July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood




How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Jack Hibbs Ad

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

In-Depth: Gov’t Schools Vs. Christianity — Shaping The ‘Spirituality’ Of Children Against Biblical Views

Government indoctrination masquerading as “education” has deliberately waged war on biblical religion, and the fruit is devastating America and its children by turning them away from God and Truth.  

‘Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children’: California Gov. Signs First Of It’s Kind Anti-Parental Notification Bill

“Governor Newsom’s signing of AB 1955 is a direct assault on the safety of children and the rights of their parents. By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy”

In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

ACLU Lawsuit Against Louisiana Inadvertently Draws More Public Attention To God’s Law

The ACLU, in wanting to sue the state of Louisiana, has done us a great favor. Their lawsuit was big news in the secular media, and so the Ten Commandments have been featured in many outlets. God is still turning what men mean for evil into that which is for the good.

Dangerously Misleading: ‘Experts’ Claim Feelings Decide If A Child Is A Boy Or A Girl, Not Genetics

Notice the belief behind all of this—we are self-made people who can shape ourselves however we want, and our bodies tell us nothing about ourselves or our design. It’s just another way of trying to be our own gods instead of recognizing that there is a Creator God who defines us and that how he’s made us (i.e., our biology) tells us a lot about our design and our purpose!

‘Not A Shred Of Objective Evidence’: Evolutionists Simply Can’t Prove Life Arose By ‘Natural Causes’

We can appreciate his honest admission that all they have is theories—no scientific proof. If they had any evidence at all, they would have presented it. Of course, there is no evidence supporting the claim that life arose by natural causes—because life has a Supernatural Cause.

‘Pastor’ Claims Jesus Would Bless The ‘Loving Kindness’ Of ‘Those Who End Pregnancies’

What a state the “woke church” is in! Well, the “woke church” is not the true church. Compromise with the world and the thinking of today abounds.

Tolerance Is A Polite Way Of Saying, ‘I’m Ok That People Will Spend Eternity In Hell’

What is tolerance? The way the world imposes and enforces it, tolerance is a fabricated counterfeit of Christian love and genuine human compassion. Instead of, “Let me help lift you out of your mess,” tolerance says, “I support your right to live as a disaster.”

Why The ‘Pronoun Revolution’ Is Devastating To American Society

Beyond a Christian’s spiritual and moral obligation to use a person’s sex-specific pronouns, the rise of preferred gender pronouns has led to dangerous societal and legal consequences.

Experts Warn Proposed Amendment To California’s Constitution, Could Legalize Polygamy, Child Marriage

Experts have pointed out that the amendment’s wording could legalize controversial relationships, including those between more than two people, genetically related individuals, or even minors.

Massachusetts Unanimously Passes Bill That Would Legalize Sale Of Babies By Pregnant Mothers

This new bill allows the woman to offer her own offspring to someone else and receive compensation for it (and, reportedly, she can even draw up and accept a surrogacy agreement after the child is already conceived). It’s not hard to imagine the abuses that can and will take place.

$1M Tax-Funded ‘Public Education’ Campaign Calls People To Avoid Crisis Pregnancy Centers

The ads call pregnancy centers “anti-abortion centers” and accuse them of putting patients’ health at risk, misleading pregnant mothers about their options and deceiving the public that they offer or refer for abortion.

The Deadly Fruit Of Anti-God Education: Brutal Violence Rises To ‘Crisis’ Levels

The true source of the escalating terror facing teachers, children, and society is the diabolical worldview masquerading as “education” imposed on children. When children are brainwashed to believe there is no God and life is meaningless, it produces deadly fruit — the very plague now destroying not just children, but civilization itself.  

The Masses Are Being Deceived… We Must Speak Up And Share Biblical Truth

Are Christians really obsessed with homosexuality? We do speak to this issue often because, well, the culture is obsessed with it! Since so many people are being deceived, we must speak up and share biblical truth. That’s part of being salt and light in this culture.

UK Politicians Are Preaching That People Are Disposable And We Are Living With The Consequences

It’s not only about so-called moral issues. When you dig deeper, you realise that this devaluing of human life is not a peripheral issue, of interest only to Christians, but it underlies a host of the biggest problems our society faces.

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Here in the US, babies with disabilities are often listed as reasons why we need to keep abortion legal. But a baby with a disability is just as much made in God’s image, fearfully and wonderfully, as you or I.

Doctors Sign Declaration Calling For The ‘Immediate Stop’ Of Gender Procedures For Children

"It would appear to me that people are starting to come around because of the harms that have come from this radical ideology. It breaks my heart that my profession has been captured by this ideology.”

Pushing Back On Pride: Has The Damage Already Been Done To An Entire Generation?

Words have been redefined and used as weapons. Where’s the church? Where’s the resistance to this deadly, sinful ideology? Pride is an offense to God, and yet, some professing Christians support this.

Leftwing Activism Backfiring: Target Dials Back LGBT ‘Pride’ Promotion In Attempt To Regain Customers

Target, the Minneapolis-based retail giant, has announced it is cutting back on the number of stores that will carry Pride Month-related merchandise in June, a move that some observers view as a sign that its leftwing social activism has backfired.

In-Depth: Republicans Must Be Inflexible On The Sanctity Of Human Life — The Future Depends Upon It

I want to be clear: The right to life transcends other political debates and the interests of any and all political parties and candidates. It is truly the right without which no other right has any meaning.

Illinois Schools Will Soon Be Required To Indoctrinate Students With Man-Made ‘Climate Change’

Because the man-made warming hoax is so fundamental to the establishment’s war on liberty, prosperity, and sovereignty, capturing the hearts and minds of gullible young Americans is seen as essential. Parents must protect their children before it’s too late.

The Same Pagan ‘gods’ Are Fooling Millions Today… Just Under Different Names

To paraphrase Peter Townshend of The Who, “meet the new gods, same as the old gods.” Sadly, millions are getting fooled again. And they are rushing headlong into paganism, the occult, and rampant wickedness.

‘Talk About Losing Your Way’: Christians Respond To Boy Scouts’ Decision To Drop ‘Boy’ From Its Name

"They should’ve just stuck with what they were founded to be 114 years ago," Graham underscored. "The Boy Scouts Oath says, 'I will do my best to do my duty to God...' It’s no surprise that thousands of parents are choosing other options"

Holocaust Against The Unborn: How IVF Modernizes Ancient Eugenic Practices Of Selective Breeding

Typical IVF procedures destroy human life on a regular basis as a standard practice. Babies are graded, and only the ones deemed most ‘viable’ are implanted. Babies that show signs of a genetic abnormality; are less ‘fit’; or, perhaps, are the sex the parents don’t want are routinely discarded (killed).

Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

As The Pillars Of Civilization Become Unsteady, People Are Longing For An Unshakable Foundation

Unlike man-made bridges that collapse under extreme forces, Jesus bore the weight of humanity’s sins—past, present and future. The Son of God, who never once sinned, shed His blood and died for every single one of our trespasses

Government Overreach On Homeschooling Thwarted In Queensland After Serious Backlash

CitizenGo remarked that the exponential growth in homeschooling “has terrified governments as, unlike in private schools which are still subject to a woke national curriculum, the government cannot control what homeschooled children are taught. The sanctity of homeschooling stands as the last bastion of liberty to safeguard our children’s future.”

Calif. AG Accused of Sabotaging Effort to Ban Dangerous Gender Treatments on Kids

The initiative, called the Protect Kids California Act by its authors, was approved for consideration by California Attorney General Rob Bonta, but only after Bonta changed how the title of the initiative would appear on ballots—from the original title to the “Restrict Rights of Transgender Youth” act.

‘Young People Have Been Experimented On’: Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors

“You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain.”

Court Rules Nurse Can Challenge State Law Barring Abortion Pill Reversal Treatments

Colorado is all too happy to let medical staff prescribe the “abortion pill,” but if the patient changes her mind and wants to save the baby, the same medical team cannot offer progesterone to counteract mifepristone.

Report Sounds Alarm on Puberty Blockers: ‘Professionals Are Afraid To Openly Discuss Their Views’

“Children have been badly served by an ideological system which believed that affirming children in a false gender identity and prescribing harmful drugs was helpful. We are created male and female, and we cannot change this.

Experts Warn New ‘Homeschool Hub’ Is Seeking to Control Next Generation of Home Educators

As the global war on educational liberty heats up, Johns Hopkins School of Education is launching a new “Homeschool Hub” that has experts and advocates deeply concerned. Many say it is part of the escalating effort to bring homeschooling families under government control. 

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad