July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Amir Tsarfati: The Well-Planned Effort To Pass Antisemitism On To The Next Generation

(Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from Israel! When I wrote my column last week, Israel was on the brink of a major retaliation against Iran for the historically large UAV, cruise missile, and ballistic missile attack of April 13. But just as the finishing touches were being put on the article, I heard rumors of an alternative option. In return for the US imposing strong sanctions on Iran, approving military actions against Rafah, and transferring financial aid to Israel, the Israeli government would hold off on its intended attack. I made it clear that I was not a fan of that course of action but said that it might be slightly more palatable if a fourth item was added to that list – some sort of military retaliation, even if it is minor, must be taken by Israel against Iran.

In the early hours of the next morning, Israel struck. But instead of the massive retaliation expected, it was a tempered strike. Small quadcopter drones were sent into Iran to confuse the air defenses. These were followed by Israeli Air Force (IAF) jet fighters that fired missiles at the Shikari base in Isfahan destroying the air defense systems deployed to protect the Natanz nuclear facility 150 km away. Compared to what was originally discussed, it was certainly a minor strike.

Why didn’t Israel exploit this perfect opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear sites? There are two primary factors that led to them holding back. First, the US administration was dead set against it. If the previous president was still in office, this last week would have been very different. Actually, under the previous administration, Iran never would have had the chutzpah to launch their attack to begin with. But we must work with what is, rather than with what might have been.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his administration are dealing with an extremely complex international situation. While it is easy to say, as I have often done, just go in and blow Iran’s nuclear capabilities to pieces, there would be huge ramifications for Israel doing so. I still believe that there will come a time when we will be forced to act alone in this realm, but I understand the PM’s need to keep relations with the US strong. This is primarily true due to the second factor below.

Israel is already fighting a war, and that war is only going to get bigger. If you think that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are nearing the end because they’ve already worked their way through northern and central Gaza and are now ramping up to move into Rafah (southern Gaza), you are missing the bigger picture. Once we are done with Gaza in the south, that is when we will need to turn our full focus onto Lebanon and Syria in the north and the West Bank. What we will find awaiting us there is a much better funded, much better trained, and much better weaponed terrorist military in Hezbollah. We will also be facing multiple Iranian proxy militias in Syria. This is not the time we can say to our allies who are helping supply us with munitions, “Forget what you say, we’re going off on our own.” Again, that day will come, but it is not today.

What benefits came from Israel tempering its response? The US House approved a foreign aid package on Saturday night that included $26 billion in wartime aid to Israel. On Tuesday night, the senate approved that bill. Second, the US has signed off on Israel moving into Rafah to finish the work against Hamas. Finally, Iran has received the message from Israel, “Now you know that we have the capability to destroy your nuclear facilities any time we choose.”

Again, am I fully satisfied with Israel’s retaliation against Iran? No. But I understand it, and I respect the incredibly difficult waters through which Netanyahu and his cabinet must navigate.


Sunday saw two terrorists, one armed with a gun and another with a knife, attack IDF soldiers near Hebron. Both were killed. Later, a woman with a knife tried to stab soldiers at a West Bank checkpoint, and she too was killed.

The next day, two Palestinians drove their car into a group of Israelis in Jerusalem, sending three pedestrians flying into the air. The terrorists then exited the car with a rifle, but, before they could fire, the gun jammed. Unable to hurt more people, the two assailants fled, only to be captured later. The three pedestrians received minor injuries. It is not just the steady barrage of rockets fired over the northern border that keeps tension high in Israel, but these ongoing terrorist attacks.


The concentration of military forces east of Rafah has begun. This is a strong signal that ground maneuvers will be beginning soon. Egyptian officials read in on the plan report that Israel has a 2–3-week plan to move civilians out of the area north toward Khan Yunis before moving in. They will be prevented from going further north by the Netzarim Corridor. This is a buffer zone cutting Gaza in two. The IDF is expanding and modernizing this area in order to keep a strong military presence separating Gaza City from Khan Yunis and below.

One cry from the antisemitic left is that Israel is starving Gazans. But is that the truth? A news anchor for the ruling Palestinian faction, Fatah, has accused Hamas on air of killing aid workers and stealing food in order to manufacture a food crisis in Gaza. The terrorists accumulated the aid into warehouses leading to “these crazy and unreal prices that no one can pay”, said the anchor. In the same way that Hamas shows its disregard for the Palestinian people by using them as human shields, it deliberately starves Gazans for political talking points.

Warnings are flying that Qatar is preparing to evict senior members of the Hamas political bureau from their cushy hotel rooms and from the entire country due to the terrorist group not negotiating in good faith for a return of the Israeli hostages. But these multi-millionaire terrorists need not worry about being forced to live on the streets. Turkey is waiting with arms wide open to welcome them in. Following Turkish President Erdogan’s asinine comment last week equating Hamas fighters with Turkish freedom fighters, he enjoyed quality time with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul Saturday. Turkey is looking for influence in the Muslim world after many years spent outside of radical Islam. This is completely expected for all who know their Bibles. When the Ezekiel 38 war launches, Turkey will be there with Iran and Russia aiming all their weapons at Israel.

Northern Battle

Israel continues to hit Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in preparation for a likely war in the near future. Just yesterday, the IDF claimed to have hit approximately 40 targets in southern Lebanon, targeting storage facilities, weapons, and terrorist infrastructure. The day before, two Hezbollah leaders were killed in air strikes. Muhammad Khalil Atiya, a commander in the aerial unit of the group’s elite Radwan force, was assassinated in Azron. That same day near Tyre, Hussein Azqul, a major figure in Hezbollah’s air defense unit, met his end.

In response to the elimination of the two key Hezbollah figures, the terrorist group launched three drones toward Acre and Krayot in Israel. All three UAVs were intercepted by fighter jets. Along with the occasional drone attack, Hezbollah continues its steady dose of rockets flying over the border from Lebanon. Not to be outdone, the Iranian-backed proxy militias make their regular contribution of rockets fired from Syria.

University Protests

We all know that the one activity university students enjoy more than a raging frat party is a good old-fashioned protest. Unfortunately, what is taking place in colleges across the United States and into Europe is not your parents’ march for equal rights or an end to the Vietnam War. Today we have the element of Antifa and professional protesters, and they are incredibly skilled at ratcheting up the violent tension of these crowds of ignorant, impressionable teens and young adults.

Now we see that pressure beginning to burst. Whether it is at Columbia, Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, USC, or any of the other universities where the mobs are taking over, the police are facing overwhelming numbers of frenzied students. Many think they are doing a good thing, but they’ve been duped by those who know better and are masters at using lies and passion to create chaos. I don’t know what this is going to look like in the days ahead, but I am very concerned. I don’t see this just breaking up, because the provocateurs know that they have strong foothold.

I also recognize that this is a spiritual battle. Satan hates what God loves. This is a direct assault by the enemy against the people that God has chosen to be His own. He is using his minions – the provocateurs – to do his bidding, whipping up vitriol against Israel. It is very important to recognize that this is bigger than just these protests. This is a well-planned effort to pass antisemitism on to the next generation. The anti-Israel rhetoric that these students have been hearing in their classrooms is being driven deep into their hearts through these protests. Sadly, for many, if not most, it will remain there for the rest of their lives.

One last comment about these protests. Whenever you are looking for root causes of nefarious activities, it is always good to follow the money. In the last twelve years, Israel-hating Qatar has given over $3 billion to American universities. China has given more than $1.7 billion; Saudi Arabia, $1.4 billion; Russia, $141 million; Turkey, $81 million; Lebanon, $21 million; and the Palestinian Authority, $1 million. When you look at the anti-American, leftist drivel being taught in US universities these days, all you need to do is – what? Follow the money!

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

Trusted Analysis From A Biblical Worldview

Help reach the lost and equip the church with the living and active truth of God's Word in our world today.




Together, We Can Deliver A Biblical Understanding

Of News Events Around The World.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

untitled artwork 6391

Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

(Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from Israel! When I wrote my column last week, Israel was on the brink of a major retaliation against Iran for the historically large UAV, cruise missile, and ballistic missile attack of April 13. But just as the finishing touches were being put on the article, I heard rumors of an alternative option. In return for the US imposing strong sanctions on Iran, approving military actions against Rafah, and transferring financial aid to Israel, the Israeli government would hold off on its intended attack. I made it clear that I was not a fan of that course of action but said that it might be slightly more palatable if a fourth item was added to that list – some sort of military retaliation, even if it is minor, must be taken by Israel against Iran.

In the early hours of the next morning, Israel struck. But instead of the massive retaliation expected, it was a tempered strike. Small quadcopter drones were sent into Iran to confuse the air defenses. These were followed by Israeli Air Force (IAF) jet fighters that fired missiles at the Shikari base in Isfahan destroying the air defense systems deployed to protect the Natanz nuclear facility 150 km away. Compared to what was originally discussed, it was certainly a minor strike.

Why didn’t Israel exploit this perfect opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear sites? There are two primary factors that led to them holding back. First, the US administration was dead set against it. If the previous president was still in office, this last week would have been very different. Actually, under the previous administration, Iran never would have had the chutzpah to launch their attack to begin with. But we must work with what is, rather than with what might have been.

Prime Minister Netanyahu and his administration are dealing with an extremely complex international situation. While it is easy to say, as I have often done, just go in and blow Iran’s nuclear capabilities to pieces, there would be huge ramifications for Israel doing so. I still believe that there will come a time when we will be forced to act alone in this realm, but I understand the PM’s need to keep relations with the US strong. This is primarily true due to the second factor below.

Israel is already fighting a war, and that war is only going to get bigger. If you think that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are nearing the end because they’ve already worked their way through northern and central Gaza and are now ramping up to move into Rafah (southern Gaza), you are missing the bigger picture. Once we are done with Gaza in the south, that is when we will need to turn our full focus onto Lebanon and Syria in the north and the West Bank. What we will find awaiting us there is a much better funded, much better trained, and much better weaponed terrorist military in Hezbollah. We will also be facing multiple Iranian proxy militias in Syria. This is not the time we can say to our allies who are helping supply us with munitions, “Forget what you say, we’re going off on our own.” Again, that day will come, but it is not today.

What benefits came from Israel tempering its response? The US House approved a foreign aid package on Saturday night that included $26 billion in wartime aid to Israel. On Tuesday night, the senate approved that bill. Second, the US has signed off on Israel moving into Rafah to finish the work against Hamas. Finally, Iran has received the message from Israel, “Now you know that we have the capability to destroy your nuclear facilities any time we choose.”

Again, am I fully satisfied with Israel’s retaliation against Iran? No. But I understand it, and I respect the incredibly difficult waters through which Netanyahu and his cabinet must navigate.


Sunday saw two terrorists, one armed with a gun and another with a knife, attack IDF soldiers near Hebron. Both were killed. Later, a woman with a knife tried to stab soldiers at a West Bank checkpoint, and she too was killed.

The next day, two Palestinians drove their car into a group of Israelis in Jerusalem, sending three pedestrians flying into the air. The terrorists then exited the car with a rifle, but, before they could fire, the gun jammed. Unable to hurt more people, the two assailants fled, only to be captured later. The three pedestrians received minor injuries. It is not just the steady barrage of rockets fired over the northern border that keeps tension high in Israel, but these ongoing terrorist attacks.


The concentration of military forces east of Rafah has begun. This is a strong signal that ground maneuvers will be beginning soon. Egyptian officials read in on the plan report that Israel has a 2–3-week plan to move civilians out of the area north toward Khan Yunis before moving in. They will be prevented from going further north by the Netzarim Corridor. This is a buffer zone cutting Gaza in two. The IDF is expanding and modernizing this area in order to keep a strong military presence separating Gaza City from Khan Yunis and below.

One cry from the antisemitic left is that Israel is starving Gazans. But is that the truth? A news anchor for the ruling Palestinian faction, Fatah, has accused Hamas on air of killing aid workers and stealing food in order to manufacture a food crisis in Gaza. The terrorists accumulated the aid into warehouses leading to “these crazy and unreal prices that no one can pay”, said the anchor. In the same way that Hamas shows its disregard for the Palestinian people by using them as human shields, it deliberately starves Gazans for political talking points.

Warnings are flying that Qatar is preparing to evict senior members of the Hamas political bureau from their cushy hotel rooms and from the entire country due to the terrorist group not negotiating in good faith for a return of the Israeli hostages. But these multi-millionaire terrorists need not worry about being forced to live on the streets. Turkey is waiting with arms wide open to welcome them in. Following Turkish President Erdogan’s asinine comment last week equating Hamas fighters with Turkish freedom fighters, he enjoyed quality time with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul Saturday. Turkey is looking for influence in the Muslim world after many years spent outside of radical Islam. This is completely expected for all who know their Bibles. When the Ezekiel 38 war launches, Turkey will be there with Iran and Russia aiming all their weapons at Israel.

Northern Battle

Israel continues to hit Hezbollah targets in Lebanon in preparation for a likely war in the near future. Just yesterday, the IDF claimed to have hit approximately 40 targets in southern Lebanon, targeting storage facilities, weapons, and terrorist infrastructure. The day before, two Hezbollah leaders were killed in air strikes. Muhammad Khalil Atiya, a commander in the aerial unit of the group’s elite Radwan force, was assassinated in Azron. That same day near Tyre, Hussein Azqul, a major figure in Hezbollah’s air defense unit, met his end.

In response to the elimination of the two key Hezbollah figures, the terrorist group launched three drones toward Acre and Krayot in Israel. All three UAVs were intercepted by fighter jets. Along with the occasional drone attack, Hezbollah continues its steady dose of rockets flying over the border from Lebanon. Not to be outdone, the Iranian-backed proxy militias make their regular contribution of rockets fired from Syria.

University Protests

We all know that the one activity university students enjoy more than a raging frat party is a good old-fashioned protest. Unfortunately, what is taking place in colleges across the United States and into Europe is not your parents’ march for equal rights or an end to the Vietnam War. Today we have the element of Antifa and professional protesters, and they are incredibly skilled at ratcheting up the violent tension of these crowds of ignorant, impressionable teens and young adults.

Now we see that pressure beginning to burst. Whether it is at Columbia, Harvard, the University of Texas at Austin, USC, or any of the other universities where the mobs are taking over, the police are facing overwhelming numbers of frenzied students. Many think they are doing a good thing, but they’ve been duped by those who know better and are masters at using lies and passion to create chaos. I don’t know what this is going to look like in the days ahead, but I am very concerned. I don’t see this just breaking up, because the provocateurs know that they have strong foothold.

I also recognize that this is a spiritual battle. Satan hates what God loves. This is a direct assault by the enemy against the people that God has chosen to be His own. He is using his minions – the provocateurs – to do his bidding, whipping up vitriol against Israel. It is very important to recognize that this is bigger than just these protests. This is a well-planned effort to pass antisemitism on to the next generation. The anti-Israel rhetoric that these students have been hearing in their classrooms is being driven deep into their hearts through these protests. Sadly, for many, if not most, it will remain there for the rest of their lives.

One last comment about these protests. Whenever you are looking for root causes of nefarious activities, it is always good to follow the money. In the last twelve years, Israel-hating Qatar has given over $3 billion to American universities. China has given more than $1.7 billion; Saudi Arabia, $1.4 billion; Russia, $141 million; Turkey, $81 million; Lebanon, $21 million; and the Palestinian Authority, $1 million. When you look at the anti-American, leftist drivel being taught in US universities these days, all you need to do is – what? Follow the money!

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Witchcraft Is Consorting With The Powers Of Darkness And Must Always Be Rejected By Christians

It is not surprising that these forbidden practices continue today. During the Tribulation Period, the book of Revelation reveals that occult practices will be widespread. In fact, those who engage in such practices are among the ones destined for the Lake of Fire (Revelation 21:8; 22:14-15).

Full Speech: Netanyahu Addresses Congress — ‘If Israel’s Hands Are Tied, America Is Next’

"Defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil... just as malicious lies were levelled for centuries at the Jewish people, malicious lies are now being levelled at the Jewish state."

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD