April 22, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024
April 22, 2024

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Bible Bites

Bible Bites

Bible Bite: As In The Days Of Noah

The time is near for the Son of Man to come for His church, however, the majority of mankind, like in the days of Noah, will not listen...

Jesus Is Not Calling Us to Religion

Christianity distinguishes it from religion because it does not rely on what is done by man, but rather what was done for man.

Bible Bite: Why is God’s Faithfulness to Israel Important to You?

"God is not done with Israel. Israel is a miracle and Israel is a picture of God's faithfulness. And Israel is your insurance policy,...

Bible Bite: Jesus Isn’t Looking at Your Status

At the end of our life the one thing that will matter more than anything else is that others knew that we lived our lives for Jesus.

Bible Bite: Amidst Satan’s Wiles – Today is the Day of Salvation!

If someone is reading this and has not yet been born again and is entangled with the tactics of the enemy, today is the day to become free!

The Hope of Every Believer

An entire generation of Christians will bypass death & be translated into the Lord's presence. Prophecy indicates that we are that generation!

Bible Bite: When Will Israel End?

How do we know that God has a plan for Israel today? The ordinances established at creation bear witness that God is faithful to His word.

Bible Bite: Israel – Has God Abandoned Israel?

While it's a sad reality many miss the prophetic significance of Israel's rebirth, it's also sad doctrinal importance is lost on many as well

The Fig Tree—This Generation Shall Not Pass Away

The fig tree is blooming, Israel is back. This generation shall not pass away. It’s time to look up, for we will soon and forever be with the Lord!

Bible Bite: What is the Restrainer?

We're already seeing Isaiah 5:20 before our eyes. Only the Holy Spirit’s preserving work through the Church is holding back complete and utter lawlessness.

Bible Bite: Do You Believe With All Your Heart Jesus is the Son of God?

People are hungry for answers today in the midst of this pandemic, and we have the answer they need the most, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Bible Bite: God Has Not Forgotten His People

If God forgot His people, He could forget you. If God is faithful to His promises to Israel, He surely will be faithful to His promises to you.

Bible Bite: Why Israel’s Enemies will Never Uproot the Fig Tree

Among the many prophecies concerning Israel and the last days, the rebirth of the nation of Israel is certainly among the most significant.