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Israel At War: Week Three Coverage


Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Analysis — Entering The Next Phase: Israel's Broader Offensive Against Hamas In Gaza Has Begun

Israel’s war against Hamas has entered the next phase. It appears that Israel’s broader offensive by air, land, and sea against Hamas in Gaza has begun today, Friday, October 27th.

Reportedly, all lines of communication in Gaza have been cut, and Israeli tanks are entering Gaza and engaging Hamas gunmen. Israel has stepped up the air strikes as well in recent hours.

This comes nearly three weeks to the day of the most horrific massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Israel is now all in, and the ground invasion has begun.

We don’t know if it’s going to be a massive amount of troops right away pouring over the border into Gaza or if there will be more limited incursions, as we’ve seen over the past two days. We will see in the hours to come.

Going into Gaza is not going to be easy. Keep the IDF in your prayers right now. I have good friends of mine who are on the front lines. My thoughts are with them constantly, but they’re doing what needs to be done.

Israel must decisively crush Hamas once and for all. This demonic entity can no longer exist in any shape or form and pose any threat to Israel ever again when this offensive in Gaza is finished.

The big question is, what will the Iranian regime and Hezbollah do? Will a multi-front war open?

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

IDF Spokesperson: We Are Expanding The Ground Operations In Gaza Tonight

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Friday evening that the IAF has been intensifying its air strikes in Gaza.

He also said that the IDF ground forces would be intensifying the ground operation on Friday night.

“In recent hours we have increased the strikes in Gaza. The Air Force is attacking underground targets and terrorist infrastructure, very significantly. In continuation of the offensive activity we carried out in the last few days, the ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening,” said Hagari.

“The IDF works powerfully in all dimensions in order to achieve the goals of the war,” he added.

Hagari also stated, “We are ready to defend in all areas to protect Israel’s security interests. We are committed to the national mission of returning all the hostages.”

On the reports of negotiations on the return of the hostages, he said, “I suggest not to pay attention to the rumors, this is psychological terrorism by Hamas.”

ARUTZ sheva

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Erdan Shows UNGA Video Of Hamas Decapitation At Ceasefire Debate

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations played a video of a Hamas terrorist attempting to decapitate one of its victims as he addressed the General Assembly during a debate on a Gaza war ceasefire.

“The man on the ground is an agricultural worker from Thailand. He is not Israeli. He is not Jewish. He was merely alive, trying to make a living for his family,” Erdan said as he held up a tablet with the video.

“But he was decapitated with a blunt gardening tool,” Erdan said, adding that it was “horrifying.”

He spoke during the start of a two-day debate on a cease-fire for the Gaza War that began on October 7 when Hamas infiltrated southern Israel killing over 1,400 people and taking more than 224 hostages.

Erdan urged the UNGA not to call for a ceasefire which he said would only support the Iranian proxy group Hamas and allow it to rearm itself so it could launch further attacks against Israeli civilians.

“Any call for a ceasefire is not an attempt at peace. It is an attempt to tie Israel’s hands, preventing us from eliminating a huge threat to our citizens,” Erdan said.

Israel in Gaza “is not at war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal Jihadist Hamas terror organization,” Erdan said, as he stressed that the Jewish state was standing at the forefront of a global battle.

“Hamas’s genocidal ideology, just like ISIS, al-Qaeda… is not just about destroying Israel. It is ultimately about world domination. It is about bringing the Jihad war to the soil of each and every one of your countries,” Erdan warned.

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Tanks, Troops Briefly Roll Into Gaza For Second Overnight Incursion

Israel overnight sent tanks and troops into the Gaza Strip for a second limited incursion in as many nights, the Israel Defense Forces says, striking Hamas operatives and sites.

The raid near the Shuja’iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza City was carried out by infantry, combat engineering and armored forces, with Israeli Air Force drones and combat helicopters providing air cover, according to the military.

The IDF says artillery and airstrikes were carried out against sites belonging to the Hamas terror group, including anti-tank guided missile launch sites and command centers.

Several Hamas members were also struck by the forces, the IDF says.

All the Israeli forces left the area after several hours, and no injuries are reported.

The operation marks the second night in a row that IDF forces briefly enter the Gaza Strip, ahead of an expected full ground offensive.

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

U.S. Military Strikes Facilities Used By Iran’s Military, Terror Proxies In Syria

The U.S. Military conducted targeted strikes against facilities in Syria on Thursday night that are used by Iran’s military and its terrorist proxy group.

The strikes come after U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria had come under attack in recent days from Islamic terrorists backed by Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

The “U.S. military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups,” said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. “These precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17.”

The statement noted that repeated attacks from Iranian-backed terrorist proxy groups throughout the region have resulted in 21 U.S. soldiers being injured and one contractor dying from a heart attack that he suffered during an attack. Nineteen of the U.S. soldiers had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.

“The United States will not tolerate such attacks and will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests,” the statement said. “The United States does not seek conflict and has no intention nor desire to engage in further hostilities, but these Iranian-backed attacks against U.S. forces are unacceptable and must stop.”

“Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces,” the statement continued. “We will not let them. If attacks by Iran’s proxies against U.S. forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people.”

“These narrowly tailored strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria,” the statement concluded. “They are separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and do not constitute a shift in our approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict. We continue to urge all state and non-state entities not to take action that would escalate into a broader regional conflict.”

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

'Glory To Our Martyrs' Projected Onto University in Washington D.C, As Franklin Graham Warns Students Are Being 'Dangerously Misled'

Students of George Washington University took part in a demonstration Tuesday evening, which included projecting Pro-Hamas messages, such as “Glory to Our Martyrs,” onto the school’s library.

The Times of Israel reported:

The messages — including “Glory To Our Martyrs,” “Divestment From Zionist Genocide Now,” and “Free Palestine From The River To The Sea” — appeared on the side of a library building for two hours, drawing a crowd of counter-protesters to an adjacent plaza where some sang the Hebrew song “Oseh Shalom.” 

Photos shared by the student newspaper and the watchdog group StopAntisemitism showed that the messages spanned several floors and could be read clearly at a distance. Video appeared to show masked students projecting the images from the street, arguing with university police over whether their actions were in violation of campus rules, before being ticketed.

Other phrases that were projected, according to the newspaper: “End the siege on Gaza,” “GW the blood of Palestine is on your hands,” “GW is complicit in genocide in Gaza,” “Your tuition is funding genocide in Gaza,” “2,000 Palestinian children were murdered by ‘Israel’ in the last two weeks” (with “Israel” in quotation marks) and “President Granberg is complicit in genocide in Gaza.”

The University, located in Washington, D.C., responded by saying that the actions of the group responsible, Students for Justice in Palestine, “violated university policy, and leadership intervened to ensure that these projections were removed.”

Evangelist Franklin Graham responded to the actions of the students, writing on social media, “A ‘Stop Antisemitism’ group called for George Washington University to EXPEL students who are promoting pro-Hamas messaging on the campus—And I agree with their concern.”

“We are seeing that a lot of students around the world are dangerously misled,” he stressed. “Hamas is a radical Islamic terrorist group who wants to kill all Jews—and Christians alike—and their ultimate goal is to force the entire world into Islam.”


Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: The Real War Has Not Yet Begun

(Galilee, Israel) — This is not a peaceful land right now. I used to tell tour participants who were worried about safety in Israel, “You’ll be in more danger on your drive to the airport than you will be here in Israel.” That is no longer the case. There is an unease in my country that you can feel everywhere you go.

The first source of that anxiety comes from being in a nationwide post-trauma. Parents no longer let their kids go out on their own. Children sleep in the beds with their parents, certain that tonight will be the night the men come bursting into their homes. We are a small nation, which means that every citizen of Israel was and is within striking range of the genocidal terrorists who perpetrated the October 7 attack. So many cannot close their eyes at night without asking, “What if that had been my family,” then picturing the horrific scenario playing out. This is a wounded society, and those wounds will take years to heal.

The other source of our unease is the knowledge that the real war has not yet begun. The ground war in the south is prepared, but the invasion hasn’t yet occurred. The IDF is holding back for a couple reasons. First, every day that passes allows Gaza to be softened up even more. Civilians have been warned for well over a week to leave the border regions and head south. The expectation is that all those still left behind are Hamas and Islamic Jihad who are hiding out in their deep and intricate tunnel systems. The more the IDF can deal with these terrorist organizations from the air, the safer it will be when ground troops march in.

The second reason for the delay is that the U.S. has asked Israel to hold off on the ground attack. They are still in the process of preparing their military so that it is fully primed and protected for the next phase of the war. There is nothing binding in their request, but the Israeli government is honoring it. First, because America has been a good military friend and a great supplier of weapons and materiel. Second, because it’s the right thing to do. When the IDF feels they have weakened Gaza enough for invasion and the U.S. military is ready for the next step in the war, then Israel’s military will cross the southern border to root out the terrorists.

But it is not just the war in the south that has yet to begin. In the north, Hezbollah hasn’t begun their attack. When they do, it will launch with tens of thousands of rockets fired across the border from Lebanon into Israel. All you need is basic math to understand Israel’s unease. If Hezbollah fires only 25,000 of their rockets and the Iron Dome takes out 90% of them, that means that 2500 missiles will still land in the cities and towns of Israel with devastating effect.

That’s just the air attack. Hezbollah claims that they have 100,000 suicide bombers prepared to cross Israel’s northern border. These are terrorists brainwashed in a culture and religion that celebrates death. This zombie-like horde is excitedly anticipating their opportunity to invade Israel so that they can kill Jews and become martyrs for Allah. How must our culture which loves and respects life confront such a violent death cult? With devastating force. Words our military can’t worry about in times such as these are “proportionality”, “moderation”, and “compromise”.

What’s taking place in Israel is still in its beginning stages. The situation remains volatile and ever-changing.

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

Moscow Hosts Hamas Delegation And Iran’s Deputy FM, Prompting Israeli Outrage

Hamas representatives arrived in Moscow on Thursday to discuss the ongoing war with Israel with Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, in a meeting that was also attended by Ali Bagheri Kani, the deputy foreign minister of the terror group’s chief sponsor, Iran.

The Hamas delegation was led by Musa Abu Marzouk, head of the terror group’s International Relations Office, and also included Basem Naim, the former Hamas health minister in Gaza, and the organization’s representative in Moscow, a Hamas statement said.

The stated goal of the visit was to discuss the ongoing war with Israel and ways to stop “Zionist crimes supported by the United States and the West.”

The Hamas delegation also praised the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the efforts of Russian diplomacy.

Bogdanov, who is also Putin’s special envoy to the Middle East, reportedly expressed Russia’s support for the rights of the Palestinian people, and spoke of his country’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire and open humanitarian corridors.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry scolded Russia for hosting representatives of the terror group, as Jerusalem’s public frustration with Russia grew. “Hamas is a terrorist organization worse than ISIS,” ministry spokesman Lior Haiat tweeted.

“Israel sees the invitation of senior Hamas officials to Moscow as an obscene step that gives support to terrorism and legitimizes the atrocities of Hamas terrorists,” the Foreign Ministry said, and called on Moscow to immediately expel the Hamas leaders.

“The hands of senior Hamas officials are stained with the blood of over 1,400 Israelis who were slaughtered, murdered, executed and burned, and they are responsible for the kidnapping of over 220 Israelis including babies, children, women and the elderly,” it added.

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

IDF Conducts 'Very Brief' Large Ground Incursion Into Gaza Ahead Of 'Next Stages Of Combat'

Israel Defense Forces conducted a “very brief” large ground incursion into Gaza overnight Wednesday, Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson reported from Tel Aviv, Israel, just before 8 a.m. local time Thursday.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the IDF announced the operation into northern Gaza took place ahead of “the next stages of combat.”

“In preparation for the next stages of combat, the IDF operated in northern Gaza. IDF tanks & infantry struck numerous terrorist cells, infrastructure and anti-tank missile launch posts. The soldiers have since exited the area and returned to Israeli territory,” the post read.

When asked by Trace Gallagher on “Fox News @ Night” if the ground incursions are taking place on a regular basis, Tomlinson responded by saying this particular mission appeared to be a “major operation.”

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

Saudi Arabia Intercepts Missiles Bound For Israel; FM Says Kindom Is 'Ready' For Peace Talks To Resume After War Concludes

On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan,  stated that the kingdom is ready and hopeful for normalization talks with the Jewish State to resume following the conclusion of war in Israel.

“At the moment, we are waiting for a ceasefire, after that, the peace process must be restarted,” he urged. “It must be possible. If we are not ready to overcome the obstacles and history, there will never be a chance for peace.”

“The Arabs have shown that they are serious and ready; we hope it will happen soon,” the Foreign Minister stressed.

The FM’s comments came after Saudi Arabia reportedly intercepted a barrage of missiles from Yemen bound toward Israel last week. 

Launched by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the interception marked the “first known time that the Saudi military has intervened to prevent an attack against Israel,” according to Fox News.

Many have insisted that Iran’s motivations in funding and organizing the Hamas terrorist assault on Israel was an attempt to thwart peace talks with Saudi Arabia, which were rapidly progressing.

As Pastor Mark Hitchcock noted just weeks prior to the October 7th attack, Iran was “already leveling all kinds of accusations and warnings” at the prospect of a normalization agreement.

Hitchcock highlighted the future war described in Ezekiel 38, which states that Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others will attempt a large-scale invasion of Israel from the north, which Saudi Arabia will protest.

The Pastor explained that Saudi Arabia and Israel’s efforts to forge a peace agreement point to what we see in Ezekiel 38.

“Sheba and Dedan, which is the Arabian Peninsula, will be on the opposite side of Iran in that war of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38:13),” he wrote. “This is another flashing red light on the dashboard of the ages, signaling that the rapture is near.”

HD Staff

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Analysis — ‘Peace and Security’ Will Not Be The Outcome Of Dividing Israel For A Palestinian State

In a press conference on Wednesday, President Joe Biden, never letting a crisis go to waste, insisted that a two-state solution should be the ultimate outcome of the war in Israel.

“There’s no going back to the status quo as it stood on October 6th,” he stressed. “That means ensuring that Hamas can no longer terrorize Israel and use Palestinian civilians as human shields.”

“It also means that when this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next, and in our view, it has to be a two-state solution,” Biden urged.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking to the UN Security Council on Tuesday, similarly pushed the idea that a two-state solution is “the only road to peace and security in the region.”

The current status of Gaza showcases that creating a Palestinian State, providing a deal could even be reached, would not breed a peaceful outcome. When Israel left Gaza in 2005, the land went from a thriving region to a bastion of terrorism against the Jewish State.

In addition, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has continued to demonstrate its genocidal views against the Jewish People, with a new report highlighting that nearly $3 million could be paid out to terrorists’ families by the PA for the October 7th massacre.

Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, would continue to funnel money, just as they do with Hezbollah in Lebanon, to accomplish their goals of eradicating Israel.

As Olivier Melnick recently underscored, “As much as the Palestinian narrative has wanted us to believe it was, this was never about the land. This has always been about the complete annihilation of the Jewish people and the complete eradication of the State of Israel from the world map.”

Hal Lindsey likewise wrote: “Even if [Netanyahu] can depose Hamas, the nature of this conflict means that a similar group will arise. Hatred against Israel is not about land, rights, or money. It is a tenet of [Islamic] faith.”

Rewarding terrorists with land and autonomy couldn’t possibly bring peace to the region. So why are the Biden administration and numerous world leaders championing this “solution”? The answer is found in Scripture.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

IDF Responds To Erdogan: What Hamas Did Is Worse Than Terror

What Hamas did on October 7 was worse than terrorism, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Wednesday evening in response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s claim that Hamas “is not a terror organization.”

“I heard what Erdogan said…Hamas is worse than a terrorist organization. The people responsible for the massacre wanted death and horror and it is our duty to show that to the world,” Hagari said after being asked to respond to Erdogan’s comments.

The spokesperson further said that targeting senior Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip remains a “top priority” for the IDF as it prepares for a ground invasion.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Analysis — A Nation Like No Other: Israel’s Battle In The Court Of World Opinion

It seems that the memory of October 7 is fading for some in the so-called international community.

You remember October 7, right? When 1,400 Israelis, the vast majority of them civilians, were massacred in cold blood. We’re learning more about it now as videos of Israel’s interrogations of Hamas terrorists are on record, sharing exactly what they did and what they were told to do by their Hamas masters—gruesome, demonic, wicked acts.

In a few days, the world is going to return to its default position of knee-jerk, anti-Israel bile.

They will basically tell Israel, “It’s a shame what happened, but you had it coming for all that you’ve supposedly done to the Palestinians over the years, and you must have a proportionate response. You cannot act with severity against the Hamas jihadists living in Gaza. Civilians might get killed. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire and an international peacekeeping force, perhaps.” That would be the grand plan of the likes of the UN.

If you have any doubt about what I’m saying, former US President Barack Obama released a statement Monday that was highly critical of Israel, warning Israel to follow the international rules of war.

This is something that Israel knows, does very well, and doesn’t need Barack Obama lecturing and intoning to them. Nonetheless, he couldn’t resist weighing in and taking some potshots at Israel.

The UN Secretary-General drew a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas, blatantly and disgracefully.

The world is obsessed with Israel. Do you doubt it? Israel was attacked, and yet the world obsessively, after a short grace period, started to bombard Israel with pressure and watch their every move.

Blinken suggested humanitarian pauses in the war. Whoever heard of such a thing in warfare? Has any other nation been asked to do that? Would the US do that? Would Russia or China? I think not.

Israel is a sovereign nation being lectured to by the world. Why? It’s clearly a spiritual issue.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Verbal War Between Israel And Un Secretary-General Guterres Continues

After Israel accused Guterres of justifying the Hamas onslaught by stating yesterday that “it did not happen in a vacuum,” the UN chief hit back saying Jerusalem misrepresented his remarks and that he had specifically said in the same speech that “grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas.”

Unsatisfied by the defense, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says it is a “disgrace” that Guterres didn’t retract or apologize for his remarks and, repeating a demand he first issued yesterday, says the secretary-general must resign.

“The secretary-general once again distorts and twists reality. He clearly said yesterday that the massacre and murder spree by Hamas ‘did not happen in a vacuum.’ Every person understands and understood very well that the meaning of his words is: That Israel is guilty for the actions of Hamas or, at the very least, a demonstration of understanding and justification by the secretary-general for the massacre,” Erdan says in a statement.

“A secretary-general who does not understand that the murder of innocents can have no justification and no ‘background’ cannot be secretary-general,” he adds.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

German Police Thwart Islamic Terrorist Attack Against Pro-Israel Rally — Report

German police officers decked out in heavy tactical gear executed a raid on an apartment building in Duisburg to arrest a man they allege was planning an Islamic terrorist attack on a Jewish event, according to multiple German publications and local police.

German newspaper Bild reported that authorities arrested 29-year-old Tarik S. (full last name not given) after a foreign intelligence service tipped off German officials about the plot, according to a translation of the report. The suspect was reportedly already known as being high-risk after fighting for ISIS in the past and writing in the past that he wanted to die as a martyr.

Intelligence sources told the newspaper that the suspect was planning to ram a truck into a pro-Israel rally in North Rhine-Westphalia to kill as many people as possible.

Spiegel reported that the suspect had “easy access” to a truck, had searched online for pro-Israel events and “jihadist” content. The suspect has reportedly been under the watch of Germany’s security services for a long time due to his previous terrorism and warnings from foreign intelligence services.

An intelligence report suggested that the Islamic terrorist attack in Israel two weeks ago fueled the suspect’s desire to execute his terroristic plot.

The suspect allegedly praised the ISIS terrorist who went on a shooting spree in Brussels last week and was “inspired by his actions.”

The translated report said that the suspect “comes from the jihadist scene in Herford,” Germany, and traveled to Syria in 2013 where he reportedly “joined ISIS.”

The report said his terrorist name was “Osama Al Almani,” Osama, the German. He allegedly posed next to a beheaded victim, and when he went to Germany in 2016, he was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for being part of a terrorist group.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

IDF Kills At Least 10 Hamas Terrorists In Attempted Maritime Infiltration

At least ten Hamas terrorists were killed in waters off the shore of the southern Gaza border town of Zikim after attempting to infiltrate into Israel, Israeli media reported on Tuesday evening.

Heavy gunfire was reported between Israeli security forces and the infiltrating terrorists. An Israeli Air Force helicopter was also reportedly on the scene of the attempted infiltration.

The IDF later said that Israeli fighter jets struck the military infrastructure the terrorists departed Gaza from.

In a Tuesday evening address, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that the terrorists used tunnels from the Gaza Strip to open waters in an attempt to infiltrate into Israel through the Mediterranean Sea.

According to reports, the IDF killed a handful of terrorists as they were swimming toward the beach in Zikim, while others were killed in scans of nearby areas which continued late into Monday night.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Israeli UN Ambassador Demands UN Secretary-General Resign After 'Shocking' Speech

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations ripped the “horrible views” of U.N. Secretary General António Guterres expressed at a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday and called on him to resign.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan called the secretary-general’s speech “shocking” for stating that the Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel by Hamas “did not happen in a vacuum.”

“The shocking speech by the UN Secretary-General at the Security Council meeting, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved conclusively, beyond any doubt, that the Secretary-General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner,” Erdan posted on X, formerly Twitter.

“His statement that, ‘the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,’ expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomabale [sic]. It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!”

Erdan then demanded that Guterres resign.

“The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN,” he wrote in a follow-up post.

“I call on him to resign immediately.

“There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words.”

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Israel Rebukes Russia Over Support For Gaza

Israel has conveyed a firm message to Russia, stating that the political system is dissatisfied and disappointed with the reactions of senior officials in the country to the war against Hamas.

Kan reports that officials in Jerusalem made it clear to Moscow that “the Russian behavior and also the statements against Israel do not correspond to the seriousness of the situation that Israel is in – which is a state of war.”

Russian officials – including the President himself – have recently spoken out against the Israeli response in Gaza while embracing the Palestinian Arab narrative. In one statement, President Putin said: “This is not acceptable to me. Two million people live there. Not all of them support Hamas.”

Israel also argued that there is a significant gap between President Putin’s statements in favor of Israel’s right to defend itself and the Russian initiatives to condemn Israel in international institutions. The condemnations avoid condemning Hamas and are trying to force a ceasefire on Israel.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Analysis — Pharmakeia: How ‘The Drug Of Jihad’ Allowed Terrorists To Commit Heinous Acts With A Sense Of Indifference

Following the terrorist atrocity in Israel, many rightly asked how people could be so barbaric and act so inhumanely against another person. In the first instance, we must recognise that terror groups like Hamas are being led and used by Satan in his desire to destroy the Jewish people. Secondly, we know that radical Islam has a burning hatred for the Jewish people, the Jewish state and for all who support them. But there is also a third and often overlooked reason that men and women are able to overcome their God-given conscience and commit unspeakable acts against another human being. The Bible refers to it, in the Greek, as pharmakeia.

We watched in horror as hordes of men pored over the border with a single intention – kill and kidnap Jews. Now, whilst we know they were inspired by a demonic hatred which is borne from Satan himself, The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Hamas terrorists were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant.

Even many of the dead terrorists were found to still have scores of pills in their pockets. This drug, known as “cocaine for the poor” allowed the terrorists to commit such heinous acts with a sense of indifference. At the same time, it kept them highly alert for extended periods, while also acting as an appetite suppressant.

Captagon was first manufactured in 1961 as an alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine used at the time to treat narcolepsy, fatigue and the behavioural disorder “minimal brain dysfunction.” Dexamphetamine was reportedly being used in the military of some countries to enable soldiers to stay awake for long periods of time and to “enhance courage and bravado.”

Captagon was supposed to be a milder version of these medicines. But by the 1980’s the US government declared it a controlled substance with no currently accepted medical use, leading to manufacturing of the drug being halted in the 1980’s. However, it is extremely popular in the Middle East and was used extensively by another terrorist group we are all familiar with: ISIS. However, the version used by ISIS (and probably Hamas) is far more potent than the Captagon of the 1980’s. This “new age” Captagon affects the brain circuitry of the user leading to irreversible changes in the brain that govern impulse control and judgement, therefore taking away a person’s ability to reason or think rationally.

To quote Revelation 18:23“for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.”

In the modern day, pharmakeia is associated with false worship, with the funding of terrorism, with the act of terrorism and with the deception of the nations. But if we think this is bad, during the Tribulation Period it is only going to get worse.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Pro-Palestinian Activists In NYC Chant Nazi Sentiment At Anti-Semitic March: ‘There Is Only One Solution’

Far-left pro-Palestinian activists marched on the streets of New York City during an anti-Semitic demonstration on Monday night while chanting Nazi sentiments.

The shocking scene comes after Palestinian terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis in an unprecedented terror attack two weeks ago.

“Just came home to hundreds of people outside of my apartment here in NYC calling for Intifada, which given recent events, may well be considered a call for the mass murder of Jews,” New Yorker Ethan Klein wrote on X. “Never did I expect to see this kind of open antisemitism so close to home.”

An Intifada is a violent Palestinian riot or attack against Jews or Israelis.

In the video posted by Klein, the far-left extremists were chanting “Intifada” and “long live the Intifada.”

Moments later, they chanted: “There is only one solution.”

The reference to there being “only one solution” is reminiscent of the Nazi Germany’s “final solution” during the Holocaust, which meant killing all Jews. Anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian activists often chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which is a call for destroying the state of Israel.

A subsequent video posted by Klein showed the scale of the protest as there were at least several hundred participants, potentially more.

The protesters called for a complete defunding of Israel as they carried various anti-Semitic signs.

“This anti-Israel protest is mostly comprised of white far-left extremists in masks,” Klein added.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: The Burdensome Stone Of Jerusalem: Does The Current War In Israel Fulfill Bible Prophecy?

Many are asking if the current war in Israel is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. While there are many possible prophetic developments that could come from this, there is one area where the answer is a definitive “Yes!”

Zechariah 12:1-3 KJV – “The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.”

While this will reach its ultimate fulfillment during the tribulation, there is no question that Jerusalem is a heavy stone to the world today. The word implies an intoxicating burden, and no matter which side a nation is on, the world is intoxicated with Jerusalem (“intoxicated” in this context means “overly consumed”).

The Bible makes it clear that the last days began when Jesus walked the earth (Hebrews 1:2), and if they began 2000 years ago we are certainly in the last seconds of the last days as we watch the world unravel as Jerusalem takes center stage on a global scale.

Not only do we see the world focused on Jerusalem but we also see the coalition of the Ezekiel war forming and three of the five nations poised to strike from the north. Russia, Turkey, and Iran all have military equipment and personnel on the northern border of Israel in Syria. Libya and Sudan have relationships with Russia and Turkey and share the same religious ideology as Iran.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

IDF Screens Foreign Press Hamas Massacre Footage To Combat A 'Holocaust-Denial-Like Phenomenon Happening In Real-Time'

The Israeli government on Monday screened for 200 members of the foreign press some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed, including raw videos from the terrorists’ bodycams.

The government said it had decided to show journalists part of its collected documentation in order to dispel what a spokesperson characterized as “a Holocaust-denial-like phenomenon happening in real-time,” as doubts have been raised around the world about some of the most horrific of Hamas’s atrocities.

Journalists were not permitted to record the screening, which took place on a closed military base.

The footage was collected from call recordings, security cameras, Hamas terrorists’ body cameras, victim dashboard cameras, Hamas and victims’ social media accounts, and cellphone videos taken by terrorists, victims and first responders. Over 1,000 civilians were slaughtered by the terrorists, and at least 224 people were abducted.

Among the still images included in the raw footage reel were those of a decapitated soldier, several charred human remains including those of young children, a pile of dead bodies in a bomb shelter, and several Islamic State flags that the military said were found in Israel.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Hamas Releases Two More Israeli Hostages, As Reports Swirl Of Possible Hostage Negotiations

Two captives out of the 222 hostages Hamas abducted on October 7 were released from Gaza to Egypt on Monday night, Israel confirmed.

Nurit Cooper, 80, and Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, both from Kibbutz Nir Oz, were released to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which took them to the Rafah crossing where they were met by Israeli officials.

Their husbands, also in their 80s, remain in captivity.

The women had been freed after 20 trucks of humanitarian aid entered Gaza, and amid reports that Qatar separately had secured the release of some 50 hostages with foreign passports. These two women were both Israeli and were not part of that deal.

The Hamas announcement came shortly after i24News reported Monday evening that representatives of the ICRC were on their way to Gaza to redeem the hostages and against the backdrop of a report by The New York Times on Monday that said Hamas was exploring the possibility of releasing hostages who hold foreign passports.

The Times cited an Israeli military official who mentioned that Qatar is actively engaged in mediating negotiations for the release of these hostages, separate from those who are exclusively Israeli citizens. The Israeli official cited in the Times reportedly made this claim based on discussions between the United States and Qatar.

The Wall Street Journal later said that negotiations for the release of a group of 50 captives in Gaza failed because Hamas conditioned their release on the supply of fuel to the Gaza Strip, which Israel has refused to allow because [Hamas] uses the fuel to launch rockets at Israel.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Israeli Firepower Striking Targets Deeper In Lebanon As It Warns Hezbollah To Stay Out Of Conflict

Conflict between Israel and Hezbollah continues to escalate this week as Israel began hitting Hezbollah targets deeper in Lebanon.

Israeli forces have warned Hezbollah not to join Hamas’ war against Israel, vowing to destroy the terrorist organization if it does. The Iran-backed group has continued to fire missiles into Northern Israel since Hamas’ October 7 assault.

Israel would be faced with a true two-front war should the conflcit escalate, with Hamas to the south and Hezbollah to the north.

The U.S. has joined Israel in threatening both Iran and Hezbollah with retaliation should they intervene. The U.S. has stationed two aircraft carrier strike groups in the Eastern Mediterranean to assist Israel should it need them.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Israeli President Reveals Hamas Terrorists Were Given Instructions On The Production Of Chemical Weapons

In an interview with Sky News, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed that information was found on Hamas terrorists via USB, which provided detailed instructions on the manufacturing of chemical weapons.

The USB contained official material from Al Qaeda, according to the President. Adding that, it shows Israel is simultaneously “dealing with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas.”

“In this material, there were instructions on how to produce chemical weapons,” Herzog said, referencing the USB, “[it] speaks about arson, and it speaks about various chemicals that come out and produce chemical weapons.”

Approximately 2,500 Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel on October 7th, brutally murdering 1,400 Israelis. The USB “was found on the body of one of those sadistic villains,” Herzog described.

Antisemitism expert Olivier Melnick recently underscored that the goal of Hamas is the complete eradication of the Jewish people.

“Although this is 2023 and the Holocaust is only 80 years in our rearview mirror, there are those who would have it all happen again,” he asserted. “The motto of ‘never again’ seems forgotten and has been replaced by ‘gas the Jews!’ This had nothing to do with the land, it was a pogrom.”

“We just saw what Hamas is capable of,” he wrote. “They committed a modern-day pogrom against Jewish people, and they would do it again if given a chance. They must not be given that chance. To be clear, the definition of a pogrom is: ‘an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.’ This was exactly what took place on October 7, 2023.”

“The goal is the murder of all Jewish people, not just in Gaza but the whole world,” he noted.

“The ultimate enemy of Israel is Satan who is obsessed with destroying the Jews,” he explained. “We must understand that this is a spiritual battle before anything else.”


Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

A Disturbing Reality Within Many Churches—Deafening Silence Regarding Israel

After receiving emails from across the country, Jan Markell sought to address a disturbing reality within many churches—deafening silence regarding Israel.

Amid the war in Israel, brought about by the massacre of Israelis by the terrorist organization Hamas on October 7th, Markell wrote an urgent appeal to Pastors to Biblically address these devastating events in the promised land.

“Has there not been wall-to-wall coverage on all media outlets, day and night, for days? Can anybody claim they didn’t know? There were demonstrations demanding that we should ‘gas the Jews.’ The scenario could expand to a Mideast war. Some are saying World War III is at hand. We have evil at a new level on display,” she explained. “And yet the silence of some shepherds is deafening!”

Markell suggested that many Pastors may have shrugged off events in Israel because discussing God’s chosen people is incompatible with their theology.

“Are pastors, churches, and denominations silent because of their theology? Perhaps it doesn’t fit with the current scenario? Perhaps they believe the church is the new Israel (Replacement Theology). Perhaps they are Amillennial, and Israel is a bit inconvenient. This belief encompasses many Protestants and all Catholics,” she explained. “Outfits like Bethel Church in Redding, CA, believe in Dominionism—that is, that the church will save the world and then they establish the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. The literal restoration of Jerusalem is not important. The church supersedes the calling of Israel to be a light to the nations!”

“May I remind all pastors and evangelical leaders that because of the Jews, we have our Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and our Messiah,” Markell highlighted. “In fact, ‘salvation is of the Jews.’ (John 4:22) Gentiles are ‘grafted in’ to the Jewish olive tree. (Romans 11:11-31).”

“This is an appeal to pastors to not keep silent,” she urged. “Help your flock understand that Christians are often the greatest friend Israel has.”

“At the very least, instruct them on how to ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem.’ (Psalm 122:6),” Markell implored. “Do you know there is then promised a blessing: They shall prosper who love thee?”

She concluded with the impactful quote: “How odd of God to choose the Jews, but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God, but spurn the Jews.”

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Netanyahu: 'If Hezbollah Decides To Join The War... That Will Be Its Biggest Mistake Ever'

The Israeli prime minister gives a speech after visiting a commando formation in northern Israel, and receiving an overview of the situation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) visited a commando formation in northern Israel, receiving an overview, and gave a speech for the troops, highlighting the ongoing threat from the terrorist organization Hezbollah.

“You fought with supreme bravery in Gaza, the stories are inspiring. I know you lost friends, it is a very, very difficult thing, but we are in a battle for life, a battle for home. This is not an exaggeration, this is not an exaggeration – this is the war,” Netanyahu told the Israeli soldiers.

“I cannot tell you right now if Hezbollah will decide to fully enter the war. If Hezbollah decides to enter the war, it will miss the Second Lebanon War,” the Israeli prime minister called back to a previous war with the terror group.

“That would be its biggest mistake ever. We will cripple it with a force it cannot even imagine, and the meaning for it and for the state of Lebanon is devastating,” Netanyahu added.

“But we are prepared for any scenario. You are prepared for any scenario,” he concluded.

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Israeli Army Releases Footage Of First Operational Use Of ‘Iron Sting’ Munition Destroying Rocket Launcher

Israeli forces released footage of the “Iron Sting” system launching a mortar bomb to take out a rocket launcher in its first-ever use in an operation on Sunday.

The Iron Sting, described as “an innovative and accurate mortar bomb,” is one of a variety of weapons being used to thwart dozens of terrorists, the Israeli Air Force posted on X, along with video it said showed the 120mm mortar decimating an enemy rocket launcher. The Israeli army used the weapons system in conjunction with the Israeli Air Force.

The weapons system uses a “precise, laser and GPS guided mortar munition” to engage targets in dense, urban environments while “reducing the possibility of collateral damage and preventing injury to non-combatants,” Elbit Systems, which developed the system, said in a 2021 news release.

“Its operational use will revolutionize ground warfare and equip battalions with organic, accurate and effective firepower,” the release said.

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Israeli Strikes Said To Knock Damascus, Aleppo Airports Out Of Commission

Israeli planes carried out strikes on airports in Aleppo and Damascus early Sunday, knocking both out of service, Syria’s state-run media said, marking the third such attack in 10 days.

One civilian worker was killed and another wounded in the strike on the Damascus airport, the SANA state news agency said.

Runways in both airports were damaged, causing all flights in and out of both airports to be canceled or diverted to an airport in coastal Latakia, SANA said. Official notices to international aviation authorities, known as NOTAMs, indicated that the runways would be unusable for at least two days.

According to SANA, Israeli missiles fired from the Golan Heights hit the Damascus International Airport, and jets flying over the Mediterranean near Latakia struck Aleppo International Airport in Syria’s second city. The strikes came simultaneously at around 5:35 a.m., it said.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

IDF Increases Strikes Preparing For ‘Next Phase Of War’

A spokesperson for Israel’s military says it will increase attacks on the Gaza Strip beginning Saturday to prepare for the next stage of the war with Hamas.

Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters that its trying to create optimal conditions for a possible ground invasion

“We will deepen our attacks to minimize the dangers to our forces in the next stages of the war. We are going to increase the attacks, from today,” Hagari said.

Hagari also repeated calls for Gaza City residents to move south for their safety.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

This Is The Drug Hamas Terrorists Took To Help Them Slaughter Israelis

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the “cocaine for the poor,” allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Captagon: Used by ISIS

Captagon gained notoriety in 2015 when it was discovered to be used by ISIS fighters to suppress fear prior to carrying out terrorist operations. As the influence of terrorist organizations like ISIS diminished, Lebanon and Syria took the reins and began producing and distributing the drug on a large scale.

Gaza, in particular, became a popular market for the drug, especially among addicted young individuals.

Captagon belongs to the amphetamine family and was initially developed to address attention disorders, narcolepsy, and depression. Despite its highly addictive nature and potential for inducing psychotic reactions, it continues to enjoy popularity in the Middle East due to its affordability and ease of manufacturing. In poorer countries, the drug can be purchased for a dollar or two, while in wealthier nations, it may cost up to 20 dollars per pill.

Its primary effects include arousing feelings of euphoria, reducing the need for sleep, suppressing appetite, and providing sustained energy.

According to medical professionals in Lebanon and Syria, Captagon is not only prevalent among fighters but is also frequently used by desperate civilians residing in conflict zones.

Once a source of revenue for ISIS members through drug smuggling, Captagon has now become a major source of income for Syria and is actively supported by Hezbollah.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

President Of Detroit Synagogue Stabbed To Death

The president of a Detroit synagogue has been found stabbed to death outside her home, police and officials say.

No motive has been announced in the slaying of Samantha Woll, 40, who led the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue. She was found lying on the ground and unresponsive, with a trail of blood leading back to her home, according to police.

Woll worked on campaigns for Nessel and was an aide to Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The killing comes as Jewish communities throughout the US have stepped up security amid rising tensions around the Israel-Hamas war.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

One In Five Gaza Rockets Misfires, Kills Palestinians — IDF

One-fifth of the rockets fired by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have been misfired in the last day, landing inside Gaza and killing civilians, the IDF said in a briefing on Saturday.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said that amounts to more than 500 rockets.

“They are killing their own people,” he said.

The announcement came only a few days after Hamas accused Israel of firing a rocket that struck Gaza’s Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, killing dozens of people. The accusation was quickly dispelled by the IDF and independent, international investigators who found the rocket emanated from a PIJ misfire.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

IDF Intercepts Aircraft Headed To Israel From Lebanon

The IDF on Friday evening intercepted an aircraft that was headed toward Israeli airspace from Lebanese territory.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that there was no infiltration of Israeli air space.

“Additionally, a short while ago the IDF struck a Hezbollah post in which a terrorist cell was operating,” the statement added.

Earlier on Friday afternoon, three Hezbollah terrorists were identified in the area of the border with Lebanon, the IDF said in a statement. IDF aircraft struck the terrorists.

In addition, IDF snipers opened fire toward gunmen that were identified operating in the area of the border with Lebanon.

On Tuesday, four IDF soldiers were lightly injured after Hezbollah fired antitank missiles near the town of Shtula on the Lebanese border.

IDF troops responded to the terrorists’ missile launch with artillery fire directed towards the source of the missiles.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

UK Sees Sevenfold Rise In Antisemitic Incidents Amid Israel War — Is Mass Islamic Immigration To Blame?

I really did not expect that I would live to see Jewish schools closing in the UK because they feared for the safety of Jewish pupils.

Yet, last Friday, three Jewish schools closed for the day and parents were told to keep their children inside because “of the risk of violence on the streets.”

They were right to worry about their safety since two Jewish schools were vandalised with red paint in the last week. All Jewish schools in the UK now have security guards that are paid for by the government. The government awarded £3m extra funding to “protect schools, synagogues and other Jewish community buildings.”

It is shocking that they are needed.

Meanwhile, there are open demonstrations in the streets, with crowds chanting antisemitic slogans and celebrating Islamic terrorism.

2019 survey found that 11% of the UK population harbour antisemitic attitudes. But amongst Muslims it was 54%. For some reason, in 2023, the prevalence amongst Muslims was omitted from the survey. It is too politically incorrect to point out the prevalence of antisemitism amongst Muslims in the UK?

According to the last census in 2021, 6.5% of the population identify as Muslim, up from 4.9% in 2011, and 3.1% in 2001. The Muslim population tends to be concentrated in certain areas, with boroughs like Tower Hamlets, Blackburn with Darwen, Newham, and Luton all over 33% Muslim.

It should be no surprise that we see increasing antisemitic incidents as the Muslim population increases. Nor should increased support for Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas be a surprise. This was entirely predictable.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

Gaza Terrorists Launch Fresh Rocket Barrages At South As Israel Hits Hamas Targets

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continued to rain down rockets on Israel’s south and the Israeli Air Force pounded Hamas targets in the Strip on Friday night amid Israel’s ongoing war with the Islamist terror group.

The Israel Defense Forces said it struck multiple Hamas command centers and underground infrastructure throughout the day, while also eliminating a senior Hamas engineer. It said Mahmoud Sabih headed a unit that developed weapons for Hamas, including drones, and had “exchanged knowledge with other terror groups throughout the Middle East.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made an evening visit to an IDF assembly area near the border with Gaza and “closely monitored the readiness of the forces for the expansion of the campaign,” his office said.

Gallant spoke with commanders and soldiers from various units, a statement added. Tens of thousands of troops are gathered near the Gaza border ahead of Israel’s expected ground offensive in the Strip.


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Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Analysis — Entering The Next Phase: Israel's Broader Offensive Against Hamas In Gaza Has Begun

Israel’s war against Hamas has entered the next phase. It appears that Israel’s broader offensive by air, land, and sea against Hamas in Gaza has begun today, Friday, October 27th.

Reportedly, all lines of communication in Gaza have been cut, and Israeli tanks are entering Gaza and engaging Hamas gunmen. Israel has stepped up the air strikes as well in recent hours.

This comes nearly three weeks to the day of the most horrific massacre of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Israel is now all in, and the ground invasion has begun.

We don’t know if it’s going to be a massive amount of troops right away pouring over the border into Gaza or if there will be more limited incursions, as we’ve seen over the past two days. We will see in the hours to come.

Going into Gaza is not going to be easy. Keep the IDF in your prayers right now. I have good friends of mine who are on the front lines. My thoughts are with them constantly, but they’re doing what needs to be done.

Israel must decisively crush Hamas once and for all. This demonic entity can no longer exist in any shape or form and pose any threat to Israel ever again when this offensive in Gaza is finished.

The big question is, what will the Iranian regime and Hezbollah do? Will a multi-front war open?

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

IDF Spokesperson: We Are Expanding The Ground Operations In Gaza Tonight

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Friday evening that the IAF has been intensifying its air strikes in Gaza.

He also said that the IDF ground forces would be intensifying the ground operation on Friday night.

“In recent hours we have increased the strikes in Gaza. The Air Force is attacking underground targets and terrorist infrastructure, very significantly. In continuation of the offensive activity we carried out in the last few days, the ground forces are expanding the ground activity this evening,” said Hagari.

“The IDF works powerfully in all dimensions in order to achieve the goals of the war,” he added.

Hagari also stated, “We are ready to defend in all areas to protect Israel’s security interests. We are committed to the national mission of returning all the hostages.”

On the reports of negotiations on the return of the hostages, he said, “I suggest not to pay attention to the rumors, this is psychological terrorism by Hamas.”

ARUTZ sheva

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Erdan Shows UNGA Video Of Hamas Decapitation At Ceasefire Debate

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations played a video of a Hamas terrorist attempting to decapitate one of its victims as he addressed the General Assembly during a debate on a Gaza war ceasefire.

“The man on the ground is an agricultural worker from Thailand. He is not Israeli. He is not Jewish. He was merely alive, trying to make a living for his family,” Erdan said as he held up a tablet with the video.

“But he was decapitated with a blunt gardening tool,” Erdan said, adding that it was “horrifying.”

He spoke during the start of a two-day debate on a cease-fire for the Gaza War that began on October 7 when Hamas infiltrated southern Israel killing over 1,400 people and taking more than 224 hostages.

Erdan urged the UNGA not to call for a ceasefire which he said would only support the Iranian proxy group Hamas and allow it to rearm itself so it could launch further attacks against Israeli civilians.

“Any call for a ceasefire is not an attempt at peace. It is an attempt to tie Israel’s hands, preventing us from eliminating a huge threat to our citizens,” Erdan said.

Israel in Gaza “is not at war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal Jihadist Hamas terror organization,” Erdan said, as he stressed that the Jewish state was standing at the forefront of a global battle.

“Hamas’s genocidal ideology, just like ISIS, al-Qaeda… is not just about destroying Israel. It is ultimately about world domination. It is about bringing the Jihad war to the soil of each and every one of your countries,” Erdan warned.

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

Tanks, Troops Briefly Roll Into Gaza For Second Overnight Incursion

Israel overnight sent tanks and troops into the Gaza Strip for a second limited incursion in as many nights, the Israel Defense Forces says, striking Hamas operatives and sites.

The raid near the Shuja’iyya neighborhood in eastern Gaza City was carried out by infantry, combat engineering and armored forces, with Israeli Air Force drones and combat helicopters providing air cover, according to the military.

The IDF says artillery and airstrikes were carried out against sites belonging to the Hamas terror group, including anti-tank guided missile launch sites and command centers.

Several Hamas members were also struck by the forces, the IDF says.

All the Israeli forces left the area after several hours, and no injuries are reported.

The operation marks the second night in a row that IDF forces briefly enter the Gaza Strip, ahead of an expected full ground offensive.

Day 21 — Friday, October 27

U.S. Military Strikes Facilities Used By Iran’s Military, Terror Proxies In Syria

The U.S. Military conducted targeted strikes against facilities in Syria on Thursday night that are used by Iran’s military and its terrorist proxy group.

The strikes come after U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria had come under attack in recent days from Islamic terrorists backed by Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.

The “U.S. military forces conducted self-defense strikes on two facilities in eastern Syria used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and affiliated groups,” said Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. “These precision self-defense strikes are a response to a series of ongoing and mostly unsuccessful attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-backed militia groups that began on October 17.”

The statement noted that repeated attacks from Iranian-backed terrorist proxy groups throughout the region have resulted in 21 U.S. soldiers being injured and one contractor dying from a heart attack that he suffered during an attack. Nineteen of the U.S. soldiers had been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.

“The United States will not tolerate such attacks and will defend itself, its personnel, and its interests,” the statement said. “The United States does not seek conflict and has no intention nor desire to engage in further hostilities, but these Iranian-backed attacks against U.S. forces are unacceptable and must stop.”

“Iran wants to hide its hand and deny its role in these attacks against our forces,” the statement continued. “We will not let them. If attacks by Iran’s proxies against U.S. forces continue, we will not hesitate to take further necessary measures to protect our people.”

“These narrowly tailored strikes in self-defense were intended solely to protect and defend U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria,” the statement concluded. “They are separate and distinct from the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, and do not constitute a shift in our approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict. We continue to urge all state and non-state entities not to take action that would escalate into a broader regional conflict.”

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

'Glory To Our Martyrs' Projected Onto University in Washington D.C, As Franklin Graham Warns Students Are Being 'Dangerously Misled'

Students of George Washington University took part in a demonstration Tuesday evening, which included projecting Pro-Hamas messages, such as “Glory to Our Martyrs,” onto the school’s library.

The Times of Israel reported:

The messages — including “Glory To Our Martyrs,” “Divestment From Zionist Genocide Now,” and “Free Palestine From The River To The Sea” — appeared on the side of a library building for two hours, drawing a crowd of counter-protesters to an adjacent plaza where some sang the Hebrew song “Oseh Shalom.” 

Photos shared by the student newspaper and the watchdog group StopAntisemitism showed that the messages spanned several floors and could be read clearly at a distance. Video appeared to show masked students projecting the images from the street, arguing with university police over whether their actions were in violation of campus rules, before being ticketed.

Other phrases that were projected, according to the newspaper: “End the siege on Gaza,” “GW the blood of Palestine is on your hands,” “GW is complicit in genocide in Gaza,” “Your tuition is funding genocide in Gaza,” “2,000 Palestinian children were murdered by ‘Israel’ in the last two weeks” (with “Israel” in quotation marks) and “President Granberg is complicit in genocide in Gaza.”

The University, located in Washington, D.C., responded by saying that the actions of the group responsible, Students for Justice in Palestine, “violated university policy, and leadership intervened to ensure that these projections were removed.”

Evangelist Franklin Graham responded to the actions of the students, writing on social media, “A ‘Stop Antisemitism’ group called for George Washington University to EXPEL students who are promoting pro-Hamas messaging on the campus—And I agree with their concern.”

“We are seeing that a lot of students around the world are dangerously misled,” he stressed. “Hamas is a radical Islamic terrorist group who wants to kill all Jews—and Christians alike—and their ultimate goal is to force the entire world into Islam.”


Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

Analysis — Amir Tsarfati: The Real War Has Not Yet Begun

(Galilee, Israel) — This is not a peaceful land right now. I used to tell tour participants who were worried about safety in Israel, “You’ll be in more danger on your drive to the airport than you will be here in Israel.” That is no longer the case. There is an unease in my country that you can feel everywhere you go.

The first source of that anxiety comes from being in a nationwide post-trauma. Parents no longer let their kids go out on their own. Children sleep in the beds with their parents, certain that tonight will be the night the men come bursting into their homes. We are a small nation, which means that every citizen of Israel was and is within striking range of the genocidal terrorists who perpetrated the October 7 attack. So many cannot close their eyes at night without asking, “What if that had been my family,” then picturing the horrific scenario playing out. This is a wounded society, and those wounds will take years to heal.

The other source of our unease is the knowledge that the real war has not yet begun. The ground war in the south is prepared, but the invasion hasn’t yet occurred. The IDF is holding back for a couple reasons. First, every day that passes allows Gaza to be softened up even more. Civilians have been warned for well over a week to leave the border regions and head south. The expectation is that all those still left behind are Hamas and Islamic Jihad who are hiding out in their deep and intricate tunnel systems. The more the IDF can deal with these terrorist organizations from the air, the safer it will be when ground troops march in.

The second reason for the delay is that the U.S. has asked Israel to hold off on the ground attack. They are still in the process of preparing their military so that it is fully primed and protected for the next phase of the war. There is nothing binding in their request, but the Israeli government is honoring it. First, because America has been a good military friend and a great supplier of weapons and materiel. Second, because it’s the right thing to do. When the IDF feels they have weakened Gaza enough for invasion and the U.S. military is ready for the next step in the war, then Israel’s military will cross the southern border to root out the terrorists.

But it is not just the war in the south that has yet to begin. In the north, Hezbollah hasn’t begun their attack. When they do, it will launch with tens of thousands of rockets fired across the border from Lebanon into Israel. All you need is basic math to understand Israel’s unease. If Hezbollah fires only 25,000 of their rockets and the Iron Dome takes out 90% of them, that means that 2500 missiles will still land in the cities and towns of Israel with devastating effect.

That’s just the air attack. Hezbollah claims that they have 100,000 suicide bombers prepared to cross Israel’s northern border. These are terrorists brainwashed in a culture and religion that celebrates death. This zombie-like horde is excitedly anticipating their opportunity to invade Israel so that they can kill Jews and become martyrs for Allah. How must our culture which loves and respects life confront such a violent death cult? With devastating force. Words our military can’t worry about in times such as these are “proportionality”, “moderation”, and “compromise”.

What’s taking place in Israel is still in its beginning stages. The situation remains volatile and ever-changing.

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

Moscow Hosts Hamas Delegation And Iran’s Deputy FM, Prompting Israeli Outrage

Hamas representatives arrived in Moscow on Thursday to discuss the ongoing war with Israel with Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Mikhail Bogdanov, in a meeting that was also attended by Ali Bagheri Kani, the deputy foreign minister of the terror group’s chief sponsor, Iran.

The Hamas delegation was led by Musa Abu Marzouk, head of the terror group’s International Relations Office, and also included Basem Naim, the former Hamas health minister in Gaza, and the organization’s representative in Moscow, a Hamas statement said.

The stated goal of the visit was to discuss the ongoing war with Israel and ways to stop “Zionist crimes supported by the United States and the West.”

The Hamas delegation also praised the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the efforts of Russian diplomacy.

Bogdanov, who is also Putin’s special envoy to the Middle East, reportedly expressed Russia’s support for the rights of the Palestinian people, and spoke of his country’s efforts to achieve a ceasefire and open humanitarian corridors.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry scolded Russia for hosting representatives of the terror group, as Jerusalem’s public frustration with Russia grew. “Hamas is a terrorist organization worse than ISIS,” ministry spokesman Lior Haiat tweeted.

“Israel sees the invitation of senior Hamas officials to Moscow as an obscene step that gives support to terrorism and legitimizes the atrocities of Hamas terrorists,” the Foreign Ministry said, and called on Moscow to immediately expel the Hamas leaders.

“The hands of senior Hamas officials are stained with the blood of over 1,400 Israelis who were slaughtered, murdered, executed and burned, and they are responsible for the kidnapping of over 220 Israelis including babies, children, women and the elderly,” it added.

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

IDF Conducts 'Very Brief' Large Ground Incursion Into Gaza Ahead Of 'Next Stages Of Combat'

Israel Defense Forces conducted a “very brief” large ground incursion into Gaza overnight Wednesday, Fox News’ Lucas Tomlinson reported from Tel Aviv, Israel, just before 8 a.m. local time Thursday.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, the IDF announced the operation into northern Gaza took place ahead of “the next stages of combat.”

“In preparation for the next stages of combat, the IDF operated in northern Gaza. IDF tanks & infantry struck numerous terrorist cells, infrastructure and anti-tank missile launch posts. The soldiers have since exited the area and returned to Israeli territory,” the post read.

When asked by Trace Gallagher on “Fox News @ Night” if the ground incursions are taking place on a regular basis, Tomlinson responded by saying this particular mission appeared to be a “major operation.”

Day 20 — Thursday, October 26

Saudi Arabia Intercepts Missiles Bound For Israel; FM Says Kindom Is 'Ready' For Peace Talks To Resume After War Concludes

On Wednesday, Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan,  stated that the kingdom is ready and hopeful for normalization talks with the Jewish State to resume following the conclusion of war in Israel.

“At the moment, we are waiting for a ceasefire, after that, the peace process must be restarted,” he urged. “It must be possible. If we are not ready to overcome the obstacles and history, there will never be a chance for peace.”

“The Arabs have shown that they are serious and ready; we hope it will happen soon,” the Foreign Minister stressed.

The FM’s comments came after Saudi Arabia reportedly intercepted a barrage of missiles from Yemen bound toward Israel last week. 

Launched by Iran-backed Houthi rebels, the interception marked the “first known time that the Saudi military has intervened to prevent an attack against Israel,” according to Fox News.

Many have insisted that Iran’s motivations in funding and organizing the Hamas terrorist assault on Israel was an attempt to thwart peace talks with Saudi Arabia, which were rapidly progressing.

As Pastor Mark Hitchcock noted just weeks prior to the October 7th attack, Iran was “already leveling all kinds of accusations and warnings” at the prospect of a normalization agreement.

Hitchcock highlighted the future war described in Ezekiel 38, which states that Russia, Iran, Turkey, and others will attempt a large-scale invasion of Israel from the north, which Saudi Arabia will protest.

The Pastor explained that Saudi Arabia and Israel’s efforts to forge a peace agreement point to what we see in Ezekiel 38.

“Sheba and Dedan, which is the Arabian Peninsula, will be on the opposite side of Iran in that war of Gog and Magog (Ezekiel 38:13),” he wrote. “This is another flashing red light on the dashboard of the ages, signaling that the rapture is near.”

HD Staff

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Analysis — ‘Peace and Security’ Will Not Be The Outcome Of Dividing Israel For A Palestinian State

In a press conference on Wednesday, President Joe Biden, never letting a crisis go to waste, insisted that a two-state solution should be the ultimate outcome of the war in Israel.

“There’s no going back to the status quo as it stood on October 6th,” he stressed. “That means ensuring that Hamas can no longer terrorize Israel and use Palestinian civilians as human shields.”

“It also means that when this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next, and in our view, it has to be a two-state solution,” Biden urged.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking to the UN Security Council on Tuesday, similarly pushed the idea that a two-state solution is “the only road to peace and security in the region.”

The current status of Gaza showcases that creating a Palestinian State, providing a deal could even be reached, would not breed a peaceful outcome. When Israel left Gaza in 2005, the land went from a thriving region to a bastion of terrorism against the Jewish State.

In addition, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has continued to demonstrate its genocidal views against the Jewish People, with a new report highlighting that nearly $3 million could be paid out to terrorists’ families by the PA for the October 7th massacre.

Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world, would continue to funnel money, just as they do with Hezbollah in Lebanon, to accomplish their goals of eradicating Israel.

As Olivier Melnick recently underscored, “As much as the Palestinian narrative has wanted us to believe it was, this was never about the land. This has always been about the complete annihilation of the Jewish people and the complete eradication of the State of Israel from the world map.”

Hal Lindsey likewise wrote: “Even if [Netanyahu] can depose Hamas, the nature of this conflict means that a similar group will arise. Hatred against Israel is not about land, rights, or money. It is a tenet of [Islamic] faith.”

Rewarding terrorists with land and autonomy couldn’t possibly bring peace to the region. So why are the Biden administration and numerous world leaders championing this “solution”? The answer is found in Scripture.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

IDF Responds To Erdogan: What Hamas Did Is Worse Than Terror

What Hamas did on October 7 was worse than terrorism, IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari said on Wednesday evening in response to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s claim that Hamas “is not a terror organization.”

“I heard what Erdogan said…Hamas is worse than a terrorist organization. The people responsible for the massacre wanted death and horror and it is our duty to show that to the world,” Hagari said after being asked to respond to Erdogan’s comments.

The spokesperson further said that targeting senior Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip remains a “top priority” for the IDF as it prepares for a ground invasion.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Analysis — A Nation Like No Other: Israel’s Battle In The Court Of World Opinion

It seems that the memory of October 7 is fading for some in the so-called international community.

You remember October 7, right? When 1,400 Israelis, the vast majority of them civilians, were massacred in cold blood. We’re learning more about it now as videos of Israel’s interrogations of Hamas terrorists are on record, sharing exactly what they did and what they were told to do by their Hamas masters—gruesome, demonic, wicked acts.

In a few days, the world is going to return to its default position of knee-jerk, anti-Israel bile.

They will basically tell Israel, “It’s a shame what happened, but you had it coming for all that you’ve supposedly done to the Palestinians over the years, and you must have a proportionate response. You cannot act with severity against the Hamas jihadists living in Gaza. Civilians might get killed. There needs to be an immediate ceasefire and an international peacekeeping force, perhaps.” That would be the grand plan of the likes of the UN.

If you have any doubt about what I’m saying, former US President Barack Obama released a statement Monday that was highly critical of Israel, warning Israel to follow the international rules of war.

This is something that Israel knows, does very well, and doesn’t need Barack Obama lecturing and intoning to them. Nonetheless, he couldn’t resist weighing in and taking some potshots at Israel.

The UN Secretary-General drew a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas, blatantly and disgracefully.

The world is obsessed with Israel. Do you doubt it? Israel was attacked, and yet the world obsessively, after a short grace period, started to bombard Israel with pressure and watch their every move.

Blinken suggested humanitarian pauses in the war. Whoever heard of such a thing in warfare? Has any other nation been asked to do that? Would the US do that? Would Russia or China? I think not.

Israel is a sovereign nation being lectured to by the world. Why? It’s clearly a spiritual issue.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

Verbal War Between Israel And Un Secretary-General Guterres Continues

After Israel accused Guterres of justifying the Hamas onslaught by stating yesterday that “it did not happen in a vacuum,” the UN chief hit back saying Jerusalem misrepresented his remarks and that he had specifically said in the same speech that “grievances of the Palestinian people cannot justify the appalling attacks by Hamas.”

Unsatisfied by the defense, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says it is a “disgrace” that Guterres didn’t retract or apologize for his remarks and, repeating a demand he first issued yesterday, says the secretary-general must resign.

“The secretary-general once again distorts and twists reality. He clearly said yesterday that the massacre and murder spree by Hamas ‘did not happen in a vacuum.’ Every person understands and understood very well that the meaning of his words is: That Israel is guilty for the actions of Hamas or, at the very least, a demonstration of understanding and justification by the secretary-general for the massacre,” Erdan says in a statement.

“A secretary-general who does not understand that the murder of innocents can have no justification and no ‘background’ cannot be secretary-general,” he adds.

Day 19 — Wednesday, October 25

German Police Thwart Islamic Terrorist Attack Against Pro-Israel Rally — Report

German police officers decked out in heavy tactical gear executed a raid on an apartment building in Duisburg to arrest a man they allege was planning an Islamic terrorist attack on a Jewish event, according to multiple German publications and local police.

German newspaper Bild reported that authorities arrested 29-year-old Tarik S. (full last name not given) after a foreign intelligence service tipped off German officials about the plot, according to a translation of the report. The suspect was reportedly already known as being high-risk after fighting for ISIS in the past and writing in the past that he wanted to die as a martyr.

Intelligence sources told the newspaper that the suspect was planning to ram a truck into a pro-Israel rally in North Rhine-Westphalia to kill as many people as possible.

Spiegel reported that the suspect had “easy access” to a truck, had searched online for pro-Israel events and “jihadist” content. The suspect has reportedly been under the watch of Germany’s security services for a long time due to his previous terrorism and warnings from foreign intelligence services.

An intelligence report suggested that the Islamic terrorist attack in Israel two weeks ago fueled the suspect’s desire to execute his terroristic plot.

The suspect allegedly praised the ISIS terrorist who went on a shooting spree in Brussels last week and was “inspired by his actions.”

The translated report said that the suspect “comes from the jihadist scene in Herford,” Germany, and traveled to Syria in 2013 where he reportedly “joined ISIS.”

The report said his terrorist name was “Osama Al Almani,” Osama, the German. He allegedly posed next to a beheaded victim, and when he went to Germany in 2016, he was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison for being part of a terrorist group.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

IDF Kills At Least 10 Hamas Terrorists In Attempted Maritime Infiltration

At least ten Hamas terrorists were killed in waters off the shore of the southern Gaza border town of Zikim after attempting to infiltrate into Israel, Israeli media reported on Tuesday evening.

Heavy gunfire was reported between Israeli security forces and the infiltrating terrorists. An Israeli Air Force helicopter was also reportedly on the scene of the attempted infiltration.

The IDF later said that Israeli fighter jets struck the military infrastructure the terrorists departed Gaza from.

In a Tuesday evening address, Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari said that the terrorists used tunnels from the Gaza Strip to open waters in an attempt to infiltrate into Israel through the Mediterranean Sea.

According to reports, the IDF killed a handful of terrorists as they were swimming toward the beach in Zikim, while others were killed in scans of nearby areas which continued late into Monday night.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Israeli UN Ambassador Demands UN Secretary-General Resign After 'Shocking' Speech

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations ripped the “horrible views” of U.N. Secretary General António Guterres expressed at a meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday and called on him to resign.

Ambassador Gilad Erdan called the secretary-general’s speech “shocking” for stating that the Oct. 7 terror attacks on Israel by Hamas “did not happen in a vacuum.”

“The shocking speech by the UN Secretary-General at the Security Council meeting, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved conclusively, beyond any doubt, that the Secretary-General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region and that he views the massacre committed by Nazi Hamas terrorists in a distorted and immoral manner,” Erdan posted on X, formerly Twitter.

“His statement that, ‘the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum,’ expressed an understanding for terrorism and murder. It’s really unfathomabale [sic]. It’s truly sad that the head of an organization that arose after the Holocaust holds such horrible views. A tragedy!”

Erdan then demanded that Guterres resign.

“The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding for the campaign of mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, is not fit to lead the UN,” he wrote in a follow-up post.

“I call on him to resign immediately.

“There is no justification or point in talking to those who show compassion for the most terrible atrocities committed against the citizens of Israel and the Jewish people. There are simply no words.”

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Israel Rebukes Russia Over Support For Gaza

Israel has conveyed a firm message to Russia, stating that the political system is dissatisfied and disappointed with the reactions of senior officials in the country to the war against Hamas.

Kan reports that officials in Jerusalem made it clear to Moscow that “the Russian behavior and also the statements against Israel do not correspond to the seriousness of the situation that Israel is in – which is a state of war.”

Russian officials – including the President himself – have recently spoken out against the Israeli response in Gaza while embracing the Palestinian Arab narrative. In one statement, President Putin said: “This is not acceptable to me. Two million people live there. Not all of them support Hamas.”

Israel also argued that there is a significant gap between President Putin’s statements in favor of Israel’s right to defend itself and the Russian initiatives to condemn Israel in international institutions. The condemnations avoid condemning Hamas and are trying to force a ceasefire on Israel.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Analysis — Pharmakeia: How ‘The Drug Of Jihad’ Allowed Terrorists To Commit Heinous Acts With A Sense Of Indifference

Following the terrorist atrocity in Israel, many rightly asked how people could be so barbaric and act so inhumanely against another person. In the first instance, we must recognise that terror groups like Hamas are being led and used by Satan in his desire to destroy the Jewish people. Secondly, we know that radical Islam has a burning hatred for the Jewish people, the Jewish state and for all who support them. But there is also a third and often overlooked reason that men and women are able to overcome their God-given conscience and commit unspeakable acts against another human being. The Bible refers to it, in the Greek, as pharmakeia.

We watched in horror as hordes of men pored over the border with a single intention – kill and kidnap Jews. Now, whilst we know they were inspired by a demonic hatred which is borne from Satan himself, The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Hamas terrorists were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant.

Even many of the dead terrorists were found to still have scores of pills in their pockets. This drug, known as “cocaine for the poor” allowed the terrorists to commit such heinous acts with a sense of indifference. At the same time, it kept them highly alert for extended periods, while also acting as an appetite suppressant.

Captagon was first manufactured in 1961 as an alternative to amphetamine and methamphetamine used at the time to treat narcolepsy, fatigue and the behavioural disorder “minimal brain dysfunction.” Dexamphetamine was reportedly being used in the military of some countries to enable soldiers to stay awake for long periods of time and to “enhance courage and bravado.”

Captagon was supposed to be a milder version of these medicines. But by the 1980’s the US government declared it a controlled substance with no currently accepted medical use, leading to manufacturing of the drug being halted in the 1980’s. However, it is extremely popular in the Middle East and was used extensively by another terrorist group we are all familiar with: ISIS. However, the version used by ISIS (and probably Hamas) is far more potent than the Captagon of the 1980’s. This “new age” Captagon affects the brain circuitry of the user leading to irreversible changes in the brain that govern impulse control and judgement, therefore taking away a person’s ability to reason or think rationally.

To quote Revelation 18:23“for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries [pharmakeia] were all nations deceived.”

In the modern day, pharmakeia is associated with false worship, with the funding of terrorism, with the act of terrorism and with the deception of the nations. But if we think this is bad, during the Tribulation Period it is only going to get worse.

Day 18 — Tuesday, October 24

Pro-Palestinian Activists In NYC Chant Nazi Sentiment At Anti-Semitic March: ‘There Is Only One Solution’

Far-left pro-Palestinian activists marched on the streets of New York City during an anti-Semitic demonstration on Monday night while chanting Nazi sentiments.

The shocking scene comes after Palestinian terrorists murdered more than 1,400 Israelis in an unprecedented terror attack two weeks ago.

“Just came home to hundreds of people outside of my apartment here in NYC calling for Intifada, which given recent events, may well be considered a call for the mass murder of Jews,” New Yorker Ethan Klein wrote on X. “Never did I expect to see this kind of open antisemitism so close to home.”

An Intifada is a violent Palestinian riot or attack against Jews or Israelis.

In the video posted by Klein, the far-left extremists were chanting “Intifada” and “long live the Intifada.”

Moments later, they chanted: “There is only one solution.”

The reference to there being “only one solution” is reminiscent of the Nazi Germany’s “final solution” during the Holocaust, which meant killing all Jews. Anti-Semitic pro-Palestinian activists often chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”, which is a call for destroying the state of Israel.

A subsequent video posted by Klein showed the scale of the protest as there were at least several hundred participants, potentially more.

The protesters called for a complete defunding of Israel as they carried various anti-Semitic signs.

“This anti-Israel protest is mostly comprised of white far-left extremists in masks,” Klein added.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

IDF Screens Foreign Press Hamas Massacre Footage To Combat A 'Holocaust-Denial-Like Phenomenon Happening In Real-Time'

The Israeli government on Monday screened for 200 members of the foreign press some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed, including raw videos from the terrorists’ bodycams.

The government said it had decided to show journalists part of its collected documentation in order to dispel what a spokesperson characterized as “a Holocaust-denial-like phenomenon happening in real-time,” as doubts have been raised around the world about some of the most horrific of Hamas’s atrocities.

Journalists were not permitted to record the screening, which took place on a closed military base.

The footage was collected from call recordings, security cameras, Hamas terrorists’ body cameras, victim dashboard cameras, Hamas and victims’ social media accounts, and cellphone videos taken by terrorists, victims and first responders. Over 1,000 civilians were slaughtered by the terrorists, and at least 224 people were abducted.

Among the still images included in the raw footage reel were those of a decapitated soldier, several charred human remains including those of young children, a pile of dead bodies in a bomb shelter, and several Islamic State flags that the military said were found in Israel.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Hamas Releases Two More Israeli Hostages, As Reports Swirl Of Possible Hostage Negotiations

Two captives out of the 222 hostages Hamas abducted on October 7 were released from Gaza to Egypt on Monday night, Israel confirmed.

Nurit Cooper, 80, and Yocheved Lifshitz, 85, both from Kibbutz Nir Oz, were released to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), which took them to the Rafah crossing where they were met by Israeli officials.

Their husbands, also in their 80s, remain in captivity.

The women had been freed after 20 trucks of humanitarian aid entered Gaza, and amid reports that Qatar separately had secured the release of some 50 hostages with foreign passports. These two women were both Israeli and were not part of that deal.

The Hamas announcement came shortly after i24News reported Monday evening that representatives of the ICRC were on their way to Gaza to redeem the hostages and against the backdrop of a report by The New York Times on Monday that said Hamas was exploring the possibility of releasing hostages who hold foreign passports.

The Times cited an Israeli military official who mentioned that Qatar is actively engaged in mediating negotiations for the release of these hostages, separate from those who are exclusively Israeli citizens. The Israeli official cited in the Times reportedly made this claim based on discussions between the United States and Qatar.

The Wall Street Journal later said that negotiations for the release of a group of 50 captives in Gaza failed because Hamas conditioned their release on the supply of fuel to the Gaza Strip, which Israel has refused to allow because [Hamas] uses the fuel to launch rockets at Israel.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Israeli Firepower Striking Targets Deeper In Lebanon As It Warns Hezbollah To Stay Out Of Conflict

Conflict between Israel and Hezbollah continues to escalate this week as Israel began hitting Hezbollah targets deeper in Lebanon.

Israeli forces have warned Hezbollah not to join Hamas’ war against Israel, vowing to destroy the terrorist organization if it does. The Iran-backed group has continued to fire missiles into Northern Israel since Hamas’ October 7 assault.

Israel would be faced with a true two-front war should the conflcit escalate, with Hamas to the south and Hezbollah to the north.

The U.S. has joined Israel in threatening both Iran and Hezbollah with retaliation should they intervene. The U.S. has stationed two aircraft carrier strike groups in the Eastern Mediterranean to assist Israel should it need them.

Day 17 — Monday, October 23

Israeli President Reveals Hamas Terrorists Were Given Instructions On The Production Of Chemical Weapons

In an interview with Sky News, Israeli President Isaac Herzog revealed that information was found on Hamas terrorists via USB, which provided detailed instructions on the manufacturing of chemical weapons.

The USB contained official material from Al Qaeda, according to the President. Adding that, it shows Israel is simultaneously “dealing with ISIS, Al Qaeda, and Hamas.”

“In this material, there were instructions on how to produce chemical weapons,” Herzog said, referencing the USB, “[it] speaks about arson, and it speaks about various chemicals that come out and produce chemical weapons.”

Approximately 2,500 Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel on October 7th, brutally murdering 1,400 Israelis. The USB “was found on the body of one of those sadistic villains,” Herzog described.

Antisemitism expert Olivier Melnick recently underscored that the goal of Hamas is the complete eradication of the Jewish people.

“Although this is 2023 and the Holocaust is only 80 years in our rearview mirror, there are those who would have it all happen again,” he asserted. “The motto of ‘never again’ seems forgotten and has been replaced by ‘gas the Jews!’ This had nothing to do with the land, it was a pogrom.”

“We just saw what Hamas is capable of,” he wrote. “They committed a modern-day pogrom against Jewish people, and they would do it again if given a chance. They must not be given that chance. To be clear, the definition of a pogrom is: ‘an organized massacre of a particular ethnic group.’ This was exactly what took place on October 7, 2023.”

“The goal is the murder of all Jewish people, not just in Gaza but the whole world,” he noted.

“The ultimate enemy of Israel is Satan who is obsessed with destroying the Jews,” he explained. “We must understand that this is a spiritual battle before anything else.”


Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

A Disturbing Reality Within Many Churches—Deafening Silence Regarding Israel

After receiving emails from across the country, Jan Markell sought to address a disturbing reality within many churches—deafening silence regarding Israel.

Amid the war in Israel, brought about by the massacre of Israelis by the terrorist organization Hamas on October 7th, Markell wrote an urgent appeal to Pastors to Biblically address these devastating events in the promised land.

“Has there not been wall-to-wall coverage on all media outlets, day and night, for days? Can anybody claim they didn’t know? There were demonstrations demanding that we should ‘gas the Jews.’ The scenario could expand to a Mideast war. Some are saying World War III is at hand. We have evil at a new level on display,” she explained. “And yet the silence of some shepherds is deafening!”

Markell suggested that many Pastors may have shrugged off events in Israel because discussing God’s chosen people is incompatible with their theology.

“Are pastors, churches, and denominations silent because of their theology? Perhaps it doesn’t fit with the current scenario? Perhaps they believe the church is the new Israel (Replacement Theology). Perhaps they are Amillennial, and Israel is a bit inconvenient. This belief encompasses many Protestants and all Catholics,” she explained. “Outfits like Bethel Church in Redding, CA, believe in Dominionism—that is, that the church will save the world and then they establish the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth. The literal restoration of Jerusalem is not important. The church supersedes the calling of Israel to be a light to the nations!”

“May I remind all pastors and evangelical leaders that because of the Jews, we have our Bible, the prophets, the apostles, and our Messiah,” Markell highlighted. “In fact, ‘salvation is of the Jews.’ (John 4:22) Gentiles are ‘grafted in’ to the Jewish olive tree. (Romans 11:11-31).”

“This is an appeal to pastors to not keep silent,” she urged. “Help your flock understand that Christians are often the greatest friend Israel has.”

“At the very least, instruct them on how to ‘pray for the peace of Jerusalem.’ (Psalm 122:6),” Markell implored. “Do you know there is then promised a blessing: They shall prosper who love thee?”

She concluded with the impactful quote: “How odd of God to choose the Jews, but not so odd as those who choose the Jewish God, but spurn the Jews.”

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Netanyahu: 'If Hezbollah Decides To Join The War... That Will Be Its Biggest Mistake Ever'

The Israeli prime minister gives a speech after visiting a commando formation in northern Israel, and receiving an overview of the situation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) visited a commando formation in northern Israel, receiving an overview, and gave a speech for the troops, highlighting the ongoing threat from the terrorist organization Hezbollah.

“You fought with supreme bravery in Gaza, the stories are inspiring. I know you lost friends, it is a very, very difficult thing, but we are in a battle for life, a battle for home. This is not an exaggeration, this is not an exaggeration – this is the war,” Netanyahu told the Israeli soldiers.

“I cannot tell you right now if Hezbollah will decide to fully enter the war. If Hezbollah decides to enter the war, it will miss the Second Lebanon War,” the Israeli prime minister called back to a previous war with the terror group.

“That would be its biggest mistake ever. We will cripple it with a force it cannot even imagine, and the meaning for it and for the state of Lebanon is devastating,” Netanyahu added.

“But we are prepared for any scenario. You are prepared for any scenario,” he concluded.

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Israeli Army Releases Footage Of First Operational Use Of ‘Iron Sting’ Munition Destroying Rocket Launcher

Israeli forces released footage of the “Iron Sting” system launching a mortar bomb to take out a rocket launcher in its first-ever use in an operation on Sunday.

The Iron Sting, described as “an innovative and accurate mortar bomb,” is one of a variety of weapons being used to thwart dozens of terrorists, the Israeli Air Force posted on X, along with video it said showed the 120mm mortar decimating an enemy rocket launcher. The Israeli army used the weapons system in conjunction with the Israeli Air Force.

The weapons system uses a “precise, laser and GPS guided mortar munition” to engage targets in dense, urban environments while “reducing the possibility of collateral damage and preventing injury to non-combatants,” Elbit Systems, which developed the system, said in a 2021 news release.

“Its operational use will revolutionize ground warfare and equip battalions with organic, accurate and effective firepower,” the release said.

Day 16 — Sunday, October 22

Israeli Strikes Said To Knock Damascus, Aleppo Airports Out Of Commission

Israeli planes carried out strikes on airports in Aleppo and Damascus early Sunday, knocking both out of service, Syria’s state-run media said, marking the third such attack in 10 days.

One civilian worker was killed and another wounded in the strike on the Damascus airport, the SANA state news agency said.

Runways in both airports were damaged, causing all flights in and out of both airports to be canceled or diverted to an airport in coastal Latakia, SANA said. Official notices to international aviation authorities, known as NOTAMs, indicated that the runways would be unusable for at least two days.

According to SANA, Israeli missiles fired from the Golan Heights hit the Damascus International Airport, and jets flying over the Mediterranean near Latakia struck Aleppo International Airport in Syria’s second city. The strikes came simultaneously at around 5:35 a.m., it said.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

IDF Increases Strikes Preparing For ‘Next Phase Of War’

A spokesperson for Israel’s military says it will increase attacks on the Gaza Strip beginning Saturday to prepare for the next stage of the war with Hamas.

Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters that its trying to create optimal conditions for a possible ground invasion

“We will deepen our attacks to minimize the dangers to our forces in the next stages of the war. We are going to increase the attacks, from today,” Hagari said.

Hagari also repeated calls for Gaza City residents to move south for their safety.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

This Is The Drug Hamas Terrorists Took To Help Them Slaughter Israelis

Hamas terrorists who carried out a surprise attack on October 7 were found to be under the influence of Captagon, a synthetic amphetamine-type stimulant that has been clandestinely produced in southern Europe and trafficked through Turkey to the consumer markets on the Arabian Peninsula, as reported by Nir Dvori of Channel 12.

The pills were recovered from the pockets of many terrorists who lost their lives on Israeli soil.

This stimulant drug, also known as the “cocaine for the poor,” allowed the terrorists to commit heinous acts with a sense of calmness and indifference. Simultaneously, it kept them highly alert for extended periods and suppressed their appetite.

Captagon: Used by ISIS

Captagon gained notoriety in 2015 when it was discovered to be used by ISIS fighters to suppress fear prior to carrying out terrorist operations. As the influence of terrorist organizations like ISIS diminished, Lebanon and Syria took the reins and began producing and distributing the drug on a large scale.

Gaza, in particular, became a popular market for the drug, especially among addicted young individuals.

Captagon belongs to the amphetamine family and was initially developed to address attention disorders, narcolepsy, and depression. Despite its highly addictive nature and potential for inducing psychotic reactions, it continues to enjoy popularity in the Middle East due to its affordability and ease of manufacturing. In poorer countries, the drug can be purchased for a dollar or two, while in wealthier nations, it may cost up to 20 dollars per pill.

Its primary effects include arousing feelings of euphoria, reducing the need for sleep, suppressing appetite, and providing sustained energy.

According to medical professionals in Lebanon and Syria, Captagon is not only prevalent among fighters but is also frequently used by desperate civilians residing in conflict zones.

Once a source of revenue for ISIS members through drug smuggling, Captagon has now become a major source of income for Syria and is actively supported by Hezbollah.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

President Of Detroit Synagogue Stabbed To Death

The president of a Detroit synagogue has been found stabbed to death outside her home, police and officials say.

No motive has been announced in the slaying of Samantha Woll, 40, who led the Isaac Agree Downtown Detroit Synagogue. She was found lying on the ground and unresponsive, with a trail of blood leading back to her home, according to police.

Woll worked on campaigns for Nessel and was an aide to Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, according to the Detroit Free Press.

The killing comes as Jewish communities throughout the US have stepped up security amid rising tensions around the Israel-Hamas war.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

One In Five Gaza Rockets Misfires, Kills Palestinians — IDF

One-fifth of the rockets fired by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have been misfired in the last day, landing inside Gaza and killing civilians, the IDF said in a briefing on Saturday.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said that amounts to more than 500 rockets.

“They are killing their own people,” he said.

The announcement came only a few days after Hamas accused Israel of firing a rocket that struck Gaza’s Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, killing dozens of people. The accusation was quickly dispelled by the IDF and independent, international investigators who found the rocket emanated from a PIJ misfire.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

IDF Intercepts Aircraft Headed To Israel From Lebanon

The IDF on Friday evening intercepted an aircraft that was headed toward Israeli airspace from Lebanese territory.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that there was no infiltration of Israeli air space.

“Additionally, a short while ago the IDF struck a Hezbollah post in which a terrorist cell was operating,” the statement added.

Earlier on Friday afternoon, three Hezbollah terrorists were identified in the area of the border with Lebanon, the IDF said in a statement. IDF aircraft struck the terrorists.

In addition, IDF snipers opened fire toward gunmen that were identified operating in the area of the border with Lebanon.

On Tuesday, four IDF soldiers were lightly injured after Hezbollah fired antitank missiles near the town of Shtula on the Lebanese border.

IDF troops responded to the terrorists’ missile launch with artillery fire directed towards the source of the missiles.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

UK Sees Sevenfold Rise In Antisemitic Incidents Amid Israel War — Is Mass Islamic Immigration To Blame?

I really did not expect that I would live to see Jewish schools closing in the UK because they feared for the safety of Jewish pupils.

Yet, last Friday, three Jewish schools closed for the day and parents were told to keep their children inside because “of the risk of violence on the streets.”

They were right to worry about their safety since two Jewish schools were vandalised with red paint in the last week. All Jewish schools in the UK now have security guards that are paid for by the government. The government awarded £3m extra funding to “protect schools, synagogues and other Jewish community buildings.”

It is shocking that they are needed.

Meanwhile, there are open demonstrations in the streets, with crowds chanting antisemitic slogans and celebrating Islamic terrorism.

2019 survey found that 11% of the UK population harbour antisemitic attitudes. But amongst Muslims it was 54%. For some reason, in 2023, the prevalence amongst Muslims was omitted from the survey. It is too politically incorrect to point out the prevalence of antisemitism amongst Muslims in the UK?

According to the last census in 2021, 6.5% of the population identify as Muslim, up from 4.9% in 2011, and 3.1% in 2001. The Muslim population tends to be concentrated in certain areas, with boroughs like Tower Hamlets, Blackburn with Darwen, Newham, and Luton all over 33% Muslim.

It should be no surprise that we see increasing antisemitic incidents as the Muslim population increases. Nor should increased support for Islamic terrorist groups like Hamas be a surprise. This was entirely predictable.

Day 15 — Saturday, October 21

Gaza Terrorists Launch Fresh Rocket Barrages At South As Israel Hits Hamas Targets

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza continued to rain down rockets on Israel’s south and the Israeli Air Force pounded Hamas targets in the Strip on Friday night amid Israel’s ongoing war with the Islamist terror group.

The Israel Defense Forces said it struck multiple Hamas command centers and underground infrastructure throughout the day, while also eliminating a senior Hamas engineer. It said Mahmoud Sabih headed a unit that developed weapons for Hamas, including drones, and had “exchanged knowledge with other terror groups throughout the Middle East.”

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant made an evening visit to an IDF assembly area near the border with Gaza and “closely monitored the readiness of the forces for the expansion of the campaign,” his office said.

Gallant spoke with commanders and soldiers from various units, a statement added. Tens of thousands of troops are gathered near the Gaza border ahead of Israel’s expected ground offensive in the Strip.

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