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Israel At War: Week Eight Coverage



Day 56 — Friday, December 1

IDF Says It Hit Over 400 Targets In Gaza Over Past Day, Including More Than 50 In Khan Younis Area

The Israel Defense Forces says it carried out airstrikes against over 400 targets across the Gaza Strip in the past day since Hamas violated the truce and fighting resumed.

The military says fighter jets attacked over 50 targets in the Khan Younis area in “extensive” strikes in the southern part of the enclave.

Troops on the ground in northern Gaza directed airstrikes on a number of targets, including on a mosque that was used by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group as an operational headquarters.

Naval forces also carried out strikes on Hamas infrastructure in the south, including on maritime equipment used by Hamas.

The military also said that a number of terror cells were eliminated, and that targets hit included an ammunition depot.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

Analysis — Franklin Graham: It Should Come As No Surprise That Israel Is Once Again The World’s Tipping Point

As Christmas approaches, the world is on edge. Following the slaughter of more than 1,400 Israelis—including women and children—by savage Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, the state of Israel launched retaliatory strikes across the Gaza Strip to destroy the entrenchments of militants who butchered unsuspecting civilians and carried off more than 200 hostages, including Americans and Brits.

The conflict threatened to escalate, as the United States sent carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf and warned against intervention by Iran—who supplies arms to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

It should come as no surprise that the Middle East—specifically focused on the nation of Israel—is once again the world’s tipping point. Modern Israel was born in 1948, and in my lifetime, tensions between Arabs and Israelis have erupted into battle at least seven times, including the Six-Day War in 1967. The Bible is clear that in the days before the return of Christ, the end-time battle of Armageddon will happen on the plains of Megiddo in Israel, as the anti-Christ and his evil forces seek to destroy Jerusalem, literally the “City of Peace.”

International conflict has defined Israel’s history since the reign of King David and his son Solomon. The people of Israel endured captivity and exile from a succession of hostile world powers, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

IDF Declares Khan Younis A War Zone, Tells Gazans To Evacuate To The South

The Israel Defense Forces have declared Khan Younis – a Hamas stronghold in Gaza acting as a temporary headquarters – a war zone and warned residents in the nearby areas to evacuate south toward the Rafah crossing.

The military released a map Friday that divided the Gaza Strip into hundreds of numbered parcels and asked residents to locate themselves in case of an eventual evacuation.

The map, which Israel said would eventually be interactive, was published hours after Israel-Hamas fighting resumed, ending a weeklong truce that had been negotiated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States.

Before the truce, the main combat zone was in northern Gaza, the focus of Israeli ground forces. Now, the Israeli military’s attention appears to have shifted to southern Gaza, packed with some 2 million Palestinians, including hundreds of thousands who fled the north.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

Ceasefire Ends After Hamas Violates Hostage Deal, Fires Rockets Toward Israel

Israel accused Hamas of breaking the agreement by which Israel paused the Gaza War on November 22nd.

Hamas “violated the deal” and did not live up to its duty to release all the female captives today,” the Prime Minister’s Office said, adding the terror group had also “launched rockets at the citizens of Israel.”

“With the resumption of the war we will emphasize: the Israeli government is committed to achieving the goals of the war.”

These goals are “to eliminate Hamas and ensure that Gaza will never again pose a threat to the residents of Israel.”

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Hamas Drugged Children; Burned Legs With Motorcycle Exhaust For Identification

On October 7, Hamas terrorists kidnapped children on motorcycles and were trained to create a specific sign on their bodies: they put one of the children’s legs in the motorcycle exhaust. In addition, according to an uncle of two of these children hostages who were freed, they were drugged – according to a report on N12.

Yaniv, the uncle of Yagil, 12, and Or Yaakov, 16 from Kibbutz Nir Oz, who were released by Hamas, told foreign ministers in Europe.

According to the plan, published on N12, the kidnappers would recognize that the children ‘belonged’ to them by a specific sign. Beyond just marking a part of the body, a practice that revives traumatic memories from grim periods in history, the children were repeatedly drugged and shuffled from one location to another.

“The children have been returned to us and shared harrowing tales of their experiences in Gaza,” the uncle recounted. “’One particularly disturbing detail that shook me was how each child seized by Hamas was placed on a motorcycle. They positioned the child’s leg against the bike’s exhaust pipe, causing burns. This was done to mark the children, ensuring their identification should they try to escape or be rescued. They’re now safely with us, although they were drugged and treated horrifically, but at least they’re here with us now.'”

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Netanyahu Ends Meeting With Blinken, Says Israel Has ‘Sworn To Destroy Hamas’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has concluded his meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Noting that the sit-down came shortly after 3 Israelis were murdered in a Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem that was claimed by Hamas, Netanyahu says he told Blinken: “This is the same Hamas. It’s the same Hamas that committed the terrible massacre on October 7, the same Hamas that is trying to murder us everywhere.

“I told him we have sworn, and I have sworn, to destroy Hamas. Nothing will stop us,” he says, reiterating that the war in Gaza will continue until Israel frees all its hostages, vanquishes Hamas and guarantees that no similar threat will ever be posed again from Gaza.

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Temporary Cease-Fire Deal Between Israel And Hamas To Continue: IDF

The Israel Defense Forces announced Thursday morning that its temporary cease-fire deal with Hamas terrorists has been extended again. The announcement came minutes before the extended deal was set to expire at 7 a.m. local time.

“The operational pause will continue in light of the mediators’ efforts to continue the process of releasing the hostages and subject to the terms of the framework,” the IDF wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The pause in fighting has been extended for one more day, according to Reuters, and the original deal allowing one hostage to be exchanged for three Palestinians detained in Israel still stands.

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Two Women Killed In Shooting Attack At Entrance To Jerusalem

A 24-year-old woman and an additional victim were murdered Thursday morning in a shooting attack at one of the entrances to Jerusalem.

Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that five additional victims were moderately injured. Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center have received eight victims who were evacuated from the scene. Two of the victims suffered light injuries, one suffered moderate injuries, and five suffered serious injuries.

Hadassah Eiin Kerem reported that the hospital received three victims: a man of 56 in moderate condition; a woman of 22 in moderate condition; and a boy of 17 who suffered light injuries. All three are fully conscious.

According to initial reports, two terrorists arrived at the scene by vehicle and opened fire at passersby, using M-16 automatic weapons.

The attack took place on Weizman Blvd. at the junction of the entrance to the city, near Ramot.

The terrorists, who are from Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods, were eliminated by two soldiers and a civilian.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

'Consent And Support For Terrorism': Health Ministry Criticizes Red Cross For Refusing To Provide Information About Hostages

Israeli Health Minister Uriel Busso posted on X on Thursday criticizing the Red Cross.

“It is not enough that the Red Cross flaunts its feathers in the outline of the release of the hostages from Hamas captivity, now it also refuses and ignores with complete insensitivity to transfer and make information available regarding the safety of the hostages,” he wrote.

Bosso also added that “the time has come to speak with a clear voice, Hamas is a terrorist organization that slaughtered and kidnapped children, women, and the elderly. We need an organization that will protect and give hope to the families of the hostages, and provide medical information, any other conduct is consent and support for terrorism.”

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Analysis — Against Overwhelming Odds: The Resurgence of Israel’s Military in Bible Prophecy

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations adopted a resolution providing for the ending of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, replacing British rule with a partition of the land that would result in the creation of two states, one Jewish and the other Arab.

Jews worldwide were elated, even though the territory they were offered was merely a portion of what they had been promised in the British Balfour Declaration of 1917. But the Arabs were outraged because they wanted all the land of Palestine. They immediately launched a civil war that continued right up to the day that the Jews issued their declaration of independence on May 14, 1948.

The surrounding Arab nations repeatedly warned that they would attack in mass if the Jews declared independence. For example, the Secretary General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, declared, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”

On the Jewish side, there was considerable concern that such boasting could become a reality. Thus, on the eve of the war, Yigael Yadin, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli forces, told David Ben-Gurion, the Jewish leader, “The best we can tell you is that we have a 50-50 chance.”

The fears materialized within hours of the declaration of independence when five Arab armies (Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq) attacked the new nation. At the time, Israel had only 30,000 rag-tag fighters who were ill-trained and poorly equipped.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Released Hostage Was Held For 50 Days In The Attic Of A UNRWA Employee's House

One of the recently released hostages was held for 50 days in the attic of an UNRWA teacher, Channel 13 News correspondent Almog Boker reported.

“‘Uninvolved,’ they say, right? Well, read this story carefully. One of the abductees, held for nearly 50 days in an attic, reveals he was held by a UNRA teacher – a father of ten children. This teacher locked the victim away, barely provided food, and neglected medical needs,” Boker wrote on X (Formerly Twitter).

“But wait, there’s more! Another abductee was held captive by a Gazan doctor who, simultaneously, cared for children. These are not isolated incidents; these civilians are terrorists. Present at the Saturday massacre, they’re now revealed as integral to holding hundreds captive, including women and children,” he added.

UNRWA, the United Nations agency dedicated to the descendants of the Arab refugees from Israel’s War of Independence, has frequently been criticized for its connections to the Hamas terrorist organization and the extreme antisemitism of many of its employees, including teachers. Its curricula and summer camps teach children to want to kill Israelis.

The report comes as new details continue to emerge of the inhumane treatment the Israeli hostages received in Gaza.

Devora Cohen, the aunt of Eitan Yahalomi, a 12-year-old boy who was freed on Monday night, revealed that Eitan was beaten by Gazan civilians when he was brought into the coastal enclave as a hostage and that hostage children who cried were threatened with rifles by their captors.

Eitan was also forced to watch videos taken by Hamas terrorists from the day of the horrific massacre of over 1,200 people in southern Israel, videos that were restricted in Israel and that many of those adults who did watch them could not bear to sit through.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan Calls Out 'Deep-Seated Hatred Of Israel And Jews'

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan spoke at a UN meeting on Wednesday, criticizing foreign ministers from Arab countries during his speech.

Erdan referenced the history of Israel and how the UN adopted the Partition Plan for Palestine during his remarks.

“On November 29, 1947, the UN voted to adopt the Partition Plan and the establishment of the Jewish State. Yet while Israel joyfully accepted this resolution, the Arab States rejected it, and instead, tried to annihilate Israel,” Erdan explained. “Today, exactly 76 years later, history is somewhat repeating itself.”

The ambassador accused Arab leaders of supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization, and presented a photograph of Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini with Adolf Hitler.

“Foreign Ministers of some Arab countries have arrived here today in order to support a terror organization that aims to annihilate Israel, Erdan said. “Thankfully, the plan to eliminate Israel was unsuccessful then, just as it will be unsuccessful today.”

“This picture tells you everything you need to know about this conflict,” he added.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

IDF Chief Approves Post Ceasefire Battle Plans: 'We Know What Needs To Be Done, And Are Ready For The Next Stage'

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi approve[d] battle plans for after the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, during a meeting at the Southern Command headquarters in Beersheba today, the military says.

“We know what needs to be done, and are ready for the next stage,” Halevi says in remarks provided by the IDF.

Minister Benny Gantz [said] that Israel will continue to try to “make the most” of its hostage deal framework with Hamas but is ready to renew the fight at a moment’s notice, hours before the deal is set to expire.

Hamas said earlier today that it’s open to extending the truce, now in its sixth day, and an Israeli official said talks to do so are ongoing.

“We are in complex moment, with a time window within the framework of the deal to return our kidnapped. We will work to make the most of it as much as possible,” Gantz says in remarks to the press. “At the same time, we are prepared and ready to return to fighting, at any given moment, including this moment.”

The war cabinet minister say that Israel is fighting its “most important war” since the 1948 War of Independence.

Vowing Israel will give Hamas no quarter, Gantz says the war will continue until residents of Israeli border communities that were evacuated amid the the fighting “can safely return” to their homes.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Erdogan Tells UN Chief Israel Must Be Tried In International Courts For 'War Crimes'

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday told the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres that Israel must be held accountable in international courts for what he called war crimes it committed in Gaza, the Turkish president said.

In a phone call ahead of the UN Security Council meeting on Gaza planned for Wednesday, Erdogan and Guterres discussed the “expectations of the international community regarding Israel’s unlawful attacks” and access of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, the Turkish presidency stated.

“During the call, President Erdogan said Israel continues to shamelessly trample on international law, the laws of war, and international humanitarian law by looking in the eyes of the international community, and it must be held accountable for the crimes it committed in front of international law,” read the statement.

Turkey’s FM Hakan Fidan is said attend the UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting in New York. Fidan is also expected to meet his counterparts from the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) this month to discuss Gaza with Western powers and others.

Turkey has harshly criticized Israel’s ground operation on Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire to allow for discussions over a two-state solution. Erdogan has called Israel’s activity in the Strip a “genocide” and accused Israel of being a “terrorist state”.

Turkey also hosts members of Hamas which Ankara has refused to recognize as a terrorist group. It has accused the West, apart from Spain and Belgium, of complicity due to their support of Israel.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

With Overwhelming Majority: House Approves Resolution Affirming Israel's Right To Exist

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday night overwhelmingly approved a resolution which affirms Israel’s right to exist.

The resolution passed by a majority of 412 to 1.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the sole “No” vote against H. Res. 888, citing the language within the legislation.

“I agree with the title ‘Reaffirming the State of Israel’s Right to Exist’ and much of the language, but I’m voting No on the resolution because it equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Antisemitism is deplorable, but expanding it to include criticism of Israel is not helpful,” he said.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the “Squad” member who is known for her anti-Israel rhetoric, voted “present”. Another Squad member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) did not vote.

The resolution was submitted by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY). It states that “the House of Representatives—(1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist;

(2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism;

(3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and

(4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel.”

“My resolution H. Res 888 is simple and straightforward – Israel has a right to exist. I was pleased to see this resolution pass the House tonight with broad bipartisan support,” Lawler said after the vote.

Last month, the House of Representatives approved by a majority of 412 to 10 a resolution expressing support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

Nine of the ten “no” votes were by Democrats: Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Andre Carson, Al Green, Summer Lee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Delia Ramirez and Tlaib. The lone Republican no vote was from Massie.

The resolution was the first one passed by the House after the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as its next Speaker.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

Islamic Jihad Terror Group Accompanies Hamas Gunmen At Hostage Handoff; IDF Says 10 Israelis And Two Thai Nationals Released

The Israel Defense Forces says the 12 hostages — 10 Israelis and two Thai nationals — released from Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip are now in Israeli territory, and are being escorted by special forces and members of the Shin Bet security agency.

“After they undergo an initial medical assessment of their health, our forces will accompany them until they are reunited with their families,” the IDF says.

The IDF asks the public to “demonstrate patience and sensitivity during this time out of respect for the released hostages and their families.”

Alongside Hamas gunmen accompanying hostages to a Red Cross meeting point were armed members of the Islamic Jihad terror group.

Members of Islamic Jihad, which is smaller than Hamas but still yields considerable muscle in Gaza, are thought to have held a number of Israelis abducted on October 7 hostage.

However, they have not been a visible presence on previous nights when hostages are handed over to the ICRC to be transferred to Israel.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

Analysis — If Modern Israel Is Not Biblical Israel, Then Why Is The God Of The Bible Protecting It?

All throughout the modern history of Israel – the hand of God in rescuing the remnant from the gas chambers and the death camps in Europe; the hand of God in bringing them back to a land that once was a barren wasteland and now is one of the most fertile grounds in the world; the hand of God in reviving the old forgotten Hebrew language as the only means of communication between people that come from more than 80 different diasporas; the hand of God in making sure that the efforts to destroy the newborn state will fail.

God’s hand was all throughout the history of Israel as a newborn state, and for the past more than 66 years, God is there. The Bible says that, “He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” The people of Israel are strong and resilient. The people of Israel have seen the great hand of God in protecting and providing everything they needed. And we’re holding onto the promise that God gave to Israel through the prophet Amos in the ninth chapter of his book: “‘And I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land that I have given them,’ says the Lord your God. Amen.”

At its birth in 1948, the nation of Israel was invaded by five armies who proclaimed a jihad, vowing to destroy Israel and spill every drop of their own blood, if necessary. When attacked, Israel did not own one tank or cannon and had nine outdated aircraft. The five invading armies were repelled, and Israel survived and even thrived.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

(Israel Defense Forces IDF) — The IDF continues to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip via COGAT (Coordiantor of Government Activities in the Territories)

Since October 21st, 2023, the IDF has facilitated via COGAT the entry of humanitarian aid – including food, water, medical supplies and humanitarian supplies – into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing. This aid is designated for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

As of November 19th, 2023, over 1,400 trucks have entered the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing, including deliveries of:

  • 10,130 tons of food
  • 1,720 tons of medical equipment
  • 1,940 tons of shelter supplies
  • 3,910 tons of water

Other humanitarian initiatives are currently being planned in coordination with international partners.

The humanitarian aid is routed through Egypt and then forwarded to undergo Israeli security screening at Nitzana. From there it is sent to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing. Prior to entering the Gaza Strip, the trucks are inspected by Israeli security forces to ensure that no weapons or materials that could be used for military purposes by the Hamas terrorist organization enter the Gaza Strip.

We recognize the importance of the entry of international humanitarian aid for the Gazan people, as long as this aid reaches civilians and not the Hamas terrorist organization.

Israel is at war with Hamas, not the people of Gaza.

The IDF and COGAT will continue to conduct daily assessments with international aid organizations operating in Gaza to review the situation and respond to the needs on the ground.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Hamas official Hisham Qasem spouted a new propaganda talking point for the terrorist group this week, claiming that Hamas terrorists had kidnapped Thai nationals “for their own protection” during their October 7 attack on Israel.

Qasem’s remarks come after Hamas terrorists murdered 39 Thai nationals during their attack and took an unknown number hostage.

Qasem falsely claimed that the hostages were only “detainees” and that Israel was “shelling” houses located in the kibbutzes.

“[Turkey and Hamas] discussed the release of some of the [Thai] detainees,” he said. “As we said at the beginning of the October 7 operation, these [Thai nationals] were detained for their own protection, because on October 7, the forces of the Zionist army was shelling the houses with people inside – whether members of the Al-Qassam Brigades, [foreign] laborers, or even the Zionist inhabitants of those settlements.”

Four of the Thai nationals who were released were not known by officials to have been taken hostage by Hamas — and officials believe at least 20 more Thai nationals remain hostage.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

A first helicopter, carrying some of the 11 abductees who were released this evening in the fourth round of hostage exchanges, landed at the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv early Tuesday morning.

Among those released are 9 children and 2 mothers. 

Earlier today, Hamas and Qatar officially announced the extension of the ceasefire by two days under the same conditions as the previous ceasefire. 20 more Israelis are expected to be released.

Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office stated Monday evening that the government has approved the inclusion of 50 female prisoners in the list of possible prisoners for release as an extension of the Hamas hostage exchanges.

Sharon Aloni-Kunio (34) and her daughters Emma (3) and Yuli (3); Karina Engel-Bart (51) and her daughters Mika (18) and Yuval (11); brothers Sahar (16) and Erez Calderon (12); the brothers Or (16) and Gil Jacob (12); and Eitan Yahami (12) make up the fourth group of hostages released from Hamas captivity since a hostage exchange and temporary truce agreement was reached last Friday.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

A chilling account has emerged from an abductee who recently returned from captivity in Gaza, shedding light on a face-to-face meeting with Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Channel 12 reported.

The incident took place in the early days of the conflict, where abductees were held in a tunnel.

According to the survivor’s testimony Yahya Sinwar entered the tunnel and spoke to them in flawless Hebrew without any discernible accent.

Sinwar, a key figure in the meticulous planning of the brutal October 7 massacre, was responsible for the deaths of 1,400 people, including about 240 Israeli civilians who were kidnapped.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby confirms that another 20 Israeli women and children will be released during the two-day extension of the ongoing truce between Israel and Hamas.

The deal was structured in a way where Israel would agree to extend the truce by an additional day for every 10 hostages released by Hamas.

Kirby says that there was a hold-up with today’s release because Hamas initially sought to release several children without their mothers, who are also being held in Gaza.

He adds he does not know if the 11 hostages being released today include the remaining two female US citizens being held in Gaza. There are six other male hostages who are US citizens and one male US Green Card holder.

Kirby adds that the US “would… hope to see the pause extended further, but reiterates that this will depend on Hamas releasing additional hostages.

Kirby notes that for the third day in a row, 200 aid trucks entered Gaza yesterday, meeting a key clause of the truce. This brings the total number of aid trucks that have entered Gaza since the Rafah Crossing was opened on October 21 to over 2,000.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

The USS Mason and allied ships from the coalition counter-piracy task force managed to secure the Israeli-linked Central Park chemical tanker which an “unknown entity” attempted to seize in the Gulf of Aden, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Monday morning.

The tanker had been carrying a cargo of phosphoric acid.

During the efforts to free the ship from the attackers, five armed individuals attempted to flee in a small boat and were arrested by the US Navy. The crew of the Central Park was safe.

Early on Monday morning, two ballistic missiles were fired from areas controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen toward the USS Mason as the USS Mason was concluding its response to a distress call by the Central Park tanker, according to CENTCOM. The missiles fell ten nautical miles away from the vessels. No damage or injuries were caused.

“Maritime domain security is essential to regional stability,” said Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, USCENTCOM commander. “We will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure the safety and security of international shipping lanes.”

The incident is the latest in a series of attacks in Middle Eastern waters since a brutal war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas broke out on October 7.

It followed a seizure of an Israeli-linked cargo ship by Yemen Houthis, allies of Iran, in the southern Red Sea last week. The group, which also fired ballistic missiles and armed drones at Israel, vowed to target more Israeli vessels.

“US and coalition forces are in the vicinity and we are closely monitoring the situation,” the US official said.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Israeli doctors say that Elma Avraham, the 84-year-old Israeli hostage who was rushed to a hospital after being released by Hamas on Sunday, remains in critical condition.

In a statement, Soroka Medical Center CEO Dr. Shlomi Codish said that the elderly woman was “significant[ly]” neglected by her Hamas captors.

“[Avraham] is treated in an emergency department after significant medical neglect for the past several weeks while being held by Hamas,” Codish said. “She is currently in unstable condition with risk to her life and will be admitted to our intensive care unit and we hope we will able to stabilize it and improve her condition.”

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. Their teachers depict Jews as violent usurpers of the land. Today in the United States and other western nations, educators are using those same lies on our children. Now the lies that generate hate in the Middle East are generating the same kind of hate here.

Al Jazeera is a Qatar-based, global, anti-Semitic, and anti-American news conglomerate. It says, “Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world mark the Nakba, or catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948…. Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.”

Dictionary.com defines “ethnic cleansing” as, “the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group.” Today, with well over 3 million Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria, 2 million living in Gaza, and another 2 million living in Israel proper, there was clearly never an “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

Al Jazeera also says, “Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.” That accusation is repeated often, even by the United Nations. In an article called, “The Question of Palestine,” the United Nations affirms that the birth of modern Israel was a “catastrophe.” “Before the Nakba,” the UN article contends, “Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.” In other words, they were one, big happy family until the formation of Israel.

Day 51 — Sunday, November 26

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an unprecedented step visited the Israeli soldiers inside the Gaza Strip on Sunday, receiving security briefings and visiting one of the terror tunnels.

His visit came during the four-day fire pause in the fighting, part of a deal with Hamas to release Israeli hostages.

“We are here in the Gaza Strip with our heroic soldiers,” Netanyahu said.

“We are making every effort to return our hostages, and in the end, we will return them all. We have three goals in this war: Eliminate Hamas, return all of our hostages, and ensure that Gaza will not go back to being a threat to the State of Israel.”

These comments came just hours before seventeen more hostages were released by the terror organization Hamas on Sunday evening and transported by the International Red Cross to the Israeli border.

One of the hostages, 84-year-old Alma Abraham, was evacuated by a helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba directly from the border, reportedly in serious condition.

Around 6:30 p.m. the IDF confirmed that 13 hostages were received by IDF and Shin Bet forces at the border fence, and 12 of them were then taken to Hatzerim Air Base near Beersheba, from where they will be sent for a medical checkup in a hospital.

“The Israeli government embraces the seventeen abductees who returned to Israel, fourteen of our citizens and three foreign citizens, who returned to Israel today,” the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated.

all israel news

Day 51 — Sunday, November 26

A Jewish teacher in New York City was forced to lock herself in an office at her school after hundreds of “radicalized” students began rampaging through the school after they learned that she attended a pro-Israel rally, according to a report.

The terrifying incident reportedly happened at Hillcrest High School in Queens around 11 a.m. on Monday and only became public news on Saturday after the New York Post broke the story.

“The teacher was seen holding a sign of Israel, like supporting it,” a senior at the school told the Post. “A bunch of kids decided to make a group chat, expose her, talk about it, and then talk about starting a riot.”

The Post reported that hundreds of students stormed into hallways and “ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners,” adding that “many tried to barge into the teacher’s classroom despite school staffers blocking their entry.”

Writer Steve McGuire posted the video on X, writing: “The scene at Hillcrest High School in Queens as a Jewish teacher hid in her locked office for hours while students demanded she be fired for attending a pro-Israel rally.”

Students reportedly were screaming that the teacher needed to be fired because she supported Israel.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) sent a couple of dozens police officers, including its counterterrorism bureau, to quell the uprising at the school.

“Whether it was one student or multiple students who did or said something, whatever the trigger was, something happened,” said City Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens). “And I know from my many years on the City Council that the counterterrorism task force is not engaged unless they believe it is potentially a serious situation.”

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

After significant delays, 13 Israelis and seven foreign hostages have made their way out of Gaza into Egypt, where they will be handed over to Israeli officials, the IDF has now confirmed.

Hamas had initially claimed that the delay was due to Israelis not fulfilling their end of the ceasefire agreement. The terrorist organization insisted that they had not received aid shipments into northern Gaza, an accusation Israel stated was untrue.

Later in the day, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reported that “significant progress” had been made in the release of the second group of hostages. He further reiterated to the press Israel’s precarious position in negotiating with an “evil terror group.”

“The effort to return the hostages is our moral and ethical duty. We are determined to fulfill this in any way,” Hagari stated, adding that “patience is required.”

“We will return the hostages in any way, through the deal, or through the next stages of the war. If the agreement is not fulfilled, we will go back to fighting,” he warned.

Amid the delay, security sources told Israeli press that The IDF had given Hamas a midnight deadline to release the hostage or the ground operation would resume. Hamas finally handed over the hostages to the Red Cross less than an hour to that reported deadline.

HD Staff

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

Israeli security sources have warned that if Hamas delays the release of the second group of hostages, Israel will resume ground operations in Gaza.

Earlier on Saturday, Hamas’ military arm said that it decided to delay the release of the second group of hostages, until Israel “meets the terms of the agreement to allow humanitarian aid trucks into northern Gaza.”

According to the security sources, on Friday as well “Hamas played during the last moments, and changed the route by which the hostages would be transferred, in opposition to what had been planned.”

The sources added, “This morning we passed to northern Gaza no less than 61 trucks carrying humanitarian aid out of 200 which were brought in today, and in them were containers of gas and cooking oil.”

“Hamas knows that if the hostages are not released by midnight, the IDF will resume ground operations in Gaza – and therefore it is trying to control the narrative.”

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

BBC employees were reportedly instructed not to attend an upcoming march against antisemitism in London this weekend.

According to U.K. outlet The Times, the upcoming National Solidarity March Against Antisemitism was deemed too “controversial” for the network’s employees — even its Jewish ones — to attend.

BBC employees, including reporters and senior management, alleged that the network would not let them attend the upcoming rally. The march “is set to be the largest demonstration in support of British Jews since the 1936 Battle of Cable Street,” according to Campaign Against Antisemitism, the group organizing the event.

The outlet reported that BBC employees looking to attend pro-Palestinian rallies had been barred from attending those as well.

According to staff members, the decision to prohibit their attendance at the rally is in line with BBC guidelines regarding any “controversial march or demonstration.”

As the BBC reported in 2020, the network established guidelines mandating that staff members should not “express a personal opinion on matters of public policy, politics, or controversial subjects,” which covered attendance at rallies.

However, in response to employees at the time seeking attendance at various pro-LGBTQ rallies, BBC Director General Tim Davie clarified that “there is no issue for these staff attending community events that are clearly celebratory or commemorative and do not compromise perceptions of their impartiality.”

Several employees disagreed with the BBC standard applied to the march against antisemitism as compared to the standard applied to LGBTQ or antiracist marches in the past.

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

I believe this has been a very difficult decision for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his administration. The whole reason the kidnappings took place to begin with was so that innocent Israelis could be used as bargaining chips when Hamas inevitably faced military difficulties. It was a plan that is now about to perfectly come into fruition. Northern Gaza is being razed to the ground. Hamas leadership is either cornered or dead. What to do? Pull out your ace card.

In the Palestinian terrorist mind, they know that Israelis value life and want to see their fellow citizens safe. They’ll do almost anything to see it happen. They’ll even stop fighting when they are on the verge of decimating Hamas. Not only that, but they will go intelligence-dark for six hours a day so that the terrorists can rescue their trapped leadership and secretly shift all the puzzle pieces around so they are ready to fight again.

For two weeks, the Israeli leadership has said, “No, we won’t agree to a ceasefire.” But, as I just said, Israelis value life. In the past, there was a time we traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for a single Israeli soldier. There were consequences then, and there will be consequences now. For the sake of those innocent hostages, Netanyahu and the IDF are willing to face those consequences. The Prime Minister has made it clear that when the cease-fire ends, the military will resume prosecuting this war with the same level of vigor as before. He has also informed Israel’s citizens that he has instructed the Mossad to eliminate the leaders of Hamas wherever they are.


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Day 56 — Friday, December 1

IDF Says It Hit Over 400 Targets In Gaza Over Past Day, Including More Than 50 In Khan Younis Area

The Israel Defense Forces says it carried out airstrikes against over 400 targets across the Gaza Strip in the past day since Hamas violated the truce and fighting resumed.

The military says fighter jets attacked over 50 targets in the Khan Younis area in “extensive” strikes in the southern part of the enclave.

Troops on the ground in northern Gaza directed airstrikes on a number of targets, including on a mosque that was used by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group as an operational headquarters.

Naval forces also carried out strikes on Hamas infrastructure in the south, including on maritime equipment used by Hamas.

The military also said that a number of terror cells were eliminated, and that targets hit included an ammunition depot.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

Analysis — Franklin Graham: It Should Come As No Surprise That Israel Is Once Again The World’s Tipping Point

As Christmas approaches, the world is on edge. Following the slaughter of more than 1,400 Israelis—including women and children—by savage Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7, the state of Israel launched retaliatory strikes across the Gaza Strip to destroy the entrenchments of militants who butchered unsuspecting civilians and carried off more than 200 hostages, including Americans and Brits.

The conflict threatened to escalate, as the United States sent carrier strike groups to the eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf and warned against intervention by Iran—who supplies arms to Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.

It should come as no surprise that the Middle East—specifically focused on the nation of Israel—is once again the world’s tipping point. Modern Israel was born in 1948, and in my lifetime, tensions between Arabs and Israelis have erupted into battle at least seven times, including the Six-Day War in 1967. The Bible is clear that in the days before the return of Christ, the end-time battle of Armageddon will happen on the plains of Megiddo in Israel, as the anti-Christ and his evil forces seek to destroy Jerusalem, literally the “City of Peace.”

International conflict has defined Israel’s history since the reign of King David and his son Solomon. The people of Israel endured captivity and exile from a succession of hostile world powers, including the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and Romans.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

IDF Declares Khan Younis A War Zone, Tells Gazans To Evacuate To The South

The Israel Defense Forces have declared Khan Younis – a Hamas stronghold in Gaza acting as a temporary headquarters – a war zone and warned residents in the nearby areas to evacuate south toward the Rafah crossing.

The military released a map Friday that divided the Gaza Strip into hundreds of numbered parcels and asked residents to locate themselves in case of an eventual evacuation.

The map, which Israel said would eventually be interactive, was published hours after Israel-Hamas fighting resumed, ending a weeklong truce that had been negotiated by Qatar, Egypt and the United States.

Before the truce, the main combat zone was in northern Gaza, the focus of Israeli ground forces. Now, the Israeli military’s attention appears to have shifted to southern Gaza, packed with some 2 million Palestinians, including hundreds of thousands who fled the north.

Day 56 — Friday, December 1

Ceasefire Ends After Hamas Violates Hostage Deal, Fires Rockets Toward Israel

Israel accused Hamas of breaking the agreement by which Israel paused the Gaza War on November 22nd.

Hamas “violated the deal” and did not live up to its duty to release all the female captives today,” the Prime Minister’s Office said, adding the terror group had also “launched rockets at the citizens of Israel.”

“With the resumption of the war we will emphasize: the Israeli government is committed to achieving the goals of the war.”

These goals are “to eliminate Hamas and ensure that Gaza will never again pose a threat to the residents of Israel.”

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Hamas Drugged Children; Burned Legs With Motorcycle Exhaust For Identification

On October 7, Hamas terrorists kidnapped children on motorcycles and were trained to create a specific sign on their bodies: they put one of the children’s legs in the motorcycle exhaust. In addition, according to an uncle of two of these children hostages who were freed, they were drugged – according to a report on N12.

Yaniv, the uncle of Yagil, 12, and Or Yaakov, 16 from Kibbutz Nir Oz, who were released by Hamas, told foreign ministers in Europe.

According to the plan, published on N12, the kidnappers would recognize that the children ‘belonged’ to them by a specific sign. Beyond just marking a part of the body, a practice that revives traumatic memories from grim periods in history, the children were repeatedly drugged and shuffled from one location to another.

“The children have been returned to us and shared harrowing tales of their experiences in Gaza,” the uncle recounted. “’One particularly disturbing detail that shook me was how each child seized by Hamas was placed on a motorcycle. They positioned the child’s leg against the bike’s exhaust pipe, causing burns. This was done to mark the children, ensuring their identification should they try to escape or be rescued. They’re now safely with us, although they were drugged and treated horrifically, but at least they’re here with us now.'”

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Netanyahu Ends Meeting With Blinken, Says Israel Has ‘Sworn To Destroy Hamas’

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has concluded his meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Noting that the sit-down came shortly after 3 Israelis were murdered in a Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem that was claimed by Hamas, Netanyahu says he told Blinken: “This is the same Hamas. It’s the same Hamas that committed the terrible massacre on October 7, the same Hamas that is trying to murder us everywhere.

“I told him we have sworn, and I have sworn, to destroy Hamas. Nothing will stop us,” he says, reiterating that the war in Gaza will continue until Israel frees all its hostages, vanquishes Hamas and guarantees that no similar threat will ever be posed again from Gaza.

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Temporary Cease-Fire Deal Between Israel And Hamas To Continue: IDF

The Israel Defense Forces announced Thursday morning that its temporary cease-fire deal with Hamas terrorists has been extended again. The announcement came minutes before the extended deal was set to expire at 7 a.m. local time.

“The operational pause will continue in light of the mediators’ efforts to continue the process of releasing the hostages and subject to the terms of the framework,” the IDF wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

The pause in fighting has been extended for one more day, according to Reuters, and the original deal allowing one hostage to be exchanged for three Palestinians detained in Israel still stands.

Day 55 — Thursday, November 30

Three Killed In Shooting Attack At Entrance To Jerusalem

A 24-year-old woman and [two] additional victim were murdered Thursday morning in a shooting attack at one of the entrances to Jerusalem.

Magen David Adom (MDA) reported that five additional victims were moderately injured. Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center have received eight victims who were evacuated from the scene. Two of the victims suffered light injuries, one suffered moderate injuries, and five suffered serious injuries.

Hadassah Eiin Kerem reported that the hospital received three victims: a man of 56 in moderate condition; a woman of 22 in moderate condition; and a boy of 17 who suffered light injuries. All three are fully conscious.

According to initial reports, two terrorists arrived at the scene by vehicle and opened fire at passersby, using M-16 automatic weapons.

The attack took place on Weizman Blvd. at the junction of the entrance to the city, near Ramot.

The terrorists, who are from Jerusalem’s Arab neighborhoods, were eliminated by two soldiers and a civilian.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

'Consent And Support For Terrorism': Health Ministry Criticizes Red Cross For Refusing To Provide Information About Hostages

Israeli Health Minister Uriel Busso posted on X on Thursday criticizing the Red Cross.

“It is not enough that the Red Cross flaunts its feathers in the outline of the release of the hostages from Hamas captivity, now it also refuses and ignores with complete insensitivity to transfer and make information available regarding the safety of the hostages,” he wrote.

Bosso also added that “the time has come to speak with a clear voice, Hamas is a terrorist organization that slaughtered and kidnapped children, women, and the elderly. We need an organization that will protect and give hope to the families of the hostages, and provide medical information, any other conduct is consent and support for terrorism.”

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Analysis — Against Overwhelming Odds: The Resurgence of Israel’s Military in Bible Prophecy

On November 29, 1947, the United Nations adopted a resolution providing for the ending of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine, replacing British rule with a partition of the land that would result in the creation of two states, one Jewish and the other Arab.

Jews worldwide were elated, even though the territory they were offered was merely a portion of what they had been promised in the British Balfour Declaration of 1917. But the Arabs were outraged because they wanted all the land of Palestine. They immediately launched a civil war that continued right up to the day that the Jews issued their declaration of independence on May 14, 1948.

The surrounding Arab nations repeatedly warned that they would attack in mass if the Jews declared independence. For example, the Secretary General of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, declared, “It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a momentous massacre in history that will be talked about like the massacres of the Mongols or the Crusades.”

On the Jewish side, there was considerable concern that such boasting could become a reality. Thus, on the eve of the war, Yigael Yadin, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli forces, told David Ben-Gurion, the Jewish leader, “The best we can tell you is that we have a 50-50 chance.”

The fears materialized within hours of the declaration of independence when five Arab armies (Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq) attacked the new nation. At the time, Israel had only 30,000 rag-tag fighters who were ill-trained and poorly equipped.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Released Hostage Was Held For 50 Days In The Attic Of A UNRWA Employee's House

One of the recently released hostages was held for 50 days in the attic of an UNRWA teacher, Channel 13 News correspondent Almog Boker reported.

“‘Uninvolved,’ they say, right? Well, read this story carefully. One of the abductees, held for nearly 50 days in an attic, reveals he was held by a UNRA teacher – a father of ten children. This teacher locked the victim away, barely provided food, and neglected medical needs,” Boker wrote on X (Formerly Twitter).

“But wait, there’s more! Another abductee was held captive by a Gazan doctor who, simultaneously, cared for children. These are not isolated incidents; these civilians are terrorists. Present at the Saturday massacre, they’re now revealed as integral to holding hundreds captive, including women and children,” he added.

UNRWA, the United Nations agency dedicated to the descendants of the Arab refugees from Israel’s War of Independence, has frequently been criticized for its connections to the Hamas terrorist organization and the extreme antisemitism of many of its employees, including teachers. Its curricula and summer camps teach children to want to kill Israelis.

The report comes as new details continue to emerge of the inhumane treatment the Israeli hostages received in Gaza.

Devora Cohen, the aunt of Eitan Yahalomi, a 12-year-old boy who was freed on Monday night, revealed that Eitan was beaten by Gazan civilians when he was brought into the coastal enclave as a hostage and that hostage children who cried were threatened with rifles by their captors.

Eitan was also forced to watch videos taken by Hamas terrorists from the day of the horrific massacre of over 1,200 people in southern Israel, videos that were restricted in Israel and that many of those adults who did watch them could not bear to sit through.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan Calls Out 'Deep-Seated Hatred Of Israel And Jews'

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan spoke at a UN meeting on Wednesday, criticizing foreign ministers from Arab countries during his speech.

Erdan referenced the history of Israel and how the UN adopted the Partition Plan for Palestine during his remarks.

“On November 29, 1947, the UN voted to adopt the Partition Plan and the establishment of the Jewish State. Yet while Israel joyfully accepted this resolution, the Arab States rejected it, and instead, tried to annihilate Israel,” Erdan explained. “Today, exactly 76 years later, history is somewhat repeating itself.”

The ambassador accused Arab leaders of supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization, and presented a photograph of Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini with Adolf Hitler.

“Foreign Ministers of some Arab countries have arrived here today in order to support a terror organization that aims to annihilate Israel, Erdan said. “Thankfully, the plan to eliminate Israel was unsuccessful then, just as it will be unsuccessful today.”

“This picture tells you everything you need to know about this conflict,” he added.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

IDF Chief Approves Post Ceasefire Battle Plans: 'We Know What Needs To Be Done, And Are Ready For The Next Stage'

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi approve[d] battle plans for after the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, during a meeting at the Southern Command headquarters in Beersheba today, the military says.

“We know what needs to be done, and are ready for the next stage,” Halevi says in remarks provided by the IDF.

Minister Benny Gantz [said] that Israel will continue to try to “make the most” of its hostage deal framework with Hamas but is ready to renew the fight at a moment’s notice, hours before the deal is set to expire.

Hamas said earlier today that it’s open to extending the truce, now in its sixth day, and an Israeli official said talks to do so are ongoing.

“We are in complex moment, with a time window within the framework of the deal to return our kidnapped. We will work to make the most of it as much as possible,” Gantz says in remarks to the press. “At the same time, we are prepared and ready to return to fighting, at any given moment, including this moment.”

The war cabinet minister say that Israel is fighting its “most important war” since the 1948 War of Independence.

Vowing Israel will give Hamas no quarter, Gantz says the war will continue until residents of Israeli border communities that were evacuated amid the the fighting “can safely return” to their homes.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

Erdogan Tells UN Chief Israel Must Be Tried In International Courts For 'War Crimes'

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday told the United Nations (UN) Secretary General Antonio Guterres that Israel must be held accountable in international courts for what he called war crimes it committed in Gaza, the Turkish president said.

In a phone call ahead of the UN Security Council meeting on Gaza planned for Wednesday, Erdogan and Guterres discussed the “expectations of the international community regarding Israel’s unlawful attacks” and access of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, the Turkish presidency stated.

“During the call, President Erdogan said Israel continues to shamelessly trample on international law, the laws of war, and international humanitarian law by looking in the eyes of the international community, and it must be held accountable for the crimes it committed in front of international law,” read the statement.

Turkey’s FM Hakan Fidan is said attend the UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting in New York. Fidan is also expected to meet his counterparts from the Arab League and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) this month to discuss Gaza with Western powers and others.

Turkey has harshly criticized Israel’s ground operation on Gaza and called for an immediate ceasefire to allow for discussions over a two-state solution. Erdogan has called Israel’s activity in the Strip a “genocide” and accused Israel of being a “terrorist state”.

Turkey also hosts members of Hamas which Ankara has refused to recognize as a terrorist group. It has accused the West, apart from Spain and Belgium, of complicity due to their support of Israel.

Day 54 — Wednesday, November 29

With Overwhelming Majority: House Approves Resolution Affirming Israel's Right To Exist

The US House of Representatives on Tuesday night overwhelmingly approved a resolution which affirms Israel’s right to exist.

The resolution passed by a majority of 412 to 1.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was the sole “No” vote against H. Res. 888, citing the language within the legislation.

“I agree with the title ‘Reaffirming the State of Israel’s Right to Exist’ and much of the language, but I’m voting No on the resolution because it equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Antisemitism is deplorable, but expanding it to include criticism of Israel is not helpful,” he said.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the “Squad” member who is known for her anti-Israel rhetoric, voted “present”. Another Squad member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) did not vote.

The resolution was submitted by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY). It states that “the House of Representatives—(1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist;

(2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism;

(3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and

(4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel.”

“My resolution H. Res 888 is simple and straightforward – Israel has a right to exist. I was pleased to see this resolution pass the House tonight with broad bipartisan support,” Lawler said after the vote.

Last month, the House of Representatives approved by a majority of 412 to 10 a resolution expressing support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

Nine of the ten “no” votes were by Democrats: Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Andre Carson, Al Green, Summer Lee, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Delia Ramirez and Tlaib. The lone Republican no vote was from Massie.

The resolution was the first one passed by the House after the election of Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) as its next Speaker.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

Islamic Jihad Terror Group Accompanies Hamas Gunmen At Hostage Handoff; IDF Says 10 Israelis And Two Thai Nationals Released

The Israel Defense Forces says the 12 hostages — 10 Israelis and two Thai nationals — released from Hamas captivity in the Gaza Strip are now in Israeli territory, and are being escorted by special forces and members of the Shin Bet security agency.

“After they undergo an initial medical assessment of their health, our forces will accompany them until they are reunited with their families,” the IDF says.

The IDF asks the public to “demonstrate patience and sensitivity during this time out of respect for the released hostages and their families.”

Alongside Hamas gunmen accompanying hostages to a Red Cross meeting point were armed members of the Islamic Jihad terror group.

Members of Islamic Jihad, which is smaller than Hamas but still yields considerable muscle in Gaza, are thought to have held a number of Israelis abducted on October 7 hostage.

However, they have not been a visible presence on previous nights when hostages are handed over to the ICRC to be transferred to Israel.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

Analysis — If Modern Israel Is Not Biblical Israel, Then Why Is The God Of The Bible Protecting It?

All throughout the modern history of Israel – the hand of God in rescuing the remnant from the gas chambers and the death camps in Europe; the hand of God in bringing them back to a land that once was a barren wasteland and now is one of the most fertile grounds in the world; the hand of God in reviving the old forgotten Hebrew language as the only means of communication between people that come from more than 80 different diasporas; the hand of God in making sure that the efforts to destroy the newborn state will fail.

God’s hand was all throughout the history of Israel as a newborn state, and for the past more than 66 years, God is there. The Bible says that, “He that keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.” The people of Israel are strong and resilient. The people of Israel have seen the great hand of God in protecting and providing everything they needed. And we’re holding onto the promise that God gave to Israel through the prophet Amos in the ninth chapter of his book: “‘And I will bring back the captives of My people Israel; they shall build the waste cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink wine from them; they shall also make gardens and eat fruit from them. I will plant them in their land and no longer shall they be pulled up from the land that I have given them,’ says the Lord your God. Amen.”

At its birth in 1948, the nation of Israel was invaded by five armies who proclaimed a jihad, vowing to destroy Israel and spill every drop of their own blood, if necessary. When attacked, Israel did not own one tank or cannon and had nine outdated aircraft. The five invading armies were repelled, and Israel survived and even thrived.

Day 53 — Tuesday, November 28

(Israel Defense Forces IDF) — The IDF continues to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip via COGAT (Coordiantor of Government Activities in the Territories)

Since October 21st, 2023, the IDF has facilitated via COGAT the entry of humanitarian aid – including food, water, medical supplies and humanitarian supplies – into the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Crossing. This aid is designated for the civilian population in the Gaza Strip.

As of November 19th, 2023, over 1,400 trucks have entered the Gaza Strip via the Rafah Crossing, including deliveries of:

  • 10,130 tons of food
  • 1,720 tons of medical equipment
  • 1,940 tons of shelter supplies
  • 3,910 tons of water

Other humanitarian initiatives are currently being planned in coordination with international partners.

The humanitarian aid is routed through Egypt and then forwarded to undergo Israeli security screening at Nitzana. From there it is sent to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing. Prior to entering the Gaza Strip, the trucks are inspected by Israeli security forces to ensure that no weapons or materials that could be used for military purposes by the Hamas terrorist organization enter the Gaza Strip.

We recognize the importance of the entry of international humanitarian aid for the Gazan people, as long as this aid reaches civilians and not the Hamas terrorist organization.

Israel is at war with Hamas, not the people of Gaza.

The IDF and COGAT will continue to conduct daily assessments with international aid organizations operating in Gaza to review the situation and respond to the needs on the ground.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Hamas official Hisham Qasem spouted a new propaganda talking point for the terrorist group this week, claiming that Hamas terrorists had kidnapped Thai nationals “for their own protection” during their October 7 attack on Israel.

Qasem’s remarks come after Hamas terrorists murdered 39 Thai nationals during their attack and took an unknown number hostage.

Qasem falsely claimed that the hostages were only “detainees” and that Israel was “shelling” houses located in the kibbutzes.

“[Turkey and Hamas] discussed the release of some of the [Thai] detainees,” he said. “As we said at the beginning of the October 7 operation, these [Thai nationals] were detained for their own protection, because on October 7, the forces of the Zionist army was shelling the houses with people inside – whether members of the Al-Qassam Brigades, [foreign] laborers, or even the Zionist inhabitants of those settlements.”

Four of the Thai nationals who were released were not known by officials to have been taken hostage by Hamas — and officials believe at least 20 more Thai nationals remain hostage.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

A first helicopter, carrying some of the 11 abductees who were released this evening in the fourth round of hostage exchanges, landed at the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv early Tuesday morning.

Among those released are 9 children and 2 mothers. 

Earlier today, Hamas and Qatar officially announced the extension of the ceasefire by two days under the same conditions as the previous ceasefire. 20 more Israelis are expected to be released.

Israel’s Prime Minister’s Office stated Monday evening that the government has approved the inclusion of 50 female prisoners in the list of possible prisoners for release as an extension of the Hamas hostage exchanges.

Sharon Aloni-Kunio (34) and her daughters Emma (3) and Yuli (3); Karina Engel-Bart (51) and her daughters Mika (18) and Yuval (11); brothers Sahar (16) and Erez Calderon (12); the brothers Or (16) and Gil Jacob (12); and Eitan Yahami (12) make up the fourth group of hostages released from Hamas captivity since a hostage exchange and temporary truce agreement was reached last Friday.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

A chilling account has emerged from an abductee who recently returned from captivity in Gaza, shedding light on a face-to-face meeting with Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Israeli Channel 12 reported.

The incident took place in the early days of the conflict, where abductees were held in a tunnel.

According to the survivor’s testimony Yahya Sinwar entered the tunnel and spoke to them in flawless Hebrew without any discernible accent.

Sinwar, a key figure in the meticulous planning of the brutal October 7 massacre, was responsible for the deaths of 1,400 people, including about 240 Israeli civilians who were kidnapped.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

White House National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby confirms that another 20 Israeli women and children will be released during the two-day extension of the ongoing truce between Israel and Hamas.

The deal was structured in a way where Israel would agree to extend the truce by an additional day for every 10 hostages released by Hamas.

Kirby says that there was a hold-up with today’s release because Hamas initially sought to release several children without their mothers, who are also being held in Gaza.

He adds he does not know if the 11 hostages being released today include the remaining two female US citizens being held in Gaza. There are six other male hostages who are US citizens and one male US Green Card holder.

Kirby adds that the US “would… hope to see the pause extended further, but reiterates that this will depend on Hamas releasing additional hostages.

Kirby notes that for the third day in a row, 200 aid trucks entered Gaza yesterday, meeting a key clause of the truce. This brings the total number of aid trucks that have entered Gaza since the Rafah Crossing was opened on October 21 to over 2,000.

The USS Mason and allied ships from the coalition counter-piracy task force managed to secure the Israeli-linked Central Park chemical tanker which an “unknown entity” attempted to seize in the Gulf of Aden, US Central Command (CENTCOM) said on Monday morning.

The tanker had been carrying a cargo of phosphoric acid.

During the efforts to free the ship from the attackers, five armed individuals attempted to flee in a small boat and were arrested by the US Navy. The crew of the Central Park was safe.

Early on Monday morning, two ballistic missiles were fired from areas controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militia in Yemen toward the USS Mason as the USS Mason was concluding its response to a distress call by the Central Park tanker, according to CENTCOM. The missiles fell ten nautical miles away from the vessels. No damage or injuries were caused.

“Maritime domain security is essential to regional stability,” said Gen. Michael Erik Kurilla, USCENTCOM commander. “We will continue to work with allies and partners to ensure the safety and security of international shipping lanes.”

The incident is the latest in a series of attacks in Middle Eastern waters since a brutal war between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas broke out on October 7.

It followed a seizure of an Israeli-linked cargo ship by Yemen Houthis, allies of Iran, in the southern Red Sea last week. The group, which also fired ballistic missiles and armed drones at Israel, vowed to target more Israeli vessels.

“US and coalition forces are in the vicinity and we are closely monitoring the situation,” the US official said.

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Israeli doctors say that Elma Avraham, the 84-year-old Israeli hostage who was rushed to a hospital after being released by Hamas on Sunday, remains in critical condition.

In a statement, Soroka Medical Center CEO Dr. Shlomi Codish said that the elderly woman was “significant[ly]” neglected by her Hamas captors.

“[Avraham] is treated in an emergency department after significant medical neglect for the past several weeks while being held by Hamas,” Codish said. “She is currently in unstable condition with risk to her life and will be admitted to our intensive care unit and we hope we will able to stabilize it and improve her condition.”

Day 52 — Monday, November 27

Across the Middle East, children are taught to call the founding of Israel on May 14, 1948, “the Nakba,” or catastrophe. Their teachers depict Jews as violent usurpers of the land. Today in the United States and other western nations, educators are using those same lies on our children. Now the lies that generate hate in the Middle East are generating the same kind of hate here.

Al Jazeera is a Qatar-based, global, anti-Semitic, and anti-American news conglomerate. It says, “Every year on May 15, Palestinians around the world mark the Nakba, or catastrophe, referring to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948…. Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.”

Dictionary.com defines “ethnic cleansing” as, “the elimination of an unwanted ethnic group.” Today, with well over 3 million Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria, 2 million living in Gaza, and another 2 million living in Israel proper, there was clearly never an “ethnic cleansing” of Palestinians.

Al Jazeera also says, “Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands.” That accusation is repeated often, even by the United Nations. In an article called, “The Question of Palestine,” the United Nations affirms that the birth of modern Israel was a “catastrophe.” “Before the Nakba,” the UN article contends, “Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society.” In other words, they were one, big happy family until the formation of Israel.

Day 51 — Sunday, November 26

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an unprecedented step visited the Israeli soldiers inside the Gaza Strip on Sunday, receiving security briefings and visiting one of the terror tunnels.

His visit came during the four-day fire pause in the fighting, part of a deal with Hamas to release Israeli hostages.

“We are here in the Gaza Strip with our heroic soldiers,” Netanyahu said.

“We are making every effort to return our hostages, and in the end, we will return them all. We have three goals in this war: Eliminate Hamas, return all of our hostages, and ensure that Gaza will not go back to being a threat to the State of Israel.”

These comments came just hours before seventeen more hostages were released by the terror organization Hamas on Sunday evening and transported by the International Red Cross to the Israeli border.

One of the hostages, 84-year-old Alma Abraham, was evacuated by a helicopter to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba directly from the border, reportedly in serious condition.

Around 6:30 p.m. the IDF confirmed that 13 hostages were received by IDF and Shin Bet forces at the border fence, and 12 of them were then taken to Hatzerim Air Base near Beersheba, from where they will be sent for a medical checkup in a hospital.

“The Israeli government embraces the seventeen abductees who returned to Israel, fourteen of our citizens and three foreign citizens, who returned to Israel today,” the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) stated.

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Day 51 — Sunday, November 26

A Jewish teacher in New York City was forced to lock herself in an office at her school after hundreds of “radicalized” students began rampaging through the school after they learned that she attended a pro-Israel rally, according to a report.

The terrifying incident reportedly happened at Hillcrest High School in Queens around 11 a.m. on Monday and only became public news on Saturday after the New York Post broke the story.

“The teacher was seen holding a sign of Israel, like supporting it,” a senior at the school told the Post. “A bunch of kids decided to make a group chat, expose her, talk about it, and then talk about starting a riot.”

The Post reported that hundreds of students stormed into hallways and “ran amok, chanting, jumping, shouting, and waving Palestinian flags or banners,” adding that “many tried to barge into the teacher’s classroom despite school staffers blocking their entry.”

Writer Steve McGuire posted the video on X, writing: “The scene at Hillcrest High School in Queens as a Jewish teacher hid in her locked office for hours while students demanded she be fired for attending a pro-Israel rally.”

Students reportedly were screaming that the teacher needed to be fired because she supported Israel.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) sent a couple of dozens police officers, including its counterterrorism bureau, to quell the uprising at the school.

“Whether it was one student or multiple students who did or said something, whatever the trigger was, something happened,” said City Councilman James Gennaro (D-Queens). “And I know from my many years on the City Council that the counterterrorism task force is not engaged unless they believe it is potentially a serious situation.”

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

After significant delays, 13 Israelis and seven foreign hostages have made their way out of Gaza into Egypt, where they will be handed over to Israeli officials, the IDF has now confirmed.

Hamas had initially claimed that the delay was due to Israelis not fulfilling their end of the ceasefire agreement. The terrorist organization insisted that they had not received aid shipments into northern Gaza, an accusation Israel stated was untrue.

Later in the day, IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari reported that “significant progress” had been made in the release of the second group of hostages. He further reiterated to the press Israel’s precarious position in negotiating with an “evil terror group.”

“The effort to return the hostages is our moral and ethical duty. We are determined to fulfill this in any way,” Hagari stated, adding that “patience is required.”

“We will return the hostages in any way, through the deal, or through the next stages of the war. If the agreement is not fulfilled, we will go back to fighting,” he warned.

Amid the delay, security sources told Israeli press that The IDF had given Hamas a midnight deadline to release the hostage or the ground operation would resume. Hamas finally handed over the hostages to the Red Cross less than an hour to that reported deadline.

HD Staff

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

Israeli security sources have warned that if Hamas delays the release of the second group of hostages, Israel will resume ground operations in Gaza.

Earlier on Saturday, Hamas’ military arm said that it decided to delay the release of the second group of hostages, until Israel “meets the terms of the agreement to allow humanitarian aid trucks into northern Gaza.”

According to the security sources, on Friday as well “Hamas played during the last moments, and changed the route by which the hostages would be transferred, in opposition to what had been planned.”

The sources added, “This morning we passed to northern Gaza no less than 61 trucks carrying humanitarian aid out of 200 which were brought in today, and in them were containers of gas and cooking oil.”

“Hamas knows that if the hostages are not released by midnight, the IDF will resume ground operations in Gaza – and therefore it is trying to control the narrative.”

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

BBC employees were reportedly instructed not to attend an upcoming march against antisemitism in London this weekend.

According to U.K. outlet The Times, the upcoming National Solidarity March Against Antisemitism was deemed too “controversial” for the network’s employees — even its Jewish ones — to attend.

BBC employees, including reporters and senior management, alleged that the network would not let them attend the upcoming rally. The march “is set to be the largest demonstration in support of British Jews since the 1936 Battle of Cable Street,” according to Campaign Against Antisemitism, the group organizing the event.

The outlet reported that BBC employees looking to attend pro-Palestinian rallies had been barred from attending those as well.

According to staff members, the decision to prohibit their attendance at the rally is in line with BBC guidelines regarding any “controversial march or demonstration.”

As the BBC reported in 2020, the network established guidelines mandating that staff members should not “express a personal opinion on matters of public policy, politics, or controversial subjects,” which covered attendance at rallies.

However, in response to employees at the time seeking attendance at various pro-LGBTQ rallies, BBC Director General Tim Davie clarified that “there is no issue for these staff attending community events that are clearly celebratory or commemorative and do not compromise perceptions of their impartiality.”

Several employees disagreed with the BBC standard applied to the march against antisemitism as compared to the standard applied to LGBTQ or antiracist marches in the past.

Day 50 — Saturday, November 25

I believe this has been a very difficult decision for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his administration. The whole reason the kidnappings took place to begin with was so that innocent Israelis could be used as bargaining chips when Hamas inevitably faced military difficulties. It was a plan that is now about to perfectly come into fruition. Northern Gaza is being razed to the ground. Hamas leadership is either cornered or dead. What to do? Pull out your ace card.

In the Palestinian terrorist mind, they know that Israelis value life and want to see their fellow citizens safe. They’ll do almost anything to see it happen. They’ll even stop fighting when they are on the verge of decimating Hamas. Not only that, but they will go intelligence-dark for six hours a day so that the terrorists can rescue their trapped leadership and secretly shift all the puzzle pieces around so they are ready to fight again.

For two weeks, the Israeli leadership has said, “No, we won’t agree to a ceasefire.” But, as I just said, Israelis value life. In the past, there was a time we traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for a single Israeli soldier. There were consequences then, and there will be consequences now. For the sake of those innocent hostages, Netanyahu and the IDF are willing to face those consequences. The Prime Minister has made it clear that when the cease-fire ends, the military will resume prosecuting this war with the same level of vigor as before. He has also informed Israel’s citizens that he has instructed the Mossad to eliminate the leaders of Hamas wherever they are.