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World news biblically understood



Israel At War: Week Six Coverage



Day 42 — Friday, November 17

IDF Spokesperson: We Will Operate Wherever Hamas Is Located - Including Southern Gaza

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Friday evening that IDF troops located additional underground infrastructure in Shifa Hospital in Gaza, and continue to work in order to “collect all information about the hostages”.

Hagari told reporters that “anytime we have new information about the hostages, we will update the families and then the public through the media, we will not hide information from you.”

“We are determined and continue to move forward, to kill terrorists and destroy underground infrastructure and dismantle what remains of Hamas’ military infrastructure,” he stated.

Hagari was asked about the prospects of the troops entering the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and replied, “We are determined to keep moving forward. This will happen wherever Hamas is, and they are also in the southern Gaza Strip. It will happen at the best time, place and under the best conditions for the IDF.”

On the government’s decision to permit fuel to enter the Gaza Strip, Hagari said that the fuel was intended “only for humanitarian needs.” He added that “we will be monitoring this matter.”

On the situation in the northern border, the IDF Spokesperson said, “We attacked Hezbollah targets in Lebanese territory, including terrorist infrastructure, a weapons depot and a military building, in response to the shooting that caused fire to two homes in Manara and the injury of four people.”

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Palestinians In Gaza, West Bank Strongly Support Hamas, October 7 Attack

Palestinian society seems much less divided on the issue [of the October 7th massacre] compared to the rest of the world, according to a November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development. When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack.

Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way.

Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip show a little less consensus but the overall majority supported the attack. A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack. Showing a greater rift than that of the West Bank, 20.9% of Palestinians living in Gaza opposed the attack to some degree.

A total of 75% of respondents agreed with the October 7 attack to any extent.

When asked “Do you support the solution of establishing one state or two states?” the majority (74.7%) of respondents answered that they support a single Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.” 

The support for a single Palestinian state was more commonly held by Palestinians living in the West Bank (77.7%) than Palestinians living in Gaza (70.4%.)

A total of 17.2% of respondents said they supported a two-state solution, with Palestinians in Gaza (22.7%)  supporting this solution to a greater extent than Palestinians living in the West Bank (13.3%.)

Only 5.4% of respondents said they would support a “one-state for two peoples” solution.

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Pro-Palestinian Group Shares ‘Reprehensible’ Antisemitic Map Of NYC Targets On Social Media

A pro-Palestinian activist group shared a frightening map of New York City newsrooms, businesses and landmark buildings — and called for “direct action” to “globalize intifada.”

In addition to news buildings, Within Our Lifetime, which describes itself as a Palestinian-led community organization, also called for followers to target the offices of technology companies

“Each of the locations on this map reflects the location of an office of an enemy of both the Palestinian people and colonized people all over the world. Today and beyond, these locations will be sites for popular mobilization in defense of our people,” the sickening Wednesday night post read.

“May this map serve as a call for every struggle to act in their own interest. As we do so, we uplift one another’s struggles and free Palestine from the river to the sea,” it continued, repeating the Palestine Liberation Organization mantra adopted by Hamas that calls for the eradication of Israel.

The controversial post has since been deleted.

“As Mayor Adams has said repeatedly, hate has no place in our city,” a City Hall spokesperson said. “We are continually monitoring multiple channels to identify any potential threats to New York City. The NYPD is aware of a social media post urging ‘direct action’ towards several institutions in the city and is deploying resources to protect public safety at these locations. But to be clear, threatening businesses and organizations and referring to them as the ‘enemy’ is exactly the kind of hateful rhetoric that seeks to divide New Yorkers, but it won’t work, because we are better than that.”

The group, which boasts 121,000 followers on Instagram, did not specify why the locations should be targeted, or what kind of action should be taken, but New York lawmakers have denounced the map, insisting violence is implied. Intifada is Arabic for a rebellion or uprising.

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Israel Is Sending A Message... Hamas Is No More

Shalom from just up the road from the Ramat David Airbase in Israel’s Northern District! It has been a very noisy month-and-a-half as jet after jet takes off heavily strapped with weapons, then later returns empty. Israel is a nation at war, and we are winning the fight. But despite my nation’s many victories over these last weeks, the fight still rages on. Hezbollah continues to threaten up north. Iran, the terrorist puppet master, has become fairly quiet, at least for them. This is likely because, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, they have recently upped their nuclear enrichment by 22 times. And around the world, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests are loudly and violently announcing their support of the Nazi terrorists.

Still, there are several visuals I witnessed this past week that brought a quiet joy to my heart.

I saw Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops carrying much needed medical equipment into the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. According to the world’s media which get its headlines directly from Hamas, there is nothing that Israelis enjoy more than bombing a hospital filled to capacity with ailing Palestinians and newborn children. What they neglect to mention is that, first, the reason the hospitals are even on the IDF’s radar is because Hamas built all their infrastructure under these human shields. Second, that the IDF gives many warnings before they attack. The Israeli military actually endangers itself by giving away the crucial element of surprise, just so innocent civilians can get to safety. Third, that the IDF attacks with precision so that they are targeting only Hamas terrorists, as much as possible. Fourth, that the Israeli military is bringing with it a massive amount of humanitarian aid, like necessary medical equipment, that the Israeli soldiers are providing to those that Hamas has purposely put in harm’s way. It is quite evident that the Israelis have far more compassion for the average Palestinian than do the terrorists of Hamas.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

IDF Chief Of Staff Says Israel Close To ‘Destroying’ Hamas’ Military System In Gaza’s North

The chief of staff for the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday credited his troops with moving closer to destroying Hamas’ “military system” amid its weeks-long campaign against the terror group.

Herzi Halevi visited soldiers on the ground inside the Gaza Strip, where he spoke of Israel’s response to Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israeli border communities.

“As the campaign move forwards, with what you have done here with these battalions, Division 36 and 252, we are quite close to destroying the (Hamas) military system that existed in the north of the Gaza Strip,” he said, according to a press release. “We will complete it, we still have some things to do, but we are getting closer.”

He said the IDF will continue its military operations and that “as much as it depends on us, area after area, we’re going to kill the commanders and kill the operatives and destroy the infrastructure.”

“You have done it excellently so far, take what you’ve learned so far – for almost three weeks, and do it even better,” Halevi added.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

IDF Soldier Murdered In Jerusalem Tunnel Terror Attack, Five Wounded

Palestinian terrorists killed a soldier at a security checkpoint on the Bethlehem bypass road south of Jerusalem on Thursday morning. Five other Israelis were wounded.

Three terrorists exited their car and began shooting. They were shot dead security forces.

The wounded Israelis were taken to Hadassah-University Medical Center and Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Cpl. Avraham Fetena, 20, from Haifa, died in the terrorist attack, the IDF reported. The security forces had prevented a major terrorist attack, Israel Police Jerusalem District Cmdr. Doron Turgeman said.

Israel Police prevented a ‘mass slaughter in Jerusalem’

“Axes and a lot of ammunition were found in the terrorists’ vehicle,” he said. “They were probably planning to carry out a more significant operation in Jerusalem, but we killed them before they could.”

Police confiscated two pistols and an M-16 assault rifle from the terrorists.

“We quickly arrived at the scene and saw four wounded people lying there with gunshot wounds,” a Magen David Adom paramedic said. “One of them, a young man about 20 years old, was unconscious with gunshot wounds to his upper body. We gave him medical treatment and quickly evacuated him to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

“Three others who were wounded were treated at the same time – a 20-year-old woman and a 32-year-old man who suffered gunshot wounds to their limbs. They were fully conscious and their condition was defined as satisfactory. We evacuated two more wounded with minor wounds. In addition, we also treated several victims of anxiety.”

Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack and said it had been carried out by Izzadin al-Qassam, its so-called armed wing.

The Hamas terrorists were identified by the security forces as Abed al-Qadr al-Qawasmi, 26, from Hebron, the son of senior Hamas terrorist Abdullah al-Qawasmi, who was killed in 2003; and Hassan Mamon Kapisha, whose father was deported to Turkey in 2011.
Later, the Hamas terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it had been carried out by their armed wing, Al-Qassam Brigade in the West Bank.

The Hamas-affiliated terrorists were later identified by security forces as 26-year-old Hebron resident Abed al-Qadr al-Qawasmi, the son of a senior Hamas terrorist Abdullah al-Qawasmi who was killed in 2003, and Hassan Mamon Kapisha, whose father was deported to Turkey in 2011.
The identity of the third terrorist had not yet been verified, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Analysis — Promised Land: The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel’s Quest For The Land

As a result of their increased awareness that God would restore a glorious kingdom to Israel, many believers in England began contributing money to the cause of restoring Israel to the Land.

The ability of pastors, theologians, and believers to read the Bible in their own language fueled the resurgence of beliefs in Jesus’ thousand-year reign and the restoration of a kingdom to Israel. Though the Reformers did not go there, it was their two principles of Bible interpretation, listed below, that led to the revival in Premillennialism in England and elsewhere four hundred years ago.

  1. Sola Scriptura: our beliefs and practices must some solely from the Bible and nowhere else
  2. Scripture interprets Scripture: the clear passages of God’s Word must guide us in discerning the meaning of those less clear because it’s impossible for Scripture to contradict itself.

With the above understanding and the availability of Scripture, passages such as Ezekiel 36:22-37 and 37:15-28 came alive once again. There the Prophet Ezekiel paints a vivid picture of Israel’s glorious future, one that remains unfulfilled. Perhaps it was passages such as this that led to the awareness in long-ago England that God intended to bring His people back to the Land.

Menasseh ben Israel contributed to this awakening among theologians. As Premillennialism surged among the British saints, he helped them understand what it signified for Israel and their return to the Land God promised to them. This, it should be noted, was almost two hundred years before the birth of John Darby.

The saints in early seventeenth-century England believed what they read in the Old Testament regarding the restoration of Israel and believed without seeing any evidence that it would happen.

Does not the faith of those in the early 1600s in England testify against those today who do not believe what Scripture says about Israel’s right to the Land even after Israel’s miraculous reappearing as a nation? I think so.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Body Of Female Hostage Recovered By IDF In Structure Adjacent To Shifa Hospital

After being abducted on October 7 by the terrorist organization Hamas, the body of Yehudit Weiss was recovered from a structure adjacent to the Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The IDF troops extracted the body of Yehudit back to Israeli territory. In addition to the deceased woman, military equipment including Kalashnikov rifles and RPG’s were also found in the location.

The 64 year-old cancer patient was abducted from her home in Be’eri on October 7 by the Hamas terrorist organization, after murdering her husband Shmulik and over a thousand others during an infiltration that led to the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

IDF and Israel Police representatives on Thursday informed the family of Yehudit Weiss, adding “heartfelt condolences to the family” in a statement.

“The national task before our eyes is to locate the missing and return the abducted persons home,” the IDF said in the statement.

“The IDF is operating alongside and in full coordination with the relevant national and security institutions in order to pursue these tasks. We will not cease from the mission until it will be completed,” the statement concluded.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Brainwashed And Weaponized: Evidence Finds Children as Young as 10 Took Part in Hamas's Oct. 7 Terror Attack

Eran Smilansky, a 28-year-old potato farmer, watched Gazan children go from house to house in his kibbutz on Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists followed. The boys laughed as the gunmen shot or dragged away Israeli families.

“They were like young, young kids,” said Smilansky, who defended his home from terrorists for more than six hours that day. “They were going in front of the terrorists, laughing with their friends and looking very calm.”

Smilansky was one of a dozen survivors of the Nir Oz massacre who told the Washington Free Beacon they witnessed boys or women from the Gaza Strip looting the kibbutz, helping the armed terrorists, and apparently enjoying themselves. The youngest children were around 10 years old, according to several of the survivors, one of whom provided photographs of some of the women and children he saw. The survivors spoke at a hotel in Eilat, Israel’s Red Sea resort town, where most of them have been temporarily relocated.

While the involvement of Gazan children and women in Hamas’s terrorist attack is not widely understood, evidence exists in the public domain. An online video of a 12-year-old Israeli boy’s abduction from Nir Oz, Israel, appears to show a Gazan boy of about the same age accompanying the kidnappers. Boys were among the mob of Gazans recorded crossing into Israel after Hamas terrorists breached the border. And a Hamas-linked Associated Press stringer photographed a Gazan boy entering Kfar Aza, a kibbutz about 15 miles north of Nir Oz.

Hamas has used its nearly two decades of rule over Gaza to weaponize a generation of Palestinians against the Jewish state, according to analysts. In addition to the children, hundreds of ordinary Gazans, including teenagers, joined in Hamas’s bloody rampage across southern Israeli communities, the Free Beacon reported.

“Hamas directed the education system, the media, and the religious institutions to brainwash children, who make up half of Gaza’s 2.2-million-person population,” Michael Milshtein, the head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center of Tel Aviv University, told the Free Beacon. “Israelis got their first up-close look at this Palestinian Gen Z on Oct. 7.”

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

The Guardian Removes Osama bin Laden's Antisemitic ‘Letter to America’ After It Goes Viral

The Guardian removed Osama bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America” this week as the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, went viral after being unearthed by social media users.

The left-wing outlet had the anti-American and antisemitic letter published on its website since 2002 and was the first Google search result when searching for the document. But the publication deleted bin Laden’s letter amid a sudden spike in traffic.

A spokesperson for The Guardian told Fox News Digital, “The transcript published on our website 20 years ago has been widely shared on social media without the full context. Therefore we have decided to take it down and direct readers to the news article that originally contextualized it instead.”

The Guardian declined additional comment.

The 9/11 attacks killed nearly 3,000 people, with many thousands more injured and suffering from long-term illnesses, after Islamic terrorists crashed four hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania; the latter was forced down by heroic passengers. In the letter to the American people translated in English, bin Laden justified al-Qaeda’s attacks against the U.S. because “you attacked us” and “you attacked us in Palestine.”

“Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation,” bin Laden alleged.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Massachusetts Town Hoists Palestinian Flag Over Public Park

A Massachusetts town will fly the Palestinian flag over a public park for a month despite heated disagreement among residents.

The town of North Andover, about 25 miles north of Boston, on Monday approved a proposal to fly the Palestinian flag on the flagpole of the North Andover Town Common park.

The black, white, green, and red flag of the Palestinian Liberation Organization was hoisted on the park’s flagpole to fly below both the American flag and the POW/MIA (missing in action and prisoners of war) flag.

The flag is scheduled to remain flying in the park from Tuesday morning until December 7.

Dozens of people showed up at Monday’s Select Board meeting to express their opinions on raising the Palestinian flag. During the hour of public comment, residents spoke both in favor of and against flying the flag.

“It’s a big deal for us to see the Palestinian flag that many of us think represents the attempted genocide of the Jewish people,” Rabbi Idan Irelander said,  according to WHDH. “It basically represents Hamas, since they are the elected ruling party in Gaza.”

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Rashida Tlaib Revealed To Be A Member Of Facebook Group Which Praised Hamas After Massacre

Palestinian Arab American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi) is a member of a secret Facebook group that glorified the Hamas terrorist organization following the massacre of over 1,200 Israelis on October 7, Fox News reported.

According to the report, Tlaib is a member of the Palestinian American Congress group on Facebook, a group that is hidden from non-members. The group was founded by Maher Abdel-qader, an activist with ties to Tlaib and other left-wing politicians in the US who has a history of antisemitic social media posts, including Holocaust denial.

One post on the group’s page on October 12, five days after the massacre, read: “We don’t want to throw you in the sea…we want you to ride it back from where you came.” The post included a photograph of an elderly woman kidnapped by Hamas with one of her captors.

Another post from October 19 extolled the “achievements” of Hamas in killing IDF soldiers and wounding of Israeli civilians.

On October 10, one member wrote: “Yesterday I didn’t see Hamas I saw the grand kids (sic) of the refugees that ethnically cleansed from their homeland attacking the grand kids (sic) of the colonists whom sent them to diaspora.”

Tlaib has been a member of the group for six years and posted to it in 2018 during her first election campaign.

Last week, the House of Representatives voted to censure Tlaib after she posted a video of anti-Israel rallies which included the genocidal chant “from the river to the sea” and presented the anti-Israel demonstrators chanting the slogan as representative of the American people.

Tlaib has attempted to claim that the chant is merely an “aspirational” call for freedom when it has historically been used by Hamas and its supporters as a call for the complete destruction of the State of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants.

Tlaib has accused Israel of genocide in its response to the massacre of October 7 and has refused to condemn Hamas for the massacre despite being asked multiple times. She has also spread the blood libel that Israel was responsible for the bombing of a hospital in Gaza that was proven to have been caused by a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket, and spread conspiracy theories to dismiss the proof that Israel did not bomb the hospital.

arutz sheva

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Netanyahu Lambasts Trudeau After Canadian PM Claims Israel Must Stop ‘Killing Babies’ In Gaza

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday urged Israel to stop “this killing of women, of children, of babies” in the Gaza Strip, drawing a rebuke from his Israeli counterpart.

During a news conference, Trudeau lamented the “heart-wrenching” situation in Gaza and said, “The price of justice cannot be the continued suffering of all Palestinian civilians.”

“Even wars have rules. All innocent life is equal in worth — Israeli and Palestinian,” he said.

The Canadian PM called on Israel to “exercise maximum restraint” while fighting against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, saying “the world is watching.”

“We’re hearing the testimonies of doctors, family members, survivors, kids who have lost their parents,” Trudeau said. “The world is witnessing this killing of women, of children, of babies.”

“This has to stop.”

Responding to Trudeau, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “it is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust.”

“While Israel is doing everything to keep civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep them in harm’s way,” Netanyahu wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Israel provides civilians in Gaza humanitarian corridors and safe zones, Hamas prevents them from leaving at gunpoint.”

“It is Hamas not Israel that should be held accountable for committing a double war crime – targeting civilians while hiding behind civilians.”

Netanyahu also said “the forces of civilization must back Israel in defeating Hamas barbarism.”

Trudeau’s comments echoed remarks made over the weekend by French President Emmanuel Macron, who told the BBC there was “no justification” for Israel’s alleged bombing of “these babies, these ladies, these old people” and said “there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.” He also reiterated a call for a ceasefire in Gaza — which Israel has rejected as handing victory to the Hamas terror group.

Macron was strongly criticized by Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, with the prime minister saying the French president had “made a serious mistake, factually and morally,” in his allegations against Israel.

“We can do without the moral preaching,” Netanyahu added.

France later sought to mitigate the controversy, with a French diplomatic source telling media that Macron “never implied and does not think that Israeli forces are deliberately targeting civilians. He has been consistently qualifying Hamas’s use of hostages or civilian population as unacceptable blackmail.”

The source reiterated Macron’s condemnation of the October 7 Hamas attack, while also asserting his wish that more be done to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

President Isaac Herzog also said Macron called him to stress he “does not and did not intend to accuse Israel of intentionally harming innocent civilians in the campaign against the terrorist organization Hamas.

times of israel

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Franklin Graham Visits Gaza Border Communities, Commits To Providing Armored Ambulances To Israel

Franklin Graham, President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, visited the Gaza border on Tuesday as teams from the international relief organization continue their work to help communities at the epicenter of the Hamas massacre attack last month.

“I’m in Israel, and today we drove up to the Gaza border, visiting several kibbutzim, one where 130 residents were killed and 26 taken hostage in the October 7 Hamas invasion,” Graham explained on Social media.

“Now, there are only IDF soldiers there, but I met a young woman who was just able to come back for the first time since the attack to get some things from her home. She and her two small children had hidden inside their home and survived,” he described. “Her husband, Daniel, was a medical doctor who had rushed off during the emergency to help treat injured patients at the nearby clinic where he worked. While he was working to save lives, the terrorists shot their way into the clinic, and he and nearly every other person there were killed—only one or two people escaped alive. She told me that he was the love of her life.”

“There are countless untold stories of grief, heartbreak, horror, and trauma,” he lamented, adding that Samaritan’s Purse teams are working in the region to help survivors.

One of the ways the relief organization is “helping in Jesus’ name” is by replacing ambulances that Hamas terrorists targeted and destroyed during the brutal attack.

“A few days ago we committed to replacing 14 ambulances for Magen David Adom, Israel’s first response service. These life-saving vehicles had been destroyed by Hamas in the October 7 attack. Yesterday I met with their teams and leadership, saw their need, and told them Samaritan’s Purse would provide 7 more ambulances—for a total of 21—but these will be armored, to provide additional protection for their medics and patients,” Graham announced on Wednesday. “They shared their deep appreciation for the help and the prayers in this their time of great need.”

“I know that the people of Israel would appreciate your prayers for them as they go through this trial by fire. It’s so difficult and so hard. So many people have lost loved ones,” Graham said. “The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by the crisis in Israel.”

hd staff

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

IDF Enters Shifa Hospital As Battle Rages Deep In Gaza Strip

The IDF is currently undergoing operations on Al-Shifa Hospital early Wednesday morning, according to an IDF statement.

“Based on intelligence information and an operational necessity, IDF forces are carrying out a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area in the Al-Shifa Hospital,” the IDF statement said.

“The IDF forces include medical teams and Arabic speakers, who have undergone specified training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians,” the statement continued.

“The operation was preceded by an effort to evacuate the hospital from the sick and homeless and even opened a special passageway from it. The hospital management was informed ahead of time about the (IDF) entrance to the complex… Incubators, medical equipment, and baby food are expected to be transferred to the hospital,” the statement continued.

Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson warned early Wednesday morning of a potential Israeli raid on the enclave’s Al Shifa hospital complex, saying Israel informed Gaza health officials that its forces would raid the facility – something the IDF statement seemed to confirm.

Al-Shifa Hospital’s Terror Infrastructure

United States National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters aboard Air Force One on Tuesday that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have used some Gaza hospitals to store weapons, hold hostages, and are prepared to fight the IDF from medical facilities.

“We have information that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad used some hospitals in the Gaza Strip including Al-Shifa and tunnels underneath them to conceal and to support their military operations and to hold hostages,” Kirby said.

“Hamas and the PIJ members operate a command and control node from Al-Shifa in Gaza City. They have stored weapons there and they are prepared to respond to an Israeli military operation against that facility,” Kirby continued.

Jerusalem Post

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Ten Areas Where We Can See God’s Intervention Amid War In Israel

Shalom from Israel, a land where God’s hand continues to move in marvelous ways! It has certainly been a dark time in my country, likely the darkest since its inception in 1948. I, and most of my fellow citizens, have been deeply immersed in all the reports of the horrors that took place on October 7, 2023, and in the ensuing chaos. When there is so much bad news, it is easy to lose the truth that there is good news, also. How do I know there is good news? Because I know that God is at work. And where He works, He carries out His plans and accomplishes His will. Because He is the loving, almighty Creator who is filled with grace, mercy, and justice, I know that He has not turned a blind eye toward Israel. It is just the opposite. The truth that the Jews are His chosen people and Israel is His chosen land tells me that He is intimately involved in what is happening in this country each and every day.

All we need to do is look, and we will see Him. We’ve seen where the enemy’s hand has been with all the murder and kidnapping and terror that occurred. Now it’s time to stop and point out what is more important. Where can we see the hand of God?

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Jeremy Corbyn Refuses To Call Hamas A Terror Group In Tense Exchange With Piers Morgan

“Piers Morgan Uncensored” host Piers Morgan repeatedly pressed UK member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn to label Hamas a terrorist organization during a heated exchange on Monday.

“Are Hamas a terror group? Yes or no?” Morgan asked Corbyn in a verbal battle that has since gone viral online. “I’ve asked you two questions: should Hamas stay in power and are they a terror group. You’re refusing to answer either of them. That is very telling. And you wonder why people believe you had a problem with Jewish people.”

“That is not very telling at all!” Corbyn yelled back. “What is very telling is your inability to keep quiet for 30 seconds to allow anyone to answer a question.”

“On my show, I ask people questions,” Morgan responded. “Normally they answer them.”

“No you don’t, you shout at people,” Corbyn said back.

“Only when they don’t answer the question,” Morgan said.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

At 290,000-Strong, March For Israel In DC Is ‘Largest Pro-Israel Gathering In History’

“We have indeed made history today with over 290,000 of us gathered here on the National Mall. This is the largest pro-Israel gathering in history,” William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told attendees of the March for Israel on the National Mall in Washington on Tuesday.

Daroff, whose organization represents 50 member groups, added that another 250,000 watched the march on livestream and on C-SPAN.

He added that bus drivers refused to transport 900 participants from the Detroit Federation, who arrived at Dulles Airport, when the drivers learned they were going to a pro-Israel event.

“Look what we can do in just over a week. Imagine what we can do,” said Eric Fingerhut, president and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, which represents 146 Federations.

“Today’s crowd brings together every sector of American life… to say together with unity and strength, ‘We support Israel’s fight to rid itself of the terror threat and restore safety and security to its people,’” Fingerhut said.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

'It’s Best Not To Be Visibly Jewish,' Students Say Amid Antisemitic Wave On Canadian Campuses

Canadian Jewish students are speaking out against the concerning rise in antisemitism that has plagued Canada’s college and university campuses following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

As reported by True North, various antisemitic incidents have taken place on campuses, including vile anti-Zionist statements, posters of kidnapped Israelis being torn down, violent Islamist graffiti as well as physical confrontations.

At Concordia University, three people were injured and one was arrested after a brawl broke out between students protesting the Israel-Hamas war. One woman, who uses “they/them” pronouns, was accused of calling a someone a “k*ke” (an antisemitic slur), while a University of Montreal professor present at the rally told a student to “go back to Poland, sharmouta (wh*re in Arabic).”

At Western University and McMaster University, pro-Palestinian students were recorded ripping down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, while at the University of Calgary, a public washroom was vandalized with violent antisemitic Islamist graffiti.

Other instances include three student unions at York University co-signing a statement praising “necessary” Hamas terrorism against “so-called” Israel, a York University   instructor boycotting classes to protest the school’s condemnation of Hamas, as well as multiple woke professors voicing support for Palestinian “Anti-Colonial resistance.”

Adam Dober, a political science student at the University of British Columbia, has been wearing a Kippah on campus since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack – a decision that has come with consequences.

“Being a visibly unknown Jewish person on campus has definitely increased the frequency with which I encounter glares, odd side comments, and stuff like that,” he said. “I’ve had people yell ‘free Palestine’ at me.”

“I do not feel comfortable identifying as Jewish or Israeli in certain class contexts because there are some departments of this university that are overtly hostile to Israel,” he added. “There are some spaces on campus, progressive, social justice oriented spaces where I’m basically a persona non grata. I’m not even welcome into the room.”

Micheal Mandel, a political science and Jewish studies student at York University, echoed Dober’s concerns.

“It’s very provoking, and makes me feel very unsafe, and uncomfortable” said Mandel regarding the recent antisemitic activity on his campus.

He added that while he has not been the subject of antisemitic harassment, some of his friends have. “Some of my close friends have been called antisemitic slurs for their faces, and have experienced antisemitism either from professors or other students.”

He says one of his friends, who wears a Kippah, was harassed by a group of anti-Zionist students while using the university gym.

“For safety reasons, it’s best not to be visibly Jewish,” said Mandel. “Some of my friends have bought weapons, like pocket knives or beer spray” amid fears of being attacked.

Mandel also called out his student union for praising “necessary” Hamas terrorism, and believes it would be best for York University to de-ratify the student group.

“We need a new slate of students who will be accepting of people from all races and religions, and who won’t target Jews for what’s going on in Israel or condemn them for having their own state.”

Richard Robertson of B’nai Brith Canada, a Jewish advocacy group, says the current situation on campuses is heartbreaking and should be of great concern to Canadians.

“It is essential to the continued growth of our democracy that all students feel welcomed on Canadian campuses,” he said in a statement to True North

He is calling on universities and politicians to “work proactively to confront the incitement that is facilitating the drastic rise in antisemitism being experienced by Jewish students in Canada.”

“It is incumbent upon them to ensure that all Jewish students are furnished with a safe space conducive of their academic success.”

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

UN Delays Humanitarian Zone To Avoid Aligning With Israel

United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths is delaying the opening of a humanitarian zone in the Gaza Strip so as not to be seen as supporting Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, according to Channel 12 News.

According to the report, Israel is pushing heavily for the UN to support the humanitarian zone declared in southern Gaza, to which an estimated 900,000 civilians have been evacuated.

The UN is delaying the process, and it has recently become clear that the reason for this is not the benefit of the Gazans but the image of the UN.

Israel is meanwhile allowing for the construction of two field hospitals, one by Turkey and the UAE. Another such field hospital has already been built by Jordan.

The IDF is also allowing the injured to leave the Gaza Strip to Egypt, or any other country granting them access.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Hamas Hid Hostages Under Rantisi Hospital, IDF Reveals In Gaza

IDF Chief Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari revealed late Monday night an underground Hamas command center under the Rantisi Hospital which not only contained suicide vests, rocket-propelled grenades, and a variety of weapons but also signs, such as baby bottles, that Hamas had held Israeli hostages there.

He said there was evidence and independent separate intelligence that Hamas terrorists had returned directly to the hospital after their attacks and mass murders of Israelis on October 7.

Next, he noted that an IDF robot found additional terror tunnels, including electricity being siphoned off from the hospital for use by the terrorists underground.

A video showed the basement of the hospital which showed a location disconnected from the rest of the hospital where the significant terror explosives and armaments were kept.

Hagari showed a motorcycle with a bullet hole inside it and items connected to one of the hostages in the vicinity of the motorcycle.

One of the chairs showed ropes and other items indicating that a hostage had been held there.

A baby bottle and other baby materials were found which the IDF said were connected to a hostage baby. There were also improvised toilets, which Hagari said was infrastructure to hold hostages.

A list on a board marked the days since October 7, possibly indicating when the terrorists left, likely with hostages.

He said he was not sure if the terrorists used the evacuation to escape or used additional networks of underground tunnels.


Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Analysis — Will This Time Of War In Israel Pave The Way For A Time Of Counterfeit Peace?

Last month, Prime Minister Netanyahu quoted the book of Ecclesiastes, declaring, “The Bible says there’s a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war.” He’s dead right about that. Israel’s most important priority right now is to defeat and displace Hamas. That is the predicate for any future lasting peace in the Middle East.

This may seem like a very strange time to talk about peace in the Middle East. Yet some experts are saying that this current war will actually pave the way for an expanded peace.

It’s an ironic twist. Iran unleashed Hamas, many believe, to torpedo and derail the peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Yet some are saying that, in the end, this may ultimately accelerate that process.

The Bible tells us that the event that starts the coming seven-year tribulation period, the time of Jacob’s trouble, is a covenant that the Antichrist, the final world ruler, will make with many in the land of Israel.

We know it will involve some kind of peace agreement, because Daniel 9:27 describes the covenant allowing Israel sovereignty, the rebuilding of a temple, and the renewing of their sacrifices on the temple mount. For that to happen, there has to be a peace guarantee.

Daniel 9:27 says, “And he [this coming prince/Antichrist] shall confirm the covenant with many for one week [seven years]…”

Many looking at what’s happening today are saying that when the chaos and conflict are finally over, people will be clamoring and yearning for peace, and it will make peace even more likely than before.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Israeli Soldiers Pictured in Hamas Parliament: 'Hamas Has Lost Control Of Gaza'

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were pictured alongside Israeli flags in the Palestinian parliament building in Gaza City on Monday, which has been controlled by Hamas since 2007.

The photo of the IDF’s Golani Brigade within the Hamas Parliament comes amid a large-scale ground offensive in Gaza in response to Hamas’ October 7th massacre, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in a statement on Monday, announced that “Hamas has lost control of Gaza,” adding that “terrorists are fleeing south, civilians are looting Hamas bases.”

The people of Gaza, he stressed, “don’t have faith in the [Hamas] government anymore.”

“There is no power of Hamas capable of stopping the IDF,” Gallant stated, “The IDF is advancing to every point.”

The Parliament building, now seized by Israel, is located on Omar Al-Mukhtar, the main street of Gaza City where Yoav Gallant stated last week, was home to “the biggest terror base mankind has ever built.”

Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman Newscast, reported on today’s developments in Gaza.

“Israeli soldiers have taken control of the Parliament in Gaza today, hoisting the Israeli flag there in victory,” he explained. “Gallant says that Hamas is in disarray, fleeing south. They have lost control. Gaza right now is split in half, which is a pretty ingenious maneuver and strategy by the Israeli defense forces. They have isolated northern Gaza, which is obviously home to Gaza City, Hamas’ main power base.”

“By the grace of God, Israel is making large gains,” Stakelbeck described. “The IDF, I think it is indisputable, is making great gains in Gaza and at an even quicker place with fewer casualties than were expected at the outset.”


Day 38 — Monday, November 13

US Forces Attacked 4 More Times Since Airstrikes That Killed 6 Iranian Fighters

U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria have weathered 52 attacks since Oct. 17 from Iran-backed terrorist groups in the region, the Pentagon announced Monday.

Ten of the attacks have hit the bases since the U.S. launched airstrikes agaisnt a terrorist weapons depot in Syria on Nov. 8. No deaths have been reported in any of the 52 attacks, though there have been multiple minor injuries.

The most recent attacks came after the U.S. killed at least six Iran-backed fighters with airstrikes in Syria this weekend. It is the first time since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict that the U.S. has taken action against Iran-backed personnel.

The U.S. has deployed extensive military assets to the region, including carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean and near Iran in an attempt to prevent the conflict from widening.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Samaritan's Purse Provides Ambulances and Other Life-Saving Support In Israel

When Hamas attacked Israel in early October, Samaritan’s Purse immediately deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team. Now, we are supporting church partners—meeting the emergency needs of innocent civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.

Samaritan’s Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with 14 new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. We are also sending hundreds of life-saving trauma supply kits to Israel. Each trauma bag will be packed with essential medical supplies—including a combat application torniquet, chest tube kit, suture kit, and intubation kit—to save lives in the event of further attacks. These bags will be strategically positioned with first responders throughout communities at high risk for future rocket attacks to increase the speed of emergency medical care.

“Innocent families are suffering in Israel and Gaza as a result of the war, and many lives have been lost because they haven’t been able to reach medical care fast enough,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “This is why we are committed to replacing ambulances that Hamas destroyed and sending trauma kits. We are also partnering with more than 50 local churches on the ground to provide emergency relief like hot meals and food boxes. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as the Bible instructs us.”

Samaritan’s Purse has provided hygiene kits, 5,900 food vouchers, 300 food boxes, and 3,800 hot meals for internally displaced families in Israel. In addition to these supplies, the organization has provided medical equipment, including defibrillators to search and rescue teams.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Hamas Planned To Push October 7 Massacre To The West Bank Border — Report

Hamas’s original plan for October 7 went beyond just a massacre in the Gaza border area and taking hundreds of hostages, but to continue their assault up to the border with the West Bank, The Washington Post reported Sunday, citing Western and Middle Eastern security officials briefed on collected evidence.

This information was obtained from numerous maps, notes, supplies, and other written instructions found among the bodies of dead Hamas terrorists in the Gaza border area, as well as from interrogations of Hamas captives.

“We know from interrogations that Hamas came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which soldiers in different places,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained to The Washington Post.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists executed a meticulously planned mass infiltration of Israel, under the cover of a heavy rocket bombardment. There, they managed to wreak havoc on at least 22 Israeli towns and military outposts near the Gaza border throughout the day, killing around 1,200 Israelis and abducting hundreds of people to bring back to Gaza as hostages. 

The farthest the Hamas terrorists were able to infiltrate was the city of Ofakim in the Western Negev, around halfway between Gaza and the West Bank.

However, according to the Washington Post article, the evidence suggests they were planning on going much farther, hitting major cities and military bases, and could have ended up making it to the West Bank, where Hamas has allies in the form of many local armed Palestinian terrorist cells.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Analysis — Planet Earth Is Armed To The Teeth… And The Word Of The Day Is ‘Escalation’

The trigger on a gun need not be large for the gun to be deadly. The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and only 7.5 miles wide at its widest point. The Gaza trigger has been pulled. We do not yet know the damage it will cause. So far, escalation seems to be the word of the hour. Gaza’s war has already escalated beyond the Middle East — drawing in Russia, China, Europe, and the United States. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and you will be praying for peace on earth.

On Thursday, October 26th, three men met in Moscow. The least credentialed of the three was by far the most important, at least for now. He is Musa Abu Marzouk, an engineer educated in the United States, who became a key leader of Hamas. If the terror group had a Secretary of State, it would be Marzouk. He met with the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and Iran. Their stated purpose was to discuss Hamas’s continuing war with Israel.

According to Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran will one day lead a coalition of nations in a massive assault against Israel. God will intervene on Israel’s behalf — not with iron dome missile interceptors, but with His own mighty hand.

Until the Islamic revolution of 1978-79, Russia (then the Soviet Union) and Iran had been highly antagonistic. That began to change with the revolution. The relationship grew much stronger during this century with Vladimir Putin in charge of Russia. As the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran has been the target of many sanctions from the United Nations, the United States, and others. But Putin’s Russia continued to trade with Iran, severely limiting the sanctions’ impact. Russia and Iran now maintain close military and economic ties.

At the end of the meeting, Marzouk said of Hamas, “We look at Russia as our closest friend.”

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

Soldiers Find Arabic Copy Of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Inside Children’s Room In Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found an Arabic copy of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — in a children’s room at a home inside Gaza — as its forces continue to root out Hamas terrorists inside the territory.

President Isaac Herzog first revealed the discovered book during an interview with the BBC and showed that terrorists had written various notes in Arabic and highlighted passages in the book.

“IDF forces discovered a copy of Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ — translated into Arabic — in a child’s bedroom used as a Hamas terrorist base in Gaza,” the IDF said on X. “The book was discovered among the personal belongings of one of the terrorists, featuring annotations and highlights.”

“Hamas embraces the ideology of Hitler, the one responsible for the annihilation of the Jewish people,” the IDF added.

During World War II, Hitler met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who Palestinians see as one of the fathers of Palestinian nationalism, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin.

During the meeting, al-Husseini conveyed to Hitler that he was “admired by the entire Arab world” because “of the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially the Palestinian cause,” according to an official German record of the meeting. He told Hitler that the Arabs were natural friends with Nazi Germany because they both hated Jews.

Hitler told al-Husseini that Germany’s war against the Jews was “uncompromising” and that he actively opposed “the Jewish national home in Palestine” because he claimed it was “nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests.”

Tens of thousands of Muslims also fought for Germany during WWII as Nazi Germany “made significant attempts to promote an alliance with the ‘Muslim world’ against their alleged common enemies,” according to a report from German public state-owned international broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Today, there are multiple schools in the Palestinian territories — both in Gaza and in the Judea and Samaria Area — that have been named after Nazi collaborators, according to a report from Palestinian Media Watch.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement has also posted the covers of anti-Semitic children’s books from Nazi Germany on their social media pages.

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

IDF Kills Hamas Commander Who Held Hospital Patients Hostage

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [said] that it killed a Hamas commander who reportedly held hospital patients hostage, using them as a human shield.

“IDF aircraft just struck Ahmed Siam, responsible for holding approximately 1,000 Gazan residents and patients hostage at the Rantisi Hospital, and preventing their evacuation southward,” the IDF posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday.

“Siam was a commander in Hamas’ Naser Radwan Company, and is another example of Hamas using civilians in Gaza as human shields for terrorist purposes,” the IDF’s post continued.

The announcement by the IDF comes on the same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel wouldn’t support a government run by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after its current conflict with the Palestinian militant group Hamas ends. The Israeli prime minister said his country will hold “overall security control” in Gaza “including the capacity to go in whenever we want to eliminate terrorists who may pop up again.”

“I will tell you what there will not be. There will not be Hamas,” Netanyahu said. “There will also not be a civil authority that educates its children to hate Israel, to kill Israelis, to eliminate the State of Israel. There cannot be an authority that pays the families of murderers [amounts] based on the number they murdered.”

“There cannot be an authority whose leader still has not condemned the terrible massacre 30 days later,” he continued, referring to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. “That cannot be.”

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

London Police Arrest 120+ Protesters After Pro-Palestinian Rally Draws Over 300,000 People

London police arrested more than 120 people Saturday night, as a pro-Palestinian rally in the city drew a crowd of over 300,000 protesters.

The Metropolitan Police released several photos of protestors on X, formerly known as Twitter, and asked social media users to help identify them for hate crime investigations.

Demonstrators were observed wearing face coverings, setting off fireworks, waving Palestinian flags and carrying anti-Israel signs. Right-wing counter-protesters also attended the event, causing skirmishes to break out.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the criminality that took place and said that police should prosecute where necessary.

“All criminality must be met with the full and swift force of the law,” Sunak said in a statement on Saturday night. “That is what I told the Met Police Commissioner on Wednesday, that is what they are accountable for and that is what I expect.”

Sunak’s statement also said that the pro-Palestinian protesters were “singing antisemitic chants and brandishing pro-Hamas signs and clothing on today’s protest.”

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Gallant To World Leaders: This Is Not 1943 — Israel Has The Means To Defend Ourselves, By Ourselves

Speaking after the premier, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant hits out at criticism of Israel over its offensive against Hamas in Gaza, in remarks that appear partly aimed at French President Emmanuel Macron.

He highlights the fate of Kfir, a 10-month-old baby from Kibbutz Nir Oz. Kfir and his family were abducted to Gaza. Gallant says he has a grandchild the same age. He worries desperately about Kfir, he says. “Who is looking after him… among those savages…? A toddler who doesn’t walk yet… We have a supreme obligation to bring the hostages home.”

In this context, he continues, “I hear some [world leaders] and ask myself and ask them: How can you be so bold as to preach morals to us at the height of combat? One thousand and five hundred soldiers, civilians, women and children were abducted or killed… It happened only a month ago. Everyone saw what happened,” Gallant says.

“I want to say to those European leaders who criticize us: the State of Israel and the people of Israel in 2023 are not in the year 1943.

“We have the means and the obligation to defend ourselves, by ourselves, and that’s what we’ll do. We will not rest until we’ve carried out our mission, and carried it out so that Hamas is defeated,” he adds.

“When the war is over, there will be no terror organization called Hamas,” he vows.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Analysis — How Could God Cast Off Israel When Jesus Promises To Reign From Jerusalem?

In the gospel of Luke, we find the account of the angel Gabriel coming to Mary at God’s command. He spoke to this young virgin: “Behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (vv. 30-33).

Who was this Child who would be born to Mary? His name was Jesus, and He will be the one King of the Jews yet to rule from Jerusalem! How does He qualify for this, aside from being God’s only begotten Son? David himself was his ancestral father. To what national people group did David belong? The nation of Israel. Where will His throne be? In Jerusalem!

Through all of this we need to understand that if, as some claim, God has cast Israel off forever because of their disobedience, then Jesus would have forfeited the right to sit on David’s throne, and biblical prophecy would be a lie. Saints, God’s Word doesn’t lie, and it doesn’t change. There can be no other culmination of the history of mankind than what is foretold will happen as we approach the last of the last days.

Even now we see God protecting Israel and strengthening Judah because of His mercy. Nationally, even now He has not totally cast them aside. But there remains one unfinished piece of business regarding the Jews, Jerusalem, and Jesus. Jesus must return to the earth, this time as King, the descendant of David, who was divinely ordained to rule from Jerusalem, but who has yet to ascend to the throne. He is coming again soon! The veracity of the Scriptures regarding these events is essential when it comes to biblical integrity and infallibility, which are inseparable prophetic companions.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Gaza Resident: Israel Intel Spent Hours On Phone Warning Me, Neighbors To Evacuate

A Palestinian dentist confessed that Israeli intelligence agents spent hours on the phone with him to warn him to evacuate his area and warn others before the area was targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.

On October 19, Mahmoud Shaheen, who lived in an area that had not been yet targeted, received a phone call.

“I’m speaking with you from Israeli intelligence,” a man told him in perfect Arabic, addressing him by his name. “He told me he wanted to bomb three towers … and ordered me to evacuate the surrounding area,” Shaheen recalled to the BBC. Suspicious that the call might be fake, Shaheen asked for a warning shot to be fired. A warning shot was then fired at a nearby building.

“I asked him to ‘shoot another warning shot before you bomb,” Shaheen reportedly said. Another warning shot was fired.

Shaheen tried to stall the forthcoming attack; he said the man on the other end of the phone said he would give him time because he didn’t want anyone to die.

“Why do you want to bomb?” Shaheen said he asked, eliciting the reply, “There are some things that we see that you don’t see.”

When a nearby tower was hit, the man on the phone told Shaheen, “This is the tower that we want, stay away.” After the bombing was over, the man told him, “We’ve finished … you can go back.”

Later the same day, another man called Shaheen telling him more buildings had been targeted and warning him to tell his neighbors to evacuate again, saying, “We want you to inform people to evacuate the area.”

“He even told me, ‘Take your time. I won’t bomb unless you give me permission,’” Shaheen recalled.

Mahmoud asked the man where the neighbors should go. “He said, ‘Either take them east or west,’” he remembered. “I said, ‘To take them east will be hard, because to the east of al-Zahra is Al Mughraqa — an already unsafe area. People were already scared to go there.’”

“He told me, ‘Take them west to Palestine Street.’ I suggested the University of Palestine and he said yes.”

The IDF has released recordings of other calls made to Gaza residents urging them to evacuate buildings. “In one recording, the local resident can be heard telling the Israeli officer that Hamas was shooting at people trying to flee south,” The Times of Israel noted.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Netanyahu Responds To Macron: Only Hamas-ISIS Is Responsible For Harming Civilians

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to French President Emmanuel Macron’s comment on Israel killing civilians in Gaza. Israel’s PM stated that: “It must be remembered that Israel entered the war due to that terrorist organisation’s brutal murder of hundreds of Israelis and holding hostage more than 200 Israelis.”

He added that “While Israel does everything in its power to avoid harming civilians and urges them to leave the battle areas, Hamas – ISIS is doing all it can to prevent them from moving to safe areas and uses them as human shields.”

Netanyahu also warned that “The crimes being committed today by Hamas – ISIS in Gaza will be committed tomorrow in Paris, New York and all over the world. The leaders of the world should be condemning Hamas – ISIS, not Israel.”

In his interview to BBC released earlier on Friday, Macron said: “De facto – today, civilians are bombed – de facto. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.”

France’s President also stated that “we do share [Israel’s] pain. And we do share their willingness to get rid of terrorism. We know what terrorism means in France,” but there is “no justification” for “bombing of civilians” in Gaza.

During his solidarity visit to Israel earlier last month, Macron suggested establishing an international coalition “to fight Hamas-Isis”: “We have to renew the political process for peace, but Hamas is a terrorist group that does not represent the Palestinian people.” Back then, the French leader also stated: “I come to tell you of our solidarity, and that you have every right to defend yourself. You are not alone.”

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Anti-Israel Rioters In New York Burn Israeli Flag, Swarm And Vandalize Grand Central Station

A pro-Palestinian demonstrator set an Israeli flag on fire and stomped on it during a protest Friday in New York City.

The incident occurred during a protest that began in Columbus Circle in Manhattan where hundreds of people turned out. The person who lit the flag has their face covered with a keffiyeh.

Onlookers cheered as the flag burned.

Organizers invited those in favor of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, and those who support freedom for Palestinians.

“Gaza calls, we respond,” read an Instagram post by protest organizers. “Palestine will be free, because when we resist we win together. Ceasefire.”

Demonstrators were leading chants like, “5,6,7,8, Israel is a terror state,” FOX 5 reported.

At one point, Palestinian supporters confronted an Israel supporter, who began crying, the New York Post reported.

“Cry, b****! Cry!” a pro-Palestinian supporter said.

At Grand Central Station, rioters were seen kicking doors and breaking windows— creating chaos as some tried to break into the closed station.

Video from the protest Friday night showed one protester climbing up a streetpost to tear down American flags and United Nations flags while hoards of protesters gathered and cheered at the base.


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Day 42 — Friday, November 17

IDF Spokesperson: We Will Operate Wherever Hamas Is Located - Including Southern Gaza

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Friday evening that IDF troops located additional underground infrastructure in Shifa Hospital in Gaza, and continue to work in order to “collect all information about the hostages”.

Hagari told reporters that “anytime we have new information about the hostages, we will update the families and then the public through the media, we will not hide information from you.”

“We are determined and continue to move forward, to kill terrorists and destroy underground infrastructure and dismantle what remains of Hamas’ military infrastructure,” he stated.

Hagari was asked about the prospects of the troops entering the southern part of the Gaza Strip, and replied, “We are determined to keep moving forward. This will happen wherever Hamas is, and they are also in the southern Gaza Strip. It will happen at the best time, place and under the best conditions for the IDF.”

On the government’s decision to permit fuel to enter the Gaza Strip, Hagari said that the fuel was intended “only for humanitarian needs.” He added that “we will be monitoring this matter.”

On the situation in the northern border, the IDF Spokesperson said, “We attacked Hezbollah targets in Lebanese territory, including terrorist infrastructure, a weapons depot and a military building, in response to the shooting that caused fire to two homes in Manara and the injury of four people.”

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Palestinians In Gaza, West Bank Strongly Support Hamas, October 7 Attack

Palestinian society seems much less divided on the issue [of the October 7th massacre] compared to the rest of the world, according to a November 14 poll by the Arab World for Research and Development. When asked the leading question “How much do you support the military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance led by Hamas on October 7?” Palestinian responses showed support for the attack.

Palestinians living in the West Bank overwhelmingly answered that they supported the attack to either an extreme or “somewhat” extent (83.1%.) Only 6.9% answered that they were “extremely” or “somewhat” against the attack, and 8.4% expressed that they had no opinion either way.

Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip show a little less consensus but the overall majority supported the attack. A mass of 63.6% said that they supported the attack “extremely” or to a “somewhat” extent. A further 14.4% answered that they did not oppose or support the attack. Showing a greater rift than that of the West Bank, 20.9% of Palestinians living in Gaza opposed the attack to some degree.

A total of 75% of respondents agreed with the October 7 attack to any extent.

When asked “Do you support the solution of establishing one state or two states?” the majority (74.7%) of respondents answered that they support a single Palestinian state “from the river to the sea.” 

The support for a single Palestinian state was more commonly held by Palestinians living in the West Bank (77.7%) than Palestinians living in Gaza (70.4%.)

A total of 17.2% of respondents said they supported a two-state solution, with Palestinians in Gaza (22.7%)  supporting this solution to a greater extent than Palestinians living in the West Bank (13.3%.)

Only 5.4% of respondents said they would support a “one-state for two peoples” solution.

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Pro-Palestinian Group Shares ‘Reprehensible’ Antisemitic Map Of NYC Targets On Social Media

A pro-Palestinian activist group shared a frightening map of New York City newsrooms, businesses and landmark buildings — and called for “direct action” to “globalize intifada.”

In addition to news buildings, Within Our Lifetime, which describes itself as a Palestinian-led community organization, also called for followers to target the offices of technology companies

“Each of the locations on this map reflects the location of an office of an enemy of both the Palestinian people and colonized people all over the world. Today and beyond, these locations will be sites for popular mobilization in defense of our people,” the sickening Wednesday night post read.

“May this map serve as a call for every struggle to act in their own interest. As we do so, we uplift one another’s struggles and free Palestine from the river to the sea,” it continued, repeating the Palestine Liberation Organization mantra adopted by Hamas that calls for the eradication of Israel.

The controversial post has since been deleted.

“As Mayor Adams has said repeatedly, hate has no place in our city,” a City Hall spokesperson said. “We are continually monitoring multiple channels to identify any potential threats to New York City. The NYPD is aware of a social media post urging ‘direct action’ towards several institutions in the city and is deploying resources to protect public safety at these locations. But to be clear, threatening businesses and organizations and referring to them as the ‘enemy’ is exactly the kind of hateful rhetoric that seeks to divide New Yorkers, but it won’t work, because we are better than that.”

The group, which boasts 121,000 followers on Instagram, did not specify why the locations should be targeted, or what kind of action should be taken, but New York lawmakers have denounced the map, insisting violence is implied. Intifada is Arabic for a rebellion or uprising.

Day 42 — Friday, November 17

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Israel Is Sending A Message... Hamas Is No More

Shalom from just up the road from the Ramat David Airbase in Israel’s Northern District! It has been a very noisy month-and-a-half as jet after jet takes off heavily strapped with weapons, then later returns empty. Israel is a nation at war, and we are winning the fight. But despite my nation’s many victories over these last weeks, the fight still rages on. Hezbollah continues to threaten up north. Iran, the terrorist puppet master, has become fairly quiet, at least for them. This is likely because, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, they have recently upped their nuclear enrichment by 22 times. And around the world, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel protests are loudly and violently announcing their support of the Nazi terrorists.

Still, there are several visuals I witnessed this past week that brought a quiet joy to my heart.

I saw Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops carrying much needed medical equipment into the al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza. According to the world’s media which get its headlines directly from Hamas, there is nothing that Israelis enjoy more than bombing a hospital filled to capacity with ailing Palestinians and newborn children. What they neglect to mention is that, first, the reason the hospitals are even on the IDF’s radar is because Hamas built all their infrastructure under these human shields. Second, that the IDF gives many warnings before they attack. The Israeli military actually endangers itself by giving away the crucial element of surprise, just so innocent civilians can get to safety. Third, that the IDF attacks with precision so that they are targeting only Hamas terrorists, as much as possible. Fourth, that the Israeli military is bringing with it a massive amount of humanitarian aid, like necessary medical equipment, that the Israeli soldiers are providing to those that Hamas has purposely put in harm’s way. It is quite evident that the Israelis have far more compassion for the average Palestinian than do the terrorists of Hamas.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

IDF Chief Of Staff Says Israel Close To ‘Destroying’ Hamas’ Military System In Gaza’s North

The chief of staff for the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday credited his troops with moving closer to destroying Hamas’ “military system” amid its weeks-long campaign against the terror group.

Herzi Halevi visited soldiers on the ground inside the Gaza Strip, where he spoke of Israel’s response to Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israeli border communities.

“As the campaign move forwards, with what you have done here with these battalions, Division 36 and 252, we are quite close to destroying the (Hamas) military system that existed in the north of the Gaza Strip,” he said, according to a press release. “We will complete it, we still have some things to do, but we are getting closer.”

He said the IDF will continue its military operations and that “as much as it depends on us, area after area, we’re going to kill the commanders and kill the operatives and destroy the infrastructure.”

“You have done it excellently so far, take what you’ve learned so far – for almost three weeks, and do it even better,” Halevi added.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

IDF Soldier Murdered In Jerusalem Tunnel Terror Attack, Five Wounded

Palestinian terrorists killed a soldier at a security checkpoint on the Bethlehem bypass road south of Jerusalem on Thursday morning. Five other Israelis were wounded.

Three terrorists exited their car and began shooting. They were shot dead security forces.

The wounded Israelis were taken to Hadassah-University Medical Center and Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Cpl. Avraham Fetena, 20, from Haifa, died in the terrorist attack, the IDF reported. The security forces had prevented a major terrorist attack, Israel Police Jerusalem District Cmdr. Doron Turgeman said.

Israel Police prevented a ‘mass slaughter in Jerusalem’

“Axes and a lot of ammunition were found in the terrorists’ vehicle,” he said. “They were probably planning to carry out a more significant operation in Jerusalem, but we killed them before they could.”

Police confiscated two pistols and an M-16 assault rifle from the terrorists.

“We quickly arrived at the scene and saw four wounded people lying there with gunshot wounds,” a Magen David Adom paramedic said. “One of them, a young man about 20 years old, was unconscious with gunshot wounds to his upper body. We gave him medical treatment and quickly evacuated him to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center.

“Three others who were wounded were treated at the same time – a 20-year-old woman and a 32-year-old man who suffered gunshot wounds to their limbs. They were fully conscious and their condition was defined as satisfactory. We evacuated two more wounded with minor wounds. In addition, we also treated several victims of anxiety.”

Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack and said it had been carried out by Izzadin al-Qassam, its so-called armed wing.

The Hamas terrorists were identified by the security forces as Abed al-Qadr al-Qawasmi, 26, from Hebron, the son of senior Hamas terrorist Abdullah al-Qawasmi, who was killed in 2003; and Hassan Mamon Kapisha, whose father was deported to Turkey in 2011.
Later, the Hamas terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the attack, stating that it had been carried out by their armed wing, Al-Qassam Brigade in the West Bank.

The Hamas-affiliated terrorists were later identified by security forces as 26-year-old Hebron resident Abed al-Qadr al-Qawasmi, the son of a senior Hamas terrorist Abdullah al-Qawasmi who was killed in 2003, and Hassan Mamon Kapisha, whose father was deported to Turkey in 2011.
The identity of the third terrorist had not yet been verified, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) said.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Analysis — Promised Land: The Rabbi Who Sparked Israel’s Quest For The Land

As a result of their increased awareness that God would restore a glorious kingdom to Israel, many believers in England began contributing money to the cause of restoring Israel to the Land.

The ability of pastors, theologians, and believers to read the Bible in their own language fueled the resurgence of beliefs in Jesus’ thousand-year reign and the restoration of a kingdom to Israel. Though the Reformers did not go there, it was their two principles of Bible interpretation, listed below, that led to the revival in Premillennialism in England and elsewhere four hundred years ago.

  1. Sola Scriptura: our beliefs and practices must some solely from the Bible and nowhere else
  2. Scripture interprets Scripture: the clear passages of God’s Word must guide us in discerning the meaning of those less clear because it’s impossible for Scripture to contradict itself.

With the above understanding and the availability of Scripture, passages such as Ezekiel 36:22-37 and 37:15-28 came alive once again. There the Prophet Ezekiel paints a vivid picture of Israel’s glorious future, one that remains unfulfilled. Perhaps it was passages such as this that led to the awareness in long-ago England that God intended to bring His people back to the Land.

Menasseh ben Israel contributed to this awakening among theologians. As Premillennialism surged among the British saints, he helped them understand what it signified for Israel and their return to the Land God promised to them. This, it should be noted, was almost two hundred years before the birth of John Darby.

The saints in early seventeenth-century England believed what they read in the Old Testament regarding the restoration of Israel and believed without seeing any evidence that it would happen.

Does not the faith of those in the early 1600s in England testify against those today who do not believe what Scripture says about Israel’s right to the Land even after Israel’s miraculous reappearing as a nation? I think so.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Body Of Female Hostage Recovered By IDF In Structure Adjacent To Shifa Hospital

After being abducted on October 7 by the terrorist organization Hamas, the body of Yehudit Weiss was recovered from a structure adjacent to the Al-Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

The IDF troops extracted the body of Yehudit back to Israeli territory. In addition to the deceased woman, military equipment including Kalashnikov rifles and RPG’s were also found in the location.

The 64 year-old cancer patient was abducted from her home in Be’eri on October 7 by the Hamas terrorist organization, after murdering her husband Shmulik and over a thousand others during an infiltration that led to the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

IDF and Israel Police representatives on Thursday informed the family of Yehudit Weiss, adding “heartfelt condolences to the family” in a statement.

“The national task before our eyes is to locate the missing and return the abducted persons home,” the IDF said in the statement.

“The IDF is operating alongside and in full coordination with the relevant national and security institutions in order to pursue these tasks. We will not cease from the mission until it will be completed,” the statement concluded.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Brainwashed And Weaponized: Evidence Finds Children as Young as 10 Took Part in Hamas's Oct. 7 Terror Attack

Eran Smilansky, a 28-year-old potato farmer, watched Gazan children go from house to house in his kibbutz on Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists followed. The boys laughed as the gunmen shot or dragged away Israeli families.

“They were like young, young kids,” said Smilansky, who defended his home from terrorists for more than six hours that day. “They were going in front of the terrorists, laughing with their friends and looking very calm.”

Smilansky was one of a dozen survivors of the Nir Oz massacre who told the Washington Free Beacon they witnessed boys or women from the Gaza Strip looting the kibbutz, helping the armed terrorists, and apparently enjoying themselves. The youngest children were around 10 years old, according to several of the survivors, one of whom provided photographs of some of the women and children he saw. The survivors spoke at a hotel in Eilat, Israel’s Red Sea resort town, where most of them have been temporarily relocated.

While the involvement of Gazan children and women in Hamas’s terrorist attack is not widely understood, evidence exists in the public domain. An online video of a 12-year-old Israeli boy’s abduction from Nir Oz, Israel, appears to show a Gazan boy of about the same age accompanying the kidnappers. Boys were among the mob of Gazans recorded crossing into Israel after Hamas terrorists breached the border. And a Hamas-linked Associated Press stringer photographed a Gazan boy entering Kfar Aza, a kibbutz about 15 miles north of Nir Oz.

Hamas has used its nearly two decades of rule over Gaza to weaponize a generation of Palestinians against the Jewish state, according to analysts. In addition to the children, hundreds of ordinary Gazans, including teenagers, joined in Hamas’s bloody rampage across southern Israeli communities, the Free Beacon reported.

“Hamas directed the education system, the media, and the religious institutions to brainwash children, who make up half of Gaza’s 2.2-million-person population,” Michael Milshtein, the head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center of Tel Aviv University, told the Free Beacon. “Israelis got their first up-close look at this Palestinian Gen Z on Oct. 7.”

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

The Guardian Removes Osama bin Laden's Antisemitic ‘Letter to America’ After It Goes Viral

The Guardian removed Osama bin Laden’s infamous “Letter to America” this week as the words of the terrorist mastermind behind the attacks of September 11, 2001, went viral after being unearthed by social media users.

The left-wing outlet had the anti-American and antisemitic letter published on its website since 2002 and was the first Google search result when searching for the document. But the publication deleted bin Laden’s letter amid a sudden spike in traffic.

A spokesperson for The Guardian told Fox News Digital, “The transcript published on our website 20 years ago has been widely shared on social media without the full context. Therefore we have decided to take it down and direct readers to the news article that originally contextualized it instead.”

The Guardian declined additional comment.

The 9/11 attacks killed nearly 3,000 people, with many thousands more injured and suffering from long-term illnesses, after Islamic terrorists crashed four hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center, Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania; the latter was forced down by heroic passengers. In the letter to the American people translated in English, bin Laden justified al-Qaeda’s attacks against the U.S. because “you attacked us” and “you attacked us in Palestine.”

“Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation,” bin Laden alleged.

Day 41 — Thursday, November 16

Massachusetts Town Hoists Palestinian Flag Over Public Park

A Massachusetts town will fly the Palestinian flag over a public park for a month despite heated disagreement among residents.

The town of North Andover, about 25 miles north of Boston, on Monday approved a proposal to fly the Palestinian flag on the flagpole of the North Andover Town Common park.

The black, white, green, and red flag of the Palestinian Liberation Organization was hoisted on the park’s flagpole to fly below both the American flag and the POW/MIA (missing in action and prisoners of war) flag.

The flag is scheduled to remain flying in the park from Tuesday morning until December 7.

Dozens of people showed up at Monday’s Select Board meeting to express their opinions on raising the Palestinian flag. During the hour of public comment, residents spoke both in favor of and against flying the flag.

“It’s a big deal for us to see the Palestinian flag that many of us think represents the attempted genocide of the Jewish people,” Rabbi Idan Irelander said,  according to WHDH. “It basically represents Hamas, since they are the elected ruling party in Gaza.”

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Rashida Tlaib Revealed To Be A Member Of Facebook Group Which Praised Hamas After Massacre

Palestinian Arab American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mi) is a member of a secret Facebook group that glorified the Hamas terrorist organization following the massacre of over 1,200 Israelis on October 7, Fox News reported.

According to the report, Tlaib is a member of the Palestinian American Congress group on Facebook, a group that is hidden from non-members. The group was founded by Maher Abdel-qader, an activist with ties to Tlaib and other left-wing politicians in the US who has a history of antisemitic social media posts, including Holocaust denial.

One post on the group’s page on October 12, five days after the massacre, read: “We don’t want to throw you in the sea…we want you to ride it back from where you came.” The post included a photograph of an elderly woman kidnapped by Hamas with one of her captors.

Another post from October 19 extolled the “achievements” of Hamas in killing IDF soldiers and wounding of Israeli civilians.

On October 10, one member wrote: “Yesterday I didn’t see Hamas I saw the grand kids (sic) of the refugees that ethnically cleansed from their homeland attacking the grand kids (sic) of the colonists whom sent them to diaspora.”

Tlaib has been a member of the group for six years and posted to it in 2018 during her first election campaign.

Last week, the House of Representatives voted to censure Tlaib after she posted a video of anti-Israel rallies which included the genocidal chant “from the river to the sea” and presented the anti-Israel demonstrators chanting the slogan as representative of the American people.

Tlaib has attempted to claim that the chant is merely an “aspirational” call for freedom when it has historically been used by Hamas and its supporters as a call for the complete destruction of the State of Israel and its Jewish inhabitants.

Tlaib has accused Israel of genocide in its response to the massacre of October 7 and has refused to condemn Hamas for the massacre despite being asked multiple times. She has also spread the blood libel that Israel was responsible for the bombing of a hospital in Gaza that was proven to have been caused by a misfired Islamic Jihad rocket, and spread conspiracy theories to dismiss the proof that Israel did not bomb the hospital.

arutz sheva

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Netanyahu Lambasts Trudeau After Canadian PM Claims Israel Must Stop ‘Killing Babies’ In Gaza

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Tuesday urged Israel to stop “this killing of women, of children, of babies” in the Gaza Strip, drawing a rebuke from his Israeli counterpart.

During a news conference, Trudeau lamented the “heart-wrenching” situation in Gaza and said, “The price of justice cannot be the continued suffering of all Palestinian civilians.”

“Even wars have rules. All innocent life is equal in worth — Israeli and Palestinian,” he said.

The Canadian PM called on Israel to “exercise maximum restraint” while fighting against Hamas terrorists in Gaza, saying “the world is watching.”

“We’re hearing the testimonies of doctors, family members, survivors, kids who have lost their parents,” Trudeau said. “The world is witnessing this killing of women, of children, of babies.”

“This has to stop.”

Responding to Trudeau, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “it is not Israel that is deliberately targeting civilians but Hamas that beheaded, burned and massacred civilians in the worst horrors perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust.”

“While Israel is doing everything to keep civilians out of harm’s way, Hamas is doing everything to keep them in harm’s way,” Netanyahu wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Israel provides civilians in Gaza humanitarian corridors and safe zones, Hamas prevents them from leaving at gunpoint.”

“It is Hamas not Israel that should be held accountable for committing a double war crime – targeting civilians while hiding behind civilians.”

Netanyahu also said “the forces of civilization must back Israel in defeating Hamas barbarism.”

Trudeau’s comments echoed remarks made over the weekend by French President Emmanuel Macron, who told the BBC there was “no justification” for Israel’s alleged bombing of “these babies, these ladies, these old people” and said “there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.” He also reiterated a call for a ceasefire in Gaza — which Israel has rejected as handing victory to the Hamas terror group.

Macron was strongly criticized by Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, with the prime minister saying the French president had “made a serious mistake, factually and morally,” in his allegations against Israel.

“We can do without the moral preaching,” Netanyahu added.

France later sought to mitigate the controversy, with a French diplomatic source telling media that Macron “never implied and does not think that Israeli forces are deliberately targeting civilians. He has been consistently qualifying Hamas’s use of hostages or civilian population as unacceptable blackmail.”

The source reiterated Macron’s condemnation of the October 7 Hamas attack, while also asserting his wish that more be done to alleviate the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

President Isaac Herzog also said Macron called him to stress he “does not and did not intend to accuse Israel of intentionally harming innocent civilians in the campaign against the terrorist organization Hamas.

times of israel

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

IDF Enters Shifa Hospital As Battle Rages Deep In Gaza Strip

The IDF is currently undergoing operations on Al-Shifa Hospital early Wednesday morning, according to an IDF statement.

“Based on intelligence information and an operational necessity, IDF forces are carrying out a precise and targeted operation against Hamas in a specified area in the Al-Shifa Hospital,” the IDF statement said.

“The IDF forces include medical teams and Arabic speakers, who have undergone specified training to prepare for this complex and sensitive environment, with the intent that no harm is caused to the civilians,” the statement continued.

“The operation was preceded by an effort to evacuate the hospital from the sick and homeless and even opened a special passageway from it. The hospital management was informed ahead of time about the (IDF) entrance to the complex… Incubators, medical equipment, and baby food are expected to be transferred to the hospital,” the statement continued.

Gaza’s health ministry spokesperson warned early Wednesday morning of a potential Israeli raid on the enclave’s Al Shifa hospital complex, saying Israel informed Gaza health officials that its forces would raid the facility – something the IDF statement seemed to confirm.

Al-Shifa Hospital’s Terror Infrastructure

United States National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters aboard Air Force One on Tuesday that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad have used some Gaza hospitals to store weapons, hold hostages, and are prepared to fight the IDF from medical facilities.

“We have information that Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad used some hospitals in the Gaza Strip including Al-Shifa and tunnels underneath them to conceal and to support their military operations and to hold hostages,” Kirby said.

“Hamas and the PIJ members operate a command and control node from Al-Shifa in Gaza City. They have stored weapons there and they are prepared to respond to an Israeli military operation against that facility,” Kirby continued.

Jerusalem Post

Day 40 — Wednesday, November 15

Franklin Graham Visits Gaza Border Communities, Commits To Providing Armored Ambulances To Israel

Franklin Graham, President and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse, visited the Gaza border on Tuesday as teams from the international relief organization continue their work to help communities at the epicenter of the Hamas massacre attack last month.

“I’m in Israel, and today we drove up to the Gaza border, visiting several kibbutzim, one where 130 residents were killed and 26 taken hostage in the October 7 Hamas invasion,” Graham explained on Social media.

“Now, there are only IDF soldiers there, but I met a young woman who was just able to come back for the first time since the attack to get some things from her home. She and her two small children had hidden inside their home and survived,” he described. “Her husband, Daniel, was a medical doctor who had rushed off during the emergency to help treat injured patients at the nearby clinic where he worked. While he was working to save lives, the terrorists shot their way into the clinic, and he and nearly every other person there were killed—only one or two people escaped alive. She told me that he was the love of her life.”

“There are countless untold stories of grief, heartbreak, horror, and trauma,” he lamented, adding that Samaritan’s Purse teams are working in the region to help survivors.

One of the ways the relief organization is “helping in Jesus’ name” is by replacing ambulances that Hamas terrorists targeted and destroyed during the brutal attack.

“A few days ago we committed to replacing 14 ambulances for Magen David Adom, Israel’s first response service. These life-saving vehicles had been destroyed by Hamas in the October 7 attack. Yesterday I met with their teams and leadership, saw their need, and told them Samaritan’s Purse would provide 7 more ambulances—for a total of 21—but these will be armored, to provide additional protection for their medics and patients,” Graham announced on Wednesday. “They shared their deep appreciation for the help and the prayers in this their time of great need.”

“I know that the people of Israel would appreciate your prayers for them as they go through this trial by fire. It’s so difficult and so hard. So many people have lost loved ones,” Graham said. “The Bible tells us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please continue to pray for all of those affected by the crisis in Israel.”

hd staff

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Ten Areas Where We Can See God’s Intervention Amid War In Israel

Shalom from Israel, a land where God’s hand continues to move in marvelous ways! It has certainly been a dark time in my country, likely the darkest since its inception in 1948. I, and most of my fellow citizens, have been deeply immersed in all the reports of the horrors that took place on October 7, 2023, and in the ensuing chaos. When there is so much bad news, it is easy to lose the truth that there is good news, also. How do I know there is good news? Because I know that God is at work. And where He works, He carries out His plans and accomplishes His will. Because He is the loving, almighty Creator who is filled with grace, mercy, and justice, I know that He has not turned a blind eye toward Israel. It is just the opposite. The truth that the Jews are His chosen people and Israel is His chosen land tells me that He is intimately involved in what is happening in this country each and every day.

All we need to do is look, and we will see Him. We’ve seen where the enemy’s hand has been with all the murder and kidnapping and terror that occurred. Now it’s time to stop and point out what is more important. Where can we see the hand of God?

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Jeremy Corbyn Refuses To Call Hamas A Terror Group In Tense Exchange With Piers Morgan

“Piers Morgan Uncensored” host Piers Morgan repeatedly pressed UK member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn to label Hamas a terrorist organization during a heated exchange on Monday.

“Are Hamas a terror group? Yes or no?” Morgan asked Corbyn in a verbal battle that has since gone viral online. “I’ve asked you two questions: should Hamas stay in power and are they a terror group. You’re refusing to answer either of them. That is very telling. And you wonder why people believe you had a problem with Jewish people.”

“That is not very telling at all!” Corbyn yelled back. “What is very telling is your inability to keep quiet for 30 seconds to allow anyone to answer a question.”

“On my show, I ask people questions,” Morgan responded. “Normally they answer them.”

“No you don’t, you shout at people,” Corbyn said back.

“Only when they don’t answer the question,” Morgan said.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

At 290,000-Strong, March For Israel In DC Is ‘Largest Pro-Israel Gathering In History’

“We have indeed made history today with over 290,000 of us gathered here on the National Mall. This is the largest pro-Israel gathering in history,” William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, told attendees of the March for Israel on the National Mall in Washington on Tuesday.

Daroff, whose organization represents 50 member groups, added that another 250,000 watched the march on livestream and on C-SPAN.

He added that bus drivers refused to transport 900 participants from the Detroit Federation, who arrived at Dulles Airport, when the drivers learned they were going to a pro-Israel event.

“Look what we can do in just over a week. Imagine what we can do,” said Eric Fingerhut, president and CEO of the Jewish Federations of North America, which represents 146 Federations.

“Today’s crowd brings together every sector of American life… to say together with unity and strength, ‘We support Israel’s fight to rid itself of the terror threat and restore safety and security to its people,’” Fingerhut said.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

'It’s Best Not To Be Visibly Jewish,' Students Say Amid Antisemitic Wave On Canadian Campuses

Canadian Jewish students are speaking out against the concerning rise in antisemitism that has plagued Canada’s college and university campuses following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

As reported by True North, various antisemitic incidents have taken place on campuses, including vile anti-Zionist statements, posters of kidnapped Israelis being torn down, violent Islamist graffiti as well as physical confrontations.

At Concordia University, three people were injured and one was arrested after a brawl broke out between students protesting the Israel-Hamas war. One woman, who uses “they/them” pronouns, was accused of calling a someone a “k*ke” (an antisemitic slur), while a University of Montreal professor present at the rally told a student to “go back to Poland, sharmouta (wh*re in Arabic).”

At Western University and McMaster University, pro-Palestinian students were recorded ripping down posters of Israelis kidnapped by Hamas, while at the University of Calgary, a public washroom was vandalized with violent antisemitic Islamist graffiti.

Other instances include three student unions at York University co-signing a statement praising “necessary” Hamas terrorism against “so-called” Israel, a York University   instructor boycotting classes to protest the school’s condemnation of Hamas, as well as multiple woke professors voicing support for Palestinian “Anti-Colonial resistance.”

Adam Dober, a political science student at the University of British Columbia, has been wearing a Kippah on campus since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack – a decision that has come with consequences.

“Being a visibly unknown Jewish person on campus has definitely increased the frequency with which I encounter glares, odd side comments, and stuff like that,” he said. “I’ve had people yell ‘free Palestine’ at me.”

“I do not feel comfortable identifying as Jewish or Israeli in certain class contexts because there are some departments of this university that are overtly hostile to Israel,” he added. “There are some spaces on campus, progressive, social justice oriented spaces where I’m basically a persona non grata. I’m not even welcome into the room.”

Micheal Mandel, a political science and Jewish studies student at York University, echoed Dober’s concerns.

“It’s very provoking, and makes me feel very unsafe, and uncomfortable” said Mandel regarding the recent antisemitic activity on his campus.

He added that while he has not been the subject of antisemitic harassment, some of his friends have. “Some of my close friends have been called antisemitic slurs for their faces, and have experienced antisemitism either from professors or other students.”

He says one of his friends, who wears a Kippah, was harassed by a group of anti-Zionist students while using the university gym.

“For safety reasons, it’s best not to be visibly Jewish,” said Mandel. “Some of my friends have bought weapons, like pocket knives or beer spray” amid fears of being attacked.

Mandel also called out his student union for praising “necessary” Hamas terrorism, and believes it would be best for York University to de-ratify the student group.

“We need a new slate of students who will be accepting of people from all races and religions, and who won’t target Jews for what’s going on in Israel or condemn them for having their own state.”

Richard Robertson of B’nai Brith Canada, a Jewish advocacy group, says the current situation on campuses is heartbreaking and should be of great concern to Canadians.

“It is essential to the continued growth of our democracy that all students feel welcomed on Canadian campuses,” he said in a statement to True North

He is calling on universities and politicians to “work proactively to confront the incitement that is facilitating the drastic rise in antisemitism being experienced by Jewish students in Canada.”

“It is incumbent upon them to ensure that all Jewish students are furnished with a safe space conducive of their academic success.”

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

UN Delays Humanitarian Zone To Avoid Aligning With Israel

United Nations (UN) Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths is delaying the opening of a humanitarian zone in the Gaza Strip so as not to be seen as supporting Israel over the Palestinian Arabs, according to Channel 12 News.

According to the report, Israel is pushing heavily for the UN to support the humanitarian zone declared in southern Gaza, to which an estimated 900,000 civilians have been evacuated.

The UN is delaying the process, and it has recently become clear that the reason for this is not the benefit of the Gazans but the image of the UN.

Israel is meanwhile allowing for the construction of two field hospitals, one by Turkey and the UAE. Another such field hospital has already been built by Jordan.

The IDF is also allowing the injured to leave the Gaza Strip to Egypt, or any other country granting them access.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Hamas Hid Hostages Under Rantisi Hospital, IDF Reveals In Gaza

IDF Chief Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari revealed late Monday night an underground Hamas command center under the Rantisi Hospital which not only contained suicide vests, rocket-propelled grenades, and a variety of weapons but also signs, such as baby bottles, that Hamas had held Israeli hostages there.

He said there was evidence and independent separate intelligence that Hamas terrorists had returned directly to the hospital after their attacks and mass murders of Israelis on October 7.

Next, he noted that an IDF robot found additional terror tunnels, including electricity being siphoned off from the hospital for use by the terrorists underground.

A video showed the basement of the hospital which showed a location disconnected from the rest of the hospital where the significant terror explosives and armaments were kept.

Hagari showed a motorcycle with a bullet hole inside it and items connected to one of the hostages in the vicinity of the motorcycle.

One of the chairs showed ropes and other items indicating that a hostage had been held there.

A baby bottle and other baby materials were found which the IDF said were connected to a hostage baby. There were also improvised toilets, which Hagari said was infrastructure to hold hostages.

A list on a board marked the days since October 7, possibly indicating when the terrorists left, likely with hostages.

He said he was not sure if the terrorists used the evacuation to escape or used additional networks of underground tunnels.

Day 39 — Tuesday, November 14

Analysis — Will This Time Of War In Israel Pave The Way For A Time Of Counterfeit Peace?

Last month, Prime Minister Netanyahu quoted the book of Ecclesiastes, declaring, “The Bible says there’s a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war.” He’s dead right about that. Israel’s most important priority right now is to defeat and displace Hamas. That is the predicate for any future lasting peace in the Middle East.

This may seem like a very strange time to talk about peace in the Middle East. Yet some experts are saying that this current war will actually pave the way for an expanded peace.

It’s an ironic twist. Iran unleashed Hamas, many believe, to torpedo and derail the peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Yet some are saying that, in the end, this may ultimately accelerate that process.

The Bible tells us that the event that starts the coming seven-year tribulation period, the time of Jacob’s trouble, is a covenant that the Antichrist, the final world ruler, will make with many in the land of Israel.

We know it will involve some kind of peace agreement, because Daniel 9:27 describes the covenant allowing Israel sovereignty, the rebuilding of a temple, and the renewing of their sacrifices on the temple mount. For that to happen, there has to be a peace guarantee.

Daniel 9:27 says, “And he [this coming prince/Antichrist] shall confirm the covenant with many for one week [seven years]…”

Many looking at what’s happening today are saying that when the chaos and conflict are finally over, people will be clamoring and yearning for peace, and it will make peace even more likely than before.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Israeli Soldiers Pictured in Hamas Parliament: 'Hamas has lost control of Gaza'

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were pictured alongside Israeli flags in the Palestinian parliament building in Gaza City on Monday, which has been controlled by Hamas since 2007.

The photo of the IDF’s Golani Brigade within the Hamas Parliament comes amid a large-scale ground offensive in Gaza in response to Hamas’ October 7th massacre, which resulted in the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, in a statement on Monday, announced that “Hamas has lost control of Gaza,” adding that “terrorists are fleeing south, civilians are looting Hamas bases.”

The people of Gaza, he stressed, “don’t have faith in the [Hamas] government anymore.”

“There is no power of Hamas capable of stopping the IDF,” Gallant stated, “The IDF is advancing to every point.”

The Parliament building, now seized by Israel, is located on Omar Al-Mukhtar, the main street of Gaza City where Yoav Gallant stated last week, was home to “the biggest terror base mankind has ever built.”

Erick Stakelbeck, host of The Watchman Newscast, reported on today’s developments in Gaza.

“Israeli soldiers have taken control of the Parliament in Gaza today, hoisting the Israeli flag there in victory,” he explained. “Gallant says that Hamas is in disarray, fleeing south. They have lost control. Gaza right now is split in half, which is a pretty ingenious maneuver and strategy by the Israeli defense forces. They have isolated northern Gaza, which is obviously home to Gaza City, Hamas’ main power base.”

“By the grace of God, Israel is making large gains,” Stakelbeck described. “The IDF, I think it is indisputable, is making great gains in Gaza and at an even quicker place with fewer casualties than were expected at the outset.”


Day 38 — Monday, November 13

US Forces Attacked 4 More Times Since Airstrikes That Killed 6 Iranian Fighters

U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria have weathered 52 attacks since Oct. 17 from Iran-backed terrorist groups in the region, the Pentagon announced Monday.

Ten of the attacks have hit the bases since the U.S. launched airstrikes agaisnt a terrorist weapons depot in Syria on Nov. 8. No deaths have been reported in any of the 52 attacks, though there have been multiple minor injuries.

The most recent attacks came after the U.S. killed at least six Iran-backed fighters with airstrikes in Syria this weekend. It is the first time since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict that the U.S. has taken action against Iran-backed personnel.

The U.S. has deployed extensive military assets to the region, including carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean and near Iran in an attempt to prevent the conflict from widening.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Samaritan's Purse Provides Ambulances and Other Life-Saving Support In Israel

When Hamas attacked Israel in early October, Samaritan’s Purse immediately deployed a Disaster Assistance Response Team. Now, we are supporting church partners—meeting the emergency needs of innocent civilians who are suffering as a result of the war.

Samaritan’s Purse has committed to providing Magen David Adom with 14 new ambulances to replace the ones that were destroyed by Hamas. We are also sending hundreds of life-saving trauma supply kits to Israel. Each trauma bag will be packed with essential medical supplies—including a combat application torniquet, chest tube kit, suture kit, and intubation kit—to save lives in the event of further attacks. These bags will be strategically positioned with first responders throughout communities at high risk for future rocket attacks to increase the speed of emergency medical care.

“Innocent families are suffering in Israel and Gaza as a result of the war, and many lives have been lost because they haven’t been able to reach medical care fast enough,” said Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse. “This is why we are committed to replacing ambulances that Hamas destroyed and sending trauma kits. We are also partnering with more than 50 local churches on the ground to provide emergency relief like hot meals and food boxes. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, as the Bible instructs us.”

Samaritan’s Purse has provided hygiene kits, 5,900 food vouchers, 300 food boxes, and 3,800 hot meals for internally displaced families in Israel. In addition to these supplies, the organization has provided medical equipment, including defibrillators to search and rescue teams.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Hamas Planned To Push October 7 Massacre To The West Bank Border — Report

Hamas’s original plan for October 7 went beyond just a massacre in the Gaza border area and taking hundreds of hostages, but to continue their assault up to the border with the West Bank, The Washington Post reported Sunday, citing Western and Middle Eastern security officials briefed on collected evidence.

This information was obtained from numerous maps, notes, supplies, and other written instructions found among the bodies of dead Hamas terrorists in the Gaza border area, as well as from interrogations of Hamas captives.

“We know from interrogations that Hamas came in with detailed plans of their attack, including which commander should rape which soldiers in different places,” Defense Minister Yoav Gallant explained to The Washington Post.

On October 7, Hamas terrorists executed a meticulously planned mass infiltration of Israel, under the cover of a heavy rocket bombardment. There, they managed to wreak havoc on at least 22 Israeli towns and military outposts near the Gaza border throughout the day, killing around 1,200 Israelis and abducting hundreds of people to bring back to Gaza as hostages. 

The farthest the Hamas terrorists were able to infiltrate was the city of Ofakim in the Western Negev, around halfway between Gaza and the West Bank.

However, according to the Washington Post article, the evidence suggests they were planning on going much farther, hitting major cities and military bases, and could have ended up making it to the West Bank, where Hamas has allies in the form of many local armed Palestinian terrorist cells.

Day 38 — Monday, November 13

Analysis — Planet Earth Is Armed To The Teeth… And The Word Of The Day Is ‘Escalation’

The trigger on a gun need not be large for the gun to be deadly. The Gaza Strip is 25 miles long and only 7.5 miles wide at its widest point. The Gaza trigger has been pulled. We do not yet know the damage it will cause. So far, escalation seems to be the word of the hour. Gaza’s war has already escalated beyond the Middle East — drawing in Russia, China, Europe, and the United States. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6), and you will be praying for peace on earth.

On Thursday, October 26th, three men met in Moscow. The least credentialed of the three was by far the most important, at least for now. He is Musa Abu Marzouk, an engineer educated in the United States, who became a key leader of Hamas. If the terror group had a Secretary of State, it would be Marzouk. He met with the deputy foreign ministers of Russia and Iran. Their stated purpose was to discuss Hamas’s continuing war with Israel.

According to Ezekiel 38, Russia and Iran will one day lead a coalition of nations in a massive assault against Israel. God will intervene on Israel’s behalf — not with iron dome missile interceptors, but with His own mighty hand.

Until the Islamic revolution of 1978-79, Russia (then the Soviet Union) and Iran had been highly antagonistic. That began to change with the revolution. The relationship grew much stronger during this century with Vladimir Putin in charge of Russia. As the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran has been the target of many sanctions from the United Nations, the United States, and others. But Putin’s Russia continued to trade with Iran, severely limiting the sanctions’ impact. Russia and Iran now maintain close military and economic ties.

At the end of the meeting, Marzouk said of Hamas, “We look at Russia as our closest friend.”

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

Soldiers Find Arabic Copy Of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ Inside Children’s Room In Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found an Arabic copy of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” — in a children’s room at a home inside Gaza — as its forces continue to root out Hamas terrorists inside the territory.

President Isaac Herzog first revealed the discovered book during an interview with the BBC and showed that terrorists had written various notes in Arabic and highlighted passages in the book.

“IDF forces discovered a copy of Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ — translated into Arabic — in a child’s bedroom used as a Hamas terrorist base in Gaza,” the IDF said on X. “The book was discovered among the personal belongings of one of the terrorists, featuring annotations and highlights.”

“Hamas embraces the ideology of Hitler, the one responsible for the annihilation of the Jewish people,” the IDF added.

During World War II, Hitler met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who Palestinians see as one of the fathers of Palestinian nationalism, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin.

During the meeting, al-Husseini conveyed to Hitler that he was “admired by the entire Arab world” because “of the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially the Palestinian cause,” according to an official German record of the meeting. He told Hitler that the Arabs were natural friends with Nazi Germany because they both hated Jews.

Hitler told al-Husseini that Germany’s war against the Jews was “uncompromising” and that he actively opposed “the Jewish national home in Palestine” because he claimed it was “nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests.”

Tens of thousands of Muslims also fought for Germany during WWII as Nazi Germany “made significant attempts to promote an alliance with the ‘Muslim world’ against their alleged common enemies,” according to a report from German public state-owned international broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Today, there are multiple schools in the Palestinian territories — both in Gaza and in the Judea and Samaria Area — that have been named after Nazi collaborators, according to a report from Palestinian Media Watch.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement has also posted the covers of anti-Semitic children’s books from Nazi Germany on their social media pages.

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

IDF Kills Hamas Commander Who Held Hospital Patients Hostage

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) [said] that it killed a Hamas commander who reportedly held hospital patients hostage, using them as a human shield.

“IDF aircraft just struck Ahmed Siam, responsible for holding approximately 1,000 Gazan residents and patients hostage at the Rantisi Hospital, and preventing their evacuation southward,” the IDF posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday.

“Siam was a commander in Hamas’ Naser Radwan Company, and is another example of Hamas using civilians in Gaza as human shields for terrorist purposes,” the IDF’s post continued.

The announcement by the IDF comes on the same day Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel wouldn’t support a government run by the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after its current conflict with the Palestinian militant group Hamas ends. The Israeli prime minister said his country will hold “overall security control” in Gaza “including the capacity to go in whenever we want to eliminate terrorists who may pop up again.”

“I will tell you what there will not be. There will not be Hamas,” Netanyahu said. “There will also not be a civil authority that educates its children to hate Israel, to kill Israelis, to eliminate the State of Israel. There cannot be an authority that pays the families of murderers [amounts] based on the number they murdered.”

“There cannot be an authority whose leader still has not condemned the terrible massacre 30 days later,” he continued, referring to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. “That cannot be.”

Day 37 — Sunday, November 12

London Police Arrest 120+ Protesters After Pro-Palestinian Rally Draws Over 300,000 People

London police arrested more than 120 people Saturday night, as a pro-Palestinian rally in the city drew a crowd of over 300,000 protesters.

The Metropolitan Police released several photos of protestors on X, formerly known as Twitter, and asked social media users to help identify them for hate crime investigations.

Demonstrators were observed wearing face coverings, setting off fireworks, waving Palestinian flags and carrying anti-Israel signs. Right-wing counter-protesters also attended the event, causing skirmishes to break out.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak condemned the criminality that took place and said that police should prosecute where necessary.

“All criminality must be met with the full and swift force of the law,” Sunak said in a statement on Saturday night. “That is what I told the Met Police Commissioner on Wednesday, that is what they are accountable for and that is what I expect.”

Sunak’s statement also said that the pro-Palestinian protesters were “singing antisemitic chants and brandishing pro-Hamas signs and clothing on today’s protest.”

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Gallant To World Leaders: How Can You ‘Preach Morals' To Israel In Light Of Brutal Hamas Terrorism?

Speaking after the premier, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant hits out at criticism of Israel over its offensive against Hamas in Gaza, in remarks that appear partly aimed at French President Emmanuel Macron.

He highlights the fate of Kfir, a 10-month-old baby from Kibbutz Nir Oz. Kfir and his family were abducted to Gaza. Gallant says he has a grandchild the same age. He worries desperately about Kfir, he says. “Who is looking after him… among those savages…? A toddler who doesn’t walk yet… We have a supreme obligation to bring the hostages home.”

In this context, he continues, “I hear some [world leaders] and ask myself and ask them: How can you be so bold as to preach morals to us at the height of combat? One thousand and five hundred soldiers, civilians, women and children were abducted or killed… It happened only a month ago. Everyone saw what happened,” Gallant says.

“I want to say to those European leaders who criticize us: the State of Israel and the people of Israel in 2023 are not in the year 1943.

“We have the means and the obligation to defend ourselves, by ourselves, and that’s what we’ll do. We will not rest until we’ve carried out our mission, and carried it out so that Hamas is defeated,” he adds.

“When the war is over, there will be no terror organization called Hamas,” he vows.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Analysis — How Could God Cast Off Israel When Jesus Promises To Reign From Jerusalem?

In the gospel of Luke, we find the account of the angel Gabriel coming to Mary at God’s command. He spoke to this young virgin: “Behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end” (vv. 30-33).

Who was this Child who would be born to Mary? His name was Jesus, and He will be the one King of the Jews yet to rule from Jerusalem! How does He qualify for this, aside from being God’s only begotten Son? David himself was his ancestral father. To what national people group did David belong? The nation of Israel. Where will His throne be? In Jerusalem!

Through all of this we need to understand that if, as some claim, God has cast Israel off forever because of their disobedience, then Jesus would have forfeited the right to sit on David’s throne, and biblical prophecy would be a lie. Saints, God’s Word doesn’t lie, and it doesn’t change. There can be no other culmination of the history of mankind than what is foretold will happen as we approach the last of the last days.

Even now we see God protecting Israel and strengthening Judah because of His mercy. Nationally, even now He has not totally cast them aside. But there remains one unfinished piece of business regarding the Jews, Jerusalem, and Jesus. Jesus must return to the earth, this time as King, the descendant of David, who was divinely ordained to rule from Jerusalem, but who has yet to ascend to the throne. He is coming again soon! The veracity of the Scriptures regarding these events is essential when it comes to biblical integrity and infallibility, which are inseparable prophetic companions.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Gaza Resident: Israel Intel Spent Hours On Phone Warning Me, Neighbors To Evacuate

A Palestinian dentist confessed that Israeli intelligence agents spent hours on the phone with him to warn him to evacuate his area and warn others before the area was targeted by the Israel Defense Forces.

On October 19, Mahmoud Shaheen, who lived in an area that had not been yet targeted, received a phone call.

“I’m speaking with you from Israeli intelligence,” a man told him in perfect Arabic, addressing him by his name. “He told me he wanted to bomb three towers … and ordered me to evacuate the surrounding area,” Shaheen recalled to the BBC. Suspicious that the call might be fake, Shaheen asked for a warning shot to be fired. A warning shot was then fired at a nearby building.

“I asked him to ‘shoot another warning shot before you bomb,” Shaheen reportedly said. Another warning shot was fired.

Shaheen tried to stall the forthcoming attack; he said the man on the other end of the phone said he would give him time because he didn’t want anyone to die.

“Why do you want to bomb?” Shaheen said he asked, eliciting the reply, “There are some things that we see that you don’t see.”

When a nearby tower was hit, the man on the phone told Shaheen, “This is the tower that we want, stay away.” After the bombing was over, the man told him, “We’ve finished … you can go back.”

Later the same day, another man called Shaheen telling him more buildings had been targeted and warning him to tell his neighbors to evacuate again, saying, “We want you to inform people to evacuate the area.”

“He even told me, ‘Take your time. I won’t bomb unless you give me permission,’” Shaheen recalled.

Mahmoud asked the man where the neighbors should go. “He said, ‘Either take them east or west,’” he remembered. “I said, ‘To take them east will be hard, because to the east of al-Zahra is Al Mughraqa — an already unsafe area. People were already scared to go there.’”

“He told me, ‘Take them west to Palestine Street.’ I suggested the University of Palestine and he said yes.”

The IDF has released recordings of other calls made to Gaza residents urging them to evacuate buildings. “In one recording, the local resident can be heard telling the Israeli officer that Hamas was shooting at people trying to flee south,” The Times of Israel noted.

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Netanyahu Responds To Macron: Only Hamas-ISIS Is Responsible For Harming Civilians

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to French President Emmanuel Macron’s comment on Israel killing civilians in Gaza. Israel’s PM stated that: “It must be remembered that Israel entered the war due to that terrorist organisation’s brutal murder of hundreds of Israelis and holding hostage more than 200 Israelis.”

He added that “While Israel does everything in its power to avoid harming civilians and urges them to leave the battle areas, Hamas – ISIS is doing all it can to prevent them from moving to safe areas and uses them as human shields.”

Netanyahu also warned that “The crimes being committed today by Hamas – ISIS in Gaza will be committed tomorrow in Paris, New York and all over the world. The leaders of the world should be condemning Hamas – ISIS, not Israel.”

In his interview to BBC released earlier on Friday, Macron said: “De facto – today, civilians are bombed – de facto. These babies, these ladies, these old people are bombed and killed. So there is no reason for that and no legitimacy. So we do urge Israel to stop.”

France’s President also stated that “we do share [Israel’s] pain. And we do share their willingness to get rid of terrorism. We know what terrorism means in France,” but there is “no justification” for “bombing of civilians” in Gaza.

During his solidarity visit to Israel earlier last month, Macron suggested establishing an international coalition “to fight Hamas-Isis”: “We have to renew the political process for peace, but Hamas is a terrorist group that does not represent the Palestinian people.” Back then, the French leader also stated: “I come to tell you of our solidarity, and that you have every right to defend yourself. You are not alone.”

Day 36 — Saturday, November 11

Anti-Israel Rioters In New York Burn Israeli Flag, Swarm And Vandalize Grand Central Station

A pro-Palestinian demonstrator set an Israeli flag on fire and stomped on it during a protest Friday in New York City.

The incident occurred during a protest that began in Columbus Circle in Manhattan where hundreds of people turned out. The person who lit the flag has their face covered with a keffiyeh.

Onlookers cheered as the flag burned.

Organizers invited those in favor of a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, and those who support freedom for Palestinians.

“Gaza calls, we respond,” read an Instagram post by protest organizers. “Palestine will be free, because when we resist we win together. Ceasefire.”

Demonstrators were leading chants like, “5,6,7,8, Israel is a terror state,” FOX 5 reported.

At one point, Palestinian supporters confronted an Israel supporter, who began crying, the New York Post reported.

“Cry, b****! Cry!” a pro-Palestinian supporter said.

At Grand Central Station, rioters were seen kicking doors and breaking windows— creating chaos as some tried to break into the closed station.

Video from the protest Friday night showed one protester climbing up a streetpost to tear down American flags and United Nations flags while hoards of protesters gathered and cheered at the base.