Many people are aware that someday the Mark of the Beast will be implemented. We are NOT there yet, which will occur during the Tribulation. However, the infrastructure for the technology needed for the Mark of the Beast to function is being developed and used today.
God is indeed taking note, and judgment will come one day soon. Until then, we will continue to grapple with Iran's schemes against the Jewish State. Will Iran strike Israel before Trump is inaugurated on January 20th? Iran knows that once Trump is in the Oval Office, he will rule with an iron fist, providing Israel with the full backing of the US. Iran is desperate. Will that translate into an attack on Israel in the coming days? Only God knows.
His address came nearly 30 years after Billy Graham prayed during a joint session of the state House and Senate in 1997. That day, Mr. Graham shared how God had changed his life since he had trusted Jesus Christ and encouraged members to look to Christ for wisdom, guidance and hope for the work ahead of them.
The news of Trudeau's downfall comes as welcome news to the majority of Canadians. After he resigns, the Prime Minister will leave behind a legacy of trampled freedoms, financial burdens, corruption, and deadly agendas.
Peterson doesn’t believe in God in the way that Christians do, and it is dishonest for him to speak in a way that will delude his less careful readers into believing that he does. Peterson has not bent the knee to Jesus Christ, and thus, Christians should see him as someone to pray for and evangelize, not a guru to learn from.
The greatest of all the end time signs is the existence of Israel. The “dry bones” have been regathered into a modern nation-state (Ezekiel 36-37) that continues to survive despite the concerted efforts of satanically inspired purveyors of hate.
The Standing Committee on Finance in December presented 462 recommendations for the government to implement. Item 430 recommends that the government “Amend the Income Tax Act to provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of ‘advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose.”
The Prime Minister of the very country representing the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust in general and the ones who died in Auschwitz, in particular, will be absent from the ceremony... but not by choice.
Though Jewish people always have confronted antisemitism, the United States has been a safe harbor for them. The recent, sharp rise in antisemitic incidents and the failure of many key American institutions to address this evil in their ranks demonstrate a marked shift in the country's view of the Jewish people.
“We can’t feel like our responsibility ended when we cast our vote on Nov. 5. That somehow we can delegate this responsibility to the government. We cannot. We need godly men and women in government. Now, the real work of changing hearts and minds and retaking the moral ground in our country begins.”
The numbers are shocking but hard to deny. According to new data obtained by APP, almost 70 percent of the Biden education bureaucracy’s “enforcement actions” targeted faith-based and career schools. For perspective, those categories represent less than 10 percent of students across the country.
YouVersion, consisting of the Bible App, Bible App Lite and Bible App for Kids, is installed on more than 875 million digital devices worldwide. According to YouVersion’s end of the year press release, over 11.2 million installations on new devices occurred per month while daily Bible engagement consisted of about 14 million people daily. In 2024, the number of app installations and daily usages per month has set records.
Christians who believe in the Rapture are often portrayed as escapists who are out of touch with reality and ready to leave this world and all its problems behind. Consequently, this once-beloved teaching has eroded. Some Christians don’t want to associate with a belief that is mocked publicly or abused by date-setters, so they distance themselves from it; and this distancing appears more in the pulpit than in the pew.
The church today is prioritising entertainment over evangelism; distraction over doctrine; tickling over teaching; playing over prayer. The remnant church has given itself to the Lord’s service to feed the sheep. The remainder seem to be content with amusing the goats.
As of October, there has been a 41% increase in bible sale copies since 2019, from 9.7 million to more than 13.7 million this year. The overall number has increased every year since 2020.
The HHS rule imposed unprecedented restrictions on doctors’ ability to report cases of abuse—such as women and minors being coerced into abortions—or minors receiving harmful “gender transition” drugs or surgeries.
The morning of the hearing, Perkins posted on X a call to pray for the lawyers, justices and Supreme Court “to uphold the truth and protect vulnerable children.” Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal advocacy organization, issued a signup on their website to pray for the court’s decision, after the hearing.
In Jungian theory, God is not a literal deity that created mankind, but is simply a psychological reality, a symbol of the transcendent aspects of the human experience. This is why Jungian theorists reject the true and living God of the Bible. He has been replaced by a “god” in the human psyche who appears indistinguishable from the true “self” that mankind should supposedly seek to discover.
Echoing Ronald Reagan’s pledge, President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly promised to eliminate the controversial department altogether since his 2016 campaign. With his mandate victory the race is on in Congress and among transition officials including Education Secretary nominee Linda McMahon to figure out the logistics of doing it.
Over the past generation, the solid ground of our moral universe has been shaken. The immovable rocks are being split apart and dashed to pieces. And, lest we think such damage can be easily reversed, the newest generation is being indoctrinated to think such insanity is normal.
As we reach the 1,000th day of war in Ukraine, things are starting to get concerning for other nations. As the government of Sweden just presented its seventh military package of weapons and supplies to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on the Homefront, Sweden started to distribute copies of a 32-page booklet advising its citizens how to prepare for war.
God did not establish civil government so that it could turn on its people, use its people, surveil its people and track its people. Yet so many of us have become conditioned to the supposed need for surveillance that it no longer bothers the average person when these technologies become even more ubiquitous. What these technologies ultimately reveal is that the world is quickly becoming a high-tech prison.
The primary objective of the 29th annual UN global-warming confab is to fund a permanent mechanism for extracting and redistributing trillions of dollars — literally — from what remains of the Western middle class. It is premised on the idea that CO2 emissions from the West have caused “climate change.” Therefore, Western governments owe “developing” countries “reparations.”
From the unsettling proliferation of drone swarm technology that could foreshadow the Antichrist's future surveillance state, to Israel's increasing strength against its enemies, to Russia's concerning military escalation—we're seeing Bible prophecy align with current events in remarkable ways.
Top stories: 1) A special commission recommends Israel prepare to face Iran alone. 2) Israeli Defense Minister Yisrael Katz warns that unless Hezbollah withdraws...
As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events.
It’s true, we are not officially at peace.
There is still fighting going on in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and the West Bank. However, for the most part, the action is taking place outside our borders with very few aerial or ground terrorist attacks. I can’t say that it is back to how it was before the black day of October 7, 2023. It can never again be how it used to be. In some ways we are better off now than we were then. In others, we are worse.
Despite al-Jolani's threat on Saturday, Israel continued on Sunday with a massive barrage against targets in Syria near the Mediterranean coast. Israel used what is being called by major media outlets globally an "earthquake bomb." Whether its first use by Israel was on Sunday or possibly previously in Beirut, this was at least the first public unveiling. It registered on the Richter scale and caused a significant mushroom cloud.
The apostle Paul did not want the church to “be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (Romans 11:25). Paul knew, and we know today, that Israel’s people are in the land in unbelief. But one day God will breathe into His people the breath of spiritual life (Ezekiel 37:14)
Some Christians ask questions like, "Hey, can I do this or that and still be a Christian?" Some believers sail so close to the lake of fire that their sails get singed. You don't want to live the way Samson did.
Jesus warned His followers to count carefully the cost, and that certainly does not speak of an easy way. But there is no good thing that comes without cost.
We must never forget that prayer is not only for petition, but it’s also for protection and preparation. Prayer not only gives us what we want, but it also prepares us for and protects us from what we don’t want.
The book of Nehemiah is a story of courage, boldness, steadfastness, and faithfulness in spite of incredible and growing opposition to the work of God.
Even the richest among us have finite resources. Not so with God. Yet He didn’t reach into His infinite resources when He gave something so incalculably precious that the angelic host sang out. God gave Himself.
For a UK Prime Minister’s official spokesman to publicly announce the government wants to hold talks with a proscribed terrorist is tantamount to saying to every jihadist group in the world who persecutes Christians: “if you are successful, topple an existing government and seize power – we will, in effect, recognise you as the government of that country”
Many people are aware that someday the Mark of the Beast will be implemented. We are NOT there yet, which will occur during the Tribulation. However, the infrastructure for the technology needed for the Mark of the Beast to function is being developed and used today.
God is indeed taking note, and judgment will come one day soon. Until then, we will continue to grapple with Iran's schemes against the Jewish State. Will Iran strike Israel before Trump is inaugurated on January 20th? Iran knows that once Trump is in the Oval Office, he will rule with an iron fist, providing Israel with the full backing of the US. Iran is desperate. Will that translate into an attack on Israel in the coming days? Only God knows.
Now, this wasn’t the first incident, but it should serve as a wake-up call as we have pushed God and morality out of our classrooms, entertainment industry, and government. We shouldn’t be surprised when destructive ideologies find fertile ground, whether it’s the oppressive and violent actions of ISIS, Hamas, or any other extremist group.
YouVersion, consisting of the Bible App, Bible App Lite and Bible App for Kids, is installed on more than 875 million digital devices worldwide. According to YouVersion’s end of the year press release, over 11.2 million installations on new devices occurred per month while daily Bible engagement consisted of about 14 million people daily. In 2024, the number of app installations and daily usages per month has set records.
The HHS rule imposed unprecedented restrictions on doctors’ ability to report cases of abuse—such as women and minors being coerced into abortions—or minors receiving harmful “gender transition” drugs or surgeries.
As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events.
Top stories: 1) A special commission recommends Israel prepare to face Iran alone. 2) Israeli Defense Minister Yisrael Katz warns that unless Hezbollah withdraws...
Over the past generation, the solid ground of our moral universe has been shaken. The immovable rocks are being split apart and dashed to pieces. And, lest we think such damage can be easily reversed, the newest generation is being indoctrinated to think such insanity is normal.
For a UK Prime Minister’s official spokesman to publicly announce the government wants to hold talks with a proscribed terrorist is tantamount to saying to every jihadist group in the world who persecutes Christians: “if you are successful, topple an existing government and seize power – we will, in effect, recognise you as the government of that country”
Some Christians ask questions like, "Hey, can I do this or that and still be a Christian?" Some believers sail so close to the lake of fire that their sails get singed. You don't want to live the way Samson did.
Fortunately, the jury dismissed Bragg’s charges and acquitted Penny. Their decision sends an important message: a society remains safe only when courageous individuals — especially men willing to act selflessly — are supported, not punished, for their bravery.
Donald Trump took a lot of flack over his decision to move the US Embassy. When you move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, you are acknowledging the fact that Jerusalem is Israel's Capital. That recognition is unacceptable to the world—despite what the God of the universe and history declares.
God did not establish civil government so that it could turn on its people, use its people, surveil its people and track its people. Yet so many of us have become conditioned to the supposed need for surveillance that it no longer bothers the average person when these technologies become even more ubiquitous. What these technologies ultimately reveal is that the world is quickly becoming a high-tech prison.
In a letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, twenty-nine US Congress members urged the UN agency to disband its Guideline Development Group (GDG) on transgenderism, stating that the panel appears more like a "global marketing campaign" than an "honest assessment of the medical evidence."
Many people are aware that someday the Mark of the Beast will be implemented. We are NOT there yet, which will occur during the Tribulation. However, the infrastructure for the technology needed for the Mark of the Beast to function is being developed and used today.
As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events.
YouVersion, consisting of the Bible App, Bible App Lite and Bible App for Kids, is installed on more than 875 million digital devices worldwide. According to YouVersion’s end of the year press release, over 11.2 million installations on new devices occurred per month while daily Bible engagement consisted of about 14 million people daily. In 2024, the number of app installations and daily usages per month has set records.
The HHS rule imposed unprecedented restrictions on doctors’ ability to report cases of abuse—such as women and minors being coerced into abortions—or minors receiving harmful “gender transition” drugs or surgeries.
Over the past generation, the solid ground of our moral universe has been shaken. The immovable rocks are being split apart and dashed to pieces. And, lest we think such damage can be easily reversed, the newest generation is being indoctrinated to think such insanity is normal.
Some Christians ask questions like, "Hey, can I do this or that and still be a Christian?" Some believers sail so close to the lake of fire that their sails get singed. You don't want to live the way Samson did.
Jesus warned His followers to count carefully the cost, and that certainly does not speak of an easy way. But there is no good thing that comes without cost.
We must never forget that prayer is not only for petition, but it’s also for protection and preparation. Prayer not only gives us what we want, but it also prepares us for and protects us from what we don’t want.
The book of Nehemiah is a story of courage, boldness, steadfastness, and faithfulness in spite of incredible and growing opposition to the work of God.
For a UK Prime Minister’s official spokesman to publicly announce the government wants to hold talks with a proscribed terrorist is tantamount to saying to every jihadist group in the world who persecutes Christians: “if you are successful, topple an existing government and seize power – we will, in effect, recognise you as the government of that country”
Top stories: 1) A special commission recommends Israel prepare to face Iran alone. 2) Israeli Defense Minister Yisrael Katz warns that unless Hezbollah withdraws...
The HHS rule imposed unprecedented restrictions on doctors’ ability to report cases of abuse—such as women and minors being coerced into abortions—or minors receiving harmful “gender transition” drugs or surgeries.
As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events.
YouVersion, consisting of the Bible App, Bible App Lite and Bible App for Kids, is installed on more than 875 million digital devices worldwide. According to YouVersion’s end of the year press release, over 11.2 million installations on new devices occurred per month while daily Bible engagement consisted of about 14 million people daily. In 2024, the number of app installations and daily usages per month has set records.
For a UK Prime Minister’s official spokesman to publicly announce the government wants to hold talks with a proscribed terrorist is tantamount to saying to every jihadist group in the world who persecutes Christians: “if you are successful, topple an existing government and seize power – we will, in effect, recognise you as the government of that country”
The point is that the occasional non- or para-conformities sometimes observed in the geologic column are easily explained and consistent with what we’d expect to find if Noah’s flood is true history.
This should cause those who placed their faith in Charles Lyell’s views to pause and consider why anyone should have given so much credence to this man’s interpretations in science that they would be willing to reinterpret the plain reading of God’s Word.
The news of Trudeau's downfall comes as welcome news to the majority of Canadians. After he resigns, the Prime Minister will leave behind a legacy of trampled freedoms, financial burdens, corruption, and deadly agendas.
Peterson doesn’t believe in God in the way that Christians do, and it is dishonest for him to speak in a way that will delude his less careful readers into believing that he does. Peterson has not bent the knee to Jesus Christ, and thus, Christians should see him as someone to pray for and evangelize, not a guru to learn from.
The greatest of all the end time signs is the existence of Israel. The “dry bones” have been regathered into a modern nation-state (Ezekiel 36-37) that continues to survive despite the concerted efforts of satanically inspired purveyors of hate.
The Standing Committee on Finance in December presented 462 recommendations for the government to implement. Item 430 recommends that the government “Amend the Income Tax Act to provide a definition of a charity which would remove the privileged status of ‘advancement of religion’ as a charitable purpose.”
The Prime Minister of the very country representing the 6 million Jewish victims of the Holocaust in general and the ones who died in Auschwitz, in particular, will be absent from the ceremony... but not by choice.
Though Jewish people always have confronted antisemitism, the United States has been a safe harbor for them. The recent, sharp rise in antisemitic incidents and the failure of many key American institutions to address this evil in their ranks demonstrate a marked shift in the country's view of the Jewish people.
The HHS rule imposed unprecedented restrictions on doctors’ ability to report cases of abuse—such as women and minors being coerced into abortions—or minors receiving harmful “gender transition” drugs or surgeries.
As we head into the new year, several stories transpired at the end of 2024 that we weren’t expecting. The world watched in disbelief as the regime of Bashar al-Assad, which had ruled Syria for over five decades, collapsed in a shockingly rapid and dramatic turn of events.
Top stories: 1) A special commission recommends Israel prepare to face Iran alone. 2) Israeli Defense Minister Yisrael Katz warns that unless Hezbollah withdraws...
Top stories:1) CIA Director William Burns departed Qatar, after efforts to reach a hostage release deal reach an impasse. 2) The Palestinian Authority launches...
For a UK Prime Minister’s official spokesman to publicly announce the government wants to hold talks with a proscribed terrorist is tantamount to saying to every jihadist group in the world who persecutes Christians: “if you are successful, topple an existing government and seize power – we will, in effect, recognise you as the government of that country”
Is your life lived for the now or the future? In a world often distracted by worldly pursuits, learn how to offer your life as a living sacrifice aligned with God's will. It's not just about existing—it's about being transformed for His purpose and glory.
Top stories: 1) A special commission recommends Israel prepare to face Iran alone. 2) Israeli Defense Minister Yisrael Katz warns that unless Hezbollah withdraws...
Is your life lived for the now or the future? In a world often distracted by worldly pursuits, learn how to offer your life as a living sacrifice aligned with God's will. It's not just about existing—it's about being transformed for His purpose and glory.
PROPHECY REVEALED: Pastor Greg Laurie unlocks the mysteries of Biblical prophecy, answering your burning questions and uncovering shocking truths about the end times.
Relive the beauty and wonder of our Candlelight Service at Calvary Chapel Reno Sparks! This special evening was filled with heartfelt carols, the warm...
Long after the visits, and adulations, Mary’s heart would remain full with what she has received. Many people had not yet comprehended the magnitude...
In this Q&A, Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner answer your questions about Bible prophecy, current Middle Eastern events, and their implications for the future. The discussion delves into Israel's role, the importance of the temple, the influence of AI, and the complex situation with Hamas. Tune in for...
On today’s Watchman Newscast Livestream, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down the larger implications of the horrific ISIS-inspired terror attack in New Orleans and whether...
There’s a new archeological discovery that is early evidence for Christianity… In this episode of Answers News, our hosts Avery Foley, Dr. Gabi Haynes,...
When Hurricane Helene tore through the Southeastern United States this past fall, it destroyed countless homes, claimed hundreds of lives, and washed away entire...
This is what happens when Christians believe in evolution. In this video, I explain why Christians who believe in evolution are actually undermining Scripture...
Join us for our In News Surrounding Israel weekly newscast, as this week I will be talking about Iran’s recent threats of an “extreme” attack on Israel and what should our response as Christians be. Tune in for all the details.
In News Surrounding Israel is a unique and captivating commentary on the latest news pertaining to Israel. In addition to tackling issues related to...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
On today’s Watchman Newscast Livestream, host Erick Stakelbeck breaks down yet another Houthi ballistic missile attack on Israel (11 in the past month alone)...
Israeli Air Force Strikes in Yemen, Ongoing Conflict and Stress on Israeli Population, Hezbollah Weapons Display and Ceasefire Agreement, Iran's Nuclear Ambitions and Regional...
In this final update of 2024, Amir Tsarfati shares insights from the heart of Galilee, Israel, including crucial developments in the Middle East. Topics...
The world is rapidly changing, and we're witnessing Bible prophecy unfold before our eyes. As tensions rise and nations shift alliances, Biblical truths provide...
Top stories:1) CIA Director William Burns departed Qatar, after efforts to reach a hostage release deal reach an impasse. 2) The Palestinian Authority launches...
Top stories: 1) Iran’s Yemeni proxy Ansar-Allah, which is dominated by the Houthi Tribe, launched multiple projectiles toward Israel – destroying a public school...
Let's talk about how Jesus was simultaneously 100% God and yet 100% man. Did baby Jesus need his diapers changed? Did Jesus cut himself and bleed when he had a carpentry accident? Was Jesus tempted? Did he have anger? Did He have full knowledge and power during his time...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Pastor Jack dissects a few of the most often misused Bible verses. Quoting, meditating on, and sharing the scriptures are essential to our Christian...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Pastor Jack, Todd Hampson, and Jeff Kinley discuss all things prophecy on this special guest episode. Hear how Biblical prophecy changed each of their...
Every family and community has their own traditions and our family is no different. From Christmas traditions to everyday habits, we have built things...
This Thanksgiving season, Samaritan’s Purse had the privilege of delivering Thanksgiving meals to families in a rural North Carolina town who were devasted by...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
On today’s Anchor Podcast, Amir interviews Dr. Dina Aweida, doctor of biology at Technion, Israel’s premier institution for science. Dr. Aweida is passionately pro-life,...
In September 2016, California Democrats signed Assembly Bill 1921 into law, more commonly known as "ballot harvesting." It's a bad law that one party...