When you allow yourself to be the authority—you can fall into more than accidental error: you can dive into downright heresy! This was highlighted recently in two stories I saw of church leaders who don’t even pretend to care about what the Bible teaches.
Unlike any other time in the church age, we see a multitude of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is rapidly approaching. However, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle scattered about on a tabletop, we don’t yet fully recognize how they will all fit together to complete the biblical picture of the end times for Israel.
One of the areas of interest is the angelic realm. This realm, hidden from mortal eyes (with the exception of incidences recorded in the Bible), is a subject which has fascinated people for thousands of years. However, this fascination has led some people to develop ideas that are not only unbiblical, they are leading people away from Jesus.
"Today, the heavens shake," the Prime Minister stressed. "The entire civilized world should condemn these horrific murders. The entire civilized world should join Israel in demanding the immediate release of all the hostages. All of Israel is united in grief."
“Open Doors strongly condemns this heinous act of violence against civilians and calls upon civil societies, governments, and international organisations to prioritise civilian protection in eastern DRC where armed groups, such as the ADF, are operating.”
Teens are tired of the “fluff” they’ve been fed by so many in the church or on social media. And they’re tired of not getting answers to skeptical questions by those in the church. They’re tired of the hopeless, purposeless atheism and the “woke” ideology taking over the country. They want something more. And it seems many think maybe Jesus has what they need.
It's been 500 days since Hamas began this war. So many people have been lost due to the terrorists’ horrific and barbaric decisions. Oded Lifshitz, Shiri Bibas, Ariel Bibas, and Kfir Bibas are four of those innocent lives now gone. The disgusting celebratory transference ceremony that their family and their nation had to witness just to receive back their remains shows you everything you need to know about who these people are. They are a culture of death.
“End this egregious assault on the consciences of millions of pro-life Americans that has resulted in the unconscionable loss of millions of preborn sons and daughters at the hands of this organization.”
“It is no surprise to me that parents are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with government schools. What is shocking to me is how few make the move to get their children out. It was bad enough when academics were failing but now we have boys in girls’ sports and restrooms, children being groomed for sexual activity at ever younger ages.”
We need to know our true history. Our nation was founded upon biblical principles, latent in our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. We must understand how our government was designed to work — and we must be involved in correcting our nation’s course — lest we lose our country and our freedoms.
The same media elites who want to control what you say are the ones trying to control what you see in Gaza. They won't show you Hamas stealing aid or beating civilians. They certainly won't show you Gazans desperate to leave. It doesn't fit the narrative of Israel as the oppressor—when it's actually Hamas.
God’s Word stands forever. No need for reframing. Paul never referred to the church as “Jacob,” the patriarch whose name God changed to Israel (Gen. 35:10); and members of the body of Christ already have been cleansed from sin. Israel and the church are completely separate entities, and the terms are not interchangeable.
The apostle Peter predicted, “Scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’” (2 Peter 3:3–4). The word scoffer refers to someone who mocks and makes fun of what they consider to be an empty and ridiculous promise.
"Rather than showing how God’s Word is unique, giving us a set of glasses through which to view the world that is “upside down” to the world’s way of thinking, the writers take the world’s lenses of feminism, Marxism, evolution, and CRT and read the Bible through them."
The world is a sinking Titanic ripe for judgment, not Garden of Eden perfection. Jesus will take dominion over the cleansed earth. For men to speak of doing that before the judgment of this earth is spiritually arrogant and ignorant.
The most significant challenges lie ahead. Americans must not sit on the sidelines if we want to see this momentum for traditional values continue. Make no mistake: the attacks on our faith, family, and freedoms have not ended.
"The explosive paper argues that the worldview underpinning public education falsely divides reality between “secular” and “religious.” And yet, a proper definition of religion such as those offered by some of America’s founders in the late 1700s would blow up the whole system."
After President Trump’s inauguration on Monday, he signed a variety of executive orders, including one titled, “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.” The order specifically states that “It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female.”
As Planned Parenthood and big abortion business proudly promote its dangerous, depraved sexual agenda, they know in the long run their business will reap the benefits. They don't care about children...
In reality, globalism is about powerful leaders and organizations making decisions about how they believe the world should be run. They use their authority and resources to implement ideas and programs that supposedly are for the good of all, but ultimately, call for forced compliance or undermine human autonomy and freedom. And whether these power brokers know it or not, ultimately, they are paving the way for the future antichrist.
As the fires rage in the Los Angeles area, the casting of blame continues unabated. Die-hard environmentalists insist that climate change is the primary culprit. Those making such a claim overlook the vast array of other factors that have contributed to the ongoing disaster.
On the first night of the Palisades and Eaton fires, the Los Angeles news media began using the word “apocalyptic” to describe what they saw — fires sometimes as far as the eye could see, burning some of America’s most beautiful neighborhoods. Later, they would look at the areas left by those fires and see a moonscape of gray ash.
The news of Trudeau's downfall comes as welcome news to the majority of Canadians. After he resigns, the Prime Minister will leave behind a legacy of trampled freedoms, financial burdens, corruption, and deadly agendas.
The past election was most certainly not about choosing the lesser of two evils. I wholeheartedly disagree with those who say it was. It was all about repudiating the wicked, vile, and totally insane policies of the Biden administration. The election was about electing a President who, despite his faults, genuinely loves the American people and seeks to protect us.
German authorities have thwarted a terror plot against the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, while authorities in Sweden arrested three men near the Israeli Embassy...
There are many reasons Christians all over the world support the modern State of Israel. They may be political, historical, or theological. Perhaps the...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani report on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the heartbreaking announcement from Hamas confirming that the Bibas...
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
Let us not forget that Gaza turned into a terrorist state, not a land living in peace with Israel. The Palestinians are not interested in borders. Instead, their focus is eradicating the very existence of Israel. They want the land in its entirety. They seek to be true to their Mantra, "from the river to the sea (from the Jordan to the Mediterranean), Palestine will be free."
We couldn't trust any news coming out of Theresienstadt from the Nazis, and we shouldn't trust any news coming out of Gaza from Hamas. It is ironic that the Hamas stage where the hostages are paraded, displays statements about "Nazi Zionism." The role reversal continues, and a newer generation is being indoctrinated deeper into victimizing the perpetrators and demonizing the victims.
Campus antisemites will keep making their laughable claims of Israel’s alleged genocidal intent. News outlets will continue their agenda-driven vendetta against Israel. But facts still matter—and the fact is, when it comes to Hamas and Israel, there simply is no comparison.
When you move from God toward His enemy, you are, in effect, declaring war on God. And the enemy James spoke of is not only the devil, but also the world. It's the world of ideas, the system of values that is opposed to the values of God and His kingdom. So, if you're a friend of the world, you are making yourself an enemy of God.
Will you unashamedly represent Him? If so, shed every form of rude and cold-hearted religiosity. Be a genuine, uncompromising follower of Christ and show the world that the cross you wear is more than a symbol. May you wear its message well.
The word “tribulation” in John 16:33 means “anguish, burdens, persecutions, and troubles”. It does not mean “wrath”. Jesus was not saying, as many propose, that the church will go through the Great Tribulation.
Jesus asked her the same question, "Woman, why are you weeping?" Then He asked a follow-up question, "Whom are you seeking?" She replied, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away" (v. 15). One word changed her life. One word changed her from sorrow to joy. One single word, and she went from despair to the heights. I'm sure Jesus used a special tone with her when He said, "Mary." Then she turned and said, "Rabboni!" (my teacher).
If the gift of the Holy Spirit is given to everyone who comes to faith in Christ, then everyone who comes to faith in Christ has the power to be a witness for Christ.
In 2024, 4,476 Christians were murdered around the globe because of their beliefs. Another 4,744 were imprisoned. Those numbers are reported by Open Doors—a global ministry dedicated to serving persecuted believers—which has released its 2025 World Watch List.
Dr. Robert Marbut is the senior producer for the documentary ‘Fentanyl: Death Incorporated.’ He shares the shocking statistics and questions surrounding the fentanyl crisis...
When you allow yourself to be the authority—you can fall into more than accidental error: you can dive into downright heresy! This was highlighted recently in two stories I saw of church leaders who don’t even pretend to care about what the Bible teaches.
Unlike any other time in the church age, we see a multitude of signs telling us that the Tribulation period is rapidly approaching. However, like pieces to a jigsaw puzzle scattered about on a tabletop, we don’t yet fully recognize how they will all fit together to complete the biblical picture of the end times for Israel.
Huckabee views Israel not through a political lens but a biblical one. His framework is anchored in God’s covenantal promise to Abraham: “To your descendants I have given this land” (Gen. 15:18). “This land” includes even the contested area the world calls the West Bank, a term Huckabee rejects in favor of the biblical names, Judea and Samaria.
God’s Word stands forever. No need for reframing. Paul never referred to the church as “Jacob,” the patriarch whose name God changed to Israel (Gen. 35:10); and members of the body of Christ already have been cleansed from sin. Israel and the church are completely separate entities, and the terms are not interchangeable.
The most significant challenges lie ahead. Americans must not sit on the sidelines if we want to see this momentum for traditional values continue. Make no mistake: the attacks on our faith, family, and freedoms have not ended.
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
German authorities have thwarted a terror plot against the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, while authorities in Sweden arrested three men near the Israeli Embassy...
There are many reasons Christians all over the world support the modern State of Israel. They may be political, historical, or theological. Perhaps the...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani report on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the heartbreaking announcement from Hamas confirming that the Bibas...
In reality, globalism is about powerful leaders and organizations making decisions about how they believe the world should be run. They use their authority and resources to implement ideas and programs that supposedly are for the good of all, but ultimately, call for forced compliance or undermine human autonomy and freedom. And whether these power brokers know it or not, ultimately, they are paving the way for the future antichrist.
In 2024, 4,476 Christians were murdered around the globe because of their beliefs. Another 4,744 were imprisoned. Those numbers are reported by Open Doors—a global ministry dedicated to serving persecuted believers—which has released its 2025 World Watch List.
When you move from God toward His enemy, you are, in effect, declaring war on God. And the enemy James spoke of is not only the devil, but also the world. It's the world of ideas, the system of values that is opposed to the values of God and His kingdom. So, if you're a friend of the world, you are making yourself an enemy of God.
The more you listen to celebrities, the more you realize that they really are in bondage to some very strange ideas. The practice of “manifesting” is not a new idea, but its popularity continues as its so-called practitioners continue to proclaim its efficacy in their lives. Celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Lady Gaga, Tom Holland, Drake and many others claim they have had success using the process of manifestation. So, what is it?
Undeniably, this is a case of historical consequence for our nation. Tennessee desires to protect children and youth from medicalized transitions that have lifelong effects and hold reckless medical practitioners accountable. State lawmakers’ duty to love, care for and protect minors should never be trumped by elevating gender identity to a special, untouchable constitutional status.
As a former pastor, I grieve because of what’s happening in many churches. The silence of shepherds keeps many saints in the dark regarding what lies behind current world events and diverts their attention to temporal things away from their glorious “blessed hope” in Jesus’ appearing.
Wilson’s Darwinian eugenic goals were not hidden, but clearly expressed in his writing and correspondence. The public and elites largely agreed with his Darwinian racist worldview, or at least did not openly disagree with it, or oppose it.
When you allow yourself to be the authority—you can fall into more than accidental error: you can dive into downright heresy! This was highlighted recently in two stories I saw of church leaders who don’t even pretend to care about what the Bible teaches.
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
God’s Word stands forever. No need for reframing. Paul never referred to the church as “Jacob,” the patriarch whose name God changed to Israel (Gen. 35:10); and members of the body of Christ already have been cleansed from sin. Israel and the church are completely separate entities, and the terms are not interchangeable.
The most significant challenges lie ahead. Americans must not sit on the sidelines if we want to see this momentum for traditional values continue. Make no mistake: the attacks on our faith, family, and freedoms have not ended.
In reality, globalism is about powerful leaders and organizations making decisions about how they believe the world should be run. They use their authority and resources to implement ideas and programs that supposedly are for the good of all, but ultimately, call for forced compliance or undermine human autonomy and freedom. And whether these power brokers know it or not, ultimately, they are paving the way for the future antichrist.
When you move from God toward His enemy, you are, in effect, declaring war on God. And the enemy James spoke of is not only the devil, but also the world. It's the world of ideas, the system of values that is opposed to the values of God and His kingdom. So, if you're a friend of the world, you are making yourself an enemy of God.
Will you unashamedly represent Him? If so, shed every form of rude and cold-hearted religiosity. Be a genuine, uncompromising follower of Christ and show the world that the cross you wear is more than a symbol. May you wear its message well.
The word “tribulation” in John 16:33 means “anguish, burdens, persecutions, and troubles”. It does not mean “wrath”. Jesus was not saying, as many propose, that the church will go through the Great Tribulation.
Jesus asked her the same question, "Woman, why are you weeping?" Then He asked a follow-up question, "Whom are you seeking?" She replied, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away" (v. 15). One word changed her life. One word changed her from sorrow to joy. One single word, and she went from despair to the heights. I'm sure Jesus used a special tone with her when He said, "Mary." Then she turned and said, "Rabboni!" (my teacher).
In 2024, 4,476 Christians were murdered around the globe because of their beliefs. Another 4,744 were imprisoned. Those numbers are reported by Open Doors—a global ministry dedicated to serving persecuted believers—which has released its 2025 World Watch List.
German authorities have thwarted a terror plot against the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, while authorities in Sweden arrested three men near the Israeli Embassy...
There are many reasons Christians all over the world support the modern State of Israel. They may be political, historical, or theological. Perhaps the...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani report on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the heartbreaking announcement from Hamas confirming that the Bibas...
The most significant challenges lie ahead. Americans must not sit on the sidelines if we want to see this momentum for traditional values continue. Make no mistake: the attacks on our faith, family, and freedoms have not ended.
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
God’s Word stands forever. No need for reframing. Paul never referred to the church as “Jacob,” the patriarch whose name God changed to Israel (Gen. 35:10); and members of the body of Christ already have been cleansed from sin. Israel and the church are completely separate entities, and the terms are not interchangeable.
In 2024, 4,476 Christians were murdered around the globe because of their beliefs. Another 4,744 were imprisoned. Those numbers are reported by Open Doors—a global ministry dedicated to serving persecuted believers—which has released its 2025 World Watch List.
The point is that the occasional non- or para-conformities sometimes observed in the geologic column are easily explained and consistent with what we’d expect to find if Noah’s flood is true history.
This should cause those who placed their faith in Charles Lyell’s views to pause and consider why anyone should have given so much credence to this man’s interpretations in science that they would be willing to reinterpret the plain reading of God’s Word.
One of the areas of interest is the angelic realm. This realm, hidden from mortal eyes (with the exception of incidences recorded in the Bible), is a subject which has fascinated people for thousands of years. However, this fascination has led some people to develop ideas that are not only unbiblical, they are leading people away from Jesus.
"Today, the heavens shake," the Prime Minister stressed. "The entire civilized world should condemn these horrific murders. The entire civilized world should join Israel in demanding the immediate release of all the hostages. All of Israel is united in grief."
“Open Doors strongly condemns this heinous act of violence against civilians and calls upon civil societies, governments, and international organisations to prioritise civilian protection in eastern DRC where armed groups, such as the ADF, are operating.”
Teens are tired of the “fluff” they’ve been fed by so many in the church or on social media. And they’re tired of not getting answers to skeptical questions by those in the church. They’re tired of the hopeless, purposeless atheism and the “woke” ideology taking over the country. They want something more. And it seems many think maybe Jesus has what they need.
It's been 500 days since Hamas began this war. So many people have been lost due to the terrorists’ horrific and barbaric decisions. Oded Lifshitz, Shiri Bibas, Ariel Bibas, and Kfir Bibas are four of those innocent lives now gone. The disgusting celebratory transference ceremony that their family and their nation had to witness just to receive back their remains shows you everything you need to know about who these people are. They are a culture of death.
“End this egregious assault on the consciences of millions of pro-life Americans that has resulted in the unconscionable loss of millions of preborn sons and daughters at the hands of this organization.”
The most significant challenges lie ahead. Americans must not sit on the sidelines if we want to see this momentum for traditional values continue. Make no mistake: the attacks on our faith, family, and freedoms have not ended.
In fulfillment of prophecy, He allowed it to lie desolate for over 18 centuries. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has drawn His Chosen People back to claim the Land promised to Abraham and his descendants. In fulfillment of prophecy, He has protected and preserved the Jewish people, right in the face of satanically-inspired hatred and animosity all around — and often within — their own territory.
In 2024, 4,476 Christians were murdered around the globe because of their beliefs. Another 4,744 were imprisoned. Those numbers are reported by Open Doors—a global ministry dedicated to serving persecuted believers—which has released its 2025 World Watch List.
Jan Markell talks to Gary Kah. The shadow government has only escalated to counter Donald Trump’s agenda. One-worldism remains their goal. Then Ken Mikle and Josh Schwartz hear warnings from Tina Griffin about Hollywood and their Luciferian entertainment agenda. Protect those you love from this!
There are many reasons Christians all over the world support the modern State of Israel. They may be political, historical, or theological. Perhaps the...
Gina Gleason, Executive Director of Real Impact, highlights FRC’s new God & Government course and its role in engaging the church in civic responsibility.
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto and Mati Shoshani report on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports on the heartbreaking announcement from Hamas confirming that the Bibas...
Abraham faces his greatest test, revealing how God refines faith through trials. This message explores obedience, trust, and God’s purpose in testing, pointing to...
Should a Christian attend a gay wedding? In this video, we dive into what the Bible says about gay “marriage” and whether Christians should participate in these ceremonies.
In this video, we take a closer look at a classic Disney film and uncover subliminal messaging that contradicts the biblical worldview. Evolution says...
Dr. Robert Marbut is the senior producer for the documentary ‘Fentanyl: Death Incorporated.’ He shares the shocking statistics and questions surrounding the fentanyl crisis...
Dive into a compelling interview with David Fiorazo, an author and broadcaster with 30 years of ministry experience. In this session, David unpacks his...
Sydney nurses who said they would kill Israeli patients are suspended; Iranian ex-commander - now believer in Jesus - addresses members of Knesset: 'I’m...
German authorities have thwarted a terror plot against the Israeli Embassy in Berlin, while authorities in Sweden arrested three men near the Israeli Embassy there. Meanwhile, a man was arrested a man on Friday at the Berlin Holocaust memorial. All of this, as a major Hamas attack in Israel...
Multiple bus bombings rocked central Israel today, just hours after Hamas conducted a disgusting spectacle in Gaza, parading the remains of the Bibas family...
Does Israeli already possess the type of massive, bunker- busting bombs that many believe are essential for destroying Iran’s nuclear facilities? A new report...
Newly released Israeli-American hostage Keith Siegel speaks about the horrific details of his almost 500 days in Hamas captivity. He also has a message...
Top stories: 1) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a joint press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio, asserted that President Donald...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Israel stands at a crossroads—war, ceasefire, or a temporary pause before the next storm? As...
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reports on the Israel-Hamas War. Pinto reports that tensions are escalating as Hamas delays the release of hostages, accusing Israel...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Syria's new self-proclaimed president, Ahmed al-Sharaa, also known as Abu Mohammad al-Julani, cannot erase his past. Under a different alias, he was a jihadist terrorist...
Join Pastor Jack and special guest Ken Ham for an exciting conversation that covers topics from gender, evolution, abortion, creationism, and the government. Ken Ham is the Founder CEO of Answers in Genesis and its two popular attractions: the acclaimed Creation Museum and the internationally known Ark Encounter, which...
Even in pain and tragedy, God can make beauty out of ashes. Kristy Graham speaks with her father-in-law and president of Samaritan’s Purse, Franklin...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Have you seen the headlines? “Los Angeles County is apocalyptic.” “Apocalyptic Dubai floods shake picture perfect city.” “Asheville residents battling apocalyptic aftermath of Hurricane...
Listen weekly to Chris Katulka (the Gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures, comment on current events related...
Have you ever gotten into a disagreement about a practice that the Bible doesn’t directly address? Differences of opinion exist concerning many topics in...
Physical appearance is over-valued in our culture. Those who are considered beautiful are treated better, and those who fall short of society’s expectations often...
Hollywood is stealing the hearts of our children, instilling them with its values and morals which are usually contrary to Christian values and morals....