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Israel At War: Week Four Coverage


Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Israel At War

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Analysis — In The Fullness Of Time, God Is Bringing The Jewish People Back To The Land — And Back To Him

Israel At War
The Jews. That was the two-word answer given to Tsar Nicholas and Napoleon Bonaparte when they asked for proof that God is real. No other people group has endured through the ages — despite continual persecution and prosecution. Their respective advisors understood that only God could protect and preserve a people He set apart as His.

Throughout Scripture, God not only promised to provide for the chosen descendants of Abraham — He swore to bring them back to their own Promised Land in the fullness of time.

That promise goes hand in glove with His warning that they would be scattered throughout the world because of their disobedience and faithlessness. They would be harassed and oppressed to the point that they would be left with “a trembling of heart, failing of eyes, and despair of soul” (Deuteronomy 28:64).

But God swore that He would never fail them or forsake them.

All the other Signs of the Times are multiplying before our eyes — here in America and around the world. But the Sign of Israel focuses primarily on the Land and people of Israel.

Many prophetic writers would testify to the magnitude of this great sign that reemerged on the world scene in just the past century. In the fullness of time, God is bringing the Jewish people back to the Land — and back to Him.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Netanyahu: We Will Do Whatever It Takes To Achieve Victory Over Our Enemies—With God's help

Israel At War
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear on Friday afternoon, in a statement to the press before the start of Shabbat, that Israel will not agree to a ceasefire in Gaza without the release of the hostages being held by Hamas.

“Our forces are operating in all sectors and with all their might. Our victory will be sharp and clear. It will deliver a message to our enemies, a message that will resonate for generations,” stated Netanyahu.

“The goal of our enemies is the destruction of the State of Israel. I tell you, and I tell them – our enemies will fail.They will be defeated. We will not let up until victory, until the goals we set are achieved – the elimination of Hamas, the return of our hostages and the return of security to our citizens and our children,” he added.

“Our soldiers fight with extraordinary courage. They fight fierce battles, face to face.They eliminate terrorists around the clock. They operate in the field, while the Air Force’s unprecedented air strike against Hamas-ISIS continues.”

“Regarding the north – I repeat and say to our enemies: Do not underestimate us. A mistake will cost you dearly. A mistake will cost you a price you can’t even imagine,” warned Netanyahu in the remarks, which came as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech.

“At the same time, we continue to operate on the political front. I met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken this morning. I appreciate his visit here.I appreciate the consistent support of President Biden, the American administration and the American people,” continued the Prime Minister.

“I showed Secretary of State Blinken a video from the cameras in the Gaza Strip. He spoke about it.One of the horrible things we saw were two young brothers who see their father being murdered. One of them loses his sight, calls his mother.And that’s just some of the horrors in this video.”

“I made it clear that we continue with all our might, and that Israel refuses a temporary ceasefire that does not include the release of our hostages. Israel does not allow entry of fuel into the Gaza Strip and opposes the transfer of funds to the Gaza Strip.”

“Citizens of Israel, since the outbreak of the terrible war on that dark Shabbat, we have lost hundreds of men and women of the security forces, the police and the rescue forces. We lost wonderful fighters, wonderful Israelis, salt of the earth, people who simply stopped these monsters with their bodies, sometimes with their fingernails,” Netanyahu continued.

“Every fallen victim of ours leaves a deep hole in our hearts. Each of them is an entire world to his family, his friends, his parents, his lovers and all of us.Each of them sacrificed their lives for our lives.On behalf of the entire nation, I wish to send condolences to the bereaved families.I know firsthand the depth of bereavement.We grieve for every fallen soldier.We aim to operate with minimal risk to our forces, but we will do whatever it takes to achieve victory over our enemies.With God’s help, and with your help, citizens of Israel, we will do and succeed. Together we will win,” he concluded.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israeli Inspectors Find Oxygen Concentrators, Used For Hamas Terror Tunnels, Hidden In Gaza Aid Shipment

Israel At War
Israeli inspectors reportedly found several oxygen concentrators, used by Hamas to aerate its elaborate terror tunnel infrastructure, hidden within an aid shipment on its way to Gaza.

Two Israeli officials told the Times of Israel that “these weren’t for use in the hospitals, but below them,” adding that the oxygen concentrators “were smuggled among boxes of cookies.”

Hundreds of aid shipments have been entering through the Rafah crossing with Egypt since Oct. 21. The trucks are first examined by Egyptian officials, then driven to the Nitzana crossing to be inspected by Israel before proceeding through the Rafah crossing into Gaza. According to the Times of Israel, “the format was agreed upon after extensive talks between Israel, Egypt, and the United States.”

Officials have not disclosed the company responsible for the attempted smuggling of the oxygen concentrators but stated that the truck was barred from entering Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement on Thursday, stressed that Israel “has not approved the entry of fuel into Gaza” through the Rafah crossing, which is another critical component in Hamas’ complex tunnel system.

As Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, explained, much of the billions of dollars that have been poured into Gaza “went to the construction of an intricate, multi-leveled system of 1300 tunnels that stretch for 500 kilometers (311 miles) and reach 70 meters deep (229 feet).”

“The flaw in this tunnel system is that it needs gas for generators to power the ventilation system,” Tsarfati continued. “So, while there is food and water in Gaza, as well as electricity in most areas, gas is very difficult to find. This is because the IDF has confiscated all the gas they can find. No gas, no ventilators. No ventilators, no air. No air, the terrorists will be forced to scurry out of their holes where they will surrender or be killed.”


Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
Israel’s National Security Council and Foreign Ministry are urging Israelis to refrain from traveling abroad due to global antisemitism, which has risen dramatically since the start of its war with Hamas.

“In recent weeks, against the backdrop of the Swords of Iron conflict, the National Security Council and the Foreign Ministry have witnessed a significant rise in incidents of antisemitism and incitement, alongside life-threatening attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world,” the joint statement cautioned. “These incidents are occurring in numerous countries worldwide, including countries that do not have terrorism warnings.”

“In light of the growing trend, the NSC calls for a reevaluation of the necessity of traveling abroad during these days,” the statement stressed. “At the same time, the NSC calls upon the general public in Israel, departing for any destination, to follow its recommendations regarding the required conduct of Israeli citizens abroad.”

Among the recommendations for those traveling abroad, Israelis are warned to “Avoid wearing or displaying Israeli and Jewish symbols,” to stay clear of regions where active anti-Israel demonstrations are taking place, and to refrain from “engaging in conversations about Israeli security systems, including the military, with unfamiliar individuals.”

The statement further described synagogues, Jewish businesses, kosher restaurants, airports with flights to and from Israel, and Israeli embassies as “core targets for antisemitic attacks,” reported the Jerusalem Post.

Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, described the recent explosion of antisemitism as “a dark cloud covering the world.”

“The world was just taking a little break. Now, antisemitism is back in vogue. In Germany, cases of antisemitism have risen 240%; in Austria, 300%; South Africa, 720%; and the UK, 1351%,” he asserted.

“There is a dark cloud covering the world right now. Standing with Israel is soon going to exact a price. It may be relational. It may become physical,” Tsarfati stated. “What we are seeing is symptomatic of the growing influence of the enemy. It is truly diabolical, and you will not understand it until you put your spiritual glasses on.”


Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the terrorist group will continue its attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria.

Nasrallah made the comment in a televised speech Friday addressing the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict.

“The US must be held accountable and pay the price for the crimes perpetrated by Israel in Gaza, hence resistance movements have attacked and will continue to attack American forces in Iraq and Syria,” the Hezbollah leader vowed.

He continued, “Israel has revealed itself to be a weak state, as fragile as a spider web, and it needs American and Western support. Otherwise, why would the U.S. Navy send an aircraft carrier shortly after the Oct. 7 attack? Why else would Biden visit Israel, alongside numerous American government secretaries, the military top brass and European leaders?”

Praising Hamas for its violent attacks and referring to Israel as “the occupiers,” Nasrallah said the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks were strictly a Palestinian operation.

Nasrallah made the same assertion about Iran, claiming the deadly attacks were perpetrated without the Iranian government’s knowledge.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
After a series of failures suffered by Hezbollah against Israel in recent weeks, the Iranian militia “Imam Hussein Brigade,” initially established in Syria, has moved into southern Lebanon to “lend a helping-hand.”

The IDF’s Arabic-language spokesperson, who revealed the information on Thursday, indicated that the militia had taken part in several attacks against Israel in recent weeks.

“Hezbollah and the Imam Hussein Brigade militia are forcing Lebanon to pay a heavy price to Hamas,” the spokesperson wrote on X (formerly Twitter). The IDF is fully prepared to respond forcefully to anyone who attempts to undermine its sovereignty in the north of its territory,” he added.

Since the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, Iran has been pushing each of its proxies in the region to launch attacks against Israel. In addition to the daily aggressions of Hezbollah, Israel has been targeted since the beginning of the week by missile and drone fire from the Houthis in Yemen, who have promised to intensify their attacks in response to the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
(Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from a very different Israel than what we had one month ago. Back then, we were mired in political friction. There was a huge divide over judicial reform with threats being leveled from all sides. Culturally, we were not just two different countries with a conservative population and a liberal population, but we had countless subgroups centered around religious beliefs and lifestyle choices and ethnic backgrounds. When I looked at my nation back then, I felt incredible sorrow. We were a nation fighting an internal war and I could see my country falling apart.

That is no longer so. When you look at Israel now, you see one country, one people. We are Israelis, and if you harm one of us, you harm us all. As a nation, we were attacked. As a nation, we were murdered and tortured and kidnapped. And as a nation, we will have our vengeance on those who perpetrated these heinous acts on our children, our elderly, our women, and our men. We will also ensure that those who attacked us will never have the capability to do it again, because we know that if they could, they would. Hamas didn’t just “get this out of their system” and now they’re ready to play nice. They are the same evil, antisemitic Nazis they have always been, and they will not be satisfied until every Jew has been pushed into the sea.

That’s not going to happen.

“But, Amir, you are a believer in Jesus. Shouldn’t you turn the other cheek?” I will answer that in two ways. First, nowhere in Scripture is a nation told to turn the other cheek. There is no Bible passage that tells a government that they must accept the evil done to it and respond in love. In fact, throughout Scripture, it is the State that is used by God as His weapon against evil. Currently, Israel is that weapon in God’s hand, and He is using it to eradicate the demonic terrorists who carried out such vile and malicious crimes against innocents.

Second, as believers we have a responsibility to protect the innocent. Yes, Jesus said that turning the other cheek is the correct action when struck. But He said that in a certain context and in relation to a specific situation. If I am being attacked and I feel it is appropriate to respond to my attacker in love, then I should do so. But if a child is being attacked, my response must be protection of the innocent by whatever means is necessary and proper.

Israel’s actions meet that “necessary and proper” criteria to protect the innocent and eradicate evil. More and more nations are going to soon find themselves in the same situation making the same types of choices, because this radical antisemitism and, in many circumstances, its accompanying universalist Islamist vision is not going to remain localized to the Middle East. This war is a global event, and it has ramifications around the world.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would send military aid to Israel during its conflict with Hamas, which will be funded by cuts to funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 would provide funds to the Department of Defense to replace equipment provided to Israel as military aid, fund research for new air defense systems that are being developed by Israel, such as the Iron Beam aerial laser program, and fund the Department of State’s programs to evacuate U.S. citizens from the region as well as protect U.S. diplomatic missions under new threats due to the conflict. The bill was passed by a vote of 226 yeas to 196 nays, with most Democrats voting against the bill.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Will Reinart criticized Democrats in a statement to the DCNF for opposing the bill “as terrorists continue their barbaric attacks.”

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated that despite reports that the Biden administration is attempting to push for a short-term ceasefire in Gaza, Israel is not considering such a ceasefire at all.

“The idea of a ceasefire is not on the table at all right now. The IDF is at war and is conducting this war to dismantle Hamas. We will speak through actions and not through words,” Hagari said.

He noted that the IDF had completed the encirclement of Gaza City. “In the past few hours, armored corps and infantry troops, with the assistance of the IAF are striking outposts, command and control centers, rocket launch sites, and other terror infrastructure used by the Hamas leadership and its terrorists. Combat engineering troops are detecting infrastructure, threats, IEDs, and demolishing and neutralizing them to enable the ground forces to maneuver more freely in the area.”

“IDF troops completed the encirclement of Gaza City, which is the focal point of the Hamas terror organization.,” Hagari said.

“Our forces are killing terrorists in close combat, in any place in which fighting is required, even if it is difficult, the IDF and its soldiers have the upper hand. We are operating continuously with fire directed from the air and from the sea. Even when we engaged in battle in the field, if needed, we take a step backward, directing heavy fire from air and from sea, and then continue to move forward and to fight. This is repeated in every battle we engage in and this is how we will continue to fight. The commanders are leading our soldiers from the front, leading with courage, with strength, together with their soldiers. This is the battle spirit, and this is how the IDF fights,” he said.

Hagari revealed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is on his way to Iran in a private plane. “If one wants to understand who is involved in this war, one must pay attention also to the visit of one of Hamas’ murderous leaders, Ismail Haniyeh, in Iran today. He is going to visit Iran on a private jet and there is significance to the reception that he will receive from the Iranian leader. Iran is pushing its proxies around us, the Huthis, Hezbollah and others, in order to distract us from focusing on Hamas and Gaza. We are focused on Hamas. We are focused on destroying Hamas and making every effort to bring all of our hostages home. This is our focus and we will not be distracted.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The Gaza Strip-based Hamas terror group claimed responsibility for the latest rocket attack from Lebanon at the northern city of Kiryat Shmona. In a statement, Hamas says its Lebanon branch fired 12 rockets.

At least one landed in a shopping area, heavily damaging cars and a store.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service says its medics are treating two people who were wounded.

It says a 25-year-old is in moderate condition due to shrapnel and a 40-year-old is lightly hurt as a result of the blast. The pair are being taken to Ziv Hospital in Safed, MDA says.

The city has been largely evacuated amid repeated attacks by Hezbollah and allied Palestinian terror factions in southern Lebanon.

The IDF says that it considers Hezbollah responsible for all attacks launched against Israel from Lebanon, [despite] the Hamas terror group [claiming] responsibility for some of the rocket fire.

The Israel Defense Forces says it is carrying out wide-scale airstrikes on Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on northern Israel earlier.

The IDF says that among the targets hit so far by fighter jets, tanks, and artillery are military headquarters, rocket launching positions, weapons storage sites, military complexes, and other infrastructure belonging to the terror group.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The Wall Street Journal has confirmed internet users’ deepening suspicions that the country of Israel has disappeared from several online maps after the ‘mistake’ began to gain increased attention. “Internet users in China are expressing bewilderment that the name Israel doesn’t appear on leading online digital maps from Baidu and Alibaba, an ambiguity that matches Beijing’s vague diplomacy in the region and contrasts with its attentiveness to maps generally,” WSJ writes Tuesday. But some pundits have said the claim is misleading, stressing that many Chinese maps don’t label “disputed areas” by default.

The internationally recognized borders of the Israeli state are also missing. The report says that Israel may have gone ‘missing’ on the popular maps since the start of the Oct.7 conflict and Israel’s subsequent bombing campaign on Gaza.

But as WSJ also points out, neither major Chinese company has publicly acknowledged the missing country information:

The same is true with online maps produced by Alibaba’s Amap, where even small nations like Luxembourg are clearly marked. Neither company responded to questions on Monday. It is unclear whether the development is new, though it has been discussed by Chinese internet users since war broke out.

China’s government has over the years cried foul and levied fines over maps published elsewhere online, such as on hotel websites, for failing to strictly adhere to Beijing’s territorial claims, like leaving off a nine-dotted line stretching around the South China Sea that isn’t internationally recognized.

Additionally, China has increasingly aligned its foreign policy with the Global South in recent months, and the Gaza crisis is a further demonstration of this trend.

In statements from the foreign ministry, Chinese officials have consistently highlighted Israel’s bombing of Gazan civilians, instead of focusing on denunciations of the Oct.7 terror attack by Hamas (as the US and much of the West has done). “Every country has the right to self-defense, but every country should abide by international humanitarian law and protect the safety of civilians,” FM Wang Yi told his Israeli counterpart Eli Cohen a week ago.

And then there’s this provocative tweet from the Chinese embassy in France, rejecting Western claims of “genocide” against Uyghurs in Xinjiangwhile highlighting that Gaza lies in ruins

“As long as [any resolution] is conducive to peace, China will firmly support it; as long as [any resolution] is conducive to Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation, China will do its best,” Wang had said. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the clearly deteriorating Israel-China relations by the end of this current crisis.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
Bolivia’s government severed diplomatic relations with Israel on Tuesday, accusing it of carrying out “crimes against humanity” in Gaza, and Chile and Colombia recalled their ambassadors to Israel as they criticized the Israeli military offensive against Hamas militants.

Bolivian officials cited the number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza that have resulted from the latest Israel-Hamas war, but made no mention of the Hamas attack on Israel at the start of the conflict.

“Bolivia decided to break diplomatic relations with the state of Israel in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip,” Freddy Mamani, Bolivia’s deputy foreign minister, said at a news conference.

Chile decided to recall its ambassador “in the face of the unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip,” the South American country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, also announced he was recallinghis country’s ambassador to Israel.

“If Israel does not stop the massacre of the Palestinian people, we cannot remain there,” Petro wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Bolivia, Chile and Colombia all have leftist governments.

María Nela Prada, Bolivia’s minister of the presidency who is acting foreign minister, accused Israel of “committing crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip against the Palestinian people.”

She went on to call on Israel to “cease attacks in the Gaza Strip that have already resulted in thousands of civilian casualties and the forced displacement of Palestinians.”

Chile also called for “an immediate end to hostilities.” It condemned Israel’s operations, saying they “constitute collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.”

Bolivia also said that it “rejects the Israeli hostile treatment of international actors providing humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip,” Prada said, adding that Bolivia will send aid to the Gaza Strip, although she did not detail what that could entail.

Neither Prada nor Mamani mentioned the Hamas attack on Israel, continuing with a pattern for the Bolivian government that never condemned the Oct. 7 assault in which more than 1,400 people were killed in Israel.

On Oct. 7, Bolivia’s Foreign Ministry said only that it had “deep concern over the violent events that occurred in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine.” On Oct. 18, the Foreign Ministry condemend Israeli attacks and emphasized “our solidarity and unwavering support for the Palestinian people.”

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, Esmail Qaani, visited Lebanon to coordinate with Hezbollah concerning the conflict with Israel on Wednesday, the Lebanese al-Jadeed news reported on Wednesday.

In early October, just a day after Hamas’s October 7 assault on Israel, Syrian media reported that Qaani was on a visit to Lebanon as well.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told Iranian media on Wednesday that Qaani is “working for peace and security in the region and fighting terrorism” and that Iran is not giving direct orders to its proxies in the region.

Qaani’s latest reported visit to Lebanon comes just two days before Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is set to make his first public comments since the war between Israel and Hamas began.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that at least 500 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists received specialized training from the Quds Force up to a month before the October 7 massacre.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
There’s never been a more urgent need for pastors to proclaim Israel’s right to the Land. The war in the Middle East has exposed the cancer of anti-Semitism and we must not keep silent.

The massive influx of people from Muslim nations explains the anti-Semitic demonstrations in major cities across Europe and the U.S., but why the intense hatred such as at Cornel University in New York where Jewish students were forced to hide from danger?

As I explain in Prophetic Observations of the Massacre in Israel, Satan is the culprit behind the anger directed at Israel and by proxy at the Jews living in other nations.

Replacement Theology also contributes to what’s happening on college campuses, particularly in America. Proponents of this doctrine assert that that after the people of ancient Israel rejected their Messiah, God turned His back on them and as a result, replaced the nation with the church. They claim that the church is now God’s kingdom on earth having inherited such promises that He made to Israel, albeit in a spiritual sense.

How does this teaching lead to anti-Semitism? During the long history of the church, Replacement Theology has been a breeding ground for it. Today, we see that churches in denominations long immersed in this teaching support the Palestinians cause in spite of its desire to destroy the nation of Israel and celebration of terrorism. The silence of many other churches concerning Israel’s right to the Land leaves a vacuum that the devil fills with murderous hatred.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
Two weeks ago, UNRWA said Hamas authorities in Gaza stole fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have released an intercepted call that sheds light on how Hamas is stealing fuel from hospitals in Gaza, a revelation that underscores the group’s exploitation of humanitarian resources in the region.

This conversation, involving a commander from Hamas’s Western Jabaliya Battalion, a Gazan resident, and the director of the Indonesian Hospital, was intercepted by Israeli Military Intelligence.

Despite the sensitivity of the information, it has been declassified to reveal Hamas’s prioritization of its own terrorist needs over those of the civilian population in Gaza.

In the intercepted phone call, the Hamas commander repeatedly hints at the group taking fuel from the hospital’s stocks, justifying it by stating they are “working as a government for the sake of the country.”

This revelation highlights Hamas’s ongoing exploitation of humanitarian infrastructure in Gaza to support its terrorist activities, all at the expense of the Gazan residents who rely on these essential resources.

Two weeks ago, UNRWA said Hamas authorities in Gaza stole fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City. The agency then deleted the X posts, saying the supplies were moved to its “health partners.”

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At WarThirteen soldiers were killed in fighting deep inside the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, Israeli authorities announced early Wednesday, bringing the day’s death toll among troops to 15 as leaders warned of the “heavy toll” being paid by troops to eliminate the Hamas terror group.

Israeli forces continued to attack targets overnight and on Wednesday from the ground and air, killing dozens of members of the terror group, the Israel Defense Forces said. Activity appeared to be focused in Jabaliya, a Hamas stronghold on the outskirts of Gaza City pounded by airstrikes overnight and again during the day Wednesday.

Eleven soldiers from the Givati Infantry Brigade’s Tzabar Battalion were killed when a Namer armored personnel carrier they were in was hit by an anti-tank guided missile fired by Hamas, the IDF said. Another four soldiers were wounded in the same incident, including one seriously.

They were named as Sgt. Adi Danan, 20, from Yavne; Staff Sgt. Halel Solomon, 20, from Dimona; Staff Sgt. Erez Mishlovsky, 20, from Oranit; Staff Sgt. Adi Leon, 20, from Nili; Cpl. Ido Ovadia, 19, from Tel Aviv; Cpl. Lior Siminovich, 19, from Herzliya; Staff Sgt. Roei Dawi, 20, from Jerusalem; Lt. Pedayah Mark, 22, from Otniel; Staff Sgt. Roei Saragosti, 20, from Ramat Hanegev Regional Council; Staff Sgt. Itay Yehuda, 20, from Rishon Lezion; and Staff Sgt. Shay Arvas, 20, from Holon.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue Israel’s war on Hamas despite the deaths.

“We have so many important achievements, but also painful losses. We know that every soldier of ours is an entire world,” Netanyahu said.

Israeli air power continued to provide cover for troops and tanks battling inside the enclave. Overnight Tuesday, ground forces directed the Air Force to strike a building in Jabaliya where a number of Hamas operatives were gathered, the IDF said. The army said ground forces also spotted a car with an anti-tank guided missile driving toward them in northern Gaza, and directed an aircraft to strike it.

Forces, including ground troops, struck dozens of Hamas targets overnight, the army said.

The Air Force also carried out strikes against Hamas command centers and other terror cells, it said.

Since the beginning of the war, some 11,000 sites belonging to Hamas and other terror groups have been hit, the IDF said Wednesday.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
Federal authorities arrested a Cornell University student on Tuesday after he allegedly threatened extreme violence against the school’s Jewish community on a website unaffiliated with the upstate New York Ivy League campus last weekend.

Patrick Dai, 21, a junior student at the university originally from Pittsford, New York, was arrested on a federal criminal complaint charging him with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northern District of New York.

The complaint against Dai alleges he posted threatening messages to the Cornell section of an online discussion site, which included calling for the deaths of Jewish people and carrying out a mass shooting of the 104 West building, which is a Cornell University dining hall that caters predominantly to Kosher diets, located next to the Cornell Jewish Center.

“In another post, Dai allegedly threatened to ‘stab’ and ‘slit the throat’ of any Jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any Jewish females, and to behead any Jewish babies,” authorities said in a news release. “In that same post, Dai threatened to ‘bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews.’”

Dai faces a maximum term of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and a term of supervised release of up to three years if convicted.

Jewish students on the university’s campus in Ithaca, New York, were put on high alert on Sunday night after at least six screenshots allegedly taken from the Greek Rank website displayed online threats from anonymous users who said “‘israel’ deserved 10/7” and “eliminate jewish living from cornell campus” to another user who claimed they would “shoot up 104 west.”

Cornell University officials confirmed earlier on Tuesday that authorities identified and placed a suspect in custody who allegedly made the threats.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Air raid sirens went off in the area of the Red Sea city of Eilat on Tuesday and Israel’s military said it downed an approaching “aerial target.”

After an initial warning of a possible “hostile aircraft intrusion,” which sent residents of the popular tourist resort running for shelter, the military said its “systems identified an aerial target approaching Israeli territory.”

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
A high-ranking United Nations official has retired after calling for a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In his letter, the official wrote on what he called “essential points” regarding the war between Israel and Hamas terrorists.

In what was described as his “last official communication” as the director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber sent an Oct. 28 letter to Volker Türk of Austria, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, detailing what he believes a “U.N.-norm-based position” on the war would look like.

In what critics are calling comments devoid of historic fact, Mokhiber called for a one-state solution, which could mean the end of the Jewish state.

“We must support the establishment of a single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims and Jews, and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land,” Mokhiber stated.

“Mokhiber wrote this letter as one of the U.N.’s highest ranking ‘human rights’ officials, on U.N. letterhead, with a U.N. email address,” Professor Anne Bayefsky, the director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, told Fox News Digital. “As such, his overt call for the destruction of the Jewish state, lays bare what is really going on at the U.N. in the war now being waged by and at the U.N. against Israel.”

“Listen to Mokhiber’s chilling words. Yes, Israel is engaged in an existential fight. At the U.N., there are human rights for everyone but Jews, who are supposed to lay down their arms in the face of a genocidal enemy currently enslaving their people. Mohkiber’s phony ‘human rights’ cover is extremely disturbing. He says equality means 21 Arab states, 56 Islamic states and zero Jewish states. That’s antisemitism dressed up as human rights,” Bayefsky added.

Just last week, Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called for the secretary-general’s resignation following a speech on the issue. Antonio Guterres said Hamas’ attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” and the “Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Erdan called Guterres’ words a, “pure blood libel.”

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday that troops were engaged in “fierce battles against Hamas terrorists deep in Gaza,” as soldiers and tanks pushed further into the Strip amid the war against the terror group.

The military said ground and air forces hit several Hamas positions and anti-tank guided missile squads.

According to the IDF, troops have killed dozens of terrorists amid the fighting in urban areas, and have also seized weapons.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said IDF ground forces were “fighting terrorists at close quarters, heroically and courageously. ”

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
During the expanded ground operations, numerous Hamas terrorists have been killed, and hundreds of additional military targets were struck

Over the course of Monday, combined IDF combat forces struck approximately 300 targets, including anti-tank missile and rocket launch posts below shafts, as well as military compounds inside underground tunnels belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

During the forces’ ground operations, the soldiers had several engagements with terrorist cells that fired both anti-tank missiles and machine gun fire toward them. The soldiers killed terrorists and directed air forces to real-time strikes on targets and terror infrastructure.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and his delegation wore a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council meeting on Monday bearing the message “Never Again.”

The Security Council dealt with the war in Israel and the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

“When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz, the world was silent, and today Jewish babies were burned in Be’eri and the towns of the south by the Nazi Hamas – and the world is silent again.

“I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me,” Arden added. “I will wear the yellow patch until the Nazi Hamas is eliminated and until the Security Council stops being silent and condemns the October 7 massacre. Some of you have learned nothing in the last eighty years! Some of you have forgotten why the United Nations was founded. So I will remind you. From today on, every time you look at me you will remember.”

“When my grandfather and his children were sent to Auschwitz, the world was silent. When his wife and their seven children were sent to the gas chambers, the world was silent. When their bodies were burned alongside millions of Jewish babies, the world was silent,” Erdan said, comparing the silence of the UN to the Hamas massacre on October 7 to the silence of the international community regarding the horrors of the Holocaust.

“If this council had convened in June 1944, it would have dealt with the amount of fuel the Nazis had and the high death toll Germany had compared to Britain. You would have called for a ceasefire even before the Russians took over Stalingrad.

“My grandfather’s story is a horror story of another time. Of a distant time of unimaginable hatred. A time about which until three weeks ago we said ‘never again’. But ‘never again’ happened again.”

“Hamas, they are modern Nazis – from their appalling inhumane violence to their ideology that calls for the extermination of the Jews. Hamas is not looking for a ‘solution’ to the conflict. They are not interested in dialogue. The only solution Hamas is interested in is the final solution – the extermination of the Jewish people.

“However, Ismail Haniyeh – the leader of Hamas – is not Adolf Hitler. He is not the Fuehrer. He is not the leader of this death cult, which wants to rule the world. This role is played by the supreme leader of Iran, the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khamenei. Hitler’s Third Reich wanted to create a thousand-year empire spanning continents, just as Khamenei envisions his radical Shiite hegemony spanning the region and beyond. The Ayatollah regime is the Nazi regime of our time, and their army includes Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the IRGC, and other jihadists. Instead of shouting ‘Sieg Heil!’ these radical Nazi Islamists shout, “Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to England!”.

During Erdan’s remarks, he also slammed the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to what the ambassador claims is his “biased attitude” towards Israel during the war.

“The antisemites saw that the council did not condemn the murderers, and heard the UN Secretary-General express ‘understanding’ of the massacre,” Erdan claimed.

Erdan also stated that the UN’s silence has “emboldened our enemies.”

“They saw that this council did not even condemn the Nazi murderers. They saw the UN General Assembly cheering efforts to prevent us from defending ourselves. They heard the Secretary-General express understanding for the Nazi massacre,” he continued. “Now they know that slaughtering Jews in their beds is met with silence. They were so passionate about the silence and inaction of this organization that they can’t wait to slaughter Jews themselves.”

Erdan also said that “if Hitler had a Twitter account, it would look just like Khamenei’s,” and continues to say that “despite Iran’s blatant Nazism and Islamic Reich ideology, the Secretary-General and UN officials still meet with Iranian officials without saying a single word of condemnation for their support of genocide.”

At the end of his remarks, Erdan made it clear to the council members that despite their silence, Israel will continue to defend itself in the war against Hamas in Gaza: “The people of Israel are strong, we cannot be broken, and we are not going anywhere. Many have tried to destroy us, but we are here to stay. Israel will win, crush Hamas, and bring back the hostages.”

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
Fast forward to October 7, 2023, when the world became a witness to the horrors of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. We now know that their attack was straight out of the Nazi playbook. Actually, it was more like a merging of Nazis and Isis on steroids. Most people have been unable to watch any of the gruesome footage gathered by the IDF. How are human beings able to perform such torture on people including very young children and the elderly? Moreover, how can anyone in their right mind even question that what Hamas did was inhuman and clearly belonged to the category of “crimes against humanity?”

Queen Rania of Jordan has been questioning the beheading of Israeli children by Hamas in an interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN.  Colleges and universities in the USA and other parts of the world have rallied against Israel and in favor of Hamas, putting many Jewish people at risk for their lives…in 2023. This is 1933 all over again! We have turned an important corner in modern antisemitism. The beast has been globally unleashed, and it is on a brutal rampage for Jewish lives.

To counter the irrational pushback from the media and other organizations or governments, Israeli authorities had an “Eisenhower moment.” They decided to show a group of journalists a 43-minute compilation of the horrors committed by Hamas on October 7, so that they would not forget. It is so sad that such an event would even have to be held, but the world must know. As difficult as these images are to look at, we must not turn our heads away, lest we become the new bystanders of the 21st century.

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not be silent. Thousands of Hamas sympathizers have gathered all over the globe to rally against Israel in the biggest display of double standard we have ever witnessed. The Jewish people need to know that there are Christians who are ready to commit to their rescue and safety. Where is the Church when pro-Hamas people are chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!” or “Gas the Jews!”

The world is being split in two as we see pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian factions take sides… Israel needs you, the Jewish people need you, and now is not the time to sit on the fence!

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a foreign press conference on Monday, stated that a ceasefire in the war would be the equivalent of surrendering to Hamas.

“Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities after the horrific attacks of October 7,” he told reporters. “Calls for a ceasefire are a call for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terror, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen.”

“Israel did not start this war. Israel did not want this war. But Israel will win this war,” he continued. “This is a turning point — for leaders and for nations. It is time for all of us to decide if we are willing to fight for a future of hope and promise or surrender to tyranny and terror.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war,” Netanyahu urged, quoting from the book of Ecclesiastes.

Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, similarly referenced this passage of Scripture when discussing recent events in Israel.

“I have been immersed in this story for two weeks now. There are things that I could never have imagined one human being doing to another. But now I know that they are possible because I’ve seen photographic evidence of them being perpetrated on my own people,” Tsarfati described. “I do know that God is in charge. My faith has not wavered at all. Because I’ve studied the Scriptures, I know how this story ends. But as King Solomon told us, there is ‘a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance’ (Ecclesiastes 3:4). This is not the time for laughing and dancing. It is a time for weeping and mourning. It is also ‘a time of war’ (v. 8).”

“Please join me in praying that God leads His armies to fight this battle, so that the enemy will soon be defeated and we in Israel can once again return to ‘a time of peace,’ he implored.


Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reportedly rescued a hostage overnight Sunday into Monday — Private Ori Megidish, a female soldier who had been at an observation post that was attacked by Palestinian Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The rescue was confirmed by the IDF and the Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Private Ori Megedish, an IDF soldier, was rescued during the IDF’s operation in Gaza on Monday night, the IDF and Shin Bet said in a joint statement.

She was kidnapped by the Hamas terrorists on October 7 and has now been reunited with her family.

A subsequent medical examination administered to Megidish has determined that she is relatively healthy.

The rescue of the IDF soldier suggests that Israel may have other options — and that a ground invasion might help the release of hostages, rather than hampering it, as some critics have suggested recently.

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Sixty people have been arrested after a mob looking for Israelis and Jews overran an airport in Russia’s Caucasus republic of Dagestan, the interior ministry says.

“More than 150 active participants in the unrest have been identified, 60 of them have been arrested,” the ministry says in a statement.

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
Jewish students at Cornell University in the United States were exposed to violent death threats on the university’s discussion forum; many of the messages called for sexual violence against the Jewish women. One such message has led to a police presence on the campus, as a currently-unknown forum user has threatened to “shoot up” the building containing Jewish resources. 

“if you see a jewish ‘person’ on campus, follow them home and slit their throats. rats need to be elimination from cornell” [SIC] one message on the forum read.

Another post said “the genocidal fascist zionist regime will be destroyed. rape and kill all the jew women, before they birth more jewish hitlers. jews are excrement on the face of the earth. no jew civilian is innocent of genocide” [SIC].

In another concerning post to the forum, one user wrote they were “gonna shoot up 104 west”, which is where the kosher dining hall is located. The message also read “allahu akbar! from the river to the sea, palestine will be free! glory to hamas! liberation by any means necessary!” [SIC]

Cornell’s Hillel released a statement in response to the threat. They wrote that “Cornell Hillel is aware of a threatening statement that was directed toward the building at 104West, which houses the university’s kosher and multicultural dining hall, as well as more generally toward Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

“The Cornell University administration has been made aware of this concerning language, and the Cornell Police Department is monitoring the situation and is on-site at 104West to provide additional security as a precaution.

Zoe Bernstein, the president of the group’ Cornellians For Israel’, told the Jerusalem Post that “The climate on campus has been incredibly fraught since students returned from Fall break on October 10th. With each week that has passed, students have felt tensions rising and they have neared a boiling point this past week.

“On Wednesday morning Jewish students awoke to our beautiful campus vandalized by hateful and incendiary graffiti to the tune of “F*** Israel”, “Israel is Fascist”, and “Zionism= Genocide.”

“Later that day, droves of students marched around campus chanting ‘From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”, an age-old call for violence. Then, today, students were appalled and deeply troubled to find countless posts that threatened the physical, and importantly psychological, safety of Cornell’s Jewish community.”

“It is terrifying to be a Jewish college student right now. Plain and simple. A shared sentiment among Cornellians, and across campuses right now is that we feel abandoned. We feel as though, if any other minority group was experiencing half of what we have since October 7th, their cries for help and support would have been heeded and addressed more promptly, and with greater force and decisiveness than what we have experienced.

“Seeing posts that spout out classic antisemitic tropes like referring to Jews as rats, that call for our peers to slit the throats of Jewish students, kill us on our walk to class, or rape women is nauseating and unfathomable. It is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes and we don’t know what to do.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

Israel At War
Muslim rioters came to the international airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, in order to harm Jewish Israelis.

The crowds waited for an Israeli flight that was supposed to arrive and checked vehicles leaving the airport to try and find Israeli or Jewish passengers.

Footage from the scene shows crowds chanting “Allahu Akbar,” and according to reports, they also chanted antisemitic chants.

The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport.

According to local reports, the rioters also began to search for Israelis and Jews near the airport as well.

The incident occurred amid Israel’s war in Gaza and the spike in antisemitism around the globe.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister’s Office stated: “The State of Israel views with utmost gravity attempts to harm Israeli citizens and Jews anywhere.

‘The Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council are monitoring the development of events in southern Russia, in the Dagestan district. Israel expects the Russian legal authorities to safeguard the well-being of all Israeli citizens and Jews wherever they are and to take strong action against the rioters and against the wild incitement being directed against Jews and Israelis.

“Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alex Ben Zvi is working with the Russian authorities to secure the well-being of Jews and Israelis at the site.”

A senior security source discussed the riots at the airport in Dagestan and said that the incident is still not over.

He added that a relatively small amount of Israelis and Jews are still separated and under security at the airport.

“We are working for them to depart from there on a flight to Moscow the moment conditions permit. Israeli security officials and the Israeli Ambassador are working with the local security authorities. The issue is being dealt with on the relevant axes.”

The Russian authorities are warning the rioters at the international airport in Makhachkala that anyone participating in the riots will be identified using CC footage in the airport and surrounding areas: “Whoever incites ethnic violence and hate will be tried.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

Israeli Ambassador Declares UN Has ‘Completely Lost’ Its Legitimacy

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan declared that the organization has “completely lost” its legitimacy on Sunday.

Gilad made the comments Sunday morning on Fox News in reaction to a vote by the U.N. General Assembly approving a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel that didn’t mention either Hamas or the 229 hostages currently in Gaza.

“I’ve been serving there [the U.N.] for three years, but I would have never drempt that after a massacre–nearly 1,500 babies and women and the elderly–the U.N. cannot even unite to condemn a designated terrorist organization similar to ISIS or even to the Nazis,” Gilad said. “It is something that is truly unfathomable.”

“I believe the U.N. on Friday completely lost its legitimacy, it’s relevance,” he added. “Today, not only is the U.N. not committed to preventing atrocities, it is committed to ensuring they will happen again.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

IDF Soldiers Raise Israel's Flag In Northern Gaza For The First Time Since 2005

Israel At War
IDF soldiers who entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday raised the Israeli flag on one of the homes in the area, according to video shared online.

A man could be heard in the video saying “three weeks after the horrible crime, soldiers of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade lift the flag of Israel in the heart of Gaza, along the beach. We will not forget…we will not stop until victory.”

This was reportedly the first time the Israeli flag has been raised in Gaza since the Disengagement in 2005.

Starting on Friday night, IDF soldiers began an expanded ground entry into the Gaza Strip, reaching a number of kilometers into the coastal enclave.

Clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza have continued since, with airstrikes targeting a number of locations as well.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Netanyahu: 'This Is Our Second War Of Independence'

Israel At War
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday announced that his forces have entered the “second stage” of its war with the terrorist group Hamas, calling the fight a “second War of Independence.”

“The war inside the Gaza Strip will be long and difficult, and we are prepared for it,” he added, saying that the war is now “my life’s mission.”

“We decided to expand ground operations unanimously – both in the War Cabinet and in the political-security cabinet,” Netanyahu said.

“We did so in a prudent and informed manner, out of a commitment to ensuring the fate of the state and ensuring the safety of our soldiers,” he continued. “The commanders and fighters who are now fighting in enemy territory know that the people, and the leadership of the people, stand behind them.”

He reiterated the warnings about how Hamas operates – using civilians as human shields and hiding beneath hospitals to carry out their operations while manipulating international law for protection. He claimed that Israel’s allies in the “Western world and … the Arab world, understand today that if Israel does not win, they will be next in line in the campaign of conquest and murder of the axis of evil.”

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Elon Musk Promises To Restore Severed Communications To Aid Orgaizations In Gaza

Israel At War
Just prior to Israel’s ground offensive into the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, all lines of communication, including internet connection, were reportedly severed from the region, providing the IDF a tactical advantage over terrorists in the strip.

Elon Musk, seemingly usurping Israel, promised that he would, in part, restore communications in Gaza through the use of StarLink.

Musk stated on Saturday that “Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza” despite widely documented evidence showing that humanitarian organizations in the region are ultimately used to aid Hamas terrorists.

Musk’s vow to restore internet services came in response to far-left Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s criticism of the Jewish State, in which she called the severing of communications “unacceptable.”

In a separate post on Saturday, Musk also appeared to blame the United States for attacks on their bases by the Iranian regime in which 19 US soldiers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries. Musk displayed a graphic that made it appear that the US Bases’ proximity to Iran was to blame for the attacks.

Musk later defended his tweet, saying that while it was “obviously a joke,” there was “more than a grain of truth to it.” Adding that, “We should aspire to see things from the point of view of others,” which in this case is Iran.

Amir Tsarfati responded to the “very pro-Iranian post” which Musk tweeted, writing on Telegram: “Why doesn’t Elon look at the bases Iran built that are close to Israel? Such as in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza?”


Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Analysis — Greg Laurie: We Cannot Be Silent — God Gave The Jews This Land As A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy

Israel At War
Jewish Hate Is Nothing New. This goes back centuries. Egypt wanted to destroy the Jews when Pharaoh gave the order to murder the Jewish baby boys (Exodus 1). Ancient Persia (modern Iran) wanted to eradicate the Jews through the wicked plot of Haman (Esther 3). Fast forward: Adolf Hitler had his “Final Solution” to destroy the Jewish people and ultimately murdered over 6 million of them in the Holocaust. But God intervened.

Now we have Hamas committing murders and unthinkable atrocities; it is pure evil. But God always intervenes—He raised up Moses to deliver the Jews from Pharaoh and Egypt. He raised up Queen Esther to use her influence to save her fellow Jews from the plot to destroy them.

After the Holocaust, God raised up the Jews themselves to return to their homeland and become a nation again on May 14, 1948.

But why this hatred for the Jewish people?
Answer: Satan hates what God loves. God loves and chose the Jews as His very own people.
Why? God Himself gives the answer: “The Lord did not set his heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Rather, it was simply that the Lord loves you, and he was keeping the oath he had sworn to your ancestors. That is why the Lord rescued you with such a strong hand from your slavery and from the oppressive hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 7:7–8).

It’s important to also mention that there’s a teaching happening in the Church called “Replacement Theology.” It basically says that God is done with Israel and that the Church—believers in Jesus Christ—have taken their place. In other words, they are no longer God’s chosen people, we are.

The fact is that they have always been—and always will be—God’s chosen people. But we as Christians have been “grafted in” to the promises given to the Jewish people by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

From the Jews came our Bible. From the Jews came our Messiah. We owe them a great debt, and now we must pray for them as a nation and a people.

Many were silent when this happened only a few generations ago in Nazi Germany, but we cannot be now. As Christians, we must stand up for our Jewish friends and the nation of Israel. These are God’s very chosen people!

Again, God gave them this homeland that they returned to as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They have every right and responsibility to defend themselves from this evil that has come upon them like a violent storm from Hell itself.

Scripture tells us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Let’s do that together. I also pray that a great spiritual awakening will sweep the Holy Land and that many—both Jews and Palestinians caught up in this conflict—will turn to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Israel Recalls Turkish Envoys After President Erdogan Slams 'Occupation' Of Gaza

Israel At War
Israel’s foreign minister has called back envoys to Turkey and will reassess Israel-Turkey relations.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier today addressed hundreds of thousands of supporters at one of the largest pro-Palestinian rallies since the Israel-Hamas war began.

“Israel has been openly committing war crimes for 22 days, but the Western leaders cannot even call on Israel for a ceasefire, let alone react to it,” Erdogan told the crowd in Istanbul, who waved Palestinian flags.

“We will tell the whole world that Israel is a war criminal. We are making preparations for this. We will declare Israel a war criminal,” he said as part of a one-hour speech.

Turkey has condemned Israeli civilian deaths caused by Hamas’s Oct. 7 rampage through southern Israel, which killed 1,400, but Erdogan this week called the militant group Palestinian “freedom fighters”.

He added today: “I reiterate that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. Israel was very offended by this. (…) Israel is an occupier, Erdogan speaks clearly because Turkey does not owe you anything,” he told hundreds of thousands of supporters.

Israel and Turkey managed to normalise diplomatic relations last August, despite Erdogan’s party’s support for Hamas since the 2000s.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

IDF Destroyed 150 Underground Targets In Northern Gaza Strip Overnight

Israel At War
IDF warplanes attacked about 150 underground targets in the northern Gaza Strip over Friday night, according to Israeli media.

During the attack, Hamas terrorists were eliminated, and combat zones, underground combat zones, and other underground terrorist infrastructures were also destroyed.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

IDF Releases Footage Of Troops, Tanks Operating In Gaza During Expanded Operations

The Israel Defense Forces releases footage of ground forces, including infantry troops, combat engineering forces and tanks, operating in the Gaza Strip overnight and this morning.

The forces are still in Gaza at this hour, operating deeper into the Hamas-run territory than previous limited incursions.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Analysis — Mike Pompeo: We Must Oppose Antisemitism at Home and Abroad

Israel At War
The sickening displays on our college campuses are, at their core, antisemitic.  When students chant Hamas’ rallying cry, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” they are not just chanting a slogan – they are calling for the Jewish nation state to be wiped out.  They are calling for the murder of the Jewish people on a level not seen since the Holocaust, which is the very reason Israel exists today.  And they are calling for a radical, terrorist regime to be in control of the Holy Land… It is the moral responsibility of every leader at these institutions to denounce these protests and condemn antisemitism on their campuses.  The same responsibility applies to our leaders on a national level.

Unfortunately, faced with alarming protests in support of a murderous, antisemitic, and radical Islamic ideology, the Biden Administration has prevaricated.  In his national address, President Biden spent as much time denouncing antisemitism as he did criticizing anti-Muslim bigotry, and he chose – unbelievably – to scold the American people over our nation’s anger following the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Each time the nation of Israel is attacked by terrorist thugs, the same predictable pattern repeats itself.  After horrific attacks claim innocent Israeli lives, Israel’s justified response is routinely condemned by world leaders, progressives in the media and government, and protesters around the world.  This condemnation is then followed by full-throated calls for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds, sprinkled with thinly-veiled antisemitism that blames the Jewish victims for the attacks, rather than the terrorists who committed them.  This time, the pattern must not repeat itself.  The wicked, antisemitic violence we witnessed on October 7 was worse than anything the world has seen since the Holocaust; it is imperative that America and the world tell the truth about Hamas, not reward its acts of terror with “humanitarian” aid or permit its unchallenged celebration.  If we do not do so, we risk allowing the conflict to deepen, heightening the risk that it will expand into a broader war throughout the region.  This would be disastrous for the American people and for Israel.


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Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Analysis — In The Fullness Of Time, God Is Bringing The Jewish People Back To The Land — And Back To Him

Israel At War
The Jews. That was the two-word answer given to Tsar Nicholas and Napoleon Bonaparte when they asked for proof that God is real. No other people group has endured through the ages — despite continual persecution and prosecution. Their respective advisors understood that only God could protect and preserve a people He set apart as His.

Throughout Scripture, God not only promised to provide for the chosen descendants of Abraham — He swore to bring them back to their own Promised Land in the fullness of time.

That promise goes hand in glove with His warning that they would be scattered throughout the world because of their disobedience and faithlessness. They would be harassed and oppressed to the point that they would be left with “a trembling of heart, failing of eyes, and despair of soul” (Deuteronomy 28:64).

But God swore that He would never fail them or forsake them.

All the other Signs of the Times are multiplying before our eyes — here in America and around the world. But the Sign of Israel focuses primarily on the Land and people of Israel.

Many prophetic writers would testify to the magnitude of this great sign that reemerged on the world scene in just the past century. In the fullness of time, God is bringing the Jewish people back to the Land — and back to Him.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Netanyahu: We Will Do Whatever It Takes To Achieve Victory Over Our Enemies—With God's help

Israel At War
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear on Friday afternoon, in a statement to the press before the start of Shabbat, that Israel will not agree to a ceasefire in Gaza without the release of the hostages being held by Hamas.

“Our forces are operating in all sectors and with all their might. Our victory will be sharp and clear. It will deliver a message to our enemies, a message that will resonate for generations,” stated Netanyahu.

“The goal of our enemies is the destruction of the State of Israel. I tell you, and I tell them – our enemies will fail.They will be defeated. We will not let up until victory, until the goals we set are achieved – the elimination of Hamas, the return of our hostages and the return of security to our citizens and our children,” he added.

“Our soldiers fight with extraordinary courage. They fight fierce battles, face to face.They eliminate terrorists around the clock. They operate in the field, while the Air Force’s unprecedented air strike against Hamas-ISIS continues.”

“Regarding the north – I repeat and say to our enemies: Do not underestimate us. A mistake will cost you dearly. A mistake will cost you a price you can’t even imagine,” warned Netanyahu in the remarks, which came as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech.

“At the same time, we continue to operate on the political front. I met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken this morning. I appreciate his visit here.I appreciate the consistent support of President Biden, the American administration and the American people,” continued the Prime Minister.

“I showed Secretary of State Blinken a video from the cameras in the Gaza Strip. He spoke about it.One of the horrible things we saw were two young brothers who see their father being murdered. One of them loses his sight, calls his mother.And that’s just some of the horrors in this video.”

“I made it clear that we continue with all our might, and that Israel refuses a temporary ceasefire that does not include the release of our hostages. Israel does not allow entry of fuel into the Gaza Strip and opposes the transfer of funds to the Gaza Strip.”

“Citizens of Israel, since the outbreak of the terrible war on that dark Shabbat, we have lost hundreds of men and women of the security forces, the police and the rescue forces. We lost wonderful fighters, wonderful Israelis, salt of the earth, people who simply stopped these monsters with their bodies, sometimes with their fingernails,” Netanyahu continued.

“Every fallen victim of ours leaves a deep hole in our hearts. Each of them is an entire world to his family, his friends, his parents, his lovers and all of us.Each of them sacrificed their lives for our lives.On behalf of the entire nation, I wish to send condolences to the bereaved families.I know firsthand the depth of bereavement.We grieve for every fallen soldier.We aim to operate with minimal risk to our forces, but we will do whatever it takes to achieve victory over our enemies.With God’s help, and with your help, citizens of Israel, we will do and succeed. Together we will win,” he concluded.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israeli Inspectors Find Oxygen Concentrators, Used For Hamas Terror Tunnels, Hidden In Gaza Aid Shipment

Israel At War
Israeli inspectors reportedly found several oxygen concentrators, used by Hamas to aerate its elaborate terror tunnel infrastructure, hidden within an aid shipment on its way to Gaza.

Two Israeli officials told the Times of Israel that “these weren’t for use in the hospitals, but below them,” adding that the oxygen concentrators “were smuggled among boxes of cookies.”

Hundreds of aid shipments have been entering through the Rafah crossing with Egypt since Oct. 21. The trucks are first examined by Egyptian officials, then driven to the Nitzana crossing to be inspected by Israel before proceeding through the Rafah crossing into Gaza. According to the Times of Israel, “the format was agreed upon after extensive talks between Israel, Egypt, and the United States.”

Officials have not disclosed the company responsible for the attempted smuggling of the oxygen concentrators but stated that the truck was barred from entering Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu, in a statement on Thursday, stressed that Israel “has not approved the entry of fuel into Gaza” through the Rafah crossing, which is another critical component in Hamas’ complex tunnel system.

As Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, explained, much of the billions of dollars that have been poured into Gaza “went to the construction of an intricate, multi-leveled system of 1300 tunnels that stretch for 500 kilometers (311 miles) and reach 70 meters deep (229 feet).”

“The flaw in this tunnel system is that it needs gas for generators to power the ventilation system,” Tsarfati continued. “So, while there is food and water in Gaza, as well as electricity in most areas, gas is very difficult to find. This is because the IDF has confiscated all the gas they can find. No gas, no ventilators. No ventilators, no air. No air, the terrorists will be forced to scurry out of their holes where they will surrender or be killed.”


Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
Israel’s National Security Council and Foreign Ministry are urging Israelis to refrain from traveling abroad due to global antisemitism, which has risen dramatically since the start of its war with Hamas.

“In recent weeks, against the backdrop of the Swords of Iron conflict, the National Security Council and the Foreign Ministry have witnessed a significant rise in incidents of antisemitism and incitement, alongside life-threatening attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world,” the joint statement cautioned. “These incidents are occurring in numerous countries worldwide, including countries that do not have terrorism warnings.”

“In light of the growing trend, the NSC calls for a reevaluation of the necessity of traveling abroad during these days,” the statement stressed. “At the same time, the NSC calls upon the general public in Israel, departing for any destination, to follow its recommendations regarding the required conduct of Israeli citizens abroad.”

Among the recommendations for those traveling abroad, Israelis are warned to “Avoid wearing or displaying Israeli and Jewish symbols,” to stay clear of regions where active anti-Israel demonstrations are taking place, and to refrain from “engaging in conversations about Israeli security systems, including the military, with unfamiliar individuals.”

The statement further described synagogues, Jewish businesses, kosher restaurants, airports with flights to and from Israel, and Israeli embassies as “core targets for antisemitic attacks,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, described the recent explosion of antisemitism as “a dark cloud covering the world.”

“The world was just taking a little break. Now, antisemitism is back in vogue. In Germany, cases of antisemitism have risen 240%; in Austria, 300%; South Africa, 720%; and the UK, 1351%,” he asserted.

“There is a dark cloud covering the world right now. Standing with Israel is soon going to exact a price. It may be relational. It may become physical,” Tsarfati stated. “What we are seeing is symptomatic of the growing influence of the enemy. It is truly diabolical, and you will not understand it until you put your spiritual glasses on.”


Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said the terrorist group will continue its attacks on US troops in Iraq and Syria.

Nasrallah made the comment in a televised speech Friday addressing the ongoing Israeli-Hamas conflict.

“The US must be held accountable and pay the price for the crimes perpetrated by Israel in Gaza, hence resistance movements have attacked and will continue to attack American forces in Iraq and Syria,” the Hezbollah leader vowed.

He continued, “Israel has revealed itself to be a weak state, as fragile as a spider web, and it needs American and Western support. Otherwise, why would the U.S. Navy send an aircraft carrier shortly after the Oct. 7 attack? Why else would Biden visit Israel, alongside numerous American government secretaries, the military top brass and European leaders?”

Praising Hamas for its violent attacks and referring to Israel as “the occupiers,” Nasrallah said the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks were strictly a Palestinian operation.

Nasrallah made the same assertion about Iran, claiming the deadly attacks were perpetrated without the Iranian government’s knowledge.

Day 28 — Friday, November 3

Israel At War
After a series of failures suffered by Hezbollah against Israel in recent weeks, the Iranian militia “Imam Hussein Brigade,” initially established in Syria, has moved into southern Lebanon to “lend a helping-hand.”

The IDF’s Arabic-language spokesperson, who revealed the information on Thursday, indicated that the militia had taken part in several attacks against Israel in recent weeks.

“Hezbollah and the Imam Hussein Brigade militia are forcing Lebanon to pay a heavy price to Hamas,” the spokesperson wrote on X (formerly Twitter). The IDF is fully prepared to respond forcefully to anyone who attempts to undermine its sovereignty in the north of its territory,” he added.

Since the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas, Iran has been pushing each of its proxies in the region to launch attacks against Israel. In addition to the daily aggressions of Hezbollah, Israel has been targeted since the beginning of the week by missile and drone fire from the Houthis in Yemen, who have promised to intensify their attacks in response to the Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
(Galilee, Israel) — Shalom from a very different Israel than what we had one month ago. Back then, we were mired in political friction. There was a huge divide over judicial reform with threats being leveled from all sides. Culturally, we were not just two different countries with a conservative population and a liberal population, but we had countless subgroups centered around religious beliefs and lifestyle choices and ethnic backgrounds. When I looked at my nation back then, I felt incredible sorrow. We were a nation fighting an internal war and I could see my country falling apart.

That is no longer so. When you look at Israel now, you see one country, one people. We are Israelis, and if you harm one of us, you harm us all. As a nation, we were attacked. As a nation, we were murdered and tortured and kidnapped. And as a nation, we will have our vengeance on those who perpetrated these heinous acts on our children, our elderly, our women, and our men. We will also ensure that those who attacked us will never have the capability to do it again, because we know that if they could, they would. Hamas didn’t just “get this out of their system” and now they’re ready to play nice. They are the same evil, antisemitic Nazis they have always been, and they will not be satisfied until every Jew has been pushed into the sea.

That’s not going to happen.

“But, Amir, you are a believer in Jesus. Shouldn’t you turn the other cheek?” I will answer that in two ways. First, nowhere in Scripture is a nation told to turn the other cheek. There is no Bible passage that tells a government that they must accept the evil done to it and respond in love. In fact, throughout Scripture, it is the State that is used by God as His weapon against evil. Currently, Israel is that weapon in God’s hand, and He is using it to eradicate the demonic terrorists who carried out such vile and malicious crimes against innocents.

Second, as believers we have a responsibility to protect the innocent. Yes, Jesus said that turning the other cheek is the correct action when struck. But He said that in a certain context and in relation to a specific situation. If I am being attacked and I feel it is appropriate to respond to my attacker in love, then I should do so. But if a child is being attacked, my response must be protection of the innocent by whatever means is necessary and proper.

Israel’s actions meet that “necessary and proper” criteria to protect the innocent and eradicate evil. More and more nations are going to soon find themselves in the same situation making the same types of choices, because this radical antisemitism and, in many circumstances, its accompanying universalist Islamist vision is not going to remain localized to the Middle East. This war is a global event, and it has ramifications around the world.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would send military aid to Israel during its conflict with Hamas, which will be funded by cuts to funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

The Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024 would provide funds to the Department of Defense to replace equipment provided to Israel as military aid, fund research for new air defense systems that are being developed by Israel, such as the Iron Beam aerial laser program, and fund the Department of State’s programs to evacuate U.S. citizens from the region as well as protect U.S. diplomatic missions under new threats due to the conflict. The bill was passed by a vote of 226 yeas to 196 nays, with most Democrats voting against the bill.

National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman Will Reinart criticized Democrats in a statement to the DCNF for opposing the bill “as terrorists continue their barbaric attacks.”

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari stated that despite reports that the Biden administration is attempting to push for a short-term ceasefire in Gaza, Israel is not considering such a ceasefire at all.

“The idea of a ceasefire is not on the table at all right now. The IDF is at war and is conducting this war to dismantle Hamas. We will speak through actions and not through words,” Hagari said.

He noted that the IDF had completed the encirclement of Gaza City. “In the past few hours, armored corps and infantry troops, with the assistance of the IAF are striking outposts, command and control centers, rocket launch sites, and other terror infrastructure used by the Hamas leadership and its terrorists. Combat engineering troops are detecting infrastructure, threats, IEDs, and demolishing and neutralizing them to enable the ground forces to maneuver more freely in the area.”

“IDF troops completed the encirclement of Gaza City, which is the focal point of the Hamas terror organization.,” Hagari said.

“Our forces are killing terrorists in close combat, in any place in which fighting is required, even if it is difficult, the IDF and its soldiers have the upper hand. We are operating continuously with fire directed from the air and from the sea. Even when we engaged in battle in the field, if needed, we take a step backward, directing heavy fire from air and from sea, and then continue to move forward and to fight. This is repeated in every battle we engage in and this is how we will continue to fight. The commanders are leading our soldiers from the front, leading with courage, with strength, together with their soldiers. This is the battle spirit, and this is how the IDF fights,” he said.

Hagari revealed that Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is on his way to Iran in a private plane. “If one wants to understand who is involved in this war, one must pay attention also to the visit of one of Hamas’ murderous leaders, Ismail Haniyeh, in Iran today. He is going to visit Iran on a private jet and there is significance to the reception that he will receive from the Iranian leader. Iran is pushing its proxies around us, the Huthis, Hezbollah and others, in order to distract us from focusing on Hamas and Gaza. We are focused on Hamas. We are focused on destroying Hamas and making every effort to bring all of our hostages home. This is our focus and we will not be distracted.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The Gaza Strip-based Hamas terror group claimed responsibility for the latest rocket attack from Lebanon at the northern city of Kiryat Shmona. In a statement, Hamas says its Lebanon branch fired 12 rockets.

At least one landed in a shopping area, heavily damaging cars and a store.

The Magen David Adom ambulance service says its medics are treating two people who were wounded.

It says a 25-year-old is in moderate condition due to shrapnel and a 40-year-old is lightly hurt as a result of the blast. The pair are being taken to Ziv Hospital in Safed, MDA says.

The city has been largely evacuated amid repeated attacks by Hezbollah and allied Palestinian terror factions in southern Lebanon.

The IDF says that it considers Hezbollah responsible for all attacks launched against Israel from Lebanon, [despite] the Hamas terror group [claiming] responsibility for some of the rocket fire.

The Israel Defense Forces says it is carrying out wide-scale airstrikes on Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to rocket attacks on northern Israel earlier.

The IDF says that among the targets hit so far by fighter jets, tanks, and artillery are military headquarters, rocket launching positions, weapons storage sites, military complexes, and other infrastructure belonging to the terror group.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
The Wall Street Journal has confirmed internet users’ deepening suspicions that the country of Israel has disappeared from several online maps after the ‘mistake’ began to gain increased attention. “Internet users in China are expressing bewilderment that the name Israel doesn’t appear on leading online digital maps from Baidu and Alibaba, an ambiguity that matches Beijing’s vague diplomacy in the region and contrasts with its attentiveness to maps generally,” WSJ writes Tuesday. But some pundits have said the claim is misleading, stressing that many Chinese maps don’t label “disputed areas” by default.

The internationally recognized borders of the Israeli state are also missing. The report says that Israel may have gone ‘missing’ on the popular maps since the start of the Oct.7 conflict and Israel’s subsequent bombing campaign on Gaza.

But as WSJ also points out, neither major Chinese company has publicly acknowledged the missing country information:

The same is true with online maps produced by Alibaba’s Amap, where even small nations like Luxembourg are clearly marked. Neither company responded to questions on Monday. It is unclear whether the development is new, though it has been discussed by Chinese internet users since war broke out.

China’s government has over the years cried foul and levied fines over maps published elsewhere online, such as on hotel websites, for failing to strictly adhere to Beijing’s territorial claims, like leaving off a nine-dotted line stretching around the South China Sea that isn’t internationally recognized.

Additionally, China has increasingly aligned its foreign policy with the Global South in recent months, and the Gaza crisis is a further demonstration of this trend.

In statements from the foreign ministry, Chinese officials have consistently highlighted Israel’s bombing of Gazan civilians, instead of focusing on denunciations of the Oct.7 terror attack by Hamas (as the US and much of the West has done). “Every country has the right to self-defense, but every country should abide by international humanitarian law and protect the safety of civilians,” FM Wang Yi told his Israeli counterpart Eli Cohen a week ago.

And then there’s this provocative tweet from the Chinese embassy in France, rejecting Western claims of “genocide” against Uyghurs in Xinjiangwhile highlighting that Gaza lies in ruins

“As long as [any resolution] is conducive to peace, China will firmly support it; as long as [any resolution] is conducive to Palestinian-Israeli reconciliation, China will do its best,” Wang had said. It will be interesting to see what becomes of the clearly deteriorating Israel-China relations by the end of this current crisis.

Day 27 — Thursday, November 2

Israel At War
Bolivia’s government severed diplomatic relations with Israel on Tuesday, accusing it of carrying out “crimes against humanity” in Gaza, and Chile and Colombia recalled their ambassadors to Israel as they criticized the Israeli military offensive against Hamas militants.

Bolivian officials cited the number of Palestinian casualties in Gaza that have resulted from the latest Israel-Hamas war, but made no mention of the Hamas attack on Israel at the start of the conflict.

“Bolivia decided to break diplomatic relations with the state of Israel in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip,” Freddy Mamani, Bolivia’s deputy foreign minister, said at a news conference.

Chile decided to recall its ambassador “in the face of the unacceptable violations of international humanitarian law committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip,” the South American country’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Colombia’s president, Gustavo Petro, also announced he was recallinghis country’s ambassador to Israel.

“If Israel does not stop the massacre of the Palestinian people, we cannot remain there,” Petro wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Bolivia, Chile and Colombia all have leftist governments.

María Nela Prada, Bolivia’s minister of the presidency who is acting foreign minister, accused Israel of “committing crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip against the Palestinian people.”

She went on to call on Israel to “cease attacks in the Gaza Strip that have already resulted in thousands of civilian casualties and the forced displacement of Palestinians.”

Chile also called for “an immediate end to hostilities.” It condemned Israel’s operations, saying they “constitute collective punishment against the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.”

Bolivia also said that it “rejects the Israeli hostile treatment of international actors providing humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip,” Prada said, adding that Bolivia will send aid to the Gaza Strip, although she did not detail what that could entail.

Neither Prada nor Mamani mentioned the Hamas attack on Israel, continuing with a pattern for the Bolivian government that never condemned the Oct. 7 assault in which more than 1,400 people were killed in Israel.

On Oct. 7, Bolivia’s Foreign Ministry said only that it had “deep concern over the violent events that occurred in the Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine.” On Oct. 18, the Foreign Ministry condemend Israeli attacks and emphasized “our solidarity and unwavering support for the Palestinian people.”

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
The commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Quds Force, Esmail Qaani, visited Lebanon to coordinate with Hezbollah concerning the conflict with Israel on Wednesday, the Lebanese al-Jadeed news reported on Wednesday.

In early October, just a day after Hamas’s October 7 assault on Israel, Syrian media reported that Qaani was on a visit to Lebanon as well.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian told Iranian media on Wednesday that Qaani is “working for peace and security in the region and fighting terrorism” and that Iran is not giving direct orders to its proxies in the region.

Qaani’s latest reported visit to Lebanon comes just two days before Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah is set to make his first public comments since the war between Israel and Hamas began.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that at least 500 Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorists received specialized training from the Quds Force up to a month before the October 7 massacre.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
There’s never been a more urgent need for pastors to proclaim Israel’s right to the Land. The war in the Middle East has exposed the cancer of anti-Semitism and we must not keep silent.

The massive influx of people from Muslim nations explains the anti-Semitic demonstrations in major cities across Europe and the U.S., but why the intense hatred such as at Cornel University in New York where Jewish students were forced to hide from danger?

As I explain in Prophetic Observations of the Massacre in Israel, Satan is the culprit behind the anger directed at Israel and by proxy at the Jews living in other nations.

Replacement Theology also contributes to what’s happening on college campuses, particularly in America. Proponents of this doctrine assert that that after the people of ancient Israel rejected their Messiah, God turned His back on them and as a result, replaced the nation with the church. They claim that the church is now God’s kingdom on earth having inherited such promises that He made to Israel, albeit in a spiritual sense.

How does this teaching lead to anti-Semitism? During the long history of the church, Replacement Theology has been a breeding ground for it. Today, we see that churches in denominations long immersed in this teaching support the Palestinians cause in spite of its desire to destroy the nation of Israel and celebration of terrorism. The silence of many other churches concerning Israel’s right to the Land leaves a vacuum that the devil fills with murderous hatred.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
Two weeks ago, UNRWA said Hamas authorities in Gaza stole fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have released an intercepted call that sheds light on how Hamas is stealing fuel from hospitals in Gaza, a revelation that underscores the group’s exploitation of humanitarian resources in the region.

This conversation, involving a commander from Hamas’s Western Jabaliya Battalion, a Gazan resident, and the director of the Indonesian Hospital, was intercepted by Israeli Military Intelligence.

Despite the sensitivity of the information, it has been declassified to reveal Hamas’s prioritization of its own terrorist needs over those of the civilian population in Gaza.

In the intercepted phone call, the Hamas commander repeatedly hints at the group taking fuel from the hospital’s stocks, justifying it by stating they are “working as a government for the sake of the country.”

This revelation highlights Hamas’s ongoing exploitation of humanitarian infrastructure in Gaza to support its terrorist activities, all at the expense of the Gazan residents who rely on these essential resources.

Two weeks ago, UNRWA said Hamas authorities in Gaza stole fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees from its premises in Gaza City. The agency then deleted the X posts, saying the supplies were moved to its “health partners.”

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At WarThirteen soldiers were killed in fighting deep inside the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, Israeli authorities announced early Wednesday, bringing the day’s death toll among troops to 15 as leaders warned of the “heavy toll” being paid by troops to eliminate the Hamas terror group.

Israeli forces continued to attack targets overnight and on Wednesday from the ground and air, killing dozens of members of the terror group, the Israel Defense Forces said. Activity appeared to be focused in Jabaliya, a Hamas stronghold on the outskirts of Gaza City pounded by airstrikes overnight and again during the day Wednesday.

Eleven soldiers from the Givati Infantry Brigade’s Tzabar Battalion were killed when a Namer armored personnel carrier they were in was hit by an anti-tank guided missile fired by Hamas, the IDF said. Another four soldiers were wounded in the same incident, including one seriously.

They were named as Sgt. Adi Danan, 20, from Yavne; Staff Sgt. Halel Solomon, 20, from Dimona; Staff Sgt. Erez Mishlovsky, 20, from Oranit; Staff Sgt. Adi Leon, 20, from Nili; Cpl. Ido Ovadia, 19, from Tel Aviv; Cpl. Lior Siminovich, 19, from Herzliya; Staff Sgt. Roei Dawi, 20, from Jerusalem; Lt. Pedayah Mark, 22, from Otniel; Staff Sgt. Roei Saragosti, 20, from Ramat Hanegev Regional Council; Staff Sgt. Itay Yehuda, 20, from Rishon Lezion; and Staff Sgt. Shay Arvas, 20, from Holon.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to continue Israel’s war on Hamas despite the deaths.

“We have so many important achievements, but also painful losses. We know that every soldier of ours is an entire world,” Netanyahu said.

Israeli air power continued to provide cover for troops and tanks battling inside the enclave. Overnight Tuesday, ground forces directed the Air Force to strike a building in Jabaliya where a number of Hamas operatives were gathered, the IDF said. The army said ground forces also spotted a car with an anti-tank guided missile driving toward them in northern Gaza, and directed an aircraft to strike it.

Forces, including ground troops, struck dozens of Hamas targets overnight, the army said.

The Air Force also carried out strikes against Hamas command centers and other terror cells, it said.

Since the beginning of the war, some 11,000 sites belonging to Hamas and other terror groups have been hit, the IDF said Wednesday.

Day 26 — Wednesday, November 1

Israel At War
Federal authorities arrested a Cornell University student on Tuesday after he allegedly threatened extreme violence against the school’s Jewish community on a website unaffiliated with the upstate New York Ivy League campus last weekend.

Patrick Dai, 21, a junior student at the university originally from Pittsford, New York, was arrested on a federal criminal complaint charging him with posting threats to kill or injure another using interstate communications, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Northern District of New York.

The complaint against Dai alleges he posted threatening messages to the Cornell section of an online discussion site, which included calling for the deaths of Jewish people and carrying out a mass shooting of the 104 West building, which is a Cornell University dining hall that caters predominantly to Kosher diets, located next to the Cornell Jewish Center.

“In another post, Dai allegedly threatened to ‘stab’ and ‘slit the throat’ of any Jewish males he sees on campus, to rape and throw off a cliff any Jewish females, and to behead any Jewish babies,” authorities said in a news release. “In that same post, Dai threatened to ‘bring an assault rifle to campus and shoot all you pig jews.’”

Dai faces a maximum term of five years in prison, a $250,000 fine, and a term of supervised release of up to three years if convicted.

Jewish students on the university’s campus in Ithaca, New York, were put on high alert on Sunday night after at least six screenshots allegedly taken from the Greek Rank website displayed online threats from anonymous users who said “‘israel’ deserved 10/7” and “eliminate jewish living from cornell campus” to another user who claimed they would “shoot up 104 west.”

Cornell University officials confirmed earlier on Tuesday that authorities identified and placed a suspect in custody who allegedly made the threats.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Air raid sirens went off in the area of the Red Sea city of Eilat on Tuesday and Israel’s military said it downed an approaching “aerial target.”

After an initial warning of a possible “hostile aircraft intrusion,” which sent residents of the popular tourist resort running for shelter, the military said its “systems identified an aerial target approaching Israeli territory.”

There was no immediate claim of responsibility.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
A high-ranking United Nations official has retired after calling for a one-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. In his letter, the official wrote on what he called “essential points” regarding the war between Israel and Hamas terrorists.

In what was described as his “last official communication” as the director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Craig Mokhiber sent an Oct. 28 letter to Volker Türk of Austria, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, detailing what he believes a “U.N.-norm-based position” on the war would look like.

In what critics are calling comments devoid of historic fact, Mokhiber called for a one-state solution, which could mean the end of the Jewish state.

“We must support the establishment of a single, democratic, secular state in all of historic Palestine, with equal rights for Christians, Muslims and Jews, and, therefore, the dismantling of the deeply racist, settler-colonial project and an end to apartheid across the land,” Mokhiber stated.

“Mokhiber wrote this letter as one of the U.N.’s highest ranking ‘human rights’ officials, on U.N. letterhead, with a U.N. email address,” Professor Anne Bayefsky, the director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, told Fox News Digital. “As such, his overt call for the destruction of the Jewish state, lays bare what is really going on at the U.N. in the war now being waged by and at the U.N. against Israel.”

“Listen to Mokhiber’s chilling words. Yes, Israel is engaged in an existential fight. At the U.N., there are human rights for everyone but Jews, who are supposed to lay down their arms in the face of a genocidal enemy currently enslaving their people. Mohkiber’s phony ‘human rights’ cover is extremely disturbing. He says equality means 21 Arab states, 56 Islamic states and zero Jewish states. That’s antisemitism dressed up as human rights,” Bayefsky added.

Just last week, Israel’s U.N. ambassador, Gilad Erdan, called for the secretary-general’s resignation following a speech on the issue. Antonio Guterres said Hamas’ attacks “did not happen in a vacuum,” and the “Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Erdan called Guterres’ words a, “pure blood libel.”

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
The Israel Defense Forces said Tuesday that troops were engaged in “fierce battles against Hamas terrorists deep in Gaza,” as soldiers and tanks pushed further into the Strip amid the war against the terror group.

The military said ground and air forces hit several Hamas positions and anti-tank guided missile squads.

According to the IDF, troops have killed dozens of terrorists amid the fighting in urban areas, and have also seized weapons.

IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said IDF ground forces were “fighting terrorists at close quarters, heroically and courageously. ”

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
During the expanded ground operations, numerous Hamas terrorists have been killed, and hundreds of additional military targets were struck

Over the course of Monday, combined IDF combat forces struck approximately 300 targets, including anti-tank missile and rocket launch posts below shafts, as well as military compounds inside underground tunnels belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization.

During the forces’ ground operations, the soldiers had several engagements with terrorist cells that fired both anti-tank missiles and machine gun fire toward them. The soldiers killed terrorists and directed air forces to real-time strikes on targets and terror infrastructure.

Day 25 — Tuesday, October 31

Israel At War
Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan and his delegation wore a yellow Star of David at the UN Security Council meeting on Monday bearing the message “Never Again.”

The Security Council dealt with the war in Israel and the humanitarian situation in Gaza.

“When Jewish babies were burned in Auschwitz, the world was silent, and today Jewish babies were burned in Be’eri and the towns of the south by the Nazi Hamas – and the world is silent again.

“I will make you remember the shame of your silence every time you look at me,” Arden added. “I will wear the yellow patch until the Nazi Hamas is eliminated and until the Security Council stops being silent and condemns the October 7 massacre. Some of you have learned nothing in the last eighty years! Some of you have forgotten why the United Nations was founded. So I will remind you. From today on, every time you look at me you will remember.”

“When my grandfather and his children were sent to Auschwitz, the world was silent. When his wife and their seven children were sent to the gas chambers, the world was silent. When their bodies were burned alongside millions of Jewish babies, the world was silent,” Erdan said, comparing the silence of the UN to the Hamas massacre on October 7 to the silence of the international community regarding the horrors of the Holocaust.

“If this council had convened in June 1944, it would have dealt with the amount of fuel the Nazis had and the high death toll Germany had compared to Britain. You would have called for a ceasefire even before the Russians took over Stalingrad.

“My grandfather’s story is a horror story of another time. Of a distant time of unimaginable hatred. A time about which until three weeks ago we said ‘never again’. But ‘never again’ happened again.”

“Hamas, they are modern Nazis – from their appalling inhumane violence to their ideology that calls for the extermination of the Jews. Hamas is not looking for a ‘solution’ to the conflict. They are not interested in dialogue. The only solution Hamas is interested in is the final solution – the extermination of the Jewish people.

“However, Ismail Haniyeh – the leader of Hamas – is not Adolf Hitler. He is not the Fuehrer. He is not the leader of this death cult, which wants to rule the world. This role is played by the supreme leader of Iran, the bloodthirsty Ayatollah Khamenei. Hitler’s Third Reich wanted to create a thousand-year empire spanning continents, just as Khamenei envisions his radical Shiite hegemony spanning the region and beyond. The Ayatollah regime is the Nazi regime of our time, and their army includes Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the IRGC, and other jihadists. Instead of shouting ‘Sieg Heil!’ these radical Nazi Islamists shout, “Death to Israel! Death to America! Death to England!”.

During Erdan’s remarks, he also slammed the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to what the ambassador claims is his “biased attitude” towards Israel during the war.

“The antisemites saw that the council did not condemn the murderers, and heard the UN Secretary-General express ‘understanding’ of the massacre,” Erdan claimed.

Erdan also stated that the UN’s silence has “emboldened our enemies.”

“They saw that this council did not even condemn the Nazi murderers. They saw the UN General Assembly cheering efforts to prevent us from defending ourselves. They heard the Secretary-General express understanding for the Nazi massacre,” he continued. “Now they know that slaughtering Jews in their beds is met with silence. They were so passionate about the silence and inaction of this organization that they can’t wait to slaughter Jews themselves.”

Erdan also said that “if Hitler had a Twitter account, it would look just like Khamenei’s,” and continues to say that “despite Iran’s blatant Nazism and Islamic Reich ideology, the Secretary-General and UN officials still meet with Iranian officials without saying a single word of condemnation for their support of genocide.”

At the end of his remarks, Erdan made it clear to the council members that despite their silence, Israel will continue to defend itself in the war against Hamas in Gaza: “The people of Israel are strong, we cannot be broken, and we are not going anywhere. Many have tried to destroy us, but we are here to stay. Israel will win, crush Hamas, and bring back the hostages.”

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
Fast forward to October 7, 2023, when the world became a witness to the horrors of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. We now know that their attack was straight out of the Nazi playbook. Actually, it was more like a merging of Nazis and Isis on steroids. Most people have been unable to watch any of the gruesome footage gathered by the IDF. How are human beings able to perform such torture on people including very young children and the elderly? Moreover, how can anyone in their right mind even question that what Hamas did was inhuman and clearly belonged to the category of “crimes against humanity?”

Queen Rania of Jordan has been questioning the beheading of Israeli children by Hamas in an interview with Christiane Amanpour on CNN.  Colleges and universities in the USA and other parts of the world have rallied against Israel and in favor of Hamas, putting many Jewish people at risk for their lives…in 2023. This is 1933 all over again! We have turned an important corner in modern antisemitism. The beast has been globally unleashed, and it is on a brutal rampage for Jewish lives.

To counter the irrational pushback from the media and other organizations or governments, Israeli authorities had an “Eisenhower moment.” They decided to show a group of journalists a 43-minute compilation of the horrors committed by Hamas on October 7, so that they would not forget. It is so sad that such an event would even have to be held, but the world must know. As difficult as these images are to look at, we must not turn our heads away, lest we become the new bystanders of the 21st century.

If this is the new normal for Jewish people worldwide, then, we must adjust to it as well, and as believers, we must not be silent. Thousands of Hamas sympathizers have gathered all over the globe to rally against Israel in the biggest display of double standard we have ever witnessed. The Jewish people need to know that there are Christians who are ready to commit to their rescue and safety. Where is the Church when pro-Hamas people are chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!” or “Gas the Jews!”

The world is being split in two as we see pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian factions take sides… Israel needs you, the Jewish people need you, and now is not the time to sit on the fence!

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in a foreign press conference on Monday, stated that a ceasefire in the war would be the equivalent of surrendering to Hamas.

“Israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities after the horrific attacks of October 7,” he told reporters. “Calls for a ceasefire are a call for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terror, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen.”

“Israel did not start this war. Israel did not want this war. But Israel will win this war,” he continued. “This is a turning point — for leaders and for nations. It is time for all of us to decide if we are willing to fight for a future of hope and promise or surrender to tyranny and terror.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war,” Netanyahu urged, quoting from the book of Ecclesiastes.

Amir Tsarfati, Founder and President of Behold Israel, similarly referenced this passage of Scripture when discussing recent events in Israel.

“I have been immersed in this story for two weeks now. There are things that I could never have imagined one human being doing to another. But now I know that they are possible because I’ve seen photographic evidence of them being perpetrated on my own people,” Tsarfati described. “I do know that God is in charge. My faith has not wavered at all. Because I’ve studied the Scriptures, I know how this story ends. But as King Solomon told us, there is ‘a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance’ (Ecclesiastes 3:4). This is not the time for laughing and dancing. It is a time for weeping and mourning. It is also ‘a time of war’ (v. 8).”

“Please join me in praying that God leads His armies to fight this battle, so that the enemy will soon be defeated and we in Israel can once again return to ‘a time of peace,’ he implored.


Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reportedly rescued a hostage overnight Sunday into Monday — Private Ori Megidish, a female soldier who had been at an observation post that was attacked by Palestinian Hamas terrorists on October 7.

The rescue was confirmed by the IDF and the Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency.

The Jerusalem Post reported:

Private Ori Megedish, an IDF soldier, was rescued during the IDF’s operation in Gaza on Monday night, the IDF and Shin Bet said in a joint statement.

She was kidnapped by the Hamas terrorists on October 7 and has now been reunited with her family.

A subsequent medical examination administered to Megidish has determined that she is relatively healthy.

The rescue of the IDF soldier suggests that Israel may have other options — and that a ground invasion might help the release of hostages, rather than hampering it, as some critics have suggested recently.

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Sixty people have been arrested after a mob looking for Israelis and Jews overran an airport in Russia’s Caucasus republic of Dagestan, the interior ministry says.

“More than 150 active participants in the unrest have been identified, 60 of them have been arrested,” the ministry says in a statement.

Day 24 — Monday, October 30

Israel At War
Jewish students at Cornell University in the United States were exposed to violent death threats on the university’s discussion forum; many of the messages called for sexual violence against the Jewish women. One such message has led to a police presence on the campus, as a currently-unknown forum user has threatened to “shoot up” the building containing Jewish resources. 

“if you see a jewish ‘person’ on campus, follow them home and slit their throats. rats need to be elimination from cornell” [SIC] one message on the forum read.

Another post said “the genocidal fascist zionist regime will be destroyed. rape and kill all the jew women, before they birth more jewish hitlers. jews are excrement on the face of the earth. no jew civilian is innocent of genocide” [SIC].

In another concerning post to the forum, one user wrote they were “gonna shoot up 104 west”, which is where the kosher dining hall is located. The message also read “allahu akbar! from the river to the sea, palestine will be free! glory to hamas! liberation by any means necessary!” [SIC]

Cornell’s Hillel released a statement in response to the threat. They wrote that “Cornell Hillel is aware of a threatening statement that was directed toward the building at 104West, which houses the university’s kosher and multicultural dining hall, as well as more generally toward Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

“The Cornell University administration has been made aware of this concerning language, and the Cornell Police Department is monitoring the situation and is on-site at 104West to provide additional security as a precaution.

Zoe Bernstein, the president of the group’ Cornellians For Israel’, told the Jerusalem Post that “The climate on campus has been incredibly fraught since students returned from Fall break on October 10th. With each week that has passed, students have felt tensions rising and they have neared a boiling point this past week.

“On Wednesday morning Jewish students awoke to our beautiful campus vandalized by hateful and incendiary graffiti to the tune of “F*** Israel”, “Israel is Fascist”, and “Zionism= Genocide.”

“Later that day, droves of students marched around campus chanting ‘From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free”, an age-old call for violence. Then, today, students were appalled and deeply troubled to find countless posts that threatened the physical, and importantly psychological, safety of Cornell’s Jewish community.”

“It is terrifying to be a Jewish college student right now. Plain and simple. A shared sentiment among Cornellians, and across campuses right now is that we feel abandoned. We feel as though, if any other minority group was experiencing half of what we have since October 7th, their cries for help and support would have been heeded and addressed more promptly, and with greater force and decisiveness than what we have experienced.

“Seeing posts that spout out classic antisemitic tropes like referring to Jews as rats, that call for our peers to slit the throats of Jewish students, kill us on our walk to class, or rape women is nauseating and unfathomable. It is unlike anything we have experienced in our lifetimes and we don’t know what to do.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

Israel At War
Muslim rioters came to the international airport in Makhachkala, the capital of the Russian republic of Dagestan, in order to harm Jewish Israelis.

The crowds waited for an Israeli flight that was supposed to arrive and checked vehicles leaving the airport to try and find Israeli or Jewish passengers.

Footage from the scene shows crowds chanting “Allahu Akbar,” and according to reports, they also chanted antisemitic chants.

The flight, which took off from Ben Gurion International Airport in Israel and was scheduled to land in Makhachkala, was rerouted and landed at a different airport.

According to local reports, the rioters also began to search for Israelis and Jews near the airport as well.

The incident occurred amid Israel’s war in Gaza and the spike in antisemitism around the globe.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister’s Office stated: “The State of Israel views with utmost gravity attempts to harm Israeli citizens and Jews anywhere.

‘The Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council are monitoring the development of events in southern Russia, in the Dagestan district. Israel expects the Russian legal authorities to safeguard the well-being of all Israeli citizens and Jews wherever they are and to take strong action against the rioters and against the wild incitement being directed against Jews and Israelis.

“Israeli Ambassador to Russia Alex Ben Zvi is working with the Russian authorities to secure the well-being of Jews and Israelis at the site.”

A senior security source discussed the riots at the airport in Dagestan and said that the incident is still not over.

He added that a relatively small amount of Israelis and Jews are still separated and under security at the airport.

“We are working for them to depart from there on a flight to Moscow the moment conditions permit. Israeli security officials and the Israeli Ambassador are working with the local security authorities. The issue is being dealt with on the relevant axes.”

The Russian authorities are warning the rioters at the international airport in Makhachkala that anyone participating in the riots will be identified using CC footage in the airport and surrounding areas: “Whoever incites ethnic violence and hate will be tried.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

Israeli Ambassador Declares UN Has ‘Completely Lost’ Its Legitimacy

Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan declared that the organization has “completely lost” its legitimacy on Sunday.

Gilad made the comments Sunday morning on Fox News in reaction to a vote by the U.N. General Assembly approving a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel that didn’t mention either Hamas or the 229 hostages currently in Gaza.

“I’ve been serving there [the U.N.] for three years, but I would have never drempt that after a massacre–nearly 1,500 babies and women and the elderly–the U.N. cannot even unite to condemn a designated terrorist organization similar to ISIS or even to the Nazis,” Gilad said. “It is something that is truly unfathomable.”

“I believe the U.N. on Friday completely lost its legitimacy, it’s relevance,” he added. “Today, not only is the U.N. not committed to preventing atrocities, it is committed to ensuring they will happen again.”

Day 23 — Sunday, October 29

IDF Soldiers Raise Israel's Flag In Northern Gaza For The First Time Since 2005

Israel At War
IDF soldiers who entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday raised the Israeli flag on one of the homes in the area, according to video shared online.

A man could be heard in the video saying “three weeks after the horrible crime, soldiers of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade lift the flag of Israel in the heart of Gaza, along the beach. We will not forget…we will not stop until victory.”

This was reportedly the first time the Israeli flag has been raised in Gaza since the Disengagement in 2005.

Starting on Friday night, IDF soldiers began an expanded ground entry into the Gaza Strip, reaching a number of kilometers into the coastal enclave.

Clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza have continued since, with airstrikes targeting a number of locations as well.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Netanyahu: 'This Is Our Second War Of Independence'

Israel At War
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday announced that his forces have entered the “second stage” of its war with the terrorist group Hamas, calling the fight a “second War of Independence.”

“The war inside the Gaza Strip will be long and difficult, and we are prepared for it,” he added, saying that the war is now “my life’s mission.”

“We decided to expand ground operations unanimously – both in the War Cabinet and in the political-security cabinet,” Netanyahu said.

“We did so in a prudent and informed manner, out of a commitment to ensuring the fate of the state and ensuring the safety of our soldiers,” he continued. “The commanders and fighters who are now fighting in enemy territory know that the people, and the leadership of the people, stand behind them.”

He reiterated the warnings about how Hamas operates – using civilians as human shields and hiding beneath hospitals to carry out their operations while manipulating international law for protection. He claimed that Israel’s allies in the “Western world and … the Arab world, understand today that if Israel does not win, they will be next in line in the campaign of conquest and murder of the axis of evil.”

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Elon Musk Promises To Restore Severed Communications To Aid Orgaizations In Gaza

Israel At War
Just prior to Israel’s ground offensive into the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, all lines of communication, including internet connection, were reportedly severed from the region, providing the IDF a tactical advantage over terrorists in the strip.

Elon Musk, seemingly usurping Israel, promised that he would, in part, restore communications in Gaza through the use of StarLink.

Musk stated on Saturday that “Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza” despite widely documented evidence showing that humanitarian organizations in the region are ultimately used to aid Hamas terrorists.

Musk’s vow to restore internet services came in response to far-left Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s criticism of the Jewish State, in which she called the severing of communications “unacceptable.”

In a separate post on Saturday, Musk also appeared to blame the United States for attacks on their bases by the Iranian regime in which 19 US soldiers were diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries. Musk displayed a graphic that made it appear that the US Bases’ proximity to Iran was to blame for the attacks.

Musk later defended his tweet, saying that while it was “obviously a joke,” there was “more than a grain of truth to it.” Adding that, “We should aspire to see things from the point of view of others,” which in this case is Iran.

Amir Tsarfati responded to the “very pro-Iranian post” which Musk tweeted, writing on Telegram: “Why doesn’t Elon look at the bases Iran built that are close to Israel? Such as in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Gaza?”


Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Analysis — Greg Laurie: We Cannot Be Silent — God Gave The Jews This Land As A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy

Israel At War
Jewish Hate Is Nothing New. This goes back centuries. Egypt wanted to destroy the Jews when Pharaoh gave the order to murder the Jewish baby boys (Exodus 1). Ancient Persia (modern Iran) wanted to eradicate the Jews through the wicked plot of Haman (Esther 3). Fast forward: Adolf Hitler had his “Final Solution” to destroy the Jewish people and ultimately murdered over 6 million of them in the Holocaust. But God intervened.

Now we have Hamas committing murders and unthinkable atrocities; it is pure evil. But God always intervenes—He raised up Moses to deliver the Jews from Pharaoh and Egypt. He raised up Queen Esther to use her influence to save her fellow Jews from the plot to destroy them.

After the Holocaust, God raised up the Jews themselves to return to their homeland and become a nation again on May 14, 1948.

But why this hatred for the Jewish people?
Answer: Satan hates what God loves. God loves and chose the Jews as His very own people.
Why? God Himself gives the answer: “The Lord did not set his heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Rather, it was simply that the Lord loves you, and he was keeping the oath he had sworn to your ancestors. That is why the Lord rescued you with such a strong hand from your slavery and from the oppressive hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt” (Deuteronomy 7:7–8).

It’s important to also mention that there’s a teaching happening in the Church called “Replacement Theology.” It basically says that God is done with Israel and that the Church—believers in Jesus Christ—have taken their place. In other words, they are no longer God’s chosen people, we are.

The fact is that they have always been—and always will be—God’s chosen people. But we as Christians have been “grafted in” to the promises given to the Jewish people by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

From the Jews came our Bible. From the Jews came our Messiah. We owe them a great debt, and now we must pray for them as a nation and a people.

Many were silent when this happened only a few generations ago in Nazi Germany, but we cannot be now. As Christians, we must stand up for our Jewish friends and the nation of Israel. These are God’s very chosen people!

Again, God gave them this homeland that they returned to as a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. They have every right and responsibility to defend themselves from this evil that has come upon them like a violent storm from Hell itself.

Scripture tells us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Let’s do that together. I also pray that a great spiritual awakening will sweep the Holy Land and that many—both Jews and Palestinians caught up in this conflict—will turn to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Israel Recalls Turkish Envoys After President Erdogan Slams 'Occupation' Of Gaza

Israel At War
Israel’s foreign minister has called back envoys to Turkey and will reassess Israel-Turkey relations.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier today addressed hundreds of thousands of supporters at one of the largest pro-Palestinian rallies since the Israel-Hamas war began.

“Israel has been openly committing war crimes for 22 days, but the Western leaders cannot even call on Israel for a ceasefire, let alone react to it,” Erdogan told the crowd in Istanbul, who waved Palestinian flags.

“We will tell the whole world that Israel is a war criminal. We are making preparations for this. We will declare Israel a war criminal,” he said as part of a one-hour speech.

Turkey has condemned Israeli civilian deaths caused by Hamas’s Oct. 7 rampage through southern Israel, which killed 1,400, but Erdogan this week called the militant group Palestinian “freedom fighters”.

He added today: “I reiterate that Hamas is not a terrorist organisation. Israel was very offended by this. (…) Israel is an occupier, Erdogan speaks clearly because Turkey does not owe you anything,” he told hundreds of thousands of supporters.

Israel and Turkey managed to normalise diplomatic relations last August, despite Erdogan’s party’s support for Hamas since the 2000s.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

IDF Destroyed 150 Underground Targets In Northern Gaza Strip Overnight

Israel At War
IDF warplanes attacked about 150 underground targets in the northern Gaza Strip over Friday night, according to Israeli media.

During the attack, Hamas terrorists were eliminated, and combat zones, underground combat zones, and other underground terrorist infrastructures were also destroyed.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

IDF Releases Footage Of Troops, Tanks Operating In Gaza During Expanded Operations

The Israel Defense Forces releases footage of ground forces, including infantry troops, combat engineering forces and tanks, operating in the Gaza Strip overnight and this morning.

The forces are still in Gaza at this hour, operating deeper into the Hamas-run territory than previous limited incursions.

Day 22 — Saturday, October 28

Analysis — Mike Pompeo: We Must Oppose Antisemitism at Home and Abroad

Israel At War
The sickening displays on our college campuses are, at their core, antisemitic.  When students chant Hamas’ rallying cry, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” they are not just chanting a slogan – they are calling for the Jewish nation state to be wiped out.  They are calling for the murder of the Jewish people on a level not seen since the Holocaust, which is the very reason Israel exists today.  And they are calling for a radical, terrorist regime to be in control of the Holy Land… It is the moral responsibility of every leader at these institutions to denounce these protests and condemn antisemitism on their campuses.  The same responsibility applies to our leaders on a national level.

Unfortunately, faced with alarming protests in support of a murderous, antisemitic, and radical Islamic ideology, the Biden Administration has prevaricated.  In his national address, President Biden spent as much time denouncing antisemitism as he did criticizing anti-Muslim bigotry, and he chose – unbelievably – to scold the American people over our nation’s anger following the attacks on September 11, 2001.

Each time the nation of Israel is attacked by terrorist thugs, the same predictable pattern repeats itself.  After horrific attacks claim innocent Israeli lives, Israel’s justified response is routinely condemned by world leaders, progressives in the media and government, and protesters around the world.  This condemnation is then followed by full-throated calls for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds, sprinkled with thinly-veiled antisemitism that blames the Jewish victims for the attacks, rather than the terrorists who committed them.  This time, the pattern must not repeat itself.  The wicked, antisemitic violence we witnessed on October 7 was worse than anything the world has seen since the Holocaust; it is imperative that America and the world tell the truth about Hamas, not reward its acts of terror with “humanitarian” aid or permit its unchallenged celebration.  If we do not do so, we risk allowing the conflict to deepen, heightening the risk that it will expand into a broader war throughout the region.  This would be disastrous for the American people and for Israel.

Israel At War

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