July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


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Distress of Nations

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Distress of Nations

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

Franklin Graham Prays at Republican Convention: ‘Our Nation Is In Trouble’

Lamenting that “our nation is in trouble,’ Franklin continued, “We’re divided politically, racially, economically, with millions of people seeking refuge and hope in our dry and thirsty land. You [God] are the only one who can fix the complexity of the problems that we face today."

Why Does Our Civilization Choose The Servitude Of Communism Instead Of Liberty?

Why does our civilization careen toward servitude instead of liberty? Most thought communism was defeated with the fall of the Soviet Union. But today, it and other totalitarian ideologies are growing everywhere, especially in the United States.

Tumultuous Time For The Nation: GOP National Convention Begins In Wake Of Assassination Attempt

“Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday,” Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday, “as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness.

UPDATE — President Trump Following Assassination Attempt: ‘It Was God Alone Who Prevented The Unthinkable’

After shots rang out, the former President grasped his ear and ducked down. The Secret Service rushed to the stage to shield Trump from further fire. Before being escorted away, the President raised his fist to the crowd with the left side of his face dripping in blood.

We Are In Trouble As A Nation, And The Answer Is To Turn To God Our Father

We have good reason for concern. As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. We are not repentant over our national sins. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God. 

Gog of Magog: Who Is The Russian Leader At The Center Of The Ezekiel 38 Prophecy?

Today’s events in the Middle East, though not direct fulfillments of Ezekiel’s prophecies, strikingly foreshadow them; and a survey of Ezekiel 38 in its context reveals that the events Ezekiel described may be on the horizon.

Threats Of War, Rogue Alliances, And Nuclear Weapons: Are We Approaching The Gog-Magog War?

Our world today is witnessing mounting threats on numerous fronts. The alignment of nations coming together and the threat of war escalating daily, especially in Israel, point toward a prophecy in the Bible spoken of in Ezekiel 38 and 39: the Gog-Magog war.

Terrorists Are Coming Through The Southern Border — And We Are Not Nearly Concerned Enough

That decade saw 1.4 million gotaways at the southern border. But in the most recent government reporting, it took just two years — 2022 and 2023 — for the number of gotaways to reach 1.6 million. Think about that — more gotaways in two years than in ten.

‘Normalcy Bias’: Why The World Refuses To Hear Our Warnings About The Approaching Tribulation

Because of America’s long history of peace and security, most of its citizens live with what’s called a “normalcy bias.” As a result, even many Christians label those of us who warn of the dangers inherent in a world speeding toward the Tribulation period as “conspiracy theorists.”

The Collapse Of Societies Is First-And-Foremost The Result Of Rejecting God

This is why we must pray for our nation. We pray that our nation and our nation’s leaders would love God and submit to him, because that offers us the only hope for a flourishing society.

Serving Christ In One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries: Haitian Gang Murders Three Missionaries

Even those of us who never knew Davy, Natalie, or Jude feel a tremendous sense of loss. But their lives and their deaths should be an example. May their testimonies help the rest of us to realize anew those things which are of eternal value in Christ.

Pride And Moral Independence: Why The World Is Not Heeding The Warning Of God’s Wrath

As we inch closer and closer to the time when Jesus will call us home, it is not only our anticipation which grows, but also the urgency we feel in warning others of the wrath to fall upon this earth in the form of the Tribulation Period. But are the unsaved listening?

Are Worse ‘Pandemics’ Looming Just Over The Horizon?

Now, no one knows what will happen with this bird flu. But we do know that the Bible predicts in the end times that deadly plagues and pestilence are going to be catastrophic and sweep the globe.

Even Secularists Are Noticing… There’s A Spirit Active In The World—And It’s Evil

That evil spirit that concerns Mr. Bongino and many of his friends and colleagues is made manifest by John’s Holy Spirit-inspired revelation. The spirit of Antichrist is as prevalent as in the apostle’s time of writing about it.

Deception Is The Driving Force Behind The Division Crippling America

These divisions are not a one-and-done kind of thing. A group divides, then the two resulting groups have divisions, and on it goes. Like nuclear fission, the chain reaction of divisions can lead to massive explosions. 

Rising Global Conflicts Make A Perfect Setup For Events Predicted In Scripture

The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent.

Are Fears Of A Global Food Crisis A Harbinger Of Things To Come?

The rider on this black horse holds a pair of scales in his hand—weighing out food on the scale. What we have here is the haunting phantom of famine along with runaway inflation. As we look around our world, we can already hear the thundering hoofbeats...

The Deception, Lawlessness, And Violence That Define Our Day, Will Have No Part In Jesus’ Kingdom

There’s actually good news behind the push of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and UN to establish the devil’s new world order. It not only tells us that we live in the last moments of human history, but it also points to the nearness of the glorious kingdom that we will inherit...

The Watchman On The Wall Must Look Out Into The Darkness… But Daylight Is Coming

Christian watchmen also watch for danger, but they also watch for signs of something wonderful. Jesus promised to return, and He said that as that time approached, there would be certain signs.

Underground Bunkers — A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy?

In 2024, fiction has become reality. For months, social media has been abuzz with reports of Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire founder of Facebook, building a massive underground shelter in Hawaii.

Vladimir Putin May Be A Bloodthirsty Tyrant, But Is He An End-Times Figure?

The Bible in Ezekiel 38 and 39 talks about an individual called Gog. These two chapters were written over 2500 years ago, but they read like they were ripped from today's headlines.

Computer Vulnerabilities — Just One Area Modern Societies Stand On The Brink Of Disaster

The power grids of all the nations are computerized and internet connected. That makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The potential damage done by a sustained power outage over half the United States is incalculable, but the threat is real.

Setting Out To Dethrone God: The Slippery Slope Of ‘Statism’

As we have seen with other political and social ideologies in the past and present, the purveyors of this reality then set out to dethrone God.  That is why all forms of statism must be rejected by Christians.  We should not entertain the acceptance of any ideology which seeks to usurp God.

Markell: We Can Only Tolerate Looking Around If We Also Look Up

The end is near is not a saying on a sandwich board worn by some homeless person marching down Main Street. Rather, it is the hope of the believer. Most people call it the Rapture. And no, it’s not an escape hatch.

Ticking Toward ‘Doomsday’: Is The Secular World Counting Down To The Tribulation?

We know that once the second hand on this clock starts moving, it will be too late for the world. Although they don’t believe the Bible, the “doomsday” that the atomic scientists have in mind eerily resembles the Day of the Lord's wrath described in Scripture.

A Consequential Year: Nearly Half Of The World’s Population Set To Vote In National Elections In 2024

By the year’s conclusion, nearly half of the world’s population will have seen a national election take place in their country. As hundreds of millions of people participate in these elections, Christians should commit to praying for voters as well as the leaders who will take office.

Chaos In Parliament: MP Safety Fears Cause Islamic Terrorism To Influence UK Democracy

Threats from Islamists caused chaos in parliament on Wednesday, when the Speaker of the House of Commons broke with convention because he was persuaded of security concerns from Islamic protestors.

Why Its Going To Be So Compelling For The World To Worship The Antichrist

With recent world events, we can see how things can quickly turn so people feel there's no way out. They are perplexed and confused. It's going to be so compelling for the world to worship the Antichrist. The Bible says, "God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11).

Wars And Rumors Of Wars: The World Is Falling Apart — Get Up And Give The Gospel

Right now, China, Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, among other nations, are all posturing for war or are at war. What's going on?

Devil In The Details: Socialism— The Wave Of The Future Or A Failed And Bankrupt Ideology

With our culture ever embracing Socialism and Communism, you might wonder, what in the world is going on? Let’s peel back some of the layers and we’ll discover that the Devil really is in the details.

Why The Left’s ‘Moral Arguments’ On Open Borders Are Far From Biblical

The moral arguments being made in defense of open borders aren’t much different than the left-wing moral arguments being made on a range of other issues. It all comes down to the belief that you’re not loving your neighbor if you won’t let your neighbor do whatever they want.

‘Approaching Hoofbeats’: The Signs We Saw Decades Ago Pale In Comparison To What We See Today

I purchased Billy Graham’s book, Approaching Hoofbeats, not long after its publication in 1983. I recently skimmed its chapters, the stark differences between then and now leaped off the pages.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad