July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood



The Johnson Amendment and the Agenda to Silence Christians

The attempted muzzling of Christian churches and religious groups has gradually increased since a pivotal law was passed by a shrewd politician to intimidate people of faith.

The Johnson Amendment and the Agenda to Silence Christians

The attempted muzzling of Christian churches and religious groups has gradually increased since a pivotal law was passed by a shrewd politician to intimidate people of faith.

Jack Hibbs Ad

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


The Johnson Amendment and the Agenda to Silence Christians

The attempted muzzling of Christian churches and religious groups has gradually increased since a pivotal law was passed by a shrewd politician to intimidate people of faith.

A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise

Ham: "My father was always willing to call out error and stand up for what was right and do his best to stop the authority of God’s Word from being undermined."

To Be Found in Christ: Salvation Only Of The Sinless?

Jesus wants you to act like the new person He has made you to be, but never trust your salvation to your ability to live a sinless life.

‘OPEN YOUR CHURCH’: Pastor John MacArthur Releases Video Explaining Why ‘Church Is Essential’

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in LA released a video explaining why “church is essential” and urged other churches to reopen

Amir Tsarfati & Barry Stagner: Israel – A Nation Before God

I want you all to know that the way you treat Israel is a way for God to see how you treat every other aspect of His word.

COVID, Increased Departure from Sound Doctrine has Taken its Toll on Believers, Churches

COVID restrictions, Declining attendance and Pastors exchanging Biblical Truth for Ideology, has taken its toll on the Church...

Calvary Chapel Chino Hills Defies California Church Restriction: ‘Satan Doesn’t Want People to Know Christ’

Calvary Chapel Chino Hills refuses to obey California Lockdown order and is keeping their doors open: “Satan doesn’t want people to know Christ”

Are you Rich or Poor? The Answer May Surprise You…

Are you chasing the 'almighty dollar' or the Almighty God? The Bible explains how you may not be as rich or poor as you think you are...

Jack Hibbs: Are You Ready?

How can we sit still at this hour? Can you look around and see that the season is changing, and God is about to interrupt our plans?

Chad Thomas: The Rapture – Why It’s Called The Blessed Hope

Chad takes an in-depth look at why the Rapture is called our 'Blessed Hope'. Why is it such a blessing and why should we be placing our hope in it?

Dr. Robert Jeffress – The Wisdom of the Wise Men: Watching for the Signs of His Coming

What does the story of the wise men mean to us today? What application can we derive from the wise men?

Pastor Jack Hibbs – Devotional: The Best is Yet to Come

Today, the temple is gone and nothing on earth reveals such glory as it once did. But for us as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, the best is yet to come. Be encouraged, dear believer, that as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him”

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 8) – The Greatest Tragedy of Our Day

Part eight of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 6) – When Left Isn’t Right

Part six of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

Jack Hibbs: Behold, He Cometh!

Can you feel it? With each passing day there is a universal quickening of awareness among Jesus’ followers that the glorious day of His return for His church is at hand.

Jan Markell: A Lamp Shining in a Dark Place

We are living in the most significant time in history and the most prophecy fulfilling days -- with the least amount of interest in them. Our assignment is to be "watchmen" (Ezekiel 33). We're to be sounding an alarm whether anyone listens or not.

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 7) – Has Discernment Turned Ugly?

Part seven of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.

JD Farag Sunday Sermon: Still Ready for Jesus to Return – 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10

In a teaching titled, “Still Ready for Jesus to Return,” out of 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10, Pastor J.D. encourages those who thought the rapture would have happened by now.

Tom Hughes Prophecy Update: Technology of the Antichrist

In this week's Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes, we look at the technology of the Antichrist. Today it seems that big tech companies know more about us then we do. What will be done with all our information, or more importantly, what could be done? Let's see what the Bible has to say!

Terry James: A Restraining Force

Each morning in my prayer time, I am prompted to ask that the Lord continue to restrain the evil coming against His prescription for godliness. That evil seems to be closing in like an eerie, early morning fog.

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 5) – So Protestants Are Now Catholics?

Part five of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

Barry Stagner: In an Un-Repentant World, Is God Unfair?

People today are saying the way of the Lord is not fair. What that translates into is that they want to practice things that the Bible prohibits, without the fear of consequence. Therefore, they deem the Word of God to be unfair.

The Pulpits Are Silent

What incredible times we live in — like no previous generation. The world is heading pell-mell for a conclusion though nobody knows the timing on this. But we are privileged to look at signs that are like clouds forming on the horizon. But most pastors will not talk about them!

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant (Part 4) – Are Today’s ‘Prophets’ Only about ‘Profit’?

Part four of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 (Part 3) – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant

Part three of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

DECEIVERS EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: CH. 1 (Part 2) – Jan Markell: Religionist Deceivers Rampant

Part two of Jan Markell’s Chapter “Religionist Deceivers Rampant,” an exclusive preview of Terry James’s book “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”

Barry Stagner: A Strong Finish (Part 2)

Pastor Barry Stagner explains why it is more important than ever to persevere, not growing weary in doing the work of the Lord, knowing your labour for God’s kingdom is not in vain.

Barry Stagner: A Strong Finish

Pastor Barry Stagner explains why it is more important than ever to persevere, not growing weary in doing the work of the Lord, knowing your labour for God's kingdom is not in vain.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad