May 18, 2024

Saturday, May 18, 2024
May 18, 2024

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World news biblically understood




Planned Parenthood Abortionist Forced to Admit She Said “I Want a Lamborghini” in Relation to “Compensation” for Aborted Babies’ Body Parts

A Planned Parenthood abortionist was just forced to admit under oath in our trial that she did in fact say, “I want[] a Lamborghini,” in relation to “what I would receive in compensation” for “fetal tissue” procurement – i.e. aborted babies’ body parts.

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Episode Pushes Shameful Abortion Propaganda on Viewers

Abortion propaganda has become so pervasive in the entertainment industry that the dialogue on TV shows is now starting to sound like “Fireproof” for abortion enthusiasts. Take the latest episode of NBC’s “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit” for example – an episode that almost literally treats its characters like puppets to spout talking points that could have come from a Planned Parenthood pamphlet.

Pew: U.S. Christian Population in Freefall, 12% Drop in Ten Years

Christianity in the United States is declining at an unprecedented rate, a new study by the Pew Research Council revealed Thursday, and the percentage of Christians in the country has hit an all-time low.

Sex Crimes on Britain’s Railways Near Doubles in Five Years

Reports of sexual assault and other sexual crimes on Britain’s railways have nearly doubled over the past five years, with most cases going unpunished.

Slaveholding Mauritania, Sharia Sudan, and jihad-plagued Libya Elected to UN Human Rights Council

Tyrants celebrate as U.N. elects Venezuela, Mauritania, Libya, Sudan to top rights body.

Protests around the world: violent clashes hit Chile, Hong Kong, Lebanon and Barcelona

Protests have broken out in several countries across the world, with citizens unhappy for different reasons. Some are protesting over economic conditions, others are protesting over tax hikes and elsewhere protests are breaking out over controversial laws or prison sentences imposed by governments.

First Chick-fil-A in the UK to close just 6 months after opening amid LGBTQ protests

The first Chick-fil-A in the United Kingdom announced it would be shutting down in six months, just days after the popular American fast-food chain made its debut in the country, amid pressures from gay rights activists protesting the chain for contributing millions of dollars to anti-LGBTQ groups.

Franklin Graham Laments Ron Reagan Jr. Atheism Ad in-which he Boasts he’s “Not Afraid of Burning in Hell”

Rev. Franklin Graham expressed disappointment Thursday that President Ronald Reagan’s son boasted about his atheism in a recent ad for the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF).

Kellogg’s Teams with LGBTQ+ for ‘Anti-Bullying’ Campaign with ‘All Together’ Cereal

Breakfast cereal giant Kellogg’s is teaming with the advocacy group Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) for an anti-bullying campaign featuring a new “All Together” cereal bringing many of its most famous cartoon characters onto one box front.

Pompeo: U.S. Policy on Turkish Attack Hasn’t Endangered Israel

The US pullout of its troops from northeast Syria has not endangered Israel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said amid reports that he was heading to Jerusalem to meet Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after visiting Ankara on Thursday.

UK Teacher Fired for Threatening to Send Jewish Students to Gas Chambers

A British elementary school teacher was fired after telling Jewish students that she would “ship them off to the gas chambers” if they didn’t finish their schoolwork.

Christian School Administrator Suspended After Questioning New LGBT Agenda

A 74-year-old school administrator has been suspended for questioning the introduction of a pride month and the adding of a plethora of LGBT books to the school library.

Lebanon PM sets Deadline to Resolve Crisis as Violent Protests Rage

The government scrapped a controversial plan to tax popular messaging app Whatsapp after nationwide protests.

Anti-Semitism: Tunisia’s President Elect says Normalization with ‘Zionist Entity’ is Treachery

"This is my view on the Zionist entity and it will not change... We are in a situation of war with Zionism, and normalization is treachery."

Dad trying to Save 7-year-old from Gender ‘Transition’ Chastised in Court for ‘Involving the Media’

In court yesterday, attorneys for the mother who is trying to “transition” her seven-year-old son into a girl chastised the boy’s father, who is trying to save his son from this, for “involving the media.”