July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood


olivier melnick

Olivier Melnick is the Executive Director for Shalom in Messiah Ministries. He is an author, speaker and antisemitism expert. He serves on the Board of Directors of Chosen People, France.

Shalom In Messiah

Olivier Melnick

Breanna Claussen Founded Harbingers Daily as a Social Media Based Ministry in 2014 and managed the expansion of the newsroom into what we know today as HarbingersDaily.com

She is also an author, Head of Ministry Development, Manager of the Graphic Design Team, and Lead Editor for Harbingers Daily News Media.

Even While Fighting An Existential War, Israel Remains The Safest Country For Jews

If it looks like a pogrom, sounds like a pogrom and hurts like a pogrom...It's a pogrom! I find it very ironic that–Israel– the country that is fighting an existential war on several fronts, currently is the safest place for Jews because their government has their backs, which is not the case for Jews anywhere else in the world.

If These Young People Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow, Tomorrow Doesn’t Look Promising For Jews

The Campus Intifada is a symptom of a grave danger that the global Jewish community still seems to be ignoring. The monster of antisemitism is completely out, loose on a global scale, and it shows no sign of stopping.

Olivier Melnick: The Rothschild Conspiracy Theory Explained

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium to take root in the...

Is The Rothschild Family ‘Proof’ That The Jews Control The Banks?

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium to take root in the fertile European soil. At that point in history, all financial crises were seen as part of a Jewish web with the Rothschild family at its center.

It’s Time To Ask Ourselves… What Kind Of German Would You Have Been in The 30s And 40s?

It was only 85 years ago when Jews were being identified, located, separated from the community, and relocated "for their own safety." Freedoms were slowly taken away, one step at a time.

Olivier Melnick: Israel Is Forever…. Find Out Why!

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further investigation is needed to establish...

‘Palestine’ Lie: The Truth Simply Doesn’t Serve The World’s Agenda Of ‘Israeli Occupation’

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further investigation is needed to establish the meaning of the word “Palestine” and to assess the validity of such a claim.

Holocaust Remembrance Day —  Don’t Just Remember, Pay Attention!

I have increasingly felt pressure from people of all ages and walks of life, regularly reminding me that I talk too much about the Holocaust and that I dwell too much on an event of the past that needs to be left alone because it cannot be explained. I have often been accused of overreaction...Then, October 7, 2023, happened!

Olivier Melnick: When Did Jews Use Christian Blood for Passover? The Blood Libel demystified.

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish communities, and it is very...

How Long Will It Take For Jewish People Outside Of Israel To Realize They’re In Grave Danger?

This recent eruption of violence was not spontaneous; it was organized and well-funded. It is eerily reminiscent of the BLM riots of a few years ago, but this time, it's against the Jews, so who knows how long it will last and how far it will get?

The Absurdity Of Lies Hasn’t Stopped People From Accusing Jews

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish communities, and it is very damaging to judeo/Christian relations. The old canard lives on, as irrational as ever and as believable as ever by those who loathe the Jews and seek their complete destruction.

We Must Not be Neutral with History Repeating Itself — David Fioazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick shares his family’s history of being separated during the Holocaust, about farmers hiding his mother in France, and warns that history is...

Tucker Carlson’s Interview With ‘Palestinian Pastor’ Shows Just How Close We Are To Zechariah 12

Was Tucker used by Munther Isaac without being prepared? How much does he really know about that man? That interview was a clear endorsement of Munther Isaac and the Palestinian narrative, and it was laced with lies and based on false premises.

Olivier Melnick: Dismantling The Conspiracy — What Is The Connection Between The Jews And The Khazars?

As global antisemitism now seems to be completely out in the open with no restraining in sight, those who are friends of Israel and...

Anti-Semites Insist Modern Jews Are Not Descendants Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob

Post-modernism has also added a challenge to debunking conspiracy theories since truth has become relative in many people's minds.  As a result, we are seeing an exponential increase in global antisemitism, and once again, the Jewish people are paying a high price as the ultimate scapegoats of humanity. 

Antisemitism Is Irrational Because It Comes From Satan Himself

In all the volumes I own on that topic (more than 400), I have found almost no scholar or theologian mentioning a spiritual component to antisemitism. I have learned much over the years about the history, geography, sociology, and morphing of the oldest hatred, but I extremely rarely see the spiritual aspect of it all being addressed.

Olivier Melnick: The Prophetic Significance of the Hamas/Israel War

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected to any Bible events that...

Is The Prophetic Stage Being Set In The Middle East?

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected to any Bible events that are predicted for the future?

Olivier Melnick: What Is Biblical Zionism? Is It an Oxymoron? Let’s Dig In and Find Out!

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist. It hasn't changed and never...

The Best Way To Understand Zionism Is Through A Biblical Lens

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist. It hasn't changed and never will. Those who fight or reject Zionism are fighting and/or rejecting God.

A Global Kristallnacht On The Horizon? — When Antisemitism Shifts From Rhetoric To Pure Violence

Satan always causes casualties, and right now, he is trying to turn the world against the Jews by leading various people to identify and single out Jewish people in various communities around the world. The battle is a spiritual one, but when we are on the side of Israel and love the Jewish people, we are on God's side.

Olivier Melnick: Palestine Recognized?

Over four months after Hamas murdered 1200 innocent Israeli civilians and took over 200 hostages inside the Gaza Strip, the current US administration is...

It Is Impossible To Come To A Peaceful Agreement When One Side Worships Death

I am not saying that all Palestinians have genocidal tendencies, but considering that Hamas does want all Jews dead and that 70% of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip voted for Hamas, one has to wonder what the real agenda is when peace is discussed.

BDS and the Three D’s of Antisemitism — David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah Ministries. We discuss antisemitism, the...

Normalization Of ‘Demonic, Irrational’ Anti-Semitism: David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah Ministries. We discuss antisemitism, the...

Olivier Melnick: International Holocaust Memorial Day 2024… Now More Than Ever!

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of choking the truth about Israel...

Israel At The Crossroads — Tim Moore & Olivier Melnick

Now that Israel stands at a crossroads, what should the Jewish people do? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick along with host Tim Moore...

Oct. 7 Propelled Jew-Hatred To The Forefront Of Current Events… How Can We Defend The Truth?

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of choking the truth about Israel and the Jewish people. Can this weed be killed? Can the truth be restored?

‘Al Capone Method’: The Antisemitic Harvard President Resigned… But Not For What You Think

The minute she let out that a genocide of the Jewish people depended on the context was the minute she should have resigned or been fired, period. Both Miss Gay and the Harvard board dug their heels. They wouldn’t address the elephant in the room: antisemitism.

There Is A Very High Price To Pay For Ignoring The Truth About God’s Chosen People

Being a bystander in that situation would be bad enough, but I fear that many people are also turning into perpetrators and that 2023 will be remembered as the year that changed everything for Israel AND for our civilization.

Antisemitic Explosion! — Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, & Olivier Melnick

Have we returned to a 1930s-level explosion of Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick, along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of...

Is It Ever ‘Contextually Justified’ to Mass Murder Jews?

Following in the trail of some of her own students who couldn’t find any valid reason to condemn Hamas for raping, naming, burning, and beheading innocent Israeli civilians, Ms Gay couldn’t condemn Hamas when confronted with the question...

The Truth About Israel: Interview with Brandon Holthaus & Olivier Melnick

Join Pastor Brandon Holthaus for a special interview with Olivier Melnick: "The Truth About Israel"

Olivier Melnick: Israel — Are We on God’s Side?

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in God’s will to bring Him...

Standing Up In Support Of Israel Might Feel Lonely… But You Are Standing With God

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in God’s will to bring Him glory and hate His chosen people.

The Two-Minute Warning – Jan Markell, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, & Trevor Rubenstein

Jan Markell hosts Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, and Trevor Rubenstein. Hitchcock feels the world has been given a two-minute warning as the final...

Olivier Melnick: The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never...

The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again, And This Time, It’s Global

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never thought that I would witness this level of hatred and bloody violence in my lifetime.

Olivier Melnick: Could Another Holocaust Happen?

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not...

The Road To Another Holocaust Is Being Paved With Wokeness And Apathy

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not be silent. The Jewish people need to know that there are Christians who are ready to commit to their rescue and safety.

Obsessed With Destroying The Jews: The Ultimate Enemy Of Israel Is Satan

This had nothing to do with the land, it was a pogrom.  The goal is the murder of all Jewish people, not just in Gaza but the whole world.  Let’s face our new reality. It is open season on the Jewish people again!

Has Global Antisemitism Officially Reached The Point of No Return?

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While there were people coming to show their support to Israel, many more came with a pro-Palestinian agenda and unashamedly voiced their support for Hamas...

Olivier Melnick: The 2023 Open Season On The Jews

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While there were people coming to...

Dejudaizing Israel: UNESCO Designates Ancient Jericho As A World Heritage Site in ‘The State Of Palestine’

For decades now, Israel’s legitimacy has been shaved off a thin slice at a time. Originally, these moves used to raise some eyebrows, but they don’t anymore. Israel continues to be more and more delegitimized by her foes...

Prophetic Implications Of Yom Kippur: Israel’s National Atonement

It ushers in the return of Yeshua on earth, in Jerusalem, to inaugurate the Messianic or Millennial kingdom. Yeshua will not return until the remnant of Jewish people call on Him at the end of the Tribulation.

When the Oldest Hatred is the New Normal – Jan Markell, Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick

Jan Markell welcomes Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick for the hour. God’s plan of the ages involves Jesus, the Jews and Jerusalem, yet many...

The Normalization Of Antisemitism — Olivier Melnick

How is Antisemitism being normalized and to what end? Find out with guests Olivier Melnick and Dave Bowen along with hosts Tim Moore and...

The Feast of Trumpets and The Rapture: Connections and Assumptions

Could the Rapture happen on Rosh Hashanah? Absolutely! But, if it does, it will not be because it is Rosh Hashanah, but because that will be the day God has picked in His infinite wisdom.

10 Stages Of Normalizing Antisemitism — with Olivier Melnick

What are the 10 stages of normalizing Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick along with hosts Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, and Dave Bowen...

Decades Of Studying The Bible Has Only Reinforced My Position On The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

It is through the reading of The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey that I first learned about the Rapture. It impressed me enough that it led me to invite Yeshua into my life as my Messiah and Savior. That was the Summer of 1983, exactly forty years ago.

Even While Fighting An Existential War, Israel Remains The Safest Country For Jews

If it looks like a pogrom, sounds like a pogrom and hurts like a pogrom...It's a pogrom! I find it very ironic that–Israel– the country that is fighting an existential war on several fronts, currently is the safest place for Jews because their government has their backs, which is not the case for Jews anywhere else in the world.

If These Young People Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow, Tomorrow Doesn’t Look Promising For Jews

The Campus Intifada is a symptom of a grave danger that the global Jewish community still seems to be ignoring. The monster of antisemitism is completely out, loose on a global scale, and it shows no sign of stopping.

Olivier Melnick: The Rothschild Conspiracy Theory Explained

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium...

Is The Rothschild Family ‘Proof’ That The Jews Control The Banks?

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium to take root in the fertile European soil. At that point in history, all financial crises were seen as part of a Jewish web with the Rothschild family at its center.

It’s Time To Ask Ourselves… What Kind Of German Would You Have Been in The 30s And 40s?

It was only 85 years ago when Jews were being identified, located, separated from the community, and relocated "for their own safety." Freedoms were slowly taken away, one step at a time.

Olivier Melnick: Israel Is Forever…. Find Out Why!

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further...

‘Palestine’ Lie: The Truth Simply Doesn’t Serve The World’s Agenda Of ‘Israeli Occupation’

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further investigation is needed to establish the meaning of the word “Palestine” and to assess the validity of such a claim.

Holocaust Remembrance Day —  Don’t Just Remember, Pay Attention!

I have increasingly felt pressure from people of all ages and walks of life, regularly reminding me that I talk too much about the Holocaust and that I dwell too much on an event of the past that needs to be left alone because it cannot be explained. I have often been accused of overreaction...Then, October 7, 2023, happened!

Olivier Melnick: When Did Jews Use Christian Blood for Passover? The Blood Libel demystified.

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish...

How Long Will It Take For Jewish People Outside Of Israel To Realize They’re In Grave Danger?

This recent eruption of violence was not spontaneous; it was organized and well-funded. It is eerily reminiscent of the BLM riots of a few years ago, but this time, it's against the Jews, so who knows how long it will last and how far it will get?

The Absurdity Of Lies Hasn’t Stopped People From Accusing Jews

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish communities, and it is very damaging to judeo/Christian relations. The old canard lives on, as irrational as ever and as believable as ever by those who loathe the Jews and seek their complete destruction.

We Must Not be Neutral with History Repeating Itself — David Fioazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick shares his family’s history of being separated during the Holocaust, about farmers hiding his mother in France,...

Tucker Carlson’s Interview With ‘Palestinian Pastor’ Shows Just How Close We Are To Zechariah 12

Was Tucker used by Munther Isaac without being prepared? How much does he really know about that man? That interview was a clear endorsement of Munther Isaac and the Palestinian narrative, and it was laced with lies and based on false premises.

Olivier Melnick: Dismantling The Conspiracy — What Is The Connection Between The Jews And The Khazars?

As global antisemitism now seems to be completely out in the open with no restraining in sight, those who...

Anti-Semites Insist Modern Jews Are Not Descendants Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob

Post-modernism has also added a challenge to debunking conspiracy theories since truth has become relative in many people's minds.  As a result, we are seeing an exponential increase in global antisemitism, and once again, the Jewish people are paying a high price as the ultimate scapegoats of humanity. 

Antisemitism Is Irrational Because It Comes From Satan Himself

In all the volumes I own on that topic (more than 400), I have found almost no scholar or theologian mentioning a spiritual component to antisemitism. I have learned much over the years about the history, geography, sociology, and morphing of the oldest hatred, but I extremely rarely see the spiritual aspect of it all being addressed.

Olivier Melnick: The Prophetic Significance of the Hamas/Israel War

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected...

Is The Prophetic Stage Being Set In The Middle East?

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected to any Bible events that are predicted for the future?

Olivier Melnick: What Is Biblical Zionism? Is It an Oxymoron? Let’s Dig In and Find Out!

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist....

The Best Way To Understand Zionism Is Through A Biblical Lens

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist. It hasn't changed and never will. Those who fight or reject Zionism are fighting and/or rejecting God.

A Global Kristallnacht On The Horizon? — When Antisemitism Shifts From Rhetoric To Pure Violence

Satan always causes casualties, and right now, he is trying to turn the world against the Jews by leading various people to identify and single out Jewish people in various communities around the world. The battle is a spiritual one, but when we are on the side of Israel and love the Jewish people, we are on God's side.

Olivier Melnick: Palestine Recognized?

Over four months after Hamas murdered 1200 innocent Israeli civilians and took over 200 hostages inside the Gaza Strip,...

It Is Impossible To Come To A Peaceful Agreement When One Side Worships Death

I am not saying that all Palestinians have genocidal tendencies, but considering that Hamas does want all Jews dead and that 70% of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip voted for Hamas, one has to wonder what the real agenda is when peace is discussed.

BDS and the Three D’s of Antisemitism — David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah...

Normalization Of ‘Demonic, Irrational’ Anti-Semitism: David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah...

Olivier Melnick: International Holocaust Memorial Day 2024… Now More Than Ever!

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of...

Israel At The Crossroads — Tim Moore & Olivier Melnick

Now that Israel stands at a crossroads, what should the Jewish people do? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick...

Oct. 7 Propelled Jew-Hatred To The Forefront Of Current Events… How Can We Defend The Truth?

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of choking the truth about Israel and the Jewish people. Can this weed be killed? Can the truth be restored?

‘Al Capone Method’: The Antisemitic Harvard President Resigned… But Not For What You Think

The minute she let out that a genocide of the Jewish people depended on the context was the minute she should have resigned or been fired, period. Both Miss Gay and the Harvard board dug their heels. They wouldn’t address the elephant in the room: antisemitism.

There Is A Very High Price To Pay For Ignoring The Truth About God’s Chosen People

Being a bystander in that situation would be bad enough, but I fear that many people are also turning into perpetrators and that 2023 will be remembered as the year that changed everything for Israel AND for our civilization.

Antisemitic Explosion! — Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, & Olivier Melnick

Have we returned to a 1930s-level explosion of Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick, along with hosts Tim...

Is It Ever ‘Contextually Justified’ to Mass Murder Jews?

Following in the trail of some of her own students who couldn’t find any valid reason to condemn Hamas for raping, naming, burning, and beheading innocent Israeli civilians, Ms Gay couldn’t condemn Hamas when confronted with the question...

The Truth About Israel: Interview with Brandon Holthaus & Olivier Melnick

Join Pastor Brandon Holthaus for a special interview with Olivier Melnick: "The Truth About Israel"

Olivier Melnick: Israel — Are We on God’s Side?

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in...

Standing Up In Support Of Israel Might Feel Lonely… But You Are Standing With God

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in God’s will to bring Him glory and hate His chosen people.

The Two-Minute Warning – Jan Markell, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, & Trevor Rubenstein

Jan Markell hosts Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, and Trevor Rubenstein. Hitchcock feels the world has been given a...

Olivier Melnick: The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the...

The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again, And This Time, It’s Global

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never thought that I would witness this level of hatred and bloody violence in my lifetime.

Olivier Melnick: Could Another Holocaust Happen?

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and...

The Road To Another Holocaust Is Being Paved With Wokeness And Apathy

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not be silent. The Jewish people need to know that there are Christians who are ready to commit to their rescue and safety.

Obsessed With Destroying The Jews: The Ultimate Enemy Of Israel Is Satan

This had nothing to do with the land, it was a pogrom.  The goal is the murder of all Jewish people, not just in Gaza but the whole world.  Let’s face our new reality. It is open season on the Jewish people again!

Has Global Antisemitism Officially Reached The Point of No Return?

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While there were people coming to show their support to Israel, many more came with a pro-Palestinian agenda and unashamedly voiced their support for Hamas...

Olivier Melnick: The 2023 Open Season On The Jews

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While...

Dejudaizing Israel: UNESCO Designates Ancient Jericho As A World Heritage Site in ‘The State Of Palestine’

For decades now, Israel’s legitimacy has been shaved off a thin slice at a time. Originally, these moves used to raise some eyebrows, but they don’t anymore. Israel continues to be more and more delegitimized by her foes...

Prophetic Implications Of Yom Kippur: Israel’s National Atonement

It ushers in the return of Yeshua on earth, in Jerusalem, to inaugurate the Messianic or Millennial kingdom. Yeshua will not return until the remnant of Jewish people call on Him at the end of the Tribulation.

When the Oldest Hatred is the New Normal – Jan Markell, Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick

Jan Markell welcomes Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick for the hour. God’s plan of the ages involves Jesus, the...

The Normalization Of Antisemitism — Olivier Melnick

How is Antisemitism being normalized and to what end? Find out with guests Olivier Melnick and Dave Bowen along...

The Feast of Trumpets and The Rapture: Connections and Assumptions

Could the Rapture happen on Rosh Hashanah? Absolutely! But, if it does, it will not be because it is Rosh Hashanah, but because that will be the day God has picked in His infinite wisdom.

10 Stages Of Normalizing Antisemitism — with Olivier Melnick

What are the 10 stages of normalizing Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick along with hosts Tim Moore,...

Decades Of Studying The Bible Has Only Reinforced My Position On The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

It is through the reading of The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey that I first learned about the Rapture. It impressed me enough that it led me to invite Yeshua into my life as my Messiah and Savior. That was the Summer of 1983, exactly forty years ago.

Even While Fighting An Existential War, Israel Remains The Safest Country For Jews

If it looks like a pogrom, sounds like a pogrom and hurts like a pogrom...It's a pogrom! I find it very ironic that–Israel– the country that is fighting an existential war on several fronts, currently is the safest place for Jews because their government has their backs, which is not the case for Jews anywhere else in the world.

If These Young People Are The Leaders Of Tomorrow, Tomorrow Doesn’t Look Promising For Jews

The Campus Intifada is a symptom of a grave danger that the global Jewish community still seems to be ignoring. The monster of antisemitism is completely out, loose on a global scale, and it shows no sign of stopping.

Olivier Melnick: The Rothschild Conspiracy Theory Explained

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium to take root in the...

Is The Rothschild Family ‘Proof’ That The Jews Control The Banks?

The myth of the greedy Jew, which had started during the Middle Ages, took at least half a millennium to take root in the fertile European soil. At that point in history, all financial crises were seen as part of a Jewish web with the Rothschild family at its center.

It’s Time To Ask Ourselves… What Kind Of German Would You Have Been in The 30s And 40s?

It was only 85 years ago when Jews were being identified, located, separated from the community, and relocated "for their own safety." Freedoms were slowly taken away, one step at a time.

Olivier Melnick: Israel Is Forever…. Find Out Why!

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further investigation is needed to establish...

‘Palestine’ Lie: The Truth Simply Doesn’t Serve The World’s Agenda Of ‘Israeli Occupation’

The modern Palestinian people, in particular, claim historical ownership of that land, reaching back before the Jewish people. Further investigation is needed to establish the meaning of the word “Palestine” and to assess the validity of such a claim.

Holocaust Remembrance Day —  Don’t Just Remember, Pay Attention!

I have increasingly felt pressure from people of all ages and walks of life, regularly reminding me that I talk too much about the Holocaust and that I dwell too much on an event of the past that needs to be left alone because it cannot be explained. I have often been accused of overreaction...Then, October 7, 2023, happened!

Olivier Melnick: When Did Jews Use Christian Blood for Passover? The Blood Libel demystified.

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish communities, and it is very...

How Long Will It Take For Jewish People Outside Of Israel To Realize They’re In Grave Danger?

This recent eruption of violence was not spontaneous; it was organized and well-funded. It is eerily reminiscent of the BLM riots of a few years ago, but this time, it's against the Jews, so who knows how long it will last and how far it will get?

The Absurdity Of Lies Hasn’t Stopped People From Accusing Jews

In his book, Ariel Toaff claims that the use of blood for Passover was a regular thing in Jewish communities, and it is very damaging to judeo/Christian relations. The old canard lives on, as irrational as ever and as believable as ever by those who loathe the Jews and seek their complete destruction.

We Must Not be Neutral with History Repeating Itself — David Fioazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick shares his family’s history of being separated during the Holocaust, about farmers hiding his mother in France, and warns that history is...

Tucker Carlson’s Interview With ‘Palestinian Pastor’ Shows Just How Close We Are To Zechariah 12

Was Tucker used by Munther Isaac without being prepared? How much does he really know about that man? That interview was a clear endorsement of Munther Isaac and the Palestinian narrative, and it was laced with lies and based on false premises.

Olivier Melnick: Dismantling The Conspiracy — What Is The Connection Between The Jews And The Khazars?

As global antisemitism now seems to be completely out in the open with no restraining in sight, those who are friends of Israel and...

Anti-Semites Insist Modern Jews Are Not Descendants Of Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob

Post-modernism has also added a challenge to debunking conspiracy theories since truth has become relative in many people's minds.  As a result, we are seeing an exponential increase in global antisemitism, and once again, the Jewish people are paying a high price as the ultimate scapegoats of humanity. 

Antisemitism Is Irrational Because It Comes From Satan Himself

In all the volumes I own on that topic (more than 400), I have found almost no scholar or theologian mentioning a spiritual component to antisemitism. I have learned much over the years about the history, geography, sociology, and morphing of the oldest hatred, but I extremely rarely see the spiritual aspect of it all being addressed.

Olivier Melnick: The Prophetic Significance of the Hamas/Israel War

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected to any Bible events that...

Is The Prophetic Stage Being Set In The Middle East?

The war is ongoing, and many Bible students are wondering if it has any prophetic significance. Is it connected to any Bible events that are predicted for the future?

Olivier Melnick: What Is Biblical Zionism? Is It an Oxymoron? Let’s Dig In and Find Out!

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist. It hasn't changed and never...

The Best Way To Understand Zionism Is Through A Biblical Lens

From the biblical record, starting in Genesis, it can easily be argued that God Himself was the first Zionist. It hasn't changed and never will. Those who fight or reject Zionism are fighting and/or rejecting God.

A Global Kristallnacht On The Horizon? — When Antisemitism Shifts From Rhetoric To Pure Violence

Satan always causes casualties, and right now, he is trying to turn the world against the Jews by leading various people to identify and single out Jewish people in various communities around the world. The battle is a spiritual one, but when we are on the side of Israel and love the Jewish people, we are on God's side.

Olivier Melnick: Palestine Recognized?

Over four months after Hamas murdered 1200 innocent Israeli civilians and took over 200 hostages inside the Gaza Strip, the current US administration is...

It Is Impossible To Come To A Peaceful Agreement When One Side Worships Death

I am not saying that all Palestinians have genocidal tendencies, but considering that Hamas does want all Jews dead and that 70% of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip voted for Hamas, one has to wonder what the real agenda is when peace is discussed.

BDS and the Three D’s of Antisemitism — David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah Ministries. We discuss antisemitism, the...

Normalization Of ‘Demonic, Irrational’ Anti-Semitism: David Fiorazo & Olivier Melnick

Olivier Melnick was born and raised in Paris, France. He is an author and creator of Shalom in Messiah Ministries. We discuss antisemitism, the...

Olivier Melnick: International Holocaust Memorial Day 2024… Now More Than Ever!

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of choking the truth about Israel...

Israel At The Crossroads — Tim Moore & Olivier Melnick

Now that Israel stands at a crossroads, what should the Jewish people do? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick along with host Tim Moore...

Oct. 7 Propelled Jew-Hatred To The Forefront Of Current Events… How Can We Defend The Truth?

There is no question that the weed of antisemitism has grown exponentially since October 7, to the point of choking the truth about Israel and the Jewish people. Can this weed be killed? Can the truth be restored?

‘Al Capone Method’: The Antisemitic Harvard President Resigned… But Not For What You Think

The minute she let out that a genocide of the Jewish people depended on the context was the minute she should have resigned or been fired, period. Both Miss Gay and the Harvard board dug their heels. They wouldn’t address the elephant in the room: antisemitism.

There Is A Very High Price To Pay For Ignoring The Truth About God’s Chosen People

Being a bystander in that situation would be bad enough, but I fear that many people are also turning into perpetrators and that 2023 will be remembered as the year that changed everything for Israel AND for our civilization.

Antisemitic Explosion! — Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, & Olivier Melnick

Have we returned to a 1930s-level explosion of Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick, along with hosts Tim Moore and Nathan Jones of...

Is It Ever ‘Contextually Justified’ to Mass Murder Jews?

Following in the trail of some of her own students who couldn’t find any valid reason to condemn Hamas for raping, naming, burning, and beheading innocent Israeli civilians, Ms Gay couldn’t condemn Hamas when confronted with the question...

The Truth About Israel: Interview with Brandon Holthaus & Olivier Melnick

Join Pastor Brandon Holthaus for a special interview with Olivier Melnick: "The Truth About Israel"

Olivier Melnick: Israel — Are We on God’s Side?

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in God’s will to bring Him...

Standing Up In Support Of Israel Might Feel Lonely… But You Are Standing With God

That’s right… if you hate Israel, you hate the God of Israel! As a Christian, you cannot be in God’s will to bring Him glory and hate His chosen people.

The Two-Minute Warning – Jan Markell, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, & Trevor Rubenstein

Jan Markell hosts Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Olivier Melnick, and Trevor Rubenstein. Hitchcock feels the world has been given a two-minute warning as the final...

Olivier Melnick: The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never...

The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again, And This Time, It’s Global

I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never thought that I would witness this level of hatred and bloody violence in my lifetime.

Olivier Melnick: Could Another Holocaust Happen?

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not...

The Road To Another Holocaust Is Being Paved With Wokeness And Apathy

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not be silent. The Jewish people need to know that there are Christians who are ready to commit to their rescue and safety.

Obsessed With Destroying The Jews: The Ultimate Enemy Of Israel Is Satan

This had nothing to do with the land, it was a pogrom.  The goal is the murder of all Jewish people, not just in Gaza but the whole world.  Let’s face our new reality. It is open season on the Jewish people again!

Has Global Antisemitism Officially Reached The Point of No Return?

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While there were people coming to show their support to Israel, many more came with a pro-Palestinian agenda and unashamedly voiced their support for Hamas...

Olivier Melnick: The 2023 Open Season On The Jews

All over the world (Canada, Europe, USA), people have gathered on the streets to protest and speak up. While there were people coming to...

Dejudaizing Israel: UNESCO Designates Ancient Jericho As A World Heritage Site in ‘The State Of Palestine’

For decades now, Israel’s legitimacy has been shaved off a thin slice at a time. Originally, these moves used to raise some eyebrows, but they don’t anymore. Israel continues to be more and more delegitimized by her foes...

Prophetic Implications Of Yom Kippur: Israel’s National Atonement

It ushers in the return of Yeshua on earth, in Jerusalem, to inaugurate the Messianic or Millennial kingdom. Yeshua will not return until the remnant of Jewish people call on Him at the end of the Tribulation.

When the Oldest Hatred is the New Normal – Jan Markell, Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick

Jan Markell welcomes Trevor Rubenstein and Olivier Melnick for the hour. God’s plan of the ages involves Jesus, the Jews and Jerusalem, yet many...

The Normalization Of Antisemitism — Olivier Melnick

How is Antisemitism being normalized and to what end? Find out with guests Olivier Melnick and Dave Bowen along with hosts Tim Moore and...

The Feast of Trumpets and The Rapture: Connections and Assumptions

Could the Rapture happen on Rosh Hashanah? Absolutely! But, if it does, it will not be because it is Rosh Hashanah, but because that will be the day God has picked in His infinite wisdom.

10 Stages Of Normalizing Antisemitism — with Olivier Melnick

What are the 10 stages of normalizing Antisemitism? Find out with guest Olivier Melnick along with hosts Tim Moore, Nathan Jones, and Dave Bowen...

Decades Of Studying The Bible Has Only Reinforced My Position On The Pre-Tribulation Rapture

It is through the reading of The Late Great Planet Earth by Hal Lindsey that I first learned about the Rapture. It impressed me enough that it led me to invite Yeshua into my life as my Messiah and Savior. That was the Summer of 1983, exactly forty years ago.

Shalom In Messiah