July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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Middle East

US Special Forces Raid Terrorist Haven in Northwest Syria, Killing a Top ISIS Leader

President Biden says the overnight raid by U.S. forces has killed a top Islamic State leader who had found safe haven in the Idlib region. 

US Special Forces Raid Terrorist Haven in Northwest Syria, Killing a Top ISIS Leader

President Biden says the overnight raid by U.S. forces has killed a top Islamic State leader who had found safe haven in the Idlib region. 

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Middle East

US Special Forces Raid Terrorist Haven in Northwest Syria, Killing a Top ISIS Leader

President Biden says the overnight raid by U.S. forces has killed a top Islamic State leader who had found safe haven in the Idlib region. 

United States Calls For De-escalation In Yemen In Wake Of Houthi Strikes On UAE

The development comes in the wake of Houthi strikes on the UAE, and fierce retaliation on the Iran-backed group by a Saudi-led military coalition.

Devastating Economic Crisis In Lebanon Sparks Protests; ‘People Can’t Afford Buying Bread’

“The rise in the exchange rate … caused very big problems. It made the Lebanese hungry, it made all citizens poor, citizens can’t afford filling up with fuel anymore. People can’t afford buying bread or food. Where are we heading?”

Iraqi PM Escapes Attempted-Assassination After Armed Drone Strikes On Leaders Home

“Cowardly terrorist attack that targeted the home of the PM with the aim of assassinating him, is a serious targeting of the Iraqi state by criminal armed groups"

Israel: Unless Int. Community Acts Against Iran’s Nuclear Aspirations – Israel Will Opt To Act On Its Own

“Iranians have never hidden the fact that they want to destroy Israel–Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear state or even a nuclear threshold state”

Franklin Graham: The Blood Of Afghanistan Will Be On The Hands Of The Biden/Harris Administration

Think of the prospects ahead for Christians in the country. The blood of this nation will be on the hands of the Biden/Harris administration.

Multiple Ships Off UAE Report Loss of Control; U.K. Sources Suspect Hijacking of Vessel by Iranian Forces

"British sources believe Asphalt Princess has been hijacked. They are working on the assumption Iranian military or proxies have boarded vessel"

Young Iranian Boy Killed During Water Protest

As protests throughout Iran continued over the weekend, armed rioters accidentally killed a young boy partaking in the demonstrations

US Military Strikes Iranian-Backed Fighters Following Rocket Attack in Syria

The US response sought out the locations of the pro-Iranian militias responsible for the attack, hitting multiple sites inside of Syria.

Iran Admits to 6.5 kg of 60% Enriched Uranium

Iranian state media is reporting that the Islamic Republic has produced 6.5 kg (14 lb) of uranium enriched to up to 60%.

EU: Iran Nuclear Talks “Intense”

While US maintains it'll only return to JCPOA after Iran’s compliance, the regime declared adherence will only come after sanctions nullified

US: Iran Could Have Nuclear Bomb In Weeks

US is warning that current pace of Iran nuclear development indicates it could soon amass enough fissile material to produce an atomic weapon

First, A Naval Ship, Then An Oil Refinery: Two Massive Fires In Iran Within Hours of Each Other

A huge fire broke out at an oil refinery in Iranian capital Tehran, a few hours after Iran’s largest navy ship caught fire and sank.

Russia Deploys Three Nuclear-Capable Bombers to Syria

The bombers’ deployment marks the first time since Cold War times that Moscow has stationed heavy bombers in the region.

BREAKING: 12+ Iranian Gunboats Swarm 6 U.S. Warships, Dozens Of Warning Shots Fired

“Over a dozen Iranian gunboats harass formation of six U.S. warships including guided-missile submarine Georgia"

Massive Fire Erupts Near Iranian Nuclear Plant; Iran Releases Video Threatening Israeli Facility

A massive fire broke out near the Islamic Republic's only functioning nuclear power plant late on Friday night.

Massive Explosion Occurs at Iranian Chemical Factory Amid Rising Tensions; Cause Unknown

A chemical factory in Iran experienced a massive explosion on Sunday, resulting in the arrival of well over a dozen firefighting vehicles

‘Outrageous & Absurd’: Iran, China Among Countries Elected to UN’s Commission on Women’s Rights

Danny Danon, rebuked the UN on Twitter for electing Iran as a representative of Women's rights, calling it "outrageous and absurd."

Jordan’s King Says Prince Is ‘Under His Protection’ After Alleged Coup Plot; Bans Media Coverage

Jordan ordered a ban on all media reporting on the investigation into the alleged coup attempt in the country thwarted over the weekend

Jordanian Authorities Arrest Member of Royal Family Over plot to Unseat King Abdullah

Jordanian authorities arrested a member of the royal family among some 20 plotters conspiring to unseat King Abdullah II

Iran Rejects Joe Biden’s Compromise Nuclear Offer Before He Makes It

The US is trying to break the nuclear deadlock with Iran, planning a new proposal that would include sanction relief for the Islamic Republic

Iran, Russia and Turkey Signal Growing Alliance

For years, Turkey would say one thing to Moscow and Tehran while telling Washington’s Iran hawks that Turkey was “against Russia and Iran.”

Israel Accused by Iran After Recent Explosion on Cargo Ship

An Investigator is suggesting that Israel was behind this week’s attack on an Iranian vessel in the Mediterranean Sea

Israel Updating Plans for Potential Iran Strike, May ‘Act Independently’: Minister

The Israeli military is currently updating plans for a prospective military strike on Iranian nuclear sites and may act without U.S. support

Amir Tsarfati: The Iran Saga Continues… This Time With U.S. Help

You probably feel I’m always talking about Iran. Well, now is a good time to tell you that the saga continues. Sadly, the US is involved...

US Strikes Iran-backed fighters in Syria: Pentagon

US military launches strike on facilities in Syria used by Iran-backed militia, in retaliation for rocket attacks on US troops in Iraq

Iran Ending Snap Inspections Is ‘Dangerous,’ France, Germany, UK Say

Iran’s decision to block snap inspections by the IAEA is dangerous and a violation of the Iran deal, the European countries said Tuesday.

Iraq’s Third Rocket Attack Within a Week Targets US Embassy in Baghdad

Two rockets landed inside of Baghdad’s Green Zone on Monday in what is now the third rocket attack in Iraq within one week – this time targeting the US embassy.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Suspended from Twitter After Death Threat to Former President Trump

Twitter suspended the supreme leader several hours after issuing a death threat to the 45th president of the United States.

How Yemen’s Houthis’ Well-deserved Terrorist Label Gives Biden Important Leverage

How Biden admin. handles Iran and its proxies, notably the Yemeni Houthi militia, could shape Arab region’s opinion of his nascent presidency

Iran Asks IAEA Not To Publish ‘Unnecessary’ Details About Nuclear Program

Iran urges International Atomic Energy Agency, UN's nuclear watchdog, to avoid publishing "unnecessary" details on Tehran's nuclear program

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Conducts Large-Scale Missile Drill in Show of Force

IRGC carries out a massive, multi-day missile test in show of military force amid tensions with the Gulf, Israel, and the United States.

Pompeo Reveals Newly Declassified Intelligence Showing Iran-AlQaeda Terror Alliance

Iran is allowing al Qaeda to establish a new headquarters on the condition their operatives abide by regime’s rules governing al Qaeda

Hal Lindsey

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Mark Hitchcock

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