July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood


Pastor Dean Dwyer

Dean Dwyer has served for over 20 years as Pastor and President of Eiser Street Baptist Church in Toowoomba, Australia. Pastor Dwyer has a particular interest in studies concerning Israel and Bible Prophecy.

Eiser St Baptist Church

Dean Dwyer

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Forerunner

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser Street Baptist Church in Queensland, Australia, for his message: "Highway to Holiness — The Forerunner"

The Leftist Media And The Plot To Demonize Christian Political Engagement

They demonise Christianity in order to mobilise opponents to it in the hopes of marginalising those who are the salt and light of the nations in which they live, therefore diminishing their impact throughout their communities.  Although you may be tempted to believe this is a recent strategy, it is actually taken from the Communist playbook. 

The Rejection Of Biblical Truth In The Church Should Be Met With A Trumpet, Not A Whisper

If you read articles that expose false doctrine or rebuke apostasy, it is not done in order to dwell on the negative, spark controversy, or draw attention to our ministries. It is an expression of our love for Jesus and the truth of His Word.

‘Eco-Theology’: The Latest Departure From The Faith

Rather than refute the claims made under the banner of ecotheology, it appears that many churches and seminaries are jumping on board, keen to “repent” for their climate crimes and adopt the pagan religion of animism into their beliefs, all in the name of supposedly saving the earth from man.

Secularists Promote ‘Secret Bible Text’ Claiming Jesus Was A Hot-Headed, Lying, Murderer

The enemy is seeking to marginalise Christian thought and practice in the public square.  In other words, the underlying goal is to change public behaviours by changing private attitudes.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness – Shekinah Glory

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser St. Baptist Church in Queensland, Australia, as he continues his impactful series "Highway to Holiness"

The Antidote To A Lukewarm Spirit Is To Wholeheartedly Follow The Lord

The story of Caleb’s claim to Hebron is more than just a man desiring a piece of real estate.  It shares a practical message that should encourage us today: God keeps His promises and will enable His people to serve Him if they will trust Him and obey His Word. 

What Hope Is There For Dead Churches?

The old paths were when the name of Christ was exalted, not avoided.  The old paths were when people loved the truth and hated a lie; when they would follow the Word and ignore the world; when they came to church eager to get in, rather than waiting to get out.

Pride And Moral Independence: Why The World Is Not Heeding The Warning Of God’s Wrath

As we inch closer and closer to the time when Jesus will call us home, it is not only our anticipation which grows, but also the urgency we feel in warning others of the wrath to fall upon this earth in the form of the Tribulation Period. But are the unsaved listening?

Does The World See A Fearless Church Or A Fainting Church?

We praise God that there are, even in this late hour, many remnant and fearless churches and ministries worldwide that the Lord is using to stand against the tide of evil and proclaim the hope of the gospel.  However, we must also recognise that not all of the church body is fearless - there a good many who are fainting.

Counterfeit Christianity: Satan Does More Harm By Imitation Than Outright Opposition

All of us would love to think that every church was led by a godly man who has been called by God into that position and has consecrated himself to the Lord’s service.  However, I think it is apparent to all of us that there are many counterfeits who parade as godly men.   

A Problem With Truth: God And Satan Have Very Different Versions Of ‘Free Speech’

Satan’s version of free speech is designed to tear people down, spread lies, invoke violence against God’s chosen people (Israel), and destroy the witness of the church.

Pastors: Don’t Prepare The Bride To Meet The Antichrist, Prepare The Bride To Meet Her Bridegroom

As a pastor who believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, let me say this: I am not preparing the bride for wrath; I am preparing the bride for a wedding.  I am not preparing the bride to have her garments stained by the wickedness of the world, I am preparing the bride to hold onto the purity and hope of Christ.

Dean Dwyer: Highway To Holiness — The Bronze Laver

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer for the next part in his important series "Highway To Holiness"

Has The Bride Of Christ Made Herself Ready For His Return?

In the Scriptures, we know that the church is the bride of Christ.  But during this time when we are awaiting the upward call of our Bridegroom, how are we living? 

Rebellion Against God: The Eternal Error Of The ‘Earth Dweller’

Throughout the nations today, we see the rage and rebellion of a core group of people.  They go by many names and belong to many different groups, but they all exhibit the same hatred for God, His Word and His people (both Christian and Jewish).  Whatever name they claim for themselves, the Bible also has a name for them: earth dwellers.

In A World Encased In Violence, Prophecy Is The Stabiliser Of Our Faith

God did not provide His Word so that it would simply die in the hands of the spiritually dead. He expected, as evidenced by Habakkuk, that it be shared – particularly that which was warning people of the two paths available – righteousness or wickedness. 

Harsh Winds Of Evil Are Blowing Across Our Nations… Don’t Miss Any Opportunity

Today, spiritually speaking, we also see winds blowing.  Perhaps we feel victimised by them, particularly if those winds are blowing believers into the fires of persecution, suffering and evil.  But just as the ancient sailor waited for his “opportunity”, what if this is ours?

Dean Dwyer: An Empty Tomb; An Occupied Throne

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser St Baptist Church for his Resurrection Sunday message.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Brazen Altar

After passing through the gate into the Tabernacle courtyard, the Israelite would be met by the brazen altar. This tells us that before entering...

A Remnant May Be Cheap And Worthless By The World’s Standards, But Not By God’s

The remnant church may be hated by the world and disliked by Laodicean-era churches, but God has a distinct purpose for them.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle has not existed for thousands of years. So why is it important to study in the context of holiness? And what does...

Counterfeits: How Tyrants Use ‘godhood’ As A Means Of Propaganda And Rule

When we celebrate His death, burial and resurrection, let us also celebrate His ascension.  For because He is ascended, we are promised that He will come again to rule and reign in perfect righteousness.  Then, no more will the world be subject to tyrannical rulers who claim they are gods.

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

Spiritual leaders are “watchmen” who must be awake to the dangers that threaten God’s people.  The watchman’s task was not confined to mere observation, but extended to sounding the alarm, alerting the inhabitants of a city to the imminent danger they faced.

Postmodernism — Intent On Suppressing And Perverting The Truth Of God

So, what is the major problem with postmodernism?  Fundamentally, it comes down to how truth is treated. Since the postmodernist does not believe that truth is knowable with certainty, they must uphold a different virtue as part of their vision. 

Setting Out To Dethrone God: The Slippery Slope Of ‘Statism’

As we have seen with other political and social ideologies in the past and present, the purveyors of this reality then set out to dethrone God.  That is why all forms of statism must be rejected by Christians.  We should not entertain the acceptance of any ideology which seeks to usurp God.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness

A W Tozer once said: “The true Christian ideal is not to be happy but to be holy. You cannot study the Bible diligently...

Israel May Be A Land Affected By War And Heartache—But It Has A Glorious Future

At present, Israel is a land affected by war, heartache and unrest.  But in the Millennial Kingdom, those conditions will be reversed – it will truly be a time of peace, joy and comfort.  What a day that will be.

The Heavy Price For Rejoicing Over Israel’s Suffering

Whereas most people were sickened and horrified by the barbarity shown by Hamas, many in Gaza cheered. In our mind, it is difficult to understand why people would celebrate this. Yet, it isn't the first time that a neighbour of Israel's has cheered over their calamity.

The Ongoing Inward Struggle Of The Jewish People – Physical And Spiritual

To the unbelieving world, blindness is only apparent in its physical form.  But to us who believe, we know there are two types of blindness – physical and spiritual. 

Is Pursuing Happiness Instead Of Holiness ‘The Plague Of The Church’?

One of the great injustices brought to bear on believers through the preaching of the prosperity gospel is their belief that the true Christian ideal is to be happy and prosperous. No - the true Christian ideal is to be holy.

PsyOps: The Historical, Modern, And Spiritual Warfare Tactics Used To Manipulate The Mind

It was once said that information is power.  That has proven to be very true, particularly in the hands of those who can skillfully wield that power to influence the thoughts, emotions and actions of individuals and groups.

Dean Dwyer: Is There Hope for Broken Vessels?

On 13 November 2023, Pastor Dean was knocked from his motorcycle by another motorist, causing a burst fracture to his L2 vertebrae and a...

Insurmountable Odds And A God Who Declares The End From The Beginning

Next time you face what seems like an insurmountable trial or problem remember that we serve a God who declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). In other words, God already has a solution in place before the problem even arises. 

Digital ID Framework — The WEF Is Creating Much More Than ‘Proof Of Identity’

Psalm 139:1 says: "O LORD, you have searched me and known me."  Digital identity is Satan’s counterfeit.  Through this digital framework, the WEF is creating much more than proof of identity.

Why Did The Mosaic Law Strictly Separate The Offices Of Kings And Priests?

A good beginning is no guarantee of a successful end and the sin of unholy ambition has ruined more than one servant of the Lord as both the Scriptures and history books testify. 

The Unbeliever May Not Have An Anchor… But For The Believer There Is Genuine Hope

When we are in life’s storms, we fear that we will be dashed upon the rocks.  So, we cling desperately to our own strength, trying to navigate our own way so that we may sail stoically into the storm in order to prove that we can withstand anything by ourselves.

Have We Allowed The World Too Much Influence Over The Church?

The Lord’s anger was greatly aroused at the Israelites who were influenced towards worldly lusts by the mixed multitude amongst them.  Would He think any differently if we allowed that in our fellowships as well?

Not One Moment Of Anguish And Despair Has Escaped The Attention Of God

Empathy lasts for a time, but many will walk away once the burden of supporting a broken vessel becomes too much to bear. But not God. When others walk away, He draws near.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel: If We Want To Remain On Track, We Need To Listen To The Signal From Above

You see, even by today’s standards, Hezekiah’s tunnel is an engineering marvel. Without the use of modern equipment, many would not have a chance of joining a winding tunnel that is 1700 feet (533 metres) long.

Dean Dwyer: Proud, Prejudiced, Plundering Persecutors

In this sermon, we turn to the shortest book of the Old Testament - Obadiah. Even though there are only 21 verses, we gain...

The Socialist Philosophy Of Aggression: Entering Turbulent Times Of Hatred For Jews And Christians

People need to wake up to the fact that many Western leaders are not committed to liberty and freedom as you and I know it. They have been influenced by Marxist principles and are leading their compliant populations into very dangerous territory.

God Is Taking Note Of Individuals And Nations Who Are Cursing His People

Embracing Jew-hatred is not only an indicator of cultural decline but also of God’s impending judgement. The evidence of this is found not only in the Bible but also the history books.

Dean Dwyer: Warn the Wicked; Comfort the Concerned

Well, the title of the sermon says it all. Right now, there seem to be two groups of people: those who act wickedly and...

Israel Needs The Stone Of Help And The Rock Of Salvation

Right now, Israel needs the Stone of Help and the Rock of Salvation. Isaiah 41:14: “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."

Pharmakeia: How ‘The Drug Of Jihad’ Allowed Terrorists To Commit Heinous Acts With A Sense Of Indifference

How sad it is to think that a legitimate drug used to treat medical conditions has become known as the “drug of Jihad”. It not only produces soldiers with no fear or conscience, but also funds their activities with billions of dollars from sales.

Beneath the Banner — A Nation’s Flag Speaks Volumes

The flag of a nation speaks volumes about the nation’s history, about its aims and about its goals. Sadly, as we have become all too familiar with, flags of terrorist entities such as ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah also speak volumes about their goals.

Dean Dwyer: Fear Not, Faint Not

When the enemy surrounds and your heart grows weak, what do you do? Elisha and his servant faced what seemed like impossible odds -...

The End Times Focus On The Forehead: Where Does Your Allegiance Lie?

There is an intense end-times drama unfolding which will affect the forehead (ie. the mind) of every man and woman.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Forerunner

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser Street Baptist Church in Queensland, Australia, for his message: "Highway to Holiness — The Forerunner"

The Leftist Media And The Plot To Demonize Christian Political Engagement

They demonise Christianity in order to mobilise opponents to it in the hopes of marginalising those who are the salt and light of the nations in which they live, therefore diminishing their impact throughout their communities.  Although you may be tempted to believe this is a recent strategy, it is actually taken from the Communist playbook. 

The Rejection Of Biblical Truth In The Church Should Be Met With A Trumpet, Not A Whisper

If you read articles that expose false doctrine or rebuke apostasy, it is not done in order to dwell on the negative, spark controversy, or draw attention to our ministries. It is an expression of our love for Jesus and the truth of His Word.

‘Eco-Theology’: The Latest Departure From The Faith

Rather than refute the claims made under the banner of ecotheology, it appears that many churches and seminaries are jumping on board, keen to “repent” for their climate crimes and adopt the pagan religion of animism into their beliefs, all in the name of supposedly saving the earth from man.

Secularists Promote ‘Secret Bible Text’ Claiming Jesus Was A Hot-Headed, Lying, Murderer

The enemy is seeking to marginalise Christian thought and practice in the public square.  In other words, the underlying goal is to change public behaviours by changing private attitudes.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness – Shekinah Glory

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser St. Baptist Church in Queensland, Australia, as he continues his impactful series "Highway to Holiness"

The Antidote To A Lukewarm Spirit Is To Wholeheartedly Follow The Lord

The story of Caleb’s claim to Hebron is more than just a man desiring a piece of real estate.  It shares a practical message that should encourage us today: God keeps His promises and will enable His people to serve Him if they will trust Him and obey His Word. 

What Hope Is There For Dead Churches?

The old paths were when the name of Christ was exalted, not avoided.  The old paths were when people loved the truth and hated a lie; when they would follow the Word and ignore the world; when they came to church eager to get in, rather than waiting to get out.

Pride And Moral Independence: Why The World Is Not Heeding The Warning Of God’s Wrath

As we inch closer and closer to the time when Jesus will call us home, it is not only our anticipation which grows, but also the urgency we feel in warning others of the wrath to fall upon this earth in the form of the Tribulation Period. But are the unsaved listening?

Does The World See A Fearless Church Or A Fainting Church?

We praise God that there are, even in this late hour, many remnant and fearless churches and ministries worldwide that the Lord is using to stand against the tide of evil and proclaim the hope of the gospel.  However, we must also recognise that not all of the church body is fearless - there a good many who are fainting.

Counterfeit Christianity: Satan Does More Harm By Imitation Than Outright Opposition

All of us would love to think that every church was led by a godly man who has been called by God into that position and has consecrated himself to the Lord’s service.  However, I think it is apparent to all of us that there are many counterfeits who parade as godly men.   

A Problem With Truth: God And Satan Have Very Different Versions Of ‘Free Speech’

Satan’s version of free speech is designed to tear people down, spread lies, invoke violence against God’s chosen people (Israel), and destroy the witness of the church.

Pastors: Don’t Prepare The Bride To Meet The Antichrist, Prepare The Bride To Meet Her Bridegroom

As a pastor who believes in a pre-Tribulation rapture, let me say this: I am not preparing the bride for wrath; I am preparing the bride for a wedding.  I am not preparing the bride to have her garments stained by the wickedness of the world, I am preparing the bride to hold onto the purity and hope of Christ.

Dean Dwyer: Highway To Holiness — The Bronze Laver

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer for the next part in his important series "Highway To Holiness"

Has The Bride Of Christ Made Herself Ready For His Return?

In the Scriptures, we know that the church is the bride of Christ.  But during this time when we are awaiting the upward call of our Bridegroom, how are we living? 

Rebellion Against God: The Eternal Error Of The ‘Earth Dweller’

Throughout the nations today, we see the rage and rebellion of a core group of people.  They go by many names and belong to many different groups, but they all exhibit the same hatred for God, His Word and His people (both Christian and Jewish).  Whatever name they claim for themselves, the Bible also has a name for them: earth dwellers.

In A World Encased In Violence, Prophecy Is The Stabiliser Of Our Faith

God did not provide His Word so that it would simply die in the hands of the spiritually dead. He expected, as evidenced by Habakkuk, that it be shared – particularly that which was warning people of the two paths available – righteousness or wickedness. 

Harsh Winds Of Evil Are Blowing Across Our Nations… Don’t Miss Any Opportunity

Today, spiritually speaking, we also see winds blowing.  Perhaps we feel victimised by them, particularly if those winds are blowing believers into the fires of persecution, suffering and evil.  But just as the ancient sailor waited for his “opportunity”, what if this is ours?

Dean Dwyer: An Empty Tomb; An Occupied Throne

Join Pastor Dean Dwyer of Eiser St Baptist Church for his Resurrection Sunday message.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Brazen Altar

After passing through the gate into the Tabernacle courtyard, the Israelite would be met by the brazen altar. This tells us that before entering...

A Remnant May Be Cheap And Worthless By The World’s Standards, But Not By God’s

The remnant church may be hated by the world and disliked by Laodicean-era churches, but God has a distinct purpose for them.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness — The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle has not existed for thousands of years. So why is it important to study in the context of holiness? And what does...

Counterfeits: How Tyrants Use ‘godhood’ As A Means Of Propaganda And Rule

When we celebrate His death, burial and resurrection, let us also celebrate His ascension.  For because He is ascended, we are promised that He will come again to rule and reign in perfect righteousness.  Then, no more will the world be subject to tyrannical rulers who claim they are gods.

There Is A Problem In The Church Today: Slumbering, Self-Serving, Christian Leaders

Spiritual leaders are “watchmen” who must be awake to the dangers that threaten God’s people.  The watchman’s task was not confined to mere observation, but extended to sounding the alarm, alerting the inhabitants of a city to the imminent danger they faced.

Postmodernism — Intent On Suppressing And Perverting The Truth Of God

So, what is the major problem with postmodernism?  Fundamentally, it comes down to how truth is treated. Since the postmodernist does not believe that truth is knowable with certainty, they must uphold a different virtue as part of their vision. 

Setting Out To Dethrone God: The Slippery Slope Of ‘Statism’

As we have seen with other political and social ideologies in the past and present, the purveyors of this reality then set out to dethrone God.  That is why all forms of statism must be rejected by Christians.  We should not entertain the acceptance of any ideology which seeks to usurp God.

Dean Dwyer: Highway to Holiness

A W Tozer once said: “The true Christian ideal is not to be happy but to be holy. You cannot study the Bible diligently...

Israel May Be A Land Affected By War And Heartache—But It Has A Glorious Future

At present, Israel is a land affected by war, heartache and unrest.  But in the Millennial Kingdom, those conditions will be reversed – it will truly be a time of peace, joy and comfort.  What a day that will be.

The Heavy Price For Rejoicing Over Israel’s Suffering

Whereas most people were sickened and horrified by the barbarity shown by Hamas, many in Gaza cheered. In our mind, it is difficult to understand why people would celebrate this. Yet, it isn't the first time that a neighbour of Israel's has cheered over their calamity.

The Ongoing Inward Struggle Of The Jewish People – Physical And Spiritual

To the unbelieving world, blindness is only apparent in its physical form.  But to us who believe, we know there are two types of blindness – physical and spiritual. 

Is Pursuing Happiness Instead Of Holiness ‘The Plague Of The Church’?

One of the great injustices brought to bear on believers through the preaching of the prosperity gospel is their belief that the true Christian ideal is to be happy and prosperous. No - the true Christian ideal is to be holy.

PsyOps: The Historical, Modern, And Spiritual Warfare Tactics Used To Manipulate The Mind

It was once said that information is power.  That has proven to be very true, particularly in the hands of those who can skillfully wield that power to influence the thoughts, emotions and actions of individuals and groups.

Dean Dwyer: Is There Hope for Broken Vessels?

On 13 November 2023, Pastor Dean was knocked from his motorcycle by another motorist, causing a burst fracture to his L2 vertebrae and a...

Insurmountable Odds And A God Who Declares The End From The Beginning

Next time you face what seems like an insurmountable trial or problem remember that we serve a God who declares the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). In other words, God already has a solution in place before the problem even arises. 

Digital ID Framework — The WEF Is Creating Much More Than ‘Proof Of Identity’

Psalm 139:1 says: "O LORD, you have searched me and known me."  Digital identity is Satan’s counterfeit.  Through this digital framework, the WEF is creating much more than proof of identity.

Why Did The Mosaic Law Strictly Separate The Offices Of Kings And Priests?

A good beginning is no guarantee of a successful end and the sin of unholy ambition has ruined more than one servant of the Lord as both the Scriptures and history books testify. 

The Unbeliever May Not Have An Anchor… But For The Believer There Is Genuine Hope

When we are in life’s storms, we fear that we will be dashed upon the rocks.  So, we cling desperately to our own strength, trying to navigate our own way so that we may sail stoically into the storm in order to prove that we can withstand anything by ourselves.

Have We Allowed The World Too Much Influence Over The Church?

The Lord’s anger was greatly aroused at the Israelites who were influenced towards worldly lusts by the mixed multitude amongst them.  Would He think any differently if we allowed that in our fellowships as well?

Not One Moment Of Anguish And Despair Has Escaped The Attention Of God

Empathy lasts for a time, but many will walk away once the burden of supporting a broken vessel becomes too much to bear. But not God. When others walk away, He draws near.

Hezekiah’s Tunnel: If We Want To Remain On Track, We Need To Listen To The Signal From Above

You see, even by today’s standards, Hezekiah’s tunnel is an engineering marvel. Without the use of modern equipment, many would not have a chance of joining a winding tunnel that is 1700 feet (533 metres) long.

Dean Dwyer: Proud, Prejudiced, Plundering Persecutors

In this sermon, we turn to the shortest book of the Old Testament - Obadiah. Even though there are only 21 verses, we gain...

The Socialist Philosophy Of Aggression: Entering Turbulent Times Of Hatred For Jews And Christians

People need to wake up to the fact that many Western leaders are not committed to liberty and freedom as you and I know it. They have been influenced by Marxist principles and are leading their compliant populations into very dangerous territory.

God Is Taking Note Of Individuals And Nations Who Are Cursing His People

Embracing Jew-hatred is not only an indicator of cultural decline but also of God’s impending judgement. The evidence of this is found not only in the Bible but also the history books.

Dean Dwyer: Warn the Wicked; Comfort the Concerned

Well, the title of the sermon says it all. Right now, there seem to be two groups of people: those who act wickedly and...

Israel Needs The Stone Of Help And The Rock Of Salvation

Right now, Israel needs the Stone of Help and the Rock of Salvation. Isaiah 41:14: “Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel."

Pharmakeia: How ‘The Drug Of Jihad’ Allowed Terrorists To Commit Heinous Acts With A Sense Of Indifference

How sad it is to think that a legitimate drug used to treat medical conditions has become known as the “drug of Jihad”. It not only produces soldiers with no fear or conscience, but also funds their activities with billions of dollars from sales.

Beneath the Banner — A Nation’s Flag Speaks Volumes

The flag of a nation speaks volumes about the nation’s history, about its aims and about its goals. Sadly, as we have become all too familiar with, flags of terrorist entities such as ISIS, Hamas and Hezbollah also speak volumes about their goals.

Dean Dwyer: Fear Not, Faint Not

When the enemy surrounds and your heart grows weak, what do you do? Elisha and his servant faced what seemed like impossible odds -...

The End Times Focus On The Forehead: Where Does Your Allegiance Lie?

There is an intense end-times drama unfolding which will affect the forehead (ie. the mind) of every man and woman.