July 26, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024
July 26, 2024

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World news biblically understood


California Bribes Children With Taxpayer Money To Promote Totalitarian Policies

Alex Newman

Government schools in California are offering children large sums of taxpayer money to become social-justice warriors through a far-left extremist group that has been accused of anti-Semitism, sparking alarm among critics about how “education” has become cover for indoctrinating students and turning them into revolutionaries.

The explosive scandal, first reported by The Free Press last week, was revealed thanks to contracts showing that Long Beach Unified School District gave $2 million to “Californians for Justice.” The funding was used to offer $1,400 “stipends” to about 100 children in exchange for becoming radical activists. Other districts in the state are also involved.  

The organization involved brags online about how it is a “youth-powered organization fighting for racial justice.” In reality, it is a taxpayer-funded and taxpayer-powered outfit that is bilking taxpayers and using it to buy “youth activists” ready to promote an extreme leftwing agenda backed by politicians and their allies.  

According to the group’s website, it offers “leadership development opportunities throughout the school year and summer.” The goal, it says, is “to ensure our youth leaders gain the political education and valuable organizing skills they need to lead social justice movements.” 

On its Instagram page, it promotes everything from transgenderism and racial hate to removing Jews from the Holy Land. In a recent video posted by the organization, a student is asked why others should join “Californians for Justice.” The response is telling: “You get paid good.” Apparently proper grammar is not needed for “social justice leadership.”  

A spokesman for the Long Beach school district south of Los Angeles defended the cash for activism, describing it as an “internship” that helps ensure “equitable participation in CFJ programs, embracing diverse perspectives in education.” But clearly, diverse perspectives — in fact, any non-radical leftist ones — are not welcome.   

The “trainings” uncovered by The Free Press urge the children on the payroll to call out their teachers on subjects including “implicit bias” and “racism.” They are also taught to whine about “student voice.” Ultimately, it is part of a new paradigm in education where teachers are no longer educators in the traditional sense, but fellow revolutionaries.  

A recent article about the fringe group’s “trainings” in the Stanford Social Innovation Review argues that they are “rewiring the way they connect with students — particularly students of color.” In fact, that “rewiring” now encourages students and teachers join forces to wage war on the system together.  

“This means, for example, breaking down old stereotypes where teachers are perceived as the ones with authority and knowledge to establishing a new viewpoint that teachers are allies and catalysts of the students’ own strengths and knowledge,” the Stanford Social Innovation Review stated.  

Teachers who spoke with The Free Press blasted the program as a “horrible propaganda strategy.” High school history teacher Jay Goldfischer said the group was giving students a “scripted voice.”

“They’re teaching them parroting,” he continued. 

This sort of child abuse has been a hallmark of mass-murdering dictatorships of various varieties for over a century. From Mao and Stalin to Hitler and Mussolini, indoctrinating children through “education” and conscripting them in the revolution has been the norm for tyrants. Historically, free and civilized people would never tolerate such an outrage.

Government schools are not just dumbing down and brainwashing captive children. They are now literally bribing them with taxpayer money to promote totalitarian policies and dangerous ideas that have produced death, starvation, misery, and destruction everywhere they take root. This is criminal and must be dealt with like the existential threat that it is. 

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and boldly equip the church with the truth of God's Word.

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Of News Events Around The World.

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Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

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Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

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It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

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Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD

Alex Newman

Government schools in California are offering children large sums of taxpayer money to become social-justice warriors through a far-left extremist group that has been accused of anti-Semitism, sparking alarm among critics about how “education” has become cover for indoctrinating students and turning them into revolutionaries.

The explosive scandal, first reported by The Free Press last week, was revealed thanks to contracts showing that Long Beach Unified School District gave $2 million to “Californians for Justice.” The funding was used to offer $1,400 “stipends” to about 100 children in exchange for becoming radical activists. Other districts in the state are also involved.  

The organization involved brags online about how it is a “youth-powered organization fighting for racial justice.” In reality, it is a taxpayer-funded and taxpayer-powered outfit that is bilking taxpayers and using it to buy “youth activists” ready to promote an extreme leftwing agenda backed by politicians and their allies.  

According to the group’s website, it offers “leadership development opportunities throughout the school year and summer.” The goal, it says, is “to ensure our youth leaders gain the political education and valuable organizing skills they need to lead social justice movements.” 

On its Instagram page, it promotes everything from transgenderism and racial hate to removing Jews from the Holy Land. In a recent video posted by the organization, a student is asked why others should join “Californians for Justice.” The response is telling: “You get paid good.” Apparently proper grammar is not needed for “social justice leadership.”  

A spokesman for the Long Beach school district south of Los Angeles defended the cash for activism, describing it as an “internship” that helps ensure “equitable participation in CFJ programs, embracing diverse perspectives in education.” But clearly, diverse perspectives — in fact, any non-radical leftist ones — are not welcome.   

The “trainings” uncovered by The Free Press urge the children on the payroll to call out their teachers on subjects including “implicit bias” and “racism.” They are also taught to whine about “student voice.” Ultimately, it is part of a new paradigm in education where teachers are no longer educators in the traditional sense, but fellow revolutionaries.  

A recent article about the fringe group’s “trainings” in the Stanford Social Innovation Review argues that they are “rewiring the way they connect with students — particularly students of color.” In fact, that “rewiring” now encourages students and teachers join forces to wage war on the system together.  

“This means, for example, breaking down old stereotypes where teachers are perceived as the ones with authority and knowledge to establishing a new viewpoint that teachers are allies and catalysts of the students’ own strengths and knowledge,” the Stanford Social Innovation Review stated.  

Teachers who spoke with The Free Press blasted the program as a “horrible propaganda strategy.” High school history teacher Jay Goldfischer said the group was giving students a “scripted voice.”

“They’re teaching them parroting,” he continued. 

This sort of child abuse has been a hallmark of mass-murdering dictatorships of various varieties for over a century. From Mao and Stalin to Hitler and Mussolini, indoctrinating children through “education” and conscripting them in the revolution has been the norm for tyrants. Historically, free and civilized people would never tolerate such an outrage.

Government schools are not just dumbing down and brainwashing captive children. They are now literally bribing them with taxpayer money to promote totalitarian policies and dangerous ideas that have produced death, starvation, misery, and destruction everywhere they take root. This is criminal and must be dealt with like the existential threat that it is. 

Harbinger's Daily is funded by Christians like you who Boldly Stand for the Truth of God's Word.

 Your donations are vital to help this ministry continue its efforts to reach the lost and equip the church with Biblical truth.

Ignoring The Atrocities of Abortion, Biden Claims ‘More Children Die of a Gunshot Wound than Any Other Reason’

Abortion, the murder of children in their mother’s wombs (child sacrifice), which Joe Biden has aggressively promoted, is the leading cause of death of children in the US (actually, it’s been the leading cause of death globally for the past five years, with 44 million babies losing their lives in 2023, accounting for 40% of all deaths).

Pinprick Acts Of Aggression: Is China Testing The Waters For War?

Over in China, they are seeing the fracture in our country as a window of opportunity. They are also using it to bring disinformation through different social media platforms into our country and drive a greater political wedge.

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Tennessee’s Month-Long Call To Prayer Seemed To Arrive Just In The Nick Of Time

It occurred to Hibbs, as it did to everyone who joined in, “Who’s to say but that bullet that missed President Trump could be a result of everybody praying during the month of July? I mean, our God does not work in circumstances that are coincidences. He works in his sovereignty.”

ABC's of Salvation


worldview matters

Decision Magazine V AD


Amir V Ad #1

Decision Magazine V AD