July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


HomeBerean Review

Berean Review

More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ in Venezuelan City Overrun with Witchcraft

Despite the physical charm of the city, local pastors believe that only 3% of the population has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and witchcraft and sorcery have become prevalent in the last few decades.

More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ in Venezuelan City Overrun with Witchcraft

Despite the physical charm of the city, local pastors believe that only 3% of the population has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and witchcraft and sorcery have become prevalent in the last few decades.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Berean Review

More Than 12,000 Begin Relationship With Christ in Venezuelan City Overrun with Witchcraft

Despite the physical charm of the city, local pastors believe that only 3% of the population has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and witchcraft and sorcery have become prevalent in the last few decades.

With Churches Using Curricula Like This, No Wonder We Are Losing The Younger Generations To The World

It appears that Orange is “fluff and stuff”—lessons that are, yes, easy to use, colorful, fun, and engaging, but not grounded in the absolute authority of God’s Word, teaching doctrine or theology to help students...

Fighting For What’s Biblical: What Can I Do to Reclaim the Christian Culture?

What would it take to reclaim a Christian culture — a culture of worship of Jesus Christ alone, where the Bible is the foundation of morality and law, and where people love others more than themselves?

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 4) — Unmasking Motivations

In Part 3 of our series, we showed how uniformitarian geology (which overthrew flood geology) was based on a false interpretation of the rock...

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 3) — Coming Full Circle

The point is that the occasional non- or para-conformities sometimes observed in the geologic column are easily explained and consistent with what we’d expect to find if Noah’s flood is true history.

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 2) — Change Over Time

This should cause those who placed their faith in Charles Lyell’s views to pause and consider why anyone should have given so much credence to this man’s interpretations in science that they would be willing to reinterpret the plain reading of God’s Word.

Wicked Men, Corruption, Lies, And Destructive Schemes—Are You Weary of Being Outraged?

I have said this for years—for decades. If we look around we will be depressed. If we look up we will have hope; we will be able to cope; we will have joy in the midst of earth’s sorrow.

The Devil Has Impacted Every Facet Of American Society From The Schoolhouse To The White House 

The spiritual dynamic in play is undeniable as the satanic assault on God, Truth, the church, and family in America has affected every aspect of our culture.

Why Christians Shouldn’t Support Student Loan Forgiveness

Unless we drastically correct course, it’s a matter of time before progressive politicians arrive at their communist destination.

Real Impact Survey Reveals Californians Are Being Deceived About Proposition 1… Trusted Pastor Warns Pulpits— ‘Silence Is Approval’

"Newsom’s radical liberal government is trying to sneak past the people of California a constitutional amendment that would pave the way for abortion without limitations."

What ‘Seeker-Friendly’ Churches Get Wrong About The Great Commission

What makes me a misfit in many churches is that I have a different perspective of what it means to fulfill the Great Commission. What’s missing, in my opinion, is a biblical understanding of all that it means to “make disciples.” Thus the teaching aspect of Matthew 28:19-20 receives little, if any, consideration.

As Our Culture Wages War Against God, Christians Find Themselves At The Front Lines Of An Ancient Worldview Battle

We live in a culture that disagrees with God’s Word on many points. We’re told that when culture and Scripture disagree, we can reinterpret Scripture accordingly—even though doing so means following man’s word over God’s.

Zealous Climate Activism Is a False Religion… With Its Own False Prophets

These activists and scientists have no idea what is really happening or what is going to happen. And they ignore much of the history concerning climate data.

The Enemy’s Playbook For Counterfeit Truth and The Deception Of Nations

As Satan’s counterfeits flood our world, how can we avoid being swept up in a tide of deception? We must be on guard at all times, comparing what we hear and see with the Truth of Scripture.

3 Ways Climate Alarmists Reject Biblical Truths

According to many, the most grievous sin one can commit is that of denying that the earth is warming to unsafe levels because of our modern lifestyle.

Our Generation May Laugh At God and His Rules For Living, But How is This Anti-God Lifestyle Working Out?

They don’t seem to understand that His rules are for our benefit and that of our children. He loves us, but as we stray further from Him, we become more and more miserable.

The Johnson Amendment and the Agenda to Silence Christians

The attempted muzzling of Christian churches and religious groups has gradually increased since a pivotal law was passed by a shrewd politician to intimidate people of faith.

Does Humanity Sense That Judgement Is Coming?

However they express it, they show a growing realization that, as a species and as individuals, we are missing the mark. And some form of judgment must come.

For Compromising Christians, Fake Science Is In The Drivers Seat, Not Scripture

This inconsistency in regard to what Christians do and do not believe regarding science and the Bible has crept into nearly all of our Bible colleges, seminaries, and pulpits now.

The World Is Marching Toward The Time When God Places His King On The Throne

We can be absolutely certain that someday God’s King, the Lord Jesus, will rule over the nations of the earth just as God the Father promises us all through the Psalms.

Globalists Cannot Thwart God’s Plan To Give The Nations To Jesus As An Inheritance

The globalists of our day intend their actions for evil and death; but God is leading the world to a glorious climax, the return of Jesus as a Conquering Hero and the establishment of His rule over the nations.

Trending Towards the Tribulation: 7 Indicators To Watch

Israel is sounding the war drums. In the face of Iran’s continued development of nuclear capability, the IAF has developed a new capability to fly its jets from Israel to Iran without requiring mid-air refueling.

Lot’s Fatal Flaw Was Compromising His Household To The Mob of Perversion

You and I are like Lot in today’s culture. We stand at the threshold of our homes as society pounds on our door with demands to give into immorality. We have the choice to make a stand or to compromise…

More Every Day, These Look Like The Times Described In The Bible

We stand remarkably close to the culmination of this age, and the beginning of something glorious.

As The World Is Transfixed By Chaos, Has The Church Failed To Recognize The Urgency Of The Hour?

Is the sun setting on the church? Is our time in God’s plan of the ages drawing to a close? Is God’s work in and through the Church winding down?

Despite The Overturning Of Roe, America Remains On A Head-On Collision Course With God

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is absolutely wonderful, but it does not change my thinking regarding the nearness of the seven-year Tribulation and thus to our homegoing.

There Will Be A Time When God’s Patience Ends

While there are many other signs telling us that Jesus’ appearing is ever so close, I always come back to the four riders of Revelation 6...

Sorry Nations Of The World, Israel Will Never Be Destroyed

Israel would, if it were possible, be on the brink of being removed as her enemies wish... if God has not promised to deliver them.

The Key to Our Salvation: Jesus Was The Perfect Sacrifice

Some have said Christianity is a bloody religion, and indeed it is. For it is only through the blood of Jesus that anyone can be saved.

LGBT Indoctrination Is ‘Imposing A Belief System Upon Students’: NJ Calvary Chapel Calls Parents To Be ‘Voice Of Truth’

"Satan is the father of lies, and if we affirm someone in their own false identity, we are hurting them, not helping them at all."

Is This What You Had In Mind, America?

Mass shootings one after another… Government paralyzed, not by disagreements, but by hate… The ongoing loss of constitutional rights…

Brentner: The Murder Of The Innocent Reminds Us Again Of The Prevalence Of Evil

Please let this Texas tragedy remind you of how Jesus described our enemy, the one we see becoming more active in our world by the day.

Trusted Church Leader Defies Johnson Amendment, Urges Pastors To Biblically Instruct On Political Issues

"There's a violent rhetoric against truth. And Christians have to be the light-bearers of truth. If we don't preserve truth, no one else will, and that has to get into politics."

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad