June 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024
June 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood




‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

If solid scientific research is not the driving force behind the claims of "climate change," what is? According to Ken Ham, examining the evidence shows that "there's something else going on here."

‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

If solid scientific research is not the driving force behind the claims of "climate change," what is? According to Ken Ham, examining the evidence shows that "there's something else going on here."

Jack Hibbs Ad

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


‘Climate Change’ Is An Unscientific Fear-Based Religion… And It’s All About Control

If solid scientific research is not the driving force behind the claims of "climate change," what is? According to Ken Ham, examining the evidence shows that "there's something else going on here."

The Seven Raptures: Why The Catching Away Of The Church Is Not A Biblically Unprecedented Event

A lot of people find the idea of a rapture, a snatching away of people to heaven without dying, very difficult to accept. It seems too strange and too bizarre to be true. "After all," they say, "nothing like that's ever happened before!" But that's actually not true.

The Antidote To A Lukewarm Spirit Is To Wholeheartedly Follow The Lord

The story of Caleb’s claim to Hebron is more than just a man desiring a piece of real estate.  It shares a practical message that should encourage us today: God keeps His promises and will enable His people to serve Him if they will trust Him and obey His Word. 

‘Evangelical’ Seminaries — The Latest Example Of The Church’s Willingness To Accommodate Sin

Sadly, 41% of regular churchgoers do not have any biblical problems with homosexual marriages, and now Fuller Theological Seminary is looking at being more accommodating to that culture. And we wonder why 8 out of 10 Americans feel the church’s influence is declining.

‘Diversity’ Has Become An Idol In Our Society — And It’s Producing Racist And Prejudice People

“It does not take much discernment to see, moreover, that the diversity statement regime leans heavily and tendentiously towards varieties of academic leftism and implicitly discourages candidates who harbor ideologically conservative dispositions"

Truth vs Heresy: Examining God’s Special Relationship With His Chosen People

Replacement Theology and Dual Covenant theology are not just heresies, they are robbers and deniers of the faithfulness of God to those whom He has chosen.

Indifference Toward Israel And Bible Prophecy Wields Dangerous Ramifications

How convenient of the enemy to blur the sound theology behind true Dispensationalist teaching and get people wondering if all prophecy is history, the Church is Israel, and we are deluded if we think our “purpose” is to believe sound prophecy teaching when that is but a diversion.

What Hope Is There For Dead Churches?

The old paths were when the name of Christ was exalted, not avoided.  The old paths were when people loved the truth and hated a lie; when they would follow the Word and ignore the world; when they came to church eager to get in, rather than waiting to get out.

Public Celebration Of Sin: The Episcopal ‘Church’ Shows Pride In Their Apostasy

In an attempt to show the world how “loving” and tolerant they are, Episcopalians have left truth far behind and have hitched themselves to a perverse movement that will only push for the acceptance of more and more sexual sin, leaving hurting victims in its wake.

Behind The Scenes Of The ‘Next Pandemic’: World Leaders Work To Develop Vaccine For ‘Disease X’

This disease has not been identified yet, but world leaders feel this will be the next pandemic. Does that seem odd to you? The fact that scientists are working on a vaccine for a currently unknown virus? Let’s look at some of the details behind the scenes.

Our Nation Is Dying Because Of Idle Shepherds Who Refuse To Get Involved In ‘Political Issues’

If Caesar says you are forbidden to talk about these issues—that they have taken and declared to be political—are you going to cower back into your corner and stay silent? If so, then you are complicit in the destruction and the attack against the will of God.

The Pandemic Treaty’s Failure — Another Indicator Of The Lord’s Restraint On World Events

The failure of the nations to agree on the terms of the health treaty is just another indicator of the Lord’s current restraint on world events. Even though we see wickedness and lawlessness expanding exponentially around us, He’s currently restricting the full formation of the coming world order over which the antichrist will assume control.

It’s Not Surprising America Is A ‘Post-Christian’ Nation When You Look At The State Of Our Pulpits

A survey by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University conducted just two years ago found that just slightly over only one-third (37%) of Christian evangelical pastors hold a biblical worldview.

Hundreds of Lawmakers Worldwide Warn The WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’ Would Usher In ‘Tyranny And Oppression’

Hundreds of officials from dozens of countries have put the leader of the World Health Organization on notice that if he persists in violating WHO rules to adopt a controversial global pandemic agreement or amend the International Health Regulations (IHR), it will render those provisions “null and void.”

Confronted By The Celebration Of Sin: ‘Pride Month’ Tests Our Commitment To The Truth Of God’s Word

As those who believe God’s Word and understand that what these individuals are celebrating is nothing short of bondage and slavery to sin, June can be a discouraging month. But it can also be more than that—it can be a month that tests our commitment to the truth of God’s Word.

‘A Shameful Day In American History’: Trump Becomes First President Convicted Of A Crime, As Bias Of Trial Sparks Outrage

"We already know that this trial has been anything but constitutional or normal," Jack Hibbs, pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, wrote on Thursday. "If you remove Trump from the process of how this courtroom has performed, it is a harbinger for you and I to know that getting a fair trial is something that has died out with our constitution."

George Barna Warns Our Culture Has ‘Reached a Time of Christian Invisibility’

The typical American soon won’t be influenced by anyone with a biblical worldview. That’s already the reality in some places in the US, and it is coming to the rest of the nation if the slide away from Christianity continues.

‘Toxic Whiteness’: Judge Finds Anti-White Discrimination Within New York Dept. Of Education

“This landmark case is a resounding affirmation that discrimination of any form should not be tolerated in educational institutions, regardless of the race of those negatively impacted,” the women’s lawyer Davida Perry told The New York Post.

Does The World See A Fearless Church Or A Fainting Church?

We praise God that there are, even in this late hour, many remnant and fearless churches and ministries worldwide that the Lord is using to stand against the tide of evil and proclaim the hope of the gospel.  However, we must also recognise that not all of the church body is fearless - there a good many who are fainting.

Conversations With The Dead Through AI?: Technology Is Taking Deception To A Whole New Level

I have to wonder, when God spoke through his servants and warned generation after generation of the coming deceptions, could servants like Moses, Paul, and Peter even imagine the depth of deception this modern-day technology makes possible?

Pope Rebuked For Claiming The Heart Is Inherently Good: ‘Jesus Taught To The Contrary’

Evangelical leaders have pointed out that the pontiff’s statements are contrary to the teaching of original sin, one of Christianity’s basic doctrines. “If this is true, we don’t need a Savior to die on the Cross.”

‘If Ever There Was a Time to Pray, It Is Now’: Churches Across The U.S. Stand with Israel

“I’ve never seen so much anti-Semitism in our world as we’re seeing. This is purely evil and anti-Semitic. These are the days in which we are living, and it calls for prayer.”

What More Does The Church Need To See Before They Conclude We Are Nearing Christ’s Return?

Just like those living in the first century AD, we live in biblical times today. Also similar to that day long ago, it’s primarily church leaders who are leading people away from anticipating the Lord’s imminent appearing.

A Hierarchal Society Devoid Of Jesus Christ: Examining The Beguiling Cult of Freemasonry

While arguably not as prominent as it was in the past, the Masons represent a unique group whose cultish tendencies become obvious the more their secret rituals are revealed.

Counterfeit Christianity: Satan Does More Harm By Imitation Than Outright Opposition

All of us would love to think that every church was led by a godly man who has been called by God into that position and has consecrated himself to the Lord’s service.  However, I think it is apparent to all of us that there are many counterfeits who parade as godly men.   

Debunking Popular Lies About Premillennialism

I once heard Amir Tsarfati say, “Israel’s future guarantees our salvation.” That’s why Premillennialism is not just a tertiary doctrine of little importance to us. It’s all about God keeping His promises both to Israel and to us.

The Dominoes Are Falling Fast On Marxist ‘Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion’ Programs

Critics have compared the coerced DEI statements as a tool for screening out conservatives, Christians, and others from academia. It represents a forced humiliation ritual, too, with individuals being coerced to pledge allegiance to a dangerous ideology.

Billy Graham Statue Unveiled In US Capitol: ‘My Father Would Want The Focus To Be On The One Whom He Preached’

“My father would be a little uncomfortable with this being here,” said Franklin Graham, who read John 3:16, one of the two verses inscribed on the statue’s base. “Because he would want the focus to be on the One whom he preached—the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

Tracking & Surveillance: A Perversion Of The Governing Authority God Has Established

A government that turns on its people. A government that surveils its people. A government that tracks its people. Is that the government God established? If not, then it is evil.

Slumbering Preachers Need To Wake Up To The Reality That The King Is Coming

Bible prophecy is given as a light shining in a dark place (2 Peter 1:19). Talking about it should not instill fear in the Christian; rather, provide confirmation that the “blessed hope” is ever nearer and the time ever shorter to snatch people from the fire.

In-Depth: How Do We Contend With The Rising Deception Darkening Minds All Around Us?

Demonic deception began in the Garden. Satan first attempted to redefine the words of God, then attempted to denounce God by discrediting His words altogether. The Devil and his hordes have followed the same pattern of deceit ever since.

The Deception Of ‘One Health’: What Will World Leaders Be Willing To Give Up?

The future Antichrist system will lead to the demand for the global worshipping of the Beast. If nations today are willing to give up sovereignty for a proposed pandemic treaty, what will the world leaders be willing to give up in the Tribulation period.

Did God Change His Mind?: United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin

Sadly, instead of throwing off the sin that entangles and disables (Hebrews 12:1-2), the UMC chose to embrace and welcome the sin, effectively changing the label from sin to "a matter of personal conscience." Did God change His mind?

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad