July 19, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024
July 19, 2024

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World news biblically understood



Re-Writing God’s Word: China Is Following The Nazis’ Playbook In Its Tactics Against The Church

Altering the text of Scripture to conform it to the evil objectives of a morally bankrupt state will be about as successful as trying to grasp sunlight.

Re-Writing God’s Word: China Is Following The Nazis’ Playbook In Its Tactics Against The Church

Altering the text of Scripture to conform it to the evil objectives of a morally bankrupt state will be about as successful as trying to grasp sunlight.

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Mark Hitchcock

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Hal Lindsey

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Re-Writing God’s Word: China Is Following The Nazis’ Playbook In Its Tactics Against The Church

Altering the text of Scripture to conform it to the evil objectives of a morally bankrupt state will be about as successful as trying to grasp sunlight.

Watchdog: New Bills in Pakistan Violate International Law, Trample On The Freedom and Safety Of Christians

A Christian watchdog group is sounding alarms over two bills Pakistan’s legislature has passed that would increase penalties for blasphemy and fail to protect the rights of religious minorities, especially Christians, in the predominantly Muslim nation.

Biden Admin’s Timidity On The International Scene: Horrifying To Americans, Deadly To Believers

The Biden administration should not be kowtowing to China — they should be holding them accountable for their systematic and egregious violations of fundamental human rights, chief among them religious freedom.

China’s Threats Against ‘US-Taiwan Collusion’ Are Not The Reaction Of a Confident Superpower

It was not the reaction of a confident superpower, but of a nervous child trying to hide its impotence behind the bluster of shaking fists and threatening pronouncements.

New Report on Religious Persecution in North Korea Demands ‘Immediate Action’ from Biden

The North Korean government views Christians as the most dangerous political class of people, and any North Korean caught following Jesus Christ is at immediate risk of imprisonment, brutal torture, and death.

Russia & China Fly Nuclear Capable Bombers In Joint Drill Over Sea Of Japan, As Biden Meets In Tokyo For Quad Summit

Japan's Defense Minister insisted that the drill's timing during the summit showed that it was intended to be "more than just a demonstration to Japan."

Chinese Military Provoking A Dogfight With Australia, Compounding Global Tensions

An Australian surveillance plane was "dangerously" intercepted by a Chinese military jet while flying over the region of the South China Sea.

Pentagon: North Korea Testing Intercontinental Missile System In ‘Serious Escalation’ 

“The United States government has concluded that these launches involved a new ICBM system that the DPRK is developing. This is a serious escalation by the DPRK.”

Mike Pompeo On Taiwan Visit: ‘It Is Not Provocative To Demand Freedom’

"I think these days call for the simple reminder that it is not provocative to say that one demands freedom," he added warning that "those who desire to destroy freedom, to change human lives" will see silence as "their opportunity".

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible, Cracks Down on Christians

Reports indicate the Chinese Communist Party is literally rewriting the Bible to make a state-approved version—communists are editing and erasing anything that gives Jesus glory over their government.

On Alert: Taiwan Warns Of ‘Destabilizing’ Actions By Chinese As Russia Invades Ukraine

Taiwan scrambled its air force Thursday as nine Chinese aircraft have entered the island nation’s air defense zone, the Taiwan Ministry of Defense announced. 

Olympic Ratings Tank, Corporations, IOC, Media Ignore China Abuses 

Remember those who are suffering; those who the media, world governments, and hypocrites ignore; those who are alone, dying, or persecuted in communist China.

China Represses Hong Kong Christians Under Olympic Shadow

Hong Kong Watch warned the country’s ”religious freedom now firmly in Beijing's sights”—“I fear that we’re witnessing the early-warning signs of a creeping CCP takeover of control of religion”

Ukraine, Taiwan, and a Weak Commander in Chief

The US is confronting a pair of ruthless dictatorships in 2 potential collisions that could change history—The simple fact is Putin and Xi sense real weakness in the American commander in chief.

Xi Jinping Seeking ‘Global Domination’: Mike Pompeo

“It’s not about putting a Chinese tank division in Taiwan. It’s about accreting political power and influence throughout the world,” former Sec. of State Mike Pompeo said.

Speculation Over ‘Emerging Hemorrhagic Fever’ in China Underscores Distrust of State Media on Matters of Global Health

Speculation of a more serious problem, beyond what China's state-affiliated media was reporting, was fueled by social media reports of a continuing hemorrhagic fever problem in Xi'an.

FAA Orders ‘Full Ground Stop’ At All West Coast Airports For 7 Min. After N. Korea Fired Suspected Ballistic Missile

Monday's incident, known as a full ground stop, was confirmed by officials at San Diego Airport. No explanation was given, but it happened around the same time as the North Korean missile launch.

Thousands Of Russian Troops Descend On Kazakhstan After Deadly Uprising

It wasn’t immediately clear whether the newly arrived Russian forces – formally described as “peacekeepers” – were involved in the violence.

Lithuania Stands Up To China, Won’t Be Bullied Amid CCP Threats To Sweep Them Into The ‘Garbage Bin of History’

"The Chinese Communist Party is threatening to 'sweep Lithuania into the trashcan of history,' which is ironic, because that's where communism already is."

China’s Christians Face an Uncertain Christmas

For China’s Christians, this season may be a little less festive than the majority, as they find themselves ever more limited in their ability to practice their faith.

Hong Kong’s ‘Patriots Only’ Election Will Further Erode Political and Civil Liberties

"This is not a typical free and fair election. It’s a selection process—with no meaningful participation from the opposition (not least because many are in jail)"

China Prepares To Set Up First Military Base In The Atlantic

“Classified American intelligence reports suggest China intends to establish its first permanent military presence on the Atlantic“

How Deep Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny

A compromised political elite is responding to a virus likely juiced up in a Chinese bioweapons lab by adopting scientifically unprecedented, Communist-style social controls.

Indian Hindu Nationalists Forbid Christians From Attending Church Without Special Permission

Last Sunday, Christians were informed that they were forbidden from gathering to worship unless they had special permission from the local magistrate.

Philippines Tells China To ‘Back Off’ After South China Sea Clash, Increased CCP Vessel Aggression

The Philippine National Security Adviser described the presence of Chinese boats within Manila’s sovereign maritime territory as “very aggressive.”

Taliban, Kim Jong-Un, Nigeria Named Top 3 Christian Persecutors Of 2021

On Tuesday, religious freedom advocacy group International Christian Concern named the Taliban, Kim Jong-un, & Nigeria the top 3 Christian persecutors of 2021.

China, Russia Bolster Ties To Counter US As Tensions Rise

China and Russia have bolstered their defense ties in a move to counter what they claim is a growing military threat from the U.S.

Chinese Communist Party Solidifies Xi As Leader On Par With Mao

The move is the 3rd of its type since the party was founded. The first resolution was “passed by Mao Zedong in 1945 and the second by Deng Xiaoping in 1981"

Pentagon warns China is expanding its nuclear arsenal faster than expected

China is expanding its nuclear arsenal much more quickly than anticipated, narrowing the gap with the United States, the Pentagon said in a report.

Chilling Censorship: Hong Kong Legislature Outlaws Movies That Threaten ‘National Security’

“We hope the bill will commence as soon as possible, to enhance the film censorship system and to plug the loopholes,” Commerce Minister Yau told legislators

Chinese Nuclear-Capable Hypersonic Missile Test Surprises US Intelligence: Report

China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in a move that caught U.S. intelligence by surprise, according to a new report. 

‘The Perfect Police State’: China’s Digital Dictatorship Goes Global

Xi has been on a technological quest to build what some call a blueprint for a digital dictatorship allowing the CCP gov't to control huge volumes of data in China & globally.

Taiwan President Says Country ‘Will Do Whatever It Takes To Defend Itself’ Against China

Taiwan’s president warned that the defeat of the island nation would signal that “authoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy” in today’s “global contest of values.”

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

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