July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


An Atheistic Marxist Agenda Is Overtaking Much Of Our Politics, But God Is In Ultimate Control

If you’re like me, you’re feeling a lot of stress, frustration, and disappointment over America’s rampageous politics. Here’s what I know:

1. Violence is evil, hurtful, and damaging to its own cause. I abhor it.

2. I shouldn’t watch too much TV news right now or pay much attention to social media reports, because what is being reported doesn’t totally reflect what really happened. Everything is interpreted for us through the lens of a biased media. Divergent perspectives on important stories are often squelched altogether. Warped conclusions are forced on the public when the truth is that there’s no end to bad actors and enough blame to go around in all directions.

3. For now, I’ll choose not to believe a single politician. Nor most media outlets. Nor Big Tech. Especially not Big Tech. As cynical as I am about secularism, even I am surprised at the openness and speed with which Big Tech is eradicating conservative voices in our society. For instance, media platforms exploited the 2021 Capitol incident as an excuse to silence millions of voices. Their monopoly gives them a virtual chokehold on freedom of speech. This is very wrong. It should frighten us all.

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In Your Inbox

I’m not an advocate of a political point of view. My concern is for the Gospel message and for a biblical worldview. If Big Tech has the power to suppress political viewpoints, how soon will it begin suppressing spiritual Truth? Despots of all ages have tried to silence the Gospel. How many times in history have Bibles been banned and burned? This isn’t new, but our technology has increased the stakes.

But the Word of God cannot be chained. When the apostle Paul was thrown into prison and condemned to death for his faith, he took courage in knowing the Gospel could not be suppressed. The Bible is better, truer, louder, and far more enduring than any of the cultural despots who want to silence it. After they are dead and gone, the Bible will endure.

There are millions of ways to communicate. If we lose one, we’ll use another. Speaking up is the best way to answer those wanting you to stand down and shut up. As best I can, I intend to preach truth to culture, as I’m sure you do, too. This is no time to be browbeaten. We have the only message in this world that can heal our broken culture — the message of the cross of Christ. It’s hard to suppress buoyant people, especially when they have a Book that cannot be chained. Let’s preach the Word, in season and out of season!

4. I will place my complete confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who has missed nothing that’s happened. And, praise the Lord, all of this is moving us closer to His return. He rules over the affairs of nations and kingdoms. He is in ultimate control. World chaos may continue until Armageddon, but it will not continue forever. We have [the millennial rein of Christ, followed by] a New Heaven and a New Earth coming.

5. Nothing that has happened can or will justify the atheistic, Marxist, ungodly agenda that is overtaking much of our politics. I must continue undauntedly to speak truth to culture.

6. For now, my mind is best focused on biblical meditation, the great hymns of the faith, and the praise songs that bring balance to my heart. I’m not going to bury my head in the sand, but neither am I going to fill it with “the news.” If I’m going to fixate on something, it will be the Truth of my gracious Lord. When I feel overwhelmed, I’m going to remember Psalm 61:2, “From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”

Just thinking through these things biblically soothes my troubled heart and keeps me focused on my Blessed Hope.

Robert J. Morgan is a retired pastor, author, speaker, and guest contributor for Christ In Prophecy.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

The Ramifications Of Blackstone And The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information

There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying Ancestry.com for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to...

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

untitled artwork 6391

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

If you’re like me, you’re feeling a lot of stress, frustration, and disappointment over America’s rampageous politics. Here’s what I know:

1. Violence is evil, hurtful, and damaging to its own cause. I abhor it.

2. I shouldn’t watch too much TV news right now or pay much attention to social media reports, because what is being reported doesn’t totally reflect what really happened. Everything is interpreted for us through the lens of a biased media. Divergent perspectives on important stories are often squelched altogether. Warped conclusions are forced on the public when the truth is that there’s no end to bad actors and enough blame to go around in all directions.

3. For now, I’ll choose not to believe a single politician. Nor most media outlets. Nor Big Tech. Especially not Big Tech. As cynical as I am about secularism, even I am surprised at the openness and speed with which Big Tech is eradicating conservative voices in our society. For instance, media platforms exploited the 2021 Capitol incident as an excuse to silence millions of voices. Their monopoly gives them a virtual chokehold on freedom of speech. This is very wrong. It should frighten us all.

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In Your Inbox

I’m not an advocate of a political point of view. My concern is for the Gospel message and for a biblical worldview. If Big Tech has the power to suppress political viewpoints, how soon will it begin suppressing spiritual Truth? Despots of all ages have tried to silence the Gospel. How many times in history have Bibles been banned and burned? This isn’t new, but our technology has increased the stakes.

But the Word of God cannot be chained. When the apostle Paul was thrown into prison and condemned to death for his faith, he took courage in knowing the Gospel could not be suppressed. The Bible is better, truer, louder, and far more enduring than any of the cultural despots who want to silence it. After they are dead and gone, the Bible will endure.

There are millions of ways to communicate. If we lose one, we’ll use another. Speaking up is the best way to answer those wanting you to stand down and shut up. As best I can, I intend to preach truth to culture, as I’m sure you do, too. This is no time to be browbeaten. We have the only message in this world that can heal our broken culture — the message of the cross of Christ. It’s hard to suppress buoyant people, especially when they have a Book that cannot be chained. Let’s preach the Word, in season and out of season!

4. I will place my complete confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ, Who has missed nothing that’s happened. And, praise the Lord, all of this is moving us closer to His return. He rules over the affairs of nations and kingdoms. He is in ultimate control. World chaos may continue until Armageddon, but it will not continue forever. We have [the millennial rein of Christ, followed by] a New Heaven and a New Earth coming.

5. Nothing that has happened can or will justify the atheistic, Marxist, ungodly agenda that is overtaking much of our politics. I must continue undauntedly to speak truth to culture.

6. For now, my mind is best focused on biblical meditation, the great hymns of the faith, and the praise songs that bring balance to my heart. I’m not going to bury my head in the sand, but neither am I going to fill it with “the news.” If I’m going to fixate on something, it will be the Truth of my gracious Lord. When I feel overwhelmed, I’m going to remember Psalm 61:2, “From the end of the earth I will cry to You, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the Rock that is higher than I.”

Just thinking through these things biblically soothes my troubled heart and keeps me focused on my Blessed Hope.

Robert J. Morgan is a retired pastor, author, speaker, and guest contributor for Christ In Prophecy.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

The Ramifications Of Blackstone And The WEF Purchasing Our Genetic Information

There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying Ancestry.com for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to...

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD