July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


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The Restrainer

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

“Of course it’s an attack on free speech if parents can’t feel they give guidance to their children. It is an absolute duty of parents to give advice to their children.”

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

“Of course it’s an attack on free speech if parents can’t feel they give guidance to their children. It is an absolute duty of parents to give advice to their children.”

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

The Restrainer

‘Trampling On Rights’: UK Parliament Sees Overwhelming Opposition To Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Bill

“Of course it’s an attack on free speech if parents can’t feel they give guidance to their children. It is an absolute duty of parents to give advice to their children.”

20 States Show Support For Christian Mother Barred From Adopting Over Beliefs On Gender

“Oregon is essentially using an ideological litmus test,” Bates’s attorney Christiana Kiefer told Fox News last April. “It welcomes people from all cultural and religious backgrounds to adopt, unless they disagree with the State’s gender ideology.”

Teacher Wins Settlement After Being Fired For Street Preaching, Pressured To Renounce Christian Activity

“I was shocked and amazed that the headteacher could do what he did. He made me feel like a criminal; his aim was to bully and humiliate me into renouncing my Christian activity. I believe if I had renounced it, I could have kept my job.

‘Parent First Approach’: Christians Welcome UK Government’s Draft Guidance on Gender

“We believe that the government has listened to many of the problems we have been raising through legal cases and with the department over the last 10 years. Had this guidance been followed, many more children would have been protected and several Christians we are supporting would not have lost their jobs."

School District Votes To Keep The Bible on Shelves After Atheist Claimed Its Content Is ‘Too Controversial’

The vote followed a meeting with many passionate conservatives in attendance, some of whom protested outside the building beforehand holding signs saying things like, “America was Founded on the Bible” and “Don’t Tread on Our Religious Liberty.”

Standing In Contrast To Our Self-consumed World: We Are All Called To Serve In Jesus’ Name

Our society’s idea of service to others without expecting anything in return is an afterthought at best, and at worst something to be avoided. Too many of our rising generation believe service is beneath them.

Win For Christian Businesses: ADF Lawsuit Shows Companies Can Decline Work That Does Not Align With Their Beliefs

“This victory for Bob underscores how the 303 Creative decision will protect countless Americans from government censorship and coercion. The U.S. Constitution protects his freedom to express his views as he continues to serve clients of all backgrounds and beliefs.”

New Law In Italy Mandates Cell Phone Providers Block Minors From Pornography, Anonymous Web Searches

Italy’s new porn-blocking directive follows the government allocating €1 billion (nearly $1.1 billion) in funding for pro-family initiatives in an effort to boost the nation’s flagging birthrate.

Court Rules In Favor Of Christian School After Officials ‘Try To Force It To Abandon Its Religious Beliefs’

“The government cannot force religious schools to abandon their beliefs and exercise to participate in a public benefit program that everyone else can access,” said ADF Senior Counsel Jeremiah Galus.

‘Bible Trial’ Victory: Court In Finland Rules God’s Word Is Not ‘Hate Speech’

A four-year legal battle in Finland, dubbed “the Bible trial,” has ended with a second acquittal of a member of Finland’s Parliament who faced charges of “hate speech” for sharing her Christian beliefs about marriage and sexuality in a 2019 social media post.

Increased Knowledge In The Last Days—The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

With the explosion of globe-trotting transportation and the exponential growth of human knowledge (sadly lacking wisdom most of the time), it seems as if we are at the threshold of the “end of time” that the Lord spoke about.

Fmr Hezbollah Terrorist: ‘Jesus Is Not A God That Celebrates When Jews Are Killed… These Are Designs Of Satan’

“I don’t know why I hated [Jews]. No Jew had ever done anything bad to me. God didn’t design us to hate; He didn’t design us to want to see someone dead. He did not design us for these things. These are designs of Satan."

The Entire World Is Accessible At Our Fingertips to Share The Gospel Of Jesus And His Soon Return

While Satan continues to purge the Christian voice from the Internet in his mad climb toward global domination, his control is not yet absolute, granting the Church a short window of opportunity.

‘We Will Defend Our Children’: Canadian Parents Take To Streets Nationwide To Protest LGBT Indoctrination In Schools

Who are these “hateful” protestors? Reportedly, they are angry parents, trying to protect their children from being sexualized through LGBT indoctrination in local educational institutions.

Charges Dropped Against UK Woman For Silently Praying: ‘Her Story Has Put The World On Notice’

"Her story has put the world on notice that fundamental freedoms are vulnerable in the UK. There is now an urgent need for legal changes to stem the tide of policing by politics."

Warning From Pastors: The Whole World Is Running Towards A Cliff… Don’t Be Silent

Hamrick outlined several examples of Christians who have served as “the restraining force against evil in [their] day.” He said, “True Christians have never been afraid to address the social evil of their day. … So, why all the fuss of late?”

The Truth Is Under Attack: UK Calvary Chapels See Believers Hungry For God’s Word – ‘The Bible Is More Clear Than Ever’

“The world has chosen to remove God because they have elevated themselves to the position of a god with the power to create ‘life’ through technology like artificial intelligence.” But as Pastor Jack stated, “Today, the Bible is more clear than ever.”

Hawaiians Find Hope in Jesus After Maui Wildfires

Fifteen BG-RRT chaplains are offering emotional and spiritual care in Maui, and more will arrive next week. As chaplains pray with locals, they’ve seen God working in the darkness.

Praying In A Pagan Land: Behind Enemy Lines, Our Mightiest Weapon Is Wielded From Fervent Prayer

Let us not back off when laws are made that compel us to compromise our conscience or silence our witness. We may not be thrown into a lion’s den, but we might be ostracized, lose our jobs or be fined. Or shamed. 

‘Keep Standing For Truth’: The UK Christians On The Frontlines Of Opposing Transgender Ideology

But this list isn’t simply to praise those who’ve stood. It’s to remind Christians that we have stood firm when the opposition has been fiercest and when God’s pattern for men and women has been mocked.

City Pays Costly Settlement For COVID-19 Arrests of Maskless Churchgoers

The judge noted that the city had given incorrect advice to its officers about the application of the code, and the plaintiffs were reasonable in their damage requests.

More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ in Venezuelan City Overrun with Witchcraft

Despite the physical charm of the city, local pastors believe that only 3% of the population has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and witchcraft and sorcery have become prevalent in the last few decades.

Innocence In The Crosshairs: Pastors And Community Push Back Against Child Sexualization

A massive grassroots effort is underway by parents, pastors, and community leaders in a Washington State town to protect local children from a planned LGBT “Pride” event and “drag” show aimed at sexualizing and confusing the town’s youth.

Christian Charity Wins Lengthy Legal Battle After UK Bank Unlawfully Closes Ministry Accounts

"This must never happen again to another individual, church or Christian ministry. The government must act now to protect Christian ministries from such brazen discrimination.”

The Gov’t Can’t Mislabel Speech As Discrimination To Censor It: SCOTUS Issues Major Free Speech Victory

Gorsuch authored the majority opinion, which said that, “In this case, Colorado seeks to force an individual to speak in ways that align with its views but defy her conscience about a matter of major significance.” 

Pushback Against LGBT Activism: NHL Announces Players Will Not Wear ‘Pride’ Gear

During the 2022-23 season, numerous hockey players and several NHL teams opted not to wear Pride gear, with many of the dissenting players citing their Christian beliefs on sexuality.

‘A Win For Sanity’: Texas Becomes Largest State to Ban Child Gender-Change Treatments

“Texas Children’s Hospital, the largest children’s hospital in the nation, will no longer offer gender affirming care which includes sterilizing children, castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, vaginoplasty, and drugs that induce fertility or block puberty"

‘Doctors Prescribe Medicine, Not Death’: Nevada Gov. Applauded For VETO Of Assisted Suicide Bill

"Physician-assisted suicide is neither compassionate nor an appropriate solution for those who are suffering—it ends an innocent human life without justification."

Franklin Graham: The Storm Is Coming… Preach — Don’t Back Up, Don’t Make Excuses

The problem with cultural Christianity, he added, is that people place too much emphasis on offending people. The Gospel, in and of itself, is offensive, but that doesn’t mean we need to water it down.

California Required To Pay Out $1.4M For Forcing Churches To Pay For Abortion Coverage

“For years, California officials, in collaboration with Planned Parenthood, have unconstitutionally targeted faith-based organizations. This is a significant victory for the churches we represent…”

Fighting For What’s Biblical: What Can I Do to Reclaim the Christian Culture?

What would it take to reclaim a Christian culture — a culture of worship of Jesus Christ alone, where the Bible is the foundation of morality and law, and where people love others more than themselves?

Supreme Court Hears Case With Potential Of Overturning 1977 Ruling Limiting Religious Accommodations

“No employee should be forced to choose between their faith and their job. Religious accommodations should be treated in the same way we accommodate the workplace needs of any employee.”

ADF Lawsuit Seeks To Hold Biden Admin Accountable For Partnering With Big Tech To Censor Disfavored Views

“No one should have to fear being deplatformed just because someone at Google disagrees with what they have to say or what they believe. And it’s illegal when the government does it."

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

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