July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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HomeWorld NewsWars and Rumours of Wars

Wars and Rumours of Wars

Biden Admin Responds To News Of CCP Spy Base In Cuba With Its Usual Playbook: Lies, Obfuscation, And Blame

Sadly, instead of taking the right approach – neutralizing and deterring China’s espionage efforts while holding the Cuban government accountable – the Biden Administration continues to show weakness.  This makes the American people less safe.

Biden Admin Responds To News Of CCP Spy Base In Cuba With Its Usual Playbook: Lies, Obfuscation, And Blame

Sadly, instead of taking the right approach – neutralizing and deterring China’s espionage efforts while holding the Cuban government accountable – the Biden Administration continues to show weakness.  This makes the American people less safe.

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Mark Hitchcock

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Wars and Rumours of Wars

Biden Admin Responds To News Of CCP Spy Base In Cuba With Its Usual Playbook: Lies, Obfuscation, And Blame

Sadly, instead of taking the right approach – neutralizing and deterring China’s espionage efforts while holding the Cuban government accountable – the Biden Administration continues to show weakness.  This makes the American people less safe.

‘Significant Escalation’: Pentagon Warns US ‘Will Defend Every Inch Of NATO Territory’ After Two Russian Missiles Were Fired Into Poland

Article 5 of the NATO Alliance surrounds collective defense obligations, stating that "an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all..."

The Once Simmering Threat Of Nuclear Weapons On A Modern Battlefield Has Begun To Boil 

When students of scripture heard about the level of destruction imposed on Hiroshima, the descriptions reminded many of them of things they had read before — prophetic passages from the Bible.

It Is A Time Of Desperation, And That Means Anything Is Possible

As Russia’s leader is further weakened, he becomes more likely to lash out with the only thing Russia has that scares everyone else — his nukes.

China’s Threats Against ‘US-Taiwan Collusion’ Are Not The Reaction Of a Confident Superpower

It was not the reaction of a confident superpower, but of a nervous child trying to hide its impotence behind the bluster of shaking fists and threatening pronouncements.

WARS & RUMORS OF WARS REVIEW w/ Amir Tsarfati: The World Has Become A Tinder Box

So much has flared up, and, when combined with all the conflict already going on, we can see the tinder box that the world has become.

Lithuania Places Itself In The Crosshairs Of The Kremlin, Cutting Off Rail-Transport To Russian Enclave

In response, Russia called the move "illegal and unprecedented" and warned that it "will have a serious negative impact on the Lithuanian population."

Russia & China Fly Nuclear Capable Bombers In Joint Drill Over Sea Of Japan, As Biden Meets In Tokyo For Quad Summit

Japan's Defense Minister insisted that the drill's timing during the summit showed that it was intended to be "more than just a demonstration to Japan."

Chinese Military Provoking A Dogfight With Australia, Compounding Global Tensions

An Australian surveillance plane was "dangerously" intercepted by a Chinese military jet while flying over the region of the South China Sea.

The Global Threat of Putin’s Deterioration

“[Putins] present war and the war he threatens qualify as new and more extreme kinds of war and rumors of war.”

‘De-Putin-isation’ Is Only Hope For Civilised World, Polish PM Insists

Putin's doctrine "is a cancer which is consuming not only the majority of Russian society, but also poses a deadly threat to the whole of Europe."

Russia Cuts Off Gas To Poland, Bulgaria; PM Calls Escalation ‘Blackmail’ & A ‘Direct Attack’

"This time, Russia has moved the borders of imperialism, gas imperialism to the next step. This is a direct attack on Poland," the PM asserted in a speech to parliament.

Finland Confirms NATO Application To Come ‘Within Weeks’ Despite Cyberattack, Breach of Airspace, & Threats Of ‘Destruction’ By Russia

Earlier this week, Russian lawmaker Vladimir Dzhabarov warned that by applying to join NATO, "the Finns themselves will [be signing] a card for the destruction of their country."

Amid Nuclear Fears, Governments Stock Up, Prepare To Distribute Pills to Counteract Radiation Poisoning

Preparing for a possible nuclear incident, the country of Romania, which shares a border with Ukraine, is planning to distribute potassium iodide tablets to its populations from ages 0 to 40.

Military Convoy Carrying Up To 6 Nuclear Warheads Spotted On Move In Europe: Report 

“The convoy was carrying up to six nuclear warheads only a mile south of Glasgow city centre, heading to Royal Naval Armaments Depot…”

Pentagon: North Korea Testing Intercontinental Missile System In ‘Serious Escalation’ 

“The United States government has concluded that these launches involved a new ICBM system that the DPRK is developing. This is a serious escalation by the DPRK.”

Jack Hibbs: Are There More Wars In Our Future After Ukraine?

Wars and rumors of wars can be a frightening prospect to those who have no idea what’s coming. But for the Christian who has studied the Bible, the escalation of aggression we are seeing is just one more indicator that we draw closer to the end.

Zelensky Says Ukraine ‘Left Alone’ To Face Russian Invasion, 137 Killed On 1st Day 

“Russia has embarked on a path of evil, but Ukraine is defending itself and won’t give up its freedom.”

MIDEAST REVIEW w/ Amir Tsarfati: The Ripple Effect Of The Ukrainian & Russian Crisis

We are watching historic changes taking place in the world. Often, before a big earthquake there will be a series of foreshocks. These trigger concerns that a major earthquake is on the horizon. The same is true in the geopolitical world.

On Alert: Taiwan Warns Of ‘Destabilizing’ Actions By Chinese As Russia Invades Ukraine

Taiwan scrambled its air force Thursday as nine Chinese aircraft have entered the island nation’s air defense zone, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced. 

Explosions In Ukraine as Russia Begins Invasion; G7 To Meet To Discuss ‘Global Peace & Security’

“The United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security“

‘Rumors Of War’ Survey: 74% Of Americans Think US Will Be Involved In A War Within 12 Months 

“Increased geopolitical unrest within the world, including ‘wars and rumors of wars,’ is among the signs emphasized, by Jesus, as a sign of the end of the age“

Rumors of War

Rumors of war are flying with a fury out of Ukraine and Russia. Massive numbers of troops are on the move. Jesus warned that the last days would be characterized by rumors of war.

Ukraine, Taiwan, and a Weak Commander in Chief

The US is confronting a pair of ruthless dictatorships in 2 potential collisions that could change history—The simple fact is Putin and Xi sense real weakness in the American commander in chief.

Xi Jinping Seeking ‘Global Domination’: Mike Pompeo

“It’s not about putting a Chinese tank division in Taiwan. It’s about accreting political power and influence throughout the world,” former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo said.

Ukraine Crisis Escalates: Russian Plot To Oust Ukraine Leaders Exposed

UK releases statement revealing "Russian activity designed to subvert Ukraine," specifically intelligence indicating they are "looking to install a pro-Russian leader in Kyiv"

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister: ‘We Are Not Afraid Of Anyone, Not Even The U.S.’

As the US and Russia met in Geneva, the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister took the opportunity to tell the press, gathered at the event, "we are not afraid of anyone, not even the U.S."

Families Of US Embassy Personnel In Ukraine Ordered To Begin Evacuating As Soon As Monday: Officials

Next week, the State Department is also expected to encourage Americans to begin leaving Ukraine by commercial flights, "while those are still available," one official said.

US Raises Concerns About Russian Troop Movements To Belarus

The Biden admin. is watching with concern Russian troop movements to Belarus, which they fear could be used to attack Ukraine from the north, a senior State Department official said Tuesday.

Sweden Rolls Out Tanks On Baltic Island Over Russia Tensions As Police Investigate Drones Over Nuclear Sites, Gov’t Buildings

Sweden deployed armored combat vehicles and armed soldiers to patrol streets on the island of Gotland in response to increased "Russian activity" in the region, the military said.

White House: ‘Russia Could, At Any Point, Launch An Attack In Ukraine’

"Russia is about to make a major move," warned Tsarfati, explaining that Russia is "taking advantage of the situation, now that America is at its weakest spot."

FAA Orders ‘Full Ground Stop’ At All West Coast Airports For 7 Min. After N. Korea Fired Suspected Ballistic Missile

Monday's incident, known as a full ground stop, was confirmed by officials at San Diego Airport. No explanation was given, but it happened around the same time as the North Korean missile launch.

Russia Demands NATO, US Deny Ukraine Membership, Roll Back Military Deployments

Russia is demanding that the U.S. and NATO deny Ukraine membership into the alliance and asking for a rollback in military deployments, according to...

Hal Lindsey

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