June 25, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood




City Pays Costly Settlement For COVID-19 Arrests of Maskless Churchgoers

The judge noted that the city had given incorrect advice to its officers about the application of the code, and the plaintiffs were reasonable in their damage requests.

City Pays Costly Settlement For COVID-19 Arrests of Maskless Churchgoers

The judge noted that the city had given incorrect advice to its officers about the application of the code, and the plaintiffs were reasonable in their damage requests.

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

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City Pays Costly Settlement For COVID-19 Arrests of Maskless Churchgoers

The judge noted that the city had given incorrect advice to its officers about the application of the code, and the plaintiffs were reasonable in their damage requests.

The West’s Continued Dependance On China For Vital Pharmaceuticals Is Suicidal

It is stunning that the situation has not been corrected. For instance, the United States and most of the west still use China as a sort of global pharmacy.

Absolutely Shameful: Covid Dictators Still Unwilling To Let Go Of Power In Australia

To still go after them at this stage, when mandates around the world are starting to be lifted, is absolutely shameful, unwarranted, and unnecessary.

Intimidating Health Professionals, Pushing Unsafe Vaccines, Destroying Public Trust: Irrational Mandates Continue In Australia

Health professionals are being persecuted for their loyalty and belief in codes of conduct based on the Hippocratic Oath, the Declaration of Geneva and the International Code of Ethics.

‘Forced To Choose Between Serving God And Serving Country’: Army Cuts Pay, Benefits for More Than 60K Unvaccinated Soldiers

They have all been refused any religious exemption or accommodation. Disciplinary actions have already begun for these service members. 

The CDC Tracked The Phones Of Millions To Monitor COVID Lockdown Compliance, Church Gatherings: FOI Reveals

According to the documents, the tracking was conducted to monitor compliance with COVID lockdowns, quarantines, curfews, and locate virus' hotspots.'

‘Unconscionable Overreach Of Legislative Powers’: Bill Seeks To Penalize Unvaccinated With Monthly Fines, Doubled Taxes

"this is dangerous legislation and sends the message that our government doesn't trust you to make the right choice for you and your family"

‘Chilling Interference With The Practice Of Medicine’: New California Bill Seeks To Revoke Medical Licenses of Dissident Physicians

"The bill itself is full of misinformation and a demonstration of what a disaster it would be to have the legislature dictate the practice of medicine."

‘Power Elites Can Only Suppress The Truth For So Long’: Judicial Watch Files Lawsuit To Disclose Vaccine Side Effects

"The government's unlawful stonewall on this issue, which will now take a federal FOIA lawsuit to resolve, suggests that there is something to hide," Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, insisted.

CDC Quietly Cuts A Quarter Of Child COVID-19 Deaths, Blames ‘Coding Logic Error’

March 15, the CDC’s data tracker website on that date “cut 416 deaths among children and over 71,000 elsewhere, arriving at a total of just under 780,000.”

DNA Found In COVID Was Patented By Moderna 3 Years Before The Pandemic 

Researchers say 'there is a one-in-three-trillion chance Moderna's sequence randomly appeared naturally’

Common Sense Justice: Judge Rules in Favor of Parent Who Doesn’t Want Her Kids Vaccinated

“How did we lower our guard and let the words ‘unacceptable beliefs’ get paired together? In a democracy?”

The Centers For Disease Control’s Lies Have Destroyed Its Legitimacy 

The consequences of lying about Covid-19 will spill into other areas of health care… The CDC must return to the basics of evidence-based medicine to overcome its crisis of legitimacy.

Unmasked Celebs at Super Bowl Ignore Mandates They Demand You Follow 

Follow the science? Literally none of the celebrities and wealthy elites attending the 2022 Super Bowl in Los Angeles were wearing a mask or...

State Dept. Requires Americans Fleeing to Poland from Ukraine to Show Proof of Vaccination, Though Poland Doesn’t Require It 

Though Poland does not require Americans evacuating Ukraine to show a ‘COVID-19 vaccine passport’ to enter, the Biden regime is requiring it.

Doctor Who Helped Discover Omicron Says She Was Pressured Not to Reveal It’s Mild: ‘They Will Not Silence Me’

Dr. Coetzee said that they “they tried” to stop her from speaking the truth about the COVID variant, but “they will not silence me”

Federal Judge Issues Emergency Injunction: US Military ‘Systematically Denying Religious Exemptions’ 

"It's unfortunate that they're more concerned with 100% vaccine compliance than they are with 100% Constitution compliance," First Liberty Institute's Justin Butterfield lamented.

Doctor Warns Of Medical Totalitarianism After License Put Under Review Following Podcast

"I'm not treating a narrative. I'm treating the patient before me. The responsibility of being a doctor is so great. To me, the only responsibility that is greater is being a pastor."

Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents On COVID-19 Shots; ‘Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids’

“The media—through its censorship—and Big Tech, is blocking your ability to even learn what those risks are so you can make an informed decision for your children yourself. That is a huge crime in my mind.”

Most Troops Seeking Religious Exemption to Vaccine Mandate Have ‘Sincere Belief,’ but Rejected Anyway

The number “confirms what many of us suspected, which is that the procedure for service members to submit religious exemption requests is basically bogus”

New State Law Would Make It Illegal To Request A Person’s Vaccine Status

“South Carolina didn’t want to get in this fight,” Rep. Bill Chumley, one of the co-sponsors of the bill, said. “It was brought to us by the federal government.”

Massive Trucker Convoy Raises $3.6M+ to Fuel Vaccine Mandate Protest Heading to Ottawa, GoFundMe Withholds Donations

"Thousands of us will be parking our trucks on Parliament Hill for as long as it takes until these vaccine mandates are lifted. I don’t think Trudeau realizes this, but both Parliament and the borders are going to come to a screeching halt."

Not Exactly Shocking: Many Democrats Want You Punished

According to a stunning survey, nearly 60 percent of Democrat voters support government forcing you to be confined to your home if you’re not vaccinated.

Doctor Loses License, Ordered To Receive Psych Evaluation For Sharing ‘COVID Misinformation’, Board Says

Pastor Barry Stagner of Calvary Chapel Tustin, discussing Dr. Nass' suspension, insisted that "controlling the narrative is essential to the globalist agenda."

LA Times Publishes Op-ed That Encourages ‘Mocking’ Unvaccinated People Who Die From COVID

An article entitled, “Mocking anti-vaxxers’ COVID deaths is ghoulish, yes — but may be necessary,” published by the left-leaning L.A. Times on January 10.

SCOTUS Ends Mandates for U.S. Businesses

In a huge blow to President Joe Biden, the U.S. Supreme Court responded to his COVID overreach the way most Americans had hoped: striking down the largest of his vaccine mandates.

Quebec Announces Plans To Charge Unvaccinated ‘Significant’ ‘Health Contribution’ Fee

"In Quebec for the first time in history vaccination is mandatory... It is extremely disturbing." Maxime Bernier explained, adding that they have been able to get away with this due to the "mass hysteria they have created."

French President Macron Sparks Outrage For Stating The Unvaccinated Are ‘No Longer’ Citizens

French President Macron declared the unvaccinated public to be “not citizens” of France, and claims he is intentionally angering them by limiting their freedoms

Judge Issues Stay Against Vaccine Mandate For Navy SEALs Seeking Religious Exemption

"There is no COVID-19 exception to the First Amendment," Judge O'Connor wrote in his ruling. "There is no military exclusion from our Constitution."

Trudeau Questions Whether Canada Should ‘Tolerate’ Unvaccinated Extremists

“They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. This leads us to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?"

Canada Secretly Tracked 33 Million Phones During COVID Lockdown, Public Health Agency Admits

“I think that the Canadian public will find out about many other such unauthorized surveillance initiatives before the pandemic is over—and afterwards.”

Swedish Company Showcases Microchip That Can Download COVID-19 Passport Status

A microchip technology introduced in recent years by the Stockholm-based startup, Epicenter, is being presented as a means to store one's COVID-19 vaccine passport...

Why ICUs Are Overwhelmed With Seriously Ill Vaccinated Patients

The COVID-19 vaccines appear to be causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

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Jack Hibbs Ad