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TagsAbortion is Murder

Tag: Abortion is Murder

Becerra Refuses to Acknowledge Federal Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion

“Top health official in the nation repeatedly refuse[s] to acknowledge the existence of a federal ban on the barbaric partial-birth abortion"

Louisiana Becomes 4th State to Recognize Anniversary of Roe v. Wade as ‘Day of Tears’

Louisiana joins three other states to pass a resolution to publicly mourn the anniversary of SCOTUS's decision to legalize abortion.

Franklin Graham: ‘In God’s Eyes, Abortion is Murder,’ America ‘Will Be Held Accountable’

“I pray that President Biden’s eyes and heart would be opened to this tragedy and that our country would change its course on abortion. We will be held accountable by God.”

Ken Ham: Abortion—Is the Bible Ambiguous?

Is the Bible ambiguous on something as heinous as murdering a helpless child? Well, apparently 44% of self-identified Christians say “yes.”

Trump Signing ‘Born Alive’ Executive Order Protecting Abortion Survivors

President Trump announced Wednesday he is signing an executive order to ensure babies who survive failed abortions receive medical care.

Abortionist Who Gloated About Cutting Preborn Baby Vocal Cords Loses Medical License

Dr. Leah N. Torres, an Alabama-based abortionist known for her brash and often offensive Twitter exploits, has had her medical license suspended.

Dems Threaten to Remove Ohio Official for Saying Planned Parenthood Targets Black Lives

The Democratic auditor of a county in Ohio could be booted from his own party after posting a tweet suggesting Planned Parenthood targets black communities.

Abortion Led to a Lifetime of Regret for Duck Dynasty Star: ‘You Can Find Healing & Comfort From Jesus’

Lisa Robertson: “I thought my decision would end my problem, but I still live with the painful consequences of that decision every day.”

UPDATE: ‘The Price Is Right’ Donates Nearly $100k To Murderous Planned Parenthood Abortion Business

Game show “The Price Is Right” donated nearly $100k for the abortion giant Planned Parenthood in the latest primetime special “The Price is Right At Night.”

UK Woman Files Lawsuit: Had I Known My baby Could Feel Pain, I Wouldn’t Have Aborted

A woman in the UK filed a lawsuit asking abortion businesses be required to inform women that preborn babies are capable of feeling pain during an abortion.

Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline Receives Record Number of Calls During Coronavirus Pandemic

The Abortion Pill Rescue Network is seeing a record number of calls for abortion pill reversals: We are seeing over 80% of callers start reversal process

WHO Demands Abortion Be Considered ‘Essential’ During Pandemic

WHO: “services related to reproductive health are considered to be part of essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak.”

Abortions Continue as Massachusetts Hospitals Forbid “Non-Essential” Procedures

Amidst all this, some states are doubling down to make sure that abortions (i.e., the murder of babies) are done with a business-as-usual attitude.

Franklin Graham: Calls You to be a Voice to Protect Life as Senate Votes on Major Pro-Life Bills

As the Senate is due to vote on two major Pro-Life Bills Tuesday, Franklin Graham urges Christians to "Pray for our senators and be a voice to protect life"

Mike Pence: Trump is ‘Most Pro-Life President in American History’

In an interview VP Mike Pence explained that it is the greatest honour of his life to serve as VP for 'the Most Pro-Life President in American History'.

HHS Threatens to Revoke California’s Federal Funding Over Abortion Coverage Mandate

The federal Health and Human Services Department announced Jan. 24 that it is taking action against California for requiring private insurers to cover abortions.

Abortion Survivors: I Am the Face of “Choice”

Faces of Choice is a TV ad featuring 14 abortion survivors with a profound message: “Choice is not merely a word. Choice has a face. Choice is a person.”

Franklin Graham Thanks the President for using his Voice to Stand for Life

Franklin Graham in a video posted to Facebook thanked the president for his historic attendance at the march for life and discussed the significance...

Amazing Time-Lapse Shows Massive Attendance at the Marching for Life

An amazing new time-lapse video shows thousands upon thousands of pro-life people marching for life through the streets of Washington D.C during the March for Life.

Planned Parenthood Spending Tens of Millions Backing Pro-Abortion Candidates

Planned Parenthood’s political fundraising arm, Planned Parenthood Votes, has announced it will spend $45 million in support of pro-choice candidates in the 2020 presidential election.

Scientific Study Shows Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Far Before 24 Weeks

Unborn children may feel pain before the 24-week abortion time limit, meaning they would physically suffer when being aborted.

Abortion was Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People

More human beings died in abortions than any other cause of death in 2019, a new report indicates. A heartbreaking reminder about the prevalence of abortion

2019: A Banner Year For The Pro-Life Movement

Pro-life lawmakers and advocates passed a tidal wave of pro-life legislation in 2019, the same year in which President Donald Trump cut down taxpayer funding for family planning clinics across the nation.

New Trump rule makes it harder for Obamacare to fund abortion

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) today released a final rule making it more difficult for Obamacare plans to fund abortion by requiring certain insurers to issue separate bills for the portion of customers’ premiums that cover abortion.

Abortion is the greatest genocide in human history, and Democrats are its greatest champion

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” This observation by King Solomon rings true -- and loudly – in 2019 America. Arguably the most intense and divisive year in the abortion wars, 2019 reminds us all of the dangers of forgetting our history, which one political party seems committed to repeat.

SICK: Abortion Rights Group Offers ‘Abortion Is Magical’ Candles As Holiday Gifts

Abortion rights group, Texas Equal Access (or TEA) Fund, has the perfect gift for all those hard-to-buy-for radical feminists on your holiday gift list this year: a series of candles with a very Christmas-y message, “Abortion is Magical.”

‘There Is NO International Right to Abortion’: US Opposes Abortion Activism at UN Summit

The United States joined 10 other nations last week in rejecting the pro-abortion Nairobi Summit on International Conference on Population and Development 2025, announcing that any document the conference issued is illegitimate.

Pro-Life Organizations Sue Cuomo Over Law Forcing Them to Hire Pro-Abortion Employees

On Nov. 14, several pro-life organizations filed suit against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for a newly signed state law that requires them to employ workers even if they oppose their statement of faith and pro-life beliefs.

UK Man in Wheelchair Arrested for Praying Outside Abortion Facility

Christian Hacking may be the first person to be punished for violating the new buffer zone ordinance around the Marie Stopes abortion facility in Ealing, according to The Independent.

Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer Unveils Bill to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth

Michigan Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer joined abortion activists Tuesday to introduce legislation that would legalize the killing of unborn babies for basically any reason up to birth.

British Doctors Finally Won’t Leave 22-Week-Old Premature Babies to Die

Viability guidelines calling on doctors to resuscitate premature babies born at 22 weeks have reignited the row over the abortion law.

Major Family Planning Groups Reveal how they use Crises to Push Abortion in Poor Nations

Several major family planning groups recently revealed how they are working to integrate abortion into their humanitarian work. The groups were quite open about this at an event hosted by the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.

876 Pro-Abortion Clinics Have Lost Federal Funding under Trump Pro-Life Rule

Nearly 900 clinics that either perform abortions or promote them have lost federal funding under a new Trump administration rule that prevents family planning clinics receiving taxpayer money from promoting or referring for abortion, according to a new report.

UK Judge Orders Forced Abortion on Mentally Challenged Women, says Doctors can Restrain her to do it

UK doctors are to perform a surgical abortion on a woman with learning difficulties without her consent, a Court of Protection judge has ruled.

Planned Parenthood CEO Caught Lying in Court: Admits “Threats” From Pro-Lifers Were Just People Praying

On the first day of testimony in the Planned Parenthood video trial, CEO of Planned Parenthood Central Coast in California admitted that alleged "Threats" from pro-lifers were nothing more than letters from people saying they were praying for clinic staff.

Trump Administration: No International Right to Abortion

With the backing of officials from nearly two dozen nations, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told the largely pro-abortion United Nations General Assembly that there is no international right to abortion.

‘Abhorrent on so Many Levels: Your Tax Dollars Used to Merge Mice with Aborted Human Baby Body Parts

Organs, bones and other body parts of aborted babies are being sold and transplanted into lab animals. This isn't a passage out of Frankenstein. It's research happening today and unsuspecting taxpayers are funding it.

Franklin Graham responds to San Francisco’s “blacklisting” of states with Pro Life Laws

City employees in San Francisco are now forbidden to take work trips or do business with companies in 22 states that have “restrictive abortion laws.” Franklin Graham took to Facebook this morning to respond...

Planned Parenthood Abortionist Forced to Admit She Said “I Want a Lamborghini” in Relation to “Compensation” for Aborted Babies’ Body Parts

A Planned Parenthood abortionist was just forced to admit under oath in our trial that she did in fact say, “I want[] a Lamborghini,” in relation to “what I would receive in compensation” for “fetal tissue” procurement – i.e. aborted babies’ body parts.

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Episode Pushes Shameful Abortion Propaganda on Viewers

Abortion propaganda has become so pervasive in the entertainment industry that the dialogue on TV shows is now starting to sound like “Fireproof” for abortion enthusiasts. Take the latest episode of NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” for example – an episode that almost literally treats its characters like puppets to spout talking points that could have come from a Planned Parenthood pamphlet.

City Abruptly Cancels Pro-Life Bridge-Lighting, Hit with Discrimination Lawsuit

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has filed a court application on behalf of the Alberta March for Life Association and Jerry Pasternak against the City of Edmonton over its decision to cancel a scheduled lighting of the High Level Bridge in ProLife colours.

Planned Parenthood Advised Hollywood Over 150 Movies, Shows Since 2014, Director Says

Planned Parenthood advised Hollywood on more than 150 productions since 2014 as part of an effort to influence the abortion dialogue, a director at the nonprofit said.

Hillary Clinton Wins Pro-Abortion “Lifetime Achievement” Award, Calls Killing Babies a Human Right

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good - The pro-abortion group NARAL celebrated its 50th anniversary Thursday by giving failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton its Lifetime Achievement Award.

Abortion now Legal in Australia’s Most-Populous State, Lawmakers Overturn 119-year-old ban

Lawmakers in New South Wales, Australia, voted Thursday to overturn a 119-year-old law criminalizing abortion, drawing criticism from pro-life advocates.

Nancy Pelosi says Abortion Bans ‘Ignore Basic Morality’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told one of the nation's leading abortion advocacy groups on Thursday that Republicans "ignore basic morality" when they push bans on the practice.

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