July 24, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024
July 24, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Pushing Israel Toward Policies That Would Ensure An Ongoing Cycle Of Terrorist Violence

Hal Lindsey

After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration and most congressional Democrats stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack.

At the beginning, President Biden’s support gave Israel great comfort. In an opinion piece for The Jerusalem Post, Herb Keinon cast the President in the role of Israel’s unifier and inspirational leader. “Israel is facing its own Battle of Britain moment,” he wrote. “And the leader stepping into the role of Winston Churchill — raising morale, uniting the nation, instilling a sense of hope, articulating hard truths — is not Netanyahu but Biden.”

During President Biden’s October 19th visit to the Holy Land, he said, “I come to Israel with a single message: You are not alone.” He also said, “I don’t believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist.” Just a few weeks ago, he said Israel will stop fighting “when Hamas no longer maintains the capacity to murder, abuse, and do horrific things to the Israelis.”

On October 20th, the White House released a statement on Biden’s phone call with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu. It said, “The President reaffirmed the United States’ support for Israel’s right to defend itself and obligation to protect its citizens.”

President Biden’s backing of Israel against Hamas soon began to alienate members of his political base. A new Associated Press poll shows that 50% of Democrats support the President’s handling of the current conflict, but 46% do not. It’s difficult to be reelected when one’s own party is divided. And this is not an obscure foreign policy disagreement. Democrats on both sides feel passionate about this issue.

At first, the President was against a ceasefire until the hostages were rescued and Hamas incapacitated. But as his party protested, he began to call for, not a ceasefire, but a “pause.” He got the pause he wanted, but it was not enough. A large part of his team wants a “permanent pause.” But a ceasefire now would allow Hamas to regroup, rebuild, and rearm. It would guarantee more rounds of bloodthirsty assaults on Israeli civilians.

In the Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum wrote, “What began as a ‘bear hug’ strategy of intense backing by President Biden has become one in which US officials, facing growing blowback at home and internationally, have distanced themselves from scorched-earth Israeli tactics.”

Let me briefly take issue with the idea that Israel has been fighting a “scorched earth” campaign in Gaza. When a tornado strikes, news cameras do not point at the part of town still standing. They show the dramatic stuff, the damage. This sometimes leads viewers to wrongly imagine an entire town in ruins. It’s the same in Gaza. Photos and video show the damage, creating an illusion of total destruction. But Israel has not used “scorched earth” tactics. If you look in the background of many photos, you will clearly see vast portions of Gaza still standing. And, even using the inflated casualty counts put out by Hamas, it is nothing like genocide.

Nevertheless, the Administration’s strong initial support for the Jewish state is already waning. It is now pushing Israel toward policies that would ensure an ongoing cycle of violence in the region. That, in turn, ensures continued poverty in Gaza and continued Israeli strictures against Gazans in order to keep Israelis safe from terrorism.

Hal Lindsey is an author and Bible prophecy teacher who hosts the weekly news and commentary series “The Hal Lindsey Report.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Candice Owens’ Antisemitism Has Gone Off The Rails — And God Is Taking Note

For Candace Owens: When you go off on antisemitic rants, you are falling right into the hands of Satan, who rejoices in your efforts to paint all Jewish people with the same brush and demonize them for the world to see. God, true to His Word, will judge you for that one day.

untitled artwork 6391

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Decision Magazine V AD

Hal Lindsey

After the October 7th Hamas terror attacks, the Biden Administration and most congressional Democrats stood with Israel to a surprising degree. But today that resolve has begun to crack.

At the beginning, President Biden’s support gave Israel great comfort. In an opinion piece for The Jerusalem Post, Herb Keinon cast the President in the role of Israel’s unifier and inspirational leader. “Israel is facing its own Battle of Britain moment,” he wrote. “And the leader stepping into the role of Winston Churchill — raising morale, uniting the nation, instilling a sense of hope, articulating hard truths — is not Netanyahu but Biden.”

During President Biden’s October 19th visit to the Holy Land, he said, “I come to Israel with a single message: You are not alone.” He also said, “I don’t believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist.” Just a few weeks ago, he said Israel will stop fighting “when Hamas no longer maintains the capacity to murder, abuse, and do horrific things to the Israelis.”

On October 20th, the White House released a statement on Biden’s phone call with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu. It said, “The President reaffirmed the United States’ support for Israel’s right to defend itself and obligation to protect its citizens.”

President Biden’s backing of Israel against Hamas soon began to alienate members of his political base. A new Associated Press poll shows that 50% of Democrats support the President’s handling of the current conflict, but 46% do not. It’s difficult to be reelected when one’s own party is divided. And this is not an obscure foreign policy disagreement. Democrats on both sides feel passionate about this issue.

At first, the President was against a ceasefire until the hostages were rescued and Hamas incapacitated. But as his party protested, he began to call for, not a ceasefire, but a “pause.” He got the pause he wanted, but it was not enough. A large part of his team wants a “permanent pause.” But a ceasefire now would allow Hamas to regroup, rebuild, and rearm. It would guarantee more rounds of bloodthirsty assaults on Israeli civilians.

In the Washington Post, Michael Birnbaum wrote, “What began as a ‘bear hug’ strategy of intense backing by President Biden has become one in which US officials, facing growing blowback at home and internationally, have distanced themselves from scorched-earth Israeli tactics.”

Let me briefly take issue with the idea that Israel has been fighting a “scorched earth” campaign in Gaza. When a tornado strikes, news cameras do not point at the part of town still standing. They show the dramatic stuff, the damage. This sometimes leads viewers to wrongly imagine an entire town in ruins. It’s the same in Gaza. Photos and video show the damage, creating an illusion of total destruction. But Israel has not used “scorched earth” tactics. If you look in the background of many photos, you will clearly see vast portions of Gaza still standing. And, even using the inflated casualty counts put out by Hamas, it is nothing like genocide.

Nevertheless, the Administration’s strong initial support for the Jewish state is already waning. It is now pushing Israel toward policies that would ensure an ongoing cycle of violence in the region. That, in turn, ensures continued poverty in Gaza and continued Israeli strictures against Gazans in order to keep Israelis safe from terrorism.

Hal Lindsey is an author and Bible prophecy teacher who hosts the weekly news and commentary series “The Hal Lindsey Report.”

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

Candice Owens’ Antisemitism Has Gone Off The Rails — And God Is Taking Note

For Candace Owens: When you go off on antisemitic rants, you are falling right into the hands of Satan, who rejoices in your efforts to paint all Jewish people with the same brush and demonize them for the world to see. God, true to His Word, will judge you for that one day.

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD