July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood




In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


In-Depth: Darwin, Nazi Germany, And Canada — The Champions Of ‘Sanctioned Homicide’

Secular views affirm euthanasia by depicting people as isolated, self-possessed machines with rights to “turn themselves off” should their inner values so direct. Thus, debates about euthanasia are not just political disagreements but worldview conflicts hinging on questions of humanity’s meaning.

UK Politicians Are Preaching That People Are Disposable And We Are Living With The Consequences

It’s not only about so-called moral issues. When you dig deeper, you realise that this devaluing of human life is not a peripheral issue, of interest only to Christians, but it underlies a host of the biggest problems our society faces.

Pushed To Suicide: The Callous Regard For Human Life In The Canadian Health System

1.1% of the population of Canada over the six years of 2016–2022 were euthanized, and the numbers are growing rapidly each year. The agency’s recent report showed a decrease in life expectancy for the third consecutive year.

Healthy Woman, 28, to Be Euthanized in the Netherlands; Franklin Graham Urges Prayer

“I wish Zoraya knew how much God loved her,” Franklin Graham posted on Facebook Sunday, “and I pray someone can get to her and tell her that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, from Heaven to Earth so she could have forgiveness of her sins and have a relationship with Him.”

Does The Canadian Government Have The ‘Human Right’ To Assist In Suicide?

“Canada already has one of the most liberal assisted death laws in the world” and that “about 13,200 Canadians had an assisted death last year, a 31 percent increase over 2021.”

Assisted Suicide Is Unbiblical, And Christians Should Never Be Lured Into Supporting It

Euthanasia would clearly count as a deliberate act of murder and a violation of the sixth commandment. It is intentional destruction of someone who is created in the image of God and therefore a deliberate act of rebellion against God himself.

‘Doctors Prescribe Medicine, Not Death’: Nevada Gov. Applauded For VETO Of Assisted Suicide Bill

"Physician-assisted suicide is neither compassionate nor an appropriate solution for those who are suffering—it ends an innocent human life without justification."

Homeless in Canada? 1 in 3 Canadians Say You Should Be Allowed Assisted Suicide

Canada isn’t just sliding down a slippery slope toward becoming a country that“euthanizes its poor”—it’s calmly and purposefully driving right off the cliff with no desire to hit the brakes or steer away.

Survey Finds Canadians Support Extreme Euthanasia Guidelines, Believe Homeless, Disabled Should Also Have Access

The fact is, Canada arguably has the most permissive euthanasia rules in the world... Our culture here in Canada needs a paradigm shift back to belief in our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer so that we may once again treat people with the dignity they deserve as image bearers of their Maker.

‘Image-Bearers Of God’: New Mexico Doctors No Longer Required To Participate In Assisted Suicide

“Dr. Lacy and the thousands of other Christian medical professionals we represent believe every life is sacred and full of inherent value, and that assisted suicide ends an innocent human life without justification."

Killing The Most Vulnerable: Assisted Suicide Is A Slippery Slope

If this recommendation becomes law, it will only be expanded as time goes on, and more and more children will have access to death. We are seeing man’s religion of death increasingly permeating the culture.

Yale Professor Suggests ‘Mass Suicide For Old People’ As Answer To Japan’s Aging Problem

The idea of calls for mandatory euthanasia (assisted suicide) in Japan or elsewhere certainly isn’t far-fetched. Consider how easily that could happen even here in America

‘Downright Demonic’: Canadian Gov’t Calls Lawmakers To Legalize Euthanasia For Children Without Parental Consent

Parents or guardians may or may not be consulted in the euthanasia death of their child if he or she is deemed capable of decision-making.

Imagine Your Doctor Suggesting Suicide As The ‘Solution’ To Your Medical Problems — Welcome To Canada

Many Canadians have no idea this insidious program has been operating for years now, gathering momentum…

European Human Rights Court Rules Euthanasia Of ‘Incurably Depressed’ Woman Violated Her Right To Life

What has happened in Belgium and other countries with similar trajectories paints a dark picture of the “dying with dignity” narrative.

Will Canada Owe An Apology For Its Horrific Euthanasia Policies?

Will Canada owe those with disabilities an apology in the future? That’s the question featured in an opinion piece by Charles Lane published in The Washington Post regarding Canada’s...

‘Morally Tantamount To Participating’ In Murder’: California Law Requires Doctors’ Cooperation in Assisted Suicide

“Over 90% of CMDA members would rather stop practicing medicine than be forced to participate in assisted suicide or other practices in violation of their consciences.”

‘Perfectly Natural’: Church Defends Assisted Suicide ‘Ceremony’ Performed In Sanctuary

Putting aside the curious use of the word "natural" in discussing the lethal injection of Mrs. Sanguin, the absence of Biblical consideration in the church's decision has been especially telling to many Christians.

Oregon Court’s ‘Historic Decision’ Changes Assisted Suicide ‘From a State Issue To a National Issue’

This development in Oregon greatly concerned pro-life organizations, which view the decision as a back door means of essentially legalizing assisted suicide for all Americans.

Doctors Sue California For Threatening To Punish Them For Not Facilitating Assisted Suicide 

Conscientious objectors are suffering irreparable harm to their free exercise of religion and speech, the suit states, seeking an injunction.

A Welcome Defeat of Assisted Suicide in Virginia

Although proponents of assisted suicide argue it “empowers” everyone to dictate their end of life, this desire for complete control has the consequence of creating a culture in which certain lives are deemed unworthy of living

Ontario Data Shows Massive Increase In Euthanasia Deaths, As Canadian Gov’t Pushes To Expand MAiD

"While the federal government has not released the data for the entire country, based on the Ontario data I predict that there were almost 10,000 Canadian euthanasia deaths in 2021"

‘Glorified Gas Chamber:’ Switzerland Approves Use Of 3D-Printed Suicide Pod

According to a press release from Exit International, once the individual has triggered the mechanism, the pod “starts the process of flooding the inside with nitrogen”

Canadian Funeral Homes Have Effectively Become Execution Centers Thanks To Euthanasia Law

Some Canadian funeral homes have begun offering rooms where the consenting sick and the elderly can be killed prior to their wake and burial.

California Just Made It Easier for the Terminally Ill to Commit Suicide

Newsom signed Senate Bill 380 (SB380) into law, streamlining the process for terminally ill patients to kill themselves using drugs prescribed by medical doctors

The UK Is at a Crossroads of Conscience Concerning Assisted Suicide

“The shift from preserving life to taking life is enormous and should not be minimised. The prohibition of killing is present in almost all civilised societies”

Bioethicist: Let Doctors Kill the Healthy by Harvesting Organs

Many bioethicists are now pushing to allow doctors to kill via organ harvest, sometimes called “organ donation euthanasia” (ODE).

Canadian Program Determines When Seniors Have 6 Months to Live; Expert Warns System Will Compel Euthanasia

Many are concerned the program will be used to pressure the elderly toward euthanasia, otherwise known as MAiD (medical assistance in dying).

Canada Euthanized Nearly 8,000 People Last Year, Including 1,400 Who Felt “Isolated or Lonely”

An annual report by Canadian health authorities paints a grim picture of just how disposable life can be in the Great White North.

Devastating: Netherlands Euthanized More People Than Ever in 2020

A record high number of people were euthanized in the Netherlands in 2020, according to horrifying new reports from the region.

People’s Lives ‘In the Hands of the State’: Spanish Lawmakers Vote to Legalize Euthanasia

Spain's conservative Party plans to challenge the law in the Constitutional Court saying it puts people's lives "in the hands of the state"

Euthanasia Deaths in Victoria, Australia Soar After Legalization

Deaths by euthanasia and assisted suicide in the state of Victoria, Australia, have almost doubled in the region since their legalization.

Canadian Senate Passes Bill That Will Make It The ‘Most Permissive Nation’ On Euthanasia

The gov’t has intentionally designed the law to expand over time. What‘s worse is that Canadians have bought the government’s lies.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

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Jack Hibbs Ad