July 22, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024
July 22, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig is the senior pastor of Calvary Church in Albuquerque. He reaches out to thousands across the nation and throughout the world through his multimedia ministry including a nationwide half-hour radio program, Connect with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Skip Heitzig: Wise Up! — James 3:13-18

In the ancient world, few virtues were more revered than wisdom. In the biblical Hebrew culture, wisdom was considered the skill to live well,...

Skip Heitzig: Elevate Your Prayers

When you elevate your prayer by recognizing to whom you're praying, it inspires faith. If you say, "God, I don't know if You're up there," you're not praying with faith. But when you say, "Lord, You made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them," then you put it in the framework of faith and you see God with the right perspective.

On The Ground: Suffering Well — Pastor Skip Heitzig

Kristy Graham talks with Pastor Skip Heitzig, who pastors Calvary Church in Albuquerque and serves on the board of directors of Samaritan’s Purse. Pastor...

Skip Heitzig: The Patriarch and the Prostitute — James 2:20-26

You probably couldn’t find two people more different than the two examples chosen by James to show the difference between dead faith and dynamic...

We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine Is No Longer A Priority

I've heard believers say things like, "You know, it's not about knowing doctrine. I'm not into doctrine. I'm just into loving Jesus." It's almost like their badge of spirituality. It sounds like they're saying they are a cut above the rest of us, because they're not into instruction.

Are You In or Out?: Be HIS Ambassador For Such A Time As This

In the entire book of Esther, God's name is not mentioned even once. This bothers some people. But even though His name isn't in this book, His hand is.

Skip Heitzig: When Faith is Fake – James 2:14-20

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature children. What was needed was...

‘Diversity’ Has Become An Idol In Our Society — And It’s Producing Racist And Prejudice People

“It does not take much discernment to see, moreover, that the diversity statement regime leans heavily and tendentiously towards varieties of academic leftism and implicitly discourages candidates who harbor ideologically conservative dispositions"

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 2

Episode 3 from the series (Ephesians - 2024) with Pastor Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Playing Favorites at Church – James 2:1-13

Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willing to accept all different kinds of...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:12-2:7

Episode 2 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Do What It Says! – James 1:22-27

Mirrors are honest! Under well-lit conditions, mirrors reveal the truthful condition of the observer. The Bible is the Word of God. Like a mirror,...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:1-14

Episode 1 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: The Power of the Word – James 1:18-21

The Word of God is “full of living power,” wrote the author of Hebrews (4:12). It has the power to change a life completely...

Skip Heitzig: The Lord Knows How To Perfectly Balance Blessings And Buffetings—and He Will Allow Both

I know you want all the blessings and none of the buffetings, but the Lord wants you to be mature. He knows the perfect combinations of blessings and buffetings, and Paul received many of both.

Skip Heitzig: The Temptations We Face — James 1:13-18

It’s one thing to be tested on the outside (trials); it’s another thing to be tested on the inside (temptation). God may allow temptations...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 6

Episode 6 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 5 

Episode 5 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Adulting When Times Are Hard – James 1:2-8

Episode 2 from the series Adulting with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 4

Episode 4 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Why ‘Religious’ People Are The Hardest To Reach

The hardest people to reach are the ones who don't understand how bad off they really are. Their religion pacifies them to the point that they're insensate to their needs.

Skip Heitzig: James, the Adult in the Room – James 1:1

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature children. What was needed was...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 3

Episode 3 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Make More Room — Acts 2:47

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his message from Acts 2:47.

Skip Heitzig: The Difficulties You Are Suffering Are Not Accidents—they’re Divine Appointments

Trials and suffering are no respecters of persons. From the brand-new Christian to the seasoned believer who has walked with Christ for years or decades, every single Christian will experience suffering.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 2

Episode 2 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Easter Service

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his Easter Service.

Christ Was Forsaken So That We Would Never Be

Hebrews 12:2 says, "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame." Who, getting crucified, has any joy? Jesus did—He had a certain joy that enabled Him to endure that horrible, ignominious death. And you, reading this, are the joy that was set before Him.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 1

Episode 1 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Lamb Of God Has Taken Our Punishment Upon Himself

It's always about a lamb—a substitute. The blood on the doorposts was the sign that a death had already occurred in that house and the penalty for sin had been meted out, allowing the wrath of God to be turned away. The cross is the sign that payment has been made for sin, because the Lamb of God has taken our punishment upon Himself.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 23:15-25:30

Episode 15 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Give – Acts 2:44-45

Episode 6 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Satan’s Incarceration: One Of The Great Flaws In ‘Kingdom Now’ Theology

Now, amillennialists have said, "The kingdom is right now. There is no literal kingdom; it's a spiritual kingdom. God is ruling and reigning right now in the church and over the hearts of His people." But if this is the kingdom, that means Satan should be bound. Have you looked around at the world? Does it seem like Satan is bound? Because if he is, it's not a very good binding.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Worship – Acts 2:40-47

The term worship comes from an older English word, worth-ship, which means to give something worth or to attribute value to something or someone....

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 18:1-19:28

Episode 12 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

‘Come, Lord Jesus’: If You Serve Christ You Will Long For His Return

Now, many people are happy with their earthly home. They think this is all there is. But they still have a longing in their hearts for something more. Well, there is more—and it's so much better.

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

With recent world events, we can see how things can quickly turn so people feel there's no way out. They are perplexed and confused. It's going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, "God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 17:1-18:4

Episode 11 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Learn – Acts 2:42

There are several activities that take place when we gather together in the room. Conversations take place, prayers are uttered, songs are vocalized, hugs...

New to the Bible? Start here! — With Skip Heitzig & Alisa Childers

Pastor Skip Heitzig joins the podcast today to share his story of coming to Christ after experimenting with astral projection and other occult practices...

As Plain As It Gets: The Bible Is Clear On The Rapture… So Why All The Debate?

With the benefit of a completed revelation from the whole New Testament, including all the epistles and the book of Revelation, we know that there are two stages: the rapture and the second coming. And we're dealing with the first phase.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 15-16

Episode 10 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Why The World Treats The Bible Like A ‘Pick And Choose’ Buffet

New believers, then and now, like to make their own religious system by approaching religion as a buffet: you pick and choose the things you want from many choices. "I'd like a large helping of Eastern philosophy and a small order of Christianity, hold the guilt."

Skip Heitzig: I Love Weekends! – Acts 20:7-12

Episode 1 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound —2 Kings 13-14

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig as he teaches expositionally through the book of Second Kings.

Has God Cast Away His People And Replaced Them With The Church?

By right of creation, God owns the world. By right of selection, God owns the land of Israel. And He can give it to anybody He wants to. He gave it to Abraham and his descendants...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 11-12

Episode 8 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig: ‘That’s Not Fair’ Will Not Be Heard On Judgment Day

The last judgment is an interesting court scene. It will not be like an earthly court. There will be no debate about guilt, no objections. There'll be a prosecution, but no defense. There will be a judge, but no jury. There'll be a sentence, but no appeal. There will be punishment, but no parole.

Skip Heitzig: Wise Up! — James 3:13-18

In the ancient world, few virtues were more revered than wisdom. In the biblical Hebrew culture, wisdom was considered...

Skip Heitzig: Elevate Your Prayers

When you elevate your prayer by recognizing to whom you're praying, it inspires faith. If you say, "God, I don't know if You're up there," you're not praying with faith. But when you say, "Lord, You made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them," then you put it in the framework of faith and you see God with the right perspective.

On The Ground: Suffering Well — Pastor Skip Heitzig

Kristy Graham talks with Pastor Skip Heitzig, who pastors Calvary Church in Albuquerque and serves on the board of...

Skip Heitzig: The Patriarch and the Prostitute — James 2:20-26

You probably couldn’t find two people more different than the two examples chosen by James to show the difference...

We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine Is No Longer A Priority

I've heard believers say things like, "You know, it's not about knowing doctrine. I'm not into doctrine. I'm just into loving Jesus." It's almost like their badge of spirituality. It sounds like they're saying they are a cut above the rest of us, because they're not into instruction.

Are You In or Out?: Be HIS Ambassador For Such A Time As This

In the entire book of Esther, God's name is not mentioned even once. This bothers some people. But even though His name isn't in this book, His hand is.

Skip Heitzig: When Faith is Fake – James 2:14-20

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature...

‘Diversity’ Has Become An Idol In Our Society — And It’s Producing Racist And Prejudice People

“It does not take much discernment to see, moreover, that the diversity statement regime leans heavily and tendentiously towards varieties of academic leftism and implicitly discourages candidates who harbor ideologically conservative dispositions"

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 2

Episode 3 from the series (Ephesians - 2024) with Pastor Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Playing Favorites at Church – James 2:1-13

Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willing to...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:12-2:7

Episode 2 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Do What It Says! – James 1:22-27

Mirrors are honest! Under well-lit conditions, mirrors reveal the truthful condition of the observer. The Bible is the Word...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:1-14

Episode 1 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: The Power of the Word – James 1:18-21

The Word of God is “full of living power,” wrote the author of Hebrews (4:12). It has the power...

Skip Heitzig: The Lord Knows How To Perfectly Balance Blessings And Buffetings—and He Will Allow Both

I know you want all the blessings and none of the buffetings, but the Lord wants you to be mature. He knows the perfect combinations of blessings and buffetings, and Paul received many of both.

Skip Heitzig: The Temptations We Face — James 1:13-18

It’s one thing to be tested on the outside (trials); it’s another thing to be tested on the inside...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 6

Episode 6 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 5 

Episode 5 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Adulting When Times Are Hard – James 1:2-8

Episode 2 from the series Adulting with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 4

Episode 4 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Why ‘Religious’ People Are The Hardest To Reach

The hardest people to reach are the ones who don't understand how bad off they really are. Their religion pacifies them to the point that they're insensate to their needs.

Skip Heitzig: James, the Adult in the Room – James 1:1

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 3

Episode 3 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Make More Room — Acts 2:47

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his message from Acts 2:47.

Skip Heitzig: The Difficulties You Are Suffering Are Not Accidents—they’re Divine Appointments

Trials and suffering are no respecters of persons. From the brand-new Christian to the seasoned believer who has walked with Christ for years or decades, every single Christian will experience suffering.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 2

Episode 2 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Easter Service

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his Easter Service.

Christ Was Forsaken So That We Would Never Be

Hebrews 12:2 says, "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame." Who, getting crucified, has any joy? Jesus did—He had a certain joy that enabled Him to endure that horrible, ignominious death. And you, reading this, are the joy that was set before Him.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 1

Episode 1 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Lamb Of God Has Taken Our Punishment Upon Himself

It's always about a lamb—a substitute. The blood on the doorposts was the sign that a death had already occurred in that house and the penalty for sin had been meted out, allowing the wrath of God to be turned away. The cross is the sign that payment has been made for sin, because the Lamb of God has taken our punishment upon Himself.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 23:15-25:30

Episode 15 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Give – Acts 2:44-45

Episode 6 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Satan’s Incarceration: One Of The Great Flaws In ‘Kingdom Now’ Theology

Now, amillennialists have said, "The kingdom is right now. There is no literal kingdom; it's a spiritual kingdom. God is ruling and reigning right now in the church and over the hearts of His people." But if this is the kingdom, that means Satan should be bound. Have you looked around at the world? Does it seem like Satan is bound? Because if he is, it's not a very good binding.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Worship – Acts 2:40-47

The term worship comes from an older English word, worth-ship, which means to give something worth or to attribute...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 18:1-19:28

Episode 12 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

‘Come, Lord Jesus’: If You Serve Christ You Will Long For His Return

Now, many people are happy with their earthly home. They think this is all there is. But they still have a longing in their hearts for something more. Well, there is more—and it's so much better.

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

With recent world events, we can see how things can quickly turn so people feel there's no way out. They are perplexed and confused. It's going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, "God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 17:1-18:4

Episode 11 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Learn – Acts 2:42

There are several activities that take place when we gather together in the room. Conversations take place, prayers are...

New to the Bible? Start here! — With Skip Heitzig & Alisa Childers

Pastor Skip Heitzig joins the podcast today to share his story of coming to Christ after experimenting with astral...

As Plain As It Gets: The Bible Is Clear On The Rapture… So Why All The Debate?

With the benefit of a completed revelation from the whole New Testament, including all the epistles and the book of Revelation, we know that there are two stages: the rapture and the second coming. And we're dealing with the first phase.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 15-16

Episode 10 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Why The World Treats The Bible Like A ‘Pick And Choose’ Buffet

New believers, then and now, like to make their own religious system by approaching religion as a buffet: you pick and choose the things you want from many choices. "I'd like a large helping of Eastern philosophy and a small order of Christianity, hold the guilt."

Skip Heitzig: I Love Weekends! – Acts 20:7-12

Episode 1 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound —2 Kings 13-14

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig as he teaches expositionally through the book of Second Kings.

Has God Cast Away His People And Replaced Them With The Church?

By right of creation, God owns the world. By right of selection, God owns the land of Israel. And He can give it to anybody He wants to. He gave it to Abraham and his descendants...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 11-12

Episode 8 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig: ‘That’s Not Fair’ Will Not Be Heard On Judgment Day

The last judgment is an interesting court scene. It will not be like an earthly court. There will be no debate about guilt, no objections. There'll be a prosecution, but no defense. There will be a judge, but no jury. There'll be a sentence, but no appeal. There will be punishment, but no parole.

Skip Heitzig: Wise Up! — James 3:13-18

In the ancient world, few virtues were more revered than wisdom. In the biblical Hebrew culture, wisdom was considered the skill to live well,...

Skip Heitzig: Elevate Your Prayers

When you elevate your prayer by recognizing to whom you're praying, it inspires faith. If you say, "God, I don't know if You're up there," you're not praying with faith. But when you say, "Lord, You made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them," then you put it in the framework of faith and you see God with the right perspective.

On The Ground: Suffering Well — Pastor Skip Heitzig

Kristy Graham talks with Pastor Skip Heitzig, who pastors Calvary Church in Albuquerque and serves on the board of directors of Samaritan’s Purse. Pastor...

Skip Heitzig: The Patriarch and the Prostitute — James 2:20-26

You probably couldn’t find two people more different than the two examples chosen by James to show the difference between dead faith and dynamic...

We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine Is No Longer A Priority

I've heard believers say things like, "You know, it's not about knowing doctrine. I'm not into doctrine. I'm just into loving Jesus." It's almost like their badge of spirituality. It sounds like they're saying they are a cut above the rest of us, because they're not into instruction.

Are You In or Out?: Be HIS Ambassador For Such A Time As This

In the entire book of Esther, God's name is not mentioned even once. This bothers some people. But even though His name isn't in this book, His hand is.

Skip Heitzig: When Faith is Fake – James 2:14-20

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature children. What was needed was...

‘Diversity’ Has Become An Idol In Our Society — And It’s Producing Racist And Prejudice People

“It does not take much discernment to see, moreover, that the diversity statement regime leans heavily and tendentiously towards varieties of academic leftism and implicitly discourages candidates who harbor ideologically conservative dispositions"

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 2

Episode 3 from the series (Ephesians - 2024) with Pastor Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Playing Favorites at Church – James 2:1-13

Faith and favoritism are incompatible. We have been saved by a loving Redeemer and we must be willing to accept all different kinds of...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:12-2:7

Episode 2 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Do What It Says! – James 1:22-27

Mirrors are honest! Under well-lit conditions, mirrors reveal the truthful condition of the observer. The Bible is the Word of God. Like a mirror,...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 1:1-14

Episode 1 from the series 49 Ephesians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: The Power of the Word – James 1:18-21

The Word of God is “full of living power,” wrote the author of Hebrews (4:12). It has the power to change a life completely...

Skip Heitzig: The Lord Knows How To Perfectly Balance Blessings And Buffetings—and He Will Allow Both

I know you want all the blessings and none of the buffetings, but the Lord wants you to be mature. He knows the perfect combinations of blessings and buffetings, and Paul received many of both.

Skip Heitzig: The Temptations We Face — James 1:13-18

It’s one thing to be tested on the outside (trials); it’s another thing to be tested on the inside (temptation). God may allow temptations...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 6

Episode 6 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 5 

Episode 5 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Adulting When Times Are Hard – James 1:2-8

Episode 2 from the series Adulting with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 4

Episode 4 from the series 48 Galatians - 2024 with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Why ‘Religious’ People Are The Hardest To Reach

The hardest people to reach are the ones who don't understand how bad off they really are. Their religion pacifies them to the point that they're insensate to their needs.

Skip Heitzig: James, the Adult in the Room – James 1:1

You’ve probably been in a situation where there was confusion, even pandemonium, and most people were acting like immature children. What was needed was...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 3

Episode 3 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Make More Room — Acts 2:47

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his message from Acts 2:47.

Skip Heitzig: The Difficulties You Are Suffering Are Not Accidents—they’re Divine Appointments

Trials and suffering are no respecters of persons. From the brand-new Christian to the seasoned believer who has walked with Christ for years or decades, every single Christian will experience suffering.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 2

Episode 2 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Easter Service

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig of Calvary Church for his Easter Service.

Christ Was Forsaken So That We Would Never Be

Hebrews 12:2 says, "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame." Who, getting crucified, has any joy? Jesus did—He had a certain joy that enabled Him to endure that horrible, ignominious death. And you, reading this, are the joy that was set before Him.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Galatians 1

Episode 1 from the series 48 (Galatians - 2024) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Lamb Of God Has Taken Our Punishment Upon Himself

It's always about a lamb—a substitute. The blood on the doorposts was the sign that a death had already occurred in that house and the penalty for sin had been meted out, allowing the wrath of God to be turned away. The cross is the sign that payment has been made for sin, because the Lamb of God has taken our punishment upon Himself.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 23:15-25:30

Episode 15 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Give – Acts 2:44-45

Episode 6 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Satan’s Incarceration: One Of The Great Flaws In ‘Kingdom Now’ Theology

Now, amillennialists have said, "The kingdom is right now. There is no literal kingdom; it's a spiritual kingdom. God is ruling and reigning right now in the church and over the hearts of His people." But if this is the kingdom, that means Satan should be bound. Have you looked around at the world? Does it seem like Satan is bound? Because if he is, it's not a very good binding.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 19:29-20:21

Episode 13 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Worship – Acts 2:40-47

The term worship comes from an older English word, worth-ship, which means to give something worth or to attribute value to something or someone....

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 18:1-19:28

Episode 12 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

‘Come, Lord Jesus’: If You Serve Christ You Will Long For His Return

Now, many people are happy with their earthly home. They think this is all there is. But they still have a longing in their hearts for something more. Well, there is more—and it's so much better.

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

With recent world events, we can see how things can quickly turn so people feel there's no way out. They are perplexed and confused. It's going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, "God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 17:1-18:4

Episode 11 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: In the Room—We Learn – Acts 2:42

There are several activities that take place when we gather together in the room. Conversations take place, prayers are uttered, songs are vocalized, hugs...

New to the Bible? Start here! — With Skip Heitzig & Alisa Childers

Pastor Skip Heitzig joins the podcast today to share his story of coming to Christ after experimenting with astral projection and other occult practices...

As Plain As It Gets: The Bible Is Clear On The Rapture… So Why All The Debate?

With the benefit of a completed revelation from the whole New Testament, including all the epistles and the book of Revelation, we know that there are two stages: the rapture and the second coming. And we're dealing with the first phase.

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 15-16

Episode 10 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig.

Why The World Treats The Bible Like A ‘Pick And Choose’ Buffet

New believers, then and now, like to make their own religious system by approaching religion as a buffet: you pick and choose the things you want from many choices. "I'd like a large helping of Eastern philosophy and a small order of Christianity, hold the guilt."

Skip Heitzig: I Love Weekends! – Acts 20:7-12

Episode 1 from the series In the Room with Skip Heitzig.

Skip Heitzig: Expound —2 Kings 13-14

Join Pastor Skip Heitzig as he teaches expositionally through the book of Second Kings.

Has God Cast Away His People And Replaced Them With The Church?

By right of creation, God owns the world. By right of selection, God owns the land of Israel. And He can give it to anybody He wants to. He gave it to Abraham and his descendants...

Skip Heitzig: Expound — 2 Kings 11-12

Episode 8 from the series 12 (2 Kings - 2023) with Skip Heitzig

Skip Heitzig: ‘That’s Not Fair’ Will Not Be Heard On Judgment Day

The last judgment is an interesting court scene. It will not be like an earthly court. There will be no debate about guilt, no objections. There'll be a prosecution, but no defense. There will be a judge, but no jury. There'll be a sentence, but no appeal. There will be punishment, but no parole.