July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood


Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Dems Claim ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

Trusted Ministries


Franklin Graham

Jan Markell

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Erick Stakelbeck

Skip Heitzig

gary hamrick

greg laurie

Jeff Kinley

Will Graham

Hal Lindsey

Mark Hitchcock

Ken Mikle

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Pastor Dean Dwyer

Phil McKay

Tim Moore

Mark Henry

Jonathan Brentner

Anne Graham Lotz

Nthan Jones

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Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Candice Owens’ Antisemitism Has Gone Off The Rails — And God Is Taking Note

For Candace Owens: When you go off on antisemitic rants, you are falling right into the hands of Satan, who rejoices in your efforts to paint all Jewish people with the same brush and demonize them for the world to see. God, true to His Word, will judge you for that one day.

More Than Half Of US States Now Ban Gender-Altering Procedures For Children

New Hampshire became the latest state to challenge the ethics of gender-altering procedures on minors with a new law Gov. Chris Sununu signed on July 19. Twenty-six states—more than half—now have laws either partially or completely banning gender-altering treatments for minors.

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Netanyahu Knows Israel Is Marginalized Under Biden, But Has No Choice Other Than To Say ‘Thank You’

"90% of us know that's almost laughable. But remember, America still gives Israel $3 billion dollars," Markell noted. "What are you going to say to the President of the country that gives that little nation $3 billion dollars? You're going to say, 'Thank you.'"

The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes

In the case of the most important prophetic sign of all, the evidence is right before our eyes. The withered tree that did not bear fruit when Jesus was here 2000 years ago has become tender and put forth new branches. We know that He is coming soon.

Stripping Away Our Biblical Roots: Flags In America Are Changing… And It Isn’t Good News For Freedom

The United States is being mocked for our founding, but the reality is that the flag stood for freedom in the past, and it still stands for freedom—it is for that reason that it is assaulted at every turn.

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

mark hitchcock


Weekly Essentials

‘Eco-Theology’: The Latest Departure From The Faith

Rather than refute the claims made under the banner of ecotheology, it appears that many churches and seminaries are jumping on board, keen to “repent” for their climate crimes and adopt the pagan religion of animism into their beliefs, all in the name of supposedly saving the earth from man.

We Live In A Day And Age Where Soundness Of Doctrine Is No Longer A Priority

I've heard believers say things like, "You know, it's not about knowing doctrine. I'm not into doctrine. I'm just into loving Jesus." It's almost like their badge of spirituality. It sounds like they're saying they are a cut above the rest of us, because they're not into instruction.

The Most Neglected Biblical Truth In Today’s Churches

The problem with modern preaching is that it leaves our future after this life undefined. The more popular views of Bible prophecy point our hope to a far-distant Second Coming of Jesus, during which time He judges sin and initiates the eternal state. Parishioners can only guess as to what such a future means for them.

Dangerously Misleading: ‘Experts’ Claim Feelings Decide If A Child Is A Boy Or A Girl, Not Genetics

Notice the belief behind all of this—we are self-made people who can shape ourselves however we want, and our bodies tell us nothing about ourselves or our design. It’s just another way of trying to be our own gods instead of recognizing that there is a Creator God who defines us and that how he’s made us (i.e., our biology) tells us a lot about our design and our purpose!

‘Not A Shred Of Objective Evidence’: Evolutionists Simply Can’t Prove Life Arose By ‘Natural Causes’

We can appreciate his honest admission that all they have is theories—no scientific proof. If they had any evidence at all, they would have presented it. Of course, there is no evidence supporting the claim that life arose by natural causes—because life has a Supernatural Cause.

Tolerance Is A Polite Way Of Saying, ‘I’m Ok That People Will Spend Eternity In Hell’

What is tolerance? The way the world imposes and enforces it, tolerance is a fabricated counterfeit of Christian love and genuine human compassion. Instead of, “Let me help lift you out of your mess,” tolerance says, “I support your right to live as a disaster.”

Globalism & Distress Of Nations

UPDATE — President Trump Following Assassination Attempt: ‘It Was God Alone Who Prevented The Unthinkable’

After shots rang out, the former President grasped his ear and ducked down. The Secret Service rushed to the stage to shield Trump from further fire. Before being escorted away, the President raised his fist to the crowd with the left side of his face dripping in blood.

Personal AI: A Dangerous Threat To Freedom Embraced With Open Arms

Personal AI will take away personal privacy. More of your information will be stored and accessible on the cloud. Technology, which will be openly embraced by many, will also be a tool that someday the Antichrist will use to control the world.

The World’s Desire For Change Could Open The Door To The Most Terrible Villain In History

The world over, people want change. I believe the present wave of global desperation will grow to a point of global anguish. And that anguish will call forth the most terrible villain of human history.


Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

Barry Stagner: Netanyahu-Biden And Gaza Ceasefire

Netanyahu-Biden meeting to focus on Gaza ceasefire deal; Former Iranian president survives assassination attempt; NATO Ally's F-16 Jets Scrambled After Russian Drone Crosses Border;...

Netanyahu Speaks to Congress, the Three Songs in Luke, Elon Musk and Gaza

Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...

Israel WARNS of Iran Threat to Paris Olympics Amid ARSON Train Attack

Israel warns France of an impending Iranian terror threat during the Paris Olympics. In related breaking news, Israel is also pointing the finger at...

The Tangled Web Of Deceit: Why Muslim Terrorists Are Incapable Of Accepting Peace

Clearly, there can be no negotiations for peace with Palestinian leaders. There can be no two-state solution. There can only be a complete and total victory by Israel over the terror groups that have unanimously vowed to annihilate the nation of Israel. There simply is no room for political optics or posturing for Israel.

If The Lord Is A Zionist, Believers In God’s Word Ought To Be Also

As long as the sun, moon, and stars are shining in the sky, Israel will not cease from being a nation before Him forever. Again, I ask, what side of history do you want to be on? I trust you want to be on the side of history that lines up with God’s passions and God’s love. He has an everlasting love for Israel and the Jewish people.

Amir Tsarfati: Hold Your Ground — Standing With Israel’s Right To Exist And Defend Itself Is Biblical

Who you are identifying and standing with is far more important than who the mob is standing for! God has judged Israel for its sins. But God has, is, and will always judge the enemies of Israel for their hatred of His people! Don’t ever let the spiritual state of the people of Israel serve as an excuse to hate them and come against them! 

Trusted Devotions

Our Irreversible Adoption To Become Sons And Daughters Of The Most High

Through Christ, our sin debt was forgiven, we became sons and daughters of God, and we now have all the rights and benefits as His children. It was also true in Roman culture that a father could disown his son, but an adopted son’s status could not be reversed.

Why Would a Christian Church Ignore the Bible?

Many are willing to give up some of the teachings of the Bible in order to harmonize Christianity with other religions (belief systems). But the Bible commands that we must each take up our cross daily. Compromising and conforming to the world’s standard is against God’s Word.

Skip Heitzig: Elevate Your Prayers

When you elevate your prayer by recognizing to whom you're praying, it inspires faith. If you say, "God, I don't know if You're up there," you're not praying with faith. But when you say, "Lord, You made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them," then you put it in the framework of faith and you see God with the right perspective.

Nehemiah’s Mission: Opposition To The Jews Returning To Their National Homeland Is Nothing New

The book of Nehemiah is a story of courage, boldness, steadfastness, and faithfulness in spite of incredible and growing opposition to the work of God.

Jack Hibbs: Using Our Blood Bought Liberty To Serve

The precious blood of Jesus Christ gave us the greatest liberty of all—we have the freedom to live in a whole new way. Christian liberty presents us with opportunities and choices every day. In our liberty, we can feed our fleshly appetites to the detriment of others or, in love, choose to serve one another.

worldview matters

The American Fabric Unraveled, Now What? — David Fiorazo And Dorothy Logan

Author, Dorothy Logan, founder of Freedom Academy joins David to discuss the decline of America and our forgotten history, as well as what concerned...

Policies, Party Platforms, And Procedures, NOT Personalities! — David Fiorazo And Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas of Blessings to Israel and Discerning the Times podcast talks with David about Christians, worldview, politics, idolatry, and elections. Democrat policies are...

What Jesus Actually Taught about the Last Days — David Fiorazo And Jeff Kinley

Author and pastor, Jeff Kinley is today’s guest from Main Thing Ministries. His latest book is ‘The End of the World According to Jesus...

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Amir V Ad #1

mark hitchcock

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Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

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Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

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mark hitchcock

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christ in prophecy

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Decision Magazine V AD

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Dems Claim ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

The Ramifications Of Blackstone And The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information

Through its partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations, and businesses like Blackstone and Blackrock, the World Economic Forum now has access to billions of DNA records. This means it has the means to control the world’s finances, credit scores, housing, food production, healthcare, gender equality, and education—all to fulfill its 17 areas of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

mark hitchcock

Barry Stagner 2022 Verticle Ad

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

More Than Half Of US States Now Ban Gender-Altering Procedures For Children

New Hampshire became the latest state to challenge the ethics of gender-altering procedures on minors with a new law Gov. Chris Sununu signed on July 19. Twenty-six states—more than half—now have laws either partially or completely banning gender-altering treatments for minors.

Amir V Ad #1

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Barry Stagner: Netanyahu-Biden And Gaza Ceasefire

Netanyahu-Biden meeting to focus on Gaza ceasefire deal; Former Iranian president survives assassination attempt; NATO Ally's F-16 Jets Scrambled After Russian Drone Crosses Border;...

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 

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The Union Of The Left And Islam… A Marriage Joined By Common Hatred Of Christianity

There can be only one explanation — they are unified by their common hatred of Christianity. The Left considers Christians to be outmoded relics of the past who stand in the way of their pet “progressive” programs like abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, the right to suicide, and Socialism.

Trusted Devotions

Our Irreversible Adoption To Become Sons And Daughters Of The Most High

Through Christ, our sin debt was forgiven, we became sons and daughters of God, and we now have all the rights and benefits as His children. It was also true in Roman culture that a father could disown his son, but an adopted son’s status could not be reversed.

Amir V Ad #1

Stripping Away Our Biblical Roots: Flags In America Are Changing… And It Isn’t Good News For Freedom

The United States is being mocked for our founding, but the reality is that the flag stood for freedom in the past, and it still stands for freedom—it is for that reason that it is assaulted at every turn.

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

If solid scientific research is not the driving force behind the claims of "climate change," what is? According to Ken Ham, examining the evidence shows that "there's something else going on here."

Against Overwhelming Odds: The Resurgence of Israel’s Military in Bible Prophecy

Israel is the major focus of End Time Bible prophecy. That’s the reason that the re-establishment of the nation in the 20th Century was so important. That event signaled the fact that we are now living in the end of the end times.

The Church Age Is Winding Down—And The World Is Running Out Of Time

I have been watching the so-called signs of the times for a few decades. Nothing compares to the last five to ten years. Events have been stunning and game-changing.

mark hitchcock

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trusted Ministries

Franklin Graham

Jan Markell

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Franklin Graham

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Erick Stakelbeck

Skip Heitzig

gary hamrick

Franklin Graham

greg laurie

Jeff Kinley

Will Graham

Hal Lindsey

Mark Hitchcock

Ken Mikle

Ken Ham

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Pastor Dean Dwyer

Phil McKay

Tim Moore

Mark Henry

Jonathan Brentner

Anne Graham Lotz

Nathan Jones

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img 0252

Harbingers Daily

Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Dems Claim ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Candice Owens’ Antisemitism Has Gone Off The Rails — And God Is Taking Note

For Candace Owens: When you go off on antisemitic rants, you are falling right into the hands of Satan, who rejoices in your efforts to paint all Jewish people with the same brush and demonize them for the world to see. God, true to His Word, will judge you for that one day.

More Than Half Of US States Now Ban Gender-Altering Procedures For Children

New Hampshire became the latest state to challenge the ethics of gender-altering procedures on minors with a new law Gov. Chris Sununu signed on July 19. Twenty-six states—more than half—now have laws either partially or completely banning gender-altering treatments for minors.

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How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Netanyahu Knows Israel Is Marginalized Under Biden, But Has No Choice Other Than To Say...

"90% of us know that's almost laughable. But remember, America still gives Israel $3 billion dollars," Markell noted. "What are you going to say to the President of the country that gives that little nation $3 billion dollars? You're going to say, 'Thank you.'"

The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes

In the case of the most important prophetic sign of all, the evidence is right before our eyes. The withered tree that did not bear fruit when Jesus was here 2000 years ago has become tender and put forth new branches. We know that He is coming soon.

Stripping Away Our Biblical Roots: Flags In America Are Changing… And It Isn’t Good News...

The United States is being mocked for our founding, but the reality is that the flag stood for freedom in the past, and it still stands for freedom—it is for that reason that it is assaulted at every turn.

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

Pray For Our Leaders: What We Call Politics Is Neither A Game Nor A Show

US Presidential elections impact all of that. They touch everything from the price of hamburgers to the fate of entire industries. Such elections alter the course of nations — and not just our own. They also alter the course of each of our lives. 


Trusted Ministries

Franklin Graham

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Jan Markell

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Erick Stakelbeck

Skip Heitzig

gary hamrick

greg laurie

Franklin Graham

Jeff Kinley

Will Graham

Hal Lindsey

Mark Hitchcock

Ken Mikle

Ken Ham

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

David fiorazo

Pastor Dean Dwyer

Phil McKay

Tim Moore

Jonathan Brentner

Mark Henry

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

nathan jones

untitled artwork 6828

untitled artwork 6828

Israel & Middle East

TV7 Israel News Ad

State of the church





Trusted Devotions

Our Irreversible Adoption To Become Sons And Daughters Of The Most High

Through Christ, our sin debt was forgiven, we became sons and daughters of God, and we now have all the rights and benefits as His children. It was also true in Roman culture that a father could disown his son, but an adopted son’s status could not be reversed.

Why Would a Christian Church Ignore the Bible?

Many are willing to give up some of the teachings of the Bible in order to harmonize Christianity with other religions (belief systems). But the Bible commands that we must each take up our cross daily. Compromising and conforming to the world’s standard is against God’s Word.

Skip Heitzig: Elevate Your Prayers

When you elevate your prayer by recognizing to whom you're praying, it inspires faith. If you say, "God, I don't know if You're up there," you're not praying with faith. But when you say, "Lord, You made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them," then you put it in the framework of faith and you see God with the right perspective.

Nehemiah’s Mission: Opposition To The Jews Returning To Their National Homeland Is Nothing New

The book of Nehemiah is a story of courage, boldness, steadfastness, and faithfulness in spite of incredible and growing opposition to the work of God.

Religious Freedom

untitled artwork

Barry Stagner: Netanyahu-Biden And Gaza Ceasefire

Netanyahu-Biden meeting to focus on Gaza ceasefire deal; Former Iranian president survives assassination attempt; NATO Ally's F-16 Jets Scrambled After Russian Drone Crosses Border;...

Netanyahu Speaks to Congress, the Three Songs in Luke, Elon Musk and Gaza

Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...

Israel WARNS of Iran Threat to Paris Olympics Amid ARSON Train Attack

Israel warns France of an impending Iranian terror threat during the Paris Olympics. In related breaking news, Israel is also pointing the finger at...

Amir V Ad #1

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untitled artwork

mark hitchcock

christ in prophecy

untitled artwork

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Decision Magazine V AD

untitled artwork

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Barry Stagner Ad

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad



Corruption - Deception


Distress Of Nations

Religious Freedom

Berean Review

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 4) — Unmasking Motivations

In Part 3 of our series, we showed how uniformitarian geology (which overthrew flood geology) was based on a false interpretation of the rock...

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 3) — Coming Full Circle

The point is that the occasional non- or para-conformities sometimes observed in the geologic column are easily explained and consistent with what we’d expect to find if Noah’s flood is true history.

In-Depth: Marrying Theology to So-Called Science (Part 2) — Change Over Time

This should cause those who placed their faith in Charles Lyell’s views to pause and consider why anyone should have given so much credence to this man’s interpretations in science that they would be willing to reinterpret the plain reading of God’s Word.


Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Candice Owens’ Antisemitism Has Gone Off The Rails — And God Is Taking Note

For Candace Owens: When you go off on antisemitic rants, you are falling right into the hands of Satan, who rejoices in your efforts to paint all Jewish people with the same brush and demonize them for the world to see. God, true to His Word, will judge you for that one day.

More Than Half Of US States Now Ban Gender-Altering Procedures For Children

New Hampshire became the latest state to challenge the ethics of gender-altering procedures on minors with a new law Gov. Chris Sununu signed on July 19. Twenty-six states—more than half—now have laws either partially or completely banning gender-altering treatments for minors.

How Would Jesus Vote?… God’s Word Can Provide Us A Definitive Answer

God always governs by what is right and just, and Scripture tells us that Jesus always did the things that pleased His Father (John 8:29). Asking how Jesus would vote is in essence another way of asking, “What is the morally right thing to do in the light of God’s Word?”

Netanyahu Knows Israel Is Marginalized Under Biden, But Has No Choice Other Than To Say ‘Thank You’

"90% of us know that's almost laughable. But remember, America still gives Israel $3 billion dollars," Markell noted. "What are you going to say to the President of the country that gives that little nation $3 billion dollars? You're going to say, 'Thank you.'"

The Most Important Prophetic Sign Of All Has Bloomed Right Before Our Eyes

In the case of the most important prophetic sign of all, the evidence is right before our eyes. The withered tree that did not bear fruit when Jesus was here 2000 years ago has become tender and put forth new branches. We know that He is coming soon.



TV7 Israel News Ad


Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Swords of Iron: Israel at War – Day 293

Watch TV7’s newscast providing a breakdown of day 293 in the Israel-Hamas war.

TV7 Israel News – Swords of Iron, Israel at War – Day 289

Watch TV7's newscast providing a breakdown of day 289 in the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel Deploys Additional Forces To Its North; U.S. Hopes For De-escalation

Top stories: 1) Israel intends to grant diplomacy a chance vis-à-vis the implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701. 2) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu...



Distress Of Nations

Deception & Corruption

Religious Freedom

real impact 2022 v. ad 4

Amir Tsarfati, Behold Israel, Revealing Revelation - 2 Piece Vertical Ad 1/2

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Harbingers Daily,Biblical Worldview,Harbingers,World News Biblically Understood,Harbinger

Decision Magazine Vertical- 2022

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Barry Stagner Ad

Anne Graham Lotz

Berean Review

From The Pulpit
Bible Prophecy
Top POdcasts

Skip Heitzig: Expound — Ephesians 3

Join pastor Skip Heitzig as he teaches expositionally through the book of Ephesians.

Calvin Smith: Big Problems In The Evolutionary Worldview

Evolutionists DESPERATELY need to realize this… In this video, Calvin Smith exposes some BIG problems in the evolutionary worldview, and emphasizes the reliability of...

Can You See the Doctrine of Demons? — Ken Mikle And Alex Newman

Ken Mikle talks to Alex Newman about the doctrine of demons influencing children and youth. Because of their activity we have collapsing families, churches...

Policies, Party Platforms, And Procedures, NOT Personalities! — David Fiorazo And Brian Thomas

Brian Thomas of Blessings to Israel and Discerning the Times podcast talks with David about Christians, worldview, politics, idolatry, and elections. Democrat policies are...

Edward Graham on Samaritan’s Purse Response to Hurricane Beryl Damage in Caribbean

Edward Graham, Chief Operating Officer at Samaritan’s Purse, shares how the ministry is assisting those hit hardest by Hurricane Beryl throughout the Caribbean and...