July 18, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024
July 18, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Underground Bunkers — A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy?

Jonathan Brentner

A few years ago, I read a mystery novel about people building elaborate and expensive underground bunkers in former missile silos to protect themselves from nuclear war and other forms of devastation. His story caused me to wonder if he had observed this before creating a fictional account about it.

In 2024, fiction has become reality. For months, social media has been abuzz with reports of Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire founder of Facebook, building a massive underground shelter in Hawaii. A Time online story recently picked up the story:

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, co-founder and co-CEO of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, plan to build a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter on their Hawaii ranch with its own energy and food supplies, according to a Wired investigation published earlier this month.

The plan is that the shelter’s door will be made of metal and filled in with concrete—common in bunkers and bomb shelters, the news outlet reported in its extensive article citing planning documents and interviews.

Other accounts suggest that he is just one of many billionaires building underground bunkers for protection against doomsday scenarios. We know that governments have protective bunkers for their elite, but now such things have become commonplace among the rich and famous.

The Building of Bunkers Fulfills Biblical Prophecy

Did you know that the Bible long ago prophesied that this would happen in the last days? Who would have thought that Mr. Zuckerberg’s behavior fulfills biblical prophecy? But it does.

The Lord told the prophet Isaiah that during the last days, people would hide in holes in the ground to escape the terrors of the Day of the Lord:

Skipping forward to Revelation 6:15-17, we read that John witnessed and recorded the future fulfillment of these words from Isaiah 2:

In the future, it won’t be just the rich and powerful seeking refuge amid the terrors of the Day of the Lord wrath, but a wide variety of people during the Tribulation period will seek to hide from His judgments.

What Does This Tell Us About the Time in Which We Live?

The vast majority, if not all, of those seeking underground protection from doomsday scenarios don’t believe the Bible. Most regard our warnings of God’s future judgment on the earth as foolishness.

Does it not seem strangely ironic that their behavior points to the soon fulfillment of Revelation chapter 6, which they consider to be foolishness?

They recognize that devastating wars, economic turmoil, and deadly natural disasters lie on the horizon, but they remain blind to how these things point to the Lord’s soon intervention in the world. However, by the time the sixth seal comes upon them, they will recognize the terrors overspreading the planet as resulting “from the wrath of the Lamb” (Revelation 6:17).

If the elite recognize the nearness of the Day of the Lord perils such as we see in Revelation 6 (despite not identifying them as such), does this not tell us that such things are near? These billionaires look at what lies ahead with unbelieving eyes and ignorance of Bible prophecy; yet, by their behavior tell us that we live in the last days when these things are about to take place.

Should this not be a wake-up call to pastors who claim to know and believe what God’s Word says but persist in pushing the Lord’s intervention in our world to a far distant end of the age event?

I also find it curious that Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow billionaires are acting in ways that seem likely to frighten others as they seek to escape rather than use their money to divert the catastrophes they see coming. When we tell people about what the Bible says is coming to our world, they say we are trying to scare people. Even fellow believers accuse us of being escapists who don’t care about people or life today.

Don’t believe the mockers of our day. It’s Bible prophecy that provides the most genuine comfort amid the perils of our day. Furthermore, I have observed that the ones looking for Jesus’ imminent appearing are among those most likely to give sacrificially to alleviate the suffering of our world.

I’m not saying we should not take precautions in a world fraught with danger and perhaps maintain a backup supply of food and water. However, our hope for the future rests in Jesus alone.

We don’t know when He will appear to take us to Heaven or the timing of the destruction that’s coming upon the world, but based upon what the Bible tells us, we know these things:

  1. We surely live in the season of the Rapture.
  2. Jesus will soon appear; He will surely intervene in our world.
  3. The destruction anticipated by the elite will happen after we are safely in glory with Jesus.
  4. The underground bunkers will not save them from the wrath that’s coming upon planet Earth.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

Donald Trump Is Not An ‘Existential Threat To Democracy’… But His Accusers Are

Those who hate Trump accuse him of the bad actions they themselves are doing. The Deep State has done everything in its power to smear, destroy, and ruin the life of this man. They want to eliminate him from running again as a president—that's not what they do in a Democratic society, and that is an existential threat to democracy.

‘Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children’: California Gov. Signs First Of It’s Kind Anti-Parental Notification Bill

“Governor Newsom’s signing of AB 1955 is a direct assault on the safety of children and the rights of their parents. By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy”

untitled artwork 6391

This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life

There is something deeper here. This is a spiritual battle we're locked in right now here in the United States, and whether he knows it or not, he is at the tip of the spear. There are forces aligning against this one man.

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worldview matters

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Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Jonathan Brentner

A few years ago, I read a mystery novel about people building elaborate and expensive underground bunkers in former missile silos to protect themselves from nuclear war and other forms of devastation. His story caused me to wonder if he had observed this before creating a fictional account about it.

In 2024, fiction has become reality. For months, social media has been abuzz with reports of Mark Zuckerberg, billionaire founder of Facebook, building a massive underground shelter in Hawaii. A Time online story recently picked up the story:

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan, co-founder and co-CEO of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, plan to build a 5,000-square-foot underground shelter on their Hawaii ranch with its own energy and food supplies, according to a Wired investigation published earlier this month.

The plan is that the shelter’s door will be made of metal and filled in with concrete—common in bunkers and bomb shelters, the news outlet reported in its extensive article citing planning documents and interviews.

Other accounts suggest that he is just one of many billionaires building underground bunkers for protection against doomsday scenarios. We know that governments have protective bunkers for their elite, but now such things have become commonplace among the rich and famous.

The Building of Bunkers Fulfills Biblical Prophecy

Did you know that the Bible long ago prophesied that this would happen in the last days? Who would have thought that Mr. Zuckerberg’s behavior fulfills biblical prophecy? But it does.

The Lord told the prophet Isaiah that during the last days, people would hide in holes in the ground to escape the terrors of the Day of the Lord:

Skipping forward to Revelation 6:15-17, we read that John witnessed and recorded the future fulfillment of these words from Isaiah 2:

In the future, it won’t be just the rich and powerful seeking refuge amid the terrors of the Day of the Lord wrath, but a wide variety of people during the Tribulation period will seek to hide from His judgments.

What Does This Tell Us About the Time in Which We Live?

The vast majority, if not all, of those seeking underground protection from doomsday scenarios don’t believe the Bible. Most regard our warnings of God’s future judgment on the earth as foolishness.

Does it not seem strangely ironic that their behavior points to the soon fulfillment of Revelation chapter 6, which they consider to be foolishness?

They recognize that devastating wars, economic turmoil, and deadly natural disasters lie on the horizon, but they remain blind to how these things point to the Lord’s soon intervention in the world. However, by the time the sixth seal comes upon them, they will recognize the terrors overspreading the planet as resulting “from the wrath of the Lamb” (Revelation 6:17).

If the elite recognize the nearness of the Day of the Lord perils such as we see in Revelation 6 (despite not identifying them as such), does this not tell us that such things are near? These billionaires look at what lies ahead with unbelieving eyes and ignorance of Bible prophecy; yet, by their behavior tell us that we live in the last days when these things are about to take place.

Should this not be a wake-up call to pastors who claim to know and believe what God’s Word says but persist in pushing the Lord’s intervention in our world to a far distant end of the age event?

I also find it curious that Mark Zuckerberg and his fellow billionaires are acting in ways that seem likely to frighten others as they seek to escape rather than use their money to divert the catastrophes they see coming. When we tell people about what the Bible says is coming to our world, they say we are trying to scare people. Even fellow believers accuse us of being escapists who don’t care about people or life today.

Don’t believe the mockers of our day. It’s Bible prophecy that provides the most genuine comfort amid the perils of our day. Furthermore, I have observed that the ones looking for Jesus’ imminent appearing are among those most likely to give sacrificially to alleviate the suffering of our world.

I’m not saying we should not take precautions in a world fraught with danger and perhaps maintain a backup supply of food and water. However, our hope for the future rests in Jesus alone.

We don’t know when He will appear to take us to Heaven or the timing of the destruction that’s coming upon the world, but based upon what the Bible tells us, we know these things:

  1. We surely live in the season of the Rapture.
  2. Jesus will soon appear; He will surely intervene in our world.
  3. The destruction anticipated by the elite will happen after we are safely in glory with Jesus.
  4. The underground bunkers will not save them from the wrath that’s coming upon planet Earth.

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Donald Trump Is Not An ‘Existential Threat To Democracy’… But His Accusers Are

Those who hate Trump accuse him of the bad actions they themselves are doing. The Deep State has done everything in its power to smear, destroy, and ruin the life of this man. They want to eliminate him from running again as a president—that's not what they do in a Democratic society, and that is an existential threat to democracy.

‘Direct Assault On The Safety Of Children’: California Gov. Signs First Of It’s Kind Anti-Parental Notification Bill

“Governor Newsom’s signing of AB 1955 is a direct assault on the safety of children and the rights of their parents. By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy”

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This Is A Spiritual Battle: President Trump’s Fight For America Has Nearly Cost Him His Life

There is something deeper here. This is a spiritual battle we're locked in right now here in the United States, and whether he knows it or not, he is at the tip of the spear. There are forces aligning against this one man.

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD