people are being deceived, we must speak up and share biblical truth. That’s part of being salt and light in this culture.

Pushing Back On Pride: Has The Damage Already Been Done To An Entire Generation?

Words have been redefined and used as weapons. Where’s the church? Where’s the resistance to this deadly, sinful ideology? Pride is an offense to God, and yet, some professing Christians support this.

Leftwing Activism Backfiring: Target Dials Back LGBT ‘Pride’ Promotion In Attempt To Regain Customers

Target, the Minneapolis-based retail giant, has announced it is cutting back on the number of stores that will carry Pride Month-related merchandise in June, a move that some observers view as a sign that its leftwing social activism has backfired.

‘Talk About Losing Your Way’: Christians Respond To Boy Scouts’ Decision To Drop ‘Boy’ From Its Name

"They should’ve just stuck with what they were founded to be 114 years ago," Graham underscored. "The Boy Scouts Oath says, 'I will do my best to do my duty to God...' It’s no surprise that thousands of parents are choosing other options"

‘Young People Have Been Experimented On’: Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors

“You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain.”

Report Sounds Alarm on Puberty Blockers: ‘Professionals Are Afraid To Openly Discuss Their Views’

“Children have been badly served by an ideological system which believed that affirming children in a false gender identity and prescribing harmful drugs was helpful. We are created male and female, and we cannot change this.

‘Judgment Is Coming’: Christians Decry Biden’s Proclamation Of Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday

“The Bible says, ‘…they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them!’ (Isaiah 3:9). Judgment is coming,” he added. “Instead of celebrating sin, we need to confess our sins, repent of our sins, and ask for God’s forgiveness.”

Alarming New Report Shows 22% of Generation Z Americans Now Identify As LGBT

“The rub, I think, comes in whether God defines homosexuality as sin. The answer is yes. But God goes even further than that, to say that we are all sinners—myself included."

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

New Biden Regulation Would Force Gov’t Schools To Bow Before ‘Gender Identities’

Under the measure, schools will also become “zones of gender indoctrination,” [and] perpetrators falsely accused of newly redefined “sex discrimination” will face “Societ-style disciplinary procedures.”

World Health Organization Pushes Gender Self-ID With New Activist-Driven Guidelines

The WHO is clearly involved in pushing transgender policies onto people of all ages, particularly children and adolescents, and we need to ask whether member states should start withholding money from it.

Study Finds So-Called ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bans Increase Suicide Risk, Not Reduce It

While LGBTQ activists and progressive lawmakers claim that counseling to reduce unwanted same-sex attraction increases the risk of suicide, one researcher has published research showing that such counseling actually reduces that risk.

Parents Challenge School District After Daughter Assigned To Share Bed With Male Student On Class Trip

“Parents, not the government, have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children, and that includes making informed decisions to protect their child’s privacy"

‘More Evidence We Live In A Post-Christian Society’: Target Forges On With Woke Merchandise For Christmas

Target appears to be doubling down on its acceptance of radical gender theory, despite a second straight negative sales report after its Pride-themed products earlier this year. 

New Film ‘Art Club’ Exposes Schools Luring Children Into Gender Madness

The Lee family is sharing the story of what happened to their daughter at age 12. She was asked to stay for “Art Club.” But it was not really art club. It was actually a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club run by a woman who specialized in confusing children about their gender. 

Creating Families Counter To God’s Design Is Wrong And Harmful To Children

When we start with God’s Word, we know that children have a right to their parents—a right given by the God who gave children to their parents. But adults don’t have a right to have children, sacrificing the well-being and rights of children on the altar of adult desire.

UK National Lottery Awards 400k To LGBT Group Designed To Move Kids Away From God

“This is another attempt to undermine Christian teaching on marriage and the biblical and biological understanding that we are born male and female."

California Narrowly Escapes Bill Requiring Parents ‘Affirm’ Their Child’s Gender Identity Or Risk Losing Custody

A California state bill presented to become law making it so that parents in custody battles who do not affirm the gender identity of their children may be liable for child abuse, and our President calls banning transgender-affirming care “sinful.”

‘We Will Defend Our Children’: Canadian Parents Take To Streets Nationwide To Protest LGBT Indoctrination In Schools

Who are these “hateful” protestors? Reportedly, they are angry parents, trying to protect their children from being sexualized through LGBT indoctrination in local educational institutions.

It’s A Tale Of Three High Schools With An All-too Familiar Story: The Assault On Truth

Parents must examine curriculum, school policies, libraries, and more. Better yet, since government schools are on fire, resist the agendas, pull the alarm, and get your children (or grandchildren) out while there’s still time.

Parents Should Be Leading: Is Knowing Your Child’s Gender ‘A Privilege, Not a Right’?

Is telling your son that Godcreated him as a boy and that he cannot become a girl (a truth from both God’s Word and biology—you can’t change your genetics even if you can modify your external appearance!) “abuse”?

The Media Refuses To Acknowledge The ‘Wave Of People Detransitioning’ And Coming To Christ

“Instead of trying to create whoever it is that they want to be, people who are coming out of the transgender lifestyle and coming to Christ discover, like I did, that God created them—with an identity, with a purpose, with a plan.

Federal Court Rules Parents Do Not Have The Right To Opt Children Out Of Gender And Sexuality Lessons

“Parents know and love their children best; that’s why all kids deserve to have their parents help them understand issues like gender identity and sexuality"

LGBT-Promoting Groups And Segregation Based On Skin Color: The Hidden Dangers Of Today’s Summer Camps

As disheartening as it can be to hear that even your local summer camp may be misleading children, it’s a good reminder for parents to be diligent each and every day to teach their children the things of the Lord.

Pillars Of Truth And Propagators Of Lies: An Age Increasingly Characterised By Satan’s War On Truth

Although many people are blind to this fact, this age is increasingly becoming characterised by Satan’s war on truth. The God that we worship is a God of truth. He not only speaks truth, but it is also part of His divine character.

We Must Stop Encouraging This Harmful Delusion: How Social Transition Damages Children

Some people think there’s no harm in switching pronouns, dressing in different clothes and going by a new name. What’s the harm in that? Plenty, it turns out. Affirming children in a false gender identity causes real damage.

Innocence In The Crosshairs: Pastors And Community Push Back Against Child Sexualization

A massive grassroots effort is underway by parents, pastors, and community leaders in a Washington State town to protect local children from a planned LGBT “Pride” event and “drag” show aimed at sexualizing and confusing the town’s youth.

Guidance Weaponized Against Truth: UK Says Refusing to Pay for ‘Gender Surgery’ Could Be ‘Domestic Abuse’

As sexual humanism continues to dominate the West, we will continue to see astonishingly bad legislation such as this guidance weaponized against those who stand for truth and refuse to live or speak a lie.

The Rotten Fruit Of Decades Of Propaganda And Twisted Sexual Ideas Being Promoted As Normal

The trans train has become an unstoppable locomotive steaming full-speed through our culture. Protecting children is now a controversial issue.

Enormous Implications: Students Identifying As LGBT Skyrocket At Brown University To Nearly 40%

That means the skyrocketing number of self-proclaimed LGBTQ+ adherents has enormous implications for the future that are hard to overstate... This is a crisis that must be addressed.

Harris Sees Lowest Vice Presidential Rating In American History; Are Her Radically-left Policies To Blame?

An overwhelming majority of Americans are fed up with the fed pushing pride and the endless condescension and virtue signaling.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad