July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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Friends Of Israel

If God Can Break His Unconditional Promises To Israel, What Does That Say About Our Security?

Those who believe that God has replaced Israel spiritually with the church, also erode our hope in Jesus’ imminent return for His church because our expectation also rests upon the veracity of God’s Word and His attributes.

If God Can Break His Unconditional Promises To Israel, What Does That Say About Our Security?

Those who believe that God has replaced Israel spiritually with the church, also erode our hope in Jesus’ imminent return for His church because our expectation also rests upon the veracity of God’s Word and His attributes.

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Friends Of Israel

If God Can Break His Unconditional Promises To Israel, What Does That Say About Our Security?

Those who believe that God has replaced Israel spiritually with the church, also erode our hope in Jesus’ imminent return for His church because our expectation also rests upon the veracity of God’s Word and His attributes.

Former Canadian PM Named One Of Jewish States’ Top Christian Allies, Highlighting Dramatic Shift In Country’s Now Anti-Israel Leadership

“Today it is Christians not countries that are standing with Israel. Due to leaders like Stephen Harper, faith-based diplomacy has produced a new stream of support the State of Israel never thought possible...”

Mike Pompeo: Israel May Need to Attack Iran Due To US ‘Appeasement’

"This is the risk of appeasement as you embolden your adversaries. Ultimately they put nations in the place where they're stuck with only one tool, a military tool"

Israel, Greece Sign Record Defense Pact

The agreement includes a $1.65 billion contract for the establishment and operation of a training center for the Hellenic Air Force.

Israel Warns Citizens Against Travel to UAE Over Threats of Iranian Attacks

Israel is advising its citizens not to travel to countries in the region, including the UAE & Bahrain, over fears that Iran will target them.

Kosovo Delivers On Promise, Opens Embassy In Jerusalem

Kosovo opened an embassy to Israel for the first time on Sunday, making it the third country with an embassy currently in Jerusalem.

Equatorial Guinea Pledges To Relocate Embassy to Acknowledge Jerusalem as Israeli Capital

Netanyahu said he welcomes trend in which countries relocate their embassies, noting this pledge was part of Israel's growing ties with Africa.

Following Normalization, UAE Appoints Its First Ambassador To Israel

This comes after UAE confirmed that it would open an embassy in Tel Aviv in the aftermath of normalization ties between the two countries

Despite COVID Restrictions, Ethiopian Jews Make Journey up to Israel

“We see the prophetic hand of God in the return of the Jewish people from Ethiopia and wish to support that.”

Trump Moves Israel Into Central Command To Boost Cooperation With Arab States Against Iran

Latest defense policy move by the Trump administration reportedly seeks to spur Israeli-Arab cooperation against Iran.

Floridians Can Now ‘Stand With Israel’ On Their License Plates

Israeli-American Council holds competition asking graphic designers to create a license plate design declaring “Florida Stands with Israel"

US: Settlement Products To Be Labeled ‘Made in Israel’

US to permit labeling of imports from Israeli settlements as "Made in Israel" Pompeo said during historic visit to Judea & Samaria

Report: US Planning New Flood of Sanctions on Iran Before January

The president’s admin aims to establish the “flood” of sanctions to boost pressure on Iran ahead of a [possible] transfer in power to Biden.

US Lawmakers Collaborate to Provide Israel with Notorious Bunker-Buster Bombs

Lawmakers introduced bi-partisan legislature this week to provide Israel with key weaponry amid Iran’s growing nuclear agenda.

‘Important Victory’: US Lifts Ban on Funding Israeli Research in Golan Heights, Judea & Samaria

Netanyahu: “Today we’re applying the science agreement between Israel and US to Judea and Samaria and the Golan. This is a tremendous change"

US Citizens Born in Jerusalem May Have ‘Israel’ on Their Passports

Trump admin plans to reverse a long-standing US policy that passports of citizens born in Jerusalem may not say they were born in Israel.

Pompeo Seeks to Cut US Funds for Major Rights NGOs Over Anti-Semitism

Pompeo seeks to officially brand several major human rights non-governmental organizations as anti-Semitic and cease US support for them

David Friedman: ‘A Biden Victory Would be Bad for Israel, Region’

Friedman tells UAE media that Joe Biden would undermine the progress made in the effort to curb the threat Iran poses to the Middle East.

Honduras to Move Embassy to Jerusalem by End of Year

Honduran President spoke with Netanyahu to strengthen the "strategic alliance," and agreed to open embassies in Tegucigalpa and Jerusalem

US: Serbia to designate Hezbollah entirely as a terror organization

The United States on Sunday welcomed Serbia’s decision to designate Hezbollah in its entirety as a terrorist organization. It called on the European Union to follow...

Evangelical Malawi President Positions to be First African Country to Move Embassy to Jerusalem

The president’s announcement on Friday, if carried out, would mark Malawi as the first African country to place its embassy in Jerusalem

Chad Considering Embassy in Jerusalem

“I do not only want to mark the relations between our countries, but to promote them even more,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu: Kosovo, Serbia to Open Embassies in Jerusalem

Netanyahu said Friday that Kosovo agreed to open its embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, making it the 1st country with a Muslim majority to do so

Bahrain to Allow Flights Between Israel and the UAE to Enter Its Airspace

Another Gulf state takes a step in ties with Israel; This follows a similar move by Saudi Arabia to allow Israeli flights in their airspace.

U.S. General: War with Israel Would Be ‘Great Mistake’ for Hezbollah

Attacking Israel would be a “great mistake” for Hezbollah, US general touring the region said, adding it wouldn't end well for the Iran-backed terror group

Missouri Joins 31 Other States in Passing Anti-BDS Legislation

Missouri joins Nevada, Minnesota and Alabama, among others, in passing legislation preventing the state from contracting with companies that boycott Israel.

Letter from Republican lawmakers voices firm support for sovereignty bid

Republican lawmakers released statement of support for Netanyahu's plans to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, settlements in Judea & Samaria.

Pompeo: The US Will Always Support Israel’s Right to Defend Itself

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at 2020 AJC Global Forum, condemns anti-Semitism and Palestinian Authority incitement.

Top US diplomat: Only An Israeli Decision Would Delay Annexation

A top official in Trump’s admin said Monday that US will not hold back Israel’s annexation plans as it is a decision to be made “[only] by Israeli leaders.”

Hungary, Austria Stand Against Rest of EU Blasting Israel

Hungary & Austria, the sole EU states opposing criticism of Israel by High Rep. for Foreign Affairs, warned against having a double standard against Israel.

Israeli & US F-35 Pilots Conduct ‘Enduring Lightning’ Over Southern Israel

Despite the global pandemic of COVID-19, F-35 pilots from Israel and the United States conducted a training exercise known as ‘Enduring Lightning’

Pompeo ‘Outraged’: UN Blacklist Shows its ‘Unrelenting Anti-Israeli Bias’

Pompeo slams UN Human Rights council Thursday for releasing list of companies operating in Israeli settlements; Pompeo said he is "outraged" by the decision

Matteo Salvini Vows to Move Italy’s Embassy to Jerusalem if Elected Prime Minister

Conservative Italian frontrunner Matteo Salvini vows to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel if he is elected; This would be accomplished by moving Italy’s embassy to Jerusalem; Salvini: Italy was too slow in adopting this international definition.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad