April 19, 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024
April 19, 2024

Support Biblical Truth 

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World news biblically understood


Todd Chasteen

Todd Chasteen is the Vice President of public policy and general counsel for Samaritan’s Purse

Todd Chasteen

Todd Chasteen is the Vice President of public policy and general counsel for Samaritan’s Purse

The New Frontier — Dismantling Institutions Which Hold A Biblical Worldview

Forcing Christian ministries to hire employees who disagree with Scriptural truths on these fronts is the camel’s nose under the tent. It would turn these ministries into watered-down, secularized versions of themselves, without the same grounding, passion and mission they have operated with for centuries.

Contending For The Faith: The Vital Role Of Christian Legal Groups In Defending Truth And Sanity

They help the faithful fulfill their mission without having to betray deeply held Scriptural convictions or bow down to leftist, secular mandates. Their eternal impact cannot be overstated. And it comes at a cost.

Honoring Marriage Is Not Racist: Time To Shine The Light On The Left’s Charade

If the First Amendment still means anything in 2023, the Supreme Court will send a clear message and strike a blow against forced speech that violates deeply held religious convictions. Being able to freely live according to the Scripture hangs in the balance.

Christians Must Have Biblical Discernment And Courage To Stand Up To The Wind And Waves Of Identity Politics

Identity politics, “wokeness” and critical theory push the same worldview. They are closely related, and the Body of Christ needs Biblical discernment to recognize such destructive ideas, even when at first glance the ideas seem appealing.