June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024
June 14, 2024

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World news biblically understood


The Great Gaza Deception: Hamas Is Not Only A Terrorist Group, But A Gang Of Thieves

Hal Lindsey

For the people of Gaza, the present war is a total disaster. But for top-level leaders of Hamas, it is going extremely well. While their people suffer, the highest-ranking Hamas leaders sit in luxurious accommodations, far from the violence in Gaza. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, has been living in Qatar since 2016. He hasn’t set foot in Gaza since 2019. Yet from Gaza, he has accumulated a net worth of $4 billion. 

Take a second to let that sink in. The terrorist leader of Hamas is a billionaire four times over. How did he accumulate such wealth? He leads some of the poorest people in the world. Other nations, including the United States, see the Gazan’s great need, and they send money. Hamas leaders use that money to strengthen their military infrastructure, and to line their own pockets.

Hamas is not only a terrorist organization, but a gang of thieves. They lead one of the most corrupt governments the world has ever known. Why would the people of Gaza put up with this? For the most part, they don’t know the magnitude of the help that comes to them from around the world. When Hamas doles out a little of that help, their fellow Gazans see it as generous. But the biggest reason Hamas stays in power is that the people of Gaza have been taught from early childhood not to blame their suffering on the Hamas leaders who are causing it. They blame it on Israel. 

The fascinating thing is that the facts I’ve laid out here, such as Haniyeh’s wealth, are well-known around the world. But the global media shows a bizarre reluctance to tell the real story. They, too, blame Israel. I think it comes from humanity’s ancient prejudice against Jews.

We think of Hamas as backward, yet they are winning the public opinion war in a big way. Their vicious attack on Israeli civilians resulted in massive gains. In just the last few days, Ireland, Spain, and Norway all recognized a Palestinian state. Their actions are largely symbolic, but it strengthens Hamas’s hand. Everyone knows it happened as a direct result of October 7th. 

In Gaza, Hamas soldiers have died in large numbers, but the leadership abroad remains intact. Despite their losses, Palestinians in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria see Hamas as effective leaders, able to turn the world against Israel. In that way, campus protestors in America, the nations of Ireland, Spain, and Norway, the United Nations, and even actions by the US government, have prolonged the war and increased Hamas power over all Palestinians.

Hamas could have a ceasefire at any time, but its leaders are not suffering. Hamas leaders want high casualty counts among Palestinian civilians. They want scenes of suffering. While Israel does its best not to harm civilians, they must go into hostile territory to defeat the enemy and free the hostages. Meanwhile, the world works against them. 

Israel has given Hamas generous terms at the negotiating table, but Hamas leaders do not yet want peace. Published reports say that in April even the leaders of Qatar had had their fill. They became so angry at Hamas leader Haniyeh for his unyieldingness regarding the hostages that they kicked him out of the country. He moved to Turkey, but Qatari leaders soon relented and brought him back to Qatar. It’s interesting that Qatar became disgusted with the very behavior that Ireland, Spain, and Norway have decided to reward.

How should Christians respond? Remember that all this was foretold by the prophets, and it leads to something wonderful — the return of Jesus. So, stay faithful. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Draw especially close to the Lord and His Word in this hour. Spread the good news of God’s amazing salvation. The penultimate verse in the Bible contains a prayer that seems especially appropriate in times like these — “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Cease The Ceasefire Talks: Allow Israel To Put An End To Hamas’ Chaos, Death, And Destruction

Ceasefires have proven to be a one-sided deal favoring Hamas. They only give the terrorists time to regroup and rearm, providing breathing room to double down on their efforts to destroy the Jewish state. The international community urging Israel to embrace a ceasefire cannot ignore October 7. As long as Hamas is in power, the threat of another massacre looms large.

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Here in the US, babies with disabilities are often listed as reasons why we need to keep abortion legal. But a baby with a disability is just as much made in God’s image, fearfully and wonderfully, as you or I.

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It’s Not God’s ‘Hatred’ For The Lost World That Drives Bible Prophecy… It’s The Love Of God

It is not the hatred of God for the lost people of this fallen planet that drives prophecy. It is the love of God that powers His prophetic Word. It must be the Christian’s desire, therefore, to study Bible prophecy and put forth those forewarnings out of a spirit of God’s love, not through an anger-filled abhorrence of those who are lost.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD

Hal Lindsey

For the people of Gaza, the present war is a total disaster. But for top-level leaders of Hamas, it is going extremely well. While their people suffer, the highest-ranking Hamas leaders sit in luxurious accommodations, far from the violence in Gaza. Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, has been living in Qatar since 2016. He hasn’t set foot in Gaza since 2019. Yet from Gaza, he has accumulated a net worth of $4 billion. 

Take a second to let that sink in. The terrorist leader of Hamas is a billionaire four times over. How did he accumulate such wealth? He leads some of the poorest people in the world. Other nations, including the United States, see the Gazan’s great need, and they send money. Hamas leaders use that money to strengthen their military infrastructure, and to line their own pockets.

Hamas is not only a terrorist organization, but a gang of thieves. They lead one of the most corrupt governments the world has ever known. Why would the people of Gaza put up with this? For the most part, they don’t know the magnitude of the help that comes to them from around the world. When Hamas doles out a little of that help, their fellow Gazans see it as generous. But the biggest reason Hamas stays in power is that the people of Gaza have been taught from early childhood not to blame their suffering on the Hamas leaders who are causing it. They blame it on Israel. 

The fascinating thing is that the facts I’ve laid out here, such as Haniyeh’s wealth, are well-known around the world. But the global media shows a bizarre reluctance to tell the real story. They, too, blame Israel. I think it comes from humanity’s ancient prejudice against Jews.

We think of Hamas as backward, yet they are winning the public opinion war in a big way. Their vicious attack on Israeli civilians resulted in massive gains. In just the last few days, Ireland, Spain, and Norway all recognized a Palestinian state. Their actions are largely symbolic, but it strengthens Hamas’s hand. Everyone knows it happened as a direct result of October 7th. 

In Gaza, Hamas soldiers have died in large numbers, but the leadership abroad remains intact. Despite their losses, Palestinians in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria see Hamas as effective leaders, able to turn the world against Israel. In that way, campus protestors in America, the nations of Ireland, Spain, and Norway, the United Nations, and even actions by the US government, have prolonged the war and increased Hamas power over all Palestinians.

Hamas could have a ceasefire at any time, but its leaders are not suffering. Hamas leaders want high casualty counts among Palestinian civilians. They want scenes of suffering. While Israel does its best not to harm civilians, they must go into hostile territory to defeat the enemy and free the hostages. Meanwhile, the world works against them. 

Israel has given Hamas generous terms at the negotiating table, but Hamas leaders do not yet want peace. Published reports say that in April even the leaders of Qatar had had their fill. They became so angry at Hamas leader Haniyeh for his unyieldingness regarding the hostages that they kicked him out of the country. He moved to Turkey, but Qatari leaders soon relented and brought him back to Qatar. It’s interesting that Qatar became disgusted with the very behavior that Ireland, Spain, and Norway have decided to reward.

How should Christians respond? Remember that all this was foretold by the prophets, and it leads to something wonderful — the return of Jesus. So, stay faithful. Continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Draw especially close to the Lord and His Word in this hour. Spread the good news of God’s amazing salvation. The penultimate verse in the Bible contains a prayer that seems especially appropriate in times like these — “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who long for people to hear Biblical Truth.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Cease The Ceasefire Talks: Allow Israel To Put An End To Hamas’ Chaos, Death, And Destruction

Ceasefires have proven to be a one-sided deal favoring Hamas. They only give the terrorists time to regroup and rearm, providing breathing room to double down on their efforts to destroy the Jewish state. The international community urging Israel to embrace a ceasefire cannot ignore October 7. As long as Hamas is in power, the threat of another massacre looms large.

Today’s Eugenics: A Child’s Life Should Not Be Exterminated Because Of A Disability

Here in the US, babies with disabilities are often listed as reasons why we need to keep abortion legal. But a baby with a disability is just as much made in God’s image, fearfully and wonderfully, as you or I.

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It’s Not God’s ‘Hatred’ For The Lost World That Drives Bible Prophecy… It’s The Love Of God

It is not the hatred of God for the lost people of this fallen planet that drives prophecy. It is the love of God that powers His prophetic Word. It must be the Christian’s desire, therefore, to study Bible prophecy and put forth those forewarnings out of a spirit of God’s love, not through an anger-filled abhorrence of those who are lost.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD