July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood



Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

According to whistleblowers and outraged parents, children as young as 13 in a South Australia school were forcibly taught about sexual activities with animals as part of a “queer” LGBTQIA+ “sex education” class. The revelations drew outrage from parents and half-hearted apologies from “education” officials. 

Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

According to whistleblowers and outraged parents, children as young as 13 in a South Australia school were forcibly taught about sexual activities with animals as part of a “queer” LGBTQIA+ “sex education” class. The revelations drew outrage from parents and half-hearted apologies from “education” officials. 

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


Australian Parents Pull Children From School After Graphic Class Teaching About Bestiality

According to whistleblowers and outraged parents, children as young as 13 in a South Australia school were forcibly taught about sexual activities with animals as part of a “queer” LGBTQIA+ “sex education” class. The revelations drew outrage from parents and half-hearted apologies from “education” officials. 

The Destruction Of Christian Principles In Society Make It Fertile Ground For A Marxist Revolution

The Marxists that control education make sure that the teaching of history is dumbed down and that all references to the evils of Marxism in history are ignored.

Radical Gender Benders: Believers Have Been Bullied Out Of Australian Politics—And The Results Are Showing

The results of the survey show that support for gender ideology was extremely low, and that almost 90% opposed the state government’s policy to enable children to transition without parental consent.

Chinese Military Provoking A Dogfight With Australia, Compounding Global Tensions

An Australian surveillance plane was "dangerously" intercepted by a Chinese military jet while flying over the region of the South China Sea.

Australian School Stands Strong on Biblical Definition of Sexuality

The school underscored that Christ must remain central in their teaching, regardless of the cultural pressure to compromise when it comes to Biblical values like sexuality and the sanctity of life

How Deep Chinese Influence Pushed Australia Into Astonishing Covid Tyranny

A compromised political elite is responding to a virus likely juiced up in a Chinese bioweapons lab by adopting scientifically unprecedented, Communist-style social controls.

Philippines Tells China To ‘Back Off’ After South China Sea Clash, Increased CCP Vessel Aggression

The Philippine National Security Adviser described the presence of Chinese boats within Manila’s sovereign maritime territory as “very aggressive.”

Victoria State Gov’t Proposal Threatens To ‘Fundamentally Change Nature of Christian Schools’

“These proposals could fundamentally change the nature of Christian schools. Why is the gov't trying to dictate to a Christian school who it can employ or in what role?"

DeSantis Questions US Relationship With ‘Off-The-Rails’ Australia Over Military COVID Lockdowns

"That’s not a free country—I wonder why we would still have the same diplomatic relations when they’re doing that. Is Australia freer than communist China? I don’t know"

3,000+ Church Leaders Sign Letter to Australian Prime Minister Opposing Vaccine Passport Mandate

Thousands of church leaders in Australia signed a letter addressed to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, urging the government not to enforce vaccine passports in...

Victoria Australia Moves To Decriminalize ‘Sex Work’ Giving Green Light To Pimps & Traffickers

Victoria moves to decriminalize sex work. This will open the way for street prostitution and remove existing barriers to pimps & traffickers.

Australian Health Officials Order Quarantined NRL Players & Families to Stay Off Balconies, Tape Doors Shut

Ban On Fresh Air? NRL families in quarantine ordered to tape balcony doors shut and provide photographic evidence to health authorities.

Christian Group Barred From Arenas in W. Australia Because Biblical Views Do Not Align With ‘Government’s Views’

ACL Managing Director wrote: “So, apparently the WA government won’t allow venues to host people who disagree with them. Welcome to China."

‘Education, Not Indoctrination’: Australia Moves to Block Critical Race Theory from National Curriculum

The fight is on to make sure the Gov’t keeps its word & keeps our children’s schools free of this divisive, radical left-wing indoctrination

Palm Sunday Suicide Bombers Target Worshipers in Indonesian Church

A suicide bombing outside a church after Palm Sunday Service in Indonesia has injured more than a dozen churchgoers, some seriously.

Euthanasia Deaths in Victoria, Australia Soar After Legalization

Deaths by euthanasia and assisted suicide in the state of Victoria, Australia, have almost doubled in the region since their legalization.

South Australia Parliament Debates Abortion-to-Birth Bill, Vote ‘Likely To Be Extremely Close’

Debate began for a Bill, which would legalize abortion, for any reason, up to 22 weeks or up to birth if two doctors agree.

Australian State Bans Prayer & Counseling to Change/Suppress Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity

The law becomes a real challenge to churches that hold a biblical view of sexuality with violations possibly resulting in up to 10 years

US Could Increase Indonesia Aid By Up To $2 Billion If It Normalized Ties With Israel: Report

Trump administration eyes prospect of Israel forging formal ties with world's largest Muslim-majority country

Australia Bill to Ban All ‘Conduct’ Not LGBTQ-Affirming, Including Private Conversations, Sermons & PRAYER

Depending on how serious the VEOHRC deems the offense, an “offender” could face up to 10 years in jail and a fine of $200,000.

Indonesian Police Search For Likely Terrorists Suspected of Killing 4 Christians & Burning Homes

A manhunt is underway in Indonesia following the murder of four Christians and the burning down of multiple homes.

Culture of Death: New Zealanders Vote ‘Yes’ to Legalize Euthanasia

New Zealanders emphatically endorsed the dangerous euthanasia measure with 65 percent voting in favor and 34 percent voting against.

China Deploys Two New Aircraft Carriers to Stoke Tensions with US After Warning of a ‘New Cold War’

CHINA is reportedly set to deploy its two new aircraft carriers off the coast of Taiwan as it warns the US of a “new cold war”.

Western Australia Battered By ‘Once-In-A-Decade’ Storm

Australia has been hit by the biggest storm in a decade, leaving around 50,000 homes and businesses without power. Conditions expected to worsen overnight.

China Tried To Pressure Australia To Back Off Coronavirus Investigation. It Backfired.

The CCP attempts to pressure Australia to back off calls for an international investigation into China’s handling of the COVID-19 appears to have backfired.

Only 24 People Charged over ‘Deliberately-Lit Bushfires’ in NSW, Australia – report

AP reported that of the 183 cases, only 24 people had been charged over “deliberately-lit bushfires"; Approximately 50% of Australia’s bushfires are arson.

Deadly Wildfires Continue to Sweep Across Australia

Australia typically has a fire season that runs from December to March, but this year’s bushfires have been burning since September, causing catastrophic damage.

Australia’s Bushfires & Arson: Debunking the Climate Change Myth

Ezra Levant analyzes a detailed record published by Spectator magazine, going through the extensive list of arson attacks recorded recently in Australia.

Environmentalists Made Australia’s Bush Fires Worse

Let us not allow the heartbreak & emotion distract us from the truth about this natural disaster: it has nothing whatsoever to do with ‘climate change’.

Australia Orders Emergency Evacuation of Towns in Face of Raging Bushfires

Australia ordered residents and tourists out of the path of raging bushfires Thursday as the country braced for a weekend heatwave expected to fan the deadly inferno.

New Zealand Volcano Erupts – Five Dead as Authorities Warn to Brace for Further Casualties

A volcano erupted in New Zealand on Monday, leaving five people dead and 50 more more unaccounted for. Local police said tourists were seen walking inside the crater of White Island volcano moments before the deadly eruption.

Forced to Kiss the Shoes of a Muslim Classmate, Called A ‘Dirty Jew’: Antisemitic Bullying Exposed at Australian Schools

Shocking accounts of antisemitic bullying at two schools in the Australian state of Victoria over the past year have led to calls for more assertive action by educational authorities to protect Jewish students.

Abortion now Legal in Australia’s Most-Populous State, Lawmakers Overturn 119-year-old ban

Lawmakers in New South Wales, Australia, voted Thursday to overturn a 119-year-old law criminalizing abortion, drawing criticism from pro-life advocates.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad