If Hamas still refuses to move forward and return the remaining hostages, Israel will cut the 19% of Gaza’s water that it supplies. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will cut electricity to Gaza’s desalination plants so that they cannot purify their own water. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume air attacks. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume a ground war. To this final end, Israel’s government approved a call-up of 400,000 reserves. That’s 100,000 more than were called up after October 7. In other words, Israel is not playing around.
Much like the days of ancient Israel, when the prophet Isaiah lamented that people would "call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20), today’s moral compass appears hopelessly inverted. A glaring example of this inversion was on full display as celebrities arrived at the ceremony in their lavish attire, some proudly wearing red pins symbolising their supposed moral stance in support of "freeing Palestine."
Since the Romans destroyed the Second Temple in 70AD, it has been the heartfelt desire of the Jewish people to rebuild the Temple. This was a precedent set much earlier by Daniel while he was in exile. Daniel 9:17 reads: "Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is desolate."
Apostasy is an important aspect of last days' events. Everywhere we look, we are bombarded with news of pastors and denominations turning away from the truth and pursuing apostasy.
Woe unto the world that pushes Israel in this deadly direction! The world refuses to acknowledge the facts and instead is forcing Israel to make peace with people who wish them dead. Gaza should be all the necessary proof that peace through this avenue is not possible. Israel turned the entire strip over to them in 2005—lock, stock, and barrel. What came out of it was the largest terrorist network of tunnels in the entire world and an elected terrorist regime intent on destroying Israel.
This bill would “create new sections of KRS Chapter 507, relating to criminal homicide, to allow a prosecution where the victim is an unborn child”—in other words, it would equally apply our current laws to unborn children, treating them as fully human and deserving of equal protection under the law. Unlike other pro-life bills, House Bill 523 is groundbreaking because it applies equal protection to babies in the womb.
The global stage has witnessed a surge of anti-Israel protests, ostensibly driven by a desire to halt what is perceived as the genocide of Palestinians. However, amidst the fervor of these demonstrations, a glaring irony remains unacknowledged—the entities responsible for these attacks (Hamas) openly declare their genocidal intent for Israel and the Jewish people.
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
Somewhere in the past, a divorce occurred; pastors and Bible scholars separated the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. This tragic exclusion of a key aspect of the Gospel has led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such an eager anticipation.
Near the end of his term, President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 judges to the federal bench, surpassing the 234 confirmed during President Donald Trump’s first term. Those who care about religious liberty and constitutional law weren’t smiling.
As a Christian who starts with God’s Word, it’s been exciting the last few weeks to watch woke idols—such as preferred pronouns, transgender ideology, and racist DEI hiring practices—fall swiftly as the new administration in the US and many previously very woke corporations distance themselves from these things or outright reject them. But if wokeness is your god, well, the recent happenings are nothing short of devastating.
Somewhere in the past, a divorce occurred; pastors and Bible scholars separated the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. This tragic exclusion of a key aspect of the Gospel has led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such an eager anticipation.
We must wonder today about those, particularly among the so-called clergy—who cannot or will not discern the times. These totally ignore, or refuse to accept, God’s Word on things to come. They spiritualize or allegorize prophecy yet future concerning Christ’s soon return to put an end to this rebellious world system.
"Paul emphasizes the crucial role of pastors and church leaders in safeguarding the integrity of the gospel message. This responsibility includes identifying and addressing any attempts to misrepresent or distort the message."
Someone will say, “Well, I just love Jesus! Can’t we just set these things aside?” That is a nice sentiment, but here’s the problem: What if you end up loving the wrong Jesus? If the Jesus you love is not the Jesus of the Bible, then effectively you’re an idolater. You’re worshiping another god.
As a Christian who starts with God’s Word, it’s been exciting the last few weeks to watch woke idols—such as preferred pronouns, transgender ideology, and racist DEI hiring practices—fall swiftly as the new administration in the US and many previously very woke corporations distance themselves from these things or outright reject them. But if wokeness is your god, well, the recent happenings are nothing short of devastating.
Because there is a universal witness of God written on every heart, Romans 1:20 contains some sobering words: “They are without excuse.” Before the Almighty, we are accountable. Perhaps this accountability to God—and not just to ourselves—is why many in our culture wish there were no natural moral law. This is certainly what John 3:19 indicates: “Men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
“The chemical and surgical mutilation of children must stop immediately,” including “genital mutilation,” wrote Miyares. The Trump administration’s actions, and any legislation that codifies it into law, “could create significant liability for those institutions and individuals who perform and are involved with the chemical and surgical mutilation of children in addition to the exposure they already face under existing law.”
An official “mental health” app backed by the state of California is targeting vulnerable children with controversial propaganda involving the occult, the New Age, homosexuality, transgenderism, fornication, and more. The attack on biblical principles and precepts is clear. But critics are sounding the alarm.
The escalation began after Zelenskyy repeatedly interrupted the President, delivered back-handed remarks, and backed out of agreeing to a ceasefire in front of reporters. Vice President JD Vance admonished the Ukrainian President for showing clear disrespect to the United States and its leadership.
"With so many being deluded today, it's sometimes difficult to think things could get worse. But Scripture says the masses will embrace the Antichrist as a savior who can bring peace and security. And because they reject the truth, they will believe a lie that will send them to the Lake of Fire for eternity (Rev. 20:11–15)."
Last Monday, we watched as Donald Trump again became President of the United States. Optimism abounds; many believe he can change the disastrous, vile, and anti-biblical policies of the previous administration before it’s too late to avert the Lord’s wrath and/or the end of America.
I would certainly not describe all Muslims as ‘sex groomers’, but this example appears to want to characterise any suggestion that Muslims have been responsible for grooming gang offences as ‘Islamophobic’. There is no doubt that fear of being called Islamophobic has motivated police and other authorities to avoid tackling these grooming gangs.
Isaiah 5:20 is exactly what we are seeing right now in our sin-rotten culture. We have forsaken God. We have ignored God. We have forgotten God. Without a Biblically informed conscience and a commitment to the authority of Scripture, truth is turned on its head, leading to actions that are devoid of absolute right and wrong. Isaiah put it this way: “Truth is fallen in the street” (Isaiah 59:14).
Israel was rocked by a brutal car-ramming attack outside Tel Aviv, leaving 13 injured, including a teenager in critical condition. Meanwhile, Egypt is reeling...
Top stories: 1) Israel is working tirelessly to secure the release of additional hostages, while the United States hints at ‘progress’ being made. 2)...
Jewish leaders are accused of plotting to take over the government, banks, businesses, education, religion, and more. It has gotten to a point where nobody is interested in checking the validity of such claims. They would instead join in the finger-pointing and accusations. These are lies, and they all come from Satan, the master of lies...
The massacre of October 7th was the most significant atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. It was an unprovoked, calculated act of terrorism. The international community watched in horror, but the response, as history has shown, was tragically muted in some quarters. For Israel, the events of this day marked the beginning of a new chapter in its struggle for survival.
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
The only differences between Hamas and the Nazis are time and location. There was one person upon whom those pictures had a profound effect, and that was U.S. President Donald Trump. Already iffy on the whole “a few hostages at a time” agreement, his viewing of Ami, Sharabi, and Levy pushed him over the edge.
Nearly 1800 years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish people in AD 70, famed author and journalist Mark Twain wrote the following about his personal experience visiting in 1867 the land of Israel, renamed Palestine by the Romans. He recorded his observations in his book The Innocents Abroad, published in 1869.
Has God indeed said? Satan’s playbook remains unchanged. And like Eve, we’re faced with a decision when the devil’s cunning lies come to our ears. Whose voice, whose Word will we believe?
Knowing the truth about Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian. It’s a good start, but it’s not enough. Being part of a church doesn’t make you a Christian. It’s highly recommended for spiritual growth, but it’s not enough. Marrying a believer doesn’t make you a Christian. Your spouse’s faith doesn’t count for you.
The Jewish leaders were repulsed by Jesus’ titulus. They wanted it rephrased to read, “He said, ‘I am the King of the Jews’” (John 19:21). Pilate refused, answering, “What I have written, I have written” (v. 22), thus unwittingly affirming Jesus’ title for generations to come.
When you move from God toward His enemy, you are, in effect, declaring war on God. And the enemy James spoke of is not only the devil, but also the world. It's the world of ideas, the system of values that is opposed to the values of God and His kingdom. So, if you're a friend of the world, you are making yourself an enemy of God.
From that continent, Christianity, along with the freedoms that follow it, spread to much of the world. Now, rights such as the freedoms of religion and speech abruptly end with the application of one of several labels. And those labels are easily applied by the government so that government leaders can protect their power. The labels include “hate,” “radical,” and “extremist.”
Author Hedieh Mirahmadi was a devout, practicing Muslim for over 20 years. She writes, "My entire professional career both inside the U.S. government and...
If Hamas still refuses to move forward and return the remaining hostages, Israel will cut the 19% of Gaza’s water that it supplies. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will cut electricity to Gaza’s desalination plants so that they cannot purify their own water. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume air attacks. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume a ground war. To this final end, Israel’s government approved a call-up of 400,000 reserves. That’s 100,000 more than were called up after October 7. In other words, Israel is not playing around.
Much like the days of ancient Israel, when the prophet Isaiah lamented that people would "call evil good and good evil" (Isaiah 5:20), today’s moral compass appears hopelessly inverted. A glaring example of this inversion was on full display as celebrities arrived at the ceremony in their lavish attire, some proudly wearing red pins symbolising their supposed moral stance in support of "freeing Palestine."
"I signed an order to cut off all taxpayer funding to any institution that engages in the sexual mutilation of our youth. Now I want Congress to pass a bill permanently banning and criminalizing sex changes on children and forever ending the lie that any child is trapped in the wrong body. This is a big lie. Our message to every child in America is that you are perfect exactly the way God made you."
Somewhere in the past, a divorce occurred; pastors and Bible scholars separated the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. This tragic exclusion of a key aspect of the Gospel has led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such an eager anticipation.
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
Jewish leaders are accused of plotting to take over the government, banks, businesses, education, religion, and more. It has gotten to a point where nobody is interested in checking the validity of such claims. They would instead join in the finger-pointing and accusations. These are lies, and they all come from Satan, the master of lies...
Israel was rocked by a brutal car-ramming attack outside Tel Aviv, leaving 13 injured, including a teenager in critical condition. Meanwhile, Egypt is reeling...
Top stories: 1) Israel is working tirelessly to secure the release of additional hostages, while the United States hints at ‘progress’ being made. 2)...
The escalation began after Zelenskyy repeatedly interrupted the President, delivered back-handed remarks, and backed out of agreeing to a ceasefire in front of reporters. Vice President JD Vance admonished the Ukrainian President for showing clear disrespect to the United States and its leadership.
From that continent, Christianity, along with the freedoms that follow it, spread to much of the world. Now, rights such as the freedoms of religion and speech abruptly end with the application of one of several labels. And those labels are easily applied by the government so that government leaders can protect their power. The labels include “hate,” “radical,” and “extremist.”
Nearly 1800 years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish people in AD 70, famed author and journalist Mark Twain wrote the following about his personal experience visiting in 1867 the land of Israel, renamed Palestine by the Romans. He recorded his observations in his book The Innocents Abroad, published in 1869.
Near the end of his term, President Joe Biden celebrated the confirmation of 235 judges to the federal bench, surpassing the 234 confirmed during President Donald Trump’s first term. Those who care about religious liberty and constitutional law weren’t smiling.
The end is near is not a saying on a sandwich board worn by some homeless person marching down Main Street. Rather, it is the hope of the believer. Most people call it the Rapture. And no, it’s not an escape hatch.
Today’s events in the Middle East, though not direct fulfillments of Ezekiel’s prophecies, strikingly foreshadow them; and a survey of Ezekiel 38 in its context reveals that the events Ezekiel described may be on the horizon.
Rather than refute the claims made under the banner of ecotheology, it appears that many churches and seminaries are jumping on board, keen to “repent” for their climate crimes and adopt the pagan religion of animism into their beliefs, all in the name of supposedly saving the earth from man.
If Hamas still refuses to move forward and return the remaining hostages, Israel will cut the 19% of Gaza’s water that it supplies. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will cut electricity to Gaza’s desalination plants so that they cannot purify their own water. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume air attacks. If Hamas still refuses, Israel will resume a ground war. To this final end, Israel’s government approved a call-up of 400,000 reserves. That’s 100,000 more than were called up after October 7. In other words, Israel is not playing around.
Jewish leaders are accused of plotting to take over the government, banks, businesses, education, religion, and more. It has gotten to a point where nobody is interested in checking the validity of such claims. They would instead join in the finger-pointing and accusations. These are lies, and they all come from Satan, the master of lies...
Somewhere in the past, a divorce occurred; pastors and Bible scholars separated the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. This tragic exclusion of a key aspect of the Gospel has led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such an eager anticipation.
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
The escalation began after Zelenskyy repeatedly interrupted the President, delivered back-handed remarks, and backed out of agreeing to a ceasefire in front of reporters. Vice President JD Vance admonished the Ukrainian President for showing clear disrespect to the United States and its leadership.
Nearly 1800 years after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and scattered the Jewish people in AD 70, famed author and journalist Mark Twain wrote the following about his personal experience visiting in 1867 the land of Israel, renamed Palestine by the Romans. He recorded his observations in his book The Innocents Abroad, published in 1869.
Has God indeed said? Satan’s playbook remains unchanged. And like Eve, we’re faced with a decision when the devil’s cunning lies come to our ears. Whose voice, whose Word will we believe?
Knowing the truth about Jesus doesn’t make you a Christian. It’s a good start, but it’s not enough. Being part of a church doesn’t make you a Christian. It’s highly recommended for spiritual growth, but it’s not enough. Marrying a believer doesn’t make you a Christian. Your spouse’s faith doesn’t count for you.
The Jewish leaders were repulsed by Jesus’ titulus. They wanted it rephrased to read, “He said, ‘I am the King of the Jews’” (John 19:21). Pilate refused, answering, “What I have written, I have written” (v. 22), thus unwittingly affirming Jesus’ title for generations to come.
From that continent, Christianity, along with the freedoms that follow it, spread to much of the world. Now, rights such as the freedoms of religion and speech abruptly end with the application of one of several labels. And those labels are easily applied by the government so that government leaders can protect their power. The labels include “hate,” “radical,” and “extremist.”
Israel was rocked by a brutal car-ramming attack outside Tel Aviv, leaving 13 injured, including a teenager in critical condition. Meanwhile, Egypt is reeling...
Top stories: 1) Israel is working tirelessly to secure the release of additional hostages, while the United States hints at ‘progress’ being made. 2)...
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
Jewish leaders are accused of plotting to take over the government, banks, businesses, education, religion, and more. It has gotten to a point where nobody is interested in checking the validity of such claims. They would instead join in the finger-pointing and accusations. These are lies, and they all come from Satan, the master of lies...
Somewhere in the past, a divorce occurred; pastors and Bible scholars separated the return of Jesus for His church from the proclamation of the Gospel. This tragic exclusion of a key aspect of the Gospel has led to a dearth of understanding among believers regarding Jesus’ appearing and the joyful anticipation that comes with such an eager anticipation.
From that continent, Christianity, along with the freedoms that follow it, spread to much of the world. Now, rights such as the freedoms of religion and speech abruptly end with the application of one of several labels. And those labels are easily applied by the government so that government leaders can protect their power. The labels include “hate,” “radical,” and “extremist.”
The point is that the occasional non- or para-conformities sometimes observed in the geologic column are easily explained and consistent with what we’d expect to find if Noah’s flood is true history.
This should cause those who placed their faith in Charles Lyell’s views to pause and consider why anyone should have given so much credence to this man’s interpretations in science that they would be willing to reinterpret the plain reading of God’s Word.
Apostasy is an important aspect of last days' events. Everywhere we look, we are bombarded with news of pastors and denominations turning away from the truth and pursuing apostasy.
Woe unto the world that pushes Israel in this deadly direction! The world refuses to acknowledge the facts and instead is forcing Israel to make peace with people who wish them dead. Gaza should be all the necessary proof that peace through this avenue is not possible. Israel turned the entire strip over to them in 2005—lock, stock, and barrel. What came out of it was the largest terrorist network of tunnels in the entire world and an elected terrorist regime intent on destroying Israel.
This bill would “create new sections of KRS Chapter 507, relating to criminal homicide, to allow a prosecution where the victim is an unborn child”—in other words, it would equally apply our current laws to unborn children, treating them as fully human and deserving of equal protection under the law. Unlike other pro-life bills, House Bill 523 is groundbreaking because it applies equal protection to babies in the womb.
The global stage has witnessed a surge of anti-Israel protests, ostensibly driven by a desire to halt what is perceived as the genocide of Palestinians. However, amidst the fervor of these demonstrations, a glaring irony remains unacknowledged—the entities responsible for these attacks (Hamas) openly declare their genocidal intent for Israel and the Jewish people.
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
Pray For Israel — Psalm 122:6-8, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee."
Cissie Graham Lynch has encouraged women who’ve had an abortion to seek the hope found only in Jesus Christ: “I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but
though our culture may be confused, the church should not be."
Jewish leaders are accused of plotting to take over the government, banks, businesses, education, religion, and more. It has gotten to a point where nobody is interested in checking the validity of such claims. They would instead join in the finger-pointing and accusations. These are lies, and they all come from Satan, the master of lies...
Top stories: 1) Israel is working tirelessly to secure the release of additional hostages, while the United States hints at ‘progress’ being made. 2)...
1) Hamas releases the bodies of four Israeli hostages in exchange for 641 Palestinian terror operatives. 2) Israel will maintain five strategic military installations...
Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that his government would insist on demilitarising the Southern Syria territory between Damascus and the Golan...
From that continent, Christianity, along with the freedoms that follow it, spread to much of the world. Now, rights such as the freedoms of religion and speech abruptly end with the application of one of several labels. And those labels are easily applied by the government so that government leaders can protect their power. The labels include “hate,” “radical,” and “extremist.”
Jan Markell talks to Bill Koenig in part one. Can we really drain the swamp and what does that mean? Koenig has been in the White House press corps for 25 years. Then Josh Schwartz and Ken Mikle talk to Ray Comfort with eternity in view.
Israel was rocked by a brutal car-ramming attack outside Tel Aviv, leaving 13 injured, including a teenager in critical condition. Meanwhile, Egypt is reeling...
Abraham’s life: Sarah’s death and Isaac’s marriage. Sarah’s passing reminds Abraham of his pilgrim status, and his purchase of Machpelah is a step of...
From day-age theory to gap theory, and theistic evolution to progressive creation, Christians have debated the interpretation of Genesis 1–11 for centuries. But why are there so many different views? How did we end up with so many interpretations of the creation account? I answer this question in this...
Author Hedieh Mirahmadi was a devout, practicing Muslim for over 20 years. She writes, "My entire professional career both inside the U.S. government and...
The world is changing rapidly, and understanding Bible prophecy has never been more crucial. In this Q&A session, we address your biggest questions about...
Gina Gleason, Executive Director of Real Impact, highlights FRC’s new God & Government course and its role in engaging the church in civic responsibility.
In this video, we take a closer look at a classic Disney film and uncover subliminal messaging that contradicts the biblical worldview. Evolution says...
Dr. Robert Marbut is the senior producer for the documentary ‘Fentanyl: Death Incorporated.’ He shares the shocking statistics and questions surrounding the fentanyl crisis...
Join us for our In News Surrounding Israel weekly newscast, as this week I’m talking about the push for Israel to accept a ‘2 State Solution’ and how evil that is. Tune in for all the details.
Earlier this week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu declared that his government would insist on demilitarising the Southern Syria territory between Damascus and the Golan...
Hezbollah held a mass funeral on Sunday for its dead leader, terror master Hassan Nasrallah. Iran’s terror proxies gathered for the event and breathed...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on Hamas' attempts to project strength, and Israel's preparation for an unprecedented response....
Top stories: 1) Israel reiterates its unwavering commitment to prevent hostile forces from taking root South of Damascus. 2) The European Union announces its...
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to remain Israel's biggest threat, regardless of what is happening on other fronts, the majority of which also...
German authorities have thwarted a terror plot against the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, while authorities in Sweden arrested three men near the Israeli Embassy...
There are many reasons Christians all over the world support the modern State of Israel. They may be political, historical, or theological. Perhaps the...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani report on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the heartbreaking announcement from Hamas confirming that the Bibas...
Multiple bus bombings rocked central Israel today, just hours after Hamas conducted a disgusting spectacle in Gaza, parading the remains of the Bibas family...
Do you find yourself searching for the next "current event" and how it relates to the Bible? How about we take a pause and get back to a "first things first" mentality? What do you think about the fact that God created you? How He made you with a...
Our culture has become increasingly obsessed with everything supernatural. From witchcraft and demons to angels and near-death experiences, it seems like our fascination with...
Join Pastor Jack and special guest Ken Ham for an exciting conversation that covers topics from gender, evolution, abortion, creationism, and the government. Ken...
Flood waters from Hurricane Helene rushed through the Roten family’s property, but they trusted in the Lord. Even after the water receded and losing...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Often in Scripture there are common threads that point us to one conclusion. If you are listening/watching today’s episode and feeling weary be encouraged:...
Even in pain and tragedy, God can make beauty out of ashes. Kristy Graham speaks with her father-in-law and president of Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Have you seen the headlines? “Los Angeles County is apocalyptic.” “Apocalyptic Dubai floods shake picture perfect city.” “Asheville residents battling apocalyptic aftermath of Hurricane...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...