July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Source + HD Editor’s Note

Source + HD Editor’s Note

Win For Arrested Preacher After Crown Prosecution Claims Parts Of Bible ‘No Longer Appropriate In Modern Society’

"Jesus was the answer for me, and I believe the world needs to know and experience this hope. That is why I do what I do, to help everyone to find the light of Jesus out of the darkness we all live in."

UK ProLife Group Takes Legal Action After City Council Criminalizes Their Ministry

“Instead of lamenting this loss of life we are industrialising it, making it ever easier to obtain abortion effectively on demand, and now planning to criminalise dissent."

European Human Rights Court Rules Euthanasia Of ‘Incurably Depressed’ Woman Violated Her Right To Life

What has happened in Belgium and other countries with similar trajectories paints a dark picture of the “dying with dignity” narrative.

‘State-Sanctioned Persecution’: Scotland Purposes World’s Most Extreme ‘Conversion Therapy’ Ban

Overall they would criminalise prayer, consensual conversations, quoting certain Bible passages, and some preaching among other things. This amounts to a shocking infringement of fundamental freedoms.

Christians ‘Deliberately Exploit,’ ‘Misuse Religious Narratives’ to Deny Minors Transgender Surgeries, Says UN Official

“It’s bizarre that a U.N. official would imply that religious Americans are being manipulated or exploited into believing that radical LGBT policies might come into tension with religious freedom.“

Faith-Based Medical Nonprofit Sues Michigan AG: ‘Christian Healthcare Centers Should Not Be Forced To Check Its Faith At The Clinic Door’

“It’s unconstitutional for the state to require that this Christian ministry abandon its faith principles in order to continue serving those in need.”

North Dakota School Board Puts A Stop to Pledge of Allegiance Over Words ‘One Nation Under God’

“The statement that we are ‘one nation under God,’ … is simply an untrue statement,” he argued. “We are one nation under many or no gods.” 

‘The Word Of God Was Not Silenced Here’: Calvary Chapel San Jose Wins Again — No Contempt Charges, Fines

The governor’s office, county officials, lower judges, and even the state occupational safety department got involved in the effort to shut down this church. Arrayed against this imposing display of power was simply this local church — and God.

New Report on Religious Persecution in North Korea Demands ‘Immediate Action’ from Biden

The North Korean government views Christians as the most dangerous political class of people, and any North Korean caught following Jesus Christ is at immediate risk of imprisonment, brutal torture, and death.

Chaplains Deploying to Eastern Kentucky After Flooding Claims at Least 37 Lives

BG-RRT chaplains will be on the ground today, assisting Samaritan’s Purse to help meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of those impacted by the flooding.

‘Forced To Choose Between Serving God And Serving Country’: Army Cuts Pay, Benefits for More Than 60K Unvaccinated Soldiers

They have all been refused any religious exemption or accommodation. Disciplinary actions have already begun for these service members. 

Viral Story Of Abortion Seeking 10-Year-Old Fabricated To Mislead The American Public?

An anecdote about a 10-year-old girl being raped, which President Joe Biden forcefully cited to promote abortion-on-demand, appears to be a myth.

Representatives Demand Answers From State Department For Funding Atheism Abroad

Fifteen representatives wrote expressing “grave concern that the State Department is using appropriated funds to support atheism and radical, progressive orthodoxy across the world.”

FRC Report: Many In Western Countries Feel Emboldened To Go After Christians In The Public Square

"It is shocking to see Western countries--the same ones we think of as free and open societies--take authoritarian measures against Christians simply trying to practice their faith.”

‘Wakeup Call To Churches In The West’: Religious Freedom Group Names 2022 Persecutor of the Year

"Our report documents actual, ongoing religious persecution that is consistently ignored by major media and barely touched by our comfortable churches in the United States."