July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024
July 25, 2024

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World news biblically understood




DeSantis: Disrespected Police Officers Can Relocate to Florida

“Make no mistake: the reason you have such huge spikes in crime in many parts of the country is because of not standing up for law enforcement"

DeSantis: Disrespected Police Officers Can Relocate to Florida

“Make no mistake: the reason you have such huge spikes in crime in many parts of the country is because of not standing up for law enforcement"

Jack Hibbs Ad

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Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Hal Lindsey

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad


DeSantis: Disrespected Police Officers Can Relocate to Florida

“Make no mistake: the reason you have such huge spikes in crime in many parts of the country is because of not standing up for law enforcement"

Prosecutors Sign Pledge Refusing to Prosecute Doctors for Illegal Abortions if Roe v. Wade is Overturned

They would not prosecute doctors for illegally committing abortions should Roe be overturned & pro-life laws in their states remain in place

How Your Child is Being Groomed to be the Next Antifa/BLM Street Rioter

The left’s obsession with race is driving a wedge between generations and tearing at the social cohesion necessary for any nation to succeed

AG Barr: Left’s ‘Lust for Power’ is Causing Them to Provoke Violence; ‘They Want to Run People’s Lives’

Attorney General Bill Barr explains what is behind the civil unrest in America today and what he believes the left is seeking... 'it's the lust for power.'

Dr. Robert Jeffress: The Radical Democrat Party has become the ‘Godless Party’

Jeffress: "The democrat party has become a godless party and so that's why you find such animosity against conservative Christians and against the Bible"

‘We Are Standing for the Cross’: Christians Unite as Antifa Activists Threaten to Tear Down Cross

A Christian college in Oregon is standing against radical activists who want to deface or tear down a cross that has stood on the campus for decades.

Franklin Graham: Socialist-Leaning Leadership Should Cause Americans Great Concern

Franklin Graham warned Americans Monday to vote out the dangerous politicians flirting with socialism: 'Portland is an example of what will take place'

Crime Wave: Trump Accuses Liberal Mayors of ‘Waging War on Innocent Americans’

Trump said "radical politicians" running US's cities are "waging war on innocent Americans," and that his administration is "pro-police and anticrime. "

Missouri couple who defended home have rifle seized during police search: report

Authorities execute search warrant at home of a couple who made headlines last month when they took up arms to defend their homes from protesters.

Mike Huckabee: Racism a ‘Spiritual’ Problem for US — & Elections Can’t Solve It

America's racism problem is more "spiritual" than political, Mike Huckabee said Saturday night; "The only way to get rid of racism is with God."

Mike Huckabee Strongly Rebukes BLM Activist’s Call to Destroy Images of Jesus Christ

Mike Huckabee slammed calls to destroy representations of Jesus Christ, following the destruction of statues all across America.

Trump: I’ve ‘Authorized’ Federal Arrests for Vandalizing Statues; Says up to 10 Years in Prison

Trump announces he has “authorized” the federal government to arrest those who vandalize or destroy federal property in accordance with existing laws.

Pompeo says UN Human Rights Council Hits ‘New Low’ with Anti-US Resolution on Race, Police

Pompeo criticizes UN Human Rights Council, after the controversial organization passed a resolution criticizing the state of policing and race in the US

Trump Calls for ‘New Justices’ on Supreme Court, as Conservatives Rage at Roberts

President Trump, in the wake of Thursday's defeat at the Supreme Court in his efforts to repeal the Obama-era (DACA) program, called for new justices.

Jan Markell: When Utter Lawlessness Visited My Home Town

The Antichrist won’t have to rent-a-mob. When he reigns, much of the world will be lawless, godless, tumultuous, and confused. Antifa will be the normal!

‘Woke’ Christianity Today Calls on Churches to Lead on Reparations: ‘Repentance is Not Enough’

Christianity Today in new op-ed: "repentance alone is not enough" for white evangelicals to atone for the nation's "original sin" of racism.

Mr. President, It’s Time to Investigate Soros for Funding Domestic Terrorism

Thugs are being bussed and flown into big cities to lead riots. Who is providing the funding? Those who provide funding are terrorists themselves.

Evangelist Franklin Graham Calls For Churches Across America to Pray For Peace During Protests

With nationwide protests erupting, Graham urges prayer for peace, perspective, patience, & an outpouring of His wisdom for the leaders handling this crisis.

Trump Announces US to Designate Antifa as Terrorist Organization Following Violent Protests

President Trump announced Sunday that the U.S. government will designate the far-left group Antifa as a terrorist organization.

Barr Blames ‘Far-Left Extremist Groups’ For ‘Antifa-like Tactics’ During George Floyd Protests

AG Barr said Saturday it appears that "many places" across the US are seeing violent protests spurred by "anarchic" and "far-left extremist groups."

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Responds to Minneapolis in Light of George Floyd Death

The Billy Graham RRT is responding to Minneapolis in wake of violent protests over the death of an unarmed, black man who died in police custody.

Judge Andrew Napolitano: Does The Government Work For Us Or Do We Work It?

Instead of safeguarding our freedoms (our rights to make personal choices) the governors and their police enforcers have treated us as if we work for them.

Lawlessness: Murder, Burglary Soars in New York City During Coronavirus Lockdown

While New York City remains under lockdown orders from Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) due to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, major violent crime continues to soar.

Jim Jordan: Dems are Considering Covid-19 Legislation that Pays States to Let Criminals Out of Prison

Republican Jim Jordan announced that Democrats are considering coronavirus legislation that would give money to states that let criminals out of prison.

Behind Bloomberg News’ Campaign to Silence its Own Journalists for Reporting on China Corruption

It's a story that spans decades, exposes corrupt Chinese politicians and shows the lengths Bloomberg L.P. will go to protect its profit.

Denmark: 62 Percent of Young Somali Migrants Convicted by Age 30

Over half of all of the young migrant men from Somalia, Lebanon, and Morocco living in Denmark have been convicted of at least 1 crime before the age of 30.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney: The Trudeau Government is allowing an “Atmosphere of Lawlessness”

Alberta's Premier Jason Kenney in a news conference Monday said Trudeau's Liberal Government has allowed an "atmosphere of Lawlessness" and "anarchy".

Foul Play Suspected as Third Canadian Train Derails in a Month After Far-Left Call for Sabotage

Foul play suspected following a 3rd train derailment in Canada this month, after left-wing extremists, called supporters to sabotage rail system.

Canada: A Totalitarian State-in-Progress

To describe Canada as a totalitarian state-in-progress sounds like a gross and indeed absurd exaggeration. Yet many premonitory signs are present...

Franklin Graham: Dem’s New Bail Reform Law ‘Encourages Crime’, is ‘Dream Come True for Criminals’

Franklin Graham commented today on the new Democrat NY bail reform bill that took effect Jan. 1, and the ramifications that are already faced by Police.

Child Rapist to Be Released from Prison Because he is Changing Gender

A convicted child rapist is reportedly being released from prison in Iowa because he is no longer deemed a threat since he began transitioning his gender.

Franklin Graham: Dems don’t care about Strengthening America; they’re only Interest is in Removing the President

Franklin Graham took to Facebook today pointing out the stark contrast between the President and his enemies. The agenda, Rev. Graham states, is clear...

Harper misquote shows why ‘regime change’ needed in some Canadian newsrooms

Stephen Harper did not advocate military intervention in Iran, or indeed any intervention. But that made for a better story.

Hal Lindsey

untitled artwork

Mark Hitchcock

Amir V Ad #1

Answers In Genesis Vertical Ad

Jack Hibbs Ad