May 4, 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024
May 4, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council, served two terms as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, and served as Chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is the president of the Family Research Council, served two terms as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives, and served as Chair of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Too Risky To Define A Woman As An Adult Biological Female?: ‘I Am Not A Biologist’

"You don't need to be a veterinarian to define what a cat is, a mechanic to define what a car is, a florist to define what a flower is, or a biologist to define what a woman is.”

White House Attacks Texas & Other GOP States For Calling Transgender Surgeries For Kids ‘Abuse’

“It's irreparable. It causes harm that cannot be undone. It seems to me that Texas has gotten it right that these children need to be protected”

SCOTUS Ends Mandates for U.S. Businesses

In a huge blow to President Joe Biden, the U.S. Supreme Court responded to his COVID overreach the way most Americans had hoped: striking down the largest of his vaccine mandates.

Standing Firm When the World Says, ‘Give up’

That doesn't mean standing by those principles is easy. As the growing hostility toward religious freedom shows, we need to be prepared for conflict.

Perkins: Board of Education & State Activists Team up to Indoctrinate

There are so many moms and dads like you, who think families should be driving what's taught in schools -- not the other way around.

Father Claims School Board Is Covering Up Daughter’s Rape Because It Doesn’t Fit the Transgender Narrative

Smith said that he wasn't at the school board meeting to be "bigoted," as some claim, insisting he went to the meeting "to find out why our children aren't safe."

Social Media’s Misinformation Overload

Big tech isn't going away... what it categorizes as misinformation will only grow, especially when a gov't administration fuels the flames.

Check Your Civil Liberties At The Door: ‘I’m from the Government, and I’m Here to Vaccinate’

Bachmann: "The gov't has zero business to do this. What they're wanting all of us to do is check our Bill of Rights, our civil liberties, at the door"

Republican National Committee Tweets Expressing LGBT Support: Has The RNC Forsaken Real Conservative Values?

There are few things she could have said more tone-deaf & offensive than applauding the woke agenda her base is trying to combat

Networks Change Their Toon for Pride Month

Longtime favorites like Disney and My Little Pony, beloved franchises are now being distorted to promote a radical 21st century LGBT agenda

Biden’s Brutal Budget for the Unborn

For the first time since 1976, a president presented a budget that didn't protect the American people from paying for them.

Lego Toys with More LGBT Extremism

If Lego wants to turn its back on science, morality, and common sense, that's their choice. But they need to know there's a price for that.

Candy Jarred: Nestle, Mars Join ‘Woke’ Wars

Two major U.S. brands have decided to wade into the controversial debate by launching a massive pro-transgender push for minors.

Going for Woke? More Businesses Say No.

The media would love for you to believe that every corporation is going woke -- but that isn't exactly reality...

‘Surrender of Moral Standards’: City Council Recognizes Polygamy

They'll never be satisfied until society acquiesces to what they want: a complete and total surrender of all moral standards.