July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Anne Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, is a Bible Teacher whose aim is to evangelize the lost and revive the hearts of God’s people in their relationship with Himself through exalting Jesus Christ and proclaiming God’s Word.

Anne Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Sometimes, God’s Wants Us At Our Wits’ End

Your prayers matter! For yourself and for others. Your prayers of desperate faith in God, and God alone, bring the power of Heaven down to hopeless situations. He is the God of the impossible! He can make a way when there is no way!

Anne Graham Lotz: God Is Fully Present

On Christmas Eve, 1968, Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders, while orbiting the moon in Apollo 8, were so aware of the Presence of God in space that they publicly read the first ten verses of Genesis to the listening world thousands of miles away.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Give The King Something He Longs For… Your Continuous Worship

This Christmas, refuse to put your work before your worship. Instead, as you never cease to worship, then do your work. Why? Because He is worthy! 

Anne Graham Lotz: They May Have Hardened Their Hearts, But There Is Still Hope

Whom do you know who is rejecting Jesus today? Whoever those people are, regardless of the vehemence of their words, or the hardness of their hearts there is still hope.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Get Ready to Step Out For God 

Would you get ready to step out of your comfort zone by opening yourself up to God? Someone’s salvation may depend upon it …

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Rapture Ready

We are told that believers in the last generation will not experience physical death, but will be caught up in what is called the “rapture”… the “snatching away”… to meet Jesus in the air.

Anne Graham Lotz: Love So Amazing

As God’s Son, God’s only Son, the Son He loved, hung on the Cross, the knife of God’s fierce wrath against sin was lifted, and there was no one to stay the Father’s hand.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — It’s Time To Trust God. Alone.

God seems to demonstrate His power and glory to those who trust Him completely … who just let go without reservation. Which is why He often allows us to reach the end of our human resources or run the limit of conventional wisdom before He steps in and does the impossible.

Anne Graham Lotz: Plugging Into The Power Source

A light bulb is a simple glass globe. If placed on a desk or table, it is meaningless as well as useless. But if it is fitted into a lamp and plugged into a power source, it fulfills its purpose for existence, taking on meaning as a source of light that is useful for daily living.

Anne Graham Lotz: Our One Foundation

All around us we see lives collapsing with broken hearts and broken homes and broken hopes – with shattered minds and shattered emotions and shattered bodies. What has gone wrong? The foundation on which the majority of people are building their lives is cracked and flawed.

Anne Graham Lotz: How To Recognize Counterfeit Truth

If you and I want to be able to detect counterfeit truth, we need to immerse ourselves in the real thing. We need to saturate ourselves in the truth of the Word of God.

Jesus Coming For His Bride Isn’t Debatable… And We Should Make Ourselves Ready

We live in a world filled with hate, rage, lies, corruption, cruelty, confusion, lawlessness, and delusion. But make no mistake: our blessed hope is that a new world is coming!

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Faithful to the Truth

We were founded as one nation under God. How is it that we have forsaken the foundation on which we were built? When did we throw away our moral compass?

Anne Graham Lotz: The Choice to Rejoice

I doubt if, during either of those imprisonments, Paul felt like praising. But he had learned to walk by faith, not by his feelings.

Anne Graham Lotz: The Mighty Name of Jesus

To pray in Jesus’ name means we come to God believing that Jesus is our Lord — believing He has revealed God to us and in response we have submitted to His authority.

Anne Graham Lotz: Live For Him, And One Day, You Will Reign With Him

The four hundred men who lived with him, fought for him and placed all their hope in him became David’s mighty men. And when he was crowned king of Israel, they reigned with him.

Anne Graham Lotz: He Has Power To Do The Supernatural, The Unthinkable, The Impossible

It’s when the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on one side of you, the desert is on the other side, and you feel the Egyptian army closing in from behind that you experience His power to open up an escape route.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Our Nation Is Continuing To Implode On Almost Every Level

The darkness—ignorance of God, His Word, His principles, His Son, His Gospel, His love and His truth—is enveloping us like a thick, oppressive shroud. It’s stunning.  Grievous. Surely Heaven must weep to see this great nation self-destruct.

Anne Graham Lotz: Our World Lives In Spiritual Darkness

Our world lives in spiritual darkness, separated from God. But people have adjusted and, generally speaking, are comfortable in their “twilight zone.”

Anne Graham Lotz – Bible Study: What Difference Does the Cross Make?

After establishing a personal, permanent relationship with God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son, don’t stop short of the privilege!

Anne Graham Lotz: Willingly Wounded For Our Transgressions

Why? Why would God allow His Son to endure such physical torture? The answer had been given years earlier...

Anne Graham Lotz: Are You Misunderstanding God’s Word?

Isn’t it amazing how we can misinterpret what He says? Listening carefully to what God says is important, because if we misunderstand what He is saying, we set ourselves up for disappointment, discouragement, and disillusionment.

Anne Graham Lotz Bible Study: On The Wrong Road And Going In The Wrong Direction

We are imploding into chaos, corruption and confusion; in the end, we will crumble onto the ash heap of history. Unless we turn around and return to God...

Anne Graham Lotz: God Counts Us As His Own Dear Children

Our entrance into His presence is not based on our own worthiness but on the worthiness of Jesus Christ! When we enter God’s presence in Jesus’ name, we are as accepted by God as Jesus is, because God counts us as His own dear children!

Anne Graham Lotz: Jesus Wants Our Love — The Church at Ephesus

Anne's message about the church at Ephesus comes from Revelation Chapter 2.

Anne Graham Lotz: Let Him Who Created The Universe Take charge

If He can keep the universe in order, He can keep your life and mine in order, too. He knows what’s wrong in your life and how to fix it. Give Him the authority to put it right. Let Him take charge.

Anne Graham Lotz — Bible Study: What Time Is It?

We need to know the signs, stay informed of the news and be ready for the end. We don’t want to be deceived or distracted, ignorant or indifferent, surprised or scared. Therefore, it’s critical that we know how to tell time!

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Defining, Declaring, And Defending The Gospel

In an increasingly secular, woke culture, what will you do to define, to declare and to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Anne Graham Lotz: You Can’t Work Your Way Into God’s Presence

All religions are man’s organized, rebellious, prideful attempt to get around God’s stated will and way and work and Word. Instead of arguing with Him, just come to Him through Jesus.

Anne Graham Lotz: God of the Impossible

What if Noah had procrastinated and told God he would build the ark but at a time when he felt he was more rested, more capable, when he had had sufficient training, when his financial situation was more stable, when his family was more self-sufficient, when it was just more convenient?

Anne Graham Lotz: Life-Giving Power

If you are depressed by the greatness of your problems, read God’s Word! That’s where you find help. That’s where you find joy.

Anne Graham Lotz: Am I Sorry That I Went To The World Economic Forum In 2006 and 2011?

Out of respect for those of you who have taken the time to comment about a statement I made eleven years ago regarding the World Economic Forum, I thought it would be beneficial to restate God’s call on my life.

Unless America Repents, We Will Crumble Onto The Ash Heap Of History: Anne Graham Lotz

As I have watched our nation over the last few years, I am convinced we have taken many wrong turns—As a result we are imploding into chaos, corruption, confusion...

Preach & Stand: The Time Before Jesus Returns For His Followers Is Running Out 

Our beloved nation is melting down. The jettisoning of traditional Judeo-Christian values has seemed to erupt at warp speed.

Passing Down Faith & Truth In a World Spiraling Down

If you and I do not pass truth that leads to faith to the next generation, who will? Will sincere, authentic, vibrant faith die out in our generation?

Anne Graham Lotz: Israel’s Spiritual Conflict & What Supporting The Jewish State Looks Like

“What we’re seeing are the wounds between Isaac and Ishmael that have ricocheted throughout the centuries.”

Anne Graham Lotz: Is There a Blessing in the Coronavirus?

Could the silver lining the coronavirus be that it causes America to look up and listen to what God has to say, and trigger national revival? May it be so!

Anne Graham Lotz: Is COVID-19 a Sign of the End?

Could COVID-19 be one more sign that our redemption is drawing near? Is the End in sight? Is Jesus coming … soon? If so, is fear the proper response?

Anne Graham-Lotz: The Harbingers

When the world comes to an end, how will the people living on earth know they are the last generation? They will know because God will send us harbingers...

Anne Graham-Lotz: Christianity Today: Off-Message?

Anne Graham-Lots, daughter of Billy Graham, responds to Christianity Today's shameful editorial calling for the removal of President Trump from office.

Sometimes, God’s Wants Us At Our Wits’ End

Your prayers matter! For yourself and for others. Your prayers of desperate faith in God, and God alone, bring the power of Heaven down to hopeless situations. He is the God of the impossible! He can make a way when there is no way!

Anne Graham Lotz: God Is Fully Present

On Christmas Eve, 1968, Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders, while orbiting the moon in Apollo 8, were so aware of the Presence of God in space that they publicly read the first ten verses of Genesis to the listening world thousands of miles away.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Give The King Something He Longs For… Your Continuous Worship

This Christmas, refuse to put your work before your worship. Instead, as you never cease to worship, then do your work. Why? Because He is worthy! 

Anne Graham Lotz: They May Have Hardened Their Hearts, But There Is Still Hope

Whom do you know who is rejecting Jesus today? Whoever those people are, regardless of the vehemence of their words, or the hardness of their hearts there is still hope.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Get Ready to Step Out For God 

Would you get ready to step out of your comfort zone by opening yourself up to God? Someone’s salvation may depend upon it …

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Rapture Ready

We are told that believers in the last generation will not experience physical death, but will be caught up in what is called the “rapture”… the “snatching away”… to meet Jesus in the air.

Anne Graham Lotz: Love So Amazing

As God’s Son, God’s only Son, the Son He loved, hung on the Cross, the knife of God’s fierce wrath against sin was lifted, and there was no one to stay the Father’s hand.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — It’s Time To Trust God. Alone.

God seems to demonstrate His power and glory to those who trust Him completely … who just let go without reservation. Which is why He often allows us to reach the end of our human resources or run the limit of conventional wisdom before He steps in and does the impossible.

Anne Graham Lotz: Plugging Into The Power Source

A light bulb is a simple glass globe. If placed on a desk or table, it is meaningless as well as useless. But if it is fitted into a lamp and plugged into a power source, it fulfills its purpose for existence, taking on meaning as a source of light that is useful for daily living.

Anne Graham Lotz: Our One Foundation

All around us we see lives collapsing with broken hearts and broken homes and broken hopes – with shattered minds and shattered emotions and shattered bodies. What has gone wrong? The foundation on which the majority of people are building their lives is cracked and flawed.

Anne Graham Lotz: How To Recognize Counterfeit Truth

If you and I want to be able to detect counterfeit truth, we need to immerse ourselves in the real thing. We need to saturate ourselves in the truth of the Word of God.

Jesus Coming For His Bride Isn’t Debatable… And We Should Make Ourselves Ready

We live in a world filled with hate, rage, lies, corruption, cruelty, confusion, lawlessness, and delusion. But make no mistake: our blessed hope is that a new world is coming!

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Faithful to the Truth

We were founded as one nation under God. How is it that we have forsaken the foundation on which we were built? When did we throw away our moral compass?

Anne Graham Lotz: The Choice to Rejoice

I doubt if, during either of those imprisonments, Paul felt like praising. But he had learned to walk by faith, not by his feelings.

Anne Graham Lotz: The Mighty Name of Jesus

To pray in Jesus’ name means we come to God believing that Jesus is our Lord — believing He has revealed God to us and in response we have submitted to His authority.

Anne Graham Lotz: Live For Him, And One Day, You Will Reign With Him

The four hundred men who lived with him, fought for him and placed all their hope in him became David’s mighty men. And when he was crowned king of Israel, they reigned with him.

Anne Graham Lotz: He Has Power To Do The Supernatural, The Unthinkable, The Impossible

It’s when the Red Sea is before you, the mountains are on one side of you, the desert is on the other side, and you feel the Egyptian army closing in from behind that you experience His power to open up an escape route.

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Our Nation Is Continuing To Implode On Almost Every Level

The darkness—ignorance of God, His Word, His principles, His Son, His Gospel, His love and His truth—is enveloping us like a thick, oppressive shroud. It’s stunning.  Grievous. Surely Heaven must weep to see this great nation self-destruct.

Anne Graham Lotz: Our World Lives In Spiritual Darkness

Our world lives in spiritual darkness, separated from God. But people have adjusted and, generally speaking, are comfortable in their “twilight zone.”

Anne Graham Lotz – Bible Study: What Difference Does the Cross Make?

After establishing a personal, permanent relationship with God the Father through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son, don’t stop short of the privilege!

Anne Graham Lotz: Willingly Wounded For Our Transgressions

Why? Why would God allow His Son to endure such physical torture? The answer had been given years earlier...

Anne Graham Lotz: Are You Misunderstanding God’s Word?

Isn’t it amazing how we can misinterpret what He says? Listening carefully to what God says is important, because if we misunderstand what He is saying, we set ourselves up for disappointment, discouragement, and disillusionment.

Anne Graham Lotz Bible Study: On The Wrong Road And Going In The Wrong Direction

We are imploding into chaos, corruption and confusion; in the end, we will crumble onto the ash heap of history. Unless we turn around and return to God...

Anne Graham Lotz: God Counts Us As His Own Dear Children

Our entrance into His presence is not based on our own worthiness but on the worthiness of Jesus Christ! When we enter God’s presence in Jesus’ name, we are as accepted by God as Jesus is, because God counts us as His own dear children!

Anne Graham Lotz: Jesus Wants Our Love — The Church at Ephesus

Anne's message about the church at Ephesus comes from Revelation Chapter 2.

Anne Graham Lotz: Let Him Who Created The Universe Take charge

If He can keep the universe in order, He can keep your life and mine in order, too. He knows what’s wrong in your life and how to fix it. Give Him the authority to put it right. Let Him take charge.

Anne Graham Lotz — Bible Study: What Time Is It?

We need to know the signs, stay informed of the news and be ready for the end. We don’t want to be deceived or distracted, ignorant or indifferent, surprised or scared. Therefore, it’s critical that we know how to tell time!

Anne Graham Lotz: Bible Study — Defining, Declaring, And Defending The Gospel

In an increasingly secular, woke culture, what will you do to define, to declare and to defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Anne Graham Lotz: You Can’t Work Your Way Into God’s Presence

All religions are man’s organized, rebellious, prideful attempt to get around God’s stated will and way and work and Word. Instead of arguing with Him, just come to Him through Jesus.

Anne Graham Lotz: God of the Impossible

What if Noah had procrastinated and told God he would build the ark but at a time when he felt he was more rested, more capable, when he had had sufficient training, when his financial situation was more stable, when his family was more self-sufficient, when it was just more convenient?

Anne Graham Lotz: Life-Giving Power

If you are depressed by the greatness of your problems, read God’s Word! That’s where you find help. That’s where you find joy.

Anne Graham Lotz: Am I Sorry That I Went To The World Economic Forum In 2006 and 2011?

Out of respect for those of you who have taken the time to comment about a statement I made eleven years ago regarding the World Economic Forum, I thought it would be beneficial to restate God’s call on my life.

Unless America Repents, We Will Crumble Onto The Ash Heap Of History: Anne Graham Lotz

As I have watched our nation over the last few years, I am convinced we have taken many wrong turns—As a result we are imploding into chaos, corruption, confusion...

Preach & Stand: The Time Before Jesus Returns For His Followers Is Running Out 

Our beloved nation is melting down. The jettisoning of traditional Judeo-Christian values has seemed to erupt at warp speed.

Passing Down Faith & Truth In a World Spiraling Down

If you and I do not pass truth that leads to faith to the next generation, who will? Will sincere, authentic, vibrant faith die out in our generation?

Anne Graham Lotz: Israel’s Spiritual Conflict & What Supporting The Jewish State Looks Like

“What we’re seeing are the wounds between Isaac and Ishmael that have ricocheted throughout the centuries.”

Anne Graham Lotz: Is There a Blessing in the Coronavirus?

Could the silver lining the coronavirus be that it causes America to look up and listen to what God has to say, and trigger national revival? May it be so!

Anne Graham Lotz: Is COVID-19 a Sign of the End?

Could COVID-19 be one more sign that our redemption is drawing near? Is the End in sight? Is Jesus coming … soon? If so, is fear the proper response?

Anne Graham-Lotz: The Harbingers

When the world comes to an end, how will the people living on earth know they are the last generation? They will know because God will send us harbingers...

Anne Graham-Lotz: Christianity Today: Off-Message?

Anne Graham-Lots, daughter of Billy Graham, responds to Christianity Today's shameful editorial calling for the removal of President Trump from office.