July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey  is an internationally recognized Bible prophecy expert, host of the Hal Lindsey Report and is well-known as an author, writing books like “The Late Great Planet Earth”, with more than 30 million copies sold since its original release in 1970.

Hal Lindsey

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

Why Does Our Civilization Choose The Servitude Of Communism Instead Of Liberty?

Why does our civilization careen toward servitude instead of liberty? Most thought communism was defeated with the fall of the Soviet Union. But today, it and other totalitarian ideologies are growing everywhere, especially in the United States.

The World’s Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History

The world over, people want change. I believe the present wave of global desperation will grow to a point of global anguish. And that anguish will call forth the most terrible villain of human history.

We Are In Trouble As A Nation, And The Answer Is To Turn To God Our Father

We have good reason for concern. As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. We are not repentant over our national sins. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God. 

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

Terrorists Are Coming Through The Southern Border — And We Are Not Nearly Concerned Enough

That decade saw 1.4 million gotaways at the southern border. But in the most recent government reporting, it took just two years — 2022 and 2023 — for the number of gotaways to reach 1.6 million. Think about that — more gotaways in two years than in ten.

Serving Christ In One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries: Haitian Gang Murders Three Missionaries

Even those of us who never knew Davy, Natalie, or Jude feel a tremendous sense of loss. But their lives and their deaths should be an example. May their testimonies help the rest of us to realize anew those things which are of eternal value in Christ.

The Great Gaza Deception: Hamas Is Not Only A Terrorist Group, But A Gang Of Thieves

Hamas could have a ceasefire at any time, but its leaders are not suffering. Hamas leaders want high casualty counts among Palestinian civilians. They want scenes of suffering.

‘God Forbid That I Should Glory’: Billy Graham Was About Jesus — First And Last

It is appropriate, then, that the statue reflects more than just the image of a man. It presents him in the context of his high calling. In it, Billy stands preaching with an open Bible in one hand as the other points to a passage in that Bible.

Deception Is The Driving Force Behind The Division Crippling America

These divisions are not a one-and-done kind of thing. A group divides, then the two resulting groups have divisions, and on it goes. Like nuclear fission, the chain reaction of divisions can lead to massive explosions. 

This Was Not In Some Faraway Land… Calls For A ‘Final Solution’ Are Being Heard In America

I saw a sign that featured a large Palestinian flag and a small Israeli flag beside the words, “Final Solution.” This was not in some faraway land. It was at George Washington University.

Antisemitism: An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America

They warn us of their intent, saying, “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” They often cry out, “We are Hamas!” If they are Hamas, it means they want to kill Jews and Christians.

Rising Global Conflicts Make A Perfect Setup For Events Predicted In Scripture

The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent.

The Week That Saved The World

I have called it, “The week that changed the world.” The events of holy week should be contemplated often by every follower of Christ. It began with Palm Sunday as Jesus publicly presented Himself as Messiah. The week concluded with His resurrection.

The Watchman On The Wall Must Look Out Into The Darkness… But Daylight Is Coming

Christian watchmen also watch for danger, but they also watch for signs of something wonderful. Jesus promised to return, and He said that as that time approached, there would be certain signs.

The World’s Hatred For Jews, Zion, God, And His Messiah Are Inextricably Linked

A Salt Lake City bar recently instituted a “No Zionists Allowed” policy. The bar owner wrote on social media, “We are pleased to announce we are banning all Zionists forever from our establishments.

Computer Vulnerabilities — Just One Area Modern Societies Stand On The Brink Of Disaster

The power grids of all the nations are computerized and internet connected. That makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The potential damage done by a sustained power outage over half the United States is incalculable, but the threat is real.

The Israel We See Today Is Biblical Israel… And God Placed The Proof In Their DNA

It means the Bible is true and you can trust every word. The Jewish people remaining distinct and regathering in Israel is one of the greatest of all biblical miracles. And it is taking place right now before our very eyes.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club… Teaching Children To Call Evil Good And Good Evil

Satanists are now busy taking their worship of evil into the lives of elementary schoolchildren in the form of Satan Clubs. They advertise these clubs as fun, happy, educational, and full of hope. And the devil? Well, they present him as a great guy — an angel of light.

Recognizing ‘Palestine’ As A State In The Aftermath Oct. 7 Would Reward The Worst Kind Of Evil

To recognize a state of Palestine in the aftermath of their October terror attacks on Israel, would encourage every rogue group on earth to follow that wicked path. It would bring chaos to this planet, the likes of which have never been seen before!

Hal Lindsey: God Has Spoken… And He Still Speaks

In His greatest act of communication, God expressed Himself… with Himself. John 1 calls Jesus “the Word.” It says, “The Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). That truth is made possible by God’s triune nature. Jesus is with God, and at the same time, Jesus is God.

Profound And Rapid Changes: A World In Preparation For The Tribulation

Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body makes dramatic changes. It is no accident that Jesus compared the state of the world in the last days to a woman at the last stages of pregnancy. In both instances, astounding changes take place at an ever-quickening pace.

Could America’s Dismissal Of God Lead To A ‘Black Swan Event’ In 2024?

The greatest danger facing America is its arrogant dismissal of the God whose blessings it daily squanders. Vast portions of the population spend their blessings from God on activities that demean humanity and exalt evil.

How One Birth Became The Dividing Line Of History

Every life changes the world. But one Life changed everything, including eternity. Every birth is significant. But one birth became the dividing line of history.

People Are Using Israel’s War With Hamas As An Excuse To Hate Jews

The world finds excuses to hate Jews. People across the globe are blaming individual Jews for Israel’s war on Hamas. Even Jews who do not support the invasion of Gaza are being blamed for it.

Pushing Israel Toward Policies That Would Ensure An Ongoing Cycle Of Terrorist Violence

After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration and most congressional Democrats stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack.

Lies That Generate Hate: The World Is Falsely Depicting Jews As Violent Usurpers

Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. Their teachers depict Jews as violent usurpers of the land. Today in the United States and other western nations, educators are using those same lies on our children.

The Days Leading Up To The Lord’s Return Are Filled With ‘Trouble’

The world is rapidly being prepared for the tribulation period. Christians are destined to be rescued from the world before the actual hurricane hits, but the outer bands are already kicking up quite a storm.

Planet Earth Is Armed To The Teeth… And The Word Of The Day Is ‘Escalation’

According to Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran will one day lead a coalition of nations in a massive assault against Israel. God will intervene on Israel’s behalf — not with iron dome missile interceptors, but with His own mighty hand. 

The Ancient Blame Game: Hating Jews Goes Back Further Than The Word Jew

In this case they are blaming Jews for something that never happened. But once an accusatory word against Jews enters the thinking of their haters, it is almost impossible to get it out. 

Violence And Extremism: These Things Happen To A Society That Calls Evil Good, And Good Evil

There have always been murders, violence, and extremism, but not in such overwhelming numbers as today. Violence is becoming so commonplace that many ignore it and walk on by.

Don’t Give The Enemy Any Territory: How Should We Respond to Evil?

When we see violence against the vulnerable or lies perpetrated against the naïve, we should be angry. But even such righteous wrath must not last, and it must not drive us to sin.

Hatred Against Israel Is Not About Land, Rights, Or Money—It Is A Religious Tenet

What Israel is doing is not retaliation. What Israel is doing is defending the lives of its people and, as I said, trying to make sure this cannot happen again.

Find It Hard To Believe That The Orders Came From Iran? Here’s Proof.

A few days before the attack began, a billboard went up in Iran’s capital city of Tehran. The billboard says, “The liberation operation ‘Storming of Al-Aqsa’ has started.”

Division, Lawlessness, And The Unraveling Of Society: Living In Last Days America

I realized how different these questions were compared to those asked of Kennedy and Nixon in 1960, or Ford and Reagan in 1980. These 2023 questions were tinged with desperation. The questions were different because America is different.

Some Things Don’t Need To Be Sensationalized, And Biblical Prophecy Is One Of Those Things

If you are my fellow prophecy teacher, take a step back. The world right now needs you, but not your hype. They need the truth that you know. God’s message is more sensational than your hype.

Standing With Israel Is Not A Jewish Problem. It Is An American Problem.

Just eleven minutes after the nation’s rebirth, President Harry Truman became the first world leader to officially recognize it. Truman later said, “I had faith in Israel even before it was established. I knew it was based on the love of freedom…”

This Is Not About Tolerance, It’s A Militant Government Takeover Of Our Children’s Minds

People without these basic skills are handicapped for life. And yet the education departments of some states seem more concerned with indoctrination than in teaching educational fundamentals.

Headed Towards Disaster: Can We Trust What The Bible Says About Russia’s Future?

The question is, “Can we trust what the Bible says about Russia’s future?” The answer is, “Yes, we can.” Never judge the Bible by current events. But let the Bible give context to those events.

The Elites Seem Intent On Ripping Apart The Fabric Of Israel’s Democracy

On September 12, something without precedent will happen in Israel. That nation’s Supreme Court will decide if it (the Supreme Court) holds dictatorial powers unlike any other court in any other democracy — power not derived from any law ever passed.

Hal Lindsey: Who is My Neighbor?

Only Jesus could pack such a brief story with so many insights and so much truth. What people tend to forget is that Jesus told the story as an answer to a question. 

When A Nation Quickly Turns From Post-Christian To Anti-Christian—How Do We Respond?

They seethe with hatred for all things Christian. They hate churches. They hate the individual followers of Jesus. And they hate every hint that this society once held Jesus and the Bible in high esteem.

We’re In A War… And It’s Battlefield Is Waged In Hearts And Minds

If you read the Bible, you already know that we are in the midst of a war right now — a spiritual war. If you watch or read the news — or if you get out of the house — you know that that war has risen to a fever pitch. 

Judgment Is Coming: Mistaking God’s Mercy For Inaction

Be assured that what the Old and New Testaments refer to as “the day of the Lord” is coming. That means judgment is coming. Evil will be stopped in its tracks. And He won’t just stop part of it.

As A Society Follows The Father Of Lies, It Becomes Less Trustful And Less Trustworthy

Waning trust not only destroys relationships between individuals, but it destroys the effectiveness of God-ordained human institutions. Even the worst dictators work hard to get their populations to trust them.

Hal Lindsey: When Grace Is Added To The Equation

Then God enters the scene. And He offers something better than a parachute. He gives us His hand. We can believe Him and receive grace, or not believe Him and die colliding with the unyielding ground below.

Russian Roulette: The Air Of Invincibility Putin Once Projected Has Been Destroyed

When he took power in Russia, he was a cunning man, but in full control of his country and his faculties. Today, he is paranoid, physically ill, and has been humiliated by a stunning series of battlefield defeats in Ukraine.

The Word On Which We Have Based Our Lives Is Again Proving To Be True

We can see in real time things the Bible long ago told us about. And it’s not pretty. Lawlessness, moral confusion, slander, deception, hedonism, uncontrolled rage, and cruelty fill our sightlines.

Truth and Intolerance: Is ‘Religious Freedom’ A Code Word For ‘Christian Supremacy’?

It is not intolerant to say that two plus two equals four, and not five. It’s the truth. You have a right to believe that the answer is five, but that idea is inferior to the truth, and it will harm you in many ways.

Thought Wars: Is America Bent On Self-Destruction?

Today, our nation seems bent on self-destruction. We see it in legislatures, executive mansions, courts, and educational institutions. It has metastasized into music studios, film sets, and libraries.

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

Why Does Our Civilization Choose The Servitude Of Communism Instead Of Liberty?

Why does our civilization careen toward servitude instead of liberty? Most thought communism was defeated with the fall of the Soviet Union. But today, it and other totalitarian ideologies are growing everywhere, especially in the United States.

The World’s Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History

The world over, people want change. I believe the present wave of global desperation will grow to a point of global anguish. And that anguish will call forth the most terrible villain of human history.

We Are In Trouble As A Nation, And The Answer Is To Turn To God Our Father

We have good reason for concern. As a nation, we are not embracing the self-discipline needed to maintain liberty. We are not repentant over our national sins. The nation tends to put its hope in men and technology — not in God. 

Hamas Led The Charge On October 7th, But Islam Motivated Hamas

The Hamas attack does not reflect the actions of most Muslims, but it does reflect the Quran. All ideas are not equal. Adolf Hitler’s ideas were not as noble as those of Florence Nightingale. And Islam is not just another version of Christianity. They are as different as black and white, good and evil.

Terrorists Are Coming Through The Southern Border — And We Are Not Nearly Concerned Enough

That decade saw 1.4 million gotaways at the southern border. But in the most recent government reporting, it took just two years — 2022 and 2023 — for the number of gotaways to reach 1.6 million. Think about that — more gotaways in two years than in ten.

Serving Christ In One Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries: Haitian Gang Murders Three Missionaries

Even those of us who never knew Davy, Natalie, or Jude feel a tremendous sense of loss. But their lives and their deaths should be an example. May their testimonies help the rest of us to realize anew those things which are of eternal value in Christ.

The Great Gaza Deception: Hamas Is Not Only A Terrorist Group, But A Gang Of Thieves

Hamas could have a ceasefire at any time, but its leaders are not suffering. Hamas leaders want high casualty counts among Palestinian civilians. They want scenes of suffering.

‘God Forbid That I Should Glory’: Billy Graham Was About Jesus — First And Last

It is appropriate, then, that the statue reflects more than just the image of a man. It presents him in the context of his high calling. In it, Billy stands preaching with an open Bible in one hand as the other points to a passage in that Bible.

Deception Is The Driving Force Behind The Division Crippling America

These divisions are not a one-and-done kind of thing. A group divides, then the two resulting groups have divisions, and on it goes. Like nuclear fission, the chain reaction of divisions can lead to massive explosions. 

This Was Not In Some Faraway Land… Calls For A ‘Final Solution’ Are Being Heard In America

I saw a sign that featured a large Palestinian flag and a small Israeli flag beside the words, “Final Solution.” This was not in some faraway land. It was at George Washington University.

Antisemitism: An Ancient Evil Reborn in Today’s America

They warn us of their intent, saying, “The 7th of October is going to be every day for you!” They often cry out, “We are Hamas!” If they are Hamas, it means they want to kill Jews and Christians.

Rising Global Conflicts Make A Perfect Setup For Events Predicted In Scripture

The nations of planet earth are presently engaged in a deadly game of brinksmanship. It’s happening on every continent.

The Week That Saved The World

I have called it, “The week that changed the world.” The events of holy week should be contemplated often by every follower of Christ. It began with Palm Sunday as Jesus publicly presented Himself as Messiah. The week concluded with His resurrection.

The Watchman On The Wall Must Look Out Into The Darkness… But Daylight Is Coming

Christian watchmen also watch for danger, but they also watch for signs of something wonderful. Jesus promised to return, and He said that as that time approached, there would be certain signs.

The World’s Hatred For Jews, Zion, God, And His Messiah Are Inextricably Linked

A Salt Lake City bar recently instituted a “No Zionists Allowed” policy. The bar owner wrote on social media, “We are pleased to announce we are banning all Zionists forever from our establishments.

Computer Vulnerabilities — Just One Area Modern Societies Stand On The Brink Of Disaster

The power grids of all the nations are computerized and internet connected. That makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks. The potential damage done by a sustained power outage over half the United States is incalculable, but the threat is real.

The Israel We See Today Is Biblical Israel… And God Placed The Proof In Their DNA

It means the Bible is true and you can trust every word. The Jewish people remaining distinct and regathering in Israel is one of the greatest of all biblical miracles. And it is taking place right now before our very eyes.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Satan Club… Teaching Children To Call Evil Good And Good Evil

Satanists are now busy taking their worship of evil into the lives of elementary schoolchildren in the form of Satan Clubs. They advertise these clubs as fun, happy, educational, and full of hope. And the devil? Well, they present him as a great guy — an angel of light.

Recognizing ‘Palestine’ As A State In The Aftermath Oct. 7 Would Reward The Worst Kind Of Evil

To recognize a state of Palestine in the aftermath of their October terror attacks on Israel, would encourage every rogue group on earth to follow that wicked path. It would bring chaos to this planet, the likes of which have never been seen before!

Hal Lindsey: God Has Spoken… And He Still Speaks

In His greatest act of communication, God expressed Himself… with Himself. John 1 calls Jesus “the Word.” It says, “The Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). That truth is made possible by God’s triune nature. Jesus is with God, and at the same time, Jesus is God.

Profound And Rapid Changes: A World In Preparation For The Tribulation

Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s body makes dramatic changes. It is no accident that Jesus compared the state of the world in the last days to a woman at the last stages of pregnancy. In both instances, astounding changes take place at an ever-quickening pace.

Could America’s Dismissal Of God Lead To A ‘Black Swan Event’ In 2024?

The greatest danger facing America is its arrogant dismissal of the God whose blessings it daily squanders. Vast portions of the population spend their blessings from God on activities that demean humanity and exalt evil.

How One Birth Became The Dividing Line Of History

Every life changes the world. But one Life changed everything, including eternity. Every birth is significant. But one birth became the dividing line of history.

People Are Using Israel’s War With Hamas As An Excuse To Hate Jews

The world finds excuses to hate Jews. People across the globe are blaming individual Jews for Israel’s war on Hamas. Even Jews who do not support the invasion of Gaza are being blamed for it.

Pushing Israel Toward Policies That Would Ensure An Ongoing Cycle Of Terrorist Violence

After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration and most congressional Democrats stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack.

Lies That Generate Hate: The World Is Falsely Depicting Jews As Violent Usurpers

Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. Their teachers depict Jews as violent usurpers of the land. Today in the United States and other western nations, educators are using those same lies on our children.

The Days Leading Up To The Lord’s Return Are Filled With ‘Trouble’

The world is rapidly being prepared for the tribulation period. Christians are destined to be rescued from the world before the actual hurricane hits, but the outer bands are already kicking up quite a storm.

Planet Earth Is Armed To The Teeth… And The Word Of The Day Is ‘Escalation’

According to Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran will one day lead a coalition of nations in a massive assault against Israel. God will intervene on Israel’s behalf — not with iron dome missile interceptors, but with His own mighty hand. 

The Ancient Blame Game: Hating Jews Goes Back Further Than The Word Jew

In this case they are blaming Jews for something that never happened. But once an accusatory word against Jews enters the thinking of their haters, it is almost impossible to get it out.