May 7, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024

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World news biblically understood


‘We Will Defend Our Children’: Canadian Parents Take To Streets Nationwide To Protest LGBT Indoctrination In Schools

Who are these “hateful” protestors? Reportedly, they are angry parents, trying to protect their children from being sexualized through LGBT indoctrination in local educational institutions.

Ontario Bill Seeks To Ban Protests Outside Drag Queen Story Hours, Following Pastor’s 3rd Arrest

"I've warned Canadians for a very long time—and I'm warning Americans as well—that you will be ruled by what you tolerate. If you tolerate corruption, you will be ruled by corruption. If you tolerate perversion, you will eventually be ruled by perversion."

Killing The Most Vulnerable: Assisted Suicide Is A Slippery Slope

If this recommendation becomes law, it will only be expanded as time goes on, and more and more children will have access to death. We are seeing man’s religion of death increasingly permeating the culture.

‘Downright Demonic’: Canadian Gov’t Calls Lawmakers To Legalize Euthanasia For Children Without Parental Consent

Parents or guardians may or may not be consulted in the euthanasia death of their child if he or she is deemed capable of decision-making.

Canada’s Ban On Biblical Sexuality: How Did We Get Here?

This is just the next step in a long line of choices we have made as a nation in the rejection of God and His moral law. Today, we are calling out these lies.

Imagine Your Doctor Suggesting Suicide As The ‘Solution’ To Your Medical Problems — Welcome To Canada

Many Canadians have no idea this insidious program has been operating for years now, gathering momentum…

Police Consultant Claims Freedom Convoy Was A Deceitful ‘Movement By Right-Wing Christians’ To Recruit New Followers

In an email to officers, consultant Erin Kelly, the CEO of Advanced Symbolics Inc, insisted that the "real agenda" behind the protests had nothing to do with vaccine mandates.

Steeped in Deadly Worldview: Canadian Doctors Support Euthanasia for Newborns

Euthanasia is a slippery slope. As soon as the door opens to kill a particular group of people (in the name of “choice” and compassion, of course), it will only get kicked open even wider.

Trudeau Is Waging ‘Open War Against Religious Freedom’ MP Warns, As Gov’t Disqualifies Christian Military Chaplains

"I wish this was a one-time attack on religion by this government, but for the Liberals, the only religion allowed in Canada has been wokeism." - Leslyn Lewis

‘Disgrace To Any Democracy’: EU MPs Blast Trudeau For Trampling On Freedom, ‘Spare Us Your Presence!’

“A PM who tramples on fundamental rights by persecuting & criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists because they dared to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy shouldn’t be allowed to speak in this house”

O Canada! Proposed Law Would Penalize INTENT to Use ‘Hate Speech’

The Bible refers to the heart of mankind as sick or wicked. What we see today is par for the moral relativistic course and the Romans 1 delusion of the modern, post-Christian depraved mind

Ohio Lawmakers Urge US to Put Canada on Religious Freedom ‘Watch List’ for Jailing Pastors 

“I’m in prison because I’m unwilling to compromise my convictions before God and allow the state to dictate the manner of worship and fellowship in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

The World Has Changed, God Hasn’t. 

Canada doesn’t belong to Justin Trudeau. Russia and Ukraine do not belong to Putin. The earth is Jesus’ inheritance, not Putin’s. 

Taxpayer Watchdog Launches Petition To Defund Corrupt CBC & End Media Funding 

“We launched this petition because Canadians should decide which news outlets they prefer and to support them financially if they choose to do so”

Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act 

Trudeau argued that giving his government sweeping powers was “the responsible and necessary thing to do,” in response to the freedom convoy. 

‘Remember This Image. Remember What Trudeau Did To Canada.’ Police Treatment Of Freedom Convoy Shocks The World. 

Authorities appeared to trample one elderly woman using a walker as well as running over other protesters with horses. Numerous others were tear-gassed.

16 GOP Governors, 2 Premiers Urge Biden, Trudeau to Reinstate Vaccination Exemptions for Cross-Border Truckers 

“We are writing to request that you immediately reinstate the vaccine and quarantine exemptions available to cross border truck drivers.”

‘We Will Hold the Line’: Freedom Convoy Says They’re Not Deterred by Illegally Used Emergencies Act 

“We are not afraid. In fact, every time the government decides to further suspend our civil liberties, our resolve strengthens and the importance of our mission becomes clearer”

Why Socialists Betrayed The Working Class

One of the reasons why leftists and socialists hate the Freedom Convoy is because the truckers want what leftists and socialists hate most: freedom. 

Biden Admin Tells Canada To Use Federal Powers To Crush Convoy, As Ontario Attempts Supreme Court Seizure Of GiveSendGo Donations

“This is a peaceful, political protest. It's not Al Qaeda. These are Canadian citizens who drive trucks for a living, but they're being treated like a terror group.”

GoFundMe Completely Shuts Down Massive Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ Page, Issues Statement

The Convoy represents Canadians who are fed up with two weeks ‘to flatten the curve’ turning into two years of restrictions, mandates and decimation of democracy"

Why The Freedom Convoy Has Captivated A Nation

They want what that elderly woman and I immigrated to Canada for—they want what Canada used to stand for: freedom.

Ottawa Police Seize Fuel From Freedom Convoy Protest Site, Make More Arrests

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat“

Ontario Data Shows Massive Increase In Euthanasia Deaths, As Canadian Gov’t Pushes To Expand MAiD

"While the federal government has not released the data for the entire country, based on the Ontario data I predict that there were almost 10,000 Canadian euthanasia deaths in 2021"