April 25, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024
April 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Will Graham

Will Graham

Will Graham: How the Cross Met Our 4 Greatest Needs

While the New Testament details the crucifixion extensively, my own personal belief is that there is no greater text dealing with the suffering of Christ than Isaiah 53:5

Will Graham: A Sacrifice That Costs Nothing Is Worth Nothing

When we sacrifice for the Kingdom of God, we are laying a foundation for the next generation to continue to worship and grow in the faith, while also imparting to them the importance of the principle of sacrifice.

Will Graham: Jesus Was Forsaken, Betrayed, And Crucified, But He Rose Victorious

Jesus personally chose 12 disciples whom He poured Himself into. These men could almost be considered His earthly family, surrounding Him, learning from Him, and serving in His ministry. Jesus loved them, and yet He knew—long before they did, in fact—that a couple of these men would publicly betray Him.

The Real Question Isn’t About Life And Death… It’s About Jesus

Since Christ has conquered death, it is now subservient to Him. Death has lost its sting (1 Corinthians 15:55). For those who call on the name of Jesus as Savior and Lord—like my grandfather—death is now the friend that opens the door and introduces us to eternity with Jesus in Heaven.

Will Graham: When God Opens A Door To Share The Hope Of Jesus, Don’t Miss The Opportunity

One of my greatest regrets is that I didn’t share the love of Christ with a couple in front of me, even though I clearly felt the Holy Spirit calling me to do so. I still feel the burden of that inaction today.

Will Graham: We Can’t Earn Our Salvation… But Our Actions Do Matter In The Scope Of Eternity

Why must we do good? Is it required to earn our salvation? By no means. However, our actions—both good and bad—do matter in the scope of eternity.

Will Graham: Coming From Afar To Worship And Proclaim The Arrival Of The Savior

Not only had the heavenly realms proclaimed the arrival of the Savior, but earthly kingdoms were recognizing the importance of this moment as well.

Will Graham: Herod’s Violent Plot To Eliminate The King Of The Jews

Given this, it’s no wonder that Herod became terrified when wise men from the East arrived in Jerusalem asking, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?”

Will Graham: The Shepherds Of Ancient Israel — Proclamation Of The Messiah’s Arrival

We know they felt fear, of course, but imagine the flood of emotions as they begin to realize that the angel of the Lord is proclaiming the news of the arrival of the Messiah!

Will Graham: Like Mary, Rejoice In The Midst Of Your Pain

It’s OK to be troubled, but I invite you to do as Mary did and rejoice in the midst of your pain. Lay it all at the feet of the One who came to save you, whose birth we celebrate.

Will Graham: Remaining Thankful in Dark Days

The truth is it’s not always so easy to give thanks. Frankly, it’s often easier to complain—or just huddle in the corner and look helplessly on as the world seems to fall apart around us.

We Must Feast On The Things Of The Lord Rather Than The Evils Of This Age

With so many prevalent temptations all around us, it would be easy to assimilate and enjoy all that the world has to offer, but like Daniel, we must purpose in our hearts to serve Jesus and Him alone.

Will Graham: There’s No Way to Be ‘Good Enough’

Perhaps you’ve never skipped a Sunday, but rather than living in His grace, you’re fighting your way through life and trying to be “good enough” to reach Heaven.

Will Graham: We Have Every Reason To Be Thankful—But Do We Thank Him?

We should be thankful that we serve a God who can heal, cleanse, and save—physically and spiritually—and who comes to us and invites us into communion with Him.

Will Graham: Are You Passing the Stewardship Test?

Are you being faithful? Is your work showing your heart for the Lord, or are you hurting your testimony and reputation by cutting corners, pointing fingers, or avoiding service altogether?