July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood



Hal Lindsey: The Abraham Accords

The world is rapidly realigning itself into the place described by the Bible in the last days. It is an awe-inspiring thing to see.

Hal Lindsey: The Abraham Accords

The world is rapidly realigning itself into the place described by the Bible in the last days. It is an awe-inspiring thing to see.

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


Hal Lindsey: The Abraham Accords

The world is rapidly realigning itself into the place described by the Bible in the last days. It is an awe-inspiring thing to see.

Jan Markell Sees an ‘End-Times Phenomenon’ Afoot

Jan Markell says the historic Middle East agreements signed this week could be heralding the coming return of the Lord.

Is the Israel-UAE Peace Deal Prophetically Significant?

"This is something that should cause all Christians to watch carefully and continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

The Fig Tree—This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

The fig tree is blooming, Israel is back. This generation shall not pass away. It’s time to look up, for we will soon and forever be with the Lord!

To Whom Does the Land of Israel Belong?

Not everyone accepts the authority of the Bible. But those people can simply look to international law and see the rights of the Jews to the Holy Land. 

Jan Markell: Is Genesis 12:3 Curse Playing Out?

Jan Markell wonders if the Genesis 12:3 curse is playing out: "I will bless them that bless thee [Israel], and curse him that curseth thee"

Amir Tsarfati – Bible Bite: He Who Promised is Faithful

We are an amazing generation that gets to live in the days of Ezekiel. Isn't that interesting how the Old Testament prophet has given us today's news?

JD Farag: Deal of the Century – Urging Christians to Search the Scriptures

In this Prophecy Update Pastor JD Farag addresses serious concerns with the recently unveiled Trump peace plan and urges Christians to search the Scriptures

Why the Trump Administration’s Stance on the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) Matters

Last Monday, the White House announced their recognition of all Israeli settlements in the West Bank (Judea & Samaria in your Bible) as ‘legal’, further legitimatizing Israel’s sovereignty over the land that God promised to them over 5000 years ago. This decision reversed the tragic mistake made by the Carter administration in the 1970s, who condemned Israeli settlements in the region.

Amir Tsarfati: Update from the ISRAEL-SYRIA BORDER with Berean Pastors

Amir Tsarfati gives a Live Middle East Update from the Israel-Syria border along with Berean Pastors from around the world who have been brought to Behold Israel!

Tom Hughes Prophecy Update: Israel Under Pressure

In this week's Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes, we see that Israel is under pressure. In the Bible, it says that in the last days Israel will stand alone against the world. Is the stage for that day being set now? Let's find out!

Bible Bite: Why Israel’s Enemies will Never Uproot the Fig Tree

Among the many prophecies concerning Israel and the last days, the rebirth of the nation of Israel is certainly among the most significant.

Amir Tsarfati Middle East Update: World Chaos and The Feast of Trumpets

In this Middle East update with Amir Tsarfati, Amir elaborates on the political uncertainty in Israel as well as describes the new globalist initiative declared by Pope Francis. He also stresses the prophetic significance of the feast of trumpets, just celebrated by the Jewish people.

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad