July 27, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024
July 27, 2024

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World news biblically understood


Harbingers Daily - Original

Harbingers Daily - Original

Dr. Robert Jeffress: The Radical Democrat Party has become the ‘Godless Party’

Jeffress: "The democrat party has become a godless party and so that's why you find such animosity against conservative Christians and against the Bible"

Franklin Graham: Socialist-Leaning Leadership Should Cause Americans Great Concern

Franklin Graham warned Americans Monday to vote out the dangerous politicians flirting with socialism: 'Portland is an example of what will take place'

Franklin Graham: Nancy Pelosi’s Supposed ‘Fight’ for Children Conveniently Ignores The Unborn

Nancy Pelosi recently discussed her continual 'fight' and dedication to the nation's children: Rev. Graham: What about children in the womb?

California Governor Re-Orders Shut Down of Churches in 30 Counties Amid Rise in Covid-19 Cases

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Monday ordered a massive retrenchment of the state's reopening, shutting buisness's and Churches statewide.

ID2020 Certification Mark: The Global Call for a Digital ID

For the first time in human history, technology & global willpower have made factors of Revelation 13:6-7 Mark of the Best feasible: Is ID 2020 a preview?

Franklin Graham Rebukes Media for Criticizing Trump’s Upcoming West Point Speech

Franklin Graham took to Facebook following attacks from Liberal Media that Pres. Trump's upcoming speech at West point is self-serving & dangerous.

Samaritan’s Purse Shares Encouraging Testamony after Tornado Destroys Family’s Home

Franklin Graham shared a video from Samaritan's Purse on Facebook today with an encouraging testimony from a family who's home was destroyed by a Tornado.

Franklin Graham to Gov. Cuomo: Protection of Human Life Should Apply from ‘Womb to Tomb’

Franklin Graham took to Facebook following the comments of NY Gov. Cuomo to point out that the protection of Life should apply from 'womb to tomb'

Girl Teaches Brother Bible Verse to Calm his Fear of Coronavirus; Rev. Graham Commends Mom

Franklin Graham took to Facebook after video came out showing a six-year-old girl calming her brother's fears by holding him and reciting 2 Timothy 1:7

Flying Toward the Storm: Samaritan’s Purse Sends Christians to Help in Italy Amid Coronavirus

As many are retreating, Samaritan's purse sending more volunteers to help in the midst of the Coronavirus providing much-needed help & hope to Italy.

President Trump declares Sunday a National Day of Prayer Amid Coronavirus Crisis

President Trump declared this upcoming Sunday a National Day of Prayer, shortly after declaring a state of emergency amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Franklin Graham: Proud & Thankful that we have Leaders who know that our Help comes from God

Franklin Graham: proud & thankful that we have leaders who know that our help comes from God & aren’t ashamed to bend their knee or bow their head in prayer

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney: The Trudeau Government is allowing an “Atmosphere of Lawlessness”

Alberta's Premier Jason Kenney in a news conference Monday said Trudeau's Liberal Government has allowed an "atmosphere of Lawlessness" and "anarchy".

UPDATE: Sheriff’s Office walks back calling Philip Haney’s Death ‘Self-Inflicted’

Philip Haney, a DHS whistleblower who was an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, was found dead Friday of a gunshot wound, local authorities said.

Franklin Graham: Calls You to be a Voice to Protect Life as Senate Votes on Major Pro-Life Bills

As the Senate is due to vote on two major Pro-Life Bills Tuesday, Franklin Graham urges Christians to "Pray for our senators and be a voice to protect life"