July 8, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024
July 8, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood


Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."

TV7 Israel News Ad

TV7 Israel News Ad

Amir V Ad #1

Amir V Ad #1

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Decision Magazine Vertical- 2022

Franklin Graham Establishes ‘Billy Graham Defense Fund’ To Protect Gospel Outreach In The UK

"We’re going to use these funds that came from this battle against cancel culture to help other Christians who may be threatened into silence," he announced. "This is a victory, not just for us, but for all Christians and churches across the UK."


‘Young People Have Been Experimented On’: Scotland Pauses Puberty Blockers for Minors

“You tried to bully people out of their jobs for opposing you. Young people have been experimented on, left infertile and in pain.”

Report Sounds Alarm on Puberty Blockers: ‘Professionals Are Afraid To Openly Discuss Their Views’

“Children have been badly served by an ideological system which believed that affirming children in a false gender identity and prescribing harmful drugs was helpful. We are created male and female, and we cannot change this.

Healthy Woman, 28, to Be Euthanized in the Netherlands; Franklin Graham Urges Prayer

“I wish Zoraya knew how much God loved her,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook Sunday, “and I pray someone can get to her and tell her that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth so she could have forgiveness of her sins and have a relationship with Him.”

‘Designed To Stop Free Speech’: New Scotland Hate Crime Law Sparks Outcry

“The law seems to be designed to stop free speech and impose the LGBTQ agenda on all of Scotland,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook. On April 1, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to protest the law and its potential effects on free speech.

UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide, Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

The organisation’s lawyers argue that they can’t employ someone like Felix because his views on sex and gender might ‘damage’ the mental health of people identifying as LGBTQ+. They take their argument to the extreme when they assert that those identifying as LGBTQ+ might kill themselves if they discover [an employee] is a Christian.

‘Highest Percentage Of No Votes In Irish History’: Ireland Rejects Effort to Redefine Family

Voters in Ireland have resoundingly rejected two constitutional amendments that attempted to redefine traditional definitions of family and motherhood.

‘Creeping Culture Of Censorship’: UK Police Concede After Unlawful Silencing of Street Preacher

Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, said, “Dia Moodley’s case exposes a clear double standard in British policing when the issue concerns the expression of core beliefs; particularly Christian beliefs.

‘Milestone Victory For The Culture Of Death’: France Enshrines ‘Right’ To Abortion Into Its Constitution

"[The decision] is largely a publicity stunt by the nation’s elected leaders, but we must also recognize that the move represents a major milestone victory for the Culture of Death. Christians must realize that the move in France can only be explained by the nation’s radical secularization and the eclipse of the Biblical worldview.”

‘The World Will Hate You’: UK Politician Cleared After Biblical Tweet Ignites Firestorm

“How I have been treated is really troubling for a democratic society. It must ring alarm bells as this can now happen to anyone that is not in support of this extreme LGBT movement."

Chaos In Parliament: MP Safety Fears Cause Islamic Terrorism To Influence UK Democracy

Threats from Islamists caused chaos in parliament on Wednesday, when the Speaker of the House of Commons broke with convention because he was persuaded of security concerns from Islamic protestors.

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

“Of course it’s an attack on free speech if parents can’t feel they give guidance to their children. It is an absolute duty of parents to give advice to their children.”

‘No Verse From The Bible Should Be Prohibited’: Preacher To Appeal Conviction For Holding Sign With Scripture Passage

“If it is now a criminal offence to hold a sign with a verse from Psalm 139 on it in a London street, then none of us is free. I have been ordered to pay costs, frankly I would rather go to prison than pay this to the state that has banned the Bible.”

Teacher Wins Settlement After Being Fired For Street Preaching, Pressured To Renounce Christian Activity

“I was shocked and amazed that the headteacher could do what he did. He made me feel like a criminal; his aim was to bully and humiliate me into renouncing my Christian activity. I believe if I had renounced it, I could have kept my job.

‘Parent First Approach’: Christians Welcome UK Government’s Draft Guidance on Gender

“We believe that the government has listened to many of the problems we have been raising through legal cases and with the department over the last 10 years. Had this guidance been followed, many more children would have been protected and several Christians we are supporting would not have lost their jobs."

UK High Court Judge Upholds Criminalizing Prayer And The Bible In Abortion Buffer Zone

“There is no evidence whatsoever to show that anyone is being harassed outside abortion clinics. The truth is quite the opposite. It is the abortion supporters who intimidate and harass"

Poll Finds UK Young Adults Are Open To Banning That Bible For ‘Hate Speech’

Many modern unbelievers (as the poll indicated) see a better world without the Bible in it. The modern church (as seen in progressivism) sees a better world with a modified Bible to suit the times.

New Law In Italy Mandates Cell Phone Providers Block Minors From Pornography, Anonymous Web Searches

Italy’s new porn-blocking directive follows the government allocating €1 billion (nearly $1.1 billion) in funding for pro-family initiatives in an effort to boost the nation’s flagging birthrate.

Christian Lecturer Launches Legal Action For Unfair Dismissal, Threats To Label Him As ‘Terrorist’ For Biblical Tweet

"It was not an extremist religious view. It was addressed to evangelicals as a point of doctrine, and it has been misunderstood by many who wish to cause personal and institutional trouble for those who express that view."

Creating Families Counter To God’s Design Is Wrong And Harmful To Children

When we start with God’s Word, we know that children have a right to their parents—a right given by the God who gave children to their parents. But adults don’t have a right to have children, sacrificing the well-being and rights of children on the altar of adult desire.

The Growth Of Paganism: University Offers Master’s Degree In Magic And The Occult

They are all very religious—most just don’t want to believe in the biblical God. Instead they want to be “spiritual,” including dabbling in—or running headlong into—the occult.

‘I Was A Danger’: Teacher Fired For Talking To Students About Biblical Sexuality

“The impact of what has happened to me has taken a great toll on me. The thought of me losing my career for expressing my Christian beliefs in response to questions from students is heartbreaking."

UK Sees Sevenfold Rise In Antisemitic Incidents Amid Israel War — Is Mass Islamic Immigration To Blame?

It should be no surprise that we see increasing antisemitic incidents as the Muslim population increases. Nor should increased support for Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas be a surprise. This was entirely predictable.

Deadly Worldview: Doctors Scheduled Abortion for At-Risk Baby Without Mom’s Consent

What is the value of every individual human life? And what determines that value? How you answer those questions will depend on your worldview.

UK National Lottery Awards 400k To LGBT Group Designed To Move Kids Away From God

“This is another attempt to undermine Christian teaching on marriage and the biblical and biological understanding that we are born male and female."

Charges Dropped Against UK Woman For Silently Praying: ‘Her Story Has Put The World On Notice’

"Her story has put the world on notice that fundamental freedoms are vulnerable in the UK. There is now an urgent need for legal changes to stem the tide of policing by politics."


King Charles III And His Climate Doomsday Clock: The False Predictions Designed To Deceive

On June 28, 2023, King Charles III and London Mayor Sadiq Khan activated a “climate clock” with the warning that there are 6 years and 24 days left to limit global warming before it brings doom upon the world.

WARS & Rumours

Russian Roulette: The Air Of Invincibility Putin Once Projected Has Been Destroyed

When he took power in Russia, he was a cunning man, but in full control of his country and his faculties. Today, he is paranoid, physically ill, and has been humiliated by a stunning series of battlefield defeats in Ukraine.

Religious Freedom

‘Terrifying’: UK Police ‘Weaponize Their Authority’ Seeking To Root Out Christian Council Member

The story involves arrests, interrogations, media censorship and collusion between police officers and Labour party activists. The beliefs expressed by Cllr Stevens included backing a fellow Conservative councillor’s right to express his Christian beliefs.

Sanctity Of Life

UK Politicians Are Preaching That People Are Disposable And We Are Living With The Consequences

It’s not only about so-called moral issues. When you dig deeper, you realise that this devaluing of human life is not a peripheral issue, of interest only to Christians, but it underlies a host of the biggest problems our society faces.

Healthy Woman, 28, to Be Euthanized in the Netherlands; Franklin Graham Urges Prayer

“I wish Zoraya knew how much God loved her,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook Sunday, “and I pray someone can get to her and tell her that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth so she could have forgiveness of her sins and have a relationship with Him.”

‘Designed To Stop Free Speech’: New Scotland Hate Crime Law Sparks Outcry

“The law seems to be designed to stop free speech and impose the LGBTQ agenda on all of Scotland,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook. On April 1, hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Scottish Parliament to protest the law and its potential effects on free speech.

UK Lawyers Argue Employing Christians May Lead LGBT People To Suicide, Calls John 3:16 ‘Triggering’

The organisation’s lawyers argue that they can’t employ someone like Felix because his views on sex and gender might ‘damage’ the mental health of people identifying as LGBTQ+. They take their argument to the extreme when they assert that those identifying as LGBTQ+ might kill themselves if they discover [an employee] is a Christian.

‘Highest Percentage Of No Votes In Irish History’: Ireland Rejects Effort to Redefine Family

Voters in Ireland have resoundingly rejected two constitutional amendments that attempted to redefine traditional definitions of family and motherhood.

‘Creeping Culture Of Censorship’: UK Police Concede After Unlawful Silencing of Street Preacher

Jeremiah Igunnubole, legal counsel for ADF UK, said, “Dia Moodley’s case exposes a clear double standard in British policing when the issue concerns the expression of core beliefs; particularly Christian beliefs.

‘Milestone Victory For The Culture Of Death’: France Enshrines ‘Right’ To Abortion Into Its Constitution

"[The decision] is largely a publicity stunt by the nation’s elected leaders, but we must also recognize that the move represents a major milestone victory for the Culture of Death. Christians must realize that the move in France can only be explained by the nation’s radical secularization and the eclipse of the Biblical worldview.”

‘The World Will Hate You’: UK Politician Cleared After Biblical Tweet Ignites Firestorm

“How I have been treated is really troubling for a democratic society. It must ring alarm bells as this can now happen to anyone that is not in support of this extreme LGBT movement."

Chaos In Parliament: MP Safety Fears Cause Islamic Terrorism To Influence UK Democracy

Threats from Islamists caused chaos in parliament on Wednesday, when the Speaker of the House of Commons broke with convention because he was persuaded of security concerns from Islamic protestors.

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

“Of course it’s an attack on free speech if parents can’t feel they give guidance to their children. It is an absolute duty of parents to give advice to their children.”

‘No Verse From The Bible Should Be Prohibited’: Preacher To Appeal Conviction For Holding Sign With Scripture Passage

“If it is now a criminal offence to hold a sign with a verse from Psalm 139 on it in a London street, then none of us is free. I have been ordered to pay costs, frankly I would rather go to prison than pay this to the state that has banned the Bible.”

Teacher Wins Settlement After Being Fired For Street Preaching, Pressured To Renounce Christian Activity

“I was shocked and amazed that the headteacher could do what he did. He made me feel like a criminal; his aim was to bully and humiliate me into renouncing my Christian activity. I believe if I had renounced it, I could have kept my job.

‘Parent First Approach’: Christians Welcome UK Government’s Draft Guidance on Gender

“We believe that the government has listened to many of the problems we have been raising through legal cases and with the department over the last 10 years. Had this guidance been followed, many more children would have been protected and several Christians we are supporting would not have lost their jobs."

UK High Court Judge Upholds Criminalizing Prayer And The Bible In Abortion Buffer Zone

“There is no evidence whatsoever to show that anyone is being harassed outside abortion clinics. The truth is quite the opposite. It is the abortion supporters who intimidate and harass"

Poll Finds UK Young Adults Are Open To Banning That Bible For ‘Hate Speech’

Many modern unbelievers (as the poll indicated) see a better world without the Bible in it. The modern church (as seen in progressivism) sees a better world with a modified Bible to suit the times.

New Law In Italy Mandates Cell Phone Providers Block Minors From Pornography, Anonymous Web Searches

Italy’s new porn-blocking directive follows the government allocating €1 billion (nearly $1.1 billion) in funding for pro-family initiatives in an effort to boost the nation’s flagging birthrate.

Christian Lecturer Launches Legal Action For Unfair Dismissal, Threats To Label Him As ‘Terrorist’ For Biblical Tweet

"It was not an extremist religious view. It was addressed to evangelicals as a point of doctrine, and it has been misunderstood by many who wish to cause personal and institutional trouble for those who express that view."

Creating Families Counter To God’s Design Is Wrong And Harmful To Children

When we start with God’s Word, we know that children have a right to their parents—a right given by the God who gave children to their parents. But adults don’t have a right to have children, sacrificing the well-being and rights of children on the altar of adult desire.

The Growth Of Paganism: University Offers Master’s Degree In Magic And The Occult

They are all very religious—most just don’t want to believe in the biblical God. Instead they want to be “spiritual,” including dabbling in—or running headlong into—the occult.

‘I Was A Danger’: Teacher Fired For Talking To Students About Biblical Sexuality

“The impact of what has happened to me has taken a great toll on me. The thought of me losing my career for expressing my Christian beliefs in response to questions from students is heartbreaking."

UK Sees Sevenfold Rise In Antisemitic Incidents Amid Israel War — Is Mass Islamic Immigration To Blame?

It should be no surprise that we see increasing antisemitic incidents as the Muslim population increases. Nor should increased support for Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas be a surprise. This was entirely predictable.

Deadly Worldview: Doctors Scheduled Abortion for At-Risk Baby Without Mom’s Consent

What is the value of every individual human life? And what determines that value? How you answer those questions will depend on your worldview.

UK National Lottery Awards 400k To LGBT Group Designed To Move Kids Away From God

“This is another attempt to undermine Christian teaching on marriage and the biblical and biological understanding that we are born male and female."

Charges Dropped Against UK Woman For Silently Praying: ‘Her Story Has Put The World On Notice’

"Her story has put the world on notice that fundamental freedoms are vulnerable in the UK. There is now an urgent need for legal changes to stem the tide of policing by politics."

The Truth Is Under Attack: UK Calvary Chapels See Believers Hungry For God’s Word – ‘The Bible Is More Clear Than Ever’

“The world has chosen to remove God because they have elevated themselves to the position of a god with the power to create ‘life’ through technology like artificial intelligence.” But as Pastor Jack stated, “Today, the Bible is more clear than ever.”

‘Profoundly Disturbing’: UK Judge Rules Conscious 19-Year-Old Can Be Taken Off Life Support Against Her Will

“We are shocked to be told by the judge that our daughter does not have capacity to make decisions for herself after all the experts have said that she does. We are very distressed by this injustice, and we hope that, by Jesus’s grace, this will be corrected on appeal.”

The Truth Of The Bible On Trial In Finland: Could A Conviction Hold Grave Ramifications For European Christians?

“If I would be convicted, it would have consequences around to Europe, because the LGBT advocates, they are so active and aggressive. And they have very strong networks … so it would have effects to other European countries.”

‘Keep Standing For Truth’: The UK Christians On The Frontlines Of Opposing Transgender Ideology

But this list isn’t simply to praise those who’ve stood. It’s to remind Christians that we have stood firm when the opposition has been fiercest and when God’s pattern for men and women has been mocked.

We Must Stop Encouraging This Harmful Delusion: How Social Transition Damages Children

Some people think there’s no harm in switching pronouns, dressing in different clothes and going by a new name. What’s the harm in that? Plenty, it turns out. Affirming children in a false gender identity causes real damage.

‘What I Said Was Biblically Sound’: Councillor’s Life Torn Apart For Tweet Calling Pride A Sin

Cllr Lawal said: “It is now almost impossible to say something biblically truthful on sexual ethics in UK society without being cancelled and having your life ruined.“

Guidance Weaponized Against Truth: UK Says Refusing to Pay for ‘Gender Surgery’ Could Be ‘Domestic Abuse’

As sexual humanism continues to dominate the West, we will continue to see astonishingly bad legislation such as this guidance weaponized against those who stand for truth and refuse to live or speak a lie.

Employer Withdraws Job Offer Over Candidate’s Christian Views On Marriage And Sexuality

“What I cannot do, and you cannot reasonably expect me to do without yourselves being discriminatory, is make my participation in the ‘promotion of homosexual rights’ a condition of my employment.”

King Charles III And His Climate Doomsday Clock: The False Predictions Designed To Deceive

On June 28, 2023, King Charles III and London Mayor Sadiq Khan activated a “climate clock” with the warning that there are 6 years and 24 days left to limit global warming before it brings doom upon the world.

Russian Roulette: The Air Of Invincibility Putin Once Projected Has Been Destroyed

When he took power in Russia, he was a cunning man, but in full control of his country and his faculties. Today, he is paranoid, physically ill, and has been humiliated by a stunning series of battlefield defeats in Ukraine.

15-Minute Cities, ESG Scores, Digital IDs: Where Will These Globalist Initiatives Lead?

What do all those objectives mean, and more importantly, what do they lead to? To answer that question, we do not need to guess...

Western Gov’ts Are Demanding Adherence To Approved Narratives – Not The Truth

Western governments around the world are demanding an adherence to collective truth under the umbrella of a government approved narrative – which is not necessarily truth but the product of cultural consensus built on emotion.

Christian Charity Wins Lengthy Legal Battle After UK Bank Unlawfully Closes Ministry Accounts

"This must never happen again to another individual, church or Christian ministry. The government must act now to protect Christian ministries from such brazen discrimination.”

The Wagner Group: A Prophetic Perspective On An Incident That Has The World Scratching Its Head

The world has been left reeling in the wake of all of this, scratching their heads, wondering... what just happened and what is going to take place in the future?

Putting Netanyahu In A No Win Situation, Ukraine Slams Israel Before The Eyes Of The World

Ukraine's embassy to Israel on Sunday, no doubt with the blessing of Kyiv, launched a fierce volley directed at the Israeli government, accusing Israel of not being neutral in the Ukraine-Russia war but instead taking a "pro-Russia position."

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Jack Hibbs Ad

Amir V Ad #1

Amir V Ad #1