July 23, 2024

Tuesday, July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

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World news biblically understood


‘Enough Is Enough’: NYC Drag March Draws Swift Condemnation After Chanting ‘We’re Coming For Your Children’

Alex Newman

Self-proclaimed proud homosexuals, gender-confused individuals, and “queers” marched down the streets of New York City chanting loudly that they were “coming for your children.” The spectacle sparked international condemnation while confirming what anti-grooming activists have been warning about for years, all amid escalating sexualization and indoctrination of children by LGBTQ extremists.

The scandalous chant at the massive event came as naked homosexual men across America and Canada exposed their genitalia to children on the street during so-called “Pride” parades. It also occurred less than two years after the San Francisco Homosexual Men’s Choir drew national outrage with a song promising to “convert” and “corrupt” your children. 

In the new chant captured on video, the New York Pride Parade marchers can be seen and heard boasting of their targeting of your children. “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children,” chanted the scantily clad activists flying rainbow flags, some of them half naked, as they laughed and danced. Tens of millions have seen the video on Twitter.

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In Your Inbox

The incident prompted swift condemnation across the United States, even making headlines overseas. More than a few homosexual activists quoted in media reports even condemned the rhetoric about targeting other people’s children, claiming it would fuel “hate” toward LGBTism. Some argued it was merely a “joke” to anger conservatives. 

Lawmakers used the opportunity to push for laws protecting young people. “This movement grooms minors to have mastectomies and castration and fuels a multi billion dollar medical child abuse industry,” fumed U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in response to the scandal. “Pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act. Let kids be kids.” The bill would ban castration and hysterectomies of children.

According to news reports, political leaders including Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams all participated in the annual pride parade. This is the 53rd event of its kind in New York commemorating the violent uprising against police by homosexual activists at the Stonewall Inn. 

It’s not the first time the truth emerges, though. In 2021, the San Francisco “Gay” Men’s Choir sang the quiet part out loud with a song about converting children to homosexuality. “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked,” sings one of the homosexuals. “Funny, just this once, you’re correct. We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.”

The targeting of children has gotten so extreme that even homosexual activists are distancing themselves. Writing in the Daily Caller, Fox News contributor and homosexual activist Deroy Murdock called on homosexuals to “divorce” the “alphabet people.” “Normal gay people should flee the Alphabet People before we get fatally trampled,” he said, pointing to the “coming for your children” horror and other scandals. 

As Murdock explained, polls show Americans are rapidly souring on the LGBTQ movement, partly in response to the grooming of children. Among Republicans, 56 percent thought “gay and lesbian relations” were morally acceptable last year. This year, just 41 percent do. Even middle-school children in left-wing states such as Massachusetts are rising up against the radical LGBT indoctrination.

When sex fiends and perverts chant that they are coming for your children, you should take them very seriously.

Parents and society have an obligation to protect innocent children from this vile grooming and perversion — attacks that are now everywhere, from big box stores and government schools to the streets of major cities across America. Enough is enough.

Liberty Sentinel Logo

Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

David Fiorazo, in his article, “The Most Programmed Generation in History,” noted:

The last couple of generations in particular have generally conformed to secular culture, were taught to reject God, and bought the lie of evolution which is why we now see moral relativism and post modernism ruling the day…

In Genesis 1:28, God blessed man and woman, saying to them, “be fruitful and multiply…” But since the homosexual left cannot reproduce, they have to recruit. Tragically, forces of darkness have easier and greater access to young kids than ever before in history.

Our part is to preach Jesus, truth, protect children, understand the times, and expose this evil – especially when it is being called ‘good.’

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Trusted Analysis From A Biblical Worldview

Help reach the lost and equip the church with the living and active truth of God's Word in our world today.




Together, We Can Deliver A Biblical Understanding

Of News Events Around The World.

The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes

In the case of the most important prophetic sign of all, the evidence is right before our eyes. The withered tree that did not bear fruit when Jesus was here 2000 years ago has become tender and put forth new branches. We know that He is coming soon.

Stripping Away Our Biblical Roots: Flags In America Are Changing… And It Isn’t Good News For Freedom

The United States is being mocked for our founding, but the reality is that the flag stood for freedom in the past, and it still stands for freedom—it is for that reason that it is assaulted at every turn.

untitled artwork 6391

‘Keeping Watch On The Evil And The Good’: As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

Regardless of what the future holds for me or my country, I know the Lord will someday return just as He promised. His sovereignty assures us that He will adequately and justly deal with the wickedness of our day. He will establish His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Alex Newman

Self-proclaimed proud homosexuals, gender-confused individuals, and “queers” marched down the streets of New York City chanting loudly that they were “coming for your children.” The spectacle sparked international condemnation while confirming what anti-grooming activists have been warning about for years, all amid escalating sexualization and indoctrination of children by LGBTQ extremists.

The scandalous chant at the massive event came as naked homosexual men across America and Canada exposed their genitalia to children on the street during so-called “Pride” parades. It also occurred less than two years after the San Francisco Homosexual Men’s Choir drew national outrage with a song promising to “convert” and “corrupt” your children. 

In the new chant captured on video, the New York Pride Parade marchers can be seen and heard boasting of their targeting of your children. “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re coming for your children,” chanted the scantily clad activists flying rainbow flags, some of them half naked, as they laughed and danced. Tens of millions have seen the video on Twitter.

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In Your Inbox

The incident prompted swift condemnation across the United States, even making headlines overseas. More than a few homosexual activists quoted in media reports even condemned the rhetoric about targeting other people’s children, claiming it would fuel “hate” toward LGBTism. Some argued it was merely a “joke” to anger conservatives. 

Lawmakers used the opportunity to push for laws protecting young people. “This movement grooms minors to have mastectomies and castration and fuels a multi billion dollar medical child abuse industry,” fumed U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) in response to the scandal. “Pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act. Let kids be kids.” The bill would ban castration and hysterectomies of children.

According to news reports, political leaders including Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and New York City Mayor Eric Adams all participated in the annual pride parade. This is the 53rd event of its kind in New York commemorating the violent uprising against police by homosexual activists at the Stonewall Inn. 

It’s not the first time the truth emerges, though. In 2021, the San Francisco “Gay” Men’s Choir sang the quiet part out loud with a song about converting children to homosexuality. “You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked,” sings one of the homosexuals. “Funny, just this once, you’re correct. We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it.”

The targeting of children has gotten so extreme that even homosexual activists are distancing themselves. Writing in the Daily Caller, Fox News contributor and homosexual activist Deroy Murdock called on homosexuals to “divorce” the “alphabet people.” “Normal gay people should flee the Alphabet People before we get fatally trampled,” he said, pointing to the “coming for your children” horror and other scandals. 

As Murdock explained, polls show Americans are rapidly souring on the LGBTQ movement, partly in response to the grooming of children. Among Republicans, 56 percent thought “gay and lesbian relations” were morally acceptable last year. This year, just 41 percent do. Even middle-school children in left-wing states such as Massachusetts are rising up against the radical LGBT indoctrination.

When sex fiends and perverts chant that they are coming for your children, you should take them very seriously.

Parents and society have an obligation to protect innocent children from this vile grooming and perversion — attacks that are now everywhere, from big box stores and government schools to the streets of major cities across America. Enough is enough.

Liberty Sentinel Logo

Editor’s Note: Why Is This News Biblically Relevant?

David Fiorazo, in his article, “The Most Programmed Generation in History,” noted:

The last couple of generations in particular have generally conformed to secular culture, were taught to reject God, and bought the lie of evolution which is why we now see moral relativism and post modernism ruling the day…

In Genesis 1:28, God blessed man and woman, saying to them, “be fruitful and multiply…” But since the homosexual left cannot reproduce, they have to recruit. Tragically, forces of darkness have easier and greater access to young kids than ever before in history.

Our part is to preach Jesus, truth, protect children, understand the times, and expose this evil – especially when it is being called ‘good.’

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes

In the case of the most important prophetic sign of all, the evidence is right before our eyes. The withered tree that did not bear fruit when Jesus was here 2000 years ago has become tender and put forth new branches. We know that He is coming soon.

Stripping Away Our Biblical Roots: Flags In America Are Changing… And It Isn’t Good News For Freedom

The United States is being mocked for our founding, but the reality is that the flag stood for freedom in the past, and it still stands for freedom—it is for that reason that it is assaulted at every turn.

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‘Keeping Watch On The Evil And The Good’: As Questions Swirl, God’s Sovereignty Stills Our Troubled Minds

Regardless of what the future holds for me or my country, I know the Lord will someday return just as He promised. His sovereignty assures us that He will adequately and justly deal with the wickedness of our day. He will establish His righteous rule over all the nations of the earth.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD