July 1, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024
July 1, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood




‘Internet of Trust’: Inside the United Nations Plan to Control Speech Online

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories."

‘Internet of Trust’: Inside the United Nations Plan to Control Speech Online

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories."

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


‘Internet of Trust’: Inside the United Nations Plan to Control Speech Online

A powerful United Nations agency has unveiled a plan to regulate social media and online communication while cracking down on what it describes as “false information” and “conspiracy theories."

Free Speech Guaranteed To Everyone At American Universities — Except Conservatives And Christians

It took more than a half century to get here, but we’re clearly seeing some of the rotten fruit of the K-12 ‘education’ system and its agenda to recruit and produce social justice activists who hate the country.

Franklin Graham: The Storm Is Coming… Preach — Don’t Back Up, Don’t Make Excuses

The problem with cultural Christianity, he added, is that people place too much emphasis on offending people. The Gospel, in and of itself, is offensive, but that doesn’t mean we need to water it down.

Where Biblical Truth And Biology Are Unmistakable

Don’t be deceived. No amount of using preferred pronouns, changing sex assignments on birth certificates, or destroying women’s sports by allowing males to compete against females can undo what God does when He creates a human being in the mother’s womb.

We Won’t Be Silenced: The Time Is Now For The Church To Stand Against Censorship Tyranny

It’s clear that something has gone seriously wrong in American society when the freedoms that millions of its citizens have died protecting, are discarded with such callousness.

ADF Lawsuit Seeks To Hold Biden Admin Accountable For Partnering With Big Tech To Censor Disfavored Views

“No one should have to fear being deplatformed just because someone at Google disagrees with what they have to say or what they believe. And it’s illegal when the government does it."

The War On Morality, Normality And Rationality

It seems that Australia is on a similar path to communist control – a future in which the government will have the final say over what you believe. May God help us to avoid such a future and may He raise up pastors, teachers and politicians to stand up for His truth.

The All-Out Attack On Biblical Truth Is A Rerun Of A Very Old Theme

Its rabid inclination to shut down anyone who disagrees with the shifting ideology of the day (or hour) leads to hateful denunciation, economic pressure, and outright ostracization.

Christians Must Have Biblical Discernment And Courage To Stand Up To The Wind And Waves Of Identity Politics

Identity politics, “wokeness” and critical theory push the same worldview. They are closely related, and the Body of Christ needs Biblical discernment to recognize such destructive ideas, even when at first glance the ideas seem appealing. 

Dangerous Progressive Ideology Run Amok: Corporate America’s ‘Wokeness’ Problem

The darkness in corporate America makes Christ’s mandate in Matthew 5:14 to be the light of the world especially timely for Christians. 

Using ‘Offense’ As Defense: Does Being Offended Trump The Truth?

Far too many Christians have been so intimidated and bullied by others telling them they are offended—by what the Christian said or what the Bible says—that personal gospel witness in the West has almost come to a standstill.

EU Works To Enact Law Giving It ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship Power

In reality, [the law] gives the EU censorship power over most of the earth’s primary communication platforms.

White House Launches ‘Ministry Of Truth’ To Censor, Silence, & Punish Opposition

Their policies are so unpopular that they cannot draw critical-thinking, informed people to support them. Their solution? Censor, silence, and punish the opposition. 

Rep. Jim Banks Presses Elon Musk To Overhaul Twitter; Platform Must ‘Reverse Course & Protect Freedom’

“This is an inflection point for Twitter. They can continue down the current path of censorship and erosion of public trust or they can reverse course and protect freedom of expression."

‘Cost Of Telling The Truth’: Twitter Goes On Suspending-Spree Of Christians for Describing Trans HHS Official as a ‘Man’ 

“Truth is not hate speech. If the cost of telling the truth is the loss of our Twitter account, then so be it. We won’t compromise the truth just to keep our account.”

DHS, Democrats Define ‘Disinformation’ to Censor Differing Views

If you disagree with and oppose state-approved opinions, policies, and propaganda, and posted something on-line, you may soon be punished

Leftists Demand Big Tech Preemptively Censor Trump’s Truth Social 

“The campaign by the left and the mainstream media to censor and suppress other viewpoints is a shocking threat to democracy.”

Proposed Canadian Law Would Penalize INTENT to Commit Online ‘Hate Speech’ 

The proposed law encourages Canadians to report people to the authorities for intent to post hate speech online, and allows courts to punish citizens for things they haven’t done yet

‘Censorship At Its Finest’: Facebook Removes Page Organizing DC Freedom Convoy

Jeremy Johnson, who set up the Facebook group, condemned the censorship of the US Freedom Convoy; "They like to silence people that speak the truth"

YouTube Affirms New Canadian Law: John MacArthur’s Biblical Sexuality Sermon Labeled ‘Hate Speech,’ Removed From Platform

Jenna Ellis: “The big tech oligarchy in the United States is implementing the equivalent of Canada’s insane law by censoring truth and the right of pastors to teach the Bible"

‘I’m Here to Check Your Thinking’: UK Officer Fought the ‘Twitter Police’ and Won in Battle Over LGBT Ideology

"All I have done is place one foot in front of the other in the sure and certain knowledge that if God be for me who can be against me?" the former officer said.

Twitter Suspends Conservative Activist Who Criticized ‘Gender Ideology Being Forced On Children’

A conservative group is accusing Twitter of suspending one of its leaders after posting a tweet denouncing the “surgical mutilation of minors suffering from gender dysphoria”

Facebook Quietly Admits Its Third-Party ‘Fact-Checks’ Are ‘Opinions’

"The checkers are not the unbiased arbiters of truth; they are useful distractions, groups Facebook can use to absolve itself of responsibility. Free speech be damned."

DeSantis: ‘Big Tech Has Become The Censorship Arm Of The Democratic Party’

“Big Tech has become the censorship arm of the Democratic Party and political left, silencing and de-platforming anyone who rejects the chosen left-wing narrative"

Colombian Supreme Court Rules Social Media Star Can’t Be Censored for Sharing Biblical Beliefs

"If we value a free society, protecting the right to speak freely is paramount. We must always choose debate over censorship."

Trudeau Gov’t Promises To Ram Through Controversial Bills Targeting Freedom Of Speech

Nova Scotia Senator Michael MacDonald said that he has “a lot of problems with a handful of elites deciding what you can see and what you can read.”

Resisting Big Tech’s Control of Your Speech

Today, leading liberals have moved from defending free-speech to stamping out any voices that insists biological sex is real.

Lila Rose: Your Body, Google’s Choice

This time, Big Tech has taken a stand against the preservation of life by withholding information that could save it. And they’re doing it for cynical political reasons.

Chilling Censorship: Hong Kong Legislature Outlaws Movies That Threaten ‘National Security’

“We hope the bill will commence as soon as possible, to enhance the film censorship system and to plug the loopholes,” Commerce Minister Yau told legislators

Cancel Culture Failure: Prof Booted From MIT Lecture Draws ‘Thousands’ For Alternative Speech

“The fact such stories have become an everyday feature of American life should do nothing to diminish how shocking & damaging they are to a free society"

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Calls For Investigation Of Big Tech For Violating Election Laws

“We the people have the right to choose our representatives, whether or not Silicon Valley approves,” Gov. DeSantis emphasized.

SHAPIRO: Facebook Reveals How It Suppresses Articles, Protecting Leftist Legacy Media

This week, Facebook finally revealed its Content Distribution Guidelines. The CDGs demonstrate conservative suspicions of content suppression are largely justified

Google Blocks Pro-Life Ads; ‘Censoring Life-Saving Options To Protect Billion-Dollar Abortion Industry’

“The consequence is devastating—more women and girls will be marketed abortions through Google platforms, without also being offered life-affirming options.”

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad