July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood



David Fiorazo is an author, associate pastor, media contributor, and the host of Worldview Matters. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over 30 years, and in Christian ministry for over 25 years.

Latest From DAVID

Worldview Matters with David Fiorazo

On Worldview Matters, Fiorazo and expert guests tackle current events, demonic agendas & movements, and controversial topics including church & state issues, religious freedom, the culture war, Bible prophecy, education, politics, media & more.

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ABOUT David fiorazo

David Fiorazo is an author, associate pastor, media contributor, and the host of Worldview Matters. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over 30 years, and in Christian ministry for over 25 years.


David Fiorazo is an author, associate pastor, media contributor, and the host of Worldview Matters. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over 30 years, and in Christian ministry for over 25 years.

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Worldview Matters with David Fiorazo

On Worldview Matters, Fiorazo and expert guests tackle current events, demonic agendas & movements, and controversial topics including church & state issues, religious freedom, the culture war, Bible prophecy, education, politics, media & more.


The American Fabric Unraveled, Now What? — David Fiorazo And Dorothy Logan

Author, Dorothy Logan, founder of Freedom Academy joins David to discuss the decline of America and our forgotten history, as well as what concerned...

Policies, Party Platforms, And Procedures, NOT Personalities! — David Fiorazo And Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas of Blessings to Israel and Discerning the Times podcast talks with David about Christians, worldview, politics, idolatry, and elections. Democrat policies are...

What Jesus Actually Taught about the Last Days — David Fiorazo And Jeff Kinley

Author and pastor, Jeff Kinley is today’s guest from Main Thing Ministries. His latest book is ‘The End of the World According to Jesus...

Secret Service Failures And Trump’s ‘Finest Moment’ — David Fiorazo And Cheryl Chumley

David catches up with author Cheryl Chumley of the Washington Times. She was in Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention last week.

We’ve Reached A Tipping Point — David Fiorazo And Gary Kah

Gary Kah and David discuss the volatile state America and the world are in due to the agendas of the Left and too many...

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Worldview Matters with David Fiorazo

On Worldview Matters, Fiorazo and expert guests tackle current events, demonic agendas & movements, and controversial topics including church & state issues, religious freedom, the culture war, Bible prophecy, education, politics, media & more.

Worldview Matters

In-Depth: How Our Culture Is Forcefully Opposing The Biblical Worldview

We are in a battle. At the core it’s spiritual and yet, it manifests throughout this natural, physical realm. We can see cultural fallout from this battle nearly everywhere. One blatant attack on the biblical worldview is the rejection of God as Creator.

The Agenda To Eradicate Biblical Christianity From American Culture

In the latest obvious attack on God, believers, and the biblical worldview, the Biden Democrats used a high-profile opportunity to offend Christians. Days before Easter, they banned religious (read “Christian”) images at the White House and also declared March 31 (Resurrection Sunday) the “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Is the Anti-Christ LGBTQ Revolution Irreversible?

Believers in Christ must expose today’s deceptive philosophies, have compassion, and warn others as we connect the dots of demonic agendas aimed at children.

Is America ‘On The Precipice Of Christian Invisibility’?

In a discussion about a strong biblical faith in God and His Word, a recent guest on Worldview Matters profoundly stated you cannot give away what you do not possess. Research continues to show a decreasing percentage of Americans embracing the biblical worldview.

‘Legitimization Of Satan’: Christian Charged With Hate Crime For Dismantling Demonic Display At Iowa Capitol

Christian US Navy veteran Michael Cassidy was recently charged with a hate crime for dismantling a statue of Satan at the Iowa Capitol around Christmastime last year. But make no mistake, this is an attack on Jesus and the biblical worldview.

Critical Thinking Is A Thing Of The Past: Is DEI Another Manufactured Crisis?

Too many of us have little idea how serious this is and how long it has been percolating. DEI has paved the way for the radical left in the U.S. and their cult of “woke.”

The Perfect Savior Sent to Save An Imperfect Humanity

Jesus stepped down into our atmosphere from His throne and set aside His crown of gold to briefly wear a crown of thorns and offer his life as a ransom for many. He did this so that we might believe, be saved, and one day wear the crown of life.

Hate And Hostility: ‘Saturday People Are The First Targets… The Sunday People Are Next’

Narratives, talking points, and propaganda against the biblical worldview have been effective and are increasing. This has caused hostility toward Christians and Jews to spike.

After School Satan Clubs — This Godless Movement Shouldn’t Be Ignored

Their goals are simple: Tell children there is no God, there is no such thing as hell, and the devil is not real. After-School Satan Clubs are trying to expand their reach and demanding their rights.

Trust In Major Media Dwindels To All-Time Low As Outlets Show Overwhelming Bias Against Israel

It’s no wonder the biased broadcast networks have ignored or refused to report about the comments and actions of the anti-Christian, anti-Israel wing of the Democrat Party. The liberal media has a long history of bias and leftism.

We Are Living In Prophetic Times, Make Sure You’re On The Right Side Of Historical And Biblical Truth

God has blessed Israel throughout the centuries. Many however, have tried minimizing, changing, or editing world history, particularly when it comes to Israel and the land God gave them, so this is a good time for a very brief refresher.

While Claiming To Protect Children, Michigan Leaders Endorse The Sterilization And Perversion Of Minors

On the one hand, Michigan leaders claim they want to protect young people, but the same leaders endorse dangerous trans experiments, I mean, “procedures” for children. Really?

It’s A Tale Of Three High Schools With An All-too Familiar Story: The Assault On Truth

Parents must examine curriculum, school policies, libraries, and more. Better yet, since government schools are on fire, resist the agendas, pull the alarm, and get your children (or grandchildren) out while there’s still time.

Why Parents Shouldn’t Be Surprised When Their Child Comes Home From School Radicalized

At this point, parents should no longer be surprised when their son or daughter comes home from high school or college radicalized, having an anti-Christian, Marxist worldview. And true believers must not be unaware of the enemy’s schemes.

‘Playing God’: American Medical Association Recommends That Tax Payers Fund Transgender Uterus Transplants

This philosophy that justifies mutilating healthy human bodies is a direct assault on the truth that every human being is created in the image of God.

Communists Team With LGBTQ Mob To Shut Down Christian Café: ‘They Don’t Want Me On The Planet’

What is so offensive to activists these days is that some people have the audacity to believe the Bible and even speak about what it has to say regarding sin and God’s moral law.

The Truth Of The Bible On Trial In Finland: Could A Conviction Hold Grave Ramifications For European Christians?

“If I would be convicted, it would have consequences around to Europe, because the LGBT advocates, they are so active and aggressive. And they have very strong networks … so it would have effects to other European countries.”

‘I Will Stand For Truth Even If I Stand Alone’: Christians Arrested For Reading The Bible Aloud At Drag Event

Apparently, the city gave orders to the police to arrest people, three of them for the crime of praying and talking to attendees of the drag event because they were inside the park. They were arrested earlier in the day.

Staggering Degree Of Biblical Illiteracy: Poll Finds Fewer and Fewer Americans Believe in Hell and the Devil

A new poll from Gallup reveals that more Americans reject biblical truth and spiritual reality apparently to conveniently ignore any consequences for how they live their lives.

Why Democrats In California Won’t Tolerate The ‘Presence’ Of The Cross In Public

Why tear down Christian symbols if, as they claim, the Bible isn’t true? Why fight to remove crosses from coast to coast as if you’re threatened by something you don’t even believe in?

The Rotten Fruit Of Decades Of Propaganda And Twisted Sexual Ideas Being Promoted As Normal

The trans train has become an unstoppable locomotive steaming full-speed through our culture. Protecting children is now a controversial issue.

Harris Sees Lowest Vice Presidential Rating In American History; Are Her Radically-left Policies To Blame?

An overwhelming majority of Americans are fed up with the fed pushing pride and the endless condescension and virtue signaling.

Satanic Temple To Host ‘Let Us Burn’ Events At State Capitols To Mock God and Believers

Isn't it interesting they demand co-ownership in a nation founded on biblical principles and values? The Satanic Temple's band has even copied the "Let Us Worship" logo but uses an upside-down cross instead.

Studies Reveal Today’s ‘Post-Truth’ Generation Is At Higher Risk For Suicide Than Ever Before In History

“The further away they get from Jesus, the more lost they are; 'There’s no basis, then, for anything; nothing…really makes sense. They become much more confused.'"

Free Speech Guaranteed To Everyone At American Universities — Except Conservatives And Christians

It took more than a half century to get here, but we’re clearly seeing some of the rotten fruit of the K-12 ‘education’ system and its agenda to recruit and produce social justice activists who hate the country.


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