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Israel At War: Week Five Coverage


Day 35 — Friday, November 10

IDF: 15,000 Targets Attacked Since The Beginning Of The War

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has struck over 15,000 terror targets in the Gaza Strip and located 6000 weapons, including anti-tank missile launchers, anti-aircraft missiles, rockets and mortars, explosives, ammunition, and more.

In recent days, combined IDF forces have continued to strike numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including operational command centers, terror and rocket infrastructure, weapons and logistics depots, launch posts, terror tunnels, numerous Hamas terrorists, as well as command, control, and intelligence targets.

The coordination between aerial, naval, and ground forces continues, as hundreds of targets, guided by intelligence and infantry, are struck in short timeframes by the IAF and Israeli Navy.

Yesterday (Thursday), the “Yahalom” (Patriot) system intercepted a hostile UAV before it crossed into Israeli territory, near the city of Eilat. This interception is one of many carried out by the Aerial Defense Array during the war.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Aunt Of Israeli Hostage Rips Obama For Insisting 'Nobody’s Hands Are Clean' In Hamas War

The aunt of an 18-year-old taken hostage by Hamas during its Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel has lashed out at former President Barack Obama after he said “nobody’s hands are clean” in the conflict.

During the podcast “Pod Save America” that aired Tuesday and is hosted by four of his former aides, Obama said, “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean. That all of us are complicit to some degree. … What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it, and what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.”

Israel has not occupied the Gaza Strip since 2005, and the Palestinians elected Hamas to rule over the territory in 2006.

After a meeting between families of hostages and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Yael Engel Lichi addressed Obama’s remarks.

“Two hundred and forty people are held hostage and the world is silent, and there are ‘buts’ and ‘perhapses,’” she said, according to The Times of Israel. “I’d like to see Mr. Obama if one of his daughters was held hostage by Hamas. In two days, she’d be out, and there’d be no ‘buts.’ There are no buts or perhapses. Hamas can be destroyed.”

Her nephew Ofir Engel — a dual Dutch-Israeli citizen from Jerusalem’s Kibbutz Ramat Rachel — was visiting his girlfriend at Kibbutz Be’eri in southern Israel near the Gaza border and was in touch with his family from 6 a.m., when rocket attacks began, The Times of Israel reported. He was in contact with his family until about 12:30 p.m., telling them he was hiding with the Sharabi family in their sealed room.

At 7 p.m., Nira Sharabi called the Engel family to tell them that she and her daughters had survived, but her husband, Yossi, and Ofir were taken hostage by the terrorists, who broke into the family’s sealed room and took everyone out, then told the women to sit on the grass and shot the family dog.

At that point, the Times of Israel reported, they put Yossi Sharabi, Ofir Engel, and another Be’eri teen into a small black car, driving them away. Ofir was 17 when taken hostage, and turned 18 as a captive.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Inside A Child's Bedroom In Gaza, Soldiers Searching For Tunnels Learn Just How Low Hamas Can Go

Moments after The Times of Israel arrived in an area deep in the northern Gaza Strip this week, troops of the Israel Defense Forces’ Combat Engineering Corps found an opening to yet another tunnel belonging to the Hamas terror group — the 91st found in the area since Israel’s ground operation began.

In terms of its size, where it led and what it was intended for, the tunnel was much like the other 90 found in the area.

What set it apart, though, was its location. The shaft had been uncovered by soldiers of the Combat Engineering Corps’ 614th Battalion as they carried out a second round of sweeps in a single-family home — with an outdoor swimming pool — in an upscale beachside neighborhood.

Inside a bedroom scattered with brightly colored clothes, underneath one of three child-sized beds, soldiers had found a portal to where monsters were hiding.

“It’s not ethical, the way that Hamas works,” said a reservist engineering officer — whose identity is censored from publication — while showing The Times of Israel and another journalist the tunnel.

“They use a children’s room to hide a tunnel, below a child’s bed… This is the reality,” he said.

Being careful not to fall down the shaft, The Times of Israel was given a view of the tunnel, which had two branches — one heading west toward the coast, and the other southeast toward Gaza City, where Hamas’s main tunnel network is believed to be.

That network forms the Gordian knot of Israel’s Gaza offensive; it’s the key to crippling Hamas, but also a massively dangerous and complicated undertaking for the IDF.

With tendrils of underground fortifications running beneath crowded residential neighborhoods, the army says it has little choice but to bring the fight to the homes, hospitals, schools and clinics believed to shield the network. On October 7, Hamas terrorists forced their way into Israeli homes and turned bedrooms into war zones. In a sick twist, the terror group’s cynical use of civilians as human shields is now forcing Israel’s soldiers to do the same.

The IDF has indicated it does not have plans to engage in tunnel warfare, as the passages are likely to be booby-trapped. Instead, it is demolishing the tunnels as they are being found.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Appeasement vs Power: What Israel And The World Can Expect In The Near Future

(Galilee, Israel) — Israel will fully deal with Hamas. In the same way Operation Wrath of God ensured that everyone involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre was permanently dealt with, each member of the Hamas leadership has a date coming with either the IDF or the Mossad. Hamas, as a terrorist organization, will cease to exist. Hezbollah will also be forced to back down. I hope that it can be done the easy way with them pulling back from the border and dismantling their armaments. But if Hezbollah insists on doing it the hard way, the IDF will do whatever it takes to ensure Israel’s safety. Finally, there will come a time when Israel exacts its punishment against Iran. They were the masterminds behind all that has taken place, and they must learn that planning, ordering, and funding that kind of terror comes with a very high price.

It is likely that the U.S. will get drawn deeper into Syria and Iraq. I am amazed at how little uproar is being caused within America over the constant attacks on their bases in the Middle East. U.S. soldiers are experiencing grievous wounds, and I’m wondering where the response is. It is as if this current administration is so desperate for a new deal with Iran that they are willing to ignore the fact that the ayatollahs are ordering their proxy militias to send rockets and suicide drones into American military bases. In the Middle East, we do not speak a language of appeasement but of power. The U.S. needs to show their strength in Syria and Iraq or the attacks will only intensify.

As time goes on, the Russia/Iran/Turkey alliance will only grow stronger. We know this because of what we see in the geopolitical world and what we read in Ezekiel 38. I think it is also very likely that the timeline is growing shorter for China attacking Taiwan. Overall, we can expect to see evil increasing around the world. For instance, just in the last few days the Muslim extremist Janjaweed militia massacred nearly 800 tribal people, mostly teenagers, in the Geneina area of Darfur, Sudan. Where are the BBC and the New York Times? Where are the marches for these victims?

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

U.N. Rights Chief Demands End to Israel’s Strikes Against Gaza-Based Hamas Terrorists

Israel’s use of high-impact explosive weapons against Hamas terrorists hiding in Gaza must end, the U.N. human rights chief demanded Friday.

Volker Turk, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said Israel “must end its use of such weapons in the densely populated area,” across the Gaza Strip and other areas known to be harboring Hamas terrorists responsible for the barbaric October 7 attack on Israel.

The Austrian career bureaucrat declared, “these amount to disproportionate attacks in breach of international humanitarian law.”

This is not the first time Turk has sought to enter the conflict as a self-appointed peace maker.

Three days after the Hamas attack he issued a call for peace and understanding in the region from his office in Geneva, Switzerland, before admonishing any prospective retaliatory move by Israel against its Islamic attackers. He cautioned:

The imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of goods essential for their survival is prohibited under international humanitarian law

Any restrictions on the movement of people and goods to implement a siege must be justified by military necessity or may otherwise amount to collective punishment.

As Breitbart News reported, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip following Hamas’s terror attack on the Jewish state which saw mass rape, torture, and slaughter of civilians as well as hundreds more being kidnapped.

The hostages including women and young children are still being held by terror groups in Gaza.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Israeli Air Force Conducts Strike In Syria In Response To UAV Hitting School In Eilat: IDF

An organization in Syria accused of launching an unmanned aerial vehicle toward Eilat, Israel, was struck by the Israeli Air Force on Friday.

Israel Defense Forces said the strike came after the Syrian UAV hit a school in Eilat on Thursday.

The name of the Syrian organization was not released.

The IDF said it “holds the Syrian regime fully responsible” for all terrorist activities coming from the country, adding that its forces “will respond to every aggression against Israel.”

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Poll Finds: 70% Of Jewish Americans Feel Less Safe Since Oct. 7 Massacre

The Jewish Federations of North America conducted a comprehensive poll revealing the sentiments and concerns within the American Jewish community following the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel.

The poll found that 70% of Jewish respondents felt less safe than a few months ago, with none reporting increased feelings of safety.

A significant number of Jews expressed apprehension that their communities could feasibly face security challenges due to the ongoing conflict.

The survey also pointed to heightened worries about personal safety among Jews, with those who wore distinctive Jewish items twice as likely to feel worried “all the time” compared to those who did not wear such items.

Additionally, 72% of U.S. Jews believed that antisemitism in their local communities was on the rise, and almost a third reported instances of violence or hate against Jews. Jewish respondents described their community climate as “tense,” “uncomfortable,” and “scary” more frequently than the general population.

Furthermore, the data showed strong support for military aid to Israel, with 87% of U.S. Jews favoring U.S. government security support for the Jewish state. The poll underscores the significance of the upcoming March for Israel and the Jewish community’s commitment to addressing issues of antisemitism while demonstrating unwavering support for Israel during these challenging times.

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Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

'Accomplices In Crimes Against Humanity': Netanyahu Demands Answers About Journalists Embedded During Hamas Attack

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration is demanding answers from several prominent news agencies after criticism emerged of their photographers appearing to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attack.

In a statement, the National Public Diplomacy Directorate of the Prime Ministers’s Office demanded action by news agencies:

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on Saturday October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics.

Overnight the Government Press Office issued an urgent letter to the bureau chiefs of the media organizations that employed these photographers and sought clarifications on the matter.

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate demands that immediate action be taken.

Israel’s Government Press Office (GPO), which regulates press access in Israel, also issued a statement demanding explanations:

GPO Director Nitzan Chen demands explanations from the bureau chiefs of AP, Reuters, CNN and The New York Times regarding the disturbing findings in the Honest Reporting report on the involvement of their photographers in the events of October 7th, which crosses every red line, professional and moral.

Four photographers who work for these networks documented the horrors perpetrated by the Hamas terrorists after they broke through border fence with Israel. They filmed the murder of civilians, the abuse of bodies and the abduction of men and women.

News agencies have faced criticism in recent years for using photographers or local “stringers” who have sympathy for anti-Israel terrorist groups. Often, these are the only photographers that groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will permit to work in the area.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Says They're Ready To Release Two Hostages, As IDF Raids Hamas Military Quarter

Psychological terrorism: The spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Abu Hamza, released a video on Thursday in which he announced that the terror organization was prepared to release two hostages for humanitarian reasons: an elderly woman and a 13-year-old boy.

In a second video, Hanna Katzir, 77, and Yagil Yaakov, 13, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, are seen calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu to do anything to free them.

Katzir is a mother of three and a grandmother of six, who was kidnapped from her home and taken to the Gaza Strip. Her husband, Rami Katzir, was murdered by terrorists. Terrorists also broke into the home of the Yaakov family and kidnapped the two sons of Renana, 16-year-old Or and 13-year-old Yagil, who were home alone.

Earlier on Thursday, the IDF announced that infantry, armor, and engineering forces of the 162nd Division, with IAF air support and the assistance of special forces, raided the military quarter of the Hamas terrorist organization in the heart of Gaza City, near the Shifa Hospital.

The military quarter area is the heart of the intelligence and operational activities of Hamas and was used, among other things, to plan and prepare Hamas operatives for the murderous attack on October 7th. During the past few days, the infantry, armored, and engineering forces of the Givati Brigade worked to clear the area and neutralize terrorist infrastructure in the area, including a vast underground tunnel network, while also engaging in combat and eliminating dozens of terrorists. So far, over 50 terrorists have been eliminated in the quarter during intense battles. In addition, military intelligence documents were found, and a number of significant tunnel shafts, factories for the production of anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft rocket launch posts were destroyed.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

IDF: Troops Found Hamas Drone Manufacturing Plant, Weapons Depot In Gaza Residential Building

Israeli troops operating in the Gaza Strip have located a Hamas drone manufacturing plant and weapons depot inside a residential building.

The Israel Defense Forces says the building, in Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, is located next to a school.

Footage shows troops finding several Hamas drones in the building, as well as equipment used to manufacture them, and instructions to make explosive devices. It says troops also recovered a number of bombs at the site.

Adjacent to the manufacturing site and weapons depot is a children’s bedroom, the IDF says.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

Photos Raise Serious Questions About Whether AP And Reuters Had Advance Knowledge Of Oct 7 Attack

Photographers from the Associated Press and Reuters appear to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists as they executed terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, according to a new report from Honest Reporting, a media watchdog.

Photos posted by the news agencies of the surprise terrorist attack on Israel include ones showing terrorists breaking the gates to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were caught completely off guard and dozens were murdered. Photos also show that photographers were on the scene as terrorists took civilians such as Shani Louk hostage, and attacking Israeli tanks on the other side of the Gaza border.

The photos raise serious questions about whether the news agencies had advance knowledge that the terrorist attacks were taking place. The four individuals credited by the Associated Press for images of the attacks — Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali — are all photographers based in Gaza, where it was revealed in 2021 that the Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.

One of the photographers, Hassan Eslaiah, has reportedly been pictured getting kissed by a top Hamas operative who is said to be one of the chief architects of the deadly terrorist attacks, which killed over 1,400 and have led to a massive war with Israel.

Eslaiah’s social media posts from the day, which have since been deleted but were preserved by Honest Reporting, show he was on the scene. “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements,” he wrote along with an image of himself with a burning Israeli tank.

After publication of this article, a spokeswoman for the Associated Press denied any advance knowledge of the attack.

Honest Reporting is operated by Gil Hoffman, a veteran Israeli journalist who worked as a political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post for decades. The media watchdog says the “audience deserves to know” how photographer’s real-time knowledge of the terrorist attacks came about. Residents in neighborhoods attacked by Hamas were caught completely off-guard and waited several hours for help to arrive.

“When international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned and their audience deserves to know about it,” the watchdog writes. “And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

US Calls For Limits On Israeli Control Of Post-War Gaza

The Israeli army is likely to remain in Gaza in the immediate aftermath of the war until such time as a security architecture is drawn up for the enclave, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Wednesday.

“In the immediate aftermath of conflict, it’s certainly plausible that at least some period of time, Israeli defense forces are still going to be in Gaza to manage the immediate aftermath [of the war] and the security situation,” Kirby said.

“But it shouldn’t be the long term solution. It should not be about the IDF reoccupation of Gaza as a long term governance solution.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had told ABC earlier this week that “Israel will, for an indefinite period, have the overall security responsibly, because we have seen what happens when we do not have it.” 

The White House and the State Department have clarified, however, that the territory must eventually be controlled by Palestinians, possibly the Palestinian Authority, in a situation where both Gaza and the West Bank are unified under one government.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed with reports in Tokyo, the Biden Administration’s vision of the day after the Gaza war.

The Biden administration has backed Israel’s assertion that Hamas must be ousted from Gaza in order to prevent a repeat of the October 7 attack in which the terror group killed over 1,400 people and seized over 240 hostages, Blinken said.

“The reality is that there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict, but it is imperative that the Palestinian people be central to governance in Gaza and in the West Bank,” Blinken stated.

“No [Israeli] reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict ends. No attempt to blockade or besiege Gaza. No reduction in the territory of Gaza,” Blinken said. 

His comments referenced a desire among some Israelis for the IDF to return to Gaza, a territory it controlled from 1967-2005, before it withdrew from the territory. 

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Biased Broadcast Networks Have Protected Rabid ‘Anti-Israel Posturing’ Of Democrats

Harbinger’s Daily Contributor and host of Worldview MattersDavid Fiorazo, in his recent article, “Trust In Major Media Dwindels…” described how anti-Christian, anti-Israel bias in the media has paved the way for “much of the mayhem we see today.”

“Following the October 7 attacks on Israel, the three main networks have protected Democrats in the House for their rabidly ‘anti-Israel posturing,’” he wrote. “The ‘Squad,’ informally known as seven radical members of the House of Representatives, called on Congress to stop sending military aid to Israel, and they called for a ceasefire when Israel retaliated after the attacks.”

“On ABC, CBS, and NBC, Newsbusters surveyed all nighttime newscasts from October 7 – October 22, watching for any mention of the Squad. In spite of dedicating almost 9 hours of airtime (a whopping 525 minutes) to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, not one of these networks gave even a second of air time to any one of the Democrats,” Fiorazo underscored. “Nothing negative.”

“You may be surprised that other recent polling indicates a majority of Americans, both Democrat and Republican voters still support Israel,” he explained. “It’s no wonder the biased broadcast networks have ignored or refused to report about the comments and actions of the anti-Christian, anti-Israel wing of the Democrat Party. The liberal media has a long history of bias and leftism.”

“From creation and morality to world history, repeated lies have influenced public opinion,” the host of Worldview Matters warned. “The danger we’re in as a nation and a church is that the godless left have practically won the propaganda war – a war many of us didn’t know existed – which has paved the way for much of the mayhem we see today.”


Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Analysis — Antisemitic Violence Across The US Is ‘A Warning Sign Of What Is To Come’ And Must Not Be Tolerated

On Monday, news broke that a Jewish man died during an altercation with a pro-Palestinian protestor. Some media outlets have chosen to frame this as an uncontroversial incident, overlooking the troubling circumstances. Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish man, engaged in a pro-Israel counter-demonstration in Los Angeles with his wife when a supporter of Palestine came and struck Kessler in the head with a bullhorn. The elderly man fell backward, hit his head, and bled severely from both the back of his head and his mouth.

Kessler wasn’t at the hospital long when he was pronounced dead, and the ongoing investigation of the assault has been deemed a homicide by the police, who are also not ruling it out as a hate crime. “An event that spiraled out of control, perhaps,” wrote the National Review’s Noah Rothman. “An accidental homicide, but a homicide, nonetheless. And it’s unlikely to be the last.”

According to the FBI, there’s been a 37% “increase in recorded anti-Jewish attacks,” which “made 2022 the second worst year since the FBI began tracking those incidents in 1991.” But 2023 is sure to be more violent. This increase translates to “1,122 incidents, the highest number recorded in almost three decades and the second-highest number on record.” Some other accounts of what is happening in the U.S. include a woman named Ruba Almaghtheh, who confessed to the police she purposefully crashed her car into a school she believed was full of Jewish children. This took place hours before Kessler was murdered.

This tension has not escaped U.S. Congress either, as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was formally censured by her House colleagues — including 22 Democrats — for her pro-Hamas comments, including her accusation that President Biden supports Palestinian “genocide,” demanding an immediate ceasefire, and chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Refusing to retract her support of the terrorists, Tlaib claimed the phrase as “an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence,” despite the fact that this phrase is from Hamas and clearly calls for the destruction of Israel. “[S]he knows darn well that she’s talking about the existence of Israel, that Palestine should replace the existence of an entire people, an entire nation,” said Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.” Tlaib’s sentiments were echoed in the massive protest outside the White House this past weekend, where approximately 100,000 people gathered to relay the message: “It is right to rebel! Israel can go to hell!”

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Houthis Shoot Down US MQ-9 Reaper Drone Doing Surveillance Off Coast Of Yemen

A U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News that the Iranian-backed Houthis shot down a US MQ-9 Reaper drone near the Yemeni coast, as the Israel-Hamas war continues.

“We can confirm that a U.S. military MQ-9 remotely-piloted aircraft was shot down while in international airspace over international waters off the coast of Yemen,” the official said. “U.S. Central Command officials are assessing the incident.”

The MQ-9 Reaper drone was reportedly surveilling Yemen when a Houthi militia fired at it. The drone is estimated to cost around $30 million.

The last time a MQ-9 Reaper was shot down by Houthi fighters was on June 6, 2019. The Biden administration removed the Houthis from the US list of terrorist groups in 2021.

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Analysis — The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again, And This Time, It’s Global

This year, more than ever, we need to revisit the 1930s and we must come to the sobering realization that that ominous era of destructive Jew hatred is upon us again, and this time, it is global. I have been a watchman for the last 23 years, and I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never thought that I would witness this level of hatred and bloody violence in my lifetime, and yet, here we are!

The atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7 were straight out of the Nazi playbook, but what I was not expecting, at least not at that level, was the vocal and violent hatred of Israel and the Jewish people all around the globe. Within a week or two at the most, it seemed that the world had forgotten about the 1400 Israeli victims brutally maimed, raped, beheaded, burned alive and blown to pieces, not to mention the 200+ hostages taken by Hamas.

In my most recent book The Normalization of Antisemitism: When the Longest Hatred Becomes the New NormalI identify ten steps toward the complete normalization of antisemitism: Apathy, lack of education, desensitization, low or incorrect reporting, no accountability, empowerment, demonization of the defenders, increased persecution of Jews and defenders, encouragement to kill, and, mass murder of Jews. I believe that the first nine of these criteria are in place, leaving only the mass murder of Jews as the final step towards the complete annihilation of the Jews. Looking at the events in front of our eyes, I might have been too conservative. The murder of Jews appears to also be on the current agenda of hatred that is spreading all over the world.

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Police, Prosecutors Gathering Evidence To Charge Terrorists Involved In Oct. 7 Massacre

The attorney general and state attorney are working with police, the military and the Shin Bet to formally investigate the Hamas assault on southern Israel on October 7 with an aim of charging and trying those involved.

“Our goal is to investigate and initiate legal proceedings against those who perpetrated, planned and otherwise took part in these heinous acts – wherever they are,” they say in a statement.

The statement says Israel will punish the Hamas terrorists responsible with “the utmost severity, commensurate with their crimes.”

Police are working to collect evidence from towns across the south as attorneys for the Justice Ministry decide how best to proceed with the investigation.

Israel has said it is holding about 200 Hamas terrorists arrested on October 7 and in the days afterward. It has released some interrogation videos in which the prisoners describe their orders and activities during the murderous rampage.

Hebrew media reports say that investigators have already gathered some 700 testimonies from survivors of the attacks, including reports of rape

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Israel-Hamas War: IDF Is Now Operating In 'The Heart Of Gaza City'

The Israeli government has confirmed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are now in “the heart of Gaza City” amid their war against Hamas terrorists.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant reported the developments on Tuesday, and said that Israeli soldiers were “tightening the noose”.

“[Troops] have one target – Hamas terrorists in Gaza, their infrastructure, their commanders, bunkers, communications rooms,” he said.

The official also confirmed that Hamas’s most senior official in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, was isolated in his bunker in Gaza.

“[Sinwar is] cut off from his surroundings, his chain of command is weakening,” Gallant explained.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Netanyahu: 'We Have Eliminated Thousands Of Terrorists Above And Below The Ground - This Enemy Will Be Destroyed'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement to the media marking the one-month anniversary of the outbreak of the war and the surprise attack in which Hamas massacred over 1,400 Israelis.

“Hamas is discovering that we are reaching places it never dreamed we could reach,” Netanyahu said and added: “We have eliminated thousands of terrorists above and below the ground – this enemy will be destroyed.”

“Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel,” he declared.

Addressing the continued violence from Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon, Netanyahu said that “if Hezbollah chooses to enter the war, it will have made the mistake of its life.”

“I say to our enemies and our friends, there will be no ceasefire without the return of our hostages,” he added. “We are working by all means and on all fronts to return everyone home.”

“We are working in the political arena to give the IDF room to maneuver. I say to world leaders – if we don’t win, you are next in line. We will win and we will not stop until we win,” he said.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Analysis — Greg Laurie: Israel, Gog, And The Monster To The North

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Bible. This is the one book that dares to predict the future not once, not twice, but hundreds of times with 100% accuracy. The Bible tells us in the last days, certain things are going to happen, and friends, we’re seeing those things happen before our very eyes.

The Bible says that the Jewish people, who are God’s chosen people, would be scattered to the four corners of the Earth, and then there’s a sign of the end times specifically telling us that you will know you’re in the last days when this happens. The Bible said that the same group of people, the Jews, who would be scattered, would be regathered. On May 14th, 1948, Bible prophecy was fulfilled before our very eyes, and a prophetic time clock began to tick—that was the day Israel became a nation.

The Bible said not only would Israel be regathered in her land, but that she would be surrounded by enemies and that she would be attacked from her north by a large force identified as Gog and Magog. When you look to the north of Israel today, you find Russia. Many Bible commentators believe that Magog is a reference to Russia.

Look at what is happening right now in the Middle East. We have Israel under attack. Of course, on October 7th, she was attacked, and 1,400 Israeli citizens were slaughtered, some decapitated, some burned alive, and then another 239 were taken hostage.

Now, we have a new potential conflict developing again in the north of Israel with the group Hezbollah. Hezbollah is financed by Russia. Russia is like the Puppet Master working through Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and hostility against Israel.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Israel Sees Surge In Immigration Interest From US And France Since Oct. 7

Israel is bracing for a significant increase in Jewish immigration, or aliyah, in the coming year, according to Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer in a statement his ministry published on Tuesday. There has been a striking rise in the number of people exploring the possibility of immigration to Israel, with a 149% increase in France and an 81% increase in North America, according to the minister.

Sofer conveyed the country’s readiness to face what he described as “a state of emergency” due to the rise in antisemitic events as a result of Operation Swords of Iron in Israel.

According to the statement, “the minister has been actively engaged in emergency discussions with key security and international agencies.” He added that reports from Jewish leaders around the world highlight a sharp rise in antisemitic attacks, especially against young Jews in educational settings.

France, in particular, saw an unprecedented increase in antisemitic attacks, with the past month’s incidents surpassing the peak numbers recorded in 2002. Sofer has instructed his ministry’s professionals to prepare for a large wave of immigrants, reflecting a heightened sense of unity and a collective desire to support Israel. “We are in a state of emergency,” the minister stated in the ministry’s release. “The reports I have been receiving are very concerning. Our goal now is to strengthen the ties between us and support the communities that stand with Israel.”

Emphasizing the urgency and solidarity, he noted, “Precisely now, we are seeing a surge in the number of people interested in aliyah. The waves of unity and Jewish solidarity are bolstering the aliyah movement and strengthening the State of Israel.”

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Netanyahu: Israel To Have 'Security Responsibility' Over Gaza For 'Indefinite Period'

Israel will have an “overall security responsibility” in Gaza for an “indefinite period” after the war, stated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the interview with ABC News. He added that Israel seeks to guarantee that only “those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas” will govern Gaza in the future.

“I think Israel will, for an indefinite period will have the overall security responsibility because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t have it. When we don’t have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a scale that we couldn’t imagine.”

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

'Appalling': German City Renaming Anne Frank Daycare Center To Be More ‘Inclusive’ After Migrant Complaints

The German city of Tangerhütte has announced plans to rename a day care center after migrant parents reportedly expressed concerns that the current name does not accurately reflect the diversity of the community.

The day care center is currently named after Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose diary was published after she died at the age of 15 in a Nazi concentration camp — and according to local reports, migrant parents have complained that it is “challenging” to explain to their children who Frank was and why her story mattered.

An open society advocacy group, Miteinander eV, argued that there were certainly age-appropriate ways to discuss Frank’s story with younger children — and objected to the change, They said in a statement that especially as anti-semitism is on the rise in many areas, “renaming the daycare center sends the wrong signal.”

The city’s mayor, Andreas Brohm, has said the name change will go forward in spite of any concerns, noting that Anne Frank did not fit the parents’ push to embrace a “new focus on diversity.”

“Ultimately, the parents and employees wanted a name that was more ‘child-friendly’ and ‘better suited to their concept.’ Their needs are more important than the global political situation,” the BILD newspaper reported.

“This is appalling. A German daycare center named after Anne Frank is changing its name,” said Aviva Klompas. “German media reports that parents want the center to push a message more focused on ‘international diversity.’ Hear that? They are promoting diversity by erasing Jews.”

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Major Escalation: Hezbollah Launches Barrage Of 30 Rockets Into Northern Israel Within One Hour

Earlier today, Hezbollah, presumably along with Hamas and other Palestinian jihadist factions in southern Lebanon, launched a barrage of 30 rockets in the span of one hour into Northern Israel. This was the largest barrage since October 7th, when Israel’s war with Hamas broke out. To my mind, this is a major escalation to the north.

A key point here is that Hamas, which also has a presence in southern Lebanon under the watchful eye of Hezbollah, said it launched 16 of those rockets. Presumably, Hezbollah launched the rest.

Whatever the case, Israel responded by directly targeting Hezbollah. If Hamas is operating in southern Lebanon, it’s with the full approval of Hezbollah. Israel went straight to the source, carrying out air strikes and shelling against Hezbollah’s infrastructure.

This is no joke. This was 30 rockets in one hour from the north, where Hezbollah has a powerful arsenal of some 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at every inch of Israel.

After the rocket launches, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fighter jets struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including a site housing “technological assets,” a weapons depot, rocket launch positions, and other infrastructure.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Amir Tsarfati: True Christians Love And Support The Jewish People

Make no mistake – I can see a satanic attack regarding Israel coming not only from the progressive left and Muslim world. I see the possibility growing also among so called “Christians”.

Apart from standard replacement theology preachers, there are the white supremacy nationalists who are trending on social media. Joining them are those who are into conspiracy theories.

More and more Israeli Jews are approaching me asking why is it that even the Christians are turning now against Israel. I keep telling them that true Christians are still there to love and support the Jewish people.

They then show me posts from people whom they considered friends, and to their astonishment those posts are full of lies and satanic propaganda such as, “The evil government of Israel did that to its people to help the government in America.”

This is classic Holocaust denial. Eighty years ago the same type of people accused the Jews of instigating the Holocaust so they could have a Jewish state. Only a sick and diabolical mind can come up with such nonsense. God will eventually judge them, and I will do everything I can to expose them!

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Ahed Tamimi Arrest By IDF After Social Media Post: 'We Will Slaughter You And You Will Say That What Hitler Did To You Was A Joke'

Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, 22, was arrested Monday morning by the IDF, according to Israeli media citing Palestinian reports. Tamimi has gained prominence in her community for her violent actions against the IDF and has been deemed by many as a national hero for West Bank Palestinians.

Tamimi has become something of a symbol in the Palestinian struggle against Israeli policy in the Palestinian territories, becoming an honorary member of the Palestinian National Council in May 2018.

Last week, the Palestinian inciter called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post. “We are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities from Hebron to Jenin – we will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke,” she wrote on social media.

We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we are waiting for you,” she wrote on Instagram.

In March 2018, Tamimi was convicted on four counts of assaulting an IDF officer and soldier, incitement, and interference with IDF forces, and was sentenced to eight months in prison and eight months of probation. She was released on July 29, 2018, after serving her full prison term.

The 21-year-old became famous following the distribution of videos and photographs in which she attacked IDF soldiers in several incidents in her home village, Nabi Saleh.

Following her arrest, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir posted on Facebook congratulating the IDF for arresting her.

“Kudos to the IDF and the rest of the security forces who arrested the terrorist and ‘human rights activist’ Ehad Tamimi Manbi Saleh, who was previously convicted of attacking IDF soldiers and since the outbreak of the war has expressed sympathy and support for the Nazi human beings on social media,” he wrote. “Zero tolerance with terrorists and supporters of terrorism! Just like that!”

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Jon Voight Scolds Daughter Angelina Jolie On Israel Comments: 'This Is Justice For God's Children Of The Holy Land'

Actor Jon Voight said he was “disappointed” by his daughter Angelina Jolie’s support for a cease-fire in Gaza in a video he posted to social media on Friday, adding that it was war and they “can’t be civil now.”

Jolie condemned Hamas’ attack against Israel in a post on social media but said it did not justify “the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go.”

“Humanity demands an immediate ceasefire. Palestinian and Israeli lives – and the lives of all people globally – matter equally,” she said in a post on Instagram.

Voight posted a video to social media on Friday and said he was “disappointed” that his daughter had “no understanding of God’s honor.”

“This is about destroying the history of God’s land — the Holy Land — the land of the Jews. This is justice for God’s children of the holy land,” he continued. “The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people,” Voight said in his video.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Troops Capture Hamas Stronghold In Gaza, Strike 450 Sites

The Israel Defense Forces says ground troops captured a Hamas stronghold overnight, and some 450 sites belonging to the terror group were struck, as Israel’s ground offensive in the Gaza Strip continues.

According to the IDF, the compound contained observation posts, training grounds, and underground tunnels.

It says several Hamas operatives were killed as troops captured the site.

In other battles on the ground, troops killed several Hamas field commanders, the IDF says.

Meanwhile, the IDF says fighter jets struck more than 450 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day, including tunnels, military compounds, observation posts, and anti-tank guided missile launch positions.

One airstrike killed Jamal Musa, the head of Hamas’s special operations, the IDF says.

It says that the Navy also carried out strikes against Hamas sites, including command centers, and additional anti-tank guided missile launch positions and observation posts.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Bomb Threats Prompt School Evacuations Across Ontario: 'This Is What It Feels Like To Be Jewish In 2023'

A Jewish school based in Ottawa received an anonymous bomb threat October 31, amplifying fears of escalating anti-Semitism amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported multiple bomb threats this week across schools in Ontario, including the Ottawa Jewish Community School. “A bomb threat at my elementary school. This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023,” said one social media user.

“The incident is a tragic reminder that the Jewish community must remain vigilant at a time of increased antisemitism in not only the Middle East, but also here in Canada and around the world,” said Jon Mitzmacher, head of the Ottawa Jewish Community School.

“Jewish schools should not have to consider being open as an act of courage and Jewish parents should not have to consider sending their children to school as an act of bravery,” he added.

Police say the matter remains under investigation – at the onset of Holocaust Education Month.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Top U.S. Senators Warn Military Will Strike Iran Under Two Conditions

Top U.S. Senators said over the weekend that they are introducing a bipartisan resolution calling for military strikes against Iran if its terror proxies in the Middle East kill any U.S. soldiers or if Hezbollah opens up a second front against Israel.

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) made the remarks during a CNN interview Sunday morning with Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

The segment comes after Hamas murdered 1,400 Israelis in an unprecedented terrorist attack last month and Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terrorist group in Lebanon, has conducted small scale attacks against Israel as it weighs whether to launch a full-scale attack.

“It basically says, if the war expands, if Hezbollah opens up a second front in the north against Israel in a substantial way to overwhelm Iron Dome, then we should hit the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Graham said. “There is no Hamas without the Ayatollahs’ support. There is no Hezbollah without the Ayatollahs’ support. The great Satan in the region is not Israel or the United States. It’s Iran.”

“If any of our troops are killed in Syria and Iraq by Iranian-backed militias, I think that’s an expansion of the war,” Graham said. “So, the resolution puts Iran on notice that all this military force in the region will be coming after you if you expand this war by activating Hezbollah or killing an American through your proxies in Syria and Iraq. And they need to hear that. They need to believe that.”

Graham’s remarks come after there have been at least 31 attacks from Iranian-backed terrorists on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria over the last two weeks, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.Graham said that he and Blumenthal just came back from the region and that Israel had begged them to deter Iran from entering the war as they deal with wiping out the Hamas terrorist organization inside Gaza.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Analysis — The Ancient Blame Game: Hating Jews Goes Back Further Than The Word Jew

The Bible repeatedly condemns lying, especially lies meant to harm others. 2 Timothy 3:34 talks about humanity becoming “unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous.” Verse one of that chapter says it will get worse as the last days approach.

That’s bad news for the Jewish people because for centuries they have already suffered as the victims of “malicious gossip.” That’s the kind of lying meant to harm or destroy. People blamed Jews for wars and for economic downturns. The losers of wars made Jews their scapegoats — blaming them for selling secrets and other traitorous activities. Anti-capitalists often blame Jews for the rise of capitalism. But just as often, capitalists blame Jews for the rise of socialism.

I could go on and on listing the things they’ve been blamed for, including the Bubonic Plague, earthquakes, floods, and all kinds of natural disasters. Hating Jews goes back further than the word Jew. In ancient times, the Hebrews were hated because they refused to adopt pagan religions or adapt their own beliefs to those of their captors or conquerors. It’s hard to “adapt” belief in the one true God to a belief in a pantheon of gods.

The propensity to blame Jews for all manner of evil led to the Holocaust, but it did not stop there. It is alive and well. For instance, a new UN report blames domestic violence among Palestinians on Israel. They ignore centuries of Muslim teaching that belittles and devalues women, sometimes to the level of livestock. But if a Palestinian man gives his wife what for, they blame Jews.

When people are confronted on video while tearing down posters of Hamas hostages, they usually respond with some form of profanity rather than actual discussion. But when they talk about it, they often say, as one did in New York, that the posters are “making the conflict worse.” These posters feature photos of human beings, all or almost all Jews. So once again, it’s the fault of Jews, even when those Jews are clearly the victims of horrific violence.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Israel's UN Ambassador Warns US: There Is A Very Real Danger Of Antisemitic Terrorism

There might be a terror attack against Jews in the United States due to the alarming rise in antisemitism since the Hamas massacre of Israelis started the war, Israeli United Nations Ambassador Gilad Erdan said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Erdan emphasized that “we are on the brink of a catastrophe. Any moment, we might see a terror attack against a Jewish community here in the United States.”

He said “the situation right now is shocking. We see now thousands of people chanting, ‘Death to Israel, death to the Jews.’ We see Jewish students all across the United States on college campuses that are being threatened not only by other students, [but] by their professors, and presidents of universities cannot even condemn the terror attacks.”

Erdan stressed that “it’s already too late to say that we expect them to speak up or call out the antisemites. We expect them to take action. We expect them to expel students, to fire professors who are antisemitic. We expect them to call the police to investigate the harassments of Jewish students. This is truly unacceptable, this situation right now.”

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Pentagon Announces: Nuclear-Powered Submarine Has Arrived In The Middle East

US Central Command (CENTCOM) on Sunday announced the arrival of an Ohio-class submarine to the Middle East.

Ohio-class submarines are nuclear-powered submarines which are capable of carrying cruise missiles and conducting special operations. They are designed for extended strategic deterrent patrols.

Since October 7, when Hamas launched its murderous attack on Israel, the US military has bolstered its presence in the Middle East.

In mid-October, the Pentagon ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean near Israel to deter Iran or Hezbollah from joining the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

IDF Presents Abundant Evidence Hamas Uses Hospitals For Terror

In a meticulously detailed presentation on Sunday, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari offered copious evidence pointing to the scope of Hamas crimes against the civilian population in Gaza. Hagari’s presentation zeroed in on the use the terrorist group makes of hospitals and other medical facilities in Gaza, converting them into operation centers and launchpads for missiles, while shielding themselves behind the civilians using them.

Hagari screened a video showing a shaft leading underground Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he said is connected to Hamas tunnel networks. He showed photo evidence of several rocket launchpads placed in close proximity to hospitals as to prevent IDF strikes.

A recording was played of an intercepted phone call of a non-Hamas Gazan official, where a man is heard saying “They say there is a fuel shortage in Gaza, they are liars, liars. There is no fuel shortage of fuel in Gaza. It is in the hands of Hamas.”

Hagari also offered video evidence of Hamas violently deterring Gazans from moving to a safer area, as the IDF urges them through some six millions of leaflets dropped from the air.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Analysis — God Is Taking Note Of Individuals And Nations Who Are Cursing His People

Our young adults are supposed to be viewed as leaders of the future. Sadly, their education experience has led them to believe in vulgar binaries in which they must place themselves and the rest of humanity. When I was young, we often played war games. The premise was simple – there were good guys and there were bad guys. And, just like those pretend war games in our youth, it would appear that many view the world through a similar and unalterable paradigm – good guys (oppressed) and bad guys (oppressors). That is why, despite the horrors of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, many refuse to see Israel as oppressed. Long ago, it was determined by social justice crusaders that Israel will perpetually fall into the category of oppressor and because of the oppressor-oppressed narrative, people assign themselves a moral licence to identify and hate the oppressor (Israel) without disrupting their conscience.

Antisemitism is an early indicator of a troubled culture and if the terrorist attack by Hamas teaches us anything, it is that Western nations are in deeper trouble than they thought. Many may claim that the virtue of free speech must be upheld. But free speech which abuses this privilege to spew Jew-hatred must be denounced and condemned. Free speech of the kind we are hearing throughout our nations is not the hallmark of a free and vibrant culture – it is the hallmark of a culture which is in great spiritual peril. In 2022, Deborah Lipstadt, a noted historian and the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, said this: “Antisemitism is like the canary in the coal mine of democracy. It is a threat, a warning. If you’re an antisemite, then you think, well, the justice system isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. The government isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. The media isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. You lose faith in the democratic institutions. As a historian, I can think of no democracy that tolerated antisemitism and remained a vibrant democracy.”

Deborah is correct. But the peril is even greater than that. Embracing Jew-hatred is not only an indicator of cultural decline but also of God’s impending judgement. The evidence of this is found not only in the Bible but also the history books. Egypt, Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Spanish Empire, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. They all touched the apple of God’s eye and felt God’s hand of judgement. As Christians, we must not only pray for Israel but pray for our own nations. God is taking note of individuals and nations who are cursing His people.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

GWU Student Urged To Leave Jewish Star At Home As Antisemitic Violence Surges: 'This Is The Reality'

Jewish students continue to fear for their safety on college campuses across the U.S. as tensions around the Israel-Hamas war rage into the fourth week, with defacements, protests and calls for the state of Israel to be eradicated emerging on several fronts.

One Jewish student at George Washington University is warning that the divisive misinformation is driving the unrest, and that the cultural climate of today’s antisemitism is alarmingly reminiscent of persecutions from the past.

“This has intimidated Jewish students. It’s affected the campus dialogue to the extent that it infiltrates the classroom, and it makes students like myself have to change our way of life,” Sabrina Soffer told FOX News on Saturday.

“This past week my mom told me from California… not to leave the house with my Jewish star. That’s scary. Now I wear one where I actually have to open it, and this was worn by Jews during the Spanish Inquisition. This is the reality that Jewish students are facing today, Jews are facing around the world in countries from the Middle East to Europe and the United States, the country of freedom and human rights and good values… And now these values have been distorted.”

Soffer said “there should be absolutely no tolerance for” the shows of antisemitism, adding that Jewish students at her school haven’t been spared the chaos.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Hamas Terrorists Committing War Crimes By Using Ambulances In Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck an ambulance inside Gaza late this week after discovering that it was being used to transport Hamas terrorists on the battlefield, which is a violation of the international rules of war.

“A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance,” the IDF said in a statement. “We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.”

Israel hit the ambulance outside of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital where Hamas has a vast underground command center, which is also a war crime. Footage posted online showed that Hamas was gathering large crowds of people at the hospital — thus using them as human shields, which is a war crime — to watch its terrorists murder Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

Israel hit the ambulance outside of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital where Hamas has a vast underground command center, which is also a war crime. Footage posted online showed that Hamas was gathering large crowds of people at the hospital — thus using them as human shields, which is a war crime — to watch its terrorists murder Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

Hamas compiled a list of dozens of “seriously wounded” fighters that it wanted to evacuate in the midst of the thousands of foreign nationals looking to flee the area.

“The list was then vetted by Egypt and the United States, which found that a third of the names on it were of Hamas fighters, the administration official said, adding that the list was rejected and none of the 76 wounded Palestinians who were ultimately evacuated in ambulances out of Gaza were members of the terror group,” the report said.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Bearing Witness: Footage Of Hamas Massacre To Be Screened Next For Hollywood Executives

Footage collected by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit showcasing over 40 minutes of disturbing horrors that took place in Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 will be screened to prominent figures in Hollywood hosted by Israeli actor Guy Nativ. “Gal Gadot helped make this happen,” sources close to the Israeli star said Saturday.

Military officials said they’re aware of the event, though are yet unsure of its official date and participants, adding the screening will take place in Los Angeles and New York.

“The project started with two determined and strong women – Sarah Greenberg, who made the connection with the IDF, and the public relations officer Melissa Tsukerman, who pushed for the event to happen,” Nativ said.

“When I saw the horrific images from October 7 – it reminded me of my grandfather, who said that during the Holocaust, the world stood by and did nothing when Jews were sent to gas chambers. As a filmmaker, I swore that these scenes from October 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them,” he added.

Nativ noted that pro-Hamas accounts on social media are spreading the word that the massacre in southern Israel never took place and was fake. “I won’t let this happen on my watch. I’m fighting for awareness of what happened in the Holocaust and what happened on October 7. We can’t just ignore it.”

Nativ also mentioned the screening is intended not only for Hollywood stars but also for other creators – Oscar-winning documentary filmmakers, directors, and producers. “People with a background in filmmaking, so we can show them this brutal movie that resembles films made about the Holocaust,” he explained.

At this stage, one screening for 120 viewers will take place, but should there be enough demand, additional events might be arranged. Furthermore, in accordance with military guidelines, no filming or phone use will be permitted during the screening.

The film in question contains extremely harrowing footage, and hundreds of foreign correspondents have already seen it. One of them, the British author and journalist Douglas Murray, who presented a pro-Israel stance from the beginning of the war, wrote after viewing the film that as soon as he saw a Hamas terrorist committing atrocities while reciting “Allahu Akbar,” he thought he might not tolerate similar chants in the UK any longer.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm Outside White House Chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’

Numerous pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the outer perimeter of the White House fence and began chanting “Allahu Akbar” in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

The protesters, many of whom were donning Palestinian flags and keffiyehs, yelled “Allahu Akbar” at least five times in unison, as seen in footage captured by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The protesters had recently disembarked from Freedom Plaza, where a massive anti-Israel protest was held for most of the afternoon.

The activists who converged on the White House fence had come from the earlier protest in Freedom Plaza, in which a crowd of tens of thousands of people protested against Israel’s military operations targeting Hamas, a terrorist organization, as well as President Joe Biden’s support for Israel. Organizations including Code Pink and the National Students For Justice in Palestine organized the protest, according to Code Pink’s promotional website for the event.

After the “Allahu Akbar” chanting, a masked man climbed halfway up the White House fence and waved the Palestinian flag, to the cheering and chanting of the crowd assembled just below him.

During the protest at the Freedom Plaza, much of the assembled crowd participated in chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which is often interpreted to be an explicit call for the erasure of Israel and its people, according to the American Jewish Committee.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Hezbollah Uses New Weapon On Israel, IDF Hits Back In Lebanon

Israel and Hezbollah traded blows on Saturday, with the IDF hitting terrorist positions and a rocket depot as Hezbollah introduced a powerful new missile, according to the Israeli military and media sources.

The IDF struck Hezbollah terror cells along with a Hezbollah observation post in Lebanon, the IDF said. The Israeli military added that the strikes were in response to Hezbollah’s recent attempt to fire from Lebanon into Israel.

On Saturday afternoon, IDF fighter jets targeted Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanese territory. The strikes were further responses to Hezbollah’s rocket fire aimed at Israel.

The airstrikes were conducted in tandem with tank and artillery fire, the IDF said.

Among the targeted infrastructure were Hezbollah rocket depots, military compounds, and other facilities being used by the terror organization.

On Saturday evening, the IDF conducted airstrikes against military infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah after a number of rockets were fired from Lebanon earlier in the evening. The rockets fell short, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

Additionally on Saturday evening, an anti-tank missile was fired toward the Metula area. No injuries were reported in the attack. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the anti-tank missile fire.

Reuters reported that a source familiar with Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel noted that the terrorist group had used a powerful missile that hadn’t been used previously in its latest attack.

The source claimed that the missile had hit an Israeli position across the border, opposite the southern Lebanese villages of Ayta ash Shab and Rmaych.

It is unclear what was struck by the missile and what damage has been caused.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Hamas Terrorists Attack IDF Soldiers Preparing Humanitarian Corridor In North Gaza

Hamas terrorists attacked IDF soldiers while they were preparing a road as a humanitarian corridor to enable Gazan citizens to move south, the IDF stated on Saturday.

Earlier in the day, the IDF once again announced a three-hour window to enable movement on Salah al-Din road. “For your safety, take advantage of the next time to move south beyond Wadi Gaza,” the army’s statement read.

Hamas terrorists used the opportunity to attack IDF soldiers with mortar fire and anti-tank missiles as they arrived at the road in order to facilitate the civilian population’s movement.

No IDF soldiers were hurt in the incident.

“This behavior is further evidence that the Hamas terrorist organization is exploiting the residents of the Gaza Strip and preventing them from maintaining their security and moving south,” IDF spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee said.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Defense Minister Vows Israel Will Kill Hamas Leader, Says If Gazans Reach Him First ‘It Will Shorten The War’

After touring the northern border today, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he was told by reserve soldiers that they are prepared “to fight until victory.”

“There are fighters here who are prepared to do everything,” Gallant says during a press conference.

“This determination characterizes the entire population of Israel,” he adds.

Gallant says Israeli forces are engaged in “difficult” battles with terrorists in Gaza over Shabbat and are attacking Gaza City from both the south and north.

According to Gallant, Israel has far killed 12 Hamas battalion commanders.

“We’ll reach everyone, the chain of command fighters on the ground,” he says.

“We’ll reach Yahya Sinwar, we’ll take him out,” Gallant continues, referring to the Hamas leader in Gaza. He says that if Gazans get their hands on Sinwar first, “it will shorten the war.”

Gallant also says the fighting will last some time and will not be over in days or a week.

“At the end of the war, there will be no Hamas in Gaza and there will not be a security threat from Gaza,” he says.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Pompeo On Calls For A ‘Ceasefire’: Will ‘Only Result In Death Of More Israelis And More Americans’

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned this week that the U.S. forcing Israel to agree to a ceasefire would be catastrophic because it would result in the deaths of more Israelis and Americans.

Pompeo made the remarks during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night after Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented terrorist attack against Israel last month, murdering more than 1,400 people.

“If you put America first, you definitely want Prime Minister Netanyahu to do both his duty, that is to destroy Hamas and to complete that mission in its entirety,” Pompeo said. “You don’t need him having a second front here in America. You’re fighting Hamas and now you’re fighting the Biden administration, fighting a Biden administration that’s simply lost its way. It forgets already now, just short of four weeks, what actually happened there and is trying to restrain them.”

He slammed Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) for pushing for a ceasefire in exchange for getting the hostages back that Hamas kidnapped.

“We want all the hostages home. We want every American home,” Pompeo said. “We’ve had Americans killed. But make no mistake about it, if Netanyahu were to take that deal and get the hostages out in exchange for letting Hamas to continue to threaten Israel, it would only result in the death of more Israelis and more Americans.”

“Lastly, Sean, I heard President Biden speak today and I heard Secretary Blinken speak today. Neither of them identified the real problem here, which is Iran,” he concluded. “They continue to coddle, they’re giving them $7 billion that has fueled and set the context for the barbaric actions about which you spoke and Prime Minister Netanyahu has spoken. To give Iran more time, more money, a ceasefire would only create enormous risk for Israel, for the Gulf Arab States that are having rockets fired from Yemen, and for us here in home in America as well.”


Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Analysis — Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

These are chilling echoes of the 1930s and the 1940s. What we should keep in mind, as we see all of this, is that there is much more to antisemitism than meets the eye. What we’re seeing is the unveiling of an ancient satanic conspiracy. Antisemitism has been rightly called “the oldest hatred.” It goes all the way back to the time of God’s calling of Abraham.

Some of you may be wondering what antisemitism means. The main definition I’ve read is “prejudice against or hatred of Jews,” but there’s another definition. A friend of mine named Olivier Melnick, who is a Messianic Jew, defines antisemitism as “the demonic irrational hatred of the Jewish people and Israel, characterized by thoughts, words, and actions.”

It’s irrational, and it’s demonic. God chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants to be the forebears of the Messiah. Therefore, Satan wants to destroy them because he hates what God loves.

The problem is our world today is blind to the demonic component of antisemitism. They look at this and think, why does the world hate the Jews so much? They don’t understand that Satan takes irrational things, such as the hatred of the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and makes them appear rational.

Revelation chapters 12-13 tell us that the ultimate antisemite will be the Antichrist. He’s going to persecute the Jewish people in the end times to a degree with which they have never been persecuted before.

The Antichrist will initially act like a friend of Israel and make a peace agreement with them. We can see that on the horizon as the world desires peace in the Middle East, unlike any other time in history. The Antichrist will ultimately betray them and become their greatest persecutor.


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Day 35 — Friday, November 10

IDF: 15,000 Targets Attacked Since The Beginning Of The War

Since the beginning of the war, the IDF has struck over 15,000 terror targets in the Gaza Strip and located 6000 weapons, including anti-tank missile launchers, anti-aircraft missiles, rockets and mortars, explosives, ammunition, and more.

In recent days, combined IDF forces have continued to strike numerous terror targets in the Gaza Strip, including operational command centers, terror and rocket infrastructure, weapons and logistics depots, launch posts, terror tunnels, numerous Hamas terrorists, as well as command, control, and intelligence targets.

The coordination between aerial, naval, and ground forces continues, as hundreds of targets, guided by intelligence and infantry, are struck in short timeframes by the IAF and Israeli Navy.

Yesterday (Thursday), the “Yahalom” (Patriot) system intercepted a hostile UAV before it crossed into Israeli territory, near the city of Eilat. This interception is one of many carried out by the Aerial Defense Array during the war.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Aunt Of Israeli Hostage Rips Obama For Insisting 'Nobody’s Hands Are Clean' In Hamas War

The aunt of an 18-year-old taken hostage by Hamas during its Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel has lashed out at former President Barack Obama after he said “nobody’s hands are clean” in the conflict.

During the podcast “Pod Save America” that aired Tuesday and is hosted by four of his former aides, Obama said, “If you want to solve the problem, then you have to take in the whole truth. And you then have to admit nobody’s hands are clean. That all of us are complicit to some degree. … What Hamas did was horrific, and there’s no justification for it, and what is also true is that the occupation and what’s happening to Palestinians is unbearable.”

Israel has not occupied the Gaza Strip since 2005, and the Palestinians elected Hamas to rule over the territory in 2006.

After a meeting between families of hostages and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, Yael Engel Lichi addressed Obama’s remarks.

“Two hundred and forty people are held hostage and the world is silent, and there are ‘buts’ and ‘perhapses,’” she said, according to The Times of Israel. “I’d like to see Mr. Obama if one of his daughters was held hostage by Hamas. In two days, she’d be out, and there’d be no ‘buts.’ There are no buts or perhapses. Hamas can be destroyed.”

Her nephew Ofir Engel — a dual Dutch-Israeli citizen from Jerusalem’s Kibbutz Ramat Rachel — was visiting his girlfriend at Kibbutz Be’eri in southern Israel near the Gaza border and was in touch with his family from 6 a.m., when rocket attacks began, The Times of Israel reported. He was in contact with his family until about 12:30 p.m., telling them he was hiding with the Sharabi family in their sealed room.

At 7 p.m., Nira Sharabi called the Engel family to tell them that she and her daughters had survived, but her husband, Yossi, and Ofir were taken hostage by the terrorists, who broke into the family’s sealed room and took everyone out, then told the women to sit on the grass and shot the family dog.

At that point, the Times of Israel reported, they put Yossi Sharabi, Ofir Engel, and another Be’eri teen into a small black car, driving them away. Ofir was 17 when taken hostage, and turned 18 as a captive.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Inside A Child's Bedroom In Gaza, Soldiers Searching For Tunnels Learn Just How Low Hamas Can Go

Moments after The Times of Israel arrived in an area deep in the northern Gaza Strip this week, troops of the Israel Defense Forces’ Combat Engineering Corps found an opening to yet another tunnel belonging to the Hamas terror group — the 91st found in the area since Israel’s ground operation began.

In terms of its size, where it led and what it was intended for, the tunnel was much like the other 90 found in the area.

What set it apart, though, was its location. The shaft had been uncovered by soldiers of the Combat Engineering Corps’ 614th Battalion as they carried out a second round of sweeps in a single-family home — with an outdoor swimming pool — in an upscale beachside neighborhood.

Inside a bedroom scattered with brightly colored clothes, underneath one of three child-sized beds, soldiers had found a portal to where monsters were hiding.

“It’s not ethical, the way that Hamas works,” said a reservist engineering officer — whose identity is censored from publication — while showing The Times of Israel and another journalist the tunnel.

“They use a children’s room to hide a tunnel, below a child’s bed… This is the reality,” he said.

Being careful not to fall down the shaft, The Times of Israel was given a view of the tunnel, which had two branches — one heading west toward the coast, and the other southeast toward Gaza City, where Hamas’s main tunnel network is believed to be.

That network forms the Gordian knot of Israel’s Gaza offensive; it’s the key to crippling Hamas, but also a massively dangerous and complicated undertaking for the IDF.

With tendrils of underground fortifications running beneath crowded residential neighborhoods, the army says it has little choice but to bring the fight to the homes, hospitals, schools and clinics believed to shield the network. On October 7, Hamas terrorists forced their way into Israeli homes and turned bedrooms into war zones. In a sick twist, the terror group’s cynical use of civilians as human shields is now forcing Israel’s soldiers to do the same.

The IDF has indicated it does not have plans to engage in tunnel warfare, as the passages are likely to be booby-trapped. Instead, it is demolishing the tunnels as they are being found.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: Appeasement vs Power: What Israel And The World Can Expect In The Near Future

(Galilee, Israel) — Israel will fully deal with Hamas. In the same way Operation Wrath of God ensured that everyone involved in the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre was permanently dealt with, each member of the Hamas leadership has a date coming with either the IDF or the Mossad. Hamas, as a terrorist organization, will cease to exist. Hezbollah will also be forced to back down. I hope that it can be done the easy way with them pulling back from the border and dismantling their armaments. But if Hezbollah insists on doing it the hard way, the IDF will do whatever it takes to ensure Israel’s safety. Finally, there will come a time when Israel exacts its punishment against Iran. They were the masterminds behind all that has taken place, and they must learn that planning, ordering, and funding that kind of terror comes with a very high price.

It is likely that the U.S. will get drawn deeper into Syria and Iraq. I am amazed at how little uproar is being caused within America over the constant attacks on their bases in the Middle East. U.S. soldiers are experiencing grievous wounds, and I’m wondering where the response is. It is as if this current administration is so desperate for a new deal with Iran that they are willing to ignore the fact that the ayatollahs are ordering their proxy militias to send rockets and suicide drones into American military bases. In the Middle East, we do not speak a language of appeasement but of power. The U.S. needs to show their strength in Syria and Iraq or the attacks will only intensify.

As time goes on, the Russia/Iran/Turkey alliance will only grow stronger. We know this because of what we see in the geopolitical world and what we read in Ezekiel 38. I think it is also very likely that the timeline is growing shorter for China attacking Taiwan. Overall, we can expect to see evil increasing around the world. For instance, just in the last few days the Muslim extremist Janjaweed militia massacred nearly 800 tribal people, mostly teenagers, in the Geneina area of Darfur, Sudan. Where are the BBC and the New York Times? Where are the marches for these victims?

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

U.N. Rights Chief Demands End to Israel’s Strikes Against Gaza-Based Hamas Terrorists

Israel’s use of high-impact explosive weapons against Hamas terrorists hiding in Gaza must end, the U.N. human rights chief demanded Friday.

Volker Turk, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said Israel “must end its use of such weapons in the densely populated area,” across the Gaza Strip and other areas known to be harboring Hamas terrorists responsible for the barbaric October 7 attack on Israel.

The Austrian career bureaucrat declared, “these amount to disproportionate attacks in breach of international humanitarian law.”

This is not the first time Turk has sought to enter the conflict as a self-appointed peace maker.

Three days after the Hamas attack he issued a call for peace and understanding in the region from his office in Geneva, Switzerland, before admonishing any prospective retaliatory move by Israel against its Islamic attackers. He cautioned:

The imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of goods essential for their survival is prohibited under international humanitarian law

Any restrictions on the movement of people and goods to implement a siege must be justified by military necessity or may otherwise amount to collective punishment.

As Breitbart News reported, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip following Hamas’s terror attack on the Jewish state which saw mass rape, torture, and slaughter of civilians as well as hundreds more being kidnapped.

The hostages including women and young children are still being held by terror groups in Gaza.

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Israeli Air Force Conducts Strike In Syria In Response To UAV Hitting School In Eilat: IDF

An organization in Syria accused of launching an unmanned aerial vehicle toward Eilat, Israel, was struck by the Israeli Air Force on Friday.

Israel Defense Forces said the strike came after the Syrian UAV hit a school in Eilat on Thursday.

The name of the Syrian organization was not released.

The IDF said it “holds the Syrian regime fully responsible” for all terrorist activities coming from the country, adding that its forces “will respond to every aggression against Israel.”

Day 35 — Friday, November 10

Poll Finds: 70% Of Jewish Americans Feel Less Safe Since Oct. 7 Massacre

The Jewish Federations of North America conducted a comprehensive poll revealing the sentiments and concerns within the American Jewish community following the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel.

The poll found that 70% of Jewish respondents felt less safe than a few months ago, with none reporting increased feelings of safety.

A significant number of Jews expressed apprehension that their communities could feasibly face security challenges due to the ongoing conflict.

The survey also pointed to heightened worries about personal safety among Jews, with those who wore distinctive Jewish items twice as likely to feel worried “all the time” compared to those who did not wear such items.

Additionally, 72% of U.S. Jews believed that antisemitism in their local communities was on the rise, and almost a third reported instances of violence or hate against Jews. Jewish respondents described their community climate as “tense,” “uncomfortable,” and “scary” more frequently than the general population.

Furthermore, the data showed strong support for military aid to Israel, with 87% of U.S. Jews favoring U.S. government security support for the Jewish state. The poll underscores the significance of the upcoming March for Israel and the Jewish community’s commitment to addressing issues of antisemitism while demonstrating unwavering support for Israel during these challenging times.

i24 news

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

'Accomplices In Crimes Against Humanity': Netanyahu Demands Answers About Journalists Embedded During Hamas Attack

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration is demanding answers from several prominent news agencies after criticism emerged of their photographers appearing to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists during the October 7 attack.

In a statement, the National Public Diplomacy Directorate of the Prime Ministers’s Office demanded action by news agencies:

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the Prime Minister’s Office views with utmost gravity that photojournalists working with international media joined in covering the brutal acts of murder perpetrated by Hamas terrorists on Saturday October 7th in the communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip.

These journalists were accomplices in crimes against humanity; their actions were contrary to professional ethics.

Overnight the Government Press Office issued an urgent letter to the bureau chiefs of the media organizations that employed these photographers and sought clarifications on the matter.

The National Public Diplomacy Directorate demands that immediate action be taken.

Israel’s Government Press Office (GPO), which regulates press access in Israel, also issued a statement demanding explanations:

GPO Director Nitzan Chen demands explanations from the bureau chiefs of AP, Reuters, CNN and The New York Times regarding the disturbing findings in the Honest Reporting report on the involvement of their photographers in the events of October 7th, which crosses every red line, professional and moral.

Four photographers who work for these networks documented the horrors perpetrated by the Hamas terrorists after they broke through border fence with Israel. They filmed the murder of civilians, the abuse of bodies and the abduction of men and women.

News agencies have faced criticism in recent years for using photographers or local “stringers” who have sympathy for anti-Israel terrorist groups. Often, these are the only photographers that groups like Hamas and Hezbollah will permit to work in the area.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Says They're Ready To Release Two Hostages, As IDF Raids Hamas Military Quarter

Psychological terrorism: The spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Abu Hamza, released a video on Thursday in which he announced that the terror organization was prepared to release two hostages for humanitarian reasons: an elderly woman and a 13-year-old boy.

In a second video, Hanna Katzir, 77, and Yagil Yaakov, 13, from Kibbutz Nir Oz, are seen calling on Prime Minister Netanyahu to do anything to free them.

Katzir is a mother of three and a grandmother of six, who was kidnapped from her home and taken to the Gaza Strip. Her husband, Rami Katzir, was murdered by terrorists. Terrorists also broke into the home of the Yaakov family and kidnapped the two sons of Renana, 16-year-old Or and 13-year-old Yagil, who were home alone.

Earlier on Thursday, the IDF announced that infantry, armor, and engineering forces of the 162nd Division, with IAF air support and the assistance of special forces, raided the military quarter of the Hamas terrorist organization in the heart of Gaza City, near the Shifa Hospital.

The military quarter area is the heart of the intelligence and operational activities of Hamas and was used, among other things, to plan and prepare Hamas operatives for the murderous attack on October 7th. During the past few days, the infantry, armored, and engineering forces of the Givati Brigade worked to clear the area and neutralize terrorist infrastructure in the area, including a vast underground tunnel network, while also engaging in combat and eliminating dozens of terrorists. So far, over 50 terrorists have been eliminated in the quarter during intense battles. In addition, military intelligence documents were found, and a number of significant tunnel shafts, factories for the production of anti-tank missiles, and anti-aircraft rocket launch posts were destroyed.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

IDF: Troops Found Hamas Drone Manufacturing Plant, Weapons Depot In Gaza Residential Building

Israeli troops operating in the Gaza Strip have located a Hamas drone manufacturing plant and weapons depot inside a residential building.

The Israel Defense Forces says the building, in Gaza City’s Sheikh Radwan neighborhood, is located next to a school.

Footage shows troops finding several Hamas drones in the building, as well as equipment used to manufacture them, and instructions to make explosive devices. It says troops also recovered a number of bombs at the site.

Adjacent to the manufacturing site and weapons depot is a children’s bedroom, the IDF says.

Day 34 — Thursday, November 9

Photos Raise Serious Questions About Whether AP And Reuters Had Advance Knowledge Of Oct 7 Attack

Photographers from the Associated Press and Reuters appear to have been embedded with Hamas terrorists as they executed terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7, according to a new report from Honest Reporting, a media watchdog.

Photos posted by the news agencies of the surprise terrorist attack on Israel include ones showing terrorists breaking the gates to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where residents were caught completely off guard and dozens were murdered. Photos also show that photographers were on the scene as terrorists took civilians such as Shani Louk hostage, and attacking Israeli tanks on the other side of the Gaza border.

The photos raise serious questions about whether the news agencies had advance knowledge that the terrorist attacks were taking place. The four individuals credited by the Associated Press for images of the attacks — Hassan Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali — are all photographers based in Gaza, where it was revealed in 2021 that the Associated Press shared office space with the terrorist group.

One of the photographers, Hassan Eslaiah, has reportedly been pictured getting kissed by a top Hamas operative who is said to be one of the chief architects of the deadly terrorist attacks, which killed over 1,400 and have led to a massive war with Israel.

Eslaiah’s social media posts from the day, which have since been deleted but were preserved by Honest Reporting, show he was on the scene. “Live from inside the Gaza Strip settlements,” he wrote along with an image of himself with a burning Israeli tank.

After publication of this article, a spokeswoman for the Associated Press denied any advance knowledge of the attack.

Honest Reporting is operated by Gil Hoffman, a veteran Israeli journalist who worked as a political correspondent for the Jerusalem Post for decades. The media watchdog says the “audience deserves to know” how photographer’s real-time knowledge of the terrorist attacks came about. Residents in neighborhoods attacked by Hamas were caught completely off-guard and waited several hours for help to arrive.

“When international news agencies decide to pay for material that has been captured under such problematic circumstances, their standards may be questioned and their audience deserves to know about it,” the watchdog writes. “And if their people on the ground actively or passively collaborated with Hamas to get the shots, they should be called out to redefine the border between journalism and barbarism.”

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

US Calls For Limits On Israeli Control Of Post-War Gaza

The Israeli army is likely to remain in Gaza in the immediate aftermath of the war until such time as a security architecture is drawn up for the enclave, US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters on Wednesday.

“In the immediate aftermath of conflict, it’s certainly plausible that at least some period of time, Israeli defense forces are still going to be in Gaza to manage the immediate aftermath [of the war] and the security situation,” Kirby said.

“But it shouldn’t be the long term solution. It should not be about the IDF reoccupation of Gaza as a long term governance solution.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had told ABC earlier this week that “Israel will, for an indefinite period, have the overall security responsibly, because we have seen what happens when we do not have it.” 

The White House and the State Department have clarified, however, that the territory must eventually be controlled by Palestinians, possibly the Palestinian Authority, in a situation where both Gaza and the West Bank are unified under one government.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed with reports in Tokyo, the Biden Administration’s vision of the day after the Gaza war.

The Biden administration has backed Israel’s assertion that Hamas must be ousted from Gaza in order to prevent a repeat of the October 7 attack in which the terror group killed over 1,400 people and seized over 240 hostages, Blinken said.

“The reality is that there may be a need for some transition period at the end of the conflict, but it is imperative that the Palestinian people be central to governance in Gaza and in the West Bank,” Blinken stated.

“No [Israeli] reoccupation of Gaza after the conflict ends. No attempt to blockade or besiege Gaza. No reduction in the territory of Gaza,” Blinken said. 

His comments referenced a desire among some Israelis for the IDF to return to Gaza, a territory it controlled from 1967-2005, before it withdrew from the territory. 

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Biased Broadcast Networks Have Protected Rabid ‘Anti-Israel Posturing’ Of Democrats

Harbinger’s Daily Contributor and host of Worldview MattersDavid Fiorazo, in his recent article, “Trust In Major Media Dwindels,” described how anti-Christian, anti-Israel bias in the media has paved the way for “much of the mayhem we see today.”

“Following the October 7 attacks on Israel, the three main networks have protected Democrats in the House for their rabidly ‘anti-Israel posturing,’” he wrote. “The ‘Squad,’ informally known as seven radical members of the House of Representatives, called on Congress to stop sending military aid to Israel, and they called for a ceasefire when Israel retaliated after the attacks.”

“On ABC, CBS, and NBC, Newsbusters surveyed all nighttime newscasts from October 7 – October 22, watching for any mention of the Squad. In spite of dedicating almost 9 hours of airtime (a whopping 525 minutes) to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, not one of these networks gave even a second of air time to any one of the Democrats,” Fiorazo underscored. “Nothing negative.”

“You may be surprised that other recent polling indicates a majority of Americans, both Democrat and Republican voters still support Israel,” he explained. “It’s no wonder the biased broadcast networks have ignored or refused to report about the comments and actions of the anti-Christian, anti-Israel wing of the Democrat Party. The liberal media has a long history of bias and leftism.”

“From creation and morality to world history, repeated lies have influenced public opinion,” the host of Worldview Matters warned. “The danger we’re in as a nation and a church is that the godless left have practically won the propaganda war – a war many of us didn’t know existed – which has paved the way for much of the mayhem we see today.”


Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Analysis — Antisemitic Violence Across The US Is ‘A Warning Sign Of What Is To Come’ And Must Not Be Tolerated

On Monday, news broke that a Jewish man died during an altercation with a pro-Palestinian protestor. Some media outlets have chosen to frame this as an uncontroversial incident, overlooking the troubling circumstances. Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish man, engaged in a pro-Israel counter-demonstration in Los Angeles with his wife when a supporter of Palestine came and struck Kessler in the head with a bullhorn. The elderly man fell backward, hit his head, and bled severely from both the back of his head and his mouth.

Kessler wasn’t at the hospital long when he was pronounced dead, and the ongoing investigation of the assault has been deemed a homicide by the police, who are also not ruling it out as a hate crime. “An event that spiraled out of control, perhaps,” wrote the National Review’s Noah Rothman. “An accidental homicide, but a homicide, nonetheless. And it’s unlikely to be the last.”

According to the FBI, there’s been a 37% “increase in recorded anti-Jewish attacks,” which “made 2022 the second worst year since the FBI began tracking those incidents in 1991.” But 2023 is sure to be more violent. This increase translates to “1,122 incidents, the highest number recorded in almost three decades and the second-highest number on record.” Some other accounts of what is happening in the U.S. include a woman named Ruba Almaghtheh, who confessed to the police she purposefully crashed her car into a school she believed was full of Jewish children. This took place hours before Kessler was murdered.

This tension has not escaped U.S. Congress either, as Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) was formally censured by her House colleagues — including 22 Democrats — for her pro-Hamas comments, including her accusation that President Biden supports Palestinian “genocide,” demanding an immediate ceasefire, and chanting, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Refusing to retract her support of the terrorists, Tlaib claimed the phrase as “an aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence,” despite the fact that this phrase is from Hamas and clearly calls for the destruction of Israel. “[S]he knows darn well that she’s talking about the existence of Israel, that Palestine should replace the existence of an entire people, an entire nation,” said Rep. Rich McCormick (R-Ga.) on “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins.” Tlaib’s sentiments were echoed in the massive protest outside the White House this past weekend, where approximately 100,000 people gathered to relay the message: “It is right to rebel! Israel can go to hell!”

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Houthis Shoot Down US MQ-9 Reaper Drone Doing Surveillance Off Coast Of Yemen

A U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News that the Iranian-backed Houthis shot down a US MQ-9 Reaper drone near the Yemeni coast, as the Israel-Hamas war continues.

“We can confirm that a U.S. military MQ-9 remotely-piloted aircraft was shot down while in international airspace over international waters off the coast of Yemen,” the official said. “U.S. Central Command officials are assessing the incident.”

The MQ-9 Reaper drone was reportedly surveilling Yemen when a Houthi militia fired at it. The drone is estimated to cost around $30 million.

The last time a MQ-9 Reaper was shot down by Houthi fighters was on June 6, 2019. The Biden administration removed the Houthis from the US list of terrorist groups in 2021.

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Analysis — The Ominous Era Of Destructive Jew Hatred Is Upon Us Again, And This Time, It’s Global

This year, more than ever, we need to revisit the 1930s and we must come to the sobering realization that that ominous era of destructive Jew hatred is upon us again, and this time, it is global. I have been a watchman for the last 23 years, and I often warned people that things would get very dicey for the Jewish people at some point in the future, but frankly, I never thought that I would witness this level of hatred and bloody violence in my lifetime, and yet, here we are!

The atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel on October 7 were straight out of the Nazi playbook, but what I was not expecting, at least not at that level, was the vocal and violent hatred of Israel and the Jewish people all around the globe. Within a week or two at the most, it seemed that the world had forgotten about the 1400 Israeli victims brutally maimed, raped, beheaded, burned alive and blown to pieces, not to mention the 200+ hostages taken by Hamas.

In my most recent book The Normalization of Antisemitism: When the Longest Hatred Becomes the New NormalI identify ten steps toward the complete normalization of antisemitism: Apathy, lack of education, desensitization, low or incorrect reporting, no accountability, empowerment, demonization of the defenders, increased persecution of Jews and defenders, encouragement to kill, and, mass murder of Jews. I believe that the first nine of these criteria are in place, leaving only the mass murder of Jews as the final step towards the complete annihilation of the Jews. Looking at the events in front of our eyes, I might have been too conservative. The murder of Jews appears to also be on the current agenda of hatred that is spreading all over the world.

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Police, Prosecutors Gathering Evidence To Charge Terrorists Involved In Oct. 7 Massacre

The attorney general and state attorney are working with police, the military and the Shin Bet to formally investigate the Hamas assault on southern Israel on October 7 with an aim of charging and trying those involved.

“Our goal is to investigate and initiate legal proceedings against those who perpetrated, planned and otherwise took part in these heinous acts – wherever they are,” they say in a statement.

The statement says Israel will punish the Hamas terrorists responsible with “the utmost severity, commensurate with their crimes.”

Police are working to collect evidence from towns across the south as attorneys for the Justice Ministry decide how best to proceed with the investigation.

Israel has said it is holding about 200 Hamas terrorists arrested on October 7 and in the days afterward. It has released some interrogation videos in which the prisoners describe their orders and activities during the murderous rampage.

Hebrew media reports say that investigators have already gathered some 700 testimonies from survivors of the attacks, including reports of rape

Day 33 — Wednesday, November 8

Israel-Hamas War: IDF Is Now Operating In 'The Heart Of Gaza City'

The Israeli government has confirmed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are now in “the heart of Gaza City” amid their war against Hamas terrorists.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant reported the developments on Tuesday, and said that Israeli soldiers were “tightening the noose”.

“[Troops] have one target – Hamas terrorists in Gaza, their infrastructure, their commanders, bunkers, communications rooms,” he said.

The official also confirmed that Hamas’s most senior official in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, was isolated in his bunker in Gaza.

“[Sinwar is] cut off from his surroundings, his chain of command is weakening,” Gallant explained.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Netanyahu: 'We Have Eliminated Thousands Of Terrorists Above And Below The Ground - This Enemy Will Be Destroyed'

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a statement to the media marking the one-month anniversary of the outbreak of the war and the surprise attack in which Hamas massacred over 1,400 Israelis.

“Hamas is discovering that we are reaching places it never dreamed we could reach,” Netanyahu said and added: “We have eliminated thousands of terrorists above and below the ground – this enemy will be destroyed.”

“Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel,” he declared.

Addressing the continued violence from Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon, Netanyahu said that “if Hezbollah chooses to enter the war, it will have made the mistake of its life.”

“I say to our enemies and our friends, there will be no ceasefire without the return of our hostages,” he added. “We are working by all means and on all fronts to return everyone home.”

“We are working in the political arena to give the IDF room to maneuver. I say to world leaders – if we don’t win, you are next in line. We will win and we will not stop until we win,” he said.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Analysis — Greg Laurie: Israel, Gog, And The Monster To The North

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Bible. This is the one book that dares to predict the future not once, not twice, but hundreds of times with 100% accuracy. The Bible tells us in the last days, certain things are going to happen, and friends, we’re seeing those things happen before our very eyes.

The Bible says that the Jewish people, who are God’s chosen people, would be scattered to the four corners of the Earth, and then there’s a sign of the end times specifically telling us that you will know you’re in the last days when this happens. The Bible said that the same group of people, the Jews, who would be scattered, would be regathered. On May 14th, 1948, Bible prophecy was fulfilled before our very eyes, and a prophetic time clock began to tick—that was the day Israel became a nation.

The Bible said not only would Israel be regathered in her land, but that she would be surrounded by enemies and that she would be attacked from her north by a large force identified as Gog and Magog. When you look to the north of Israel today, you find Russia. Many Bible commentators believe that Magog is a reference to Russia.

Look at what is happening right now in the Middle East. We have Israel under attack. Of course, on October 7th, she was attacked, and 1,400 Israeli citizens were slaughtered, some decapitated, some burned alive, and then another 239 were taken hostage.

Now, we have a new potential conflict developing again in the north of Israel with the group Hezbollah. Hezbollah is financed by Russia. Russia is like the Puppet Master working through Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and hostility against Israel.

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Israel Sees Surge In Immigration Interest From US And France Since Oct. 7

Israel is bracing for a significant increase in Jewish immigration, or aliyah, in the coming year, according to Aliyah and Integration Minister Ofir Sofer in a statement his ministry published on Tuesday. There has been a striking rise in the number of people exploring the possibility of immigration to Israel, with a 149% increase in France and an 81% increase in North America, according to the minister.

Sofer conveyed the country’s readiness to face what he described as “a state of emergency” due to the rise in antisemitic events as a result of Operation Swords of Iron in Israel.

According to the statement, “the minister has been actively engaged in emergency discussions with key security and international agencies.” He added that reports from Jewish leaders around the world highlight a sharp rise in antisemitic attacks, especially against young Jews in educational settings.

France, in particular, saw an unprecedented increase in antisemitic attacks, with the past month’s incidents surpassing the peak numbers recorded in 2002. Sofer has instructed his ministry’s professionals to prepare for a large wave of immigrants, reflecting a heightened sense of unity and a collective desire to support Israel. “We are in a state of emergency,” the minister stated in the ministry’s release. “The reports I have been receiving are very concerning. Our goal now is to strengthen the ties between us and support the communities that stand with Israel.”

Emphasizing the urgency and solidarity, he noted, “Precisely now, we are seeing a surge in the number of people interested in aliyah. The waves of unity and Jewish solidarity are bolstering the aliyah movement and strengthening the State of Israel.”

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

Netanyahu: Israel To Have 'Security Responsibility' Over Gaza For 'Indefinite Period'

Israel will have an “overall security responsibility” in Gaza for an “indefinite period” after the war, stated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the interview with ABC News. He added that Israel seeks to guarantee that only “those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas” will govern Gaza in the future.

“I think Israel will, for an indefinite period will have the overall security responsibility because we’ve seen what happens when we don’t have it. When we don’t have that security responsibility, what we have is the eruption of Hamas terror on a scale that we couldn’t imagine.”

Day 32 — Tuesday, November 7

'Appalling': German City Renaming Anne Frank Daycare Center To Be More ‘Inclusive’ After Migrant Complaints

The German city of Tangerhütte has announced plans to rename a day care center after migrant parents reportedly expressed concerns that the current name does not accurately reflect the diversity of the community.

The day care center is currently named after Anne Frank, a Jewish girl whose diary was published after she died at the age of 15 in a Nazi concentration camp — and according to local reports, migrant parents have complained that it is “challenging” to explain to their children who Frank was and why her story mattered.

An open society advocacy group, Miteinander eV, argued that there were certainly age-appropriate ways to discuss Frank’s story with younger children — and objected to the change, They said in a statement that especially as anti-semitism is on the rise in many areas, “renaming the daycare center sends the wrong signal.”

The city’s mayor, Andreas Brohm, has said the name change will go forward in spite of any concerns, noting that Anne Frank did not fit the parents’ push to embrace a “new focus on diversity.”

“Ultimately, the parents and employees wanted a name that was more ‘child-friendly’ and ‘better suited to their concept.’ Their needs are more important than the global political situation,” the BILD newspaper reported.

“This is appalling. A German daycare center named after Anne Frank is changing its name,” said Aviva Klompas. “German media reports that parents want the center to push a message more focused on ‘international diversity.’ Hear that? They are promoting diversity by erasing Jews.”

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Major Escalation: Hezbollah Launches Barrage Of 30 Rockets Into Northern Israel Within One Hour

Earlier today, Hezbollah, presumably along with Hamas and other Palestinian jihadist factions in southern Lebanon, launched a barrage of 30 rockets in the span of one hour into Northern Israel. This was the largest barrage since October 7th, when Israel’s war with Hamas broke out. To my mind, this is a major escalation to the north.

A key point here is that Hamas, which also has a presence in southern Lebanon under the watchful eye of Hezbollah, said it launched 16 of those rockets. Presumably, Hezbollah launched the rest.

Whatever the case, Israel responded by directly targeting Hezbollah. If Hamas is operating in southern Lebanon, it’s with the full approval of Hezbollah. Israel went straight to the source, carrying out air strikes and shelling against Hezbollah’s infrastructure.

This is no joke. This was 30 rockets in one hour from the north, where Hezbollah has a powerful arsenal of some 150,000 rockets and missiles pointed at every inch of Israel.

After the rocket launches, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fighter jets struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including a site housing “technological assets,” a weapons depot, rocket launch positions, and other infrastructure.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Amir Tsarfati: True Christians Love And Support The Jewish People

Make no mistake – I can see a satanic attack regarding Israel coming not only from the progressive left and Muslim world. I see the possibility growing also among so called “Christians”.

Apart from standard replacement theology preachers, there are the white supremacy nationalists who are trending on social media. Joining them are those who are into conspiracy theories.

More and more Israeli Jews are approaching me asking why is it that even the Christians are turning now against Israel. I keep telling them that true Christians are still there to love and support the Jewish people.

They then show me posts from people whom they considered friends, and to their astonishment those posts are full of lies and satanic propaganda such as, “The evil government of Israel did that to its people to help the government in America.”

This is classic Holocaust denial. Eighty years ago the same type of people accused the Jews of instigating the Holocaust so they could have a Jewish state. Only a sick and diabolical mind can come up with such nonsense. God will eventually judge them, and I will do everything I can to expose them!

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Ahed Tamimi Arrest By IDF After Social Media Post: 'We Will Slaughter You And You Will Say That What Hitler Did To You Was A Joke'

Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, 22, was arrested Monday morning by the IDF, according to Israeli media citing Palestinian reports. Tamimi has gained prominence in her community for her violent actions against the IDF and has been deemed by many as a national hero for West Bank Palestinians.

Tamimi has become something of a symbol in the Palestinian struggle against Israeli policy in the Palestinian territories, becoming an honorary member of the Palestinian National Council in May 2018.

Last week, the Palestinian inciter called for the murder of settlers in the West Bank in an Instagram post. “We are waiting for you in all the West Bank cities from Hebron to Jenin – we will slaughter you and you will say that what Hitler did to you was a joke,” she wrote on social media.

We will drink your blood and eat your skull. Come on, we are waiting for you,” she wrote on Instagram.

In March 2018, Tamimi was convicted on four counts of assaulting an IDF officer and soldier, incitement, and interference with IDF forces, and was sentenced to eight months in prison and eight months of probation. She was released on July 29, 2018, after serving her full prison term.

The 21-year-old became famous following the distribution of videos and photographs in which she attacked IDF soldiers in several incidents in her home village, Nabi Saleh.

Following her arrest, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir posted on Facebook congratulating the IDF for arresting her.

“Kudos to the IDF and the rest of the security forces who arrested the terrorist and ‘human rights activist’ Ehad Tamimi Manbi Saleh, who was previously convicted of attacking IDF soldiers and since the outbreak of the war has expressed sympathy and support for the Nazi human beings on social media,” he wrote. “Zero tolerance with terrorists and supporters of terrorism! Just like that!”

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Jon Voight Scolds Daughter Angelina Jolie On Israel Comments: 'This Is Justice For God's Children Of The Holy Land'

Actor Jon Voight said he was “disappointed” by his daughter Angelina Jolie’s support for a cease-fire in Gaza in a video he posted to social media on Friday, adding that it was war and they “can’t be civil now.”

Jolie condemned Hamas’ attack against Israel in a post on social media but said it did not justify “the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go.”

“Humanity demands an immediate ceasefire. Palestinian and Israeli lives – and the lives of all people globally – matter equally,” she said in a post on Instagram.

Voight posted a video to social media on Friday and said he was “disappointed” that his daughter had “no understanding of God’s honor.”

“This is about destroying the history of God’s land — the Holy Land — the land of the Jews. This is justice for God’s children of the holy land,” he continued. “The Israeli army must protect thy soil, thy people,” Voight said in his video.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Troops Capture Hamas Stronghold In Gaza, Strike 450 Sites

The Israel Defense Forces says ground troops captured a Hamas stronghold overnight, and some 450 sites belonging to the terror group were struck, as Israel’s ground offensive in the Gaza Strip continues.

According to the IDF, the compound contained observation posts, training grounds, and underground tunnels.

It says several Hamas operatives were killed as troops captured the site.

In other battles on the ground, troops killed several Hamas field commanders, the IDF says.

Meanwhile, the IDF says fighter jets struck more than 450 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip over the past day, including tunnels, military compounds, observation posts, and anti-tank guided missile launch positions.

One airstrike killed Jamal Musa, the head of Hamas’s special operations, the IDF says.

It says that the Navy also carried out strikes against Hamas sites, including command centers, and additional anti-tank guided missile launch positions and observation posts.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Bomb Threats Prompt School Evacuations Across Ontario: 'This Is What It Feels Like To Be Jewish In 2023'

A Jewish school based in Ottawa received an anonymous bomb threat October 31, amplifying fears of escalating anti-Semitism amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) reported multiple bomb threats this week across schools in Ontario, including the Ottawa Jewish Community School. “A bomb threat at my elementary school. This is what it feels like to be Jewish in 2023,” said one social media user.

“The incident is a tragic reminder that the Jewish community must remain vigilant at a time of increased antisemitism in not only the Middle East, but also here in Canada and around the world,” said Jon Mitzmacher, head of the Ottawa Jewish Community School.

“Jewish schools should not have to consider being open as an act of courage and Jewish parents should not have to consider sending their children to school as an act of bravery,” he added.

Police say the matter remains under investigation – at the onset of Holocaust Education Month.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Top U.S. Senators Warn Military Will Strike Iran Under Two Conditions

Top U.S. Senators said over the weekend that they are introducing a bipartisan resolution calling for military strikes against Iran if its terror proxies in the Middle East kill any U.S. soldiers or if Hezbollah opens up a second front against Israel.

Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) made the remarks during a CNN interview Sunday morning with Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”

The segment comes after Hamas murdered 1,400 Israelis in an unprecedented terrorist attack last month and Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terrorist group in Lebanon, has conducted small scale attacks against Israel as it weighs whether to launch a full-scale attack.

“It basically says, if the war expands, if Hezbollah opens up a second front in the north against Israel in a substantial way to overwhelm Iron Dome, then we should hit the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Graham said. “There is no Hamas without the Ayatollahs’ support. There is no Hezbollah without the Ayatollahs’ support. The great Satan in the region is not Israel or the United States. It’s Iran.”

“If any of our troops are killed in Syria and Iraq by Iranian-backed militias, I think that’s an expansion of the war,” Graham said. “So, the resolution puts Iran on notice that all this military force in the region will be coming after you if you expand this war by activating Hezbollah or killing an American through your proxies in Syria and Iraq. And they need to hear that. They need to believe that.”

Graham’s remarks come after there have been at least 31 attacks from Iranian-backed terrorists on U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria over the last two weeks, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.Graham said that he and Blumenthal just came back from the region and that Israel had begged them to deter Iran from entering the war as they deal with wiping out the Hamas terrorist organization inside Gaza.

Day 31 — Monday, November 6

Analysis — The Ancient Blame Game: Hating Jews Goes Back Further Than The Word Jew

The Bible repeatedly condemns lying, especially lies meant to harm others. 2 Timothy 3:34 talks about humanity becoming “unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous.” Verse one of that chapter says it will get worse as the last days approach.

That’s bad news for the Jewish people because for centuries they have already suffered as the victims of “malicious gossip.” That’s the kind of lying meant to harm or destroy. People blamed Jews for wars and for economic downturns. The losers of wars made Jews their scapegoats — blaming them for selling secrets and other traitorous activities. Anti-capitalists often blame Jews for the rise of capitalism. But just as often, capitalists blame Jews for the rise of socialism.

I could go on and on listing the things they’ve been blamed for, including the Bubonic Plague, earthquakes, floods, and all kinds of natural disasters. Hating Jews goes back further than the word Jew. In ancient times, the Hebrews were hated because they refused to adopt pagan religions or adapt their own beliefs to those of their captors or conquerors. It’s hard to “adapt” belief in the one true God to a belief in a pantheon of gods.

The propensity to blame Jews for all manner of evil led to the Holocaust, but it did not stop there. It is alive and well. For instance, a new UN report blames domestic violence among Palestinians on Israel. They ignore centuries of Muslim teaching that belittles and devalues women, sometimes to the level of livestock. But if a Palestinian man gives his wife what for, they blame Jews.

When people are confronted on video while tearing down posters of Hamas hostages, they usually respond with some form of profanity rather than actual discussion. But when they talk about it, they often say, as one did in New York, that the posters are “making the conflict worse.” These posters feature photos of human beings, all or almost all Jews. So once again, it’s the fault of Jews, even when those Jews are clearly the victims of horrific violence.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Israel's UN Ambassador Warns US: There Is A Very Real Danger Of Antisemitic Terrorism

There might be a terror attack against Jews in the United States due to the alarming rise in antisemitism since the Hamas massacre of Israelis started the war, Israeli United Nations Ambassador Gilad Erdan said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Erdan emphasized that “we are on the brink of a catastrophe. Any moment, we might see a terror attack against a Jewish community here in the United States.”

He said “the situation right now is shocking. We see now thousands of people chanting, ‘Death to Israel, death to the Jews.’ We see Jewish students all across the United States on college campuses that are being threatened not only by other students, [but] by their professors, and presidents of universities cannot even condemn the terror attacks.”

Erdan stressed that “it’s already too late to say that we expect them to speak up or call out the antisemites. We expect them to take action. We expect them to expel students, to fire professors who are antisemitic. We expect them to call the police to investigate the harassments of Jewish students. This is truly unacceptable, this situation right now.”

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Pentagon Announces: Nuclear-Powered Submarine Has Arrived In The Middle East

US Central Command (CENTCOM) on Sunday announced the arrival of an Ohio-class submarine to the Middle East.

Ohio-class submarines are nuclear-powered submarines which are capable of carrying cruise missiles and conducting special operations. They are designed for extended strategic deterrent patrols.

Since October 7, when Hamas launched its murderous attack on Israel, the US military has bolstered its presence in the Middle East.

In mid-October, the Pentagon ordered the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean near Israel to deter Iran or Hezbollah from joining the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

IDF Presents Abundant Evidence Hamas Uses Hospitals For Terror

In a meticulously detailed presentation on Sunday, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari offered copious evidence pointing to the scope of Hamas crimes against the civilian population in Gaza. Hagari’s presentation zeroed in on the use the terrorist group makes of hospitals and other medical facilities in Gaza, converting them into operation centers and launchpads for missiles, while shielding themselves behind the civilians using them.

Hagari screened a video showing a shaft leading underground Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which he said is connected to Hamas tunnel networks. He showed photo evidence of several rocket launchpads placed in close proximity to hospitals as to prevent IDF strikes.

A recording was played of an intercepted phone call of a non-Hamas Gazan official, where a man is heard saying “They say there is a fuel shortage in Gaza, they are liars, liars. There is no fuel shortage of fuel in Gaza. It is in the hands of Hamas.”

Hagari also offered video evidence of Hamas violently deterring Gazans from moving to a safer area, as the IDF urges them through some six millions of leaflets dropped from the air.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Analysis — God Is Taking Note Of Individuals And Nations Who Are Cursing His People

Our young adults are supposed to be viewed as leaders of the future. Sadly, their education experience has led them to believe in vulgar binaries in which they must place themselves and the rest of humanity. When I was young, we often played war games. The premise was simple – there were good guys and there were bad guys. And, just like those pretend war games in our youth, it would appear that many view the world through a similar and unalterable paradigm – good guys (oppressed) and bad guys (oppressors). That is why, despite the horrors of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, many refuse to see Israel as oppressed. Long ago, it was determined by social justice crusaders that Israel will perpetually fall into the category of oppressor and because of the oppressor-oppressed narrative, people assign themselves a moral licence to identify and hate the oppressor (Israel) without disrupting their conscience.

Antisemitism is an early indicator of a troubled culture and if the terrorist attack by Hamas teaches us anything, it is that Western nations are in deeper trouble than they thought. Many may claim that the virtue of free speech must be upheld. But free speech which abuses this privilege to spew Jew-hatred must be denounced and condemned. Free speech of the kind we are hearing throughout our nations is not the hallmark of a free and vibrant culture – it is the hallmark of a culture which is in great spiritual peril. In 2022, Deborah Lipstadt, a noted historian and the US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, said this: “Antisemitism is like the canary in the coal mine of democracy. It is a threat, a warning. If you’re an antisemite, then you think, well, the justice system isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. The government isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. The media isn’t fair because it’s controlled by Jews. You lose faith in the democratic institutions. As a historian, I can think of no democracy that tolerated antisemitism and remained a vibrant democracy.”

Deborah is correct. But the peril is even greater than that. Embracing Jew-hatred is not only an indicator of cultural decline but also of God’s impending judgement. The evidence of this is found not only in the Bible but also the history books. Egypt, Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Byzantines, the Crusaders, the Spanish Empire, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. They all touched the apple of God’s eye and felt God’s hand of judgement. As Christians, we must not only pray for Israel but pray for our own nations. God is taking note of individuals and nations who are cursing His people.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

GWU Student Urged To Leave Jewish Star At Home As Antisemitic Violence Surges: 'This Is The Reality'

Jewish students continue to fear for their safety on college campuses across the U.S. as tensions around the Israel-Hamas war rage into the fourth week, with defacements, protests and calls for the state of Israel to be eradicated emerging on several fronts.

One Jewish student at George Washington University is warning that the divisive misinformation is driving the unrest, and that the cultural climate of today’s antisemitism is alarmingly reminiscent of persecutions from the past.

“This has intimidated Jewish students. It’s affected the campus dialogue to the extent that it infiltrates the classroom, and it makes students like myself have to change our way of life,” Sabrina Soffer told FOX News on Saturday.

“This past week my mom told me from California… not to leave the house with my Jewish star. That’s scary. Now I wear one where I actually have to open it, and this was worn by Jews during the Spanish Inquisition. This is the reality that Jewish students are facing today, Jews are facing around the world in countries from the Middle East to Europe and the United States, the country of freedom and human rights and good values… And now these values have been distorted.”

Soffer said “there should be absolutely no tolerance for” the shows of antisemitism, adding that Jewish students at her school haven’t been spared the chaos.

Hamas Terrorists Committing War Crimes By Using Ambulances In Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) struck an ambulance inside Gaza late this week after discovering that it was being used to transport Hamas terrorists on the battlefield, which is a violation of the international rules of war.

“A Hamas terrorist cell was identified using an ambulance. In response, an IDF aircraft struck and neutralized the Hamas terrorists, who were operating within the ambulance,” the IDF said in a statement. “We emphasize that this area in Gaza is a war zone. Civilians are repeatedly called upon to evacuate southward for their own safety.”

Israel hit the ambulance outside of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital where Hamas has a vast underground command center, which is also a war crime. Footage posted online showed that Hamas was gathering large crowds of people at the hospital — thus using them as human shields, which is a war crime — to watch its terrorists murder Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

Israel hit the ambulance outside of Gaza City’s Al-Shifa Hospital where Hamas has a vast underground command center, which is also a war crime. Footage posted online showed that Hamas was gathering large crowds of people at the hospital — thus using them as human shields, which is a war crime — to watch its terrorists murder Israeli soldiers in northern Gaza.

Hamas compiled a list of dozens of “seriously wounded” fighters that it wanted to evacuate in the midst of the thousands of foreign nationals looking to flee the area.

“The list was then vetted by Egypt and the United States, which found that a third of the names on it were of Hamas fighters, the administration official said, adding that the list was rejected and none of the 76 wounded Palestinians who were ultimately evacuated in ambulances out of Gaza were members of the terror group,” the report said.

Day 30 — Sunday, November 5

Bearing Witness: Footage Of Hamas Massacre To Be Screened Next For Hollywood Executives

Footage collected by the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit showcasing over 40 minutes of disturbing horrors that took place in Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7 will be screened to prominent figures in Hollywood hosted by Israeli actor Guy Nativ. “Gal Gadot helped make this happen,” sources close to the Israeli star said Saturday.

Military officials said they’re aware of the event, though are yet unsure of its official date and participants, adding the screening will take place in Los Angeles and New York.

“The project started with two determined and strong women – Sarah Greenberg, who made the connection with the IDF, and the public relations officer Melissa Tsukerman, who pushed for the event to happen,” Nativ said.

“When I saw the horrific images from October 7 – it reminded me of my grandfather, who said that during the Holocaust, the world stood by and did nothing when Jews were sent to gas chambers. As a filmmaker, I swore that these scenes from October 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them,” he added.

Nativ noted that pro-Hamas accounts on social media are spreading the word that the massacre in southern Israel never took place and was fake. “I won’t let this happen on my watch. I’m fighting for awareness of what happened in the Holocaust and what happened on October 7. We can’t just ignore it.”

Nativ also mentioned the screening is intended not only for Hollywood stars but also for other creators – Oscar-winning documentary filmmakers, directors, and producers. “People with a background in filmmaking, so we can show them this brutal movie that resembles films made about the Holocaust,” he explained.

At this stage, one screening for 120 viewers will take place, but should there be enough demand, additional events might be arranged. Furthermore, in accordance with military guidelines, no filming or phone use will be permitted during the screening.

The film in question contains extremely harrowing footage, and hundreds of foreign correspondents have already seen it. One of them, the British author and journalist Douglas Murray, who presented a pro-Israel stance from the beginning of the war, wrote after viewing the film that as soon as he saw a Hamas terrorist committing atrocities while reciting “Allahu Akbar,” he thought he might not tolerate similar chants in the UK any longer.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Pro-Palestinian Protesters Swarm Outside White House Chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’

Numerous pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the outer perimeter of the White House fence and began chanting “Allahu Akbar” in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

The protesters, many of whom were donning Palestinian flags and keffiyehs, yelled “Allahu Akbar” at least five times in unison, as seen in footage captured by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The protesters had recently disembarked from Freedom Plaza, where a massive anti-Israel protest was held for most of the afternoon.

The activists who converged on the White House fence had come from the earlier protest in Freedom Plaza, in which a crowd of tens of thousands of people protested against Israel’s military operations targeting Hamas, a terrorist organization, as well as President Joe Biden’s support for Israel. Organizations including Code Pink and the National Students For Justice in Palestine organized the protest, according to Code Pink’s promotional website for the event.

After the “Allahu Akbar” chanting, a masked man climbed halfway up the White House fence and waved the Palestinian flag, to the cheering and chanting of the crowd assembled just below him.

During the protest at the Freedom Plaza, much of the assembled crowd participated in chants of “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which is often interpreted to be an explicit call for the erasure of Israel and its people, according to the American Jewish Committee.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Hezbollah Uses New Weapon On Israel, IDF Hits Back In Lebanon

Israel and Hezbollah traded blows on Saturday, with the IDF hitting terrorist positions and a rocket depot as Hezbollah introduced a powerful new missile, according to the Israeli military and media sources.

The IDF struck Hezbollah terror cells along with a Hezbollah observation post in Lebanon, the IDF said. The Israeli military added that the strikes were in response to Hezbollah’s recent attempt to fire from Lebanon into Israel.

On Saturday afternoon, IDF fighter jets targeted Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanese territory. The strikes were further responses to Hezbollah’s rocket fire aimed at Israel.

The airstrikes were conducted in tandem with tank and artillery fire, the IDF said.

Among the targeted infrastructure were Hezbollah rocket depots, military compounds, and other facilities being used by the terror organization.

On Saturday evening, the IDF conducted airstrikes against military infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah after a number of rockets were fired from Lebanon earlier in the evening. The rockets fell short, according to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

Additionally on Saturday evening, an anti-tank missile was fired toward the Metula area. No injuries were reported in the attack. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the anti-tank missile fire.

Reuters reported that a source familiar with Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel noted that the terrorist group had used a powerful missile that hadn’t been used previously in its latest attack.

The source claimed that the missile had hit an Israeli position across the border, opposite the southern Lebanese villages of Ayta ash Shab and Rmaych.

It is unclear what was struck by the missile and what damage has been caused.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Hamas Terrorists Attack IDF Soldiers Preparing Humanitarian Corridor In North Gaza

Hamas terrorists attacked IDF soldiers while they were preparing a road as a humanitarian corridor to enable Gazan citizens to move south, the IDF stated on Saturday.

Earlier in the day, the IDF once again announced a three-hour window to enable movement on Salah al-Din road. “For your safety, take advantage of the next time to move south beyond Wadi Gaza,” the army’s statement read.

Hamas terrorists used the opportunity to attack IDF soldiers with mortar fire and anti-tank missiles as they arrived at the road in order to facilitate the civilian population’s movement.

No IDF soldiers were hurt in the incident.

“This behavior is further evidence that the Hamas terrorist organization is exploiting the residents of the Gaza Strip and preventing them from maintaining their security and moving south,” IDF spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee said.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Defense Minister Vows Israel Will Kill Hamas Leader, Says If Gazans Reach Him First ‘It Will Shorten The War’

After touring the northern border today, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says he was told by reserve soldiers that they are prepared “to fight until victory.”

“There are fighters here who are prepared to do everything,” Gallant says during a press conference.

“This determination characterizes the entire population of Israel,” he adds.

Gallant says Israeli forces are engaged in “difficult” battles with terrorists in Gaza over Shabbat and are attacking Gaza City from both the south and north.

According to Gallant, Israel has far killed 12 Hamas battalion commanders.

“We’ll reach everyone, the chain of command fighters on the ground,” he says.

“We’ll reach Yahya Sinwar, we’ll take him out,” Gallant continues, referring to the Hamas leader in Gaza. He says that if Gazans get their hands on Sinwar first, “it will shorten the war.”

Gallant also says the fighting will last some time and will not be over in days or a week.

“At the end of the war, there will be no Hamas in Gaza and there will not be a security threat from Gaza,” he says.

Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Pompeo On Calls For A ‘Ceasefire’: Will ‘Only Result In Death Of More Israelis And More Americans’

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned this week that the U.S. forcing Israel to agree to a ceasefire would be catastrophic because it would result in the deaths of more Israelis and Americans.

Pompeo made the remarks during a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity on Thursday night after Hamas terrorists launched an unprecedented terrorist attack against Israel last month, murdering more than 1,400 people.

“If you put America first, you definitely want Prime Minister Netanyahu to do both his duty, that is to destroy Hamas and to complete that mission in its entirety,” Pompeo said. “You don’t need him having a second front here in America. You’re fighting Hamas and now you’re fighting the Biden administration, fighting a Biden administration that’s simply lost its way. It forgets already now, just short of four weeks, what actually happened there and is trying to restrain them.”

He slammed Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) for pushing for a ceasefire in exchange for getting the hostages back that Hamas kidnapped.

“We want all the hostages home. We want every American home,” Pompeo said. “We’ve had Americans killed. But make no mistake about it, if Netanyahu were to take that deal and get the hostages out in exchange for letting Hamas to continue to threaten Israel, it would only result in the death of more Israelis and more Americans.”

“Lastly, Sean, I heard President Biden speak today and I heard Secretary Blinken speak today. Neither of them identified the real problem here, which is Iran,” he concluded. “They continue to coddle, they’re giving them $7 billion that has fueled and set the context for the barbaric actions about which you spoke and Prime Minister Netanyahu has spoken. To give Iran more time, more money, a ceasefire would only create enormous risk for Israel, for the Gulf Arab States that are having rockets fired from Yemen, and for us here in home in America as well.”


Day 29 — Saturday, November 4

Analysis — Global Rise Of Antisemitism: A Harbinger Of The Approaching Tribulation

These are chilling echoes of the 1930s and the 1940s. What we should keep in mind, as we see all of this, is that there is much more to antisemitism than meets the eye. What we’re seeing is the unveiling of an ancient satanic conspiracy. Antisemitism has been rightly called “the oldest hatred.” It goes all the way back to the time of God’s calling of Abraham.

Some of you may be wondering what antisemitism means. The main definition I’ve read is “prejudice against or hatred of Jews,” but there’s another definition. A friend of mine named Olivier Melnick, who is a Messianic Jew, defines antisemitism as “the demonic irrational hatred of the Jewish people and Israel, characterized by thoughts, words, and actions.”

It’s irrational, and it’s demonic. God chose Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants to be the forebears of the Messiah. Therefore, Satan wants to destroy them because he hates what God loves.

The problem is our world today is blind to the demonic component of antisemitism. They look at this and think, why does the world hate the Jews so much? They don’t understand that Satan takes irrational things, such as the hatred of the Jewish people and the land of Israel, and makes them appear rational.

Revelation chapters 12-13 tell us that the ultimate antisemite will be the Antichrist. He’s going to persecute the Jewish people in the end times to a degree with which they have never been persecuted before.

The Antichrist will initially act like a friend of Israel and make a peace agreement with them. We can see that on the horizon as the world desires peace in the Middle East, unlike any other time in history. The Antichrist will ultimately betray them and become their greatest persecutor.